
35879 lines
1.3 MiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* eslint-disable */
@license DOMPurify 2.3.6 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | */
!(function (a, b) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module
? (module.exports = b())
: 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define(b)
: ((a = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : a || self).DOMPurify = b());
})(this, function () {
function a(b) {
return (a =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (a) {
return typeof a;
: function (a) {
return a && 'function' == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype
? 'symbol'
: typeof a;
function b(a, c) {
return (b =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function (a, b) {
return (a.__proto__ = b), a;
})(a, c);
function c() {
if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0;
try {
return, [], function () {})), !0;
} catch (Ca) {
return !1;
function d(a, e, f) {
return (d = c()
? Reflect.construct
: function (a, c, d) {
var e = [null];
e.push.apply(e, c);
a = new (Function.bind.apply(a, e))();
return d && b(a, d.prototype), a;
}).apply(null, arguments);
function e(a) {
var b;
(b = (function (a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) return f(a);
})(a)) ||
(b =
('undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != a[Symbol.iterator]) || null != a['@@iterator']
? Array.from(a)
: void 0);
if (
!(a =
b ||
(function (a, b) {
if (a) {
if ('string' == typeof a) return f(a, b);
var c =, -1);
'Object' === c && a.constructor && (c =;
if ('Map' === c || 'Set' === c) return Array.from(a);
if ('Arguments' === c || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)) return f(a, b);
throw new TypeError(
'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
return a;
function f(a, b) {
(null == b || b > a.length) && (b = a.length);
for (var c = 0, d = Array(b); c < b; c++) d[c] = a[c];
return d;
function g(a) {
return function (b) {
for (var c = arguments.length, d = Array(1 < c ? c - 1 : 0), e = 1; e < c; e++) d[e - 1] = arguments[e];
return B(a, b, d);
function k(a, b) {
n && n(a, null);
for (var c = b.length; c--; ) {
var d = b[c];
if ('string' == typeof d) {
var e = T(d);
e !== d && (p(b) || (b[c] = e), (d = e));
a[d] = !0;
return a;
function h(a) {
var b,
c = z(null);
for (b in a) B(m, a, [b]) && (c[b] = a[b]);
return c;
function l(a, b) {
for (; null !== a; ) {
var c = t(a, b);
if (c) {
if (c.get) return g(c.get);
if ('function' == typeof c.value) return g(c.value);
a = r(a);
return function (a) {
return console.warn('fallback value for', a), null;
var m = Object.hasOwnProperty,
n = Object.setPrototypeOf,
p = Object.isFrozen,
r = Object.getPrototypeOf,
t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
u = Object.freeze,
x = Object.seal,
z = Object.create,
D = 'undefined' != typeof Reflect && Reflect,
B = D.apply,
C = D.construct;
B ||
(B = function (a, b, c) {
return a.apply(b, c);
u ||
(u = function (a) {
return a;
x ||
(x = function (a) {
return a;
C ||
(C = function (a, b) {
return d(a, e(b));
var J,
v = g(Array.prototype.forEach),
K = g(Array.prototype.pop),
O = g(Array.prototype.push),
T = g(String.prototype.toLowerCase),
M = g(String.prototype.match),
U = g(String.prototype.replace),
da = g(String.prototype.indexOf),
ha = g(String.prototype.trim),
Y = g(RegExp.prototype.test),
P =
((J = TypeError),
function () {
for (var a = arguments.length, b = Array(a), c = 0; c < a; c++) b[c] = arguments[c];
return C(J, b);
Oa = u(
'a abbr acronym address area article aside audio b bdi bdo big blink blockquote body br button canvas caption center cite code col colgroup content data datalist dd decorator del details dfn dialog dir div dl dt element em fieldset figcaption figure font footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hgroup hr html i img input ins kbd label legend li main map mark marquee menu menuitem meter nav nobr ol optgroup option output p picture pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp section select shadow small source spacer span strike strong style sub summary sup table tbody td template textarea tfoot th thead time tr track tt u ul var video wbr'.split(
' '
Da = u(
'svg a altglyph altglyphdef altglyphitem animatecolor animatemotion animatetransform circle clippath defs desc ellipse filter font g glyph glyphref hkern image line lineargradient marker mask metadata mpath path pattern polygon polyline radialgradient rect stop style switch symbol text textpath title tref tspan view vkern'.split(
' '
Pa = u(
'feBlend feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feComposite feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feDisplacementMap feDistantLight feFlood feFuncA feFuncB feFuncG feFuncR feGaussianBlur feImage feMerge feMergeNode feMorphology feOffset fePointLight feSpecularLighting feSpotLight feTile feTurbulence'.split(
' '
Wa = u(
'animate color-profile cursor discard fedropshadow font-face font-face-format font-face-name font-face-src font-face-uri foreignobject hatch hatchpath mesh meshgradient meshpatch meshrow missing-glyph script set solidcolor unknown use'.split(
' '
Ea = u(
'math menclose merror mfenced mfrac mglyph mi mlabeledtr mmultiscripts mn mo mover mpadded mphantom mroot mrow ms mspace msqrt mstyle msub msup msubsup mtable mtd mtext mtr munder munderover'.split(
' '
qa = u(
'maction maligngroup malignmark mlongdiv mscarries mscarry msgroup mstack msline msrow semantics annotation annotation-xml mprescripts none'.split(
' '
ia = u(['#text']),
Ka = u(
'accept action align alt autocapitalize autocomplete autopictureinpicture autoplay background bgcolor border capture cellpadding cellspacing checked cite class clear color cols colspan controls controlslist coords crossorigin datetime decoding default dir disabled disablepictureinpicture disableremoteplayback download draggable enctype enterkeyhint face for headers height hidden high href hreflang id inputmode integrity ismap kind label lang list loading loop low max maxlength media method min minlength multiple muted name nonce noshade novalidate nowrap open optimum pattern placeholder playsinline poster preload pubdate radiogroup readonly rel required rev reversed role rows rowspan spellcheck scope selected shape size sizes span srclang start src srcset step style summary tabindex title translate type usemap valign value width xmlns slot'.split(
' '
ua = u(
'accent-height accumulate additive alignment-baseline ascent attributename attributetype azimuth basefrequency baseline-shift begin bias by class clip clippathunits clip-path clip-rule color color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering cx cy d dx dy diffuseconstant direction display divisor dur edgemode elevation end fill fill-opacity fill-rule filter filterunits flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight fx fy g1 g2 glyph-name glyphref gradientunits gradienttransform height href id image-rendering in in2 k k1 k2 k3 k4 kerning keypoints keysplines keytimes lang lengthadjust letter-spacing kernelmatrix kernelunitlength lighting-color local marker-end marker-mid marker-start markerheight markerunits markerwidth maskcontentunits maskunits max mask media method mode min name numoctaves offset operator opacity order orient orientation origin overflow paint-order path pathlength patterncontentunits patterntransform patternunits points preservealpha preserveaspectratio primitiveunits r rx ry radius refx refy repeatcount repeatdur restart result rotate scale seed shape-rendering specularconstant specularexponent spreadmethod startoffset stddeviation stitchtiles stop-color stop-opacity stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke stroke-width style surfacescale systemlanguage tabindex targetx targety transform transform-origin text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering textlength type u1 u2 unicode values viewbox visibility version vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y width word-spacing wrap writing-mode xchannelselector ychannelselector x x1 x2 xmlns y y1 y2 z zoomandpan'.split(
' '
Xa = u(
'accent accentunder align bevelled close columnsalign columnlines columnspan denomalign depth dir display displaystyle encoding fence frame height href id largeop length linethickness lspace lquote mathbackground mathcolor mathsize mathvariant maxsize minsize movablelimits notation numalign open rowalign rowlines rowspacing rowspan rspace rquote scriptlevel scriptminsize scriptsizemultiplier selection separator separators stretchy subscriptshift supscriptshift symmetric voffset width xmlns'.split(
' '
Z = u(['xlink:href', 'xml:id', 'xlink:title', 'xml:space', 'xmlns:xlink']),
ea = x(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm),
L = x(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm),
db = x(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/),
sa = x(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/),
eb = x(/^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i),
ta = x(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i),
Fa = x(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g),
La = x(/^html$/i),
la = function (b, c) {
if ('object' !== a(b) || 'function' != typeof b.createPolicy) return null;
var d = null;
c.currentScript &&
c.currentScript.hasAttribute('data-tt-policy-suffix') &&
(d = c.currentScript.getAttribute('data-tt-policy-suffix'));
d = 'dompurify' + (d ? '#' + d : '');
try {
return b.createPolicy(d, {
createHTML: function (a) {
return a;
} catch (ba) {
return console.warn('TrustedTypes policy ' + d + ' could not be created.'), null;
return (function pa() {
var b =
0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 'undefined' == typeof window ? null : window,
c = function (a) {
return pa(a);
if (((c.version = '2.3.6'), (c.removed = []), !b || !b.document || 9 !== b.document.nodeType))
return (c.isSupported = !1), c;
var d = b.document,
f = b.document,
g = b.DocumentFragment,
m = b.HTMLTemplateElement,
n = b.Node,
p = b.Element,
r = b.NodeFilter,
t = b.NamedNodeMap,
x = void 0 === t ? b.NamedNodeMap || b.MozNamedAttrMap : t,
C = b.HTMLFormElement,
z = b.DOMParser,
t = b.trustedTypes,
B = p.prototype,
D = l(B, 'cloneNode'),
J = l(B, 'nextSibling'),
fa = l(B, 'childNodes'),
S = l(B, 'parentNode');
'function' == typeof m &&
((m = f.createElement('template')), m.content && m.content.ownerDocument && (f = m.content.ownerDocument));
var ma = la(t, d),
R = ma ? ma.createHTML('') : '',
m = f,
ra = m.implementation,
ib = m.createNodeIterator,
Ta = m.createDocumentFragment,
za = m.getElementsByTagName,
tb = d.importNode,
m = {};
try {
m = h(f).documentMode ? f.documentMode : {};
} catch (Jb) {}
var Aa = {};
c.isSupported = 'function' == typeof S && ra && void 0 !== ra.createHTMLDocument && 9 !== m;
var ab,
jb = eb,
ga = null,
kb = k({}, [].concat(e(Oa), e(Da), e(Pa), e(Ea), e(ia))),
aa = null,
Ha = k({}, [].concat(e(Ka), e(ua), e(Xa), e(Z))),
ca = Object.seal(
Object.create(null, {
tagNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null },
attributeNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null },
allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: !1 },
Ua = null,
Ya = null,
pb = !0,
Za = !0,
Ia = !1,
W = !1,
va = !1,
qb = !1,
bb = !1,
Na = !1,
fb = !1,
gb = !1,
ub = !0,
q = !0,
w = !1,
y = {},
A = null,
G = k(
'annotation-xml audio colgroup desc foreignobject head iframe math mi mn mo ms mtext noembed noframes noscript plaintext script style svg template thead title video xmp'.split(
' '
H = null,
oa = k({}, 'audio video img source image track'.split(' ')),
xa = null,
ka = k({}, 'alt class for id label name pattern placeholder role summary title value style xmlns'.split(' ')),
wa = '',
lb = !1,
Db = ['application/xhtml+xml', 'text/html'],
mb = null,
Eb = f.createElement('form'),
yb = function (a) {
return a instanceof RegExp || a instanceof Function;
rb = function (b) {
(mb && mb === b) ||
((b && 'object' === a(b)) || (b = {}),
(b = h(b)),
(ga = 'ALLOWED_TAGS' in b ? k({}, b.ALLOWED_TAGS) : kb),
(aa = 'ALLOWED_ATTR' in b ? k({}, b.ALLOWED_ATTR) : Ha),
(xa = 'ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR' in b ? k(h(ka), b.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR) : ka),
(H = 'ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS' in b ? k(h(oa), b.ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS) : oa),
(A = 'FORBID_CONTENTS' in b ? k({}, b.FORBID_CONTENTS) : G),
(Ua = 'FORBID_TAGS' in b ? k({}, b.FORBID_TAGS) : {}),
(Ya = 'FORBID_ATTR' in b ? k({}, b.FORBID_ATTR) : {}),
(y = 'USE_PROFILES' in b && b.USE_PROFILES),
(pb = !1 !== b.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR),
(Za = !1 !== b.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR),
(va = b.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1),
(Na = b.RETURN_DOM || !1),
(fb = b.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1),
(gb = b.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1),
(bb = b.FORCE_BODY || !1),
(ub = !1 !== b.SANITIZE_DOM),
(q = !1 !== b.KEEP_CONTENT),
(w = b.IN_PLACE || !1),
(jb = b.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || jb),
(wa = b.NAMESPACE || ''),
(ca.tagNameCheck = b.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck),
yb(b.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) &&
(ca.attributeNameCheck = b.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck),
'boolean' == typeof b.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements &&
(ca.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = b.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements),
(ab = ab = -1 === Db.indexOf(b.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) ? 'text/html' : b.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE),
(Ba =
'application/xhtml+xml' === ab
? function (a) {
return a;
: T),
W && (Za = !1),
fb && (Na = !0),
y &&
((ga = k({}, e(ia))),
(aa = []),
!0 === y.html && (k(ga, Oa), k(aa, Ka)),
!0 === y.svg && (k(ga, Da), k(aa, ua), k(aa, Z)),
!0 === y.svgFilters && (k(ga, Pa), k(aa, ua), k(aa, Z)),
!0 === y.mathMl && (k(ga, Ea), k(aa, Xa), k(aa, Z))),
b.ADD_TAGS && (ga === kb && (ga = h(ga)), k(ga, b.ADD_TAGS)),
b.ADD_ATTR && (aa === Ha && (aa = h(aa)), k(aa, b.ADD_ATTR)),
b.FORBID_CONTENTS && (A === G && (A = h(A)), k(A, b.FORBID_CONTENTS)),
q && (ga['#text'] = !0),
va && k(ga, ['html', 'head', 'body']),
ga.table && (k(ga, ['tbody']), delete Ua.tbody),
u && u(b),
(mb = b));
vb = k({}, ['mi', 'mo', 'mn', 'ms', 'mtext']),
na = k({}, ['foreignobject', 'desc', 'title', 'annotation-xml']),
sb = k({}, Da);
k(sb, Pa);
k(sb, Wa);
var wb = k({}, Ea);
k(wb, qa);
var Fb = function (a) {
var b = S(a);
(b && b.tagName) || (b = { namespaceURI: '', tagName: 'template' });
var c = T(a.tagName),
d = T(b.tagName);
if ('' === a.namespaceURI)
return '' === b.namespaceURI
? 'svg' === c
: '' === b.namespaceURI
? 'svg' === c && ('annotation-xml' === d || vb[d])
: !!sb[c];
if ('' === a.namespaceURI)
return '' === b.namespaceURI
? 'math' === c
: '' === b.namespaceURI
? 'math' === c && na[d]
: !!wb[c];
if ('' === a.namespaceURI) {
if (
('' === b.namespaceURI && !na[d]) ||
('' === b.namespaceURI && !vb[d])
return !1;
a = k({}, ['title', 'style', 'font', 'a', 'script']);
return !wb[c] && (a[c] || !sb[c]);
return !1;
cb = function (a) {
O(c.removed, { element: a });
try {
} catch (zb) {
try {
a.outerHTML = R;
} catch (Ab) {
Bb = function (a, b) {
try {
O(c.removed, { attribute: b.getAttributeNode(a), from: b });
} catch (Ab) {
O(c.removed, { attribute: null, from: b });
if ((b.removeAttribute(a), 'is' === a && !aa[a]))
if (Na || fb)
try {
} catch (Ab) {}
try {
b.setAttribute(a, '');
} catch (Ab) {}
Va = function (a) {
var b, c;
bb ? (a = '<remove></remove>' + a) : (c = (c = M(a, /^[\r\n\t ]+/)) && c[0]);
'application/xhtml+xml' === ab &&
(a = '<html xmlns=""><head></head><body>' + a + '</body></html>');
var d = ma ? ma.createHTML(a) : a;
if ('' === wa)
try {
b = new z().parseFromString(d, ab);
} catch (Gb) {}
if (!b || !b.documentElement) {
b = ra.createDocument(wa, 'template', null);
try {
b.documentElement.innerHTML = lb ? '' : d;
} catch (Gb) {}
d = b.body || b.documentElement;
return (
a && c && d.insertBefore(f.createTextNode(c), d.childNodes[0] || null),
'' === wa ?, va ? 'html' : 'body')[0] : va ? b.documentElement : d
Hb = function (a) {
return || a, a, r.SHOW_ELEMENT | r.SHOW_COMMENT | r.SHOW_TEXT, null, !1);
nb = function (b) {
return 'object' === a(n)
? b instanceof n
: b && 'object' === a(b) && 'number' == typeof b.nodeType && 'string' == typeof b.nodeName;
$a = function (a, b, d) {
Aa[a] &&
v(Aa[a], function (a) {, b, d, mb);
Ib = function (a) {
var b;
if (
($a('beforeSanitizeElements', a, null),
a instanceof C &&
('string' != typeof a.nodeName ||
'string' != typeof a.textContent ||
'function' != typeof a.removeChild ||
!(a.attributes instanceof x) ||
'function' != typeof a.removeAttribute ||
'function' != typeof a.setAttribute ||
'string' != typeof a.namespaceURI ||
'function' != typeof a.insertBefore)) ||
M(a.nodeName, /[\u0080-\uFFFF]/)
return cb(a), !0;
var d = Ba(a.nodeName);
if (
($a('uponSanitizeElement', a, { tagName: d, allowedTags: ga }),
!(nb(a.firstElementChild) || (nb(a.content) && nb(a.content.firstElementChild))) &&
Y(/<[/\w]/g, a.innerHTML) &&
Y(/<[/\w]/g, a.textContent)) ||
('select' === d && Y(/<template/i, a.innerHTML))
return cb(a), !0;
if (!ga[d] || Ua[d]) {
if (
!Ua[d] &&
0 < d.indexOf('-') &&
((ca.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(ca.tagNameCheck, d)) ||
(ca.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ca.tagNameCheck(d)))
return !1;
if (q && !A[d] && ((b = S(a) || a.parentNode), (d = fa(a) || a.childNodes) && b))
for (var e = d.length - 1; 0 <= e; --e) b.insertBefore(D(d[e], !0), J(a));
return cb(a), !0;
return a instanceof p && !Fb(a)
? (cb(a), !0)
: ('noscript' !== d && 'noembed' !== d) || !Y(/<\/no(script|embed)/i, a.innerHTML)
? (W &&
3 === a.nodeType &&
((b = a.textContent),
(b = U(b, ea, ' ')),
(b = U(b, L, ' ')),
a.textContent !== b && (O(c.removed, { element: a.cloneNode() }), (a.textContent = b))),
$a('afterSanitizeElements', a, null),
: (cb(a), !0);
ob = function (a, b, c) {
if (ub && ('id' === b || 'name' === b) && (c in f || c in Eb)) return !1;
if (!Za || Ya[b] || !Y(db, b))
if (!pb || !Y(sa, b))
if (!aa[b] || Ya[b]) {
if (
(0 < a.indexOf('-') &&
((ca.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(ca.tagNameCheck, a)) ||
(ca.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ca.tagNameCheck(a))) &&
((ca.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(ca.attributeNameCheck, b)) ||
(ca.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && ca.attributeNameCheck(b)))) ||
('is' === b &&
ca.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements &&
((ca.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(ca.tagNameCheck, c)) ||
(ca.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ca.tagNameCheck(c))))
return !1;
} else if (
xa[b] ||
Y(jb, U(c, Fa, '')) ||
(('src' === b || 'xlink:href' === b || 'href' === b) &&
'script' !== a &&
0 === da(c, 'data:') &&
H[a]) ||
(Ia && !Y(ta, U(c, Fa, '')))
) &&
return !1;
return !0;
xb = function (a) {
var b, d, e, f;
$a('beforeSanitizeAttributes', a, null);
var g = a.attributes;
if (g) {
var q = { attrName: '', attrValue: '', keepAttr: !0, allowedAttributes: aa };
for (f = g.length; f--; ) {
var k = (b = g[f]),
h =,
k = k.namespaceURI;
if (
((d = 'value' === h ? b.value : ha(b.value)),
(e = Ba(h)),
(q.attrName = e),
(q.attrValue = d),
(q.keepAttr = !0),
(q.forceKeepAttr = void 0),
$a('uponSanitizeAttribute', a, q),
(d = q.attrValue),
!q.forceKeepAttr && (Bb(h, a), q.keepAttr))
if (Y(/\/>/i, d)) Bb(h, a);
else if ((W && ((d = U(d, ea, ' ')), (d = U(d, L, ' '))), (b = Ba(a.nodeName)), ob(b, e, d)))
try {
k ? a.setAttributeNS(k, h, d) : a.setAttribute(h, d), K(c.removed);
} catch (hb) {}
$a('afterSanitizeAttributes', a, null);
Cb = function zb(a) {
var b,
c = Hb(a);
for ($a('beforeSanitizeShadowDOM', a, null); (b = c.nextNode()); )
$a('uponSanitizeShadowNode', b, null), Ib(b) || (b.content instanceof g && zb(b.content), xb(b));
$a('afterSanitizeShadowDOM', a, null);
return (
(c.sanitize = function (e, f) {
var q, k, h;
if (((lb = !e) && (e = '\x3c!--\x3e'), 'string' != typeof e && !nb(e))) {
if ('function' != typeof e.toString) throw P('toString is not a function');
if ('string' != typeof (e = e.toString())) throw P('dirty is not a string, aborting');
if (!c.isSupported) {
if ('object' === a(b.toStaticHTML) || 'function' == typeof b.toStaticHTML) {
if ('string' == typeof e) return b.toStaticHTML(e);
if (nb(e)) return b.toStaticHTML(e.outerHTML);
return e;
if ((qb || rb(f), (c.removed = []), 'string' == typeof e && (w = !1), w)) {
if (e.nodeName && ((k = Ba(e.nodeName)), !ga[k] || Ua[k]))
throw P('root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place');
} else if (e instanceof n)
(1 === (k = (q = Va('\x3c!----\x3e')).ownerDocument.importNode(e, !0)).nodeType && 'BODY' === k.nodeName) ||
'HTML' === k.nodeName
? (q = k)
: q.appendChild(k);
else {
if (!Na && !W && !va && -1 === e.indexOf('<')) return ma && gb ? ma.createHTML(e) : e;
if (!(q = Va(e))) return Na ? null : gb ? R : '';
q && bb && cb(q.firstChild);
for (var A = Hb(w ? e : q); (k = A.nextNode()); )
(3 === k.nodeType && k === h) || Ib(k) || (k.content instanceof g && Cb(k.content), xb(k), (h = k));
if (w) return e;
if (Na) {
if (fb) for (h =; q.firstChild; ) h.appendChild(q.firstChild);
else h = q;
return aa.shadowroot && (h =, h, !0)), h;
h = va ? q.outerHTML : q.innerHTML;
return (
va &&
ga['!doctype'] &&
q.ownerDocument &&
q.ownerDocument.doctype && &&
Y(La, &&
(h = '<!DOCTYPE ' + + '>\n' + h),
W && ((h = U(h, ea, ' ')), (h = U(h, L, ' '))),
ma && gb ? ma.createHTML(h) : h
(c.setConfig = function (a) {
qb = !0;
(c.clearConfig = function () {
mb = null;
qb = !1;
(c.isValidAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
mb || rb({});
a = Ba(a);
b = Ba(b);
return ob(a, b, c);
(c.addHook = function (a, b) {
'function' == typeof b && ((Aa[a] = Aa[a] || []), O(Aa[a], b));
(c.removeHook = function (a) {
if (Aa[a]) return K(Aa[a]);
(c.removeHooks = function (a) {
Aa[a] && (Aa[a] = []);
(c.removeAllHooks = function () {
Aa = {};
var Base64 = {
_keyStr: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=',
encode: function (a, b) {
var c = '',
l = 0;
for ((null != b && b) || (a = Base64._utf8_encode(a)); l < a.length; )
(d = a.charCodeAt(l++)),
(e = a.charCodeAt(l++)),
(f = a.charCodeAt(l++)),
(g = d >> 2),
(d = ((d & 3) << 4) | (e >> 4)),
(k = ((e & 15) << 2) | (f >> 6)),
(h = f & 63),
isNaN(e) ? (k = h = 64) : isNaN(f) && (h = 64),
(c = c + this._keyStr.charAt(g) + this._keyStr.charAt(d) + this._keyStr.charAt(k) + this._keyStr.charAt(h));
return c;
decode: function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
var c = '',
h = 0;
for (a = a.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ''); h < a.length; )
(d = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(h++))),
(e = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(h++))),
(g = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(h++))),
(k = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(h++))),
(d = (d << 2) | (e >> 4)),
(e = ((e & 15) << 4) | (g >> 2)),
(f = ((g & 3) << 6) | k),
(c += String.fromCharCode(d)),
64 != g && (c += String.fromCharCode(e)),
64 != k && (c += String.fromCharCode(f));
b || (c = Base64._utf8_decode(c));
return c;
_utf8_encode: function (a) {
a = a.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
for (var b = '', c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a.charCodeAt(c);
128 > d
? (b += String.fromCharCode(d))
: (127 < d && 2048 > d
? (b += String.fromCharCode((d >> 6) | 192))
: ((b += String.fromCharCode((d >> 12) | 224)), (b += String.fromCharCode(((d >> 6) & 63) | 128))),
(b += String.fromCharCode((d & 63) | 128)));
return b;
_utf8_decode: function (a) {
var b = '',
c = 0,
for (c1 = c2 = 0; c < a.length; )
(d = a.charCodeAt(c)),
128 > d
? ((b += String.fromCharCode(d)), c++)
: 191 < d && 224 > d
? ((c2 = a.charCodeAt(c + 1)), (b += String.fromCharCode(((d & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63))), (c += 2))
: ((c2 = a.charCodeAt(c + 1)),
(c3 = a.charCodeAt(c + 2)),
(b += String.fromCharCode(((d & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63))),
(c += 3));
return b;
}; /*
pako 2.0.3 @license (MIT AND Zlib) */
!(function (a, b) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module
? b(exports)
: 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define(['exports'], b)
: b(((a = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : a || self).pako = {}));
})(this, function (a) {
function b(a) {
for (var b = a.length; 0 <= --b; ) a[b] = 0;
function c(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.static_tree = a;
this.extra_bits = b;
this.extra_base = c;
this.elems = d;
this.max_length = e;
this.has_stree = a && a.length;
function d(a, b) {
this.dyn_tree = a;
this.max_code = 0;
this.stat_desc = b;
function e(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.good_length = a;
this.max_lazy = b;
this.nice_length = c;
this.max_chain = d;
this.func = e;
function f() {
this.strm = null;
this.status = 0;
this.pending_buf = null;
this.wrap = this.pending = this.pending_out = this.pending_buf_size = 0;
this.gzhead = null;
this.gzindex = 0;
this.method = Ga;
this.last_flush = -1;
this.w_mask = this.w_bits = this.w_size = 0;
this.window = null;
this.window_size = 0;
this.head = this.prev = null;
this.nice_match =
this.good_match =
this.strategy =
this.level =
this.max_lazy_match =
this.max_chain_length =
this.prev_length =
this.lookahead =
this.match_start =
this.strstart =
this.match_available =
this.prev_match =
this.match_length =
this.block_start =
this.hash_shift =
this.hash_mask =
this.hash_bits =
this.hash_size =
this.ins_h =
this.dyn_ltree = new Uint16Array(1146);
this.dyn_dtree = new Uint16Array(122);
this.bl_tree = new Uint16Array(78);
this.bl_desc = this.d_desc = this.l_desc = null;
this.bl_count = new Uint16Array(16);
this.heap = new Uint16Array(573);
this.heap_max = this.heap_len = 0;
this.depth = new Uint16Array(573);
this.bi_valid =
this.bi_buf =
this.insert =
this.matches =
this.static_len =
this.opt_len =
this.d_buf =
this.last_lit =
this.lit_bufsize =
this.l_buf =
function g(a) {
return (g =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (a) {
return typeof a;
: function (a) {
return a && 'function' == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype
? 'symbol'
: typeof a;
function k(a) {
a = this.options = jb(
{ level: bb, method: fb, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: Na },
a || {}
a.raw && 0 < a.windowBits
? (a.windowBits = -a.windowBits)
: a.gzip && 0 < a.windowBits && 16 > a.windowBits && (a.windowBits += 16);
this.err = 0;
this.msg = '';
this.ended = !1;
this.chunks = [];
this.strm = new Ua();
this.strm.avail_out = 0;
var b = Ba.deflateInit2(this.strm, a.level, a.method, a.windowBits, a.memLevel, a.strategy);
if (b !== va) throw Error(ea[b]);
if ((a.header && Ba.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, a.header), a.dictionary)) {
var c;
if (
((c =
'string' == typeof a.dictionary
? ca(a.dictionary)
: '[object ArrayBuffer]' ===
? new Uint8Array(a.dictionary)
: a.dictionary),
(b = Ba.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, c)) !== va)
throw Error(ea[b]);
this._dict_set = !0;
function h(a, b) {
var c = new k(b);
if ((c.push(a, !0), c.err)) throw c.msg || ea[c.err];
return c.result;
function l() {
this.mode = 0;
this.last = !1;
this.wrap = 0;
this.havedict = !1; = this.check = this.dmax = this.flags = 0;
this.head = null;
this.wnext = this.whave = this.wsize = this.wbits = 0;
this.window = null;
this.extra = this.offset = this.length = this.bits = this.hold = 0;
this.distcode = this.lencode = null;
this.have = this.ndist = this.nlen = this.ncode = this.distbits = this.lenbits = 0; = null;
this.lens = new Uint16Array(320); = new Uint16Array(288);
this.distdyn = this.lendyn = null;
this.was = this.back = this.sane = 0;
function m(a) {
var b = (this.options = jb({ chunkSize: 65536, windowBits: 15, to: '' }, a || {}));
b.raw &&
0 <= b.windowBits &&
16 > b.windowBits &&
((b.windowBits = -b.windowBits), 0 === b.windowBits && (b.windowBits = -15));
!(0 <= b.windowBits && 16 > b.windowBits) || (a && a.windowBits) || (b.windowBits += 32);
15 < b.windowBits && 48 > b.windowBits && 0 == (15 & b.windowBits) && (b.windowBits |= 15);
this.err = 0;
this.msg = '';
this.ended = !1;
this.chunks = [];
this.strm = new Ua();
this.strm.avail_out = 0;
a = Va.inflateInit2(this.strm, b.windowBits);
if (a !== ob) throw Error(ea[a]);
if (
((this.header = new Hb()),
Va.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header),
b.dictionary &&
('string' == typeof b.dictionary
? (b.dictionary = ca(b.dictionary))
: '[object ArrayBuffer]' === && (b.dictionary = new Uint8Array(b.dictionary)),
b.raw && (a = Va.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, b.dictionary)) !== ob))
throw Error(ea[a]);
function n(a, b) {
var c = new m(b);
if ((c.push(a), c.err)) throw c.msg || ea[c.err];
return c.result;
var p = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0]),
r = new Uint8Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
t = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7]),
u = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]),
x = Array(576);
var z = Array(60);
var D = Array(512);
var B = Array(256);
var C = Array(29);
var J,
O = Array(30);
var T = function (a, b) {
a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = 255 & b;
a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = (b >>> 8) & 255;
M = function (a, b, c) {
a.bi_valid > 16 - c
? ((a.bi_buf |= (b << a.bi_valid) & 65535),
T(a, a.bi_buf),
(a.bi_buf = b >> (16 - a.bi_valid)),
(a.bi_valid += c - 16))
: ((a.bi_buf |= (b << a.bi_valid) & 65535), (a.bi_valid += c));
U = function (a, b, c) {
M(a, c[2 * b], c[2 * b + 1]);
da = function (a, b) {
var c = 0;
do (c |= 1 & a), (a >>>= 1), (c <<= 1);
while (0 < --b);
return c >>> 1;
ha = function (a, b, c) {
var d,
e = Array(16),
f = 0;
for (d = 1; 15 >= d; d++) e[d] = f = (f + c[d - 1]) << 1;
for (c = 0; c <= b; c++) (d = a[2 * c + 1]), 0 !== d && (a[2 * c] = da(e[d]++, d));
Y = function (a) {
var b;
for (b = 0; 286 > b; b++) a.dyn_ltree[2 * b] = 0;
for (b = 0; 30 > b; b++) a.dyn_dtree[2 * b] = 0;
for (b = 0; 19 > b; b++) a.bl_tree[2 * b] = 0;
a.dyn_ltree[512] = 1;
a.opt_len = a.static_len = 0;
a.last_lit = a.matches = 0;
P = function (a) {
8 < a.bi_valid ? T(a, a.bi_buf) : 0 < a.bi_valid && (a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = a.bi_buf);
a.bi_buf = 0;
a.bi_valid = 0;
Oa = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = 2 * b,
f = 2 * c;
return a[e] < a[f] || (a[e] === a[f] && d[b] <= d[c]);
Da = function (a, b, c) {
for (
var d = a.heap[c], e = c << 1;
e <= a.heap_len &&
(e < a.heap_len && Oa(b, a.heap[e + 1], a.heap[e], a.depth) && e++, !Oa(b, d, a.heap[e], a.depth));
(a.heap[c] = a.heap[e]), (c = e), (e <<= 1);
a.heap[c] = d;
Pa = function (a, b, c) {
var d,
q = 0;
if (0 !== a.last_lit) {
(d = (a.pending_buf[a.d_buf + 2 * q] << 8) | a.pending_buf[a.d_buf + 2 * q + 1]),
(e = a.pending_buf[a.l_buf + q]),
0 === d
? U(a, e, b)
: ((f = B[e]),
U(a, f + 256 + 1, b),
0 !== (g = p[f]) && ((e -= C[f]), M(a, e, g)),
(f = 256 > d ? D[d] : D[256 + (d >>> 7)]),
U(a, f, c),
0 !== (g = r[f]) && ((d -= O[f]), M(a, d, g)));
while (q < a.last_lit);
U(a, 256, b);
Wa = function (a, b) {
var c,
f = b.dyn_tree;
d = b.stat_desc.static_tree;
var g = b.stat_desc.has_stree,
q = b.stat_desc.elems,
k = -1;
a.heap_len = 0;
a.heap_max = 573;
for (c = 0; c < q; c++) 0 !== f[2 * c] ? ((a.heap[++a.heap_len] = k = c), (a.depth[c] = 0)) : (f[2 * c + 1] = 0);
for (; 2 > a.heap_len; )
(f[2 * (e = a.heap[++a.heap_len] = 2 > k ? ++k : 0)] = 1),
(a.depth[e] = 0),
g && (a.static_len -= d[2 * e + 1]);
b.max_code = k;
for (c = a.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= c; c--) Da(a, f, c);
e = q;
(c = a.heap[1]),
(a.heap[1] = a.heap[a.heap_len--]),
Da(a, f, 1),
(d = a.heap[1]),
(a.heap[--a.heap_max] = c),
(a.heap[--a.heap_max] = d),
(f[2 * e] = f[2 * c] + f[2 * d]),
(a.depth[e] = (a.depth[c] >= a.depth[d] ? a.depth[c] : a.depth[d]) + 1),
(f[2 * c + 1] = f[2 * d + 1] = e),
(a.heap[1] = e++),
Da(a, f, 1);
while (2 <= a.heap_len);
a.heap[--a.heap_max] = a.heap[1];
var h,
g = b.dyn_tree,
q = b.max_code,
G = b.stat_desc.static_tree,
y = b.stat_desc.has_stree,
l = b.stat_desc.extra_bits,
H = b.stat_desc.extra_base,
m = b.stat_desc.max_length,
oa = 0;
for (d = 0; 15 >= d; d++) a.bl_count[d] = 0;
g[2 * a.heap[a.heap_max] + 1] = 0;
for (c = a.heap_max + 1; 573 > c; c++)
(d = g[2 * g[2 * (e = a.heap[c]) + 1] + 1] + 1) > m && ((d = m), oa++),
(g[2 * e + 1] = d),
e > q ||
(w = 0),
e >= H && (w = l[e - H]),
(A = g[2 * e]),
(a.opt_len += A * (d + w)),
y && (a.static_len += A * (G[2 * e + 1] + w)));
if (0 !== oa) {
do {
for (d = m - 1; 0 === a.bl_count[d]; ) d--;
a.bl_count[d + 1] += 2;
oa -= 2;
} while (0 < oa);
for (d = m; 0 !== d; d--)
for (e = a.bl_count[d]; 0 !== e; )
(h = a.heap[--c]) > q ||
(g[2 * h + 1] !== d && ((a.opt_len += (d - g[2 * h + 1]) * g[2 * h]), (g[2 * h + 1] = d)), e--);
ha(f, k, a.bl_count);
Ea = function (a, b, c) {
var d,
f = -1,
g = b[1],
q = 0,
k = 7,
h = 4;
0 === g && ((k = 138), (h = 3));
b[2 * (c + 1) + 1] = 65535;
for (d = 0; d <= c; d++)
(e = g),
(g = b[2 * (d + 1) + 1]),
(++q < k && e === g) ||
(q < h
? (a.bl_tree[2 * e] += q)
: 0 !== e
? (e !== f && a.bl_tree[2 * e]++, a.bl_tree[32]++)
: 10 >= q
? a.bl_tree[34]++
: a.bl_tree[36]++,
(q = 0),
(f = e),
0 === g ? ((k = 138), (h = 3)) : e === g ? ((k = 6), (h = 3)) : ((k = 7), (h = 4)));
qa = function (a, b, c) {
var d,
f = -1,
g = b[1],
q = 0,
k = 7,
h = 4;
0 === g && ((k = 138), (h = 3));
for (d = 0; d <= c; d++)
if (((e = g), (g = b[2 * (d + 1) + 1]), !(++q < k && e === g))) {
if (q < h) {
do U(a, e, a.bl_tree);
while (0 != --q);
} else
0 !== e
? (e !== f && (U(a, e, a.bl_tree), q--), U(a, 16, a.bl_tree), M(a, q - 3, 2))
: 10 >= q
? (U(a, 17, a.bl_tree), M(a, q - 3, 3))
: (U(a, 18, a.bl_tree), M(a, q - 11, 7));
q = 0;
f = e;
0 === g ? ((k = 138), (h = 3)) : e === g ? ((k = 6), (h = 3)) : ((k = 7), (h = 4));
ia = !1,
Ka = function (a, b, c, d) {
M(a, 0 + (d ? 1 : 0), 3);
T(a, c);
T(a, ~c);
a.pending_buf.set(a.window.subarray(b, b + c), a.pending);
a.pending += c;
ua = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = (65535 & a) | 0;
a = ((a >>> 16) & 65535) | 0;
for (var f; 0 !== c; ) {
c -= f = 2e3 < c ? 2e3 : c;
do a = (a + (e = (e + b[d++]) | 0)) | 0;
while (--f);
e %= 65521;
a %= 65521;
return e | (a << 16) | 0;
Xa = new Uint32Array(
(function () {
for (var a, b = [], c = 0; 256 > c; c++) {
a = c;
for (var d = 0; 8 > d; d++) a = 1 & a ? 3988292384 ^ (a >>> 1) : a >>> 1;
b[c] = a;
return b;
Z = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = d + c;
for (a ^= -1; d < c; d++) a = (a >>> 8) ^ Xa[255 & (a ^ b[d])];
return -1 ^ a;
ea = {
'2': 'need dictionary',
'1': 'stream end',
'0': '',
'-1': 'file error',
'-2': 'stream error',
'-3': 'data error',
'-4': 'insufficient memory',
'-5': 'buffer error',
'-6': 'incompatible version',
L = {
Z_OK: 0,
Z_ERRNO: -1,
Z_RLE: 3,
Z_TEXT: 1,
db = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e,
g = 0;
0 < a.level
? (2 === a.strm.data_type &&
(a.strm.data_type = (function (a) {
var b,
c = 4093624447;
for (b = 0; 31 >= b; b++, c >>>= 1) if (1 & c && 0 !== a.dyn_ltree[2 * b]) return 0;
if (0 !== a.dyn_ltree[18] || 0 !== a.dyn_ltree[20] || 0 !== a.dyn_ltree[26]) return 1;
for (b = 32; 256 > b; b++) if (0 !== a.dyn_ltree[2 * b]) return 1;
return 0;
Wa(a, a.l_desc),
Wa(a, a.d_desc),
(g = (function (a) {
var b;
Ea(a, a.dyn_ltree, a.l_desc.max_code);
Ea(a, a.dyn_dtree, a.d_desc.max_code);
Wa(a, a.bl_desc);
for (b = 18; 3 <= b && 0 === a.bl_tree[2 * u[b] + 1]; b--);
return (a.opt_len += 3 * (b + 1) + 14), b;
(e = (a.opt_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3),
(f = (a.static_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3) <= e && (e = f))
: (e = f = c + 5);
c + 4 <= e && -1 !== b
? Ka(a, b, c, d)
: 4 === a.strategy || f === e
? (M(a, 2 + (d ? 1 : 0), 3), Pa(a, x, z))
: (M(a, 4 + (d ? 1 : 0), 3),
(function (a, b, c, d) {
var e;
M(a, b - 257, 5);
M(a, c - 1, 5);
M(a, d - 4, 4);
for (e = 0; e < d; e++) M(a, a.bl_tree[2 * u[e] + 1], 3);
qa(a, a.dyn_ltree, b - 1);
qa(a, a.dyn_dtree, c - 1);
})(a, a.l_desc.max_code + 1, a.d_desc.max_code + 1, g + 1),
Pa(a, a.dyn_ltree, a.dyn_dtree));
d && P(a);
sa = function (a, b, c) {
return (
(a.pending_buf[a.d_buf + 2 * a.last_lit] = (b >>> 8) & 255),
(a.pending_buf[a.d_buf + 2 * a.last_lit + 1] = 255 & b),
(a.pending_buf[a.l_buf + a.last_lit] = 255 & c),
0 === b
? a.dyn_ltree[2 * c]++
: (a.matches++,
a.dyn_ltree[2 * (B[c] + 256 + 1)]++,
a.dyn_dtree[2 * (256 > b ? D[b] : D[256 + (b >>> 7)])]++),
a.last_lit === a.lit_bufsize - 1
eb = function (a) {
M(a, 2, 3);
U(a, 256, x);
16 === a.bi_valid
? (T(a, a.bi_buf), (a.bi_buf = 0), (a.bi_valid = 0))
: 8 <= a.bi_valid && ((a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = 255 & a.bi_buf), (a.bi_buf >>= 8), (a.bi_valid -= 8));
ta = L.Z_NO_FLUSH,
la = L.Z_FINISH,
pa = L.Z_OK,
Q = L.Z_RLE,
Ra = function (a, b) {
return (a.msg = ea[b]), b;
Sa = function (a) {
for (var b = a.length; 0 <= --b; ) a[b] = 0;
ya = function (a, b, c) {
return ((b << a.hash_shift) ^ c) & a.hash_mask;
Ma = function (a) {
var b = a.state,
c = b.pending;
c > a.avail_out && (c = a.avail_out);
0 !== c &&
(a.output.set(b.pending_buf.subarray(b.pending_out, b.pending_out + c), a.next_out),
(a.next_out += c),
(b.pending_out += c),
(a.total_out += c),
(a.avail_out -= c),
(b.pending -= c),
0 === b.pending && (b.pending_out = 0));
fa = function (a, b) {
db(a, 0 <= a.block_start ? a.block_start : -1, a.strstart - a.block_start, b);
a.block_start = a.strstart;
S = function (a, b) {
a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = b;
ma = function (a, b) {
a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = (b >>> 8) & 255;
a.pending_buf[a.pending++] = 255 & b;
R = function (a, b) {
var c,
e = a.max_chain_length,
f = a.strstart,
g = a.prev_length,
q = a.nice_match,
k = a.strstart > a.w_size - 262 ? a.strstart - (a.w_size - 262) : 0,
h = a.window,
w = a.w_mask,
A = a.prev,
G = a.strstart + 258,
y = h[f + g - 1],
l = h[f + g];
a.prev_length >= a.good_match && (e >>= 2);
q > a.lookahead && (q = a.lookahead);
if (h[(c = b) + g] === l && h[c + g - 1] === y && h[c] === h[f] && h[++c] === h[f + 1]) {
f += 2;
for (
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
h[++f] === h[++c] &&
f < G;
if (((d = 258 - (G - f)), (f = G - 258), d > g)) {
if (((a.match_start = b), (g = d), d >= q)) break;
y = h[f + g - 1];
l = h[f + g];
while ((b = A[b & w]) > k && 0 != --e);
return g <= a.lookahead ? g : a.lookahead;
ra = function (a) {
var b,
w = a.w_size;
do {
if (((e = a.window_size - a.lookahead - a.strstart), a.strstart >= w + (w - 262))) {
a.window.set(a.window.subarray(w, w + w), 0);
a.match_start -= w;
a.strstart -= w;
a.block_start -= w;
b = c = a.hash_size;
do (d = a.head[--b]), (a.head[b] = d >= w ? d - w : 0);
while (--c);
b = c = w;
do (d = a.prev[--b]), (a.prev[b] = d >= w ? d - w : 0);
while (--c);
e += w;
if (0 === a.strm.avail_in) break;
if (
((f = a.strm),
(g = a.window),
(q = a.strstart + a.lookahead),
(k = e),
(h = void 0),
(h = f.avail_in) > k && (h = k),
(c =
0 === h
? 0
: ((f.avail_in -= h),
g.set(f.input.subarray(f.next_in, f.next_in + h), q),
1 === f.state.wrap
? (f.adler = ua(f.adler, g, h, q))
: 2 === f.state.wrap && (f.adler = Z(f.adler, g, h, q)),
(f.next_in += h),
(f.total_in += h),
(a.lookahead += c),
3 <= a.lookahead + a.insert)
for (
b = a.strstart - a.insert, a.ins_h = a.window[b], a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[b + 1]);
a.insert &&
((a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[b + 3 - 1])),
(a.prev[b & a.w_mask] = a.head[a.ins_h]),
(a.head[a.ins_h] = b),
!(3 > a.lookahead + a.insert));
} while (262 > a.lookahead && 0 !== a.strm.avail_in);
ib = function (a, b) {
for (var c, d; ; ) {
if (262 > a.lookahead) {
if ((ra(a), 262 > a.lookahead && b === ta)) return 1;
if (0 === a.lookahead) break;
if (
((c = 0),
3 <= a.lookahead &&
((a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[a.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(c = a.prev[a.strstart & a.w_mask] = a.head[a.ins_h]),
(a.head[a.ins_h] = a.strstart)),
0 !== c && a.strstart - c <= a.w_size - 262 && (a.match_length = R(a, c)),
3 <= a.match_length)
if (
((d = sa(a, a.strstart - a.match_start, a.match_length - 3)),
(a.lookahead -= a.match_length),
a.match_length <= a.max_lazy_match && 3 <= a.lookahead)
) {
(a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[a.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(c = a.prev[a.strstart & a.w_mask] = a.head[a.ins_h]),
(a.head[a.ins_h] = a.strstart);
while (0 != --a.match_length);
} else
(a.strstart += a.match_length),
(a.match_length = 0),
(a.ins_h = a.window[a.strstart]),
(a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[a.strstart + 1]));
else (d = sa(a, 0, a.window[a.strstart])), a.lookahead--, a.strstart++;
if (d && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)) return 1;
return (
(a.insert = 2 > a.strstart ? a.strstart : 2),
b === la
? (fa(a, !0), 0 === a.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: a.last_lit && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
Ta = function (a, b) {
for (var c, d, e; ; ) {
if (262 > a.lookahead) {
if ((ra(a), 262 > a.lookahead && b === ta)) return 1;
if (0 === a.lookahead) break;
if (
((c = 0),
3 <= a.lookahead &&
((a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[a.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(c = a.prev[a.strstart & a.w_mask] = a.head[a.ins_h]),
(a.head[a.ins_h] = a.strstart)),
(a.prev_length = a.match_length),
(a.prev_match = a.match_start),
(a.match_length = 2),
0 !== c &&
a.prev_length < a.max_lazy_match &&
a.strstart - c <= a.w_size - 262 &&
((a.match_length = R(a, c)),
5 >= a.match_length &&
(a.strategy === N || (3 === a.match_length && 4096 < a.strstart - a.match_start)) &&
(a.match_length = 2)),
3 <= a.prev_length && a.match_length <= a.prev_length)
) {
e = a.strstart + a.lookahead - 3;
d = sa(a, a.strstart - 1 - a.prev_match, a.prev_length - 3);
a.lookahead -= a.prev_length - 1;
a.prev_length -= 2;
++a.strstart <= e &&
((a.ins_h = ya(a, a.ins_h, a.window[a.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(c = a.prev[a.strstart & a.w_mask] = a.head[a.ins_h]),
(a.head[a.ins_h] = a.strstart));
while (0 != --a.prev_length);
if (((a.match_available = 0), (a.match_length = 2), a.strstart++, d && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)))
return 1;
} else if (a.match_available) {
if ((sa(a, 0, a.window[a.strstart - 1]) && fa(a, !1), a.strstart++, a.lookahead--, 0 === a.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
} else (a.match_available = 1), a.strstart++, a.lookahead--;
return (
a.match_available && (sa(a, 0, a.window[a.strstart - 1]), (a.match_available = 0)),
(a.insert = 2 > a.strstart ? a.strstart : 2),
b === la
? (fa(a, !0), 0 === a.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: a.last_lit && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
za = [
new e(0, 0, 0, 0, function (a, b) {
var c = 65535;
for (c > a.pending_buf_size - 5 && (c = a.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) {
if (1 >= a.lookahead) {
if ((ra(a), 0 === a.lookahead && b === ta)) return 1;
if (0 === a.lookahead) break;
a.strstart += a.lookahead;
a.lookahead = 0;
var d = a.block_start + c;
if (
((0 === a.strstart || a.strstart >= d) &&
((a.lookahead = a.strstart - d), (a.strstart = d), fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)) ||
(a.strstart - a.block_start >= a.w_size - 262 && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
return (
(a.insert = 0),
b === la
? (fa(a, !0), 0 === a.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: (a.strstart > a.block_start && (fa(a, !1), a.strm.avail_out), 1)
new e(4, 4, 8, 4, ib),
new e(4, 5, 16, 8, ib),
new e(4, 6, 32, 32, ib),
new e(4, 4, 16, 16, Ta),
new e(8, 16, 32, 32, Ta),
new e(8, 16, 128, 128, Ta),
new e(8, 32, 128, 256, Ta),
new e(32, 128, 258, 1024, Ta),
new e(32, 258, 258, 4096, Ta),
tb = function (a) {
if (!a || !a.state) return Ra(a, ba);
a.total_in = a.total_out = 0;
a.data_type = Qa;
var b = a.state;
b.pending = 0;
b.pending_out = 0;
0 > b.wrap && (b.wrap = -b.wrap);
b.status = b.wrap ? 42 : 113;
a.adler = 2 === b.wrap ? 0 : 1;
b.last_flush = ta;
if (!ia) {
var e, f, g;
a = Array(16);
for (g = f = 0; 28 > g; g++) for (C[g] = f, e = 0; e < 1 << p[g]; e++) B[f++] = g;
B[f - 1] = g;
for (g = f = 0; 16 > g; g++) for (O[g] = f, e = 0; e < 1 << r[g]; e++) D[f++] = g;
for (f >>= 7; 30 > g; g++) for (O[g] = f << 7, e = 0; e < 1 << (r[g] - 7); e++) D[256 + f++] = g;
for (e = 0; 15 >= e; e++) a[e] = 0;
for (e = 0; 143 >= e; ) (x[2 * e + 1] = 8), e++, a[8]++;
for (; 255 >= e; ) (x[2 * e + 1] = 9), e++, a[9]++;
for (; 279 >= e; ) (x[2 * e + 1] = 7), e++, a[7]++;
for (; 287 >= e; ) (x[2 * e + 1] = 8), e++, a[8]++;
ha(x, 287, a);
for (e = 0; 30 > e; e++) (z[2 * e + 1] = 5), (z[2 * e] = da(e, 5));
J = new c(x, p, 257, 286, 15);
v = new c(z, r, 0, 30, 15);
K = new c([], t, 0, 19, 7);
ia = !0;
b.l_desc = new d(b.dyn_ltree, J);
b.d_desc = new d(b.dyn_dtree, v);
b.bl_desc = new d(b.bl_tree, K);
b.bi_buf = 0;
b.bi_valid = 0;
return pa;
Aa = function (a) {
var b,
c = tb(a);
return (
c === pa &&
(((b = a.state).window_size = 2 * b.w_size),
(b.max_lazy_match = za[b.level].max_lazy),
(b.good_match = za[b.level].good_length),
(b.nice_match = za[b.level].nice_length),
(b.max_chain_length = za[b.level].max_chain),
(b.strstart = 0),
(b.block_start = 0),
(b.lookahead = 0),
(b.insert = 0),
(b.match_length = b.prev_length = 2),
(b.match_available = 0),
(b.ins_h = 0)),
ab = function (a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (!a) return ba;
var q = 1;
if (
(b === F && (b = 6),
0 > d ? ((q = 0), (d = -d)) : 15 < d && ((q = 2), (d -= 16)),
1 > e || 9 < e || c !== Ga || 8 > d || 15 < d || 0 > b || 9 < b || 0 > g || g > X)
return Ra(a, ba);
8 === d && (d = 9);
var k = new f();
return (
(a.state = k),
(k.strm = a),
(k.wrap = q),
(k.gzhead = null),
(k.w_bits = d),
(k.w_size = 1 << k.w_bits),
(k.w_mask = k.w_size - 1),
(k.hash_bits = e + 7),
(k.hash_size = 1 << k.hash_bits),
(k.hash_mask = k.hash_size - 1),
(k.hash_shift = ~~((k.hash_bits + 3 - 1) / 3)),
(k.window = new Uint8Array(2 * k.w_size)),
(k.head = new Uint16Array(k.hash_size)),
(k.prev = new Uint16Array(k.w_size)),
(k.lit_bufsize = 1 << (e + 6)),
(k.pending_buf_size = 4 * k.lit_bufsize),
(k.pending_buf = new Uint8Array(k.pending_buf_size)),
(k.d_buf = 1 * k.lit_bufsize),
(k.l_buf = 3 * k.lit_bufsize),
(k.level = b),
(k.strategy = g),
(k.method = c),
Ba = {
deflateInit: function (a, b) {
return ab(a, b, Ga, 15, 8, ja);
deflateInit2: ab,
deflateReset: Aa,
deflateResetKeep: tb,
deflateSetHeader: function (a, b) {
return a && a.state ? (2 !== a.state.wrap ? ba : ((a.state.gzhead = b), pa)) : ba;
deflate: function (a, b) {
var c, d;
if (!a || !a.state || b > Ca || 0 > b) return a ? Ra(a, ba) : ba;
var e = a.state;
if (!a.output || (!a.input && 0 !== a.avail_in) || (666 === e.status && b !== la))
return Ra(a, 0 === a.avail_out ? I : ba);
e.strm = a;
var f = e.last_flush;
if (((e.last_flush = b), 42 === e.status))
2 === e.wrap
? ((a.adler = 0),
S(e, 31),
S(e, 139),
S(e, 8),
? (S(
(e.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) +
(e.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) +
(e.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) +
( ? 8 : 0) +
(e.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)
S(e, 255 & e.gzhead.time),
S(e, (e.gzhead.time >> 8) & 255),
S(e, (e.gzhead.time >> 16) & 255),
S(e, (e.gzhead.time >> 24) & 255),
S(e, 9 === e.level ? 2 : e.strategy >= V || 2 > e.level ? 4 : 0),
S(e, 255 & e.gzhead.os),
e.gzhead.extra &&
e.gzhead.extra.length &&
(S(e, 255 & e.gzhead.extra.length), S(e, (e.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 255)),
e.gzhead.hcrc && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending, 0)),
(e.gzindex = 0),
(e.status = 69))
: (S(e, 0),
S(e, 0),
S(e, 0),
S(e, 0),
S(e, 0),
S(e, 9 === e.level ? 2 : e.strategy >= V || 2 > e.level ? 4 : 0),
S(e, 3),
(e.status = 113)))
: ((c = (Ga + ((e.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8),
(c |= (e.strategy >= V || 2 > e.level ? 0 : 6 > e.level ? 1 : 6 === e.level ? 2 : 3) << 6),
0 !== e.strstart && (c |= 32),
(e.status = 113),
ma(e, c + (31 - (c % 31))),
0 !== e.strstart && (ma(e, a.adler >>> 16), ma(e, 65535 & a.adler)),
(a.adler = 1));
if (69 === e.status)
if (e.gzhead.extra) {
for (
c = e.pending;
e.gzindex < (65535 & e.gzhead.extra.length) &&
(e.pending !== e.pending_buf_size ||
(e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c)),
(c = e.pending),
e.pending !== e.pending_buf_size));
S(e, 255 & e.gzhead.extra[e.gzindex]), e.gzindex++;
e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c));
e.gzindex === e.gzhead.extra.length && ((e.gzindex = 0), (e.status = 73));
} else e.status = 73;
if (73 === e.status)
if ( {
c = e.pending;
do {
if (
e.pending === e.pending_buf_size &&
(e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c)),
(c = e.pending),
e.pending === e.pending_buf_size)
) {
d = 1;
d = e.gzindex < ? 255 & : 0;
S(e, d);
} while (0 !== d);
e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c));
0 === d && ((e.gzindex = 0), (e.status = 91));
} else e.status = 91;
if (91 === e.status)
if (e.gzhead.comment) {
c = e.pending;
do {
if (
e.pending === e.pending_buf_size &&
(e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c)),
(c = e.pending),
e.pending === e.pending_buf_size)
) {
d = 1;
d = e.gzindex < e.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & e.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(e.gzindex++) : 0;
S(e, d);
} while (0 !== d);
e.gzhead.hcrc && e.pending > c && (a.adler = Z(a.adler, e.pending_buf, e.pending - c, c));
0 === d && (e.status = 103);
} else e.status = 103;
if (
(103 === e.status &&
? (e.pending + 2 > e.pending_buf_size && Ma(a),
e.pending + 2 <= e.pending_buf_size &&
(S(e, 255 & a.adler), S(e, (a.adler >> 8) & 255), (a.adler = 0), (e.status = 113)))
: (e.status = 113)),
0 !== e.pending)
) {
if ((Ma(a), 0 === a.avail_out)) return (e.last_flush = -1), pa;
} else if (0 === a.avail_in && (b << 1) - (4 < b ? 9 : 0) <= (f << 1) - (4 < f ? 9 : 0) && b !== la)
return Ra(a, I);
if (666 === e.status && 0 !== a.avail_in) return Ra(a, I);
if (0 !== a.avail_in || 0 !== e.lookahead || (b !== ta && 666 !== e.status)) {
f =
e.strategy === V
? (function (a, b) {
for (var c; ; ) {
if (0 === a.lookahead && (ra(a), 0 === a.lookahead)) {
if (b === ta) return 1;
if (
((a.match_length = 0),
(c = sa(a, 0, a.window[a.strstart])),
c && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
return (
(a.insert = 0),
b === la
? (fa(a, !0), 0 === a.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: a.last_lit && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
})(e, b)
: e.strategy === Q
? (function (a, b) {
for (var c, d, e, f, g = a.window; ; ) {
if (258 >= a.lookahead) {
if ((ra(a), 258 >= a.lookahead && b === ta)) return 1;
if (0 === a.lookahead) break;
if (
((a.match_length = 0),
3 <= a.lookahead &&
0 < a.strstart &&
(d = g[(e = a.strstart - 1)]) === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e])
) {
for (
f = a.strstart + 258;
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
d === g[++e] &&
e < f;
a.match_length = 258 - (f - e);
a.match_length > a.lookahead && (a.match_length = a.lookahead);
if (
(3 <= a.match_length
? ((c = sa(a, 1, a.match_length - 3)),
(a.lookahead -= a.match_length),
(a.strstart += a.match_length),
(a.match_length = 0))
: ((c = sa(a, 0, a.window[a.strstart])), a.lookahead--, a.strstart++),
c && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
return (
(a.insert = 0),
b === la
? (fa(a, !0), 0 === a.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: a.last_lit && (fa(a, !1), 0 === a.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
})(e, b)
: za[e.level].func(e, b);
if (((3 !== f && 4 !== f) || (e.status = 666), 1 === f || 3 === f))
return 0 === a.avail_out && (e.last_flush = -1), pa;
if (
2 === f &&
(b === Fa
? eb(e)
: b !== Ca &&
(Ka(e, 0, 0, !1),
b === La && (Sa(e.head), 0 === e.lookahead && ((e.strstart = 0), (e.block_start = 0), (e.insert = 0)))),
0 === a.avail_out)
return (e.last_flush = -1), pa;
return b !== la
? pa
: 0 >= e.wrap
? Ja
: (2 === e.wrap
? (S(e, 255 & a.adler),
S(e, (a.adler >> 8) & 255),
S(e, (a.adler >> 16) & 255),
S(e, (a.adler >> 24) & 255),
S(e, 255 & a.total_in),
S(e, (a.total_in >> 8) & 255),
S(e, (a.total_in >> 16) & 255),
S(e, (a.total_in >> 24) & 255))
: (ma(e, a.adler >>> 16), ma(e, 65535 & a.adler)),
0 < e.wrap && (e.wrap = -e.wrap),
0 !== e.pending ? pa : Ja);
deflateEnd: function (a) {
if (!a || !a.state) return ba;
var b = a.state.status;
return 42 !== b && 69 !== b && 73 !== b && 91 !== b && 103 !== b && 113 !== b && 666 !== b
? Ra(a, ba)
: ((a.state = null), 113 === b ? Ra(a, E) : pa);
deflateSetDictionary: function (a, b) {
var c = b.length;
if (!a || !a.state) return ba;
var d = a.state,
e = d.wrap;
if (2 === e || (1 === e && 42 !== d.status) || d.lookahead) return ba;
if ((1 === e && (a.adler = ua(a.adler, b, c, 0)), (d.wrap = 0), c >= d.w_size)) {
0 === e && (Sa(d.head), (d.strstart = 0), (d.block_start = 0), (d.insert = 0));
var f = new Uint8Array(d.w_size);
f.set(b.subarray(c - d.w_size, c), 0);
b = f;
c = d.w_size;
var f = a.avail_in,
g = a.next_in,
q = a.input;
a.avail_in = c;
a.next_in = 0;
a.input = b;
for (ra(d); 3 <= d.lookahead; ) {
var c = d.strstart,
k = d.lookahead - 2;
(d.ins_h = ya(d, d.ins_h, d.window[c + 3 - 1])),
(d.prev[c & d.w_mask] = d.head[d.ins_h]),
(d.head[d.ins_h] = c),
while (--k);
d.strstart = c;
d.lookahead = 2;
return (
(d.strstart += d.lookahead),
(d.block_start = d.strstart),
(d.insert = d.lookahead),
(d.lookahead = 0),
(d.match_length = d.prev_length = 2),
(d.match_available = 0),
(a.next_in = g),
(a.input = q),
(a.avail_in = f),
(d.wrap = e),
deflateInfo: 'pako deflate (from Nodeca project)',
jb = function (a) {
for (var b =, 1); b.length; ) {
var c = b.shift();
if (c) {
if ('object' !== g(c)) throw new TypeError(c + 'must be non-object');
for (var d in c), d) && (a[d] = c[d]);
return a;
ga = function (a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) b += a[c].length;
for (var b = new Uint8Array(b), d = (c = 0), e = a.length; c < e; c++) {
var f = a[c];
b.set(f, d);
d += f.length;
return b;
kb = !0;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
} catch (Nb) {
kb = !1;
for (var aa = new Uint8Array(256), Ha = 0; 256 > Ha; Ha++)
aa[Ha] = 252 <= Ha ? 6 : 248 <= Ha ? 5 : 240 <= Ha ? 4 : 224 <= Ha ? 3 : 192 <= Ha ? 2 : 1;
aa[254] = aa[254] = 1;
var ca = function (a) {
var b,
g = a.length,
q = 0;
for (e = 0; e < g; e++)
55296 == (64512 & (c = a.charCodeAt(e))) &&
e + 1 < g &&
56320 == (64512 & (d = a.charCodeAt(e + 1))) &&
((c = 65536 + ((c - 55296) << 10) + (d - 56320)), e++),
(q += 128 > c ? 1 : 2048 > c ? 2 : 65536 > c ? 3 : 4);
b = new Uint8Array(q);
for (e = f = 0; f < q; e++)
55296 == (64512 & (c = a.charCodeAt(e))) &&
e + 1 < g &&
56320 == (64512 & (d = a.charCodeAt(e + 1))) &&
((c = 65536 + ((c - 55296) << 10) + (d - 56320)), e++),
128 > c
? (b[f++] = c)
: 2048 > c
? ((b[f++] = 192 | (c >>> 6)), (b[f++] = 128 | (63 & c)))
: 65536 > c
? ((b[f++] = 224 | (c >>> 12)), (b[f++] = 128 | ((c >>> 6) & 63)), (b[f++] = 128 | (63 & c)))
: ((b[f++] = 240 | (c >>> 18)),
(b[f++] = 128 | ((c >>> 12) & 63)),
(b[f++] = 128 | ((c >>> 6) & 63)),
(b[f++] = 128 | (63 & c)));
return b;
Ua = function () {
this.input = null;
this.total_in = this.avail_in = this.next_in = 0;
this.output = null;
this.total_out = this.avail_out = this.next_out = 0;
this.msg = '';
this.state = null;
this.data_type = 2;
this.adler = 0;
Ya = Object.prototype.toString,
pb = L.Z_NO_FLUSH,
va = L.Z_OK,
k.prototype.push = function (a, b) {
var c,
e = this.strm,
f = this.options.chunkSize;
if (this.ended) return !1;
d = b === ~~b ? b : !0 === b ? W : pb;
'string' == typeof a
? (e.input = ca(a))
: '[object ArrayBuffer]' ===
? (e.input = new Uint8Array(a))
: (e.input = a);
e.next_in = 0;
for (e.avail_in = e.input.length; ; )
if (
(0 === e.avail_out && ((e.output = new Uint8Array(f)), (e.next_out = 0), (e.avail_out = f)),
(d === Za || d === Ia) && 6 >= e.avail_out)
this.onData(e.output.subarray(0, e.next_out)), (e.avail_out = 0);
else {
if ((c = Ba.deflate(e, d)) === qb)
return (
0 < e.next_out && this.onData(e.output.subarray(0, e.next_out)),
(c = Ba.deflateEnd(this.strm)),
(this.ended = !0),
c === va
if (0 !== e.avail_out)
if (0 < d && 0 < e.next_out) this.onData(e.output.subarray(0, e.next_out)), (e.avail_out = 0);
else {
if (0 === e.avail_in) break;
else this.onData(e.output);
return !0;
k.prototype.onData = function (a) {
k.prototype.onEnd = function (a) {
a === va && (this.result = ga(this.chunks));
this.chunks = [];
this.err = a;
this.msg = this.strm.msg;
var gb = new Uint16Array([
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258,
0, 0,
ub = new Uint8Array([
16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21,
16, 72, 78,
q = new Uint16Array([
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0,
w = new Uint8Array([
16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28,
29, 29, 64, 64,
y = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
var h,
E = k.bits,
r = 0,
V = null,
t = 0,
hb = new Uint16Array(16);
y = new Uint16Array(16);
var Q = null,
lb = 0;
for (n = 0; 15 >= n; n++) hb[n] = 0;
for (ka = 0; ka < d; ka++) hb[b[c + ka]]++;
F = E;
for (I = 15; 1 <= I && 0 === hb[I]; I--);
if ((F > I && (F = I), 0 === I)) return (e[f++] = 20971520), (e[f++] = 20971520), (k.bits = 1), 0;
for (E = 1; E < I && 0 === hb[E]; E++);
F < E && (F = E);
for (n = h = 1; 15 >= n; n++) if (((h <<= 1), 0 > (h -= hb[n]))) return -1;
if (0 < h && (0 === a || 1 !== I)) return -1;
y[1] = 0;
for (n = 1; 15 > n; n++) y[n + 1] = y[n] + hb[n];
for (ka = 0; ka < d; ka++) 0 !== b[c + ka] && (g[y[b[c + ka]]++] = ka);
if (
(0 === a
? ((V = Q = g), (l = 19))
: 1 === a
? ((V = gb), (t -= 257), (Q = ub), (lb -= 257), (l = 256))
: ((V = q), (Q = w), (l = -1)),
(xa = 0),
(ka = 0),
(n = E),
(y = f),
(p = F),
(N = 0),
(G = -1),
(d = (r = 1 << F) - 1),
(1 === a && 852 < r) || (2 === a && 592 < r))
return 1;
for (;;) {
H = n - N;
g[ka] < l
? ((m = 0), (oa = g[ka]))
: g[ka] > l
? ((m = Q[lb + g[ka]]), (oa = V[t + g[ka]]))
: ((m = 96), (oa = 0));
h = 1 << (n - N);
E = A = 1 << p;
do e[y + (xa >> N) + (A -= h)] = (H << 24) | (m << 16) | oa | 0;
while (0 !== A);
for (h = 1 << (n - 1); xa & h; ) h >>= 1;
if ((0 !== h ? ((xa &= h - 1), (xa += h)) : (xa = 0), ka++, 0 == --hb[n])) {
if (n === I) break;
n = b[c + g[ka]];
if (n > F && (xa & d) !== G) {
0 === N && (N = F);
y += E;
for (h = 1 << (p = n - N); p + N < I && !(0 >= (h -= hb[p + N])); ) p++, (h <<= 1);
if (((r += 1 << p), (1 === a && 852 < r) || (2 === a && 592 < r))) return 1;
e[(G = xa & d)] = (F << 24) | (p << 16) | (y - f) | 0;
return 0 !== xa && (e[y + xa] = ((n - N) << 24) | 4194304), (k.bits = F), 0;
oa = L.Z_OK,
yb = function (a) {
return ((a >>> 24) & 255) + ((a >>> 8) & 65280) + ((65280 & a) << 8) + ((255 & a) << 24);
na = function (a) {
if (!a || !a.state) return wa;
var b = a.state;
return (
(a.total_in = a.total_out = = 0),
(a.msg = ''),
b.wrap && (a.adler = 1 & b.wrap),
(b.mode = 1),
(b.last = 0),
(b.havedict = 0),
(b.dmax = 32768),
(b.head = null),
(b.hold = 0),
(b.bits = 0),
(b.lencode = b.lendyn = new Int32Array(852)),
(b.distcode = b.distdyn = new Int32Array(592)),
(b.sane = 1),
(b.back = -1),
sb = function (a) {
if (!a || !a.state) return wa;
var b = a.state;
return (b.wsize = 0), (b.whave = 0), (b.wnext = 0), na(a);
wb = function (a, b) {
var c;
if (!a || !a.state) return wa;
var d = a.state;
return (
0 > b ? ((c = 0), (b = -b)) : ((c = 1 + (b >> 4)), 48 > b && (b &= 15)),
b && (8 > b || 15 < b)
? wa
: (null !== d.window && d.wbits !== b && (d.window = null), (d.wrap = c), (d.wbits = b), sb(a))
Fb = function (a, b) {
if (!a) return wa;
var c = new l();
a.state = c;
c.window = null;
c = wb(a, b);
return c !== oa && (a.state = null), c;
cb = !0,
Bb = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e;
a = a.state;
return (
null === a.window &&
((a.wsize = 1 << a.wbits), (a.wnext = 0), (a.whave = 0), (a.window = new Uint8Array(a.wsize))),
d >= a.wsize
? (a.window.set(b.subarray(c - a.wsize, c), 0), (a.wnext = 0), (a.whave = a.wsize))
: ((e = a.wsize - a.wnext) > d && (e = d),
a.window.set(b.subarray(c - d, c - d + e), a.wnext),
(d -= e)
? (a.window.set(b.subarray(c - d, c), 0), (a.wnext = d), (a.whave = a.wsize))
: ((a.wnext += e), a.wnext === a.wsize && (a.wnext = 0), a.whave < a.wsize && (a.whave += e))),
Va = {
inflateReset: sb,
inflateReset2: wb,
inflateResetKeep: na,
inflateInit: function (a) {
return Fb(a, 15);
inflateInit2: Fb,
inflate: function (a, b) {
var c,
v = 0,
X = new Uint8Array(4),
x = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]);
if (!a || !a.state || !a.output || (!a.input && 0 !== a.avail_in)) return wa;
12 === (c = a.state).mode && (c.mode = 13);
g = a.next_out;
e = a.output;
k = a.avail_out;
f = a.next_in;
d = a.input;
q = a.avail_in;
h = c.hold;
w = c.bits;
l = q;
m = k;
Q = oa;
a: for (;;)
switch (c.mode) {
case 1:
if (0 === c.wrap) {
c.mode = 13;
for (; 16 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (2 & c.wrap && 35615 === h) {
c.check = 0;
X[0] = 255 & h;
X[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255;
c.check = Z(c.check, X, 2, 0);
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 2;
if (((c.flags = 0), c.head && (c.head.done = !1), !(1 & c.wrap) || (((255 & h) << 8) + (h >> 8)) % 31)) {
a.msg = 'incorrect header check';
c.mode = 30;
if ((15 & h) !== Eb) {
a.msg = 'unknown compression method';
c.mode = 30;
if (((w -= 4), (t = 8 + (15 & (h >>>= 4))), 0 === c.wbits)) c.wbits = t;
else if (t > c.wbits) {
a.msg = 'invalid window size';
c.mode = 30;
c.dmax = 1 << c.wbits;
a.adler = c.check = 1;
c.mode = 512 & h ? 10 : 12;
w = h = 0;
case 2:
for (; 16 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (((c.flags = h), (255 & c.flags) !== Eb)) {
a.msg = 'unknown compression method';
c.mode = 30;
if (57344 & c.flags) {
a.msg = 'unknown header flags set';
c.mode = 30;
c.head && (c.head.text = (h >> 8) & 1);
512 & c.flags && ((X[0] = 255 & h), (X[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255), (c.check = Z(c.check, X, 2, 0)));
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 3;
case 3:
for (; 32 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.head && (c.head.time = h);
512 & c.flags &&
((X[0] = 255 & h),
(X[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(X[2] = (h >>> 16) & 255),
(X[3] = (h >>> 24) & 255),
(c.check = Z(c.check, X, 4, 0)));
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 4;
case 4:
for (; 16 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.head && ((c.head.xflags = 255 & h), (c.head.os = h >> 8));
512 & c.flags && ((X[0] = 255 & h), (X[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255), (c.check = Z(c.check, X, 2, 0)));
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 5;
case 5:
if (1024 & c.flags) {
for (; 16 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.length = h;
c.head && (c.head.extra_len = h);
512 & c.flags && ((X[0] = 255 & h), (X[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255), (c.check = Z(c.check, X, 2, 0)));
w = h = 0;
} else c.head && (c.head.extra = null);
c.mode = 6;
case 6:
if (
1024 & c.flags &&
((E = c.length) > q && (E = q),
E &&
(c.head &&
((t = c.head.extra_len - c.length),
c.head.extra || (c.head.extra = new Uint8Array(c.head.extra_len)),
c.head.extra.set(d.subarray(f, f + E), t)),
512 & c.flags && (c.check = Z(c.check, d, E, f)),
(q -= E),
(f += E),
(c.length -= E)),
break a;
c.length = 0;
c.mode = 7;
case 7:
if (2048 & c.flags) {
if (0 === q) break a;
E = 0;
do (t = d[f + E++]), c.head && t && 65536 > c.length && ( += String.fromCharCode(t));
while (t && E < q);
if ((512 & c.flags && (c.check = Z(c.check, d, E, f)), (q -= E), (f += E), t)) break a;
} else c.head && ( = null);
c.length = 0;
c.mode = 8;
case 8:
if (4096 & c.flags) {
if (0 === q) break a;
E = 0;
do (t = d[f + E++]), c.head && t && 65536 > c.length && (c.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(t));
while (t && E < q);
if ((512 & c.flags && (c.check = Z(c.check, d, E, f)), (q -= E), (f += E), t)) break a;
} else c.head && (c.head.comment = null);
c.mode = 9;
case 9:
if (512 & c.flags) {
for (; 16 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (h !== (65535 & c.check)) {
a.msg = 'header crc mismatch';
c.mode = 30;
w = h = 0;
c.head && ((c.head.hcrc = (c.flags >> 9) & 1), (c.head.done = !0));
a.adler = c.check = 0;
c.mode = 12;
case 10:
for (; 32 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
a.adler = c.check = yb(h);
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 11;
case 11:
if (0 === c.havedict)
return (
(a.next_out = g), (a.avail_out = k), (a.next_in = f), (a.avail_in = q), (c.hold = h), (c.bits = w), ka
a.adler = c.check = 1;
c.mode = 12;
case 12:
if (b === G || b === H) break a;
case 13:
if (c.last) {
h >>>= 7 & w;
w -= 7 & w;
c.mode = 27;
for (; 3 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
switch (((c.last = 1 & h), --w, 3 & (h >>>= 1))) {
case 0:
c.mode = 14;
case 1:
I = c;
if (cb) {
rb = new Int32Array(512);
vb = new Int32Array(32);
for (F = 0; 144 > F; ) I.lens[F++] = 8;
for (; 256 > F; ) I.lens[F++] = 9;
for (; 280 > F; ) I.lens[F++] = 7;
for (; 288 > F; ) I.lens[F++] = 8;
y(1, I.lens, 0, 288, rb, 0,, { bits: 9 });
for (F = 0; 32 > F; ) I.lens[F++] = 5;
y(2, I.lens, 0, 32, vb, 0,, { bits: 5 });
cb = !1;
I.lencode = rb;
I.lenbits = 9;
I.distcode = vb;
I.distbits = 5;
if (((c.mode = 20), b === H)) {
h >>>= 2;
w -= 2;
break a;
case 2:
c.mode = 17;
case 3:
(a.msg = 'invalid block type'), (c.mode = 30);
h >>>= 2;
w -= 2;
case 14:
h >>>= 7 & w;
for (w -= 7 & w; 32 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if ((65535 & h) != ((h >>> 16) ^ 65535)) {
a.msg = 'invalid stored block lengths';
c.mode = 30;
if (((c.length = 65535 & h), (h = 0), (w = 0), (c.mode = 15), b === H)) break a;
case 15:
c.mode = 16;
case 16:
if ((E = c.length)) {
if ((E > q && (E = q), E > k && (E = k), 0 === E)) break a;
e.set(d.subarray(f, f + E), g);
q -= E;
f += E;
k -= E;
g += E;
c.length -= E;
c.mode = 12;
case 17:
for (; 14 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (
((c.nlen = 257 + (31 & h)),
(h >>>= 5),
(w -= 5),
(c.ndist = 1 + (31 & h)),
(h >>>= 5),
(w -= 5),
(c.ncode = 4 + (15 & h)),
(h >>>= 4),
(w -= 4),
286 < c.nlen || 30 < c.ndist)
) {
a.msg = 'too many length or distance symbols';
c.mode = 30;
c.have = 0;
c.mode = 18;
case 18:
for (; c.have < c.ncode; ) {
for (; 3 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.lens[x[c.have++]] = 7 & h;
h >>>= 3;
w -= 3;
for (; 19 > c.have; ) c.lens[x[c.have++]] = 0;
if (
((c.lencode = c.lendyn),
(c.lenbits = 7),
(u = { bits: c.lenbits }),
(Q = y(0, c.lens, 0, 19, c.lencode, 0,, u)),
(c.lenbits = u.bits),
) {
a.msg = 'invalid code lengths set';
c.mode = 30;
c.have = 0;
c.mode = 19;
case 19:
for (; c.have < c.nlen + c.ndist; ) {
for (; (v = c.lencode[h & ((1 << c.lenbits) - 1)]), (p = 65535 & v), !((I = v >>> 24) <= w); ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (16 > p) (h >>>= I), (w -= I), (c.lens[c.have++] = p);
else {
if (16 === p) {
for (F = I + 2; w < F; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (((h >>>= I), (w -= I), 0 === c.have)) {
a.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';
c.mode = 30;
t = c.lens[c.have - 1];
E = 3 + (3 & h);
h >>>= 2;
w -= 2;
} else if (17 === p) {
for (F = I + 3; w < F; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
w -= I;
t = 0;
E = 3 + (7 & (h >>>= I));
h >>>= 3;
w -= 3;
} else {
for (F = I + 7; w < F; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
w -= I;
t = 0;
E = 11 + (127 & (h >>>= I));
h >>>= 7;
w -= 7;
if (c.have + E > c.nlen + c.ndist) {
a.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';
c.mode = 30;
for (; E--; ) c.lens[c.have++] = t;
if (30 === c.mode) break;
if (0 === c.lens[256]) {
a.msg = 'invalid code -- missing end-of-block';
c.mode = 30;
if (
((c.lenbits = 9),
(u = { bits: c.lenbits }),
(Q = y(1, c.lens, 0, c.nlen, c.lencode, 0,, u)),
(c.lenbits = u.bits),
) {
a.msg = 'invalid literal/lengths set';
c.mode = 30;
if (
((c.distbits = 6),
(c.distcode = c.distdyn),
(u = { bits: c.distbits }),
(Q = y(2, c.lens, c.nlen, c.ndist, c.distcode, 0,, u)),
(c.distbits = u.bits),
) {
a.msg = 'invalid distances set';
c.mode = 30;
if (((c.mode = 20), b === H)) break a;
case 20:
c.mode = 21;
case 21:
if (6 <= q && 258 <= k) {
a.next_out = g;
a.avail_out = k;
a.next_in = f;
a.avail_in = q;
c.hold = h;
c.bits = w;
var C, z;
q = f = void 0;
var B,
ja = a,
D = ja.state;
na = ja.next_in;
e = ja.input;
Ga = na + (ja.avail_in - 5);
P = ja.next_out;
d = ja.output;
da = P - (m - ja.avail_out);
Qa = P + (ja.avail_out - 257);
Y = D.dmax;
B = D.wsize;
V = D.whave;
r = D.wnext;
N = D.window;
p = D.hold;
F = D.bits;
I = D.lencode;
w = D.distcode;
h = (1 << D.lenbits) - 1;
k = (1 << D.distbits) - 1;
b: do
c: for (15 > F && ((p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8), (p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8)), C = I[p & h]; ; ) {
if (((p >>>= q = C >>> 24), (F -= q), 0 === (q = (C >>> 16) & 255))) d[P++] = 65535 & C;
else {
if (!(16 & q)) {
if (0 == (64 & q)) {
C = I[(65535 & C) + (p & ((1 << q) - 1))];
continue c;
if (32 & q) {
D.mode = 12;
break b;
ja.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';
D.mode = 30;
break b;
g = 65535 & C;
(q &= 15) &&
(F < q && ((p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8)), (g += p & ((1 << q) - 1)), (p >>>= q), (F -= q));
15 > F && ((p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8), (p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8));
C = w[p & k];
d: for (;;) {
if (((p >>>= q = C >>> 24), (F -= q), !(16 & (q = (C >>> 16) & 255)))) {
if (0 == (64 & q)) {
C = w[(65535 & C) + (p & ((1 << q) - 1))];
continue d;
ja.msg = 'invalid distance code';
D.mode = 30;
break b;
if (
((f = 65535 & C),
F < (q &= 15) && ((p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8) < q && ((p += e[na++] << F), (F += 8))),
(f += p & ((1 << q) - 1)) > Y)
) {
ja.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';
D.mode = 30;
break b;
if (((p >>>= q), (F -= q), f > (q = P - da))) {
if ((q = f - q) > V && D.sane) {
ja.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';
D.mode = 30;
break b;
if (((z = 0), (C = N), 0 === r)) {
if (((z += B - q), q < g)) {
g -= q;
do d[P++] = N[z++];
while (--q);
z = P - f;
C = d;
} else if (r < q) {
if (((z += B + r - q), (q -= r) < g)) {
g -= q;
do d[P++] = N[z++];
while (--q);
if (((z = 0), r < g)) {
g -= q = r;
do d[P++] = N[z++];
while (--q);
z = P - f;
C = d;
} else if (((z += r - q), q < g)) {
g -= q;
do d[P++] = N[z++];
while (--q);
z = P - f;
C = d;
for (; 2 < g; ) (d[P++] = C[z++]), (d[P++] = C[z++]), (d[P++] = C[z++]), (g -= 3);
g && ((d[P++] = C[z++]), 1 < g && (d[P++] = C[z++]));
} else {
z = P - f;
do (d[P++] = d[z++]), (d[P++] = d[z++]), (d[P++] = d[z++]), (g -= 3);
while (2 < g);
g && ((d[P++] = d[z++]), 1 < g && (d[P++] = d[z++]));
while (na < Ga && P < Qa);
na -= g = F >> 3;
p &= (1 << (F -= g << 3)) - 1;
ja.next_in = na;
ja.next_out = P;
ja.avail_in = na < Ga ? Ga - na + 5 : 5 - (na - Ga);
ja.avail_out = P < Qa ? Qa - P + 257 : 257 - (P - Qa);
D.hold = p;
D.bits = F;
g = a.next_out;
e = a.output;
k = a.avail_out;
f = a.next_in;
d = a.input;
q = a.avail_in;
h = c.hold;
w = c.bits;
12 === c.mode && (c.back = -1);
for (
c.back = 0;
(F = ((v = c.lencode[h & ((1 << c.lenbits) - 1)]) >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & v),
!((I = v >>> 24) <= w);
) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (F && 0 == (240 & F)) {
N = I;
r = F;
for (
V = p;
(F = ((v = c.lencode[V + ((h & ((1 << (N + r)) - 1)) >> N)]) >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & v),
!(N + (I = v >>> 24) <= w);
) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
h >>>= N;
w -= N;
c.back += N;
if (((h >>>= I), (w -= I), (c.back += I), (c.length = p), 0 === F)) {
c.mode = 26;
if (32 & F) {
c.back = -1;
c.mode = 12;
if (64 & F) {
a.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';
c.mode = 30;
c.extra = 15 & F;
c.mode = 22;
case 22:
if (c.extra) {
for (F = c.extra; w < F; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.length += h & ((1 << c.extra) - 1);
h >>>= c.extra;
w -= c.extra;
c.back += c.extra;
c.was = c.length;
c.mode = 23;
case 23:
for (
(F = ((v = c.distcode[h & ((1 << c.distbits) - 1)]) >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & v),
!((I = v >>> 24) <= w);
) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (0 == (240 & F)) {
N = I;
r = F;
for (
V = p;
(F = ((v = c.distcode[V + ((h & ((1 << (N + r)) - 1)) >> N)]) >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & v),
!(N + (I = v >>> 24) <= w);
) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
h >>>= N;
w -= N;
c.back += N;
if (((h >>>= I), (w -= I), (c.back += I), 64 & F)) {
a.msg = 'invalid distance code';
c.mode = 30;
c.offset = p;
c.extra = 15 & F;
c.mode = 24;
case 24:
if (c.extra) {
for (F = c.extra; w < F; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
c.offset += h & ((1 << c.extra) - 1);
h >>>= c.extra;
w -= c.extra;
c.back += c.extra;
if (c.offset > c.dmax) {
a.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';
c.mode = 30;
c.mode = 25;
case 25:
if (0 === k) break a;
if (((E = m - k), c.offset > E)) {
if ((E = c.offset - E) > c.whave && c.sane) {
a.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';
c.mode = 30;
E > c.wnext ? ((E -= c.wnext), (n = c.wsize - E)) : (n = c.wnext - E);
E > c.length && (E = c.length);
I = c.window;
} else (I = e), (n = g - c.offset), (E = c.length);
E > k && (E = k);
k -= E;
c.length -= E;
do e[g++] = I[n++];
while (--E);
0 === c.length && (c.mode = 21);
case 26:
if (0 === k) break a;
e[g++] = c.length;
c.mode = 21;
case 27:
if (c.wrap) {
for (; 32 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h |= d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (
((m -= k),
(a.total_out += m),
( += m),
m && (a.adler = c.check = c.flags ? Z(c.check, e, m, g - m) : ua(c.check, e, m, g - m)),
(m = k),
(c.flags ? h : yb(h)) !== c.check)
) {
a.msg = 'incorrect data check';
c.mode = 30;
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 28;
case 28:
if (c.wrap && c.flags) {
for (; 32 > w; ) {
if (0 === q) break a;
h += d[f++] << w;
w += 8;
if (h !== (4294967295 & {
a.msg = 'incorrect length check';
c.mode = 30;
w = h = 0;
c.mode = 29;
case 29:
Q = xa;
break a;
case 30:
Q = lb;
break a;
case 31:
return Db;
return wa;
return (
(a.next_out = g),
(a.avail_out = k),
(a.next_in = f),
(a.avail_in = q),
(c.hold = h),
(c.bits = w),
(c.wsize || (m !== a.avail_out && 30 > c.mode && (27 > c.mode || b !== A))) &&
Bb(a, a.output, a.next_out, m - a.avail_out),
(l -= a.avail_in),
(m -= a.avail_out),
(a.total_in += l),
(a.total_out += m),
( += m),
c.wrap &&
m &&
(a.adler = c.check = c.flags ? Z(c.check, e, m, a.next_out - m) : ua(c.check, e, m, a.next_out - m)),
(a.data_type =
c.bits + (c.last ? 64 : 0) + (12 === c.mode ? 128 : 0) + (20 === c.mode || 15 === c.mode ? 256 : 0)),
((0 === l && 0 === m) || b === A) && Q === oa && (Q = mb),
inflateEnd: function (a) {
if (!a || !a.state) return wa;
var b = a.state;
return b.window && (b.window = null), (a.state = null), oa;
inflateGetHeader: function (a, b) {
if (!a || !a.state) return wa;
var c = a.state;
return 0 == (2 & c.wrap) ? wa : ((c.head = b), (b.done = !1), oa);
inflateSetDictionary: function (a, b) {
var c,
d = b.length;
return a && a.state
? 0 !== (c = a.state).wrap && 11 !== c.mode
? wa
: 11 === c.mode && ua(1, b, d, 0) !== c.check
? lb
: Bb(a, b, d, d)
? ((c.mode = 31), Db)
: ((c.havedict = 1), oa)
: wa;
inflateInfo: 'pako inflate (from Nodeca project)',
Hb = function () {
this.os = this.xflags = this.time = this.text = 0;
this.extra = null;
this.extra_len = 0;
this.comment = = '';
this.hcrc = 0;
this.done = !1;
nb = Object.prototype.toString,
$a = L.Z_NO_FLUSH,
ob = L.Z_OK,
m.prototype.push = function (a, b) {
var c,
f = this.strm,
g = this.options.chunkSize,
q = this.options.dictionary;
if (this.ended) return !1;
d = b === ~~b ? b : !0 === b ? Ib : $a;
'[object ArrayBuffer]' === ? (f.input = new Uint8Array(a)) : (f.input = a);
f.next_in = 0;
for (f.avail_in = f.input.length; ; ) {
0 === f.avail_out && ((f.output = new Uint8Array(g)), (f.next_out = 0), (f.avail_out = g));
for (
(c = Va.inflate(f, d)) === Cb &&
q &&
((c = Va.inflateSetDictionary(f, q)) === ob ? (c = Va.inflate(f, d)) : c === zb && (c = Cb));
0 < f.avail_in && c === xb && 0 < f.state.wrap && 0 !== a[f.next_in];
Va.inflateReset(f), (c = Va.inflate(f, d));
switch (c) {
case Jb:
case zb:
case Cb:
case Ab:
return this.onEnd(c), (this.ended = !0), !1;
if (((e = f.avail_out), f.next_out && (0 === f.avail_out || c === xb)))
if ('string' === {
var k;
k = f.output;
var h = f.next_out;
(h = h || k.length) > k.length && (h = k.length);
for (var w = h - 1; 0 <= w && 128 == (192 & k[w]); ) w--;
k = 0 > w || 0 === w ? h : w + aa[k[w]] > h ? w : h;
var h = f.next_out - k,
y = f.output,
l = k || y.length,
w = Array(2 * l);
for (G = A = 0; G < l; ) {
var H = y[G++];
if (128 > H) w[A++] = H;
else {
var m = aa[H];
if (4 < m) (w[A++] = 65533), (G += m - 1);
else {
for (H &= 2 === m ? 31 : 3 === m ? 15 : 7; 1 < m && G < l; ) (H = (H << 6) | (63 & y[G++])), m--;
1 < m
? (w[A++] = 65533)
: 65536 > H
? (w[A++] = H)
: ((H -= 65536), (w[A++] = 55296 | ((H >> 10) & 1023)), (w[A++] = 56320 | (1023 & H)));
if (65534 > A && w.subarray && kb) w = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, w.length === A ? w : w.subarray(0, A));
else {
G = '';
for (y = 0; y < A; y++) G += String.fromCharCode(w[y]);
w = G;
f.next_out = h;
f.avail_out = g - h;
h && f.output.set(f.output.subarray(k, k + h), 0);
} else this.onData(f.output.length === f.next_out ? f.output : f.output.subarray(0, f.next_out));
if (c !== ob || 0 !== e) {
if (c === xb) return (c = Va.inflateEnd(this.strm)), this.onEnd(c), (this.ended = !0), !0;
if (0 === f.avail_in) break;
return !0;
m.prototype.onData = function (a) {
m.prototype.onEnd = function (a) {
a === ob && ('string' === ? (this.result = this.chunks.join('')) : (this.result = ga(this.chunks)));
this.chunks = [];
this.err = a;
this.msg = this.strm.msg;
var Kb = function (a, b) {
return ((b = b || {}).raw = !0), h(a, b);
Gb = function (a, b) {
return ((b = b || {}).gzip = !0), h(a, b);
Lb = function (a, b) {
return ((b = b || {}).raw = !0), n(a, b);
Mb = {
Deflate: k,
deflate: h,
deflateRaw: Kb,
gzip: Gb,
Inflate: m,
inflate: n,
inflateRaw: Lb,
ungzip: n,
constants: L,
a.Deflate = k;
a.Inflate = m;
a.constants = L;
a['default'] = Mb;
a.deflate = h;
a.deflateRaw = Kb;
a.gzip = Gb;
a.inflate = n;
a.inflateRaw = Lb;
a.ungzip = n;
Object.defineProperty(a, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
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counter: 0,
get: function (a) {
if (null != a) {
if (null == a[mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME])
if ('object' === typeof a) {
var b = mxUtils.getFunctionName(a.constructor);
a[mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME] = b + '#' + mxObjectIdentity.counter++;
} else 'function' === typeof a && (a[mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME] = 'Function#' + mxObjectIdentity.counter++);
return a[mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME];
return null;
clear: function (a) {
('object' !== typeof a && 'function' !== typeof a) || delete a[mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME];
function mxDictionary() {
} = null;
mxDictionary.prototype.clear = function () { = {};
mxDictionary.prototype.get = function (a) {
a = mxObjectIdentity.get(a);
mxDictionary.prototype.put = function (a, b) {
var c = mxObjectIdentity.get(a),
d =[c];[c] = b;
return d;
mxDictionary.prototype.remove = function (a) {
a = mxObjectIdentity.get(a);
var b =[a];
return b;
mxDictionary.prototype.getKeys = function () {
var a = [],
for (b in a.push(b);
return a;
mxDictionary.prototype.getValues = function () {
var a = [],
for (b in a.push([b]);
return a;
mxDictionary.prototype.visit = function (a) {
for (var b in a(b,[b]);
var mxResources = {
resources: {},
extension: mxResourceExtension,
resourcesEncoded: !1,
loadDefaultBundle: !0,
loadSpecialBundle: !0,
isLanguageSupported: function (a) {
return null != mxClient.languages ? 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(mxClient.languages, a) : !0;
getDefaultBundle: function (a, b) {
return mxResources.loadDefaultBundle || !mxResources.isLanguageSupported(b) ? a + mxResources.extension : null;
getSpecialBundle: function (a, b) {
if (null == mxClient.languages || !this.isLanguageSupported(b)) {
var c = b.indexOf('-');
0 < c && (b = b.substring(0, c));
return mxResources.loadSpecialBundle && mxResources.isLanguageSupported(b) && b != mxClient.defaultLanguage
? a + '_' + b + mxResources.extension
: null;
add: function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : null != mxClient.language ? mxClient.language.toLowerCase() : mxConstants.NONE;
if (b != mxConstants.NONE) {
var d = mxResources.getDefaultBundle(a, b),
e = mxResources.getSpecialBundle(a, b),
f = function () {
if (null != e)
if (c)
function (a) {
function () {
try {
var a = mxUtils.load(e);
a.isReady() && mxResources.parse(a.getText());
} catch (h) {}
else null != c && c();
if (null != d)
if (c)
function (a) {
function () {
try {
var g = mxUtils.load(d);
g.isReady() && mxResources.parse(g.getText());
} catch (k) {}
else f();
parse: function (a) {
if (null != a) {
a = a.split('\n');
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
if ('#' != a[b].charAt(0)) {
var c = a[b].indexOf('=');
if (0 < c) {
var d = a[b].substring(0, c),
e = a[b].length;
13 == a[b].charCodeAt(e - 1) && e--;
c = a[b].substring(c + 1, e);
? ((c = c.replace(/\\(?=u[a-fA-F\d]{4})/g, '%')), (mxResources.resources[d] = unescape(c)))
: (mxResources.resources[d] = c);
get: function (a, b, c) {
a = mxResources.resources[a];
null == a && (a = c);
null != a && null != b && (a = mxResources.replacePlaceholders(a, b));
return a;
replacePlaceholders: function (a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = null, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = a.charAt(e);
'{' == f
? (d = '')
: null != d && '}' == f
? ((d = parseInt(d) - 1), 0 <= d && d < b.length && c.push(b[d]), (d = null))
: null != d
? (d += f)
: c.push(f);
return c.join('');
loadResources: function (a) {
mxResources.add(mxClient.basePath + '/resources/editor', null, function () {
mxResources.add(mxClient.basePath + '/resources/graph', null, a);
function mxPoint(a, b) {
this.x = null != a ? a : 0;
this.y = null != b ? b : 0;
mxPoint.prototype.x = null;
mxPoint.prototype.y = null;
mxPoint.prototype.equals = function (a) {
return null != a && a.x == this.x && a.y == this.y;
mxPoint.prototype.clone = function () {
return mxUtils.clone(this);
function mxRectangle(a, b, c, d) {, a, b);
this.width = null != c ? c : 0;
this.height = null != d ? d : 0;
mxRectangle.prototype = new mxPoint();
mxRectangle.prototype.constructor = mxRectangle;
mxRectangle.prototype.width = null;
mxRectangle.prototype.height = null;
mxRectangle.prototype.setRect = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.width = c;
this.height = d;
mxRectangle.prototype.getCenterX = function () {
return this.x + this.width / 2;
mxRectangle.prototype.getCenterY = function () {
return this.y + this.height / 2;
mxRectangle.prototype.add = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = Math.min(this.x, a.x),
c = Math.min(this.y, a.y),
d = Math.max(this.x + this.width, a.x + a.width);
a = Math.max(this.y + this.height, a.y + a.height);
this.x = b;
this.y = c;
this.width = d - b;
this.height = a - c;
mxRectangle.prototype.intersect = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.x + this.width,
c = a.x + a.width,
d = this.y + this.height,
e = a.y + a.height;
this.x = Math.max(this.x, a.x);
this.y = Math.max(this.y, a.y);
this.width = Math.min(b, c) - this.x;
this.height = Math.min(d, e) - this.y;
mxRectangle.prototype.grow = function (a) {
this.x -= a;
this.y -= a;
this.width += 2 * a;
this.height += 2 * a;
return this;
mxRectangle.prototype.getPoint = function () {
return new mxPoint(this.x, this.y);
mxRectangle.prototype.rotate90 = function () {
var a = (this.width - this.height) / 2;
this.x += a;
this.y -= a;
a = this.width;
this.width = this.height;
this.height = a;
mxRectangle.prototype.equals = function (a) {
return null != a && a.x == this.x && a.y == this.y && a.width == this.width && a.height == this.height;
mxRectangle.fromPoint = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, 0, 0);
mxRectangle.fromRectangle = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
var mxUtils = {
errorResource: 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'error' : '',
closeResource: 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'close' : '',
errorImage: mxClient.imageBasePath + '/error.gif',
removeCursors: function (a) {
null != && ( = '');
a = a.childNodes;
if (null != a) for (var b = a.length, c = 0; c < b; c += 1) mxUtils.removeCursors(a[c]);
getCurrentStyle: (function () {
return mxClient.IS_IE && (null == document.documentMode || 9 > document.documentMode)
? function (a) {
return null != a ? a.currentStyle : null;
: function (a) {
return null != a ? window.getComputedStyle(a, '') : null;
parseCssNumber: function (a) {
'thin' == a ? (a = '2') : 'medium' == a ? (a = '4') : 'thick' == a && (a = '6');
a = parseFloat(a);
isNaN(a) && (a = 0);
return a;
setPrefixedStyle: (function () {
var a = null;
? (a = 'O')
: mxClient.IS_SF || mxClient.IS_GC
? (a = 'Webkit')
: mxClient.IS_MT
? (a = 'Moz')
: mxClient.IS_IE && 9 <= document.documentMode && 10 > document.documentMode && (a = 'ms');
return function (b, c, d) {
b[c] = d;
null != a && 0 < c.length && ((c = a + c.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + c.substring(1)), (b[c] = d));
hasScrollbars: function (a) {
a = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(a);
return null != a && ('scroll' == a.overflow || 'auto' == a.overflow);
bind: function (a, b) {
return function () {
return b.apply(a, arguments);
eval: function (a) {
var b = null;
if (0 <= a.indexOf('function'))
try {
eval('var _mxJavaScriptExpression=' + a), (b = _mxJavaScriptExpression), (_mxJavaScriptExpression = null);
} catch (c) {
mxLog.warn(c.message + ' while evaluating ' + a);
try {
b = eval(a);
} catch (c) {
mxLog.warn(c.message + ' while evaluating ' + a);
return b;
findNode: function (a, b, c) {
if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
var d = a.getAttribute(b);
if (null != d && d == c) return a;
for (a = a.firstChild; null != a; ) {
d = mxUtils.findNode(a, b, c);
if (null != d) return d;
a = a.nextSibling;
return null;
getFunctionName: function (a) {
var b = null;
null != a &&
(null !=
? (b =
: ((b = mxUtils.trim(a.toString())),
/^function\s/.test(b) &&
((b = mxUtils.ltrim(b.substring(9))), (a = b.indexOf('(')), 0 < a && (b = b.substring(0, a)))));
return b;
indexOf: function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (a[c] == b) return c;
return -1;
forEach: function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b(a[c]);
return a;
remove: function (a, b) {
var c = null;
if ('object' == typeof b)
for (var d = mxUtils.indexOf(b, a); 0 <= d; ) b.splice(d, 1), (c = a), (d = mxUtils.indexOf(b, a));
for (var e in b) b[e] == a && (delete b[e], (c = a));
return c;
isNode: function (a, b, c, d) {
return null == a || isNaN(a.nodeType) || (null != b && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() != b.toLowerCase())
? !1
: null == c || a.getAttribute(c) == d;
isAncestorNode: function (a, b) {
for (var c = b; null != c; ) {
if (c == a) return !0;
c = c.parentNode;
return !1;
getChildNodes: function (a, b) {
b = b || mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT;
for (var c = [], d = a.firstChild; null != d; ) d.nodeType == b && c.push(d), (d = d.nextSibling);
return c;
importNode: function (a, b, c) {
return mxClient.IS_IE && (null == document.documentMode || 10 > document.documentMode)
? mxUtils.importNodeImplementation(a, b, c)
: a.importNode(b, c);
importNodeImplementation: function (a, b, c) {
switch (b.nodeType) {
case 1:
var d = a.createElement(b.nodeName);
if (b.attributes && 0 < b.attributes.length)
for (var e = 0; e < b.attributes.length; e++)
d.setAttribute(b.attributes[e].nodeName, b.getAttribute(b.attributes[e].nodeName));
if (c && b.childNodes && 0 < b.childNodes.length)
for (e = 0; e < b.childNodes.length; e++)
d.appendChild(mxUtils.importNodeImplementation(a, b.childNodes[e], c));
return d;
case 3:
case 4:
case 8:
return a.createTextNode(null != b.nodeValue ? b.nodeValue : b.value);
createXmlDocument: function () {
var a = null;
document.implementation &&
document.implementation.createDocument &&
(a = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null));
return a;
parseXml: function (a) {
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(a, 'text/xml');
clearSelection: (function () {
return document.selection
? function () {
: window.getSelection
? function () {
? window.getSelection().empty()
: window.getSelection().removeAllRanges && window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
: function () {};
removeWhitespace: function (a, b) {
for (var c = b ? a.previousSibling : a.nextSibling; null != c && c.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_TEXT; ) {
var d = b ? c.previousSibling : c.nextSibling,
e = mxUtils.getTextContent(c);
0 == mxUtils.trim(e).length && c.parentNode.removeChild(c);
c = d;
htmlEntities: function (a, b) {
a = String(a || '');
a = a.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
a = a.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
a = a.replace(/\'/g, '&#39;');
a = a.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
a = a.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
if (null == b || b) a = a.replace(/\n/g, '&#xa;');
return a;
decodeHtml: function (a) {
var b = document.createElement('textarea');
b.innerHTML = a;
return b.value;
getXml: function (a, b) {
var c = '';
mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11
? (c = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(a, '', '', ''))
: null != window.XMLSerializer
? (c = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(a))
: null != a.xml &&
(c = a.xml
.replace(/\r\n\t[\t]*/g, '')
.replace(/>\r\n/g, '>')
.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'));
return (c = c.replace(/\n/g, b || '&#xa;'));
getPrettyXml: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = [];
if (null != a)
if (
((b = null != b ? b : ' '),
(c = null != c ? c : ''),
(d = null != d ? d : '\n'),
null != a.namespaceURI &&
a.namespaceURI != e &&
((e = a.namespaceURI), null == a.getAttribute('xmlns') && a.setAttribute('xmlns', a.namespaceURI)),
a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_DOCUMENT)
f.push(mxUtils.getPrettyXml(a.documentElement, b, c, d, e));
else if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
var g = a.firstChild;
if (null != g) for (; null != g; ) f.push(mxUtils.getPrettyXml(g, b, c, d, e)), (g = g.nextSibling);
} else if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_COMMENT)
(a = mxUtils.getTextContent(a)), 0 < a.length && f.push(c + '\x3c!--' + a + '--\x3e' + d);
else if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_TEXT)
(a = mxUtils.trim(mxUtils.getTextContent(a))), 0 < a.length && f.push(c + mxUtils.htmlEntities(a, !1) + d);
else if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_CDATA)
(a = mxUtils.getTextContent(a)), 0 < a.length && f.push(c + '<![CDATA[' + a + ']]' + d);
else {
f.push(c + '<' + a.nodeName);
g = a.attributes;
if (null != g)
for (var k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
var h = mxUtils.htmlEntities(g[k].value);
f.push(' ' + g[k].nodeName + '="' + h + '"');
g = a.firstChild;
if (null != g) {
for (f.push('>' + d); null != g; ) f.push(mxUtils.getPrettyXml(g, b, c + b, d, e)), (g = g.nextSibling);
f.push(c + '</' + a.nodeName + '>' + d);
} else f.push(' />' + d);
return f.join('');
extractTextWithWhitespace: function (a) {
function b(a) {
if (1 != a.length || ('BR' != a[0].nodeName && '\n' != a[0].innerHTML))
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var g = a[e];
'BR' == g.nodeName ||
'\n' == g.innerHTML ||
((1 == a.length || 0 == e) && 'DIV' == g.nodeName && '<br>' == g.innerHTML.toLowerCase())
? d.push('\n')
: (3 === g.nodeType || 4 === g.nodeType
? 0 < g.nodeValue.length && d.push(g.nodeValue)
: 8 !== g.nodeType && 0 < g.childNodes.length && b(g.childNodes),
e < a.length - 1 && 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(c, a[e + 1].nodeName) && d.push('\n'));
var c = 'BLOCKQUOTE DIV H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 OL P PRE TABLE UL'.split(' '),
d = [];
return d.join('');
replaceTrailingNewlines: function (a, b) {
for (var c = ''; 0 < a.length && '\n' == a.charAt(a.length - 1); ) (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1)), (c += b);
return a + c;
getTextContent: function (a) {
return mxClient.IS_IE && void 0 !== a.innerText
? a.innerText
: null != a
? a[void 0 === a.textContent ? 'text' : 'textContent']
: '';
setTextContent: function (a, b) {
void 0 !== a.innerText ? (a.innerText = b) : (a[void 0 === a.textContent ? 'text' : 'textContent'] = b);
getInnerHtml: (function () {
return mxClient.IS_IE
? function (a) {
return null != a ? a.innerHTML : '';
: function (a) {
return null != a ? new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(a) : '';
getOuterHtml: (function () {
return mxClient.IS_IE
? function (a) {
if (null != a) {
if (null != a.outerHTML) return a.outerHTML;
var b = [];
b.push('<' + a.nodeName);
var c = a.attributes;
if (null != c)
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d].value;
null != e &&
0 < e.length &&
(b.push(' '), b.push(c[d].nodeName), b.push('="'), b.push(e), b.push('"'));
0 == a.innerHTML.length
? b.push('/>')
: (b.push('>'), b.push(a.innerHTML), b.push('</' + a.nodeName + '>'));
return b.join('');
return '';
: function (a) {
return null != a ? new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(a) : '';
write: function (a, b) {
var c = a.ownerDocument.createTextNode(b);
null != a && a.appendChild(c);
return c;
writeln: function (a, b) {
var c = a.ownerDocument.createTextNode(b);
null != a && (a.appendChild(c), a.appendChild(document.createElement('br')));
return c;
br: function (a, b) {
b = b || 1;
for (var c = null, d = 0; d < b; d++) null != a && ((c = a.ownerDocument.createElement('br')), a.appendChild(c));
return c;
button: function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : document;
c = c.createElement('button');
mxUtils.write(c, a);
mxEvent.addListener(c, 'click', function (a) {
return c;
para: function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement('p');
mxUtils.write(c, b);
null != a && a.appendChild(c);
return c;
addTransparentBackgroundFilter: function (a) { +=
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" +
mxClient.imageBasePath +
"/transparent.gif', sizingMethod='scale')";
linkAction: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
function () {
linkInvoke: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
function () {
link: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = document.createElement('span'); = 'blue'; = 'underline'; = 'pointer';
null != d && ( = d + 'px');
mxEvent.addListener(e, 'click', c);
mxUtils.write(e, b);
null != a && a.appendChild(e);
return e;
getDocumentSize: function () {
var a = document.body,
b = document.documentElement;
try {
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, a.clientWidth || b.clientWidth, Math.max(a.clientHeight || 0, b.clientHeight));
} catch (c) {
return new mxRectangle();
fit: function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getDocumentSize(),
c = parseInt(a.offsetLeft),
d = parseInt(a.offsetWidth),
e = mxUtils.getDocumentScrollOrigin(a.ownerDocument),
f = e.x,
e = e.y,
g = f + b.width;
c + d > g && ( = Math.max(f, g - d) + 'px');
c = parseInt(a.offsetTop);
d = parseInt(a.offsetHeight);
b = e + b.height;
c + d > b && ( = Math.max(e, b - d) + 'px');
load: function (a) {
a = new mxXmlRequest(a, null, 'GET', !1);
return a;
get: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = new mxXmlRequest(a, null, 'GET');
var k = a.setRequestHeaders;
g &&
(a.setRequestHeaders = function (a, b) {
k.apply(this, arguments);
for (var c in g) a.setRequestHeader(c, g[c]);
null != d && a.setBinary(d);
a.send(b, c, e, f);
return a;
getAll: function (a, b, c) {
for (
var d = a.length,
e = [],
f = 0,
g = function () {
0 == f && null != c && c();
k = 0;
k < a.length;
(function (a, c) {
function (a) {
var f = a.getStatus();
200 > f || 299 < f ? g() : ((e[c] = a), d--, 0 == d && b(e));
})(a[k], k);
0 == d && b(e);
post: function (a, b, c, d) {
return new mxXmlRequest(a, b).send(c, d);
submit: function (a, b, c, d) {
return new mxXmlRequest(a, b).simulate(c, d);
loadInto: function (a, b, c) {
? (b.onreadystatechange = function () {
4 == b.readyState && c();
: b.addEventListener('load', c, !1);
getValue: function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a[b] : null;
null == a && (a = c);
return a;
getNumber: function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a[b] : null;
null == a && (a = c || 0);
return Number(a);
getColor: function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a[b] : null;
null == a ? (a = c) : a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
return a;
isEmptyObject: function (a) {
for (var b in a) return !1;
return !0;
clone: function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
var d = null;
if (null != a && 'function' == typeof a.constructor)
if (a.constructor === Element) d = a.cloneNode(null != c ? !c : !1);
else {
var d = new a.constructor(),
for (e in a)
e != mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME &&
(null == b || 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(b, e)) &&
(d[e] = c || 'object' != typeof a[e] ? a[e] : mxUtils.clone(a[e]));
return d;
equalPoints: function (a, b) {
if ((null == a && null != b) || (null != a && null == b) || (null != a && null != b && a.length != b.length))
return !1;
if (null != a && null != b)
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (
(null != a[c] && null == b[c]) ||
(null == a[c] && null != b[c]) ||
(null != a[c] && null != b[c] && (a[c].x != b[c].x || a[c].y != b[c].y))
return !1;
return !0;
equalEntries: function (a, b) {
var c = 0;
if ((null == a && null != b) || (null != a && null == b) || (null != a && null != b && a.length != b.length))
return !1;
if (null != a && null != b) {
for (var d in b) c++;
for (d in a) if ((c--, !((mxUtils.isNaN(a[d]) && mxUtils.isNaN(b[d])) || a[d] == b[d]))) return !1;
return 0 == c;
removeDuplicates: function (a) {
for (var b = new mxDictionary(), c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b.get(a[d]) || (c.push(a[d]), b.put(a[d], !0));
return c;
isNaN: function (a) {
return 'number' == typeof a && isNaN(a);
extend: function (a, b) {
var c = function () {};
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c();
a.prototype.constructor = a;
toString: function (a) {
var b = '',
for (c in a)
try {
if (null == a[c]) b += c + ' = [null]\n';
else if ('function' == typeof a[c]) b += c + ' => [Function]\n';
else if ('object' == typeof a[c])
var d = mxUtils.getFunctionName(a[c].constructor),
b = b + (c + ' => [' + d + ']\n');
else b += c + ' = ' + a[c] + '\n';
} catch (e) {
b += c + '=' + e.message;
return b;
toRadians: function (a) {
return (Math.PI * a) / 180;
toDegree: function (a) {
return (180 * a) / Math.PI;
arcToCurves: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
k -= a;
h -= b;
if (0 === c || 0 === d) return p;
c = Math.abs(c);
d = Math.abs(d);
var l = -k / 2,
m = -h / 2,
n = Math.cos((e * Math.PI) / 180),
p = Math.sin((e * Math.PI) / 180);
e = n * l + p * m;
var l = -1 * p * l + n * m,
m = e * e,
r = l * l,
t = c * c,
u = d * d,
x = m / t + r / u;
1 < x
? ((c *= Math.sqrt(x)), (d *= Math.sqrt(x)), (f = 0))
: ((x = 1), f === g && (x = -1), (f = x * Math.sqrt((t * u - t * r - u * m) / (t * r + u * m))));
m = (f * c * l) / d;
r = (-1 * f * d * e) / c;
k = n * m - p * r + k / 2;
h = p * m + n * r + h / 2;
t = Math.atan2((l - r) / d, (e - m) / c) - Math.atan2(0, 1);
f = 0 <= t ? t : 2 * Math.PI + t;
t = Math.atan2((-l - r) / d, (-e - m) / c) - Math.atan2((l - r) / d, (e - m) / c);
e = 0 <= t ? t : 2 * Math.PI + t;
0 == g && 0 < e ? (e -= 2 * Math.PI) : 0 != g && 0 > e && (e += 2 * Math.PI);
g = (2 * e) / Math.PI;
g = Math.ceil(0 > g ? -1 * g : g);
e /= g;
l = ((8 / 3) * Math.sin(e / 4) * Math.sin(e / 4)) / Math.sin(e / 2);
m = n * c;
n *= d;
c *= p;
d *= p;
for (
var z = Math.cos(f), D = Math.sin(f), r = -l * (m * D + d * z), t = -l * (c * D - n * z), p = [], B = 0;
B < g;
) {
f += e;
var z = Math.cos(f),
D = Math.sin(f),
u = m * z - d * D + k,
x = c * z + n * D + h,
C = -l * (m * D + d * z),
z = -l * (c * D - n * z),
D = 6 * B;
p[D] = Number(r + a);
p[D + 1] = Number(t + b);
p[D + 2] = Number(u - C + a);
p[D + 3] = Number(x - z + b);
p[D + 4] = Number(u + a);
p[D + 5] = Number(x + b);
r = u + C;
t = x + z;
return p;
getBoundingBox: function (a, b, c) {
var d = null;
if (null != a && null != b && 0 != b) {
b = mxUtils.toRadians(b);
var d = Math.cos(b),
e = Math.sin(b);
c = null != c ? c : new mxPoint(a.x + a.width / 2, a.y + a.height / 2);
var f = new mxPoint(a.x, a.y);
b = new mxPoint(a.x + a.width, a.y);
var g = new mxPoint(b.x, a.y + a.height);
a = new mxPoint(a.x, g.y);
f = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(f, d, e, c);
b = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(b, d, e, c);
g = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(g, d, e, c);
a = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(a, d, e, c);
d = new mxRectangle(f.x, f.y, 0, 0);
d.add(new mxRectangle(b.x, b.y, 0, 0));
d.add(new mxRectangle(g.x, g.y, 0, 0));
d.add(new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, 0, 0));
return d;
getRotatedPoint: function (a, b, c, d) {
d = null != d ? d : new mxPoint();
var e = a.x - d.x;
a = a.y - d.y;
return new mxPoint(e * b - a * c + d.x, a * b + e * c + d.y);
getPortConstraints: function (a, b, c, d) {
b = mxUtils.getValue(,
if (null == b) return d;
d = b.toString();
b = mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NONE;
c = 0;
1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_PORT_CONSTRAINT_ROTATION, 0) &&
(c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0));
a = 0;
45 < c ? ((a = 1), 135 <= c && (a = 2)) : -45 > c && ((a = 3), -135 >= c && (a = 2));
if (0 <= d.indexOf(mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH))
switch (a) {
case 0:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH;
case 1:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST;
case 2:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH;
case 3:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST;
if (0 <= d.indexOf(mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST))
switch (a) {
case 0:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST;
case 1:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH;
case 2:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST;
case 3:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH;
if (0 <= d.indexOf(mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
switch (a) {
case 0:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH;
case 1:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST;
case 2:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH;
case 3:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST;
if (0 <= d.indexOf(mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST))
switch (a) {
case 0:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST;
case 1:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH;
case 2:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST;
case 3:
b |= mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH;
return b;
reversePortConstraints: function (a) {
var b;
b = (a & mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST) << 3;
b |= (a & mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH) << 1;
b |= (a & mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH) >> 1;
return (b |= (a & mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST) >> 3);
findNearestSegment: function (a, b, c) {
var d = -1;
if (0 < a.absolutePoints.length)
for (var e = a.absolutePoints[0], f = null, g = 1; g < a.absolutePoints.length; g++) {
var k = a.absolutePoints[g],
e = mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(e.x, e.y, k.x, k.y, b, c);
if (null == f || e < f) (f = e), (d = g - 1);
e = k;
return d;
getDirectedBounds: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST);
d = null != d ? d : mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, !1);
e = null != e ? e : mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, !1);
b.x = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x)));
b.y = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y)));
b.width = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.width)));
b.height = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.height)));
if (
(e && (f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)) ||
(d && (f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST))
(c = b.x), (b.x = b.width), (b.width = c);
if (
(d && (f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)) ||
(e && (f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST))
(c = b.y), (b.y = b.height), (b.height = c);
d = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(b);
f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((d.y = b.x), (d.x = b.height), (d.width = b.y), (d.height = b.width))
: f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? ((d.y = b.height), (d.x = b.width), (d.width = b.x), (d.height = b.y))
: f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH && ((d.y = b.width), (d.x = b.y), (d.width = b.height), (d.height = b.x));
return new mxRectangle(a.x + d.x, a.y + d.y, a.width - d.width - d.x, a.height - d.height - d.y);
getPerimeterPoint: function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = null, e = 0; e < a.length - 1; e++) {
var f = mxUtils.intersection(a[e].x, a[e].y, a[e + 1].x, a[e + 1].y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y);
if (null != f) {
var g = c.x - f.x,
k = c.y - f.y,
f = { p: f, distSq: k * k + g * g };
null != f && (null == d || d.distSq > f.distSq) && (d = f);
return null != d ? d.p : null;
intersectsPoints: function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length - 1; c++) if (mxUtils.rectangleIntersectsSegment(a, b[c], b[c + 1])) return !0;
return !1;
rectangleIntersectsSegment: function (a, b, c) {
var d = a.y,
e = a.x,
f = d + a.height,
g = e + a.width;
a = b.x;
var k = c.x;
b.x > c.x && ((a = c.x), (k = b.x));
k > g && (k = g);
a < e && (a = e);
if (a > k) return !1;
var e = b.y,
g = c.y,
h = c.x - b.x;
1e-7 < Math.abs(h) && ((c = (c.y - b.y) / h), (b = b.y - c * b.x), (e = c * a + b), (g = c * k + b));
e > g && ((b = g), (g = e), (e = b));
g > f && (g = f);
e < d && (e = d);
return e > g ? !1 : !0;
contains: function (a, b, c) {
return a.x <= b && a.x + a.width >= b && a.y <= c && a.y + a.height >= c;
intersects: function (a, b) {
var c = a.width,
d = a.height,
e = b.width,
f = b.height;
if (0 >= e || 0 >= f || 0 >= c || 0 >= d) return !1;
var g = a.x,
k = a.y,
h = b.x,
l = b.y,
e = e + h,
f = f + l,
c = c + g,
d = d + k;
return (e < h || e > g) && (f < l || f > k) && (c < g || c > h) && (d < k || d > l);
intersectsHotspot: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
d = null != d ? d : 1;
e = null != e ? e : 0;
f = null != f ? f : 0;
if (0 < d) {
var g = a.getCenterX(),
k = a.getCenterY(),
h = a.width,
l = a.height,
m = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE) * a.view.scale;
0 < m &&
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0)
? ((k = a.y + m / 2), (l = m))
: ((g = a.x + m / 2), (h = m)));
h = Math.max(e, h * d);
l = Math.max(e, l * d);
0 < f && ((h = Math.min(h, f)), (l = Math.min(l, f)));
d = new mxRectangle(g - h / 2, k - l / 2, h, l);
g = mxUtils.toRadians(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0);
0 != g &&
((e = Math.cos(-g)),
(f = Math.sin(-g)),
(g = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY())),
(a = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(b, c), e, f, g)),
(b = a.x),
(c = a.y));
return mxUtils.contains(d, b, c);
return !0;
getOffset: function (a, b) {
for (
var c = 0, d = 0, e = !1, f = a, g = document.body, k = document.documentElement;
null != f && f != g && f != k && !e;
) {
var h = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(f);
null != h && (e = e || 'fixed' == h.position);
f = f.parentNode;
b || e || ((e = mxUtils.getDocumentScrollOrigin(a.ownerDocument)), (c += e.x), (d += e.y));
e = a.getBoundingClientRect();
null != e && ((c += e.left), (d +=;
return new mxPoint(c, d);
getDocumentScrollOrigin: function (a) {
a = a.defaultView || a.parentWindow;
return new mxPoint(
null != a && void 0 !== window.pageXOffset
? window.pageXOffset
: (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft,
null != a && void 0 !== window.pageYOffset
? window.pageYOffset
: (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop
getScrollOrigin: function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = null != c ? c : !0;
for (
var d = null != a ? a.ownerDocument : document, e = d.body, f = d.documentElement, g = new mxPoint(), k = !1;
null != a && a != e && a != f;
) {
isNaN(a.scrollLeft) || isNaN(a.scrollTop) || ((g.x += a.scrollLeft), (g.y += a.scrollTop));
var h = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(a);
null != h && (k = k || 'fixed' == h.position);
a = b ? a.parentNode : null;
!k && c && ((a = mxUtils.getDocumentScrollOrigin(d)), (g.x += a.x), (g.y += a.y));
return g;
convertPoint: function (a, b, c) {
var d = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin(a, !1);
a = mxUtils.getOffset(a);
a.x -= d.x;
a.y -= d.y;
return new mxPoint(b - a.x, c - a.y);
ltrim: function (a, b) {
return null != a ? a.replace(new RegExp('^[' + (b || '\\s') + ']+', 'g'), '') : null;
rtrim: function (a, b) {
return null != a ? a.replace(new RegExp('[' + (b || '\\s') + ']+$', 'g'), '') : null;
trim: function (a, b) {
return mxUtils.ltrim(mxUtils.rtrim(a, b), b);
isNumeric: function (a) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(a)) && isFinite(a) && ('string' != typeof a || 0 > a.toLowerCase().indexOf('0x'));
isInteger: function (a) {
return String(parseInt(a)) === String(a);
mod: function (a, b) {
return ((a % b) + b) % b;
intersection: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
var h = (k - f) * (c - a) - (g - e) * (d - b);
g = ((g - e) * (b - f) - (k - f) * (a - e)) / h;
e = ((c - a) * (b - f) - (d - b) * (a - e)) / h;
return 0 <= g && 1 >= g && 0 <= e && 1 >= e ? new mxPoint(a + g * (c - a), b + g * (d - b)) : null;
ptSegDistSq: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
c -= a;
d -= b;
e -= a;
f -= b;
0 >= e * c + f * d
? (c = 0)
: ((e = c - e), (f = d - f), (a = e * c + f * d), (c = 0 >= a ? 0 : (a * a) / (c * c + d * d)));
e = e * e + f * f - c;
0 > e && (e = 0);
return e;
ptLineDist: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return Math.abs((d - b) * e - (c - a) * f + c * b - d * a) / Math.sqrt((d - b) * (d - b) + (c - a) * (c - a));
relativeCcw: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
c -= a;
d -= b;
e -= a;
f -= b;
a = e * d - f * c;
0 == a && ((a = e * c + f * d), 0 < a && ((a = (e - c) * c + (f - d) * d), 0 > a && (a = 0)));
return 0 > a ? -1 : 0 < a ? 1 : 0;
animateChanges: function (a, b) {
mxEffects.animateChanges.apply(this, arguments);
cascadeOpacity: function (a, b, c) {
mxEffects.cascadeOpacity.apply(this, arguments);
fadeOut: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
mxEffects.fadeOut.apply(this, arguments);
setOpacity: function (a, b) {
mxClient.IS_IE && ('undefined' === typeof document.documentMode || 9 > document.documentMode)
? ( = 100 <= b ? '' : 'alpha(opacity=' + b + ')')
: ( = b / 100);
createImage: function (a) {
var b;
b = document.createElement('img');
b.setAttribute('src', a);
b.setAttribute('border', '0');
return b;
sortCells: function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = new mxDictionary();
a.sort(function (a, e) {
var d = c.get(a);
null == d && ((d = mxCellPath.create(a).split(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR)), c.put(a, d));
var g = c.get(e);
null == g && ((g = mxCellPath.create(e).split(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR)), c.put(e, g));
d =, g);
return 0 == d ? 0 : 0 < d == b ? 1 : -1;
return a;
getStylename: function (a) {
return null != a && ((a = a.split(';')[0]), 0 > a.indexOf('=')) ? a : '';
getStylenames: function (a) {
var b = [];
if (null != a) {
a = a.split(';');
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) 0 > a[c].indexOf('=') && b.push(a[c]);
return b;
indexOfStylename: function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b)
for (var c = a.split(';'), d = 0, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
if (c[e] == b) return d;
d += c[e].length + 1;
return -1;
addStylename: function (a, b) {
0 > mxUtils.indexOfStylename(a, b) &&
(null == a ? (a = '') : 0 < a.length && ';' != a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (a += ';'), (a += b));
return a;
removeStylename: function (a, b) {
var c = [];
if (null != a) for (var d = a.split(';'), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e] != b && c.push(d[e]);
return c.join(';');
removeAllStylenames: function (a) {
var b = [];
if (null != a) {
a = a.split(';');
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) 0 <= a[c].indexOf('=') && b.push(a[c]);
return b.join(';');
setCellStyles: function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b && 0 < b.length) {
try {
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
if (null != b[e]) {
var f = mxUtils.setStyle(a.getStyle(b[e]), c, d);
a.setStyle(b[e], f);
} finally {
hex2rgb: function (a) {
if (null != a && 7 == a.length && '#' == a.charAt(0)) {
var b = parseInt(a.substring(1, 3), 16),
c = parseInt(a.substring(3, 5), 16);
a = parseInt(a.substring(5, 7), 16);
a = 'rgb(' + b + ', ' + c + ', ' + a + ')';
return a;
hex2rgba: function (a) {
if (null != a && 7 <= a.length && '#' == a.charAt(0)) {
var b = parseInt(a.substring(1, 3), 16),
c = parseInt(a.substring(3, 5), 16),
d = parseInt(a.substring(5, 7), 16),
e = 1;
7 < a.length && (e = parseInt(a.substring(7, 9), 16) / 255);
a = 'rgba(' + b + ', ' + c + ', ' + d + ', ' + e + ')';
return a;
rgba2hex: function (a) {
return (rgb =
a && a.match ? a.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i) : a) &&
4 === rgb.length
? '#' +
('0' + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
('0' + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) +
('0' + parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2)
: a;
setCssText: function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b)
for (var c = b.split(';'), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d].split(':');
1 < e.length &&
((e[0] = mxUtils.trim(
e[0].replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function (a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase();
(a[e[0]] = mxUtils.trim(e[1])));
setStyle: function (a, b, c) {
var d = null != c && ('undefined' == typeof c.length || 0 < c.length);
if (null == a || 0 == a.length) d && (a = b + '=' + c + ';');
else if (a.substring(0, b.length + 1) == b + '=') {
var e = a.indexOf(';');
a = d ? b + '=' + c + (0 > e ? ';' : a.substring(e)) : 0 > e || e == a.length - 1 ? '' : a.substring(e + 1);
} else {
var f = a.indexOf(';' + b + '=');
0 > f
? d && ((d = ';' == a.charAt(a.length - 1) ? '' : ';'), (a = a + d + b + '=' + c + ';'))
: ((e = a.indexOf(';', f + 1)),
(a = d
? a.substring(0, f + 1) + b + '=' + c + (0 > e ? ';' : a.substring(e))
: a.substring(0, f) + (0 > e ? ';' : a.substring(e))));
return a;
setCellStyleFlags: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != b && 0 < b.length) {
try {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
if (null != b[f]) {
var g = mxUtils.setStyleFlag(a.getStyle(b[f]), c, d, e);
a.setStyle(b[f], g);
} finally {
setStyleFlag: function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null == a || 0 == a.length) a = d || null == d ? b + '=' + c : b + '=0';
else {
var e = a.indexOf(b + '=');
if (0 > e)
(e = ';' == a.charAt(a.length - 1) ? '' : ';'), (a = d || null == d ? a + e + b + '=' + c : a + e + b + '=0');
else {
var f = a.indexOf(';', e),
g = 0 > f ? a.substring(e + b.length + 1) : a.substring(e + b.length + 1, f);
g = null == d ? parseInt(g) ^ c : d ? parseInt(g) | c : parseInt(g) & ~c;
a = a.substring(0, e) + b + '=' + g + (0 <= f ? a.substring(f) : '');
return a;
getAlignmentAsPoint: function (a, b) {
var c = -0.5,
d = -0.5;
a == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT ? (c = 0) : a == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (c = -1);
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? (d = 0) : b == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (d = -1);
return new mxPoint(c, d);
getSizeForString: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = null != b ? b : mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE;
c = null != c ? c : mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY;
var f = document.createElement('div'); = c; = Math.round(b) + 'px'; = Math.round(b * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px';
null != e &&
((e & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && ( = 'bold'),
(e & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && ( = 'italic'),
(b = []),
(e & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && b.push('underline'),
(e & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && b.push('line-through'),
0 < b.length && ( = b.join(' '))); = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = 'inline-block'; = '1';
null != d ? (( = d + 'px'), ( = 'normal')) : ( = 'nowrap');
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getViewXml: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
d = null != d ? d : 0;
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null == c && (c = [a.getModel().getRoot()]);
var f = a.getView(),
g = null,
k = f.isEventsEnabled();
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l = f.overlayPane;
a.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? ((f.drawPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g')),
(f.overlayPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g')))
: ((f.drawPane = f.drawPane.cloneNode(!1)),
(f.overlayPane = f.overlayPane.cloneNode(!1)));
var m = f.getTranslate();
f.translate = new mxPoint(d, e);
b = new mxTemporaryCellStates(a.getView(), b, c);
try {
g = new mxCodec().encode(a.getView());
} finally {
(f.translate = m),
(f.drawPane = h),
(f.overlayPane = l),
return g;
getScaleForPageCount: function (a, b, c, d) {
if (1 > a) return 1;
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c = c.height - 2 * d;
d = b.getGraphBounds().clone();
b = b.getView().getScale();
d.width /= b;
d.height /= b;
b = d.width;
var f = Math.sqrt(a);
d = Math.sqrt(b / d.height / (e / c));
c = f * d;
d = f / d;
if (1 > c && d > a) {
var g = d / a;
d = a;
c /= g;
1 > d && c > a && ((g = c / a), (c = a), (d /= g));
g = Math.ceil(c) * Math.ceil(d);
for (f = 0; g > a; ) {
var g = Math.floor(c) / c,
k = Math.floor(d) / d;
1 == g && (g = Math.floor(c - 1) / c);
1 == k && (k = Math.floor(d - 1) / d);
g = g > k ? g : k;
c *= g;
d *= g;
g = Math.ceil(c) * Math.ceil(d);
if (10 < f) break;
return ((e * c) / b) * 0.99999;
show: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
c = null != c ? c : 0;
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9 == document.documentMode &&
b.writeln('\x3c!--[if IE]><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9"><![endif]--\x3e');
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k = Math.ceil(c - g.x),
h = Math.ceil(d - g.y);
null == e && (e = Math.ceil(g.width + c) + Math.ceil(Math.ceil(g.x) - g.x));
null == f && (f = Math.ceil(g.height + d) + Math.ceil(Math.ceil(g.y) - g.y));
if (mxClient.IS_IE || 11 == document.documentMode) {
d = '<html><head>';
g = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
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d += '<style>';
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d += document.styleSheets[c].cssText;
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d =
d +
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('<div style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:' +
e +
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f +
'px;"><div style="position:relative;left:' +
k +
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h +
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b.writeln(d + '</div></div></body><html>');
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g = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) b.writeln(mxUtils.getOuterHtml(g[c]));
d = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
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d = document.getElementsByTagName('style');
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b.writeln('</head><body style="margin:0px;"></body></html>');
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c.position = 'absolute';
c.overflow = 'hidden'; = e + 'px'; = f + 'px';
e = b.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = k + 'px'; = h + 'px';
f = a.container.firstChild;
for (d = null; null != f; )
(g = f.cloneNode(!0)),
f == a.view.drawPane.ownerSVGElement ? (c.appendChild(g), (d = g)) : e.appendChild(g),
(f = f.nextSibling);
null != e.firstChild && b.body.appendChild(e);
null != d &&
(( = ''),
( = ''),
d.firstChild.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + k + ',' + h + ')'));
return b;
printScreen: function (a) {
var b =;
a.getGraphBounds();, b.document);
a = function () {
mxClient.IS_GC ? b.setTimeout(a, 500) : a();
popup: function (a, b) {
if (b) {
var c = document.createElement('div'); = 'scroll'; = '636px'; = '460px';
var d = document.createElement('pre');
d.innerHTML = mxUtils.htmlEntities(a, !1).replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');
c = new mxWindow(
'Popup Window',
document.body.clientWidth / 2 - 320,
Math.max(document.body.clientHeight || 0, document.documentElement.clientHeight) / 2 - 240,
} else
? ((c =, c.document.writeln('<pre>' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(a) + '</pre'), c.document.close())
: ((c =,
(d = c.document.createElement('pre')),
(d.innerHTML = mxUtils.htmlEntities(a, !1).replace(/\n/g, '<br>').replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;')),
alert: function (a) {
prompt: function (a, b) {
return prompt(a, null != b ? b : '');
confirm: function (a) {
return confirm(a);
error: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = document.createElement('div'); = '20px';
var f = document.createElement('img');
f.setAttribute('src', d || mxUtils.errorImage);
f.setAttribute('valign', 'bottom'); = 'middle';
e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
mxUtils.write(e, a);
a = document.body.clientWidth;
d = document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var g = new mxWindow(
mxResources.get(mxUtils.errorResource) || mxUtils.errorResource,
(a - b) / 2,
d / 4,
c &&
(b = document.createElement('p')),
(c = document.createElement('button')),
mxClient.IS_IE ? ( = 'float:right') : c.setAttribute('style', 'float:right'),
mxEvent.addListener(c, 'click', function (a) {
mxUtils.write(c, mxResources.get(mxUtils.closeResource) || mxUtils.closeResource),
return g;
makeDraggable: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) {
a = new mxDragSource(a, c);
a.dragOffset = new mxPoint(null != e ? e : 0, null != f ? f : mxConstants.TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSET);
a.autoscroll = g;
null != h && (a.highlightDropTargets = h);
null != l && (a.getDropTarget = l);
a.getGraphForEvent = function (a) {
return 'function' == typeof b ? b(a) : b;
null != d &&
((a.createDragElement = function () {
return d.cloneNode(!0);
k &&
(a.createPreviewElement = function (a) {
var b = d.cloneNode(!0),
c = parseInt(,
e = parseInt(; = Math.round(c * a.view.scale) + 'px'; = Math.round(e * a.view.scale) + 'px';
return b;
return a;
format: function (a) {
return parseFloat(parseFloat(a).toFixed(2));
mxConstants = {
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ALIGN_BOTTOM: 'bottom',
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EDGESTYLE_ELBOW: 'elbowEdgeStyle',
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EDGESTYLE_ORTHOGONAL: 'orthogonalEdgeStyle',
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PERIMETER_ELLIPSE: 'ellipsePerimeter',
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PERIMETER_RHOMBUS: 'rhombusPerimeter',
PERIMETER_HEXAGON: 'hexagonPerimeter',
PERIMETER_TRIANGLE: 'trianglePerimeter',
function mxEventObject(a) { = a; = [];
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b += 2)
null != arguments[b + 1] && ([arguments[b]] = arguments[b + 1]);
} = null; = null;
mxEventObject.prototype.consumed = !1;
mxEventObject.prototype.getName = function () {
mxEventObject.prototype.getProperties = function () {
mxEventObject.prototype.getProperty = function (a) {
mxEventObject.prototype.isConsumed = function () {
return this.consumed;
mxEventObject.prototype.consume = function () {
this.consumed = !0;
function mxMouseEvent(a, b) {
this.evt = a;
this.sourceState = this.state = b;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.consumed = !1;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.evt = null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.graphX = null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.graphY = null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.state = null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.sourceState = null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getEvent = function () {
return this.evt;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getSource = function () {
return mxEvent.getSource(this.evt);
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isSource = function (a) {
return null != a ? mxUtils.isAncestorNode(a.node, this.getSource()) : !1;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getX = function () {
return mxEvent.getClientX(this.getEvent());
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getY = function () {
return mxEvent.getClientY(this.getEvent());
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getGraphX = function () {
return this.graphX;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getGraphY = function () {
return this.graphY;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getState = function () {
return this.state;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.getCell = function () {
var a = this.getState();
return null != a ? a.cell : null;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isPopupTrigger = function () {
return mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(this.getEvent());
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isConsumed = function () {
return this.consumed;
mxMouseEvent.prototype.consume = function (a) {
(a = null != a ? a : null != this.evt.touches || mxEvent.isMouseEvent(this.evt)) &&
this.evt.preventDefault &&
mxClient.IS_IE && (this.evt.returnValue = !0);
this.consumed = !0;
function mxEventSource(a) {
mxEventSource.prototype.eventListeners = null;
mxEventSource.prototype.eventsEnabled = !0;
mxEventSource.prototype.eventSource = null;
mxEventSource.prototype.isEventsEnabled = function () {
return this.eventsEnabled;
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventsEnabled = function (a) {
this.eventsEnabled = a;
mxEventSource.prototype.getEventSource = function () {
return this.eventSource;
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventSource = function (a) {
this.eventSource = a;
mxEventSource.prototype.addListener = function (a, b) {
null == this.eventListeners && (this.eventListeners = []);
mxEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function (a) {
if (null != this.eventListeners)
for (var b = 0; b < this.eventListeners.length; )
this.eventListeners[b + 1] == a ? this.eventListeners.splice(b, 2) : (b += 2);
mxEventSource.prototype.fireEvent = function (a, b) {
if (null != this.eventListeners && this.isEventsEnabled()) {
null == a && (a = new mxEventObject());
null == b && (b = this.getEventSource());
null == b && (b = this);
for (var c = 0; c < this.eventListeners.length; c += 2) {
var d = this.eventListeners[c];
(null != d && d != a.getName()) || this.eventListeners[c + 1].apply(this, [b, a]);
var mxEvent = {
addListener: (function () {
if (window.addEventListener) {
var a = !1;
try {
function () {},
Object.defineProperty &&
Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
get: function () {
a = !0;
} catch (b) {}
return function (b, c, d) {
b.addEventListener(c, d, a ? { passive: !1 } : !1);
null == b.mxListenerList && (b.mxListenerList = []);
b.mxListenerList.push({ name: c, f: d });
return function (a, c, d) {
a.attachEvent('on' + c, d);
null == a.mxListenerList && (a.mxListenerList = []);
a.mxListenerList.push({ name: c, f: d });
removeListener: (function () {
var a = function (a, c, d) {
if (null != a.mxListenerList) {
c = a.mxListenerList.length;
for (var b = 0; b < c; b++)
if (a.mxListenerList[b].f == d) {
a.mxListenerList.splice(b, 1);
0 == a.mxListenerList.length && (a.mxListenerList = null);
return window.removeEventListener
? function (b, c, d) {
b.removeEventListener(c, d, !1);
a(b, c, d);
: function (b, c, d) {
b.detachEvent('on' + c, d);
a(b, c, d);
removeAllListeners: function (a) {
var b = a.mxListenerList;
if (null != b)
for (; 0 < b.length; ) {
var c = b[0];
mxEvent.removeListener(a,, c.f);
addGestureListeners: function (a, b, c, d) {
null != b && mxEvent.addListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', b);
null != c && mxEvent.addListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', c);
null != d && mxEvent.addListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', d);
!mxClient.IS_POINTER &&
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
(null != b && mxEvent.addListener(a, 'touchstart', b),
null != c && mxEvent.addListener(a, 'touchmove', c),
null != d && mxEvent.addListener(a, 'touchend', d));
removeGestureListeners: function (a, b, c, d) {
null != b && mxEvent.removeListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', b);
null != c && mxEvent.removeListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', c);
null != d && mxEvent.removeListener(a, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', d);
!mxClient.IS_POINTER &&
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
(null != b && mxEvent.removeListener(a, 'touchstart', b),
null != c && mxEvent.removeListener(a, 'touchmove', c),
null != d && mxEvent.removeListener(a, 'touchend', d));
redirectMouseEvents: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var k = function (a) {
return 'function' == typeof c ? c(a) : c;
function (a) {
null != d ? d(a) : mxEvent.isConsumed(a) || b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(a, k(a)));
function (a) {
null != e ? e(a) : mxEvent.isConsumed(a) || b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(a, k(a)));
function (a) {
null != f ? f(a) : mxEvent.isConsumed(a) || b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(a, k(a)));
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'dblclick', function (a) {
if (null != g) g(a);
else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(a)) {
var c = k(a);
b.dblClick(a, null != c ? c.cell : null);
release: function (a) {
try {
if (null != a) {
var b = a.childNodes;
if (null != b) {
var c = b.length;
for (a = 0; a < c; a += 1) mxEvent.release(b[a]);
} catch (d) {}
addMouseWheelListener: function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
b = null != b ? b : window;
if (mxClient.IS_SF && !mxClient.IS_TOUCH) {
var c = 1;
mxEvent.addListener(b, 'gesturestart', function (a) {
c = 1;
mxEvent.addListener(b, 'gesturechange', function (b) {
var d = c - b.scale;
0.2 < Math.abs(d) && (a(b, 0 > d, !0), (c = b.scale));
mxEvent.addListener(b, 'gestureend', function (a) {
} else {
var d = [],
e = 0,
f = 0;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a) || null == a.pointerId || d.push(a);
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
if (!mxEvent.isMouseEvent(b) && 2 == d.length) {
for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
if (b.pointerId == d[c].pointerId) {
d[c] = b;
b = Math.abs(d[0].clientX - d[1].clientX);
var c = Math.abs(d[0].clientY - d[1].clientY),
g = Math.abs(b - e),
l = Math.abs(c - f);
if (g > mxEvent.PINCH_THRESHOLD || l > mxEvent.PINCH_THRESHOLD)
g > l ? b > e : c > f,
d[0].clientX + (d[1].clientX - d[0].clientX) / 2,
d[0].clientY + (d[1].clientY - d[0].clientY) / 2
(e = b),
(f = c);
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
d = [];
f = e = 0;
mxEvent.addListener(b, 'wheel', function (b) {
null == b && (b = window.event);
b.ctrlKey && b.preventDefault();
(0.5 < Math.abs(b.deltaX) || 0.5 < Math.abs(b.deltaY)) && a(b, 0 == b.deltaY ? 0 < -b.deltaX : 0 < -b.deltaY);
disableContextMenu: function (a) {
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'contextmenu', function (a) {
a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
return !1;
getSource: function (a) {
return null != a.srcElement ? a.srcElement :;
isConsumed: function (a) {
return null != a.isConsumed && a.isConsumed;
isTouchEvent: function (a) {
return null != a.pointerType
? 'touch' == a.pointerType || a.pointerType === a.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH
: null != a.mozInputSource
? 5 == a.mozInputSource
: 0 == a.type.indexOf('touch');
isPenEvent: function (a) {
return null != a.pointerType
? 'pen' == a.pointerType || a.pointerType === a.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN
: null != a.mozInputSource
? 2 == a.mozInputSource
: 0 == a.type.indexOf('pen');
isMultiTouchEvent: function (a) {
return null != a.type && 0 == a.type.indexOf('touch') && null != a.touches && 1 < a.touches.length;
isMouseEvent: function (a) {
return !mxClient.IS_ANDROID && mxClient.IS_LINUX && mxClient.IS_GC
? !0
: null != a.pointerType
? 'mouse' == a.pointerType || a.pointerType === a.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE
: null != a.mozInputSource
? 1 == a.mozInputSource
: 0 == a.type.indexOf('mouse');
isLeftMouseButton: function (a) {
return 'buttons' in a && ('mousedown' == a.type || 'mousemove' == a.type)
? 1 == a.buttons
: 'which' in a
? 1 === a.which
: 1 === a.button;
isMiddleMouseButton: function (a) {
return 'which' in a ? 2 === a.which : 4 === a.button;
isRightMouseButton: function (a) {
return 'which' in a ? 3 === a.which : 2 === a.button;
isPopupTrigger: function (a) {
return (
mxEvent.isRightMouseButton(a) ||
(mxClient.IS_MAC &&
mxEvent.isControlDown(a) &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) &&
!mxEvent.isMetaDown(a) &&
isShiftDown: function (a) {
return null != a ? a.shiftKey : !1;
isAltDown: function (a) {
return null != a ? a.altKey : !1;
isControlDown: function (a) {
return null != a ? a.ctrlKey : !1;
isMetaDown: function (a) {
return null != a ? a.metaKey : !1;
getMainEvent: function (a) {
('touchstart' != a.type && 'touchmove' != a.type) || null == a.touches || null == a.touches[0]
? 'touchend' == a.type && null != a.changedTouches && null != a.changedTouches[0] && (a = a.changedTouches[0])
: (a = a.touches[0]);
return a;
getClientX: function (a) {
return mxEvent.getMainEvent(a).clientX;
getClientY: function (a) {
return mxEvent.getMainEvent(a).clientY;
consume: function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
if (null != b ? b : 1)
a.preventDefault ? (c && a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault()) : c && (a.cancelBubble = !0);
a.isConsumed = !0;
a.preventDefault || (a.returnValue = !1);
MOUSE_DOWN: 'mouseDown',
MOUSE_MOVE: 'mouseMove',
MOUSE_UP: 'mouseUp',
ACTIVATE: 'activate',
RESIZE_START: 'resizeStart',
RESIZE: 'resize',
RESIZE_END: 'resizeEnd',
MOVE_START: 'moveStart',
MOVE: 'move',
MOVE_END: 'moveEnd',
PAN_START: 'panStart',
PAN: 'pan',
PAN_END: 'panEnd',
MINIMIZE: 'minimize',
NORMALIZE: 'normalize',
MAXIMIZE: 'maximize',
HIDE: 'hide',
SHOW: 'show',
CLOSE: 'close',
DESTROY: 'destroy',
REFRESH: 'refresh',
SIZE: 'size',
SELECT: 'select',
FIRED: 'fired',
FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT: 'fireMouseEvent',
GESTURE: 'gesture',
TAP_AND_HOLD: 'tapAndHold',
GET: 'get',
RECEIVE: 'receive',
CONNECT: 'connect',
DISCONNECT: 'disconnect',
SUSPEND: 'suspend',
RESUME: 'resume',
MARK: 'mark',
ROOT: 'root',
POST: 'post',
OPEN: 'open',
SAVE: 'save',
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX: 'beforeAddVertex',
ADD_VERTEX: 'addVertex',
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX: 'afterAddVertex',
DONE: 'done',
EXECUTE: 'execute',
EXECUTED: 'executed',
BEGIN_UPDATE: 'beginUpdate',
START_EDIT: 'startEdit',
END_UPDATE: 'endUpdate',
END_EDIT: 'endEdit',
BEFORE_UNDO: 'beforeUndo',
UNDO: 'undo',
REDO: 'redo',
CHANGE: 'change',
NOTIFY: 'notify',
LAYOUT_CELLS: 'layoutCells',
CLICK: 'click',
SCALE: 'scale',
TRANSLATE: 'translate',
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE: 'scaleAndTranslate',
UP: 'up',
DOWN: 'down',
ADD: 'add',
REMOVE: 'remove',
CLEAR: 'clear',
ADD_CELLS: 'addCells',
CELLS_ADDED: 'cellsAdded',
MOVE_CELLS: 'moveCells',
CELLS_MOVED: 'cellsMoved',
RESIZE_CELLS: 'resizeCells',
CELLS_RESIZED: 'cellsResized',
TOGGLE_CELLS: 'toggleCells',
CELLS_TOGGLED: 'cellsToggled',
ORDER_CELLS: 'orderCells',
CELLS_ORDERED: 'cellsOrdered',
REMOVE_CELLS: 'removeCells',
CELLS_REMOVED: 'cellsRemoved',
GROUP_CELLS: 'groupCells',
UNGROUP_CELLS: 'ungroupCells',
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT: 'removeCellsFromParent',
FOLD_CELLS: 'foldCells',
CELLS_FOLDED: 'cellsFolded',
ALIGN_CELLS: 'alignCells',
LABEL_CHANGED: 'labelChanged',
CONNECT_CELL: 'connectCell',
CELL_CONNECTED: 'cellConnected',
SPLIT_EDGE: 'splitEdge',
FLIP_EDGE: 'flipEdge',
START_EDITING: 'startEditing',
EDITING_STARTED: 'editingStarted',
EDITING_STOPPED: 'editingStopped',
ADD_OVERLAY: 'addOverlay',
REMOVE_OVERLAY: 'removeOverlay',
UPDATE_CELL_SIZE: 'updateCellSize',
ESCAPE: 'escape',
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick',
START: 'start',
RESET: 'reset',
function mxXmlRequest(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.url = a;
this.params = b;
this.method = c || 'POST';
this.async = null != d ? d : !0;
this.username = e;
this.password = f;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.url = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.params = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.method = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.async = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.binary = !1;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.withCredentials = !1;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.username = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.password = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.request = null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.decodeSimulateValues = !1;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.isBinary = function () {
return this.binary;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setBinary = function (a) {
this.binary = a;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.getText = function () {
return this.request.responseText;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.isReady = function () {
return 4 == this.request.readyState;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.getDocumentElement = function () {
var a = this.getXml();
return null != a ? a.documentElement : null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.getXml = function () {
var a = this.request.responseXML;
if (9 <= document.documentMode || null == a || null == a.documentElement)
a = mxUtils.parseXml(this.request.responseText);
return a;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.getStatus = function () {
return null != this.request ? this.request.status : null;
mxXmlRequest.prototype.create = (function () {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
return function () {
var a = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.isBinary() && a.overrideMimeType && a.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
return a;
if ('undefined' != typeof ActiveXObject)
return function () {
return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
mxXmlRequest.prototype.send = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.request = this.create();
null != this.request &&
(null != a &&
(this.request.onreadystatechange = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.isReady() && (a(this), (this.request.onreadystatechange = null));
})),, this.url, this.async, this.username, this.password),
this.setRequestHeaders(this.request, this.params),
window.XMLHttpRequest && this.withCredentials && (this.request.withCredentials = 'true'),
(null == document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode) &&
window.XMLHttpRequest &&
null != c &&
null != d &&
((this.request.timeout = c), (this.request.ontimeout = d)),
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setRequestHeaders = function (a, b) {
null != b && a.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
mxXmlRequest.prototype.simulate = function (a, b) {
a = a || document;
var c = null;
a == document && ((c = window.onbeforeunload), (window.onbeforeunload = null));
var d = a.createElement('form');
d.setAttribute('method', this.method);
d.setAttribute('action', this.url);
null != b && d.setAttribute('target', b); = 'none'; = 'hidden';
for (var e = 0 < this.params.indexOf('&') ? this.params.split('&') : this.params.split(), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var g = e[f].indexOf('=');
if (0 < g) {
var k = e[f].substring(0, g),
g = e[f].substring(g + 1);
this.decodeSimulateValues && (g = decodeURIComponent(g));
var h = a.createElement('textarea');
h.setAttribute('wrap', 'off');
h.setAttribute('name', k);
mxUtils.write(h, g);
null != d.parentNode && d.parentNode.removeChild(d);
null != c && (window.onbeforeunload = c);
function mxImage(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.src = a;
this.width = null != b ? b : this.width;
this.height = null != c ? c : this.height;
this.x = null != d ? d : this.x;
this.y = null != e ? e : this.y;
mxImage.prototype.src = null;
mxImage.prototype.width = 0;
mxImage.prototype.height = 0;
mxImage.prototype.x = 0;
mxImage.prototype.y = 0;
function mxUndoableEdit(a, b) {
this.source = a;
this.changes = [];
this.significant = null != b ? b : !0;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.source = null;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.changes = null;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.significant = null;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undone = !1;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redone = !1;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return 0 == this.changes.length;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isSignificant = function () {
return this.significant;
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.add = function (a) {
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.notify = function () {};
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.die = function () {};
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undo = function () {
if (!this.undone) {
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START_EDIT));
for (var a = this.changes.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--) {
var b = this.changes[a];
null != b.execute ? b.execute() : null != b.undo && b.undo();
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EXECUTED, 'change', b));
this.undone = !0;
this.redone = !1;
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.END_EDIT));
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function () {
if (!this.redone) {
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START_EDIT));
for (var a = this.changes.length, b = 0; b < a; b++) {
var c = this.changes[b];
null != c.execute ? c.execute() : null != c.redo && c.redo();
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EXECUTED, 'change', c));
this.undone = !1;
this.redone = !0;
this.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.END_EDIT));
var mxUrlConverter = function () {};
mxUrlConverter.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.baseUrl = null;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.baseDomain = null;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.updateBaseUrl = function () {
this.baseDomain = location.protocol + '//' +;
this.baseUrl = this.baseDomain + location.pathname;
var a = this.baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
0 < a && (this.baseUrl = this.baseUrl.substring(0, a + 1));
mxUrlConverter.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.getBaseUrl = function () {
return this.baseUrl;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.setBaseUrl = function (a) {
this.baseUrl = a;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.getBaseDomain = function () {
return this.baseDomain;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.setBaseDomain = function (a) {
this.baseDomain = a;
mxUrlConverter.prototype.isRelativeUrl = function (a) {
return (
null != a &&
'//' != a.substring(0, 2) &&
'http://' != a.substring(0, 7) &&
'https://' != a.substring(0, 8) &&
'data:image' != a.substring(0, 10) &&
'file://' != a.substring(0, 7)
mxUrlConverter.prototype.convert = function (a) {
this.isEnabled() &&
this.isRelativeUrl(a) &&
(null == this.getBaseUrl() && this.updateBaseUrl(),
(a = '/' == a.charAt(0) ? this.getBaseDomain() + a : this.getBaseUrl() + a));
return a;
function mxPanningManager(a) {
this.thread = null; = !1;
this.dy = this.dx = this.t0y = this.t0x = this.tdy = this.tdx = 0;
this.scrollbars = !1;
this.scrollTop = this.scrollLeft = 0;
this.mouseListener = {
mouseDown: function (a, b) {},
mouseMove: function (a, b) {},
mouseUp: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) { && this.stop();
this.mouseUpListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { && this.stop();
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpListener);
var b = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.scrollbars = mxUtils.hasScrollbars(a.container);
this.scrollLeft = a.container.scrollLeft;
this.scrollTop = a.container.scrollTop;
return window.setInterval(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.tdx -= this.dx;
this.tdy -= this.dy;
? (a.panGraph(-a.container.scrollLeft - Math.ceil(this.dx), -a.container.scrollTop - Math.ceil(this.dy)),
(a.panDx = this.scrollLeft - a.container.scrollLeft),
(a.panDy = this.scrollTop - a.container.scrollTop),
a.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN)))
: a.panGraph(this.getDx(), this.getDy());
this.isActive = function () {
return active;
this.getDx = function () {
return Math.round(this.tdx);
this.getDy = function () {
return Math.round(this.tdy);
this.start = function () {
this.t0x = a.view.translate.x;
this.t0y = a.view.translate.y; = !0;
this.panTo = function (c, d, e, f) { || this.start();
this.scrollLeft = a.container.scrollLeft;
this.scrollTop = a.container.scrollTop;
var g = a.container;
this.dx = c + (null != e ? e : 0) - g.scrollLeft - g.clientWidth;
this.dx =
0 > this.dx && Math.abs(this.dx) < this.border
? this.border + this.dx
: this.handleMouseOut
? Math.max(this.dx, 0)
: 0;
0 == this.dx &&
((this.dx = c - g.scrollLeft),
(this.dx =
0 < this.dx && this.dx < this.border ? this.dx - this.border : this.handleMouseOut ? Math.min(0, this.dx) : 0));
this.dy = d + (null != f ? f : 0) - g.scrollTop - g.clientHeight;
this.dy =
0 > this.dy && Math.abs(this.dy) < this.border
? this.border + this.dy
: this.handleMouseOut
? Math.max(this.dy, 0)
: 0;
0 == this.dy &&
((this.dy = d - g.scrollTop),
(this.dy =
0 < this.dy && this.dy < this.border ? this.dy - this.border : this.handleMouseOut ? Math.min(0, this.dy) : 0));
0 != this.dx || 0 != this.dy
? ((this.dx *= this.damper), (this.dy *= this.damper), null == this.thread && (this.thread = b()))
: null != this.thread && (window.clearInterval(this.thread), (this.thread = null));
this.stop = function () {
if (
if (
(( = !1),
null != this.thread && (window.clearInterval(this.thread), (this.thread = null)),
(this.tdy = this.tdx = 0),
(a.panDx = 0), (a.panDy = 0), a.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN));
else {
var b = a.panDx,
d = a.panDy;
if (0 != b || 0 != d)
a.panGraph(0, 0), a.view.setTranslate(this.t0x + b / a.view.scale, this.t0y + d / a.view.scale);
this.destroy = function () {
mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpListener);
mxPanningManager.prototype.damper = 1 / 6;
mxPanningManager.prototype.delay = 10;
mxPanningManager.prototype.handleMouseOut = !0;
mxPanningManager.prototype.border = 0;
function mxPopupMenu(a) {
this.factoryMethod = a;
null != a && this.init();
mxPopupMenu.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxPopupMenu.prototype.constructor = mxPopupMenu;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.submenuImage = mxClient.imageBasePath + '/submenu.gif';
mxPopupMenu.prototype.zIndex = 10006;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.factoryMethod = null;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.useLeftButtonForPopup = !1;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.itemCount = 0;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.autoExpand = !1;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.smartSeparators = !1;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.labels = !0;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.init = function () {
this.table = document.createElement('table');
this.table.className = 'mxPopupMenu';
this.tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
this.div = document.createElement('div');
this.div.className = 'mxPopupMenu'; = 'inline'; = this.zIndex;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isPopupTrigger = function (a) {
return a.isPopupTrigger() || (this.useLeftButtonForPopup && mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(a.getEvent()));
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addItem = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
d = d || this;
d.willAddSeparator && (d.containsItems && this.addSeparator(d, !0), (d.willAddSeparator = !1));
d.containsItems = !0;
var h = document.createElement('tr');
h.className = 'mxPopupMenuItem';
var l = document.createElement('td');
l.className = 'mxPopupMenuIcon';
null != b
? ((e = document.createElement('img')), (e.src = b), l.appendChild(e))
: null != e && ((b = document.createElement('div')), (b.className = e), l.appendChild(b));
this.labels &&
((l = document.createElement('td')),
(l.className = 'mxPopupMenuItem' + (null == f || f ? '' : ' mxDisabled')),
mxUtils.write(l, a),
(l.align = 'left'),
(a = document.createElement('td')),
(a.className = 'mxPopupMenuItem' + (null == f || f ? '' : ' mxDisabled')),
( = '6px'),
( = 'right'),
null == d.div && this.createSubmenu(d));
if (0 != g && 0 != f) {
var m = null;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.eventReceiver = h;
d.activeRow != h &&
d.activeRow != d &&
(null != d.activeRow && null != d.activeRow.div.parentNode && this.hideSubmenu(d),
null != h.div && (this.showSubmenu(d, h), (d.activeRow = h)));
null != document.selection && 8 == document.documentMode && (m = document.selection.createRange());
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
d.activeRow != h &&
d.activeRow != d &&
(null != d.activeRow && null != d.activeRow.div.parentNode && this.hideSubmenu(d),
this.autoExpand && null != h.div && (this.showSubmenu(d, h), (d.activeRow = h)));
k || (h.className = 'mxPopupMenuItemHover');
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
if (this.eventReceiver == h) {
d.activeRow != h && this.hideMenu();
if (null != m) {
try {;
} catch (p) {}
m = null;
null != c && c(a);
this.eventReceiver = null;
k ||
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
h.className = 'mxPopupMenuItem';
return h;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addCheckmark = function (a, b) {
var c = a.firstChild.nextSibling; = "url('" + b + "')"; = 'no-repeat'; = '2px 50%';
mxPopupMenu.prototype.createSubmenu = function (a) {
a.table = document.createElement('table');
a.table.className = 'mxPopupMenu';
a.tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
a.div = document.createElement('div');
a.div.className = 'mxPopupMenu'; = 'absolute'; = 'inline'; = this.zIndex;
var b = document.createElement('img');
b.setAttribute('src', this.submenuImage);
td = a.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showSubmenu = function (a, b) {
if (null != b.div) { = a.div.offsetLeft + b.offsetLeft + b.offsetWidth - 1 + 'px'; = a.div.offsetTop + b.offsetTop + 'px';
var c = parseInt(b.div.offsetLeft),
d = parseInt(b.div.offsetWidth),
e = mxUtils.getDocumentScrollOrigin(document),
f = document.documentElement;
c + d > e.x + (document.body.clientWidth || f.clientWidth) &&
( = Math.max(0, a.div.offsetLeft - d + (mxClient.IS_IE ? 6 : -6)) + 'px'); = 'auto'; = 'hidden'; = Math.max(document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight) - 10 + 'px';;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addSeparator = function (a, b) {
a = a || this;
if (this.smartSeparators && !b) a.willAddSeparator = !0;
else if (null != a.tbody) {
a.willAddSeparator = !1;
var c = document.createElement('tr'),
d = document.createElement('td');
d.className = 'mxPopupMenuIcon'; = '0 0 0 0px';
d = document.createElement('td'); = '0 0 0 0px';
d.setAttribute('colSpan', '2');
var e = document.createElement('hr');
e.setAttribute('size', '1');
mxPopupMenu.prototype.popup = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != this.div && null != this.tbody && null != this.factoryMethod) { = a + 'px';
for ( = b + 'px'; null != this.tbody.firstChild; )
mxEvent.release(this.tbody.firstChild), this.tbody.removeChild(this.tbody.firstChild);
this.itemCount = 0;
this.factoryMethod(this, c, d);
0 < this.itemCount && (this.showMenu(), this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SHOW)));
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isMenuShowing = function () {
return null != this.div && this.div.parentNode == document.body;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showMenu = function () {
9 <= document.documentMode && ( = 'none');
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu = function () {
null != this.div &&
(null != this.div.parentNode && this.div.parentNode.removeChild(this.div),
(this.containsItems = !1),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.HIDE)));
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideSubmenu = function (a) {
null != a.activeRow &&
null != a.activeRow.div.parentNode && a.activeRow.div.parentNode.removeChild(a.activeRow.div),
(a.activeRow = null));
mxPopupMenu.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.div &&
null != this.div.parentNode && this.div.parentNode.removeChild(this.div),
(this.div = null));
function mxImageExport() {}
mxImageExport.prototype.includeOverlays = !1;
mxImageExport.prototype.drawState = function (a, b) {
null != a &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.drawCellState.apply(this, arguments);
this.includeOverlays &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.drawOverlays.apply(this, arguments);
mxImageExport.prototype.visitStatesRecursive = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a) {
c(a, b);
for (var d = a.view.graph, e = d.model.getChildCount(a.cell), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = d.view.getState(d.model.getChildAt(a.cell, f));
this.visitStatesRecursive(g, b, c);
mxImageExport.prototype.getLinkForCellState = function (a, b) {
return null;
mxImageExport.prototype.getLinkTargetForCellState = function (a, b) {
return null;
mxImageExport.prototype.drawCellState = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getLinkForCellState(a, b);
null != c && b.setLink(c, this.getLinkTargetForCellState(a, b));
this.drawShape(a, b);
this.drawText(a, b);
null != c && b.setLink(null);
mxImageExport.prototype.drawShape = function (a, b) {
a.shape instanceof mxShape &&
a.shape.checkBounds() &&
(, a.shape.beforePaint(b), a.shape.paint(b), a.shape.afterPaint(b), b.restore());
mxImageExport.prototype.drawText = function (a, b) {
null != a.text &&
a.text.checkBounds() &&
(, a.text.beforePaint(b), a.text.paint(b), a.text.afterPaint(b), b.restore());
mxImageExport.prototype.drawOverlays = function (a, b) {
null != a.overlays &&
a.overlays.visit(function (a, d) {
d instanceof mxShape && d.paint(b);
function mxAbstractCanvas2D() {
this.converter = this.createUrlConverter();
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.state = null;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.states = null;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.path = null;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotateHtml = !0;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lastX = 0;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lastY = 0;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.moveOp = 'M';
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lineOp = 'L';
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.quadOp = 'Q';
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.curveOp = 'C';
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.closeOp = 'Z';
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.pointerEvents = !1;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.createUrlConverter = function () {
return new mxUrlConverter();
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function () {
this.state = this.createState();
this.states = [];
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.createState = function () {
return {
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
scale: 1,
alpha: 1,
fillAlpha: 1,
strokeAlpha: 1,
fillColor: null,
gradientFillAlpha: 1,
gradientColor: null,
gradientAlpha: 1,
gradientDirection: null,
strokeColor: null,
strokeWidth: 1,
dashed: !1,
dashPattern: '3 3',
fixDash: !1,
lineCap: 'flat',
lineJoin: 'miter',
miterLimit: 10,
fontColor: '#000000',
fontBackgroundColor: null,
fontBorderColor: null,
fontSize: mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE,
fontFamily: mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY,
fontStyle: 0,
shadow: !1,
shadowColor: mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR,
shadowAlpha: mxConstants.SHADOW_OPACITY,
shadowDx: mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_X,
shadowDy: mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_Y,
rotation: 0,
rotationCx: 0,
rotationCy: 0,
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.format = function (a) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(a));
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.addOp = function () {
if (null != this.path && (this.path.push(arguments[0]), 2 < arguments.length))
for (var a = this.state, b = 2; b < arguments.length; b += 2)
(this.lastX = arguments[b - 1]),
(this.lastY = arguments[b]),
this.path.push(this.format((this.lastX + a.dx) * a.scale)),
this.path.push(this.format((this.lastY + a.dy) * a.scale));
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotatePoint = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
c *= Math.PI / 180;
return mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(a, b), Math.cos(c), Math.sin(c), new mxPoint(d, e));
}; = function () {
this.state = mxUtils.clone(this.state);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.restore = function () {
0 < this.states.length && (this.state = this.states.pop());
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setLink = function (a, b) {};
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.scale = function (a) {
this.state.scale *= a;
this.state.strokeWidth *= a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.translate = function (a, b) {
this.state.dx += a;
this.state.dy += b;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function (a, b, c, d, e) {};
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setAlpha = function (a) {
this.state.alpha = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFillAlpha = function (a) {
this.state.fillAlpha = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setStrokeAlpha = function (a) {
this.state.strokeAlpha = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFillColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.fillColor = a;
this.state.gradientColor = null;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setGradient = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
c = this.state;
c.fillColor = a;
c.gradientFillAlpha = null != k ? k : 1;
c.gradientColor = b;
c.gradientAlpha = null != h ? h : 1;
c.gradientDirection = g;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setStrokeColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.strokeColor = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setStrokeWidth = function (a) {
this.state.strokeWidth = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setDashed = function (a, b) {
this.state.dashed = a;
this.state.fixDash = b;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setDashPattern = function (a) {
this.state.dashPattern = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setLineCap = function (a) {
this.state.lineCap = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setLineJoin = function (a) {
this.state.lineJoin = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setMiterLimit = function (a) {
this.state.miterLimit = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.fontColor = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontBackgroundColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.fontBackgroundColor = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontBorderColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.fontBorderColor = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontSize = function (a) {
this.state.fontSize = parseFloat(a);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontFamily = function (a) {
this.state.fontFamily = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setFontStyle = function (a) {
null == a && (a = 0);
this.state.fontStyle = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setShadow = function (a) {
this.state.shadow = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setShadowColor = function (a) {
a == mxConstants.NONE && (a = null);
this.state.shadowColor = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setShadowAlpha = function (a) {
this.state.shadowAlpha = a;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.setShadowOffset = function (a, b) {
this.state.shadowDx = a;
this.state.shadowDy = b;
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function () {
this.lastY = this.lastX = 0;
this.path = [];
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.moveTo = function (a, b) {
this.addOp(this.moveOp, a, b);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lineTo = function (a, b) {
this.addOp(this.lineOp, a, b);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.quadTo = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.addOp(this.quadOp, a, b, c, d);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.curveTo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.addOp(this.curveOp, a, b, c, d, e, f);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.arcTo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a = mxUtils.arcToCurves(this.lastX, this.lastY, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
if (null != a) for (b = 0; b < a.length; b += 6) this.curveTo(a[b], a[b + 1], a[b + 2], a[b + 3], a[b + 4], a[b + 5]);
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.close = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.end = function () {};
function mxSvgCanvas2D(a, b) {;
this.root = a;
this.gradients = [];
this.defs = null;
this.styleEnabled = null != b ? b : !1;
var c = null;
if (a.ownerDocument != document) for (c = a; null != c && 'svg' != c.nodeName; ) c = c.parentNode;
null != c &&
(0 < c.getElementsByTagName('defs').length && (this.defs = c.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0]),
null == this.defs &&
((this.defs = this.createElement('defs')),
null != c.firstChild ? c.insertBefore(this.defs, c.firstChild) : c.appendChild(this.defs)),
this.styleEnabled && this.defs.appendChild(this.createStyle()));
mxUtils.extend(mxSvgCanvas2D, mxAbstractCanvas2D);
(function () {
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser =
!mxClient.IS_IE && 'function' === typeof DOMParser && 'function' === typeof XMLSerializer;
if (mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser)
try {
var a = new DOMParser().parseFromString('test text', 'text/html');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser = null != a;
} catch (b) {
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser = !1;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useAbsoluteIds =
!mxClient.IS_CHROMEAPP &&
!mxClient.IS_IE &&
!mxClient.IS_IE11 &&
!mxClient.IS_EDGE &&
0 < document.getElementsByTagName('base').length;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.node = null;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.matchHtmlAlignment = !0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.textEnabled = !0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foEnabled = !0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foAltText = '[Object]';
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foOffset = 0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.textOffset = 0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.imageOffset = 0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.strokeTolerance = 0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.minStrokeWidth = 1;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.refCount = 0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.lineHeightCorrection = 1;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.pointerEventsValue = 'all';
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fontMetricsPadding = 10;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.cacheOffsetSize = !0;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.setCssText = function (a, b) {
mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11 ? a.setAttribute('style', b) : mxUtils.setCssText(, b);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.format = function (a) {
return parseFloat(parseFloat(a).toFixed(2));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getBaseUrl = function () {
var a = window.location.href,
b = a.lastIndexOf('#');
0 < b && (a = a.substring(0, b));
return a;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function () {
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.reset.apply(this, arguments);
this.gradients = [];
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createStyle = function (a) {
a = this.createElement('style');
a.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
'svg{font-family:' +
';font-size:' +
return a;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createElement = function (a, b) {
if (null != this.root.ownerDocument.createElementNS)
return this.root.ownerDocument.createElementNS(b || mxConstants.NS_SVG, a);
var c = this.root.ownerDocument.createElement(a);
null != b && c.setAttribute('xmlns', b);
return c;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getAlternateText = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
return null != f ? this.foAltText : null;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createAlternateContent = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
a = this.getAlternateText(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p);
d = this.state;
return null != a && 0 < d.fontSize
? ((k = k == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? 1 : k == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? 0 : 0.3),
(e = g == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? 'end' : g == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT ? 'start' : 'middle'),
(g = this.createElement('text')),
g.setAttribute('x', Math.round(b + d.dx)),
g.setAttribute('y', Math.round(c + d.dy + k * d.fontSize)),
g.setAttribute('fill', d.fontColor || 'black'),
g.setAttribute('font-family', d.fontFamily),
g.setAttribute('font-size', Math.round(d.fontSize) + 'px'),
'start' != e && g.setAttribute('text-anchor', e),
(d.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && g.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold'),
(d.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && g.setAttribute('font-style', 'italic'),
(b = []),
(d.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && b.push('underline'),
(d.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && b.push('line-through'),
0 < b.length && g.setAttribute('text-decoration', b.join(' ')),
mxUtils.write(g, a),
: null;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createGradientId = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = mxUtils.rgba2hex(a);
'#' == a.charAt(0) && (a = a.substring(1));
b = mxUtils.rgba2hex(b);
'#' == b.charAt(0) && (b = b.substring(1));
a = a.toLowerCase() + '-' + c;
b = b.toLowerCase() + '-' + d;
c = null;
null == e || e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (c = 's')
: e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST
? (c = 'e')
: e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_RADIAL
? (c = 'r')
: ((d = a),
(a = b),
(b = d),
e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ? (c = 's') : e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST && (c = 'e'));
return 'mx-gradient-' + a + '-' + b + '-' + c;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getSvgGradient = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = this.createGradientId(a, b, c, d, e),
g = this.gradients[f];
if (null == g) {
var k = this.root.ownerSVGElement,
h = 0,
l = f + '-' + h;
if (null != k)
for (g = k.ownerDocument.getElementById(l); null != g && g.ownerSVGElement != k; )
(l = f + '-' + h++), (g = k.ownerDocument.getElementById(l));
else l = 'id' + ++this.refCount;
null == g &&
((g = this.createSvgGradient(a, b, c, d, e)),
g.setAttribute('id', l),
null != this.defs ? this.defs.appendChild(g) : k.appendChild(g));
this.gradients[f] = g;
return g.getAttribute('id');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createSvgGradient = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = this.createElement(e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_RADIAL ? 'radialGradient' : 'linearGradient');
f.setAttribute('x1', '0%');
f.setAttribute('y1', '0%');
f.setAttribute('x2', '0%');
f.setAttribute('y2', '0%');
null == e || e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? f.setAttribute('y2', '100%')
: e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST
? f.setAttribute('x2', '100%')
: e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? f.setAttribute('y1', '100%')
: e == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST && f.setAttribute('x1', '100%');
e = this.createElement('stop');
e.setAttribute('offset', '0%'); = a; = c;
e = this.createElement('stop');
e.setAttribute('offset', '100%'); = b; = d;
return f;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addNode = function (a, b) {
var c = this.node,
d = this.state;
if (null != c) {
if ('path' == c.nodeName)
if (null != this.path && 0 < this.path.length) c.setAttribute('d', this.path.join(' '));
else return;
a && null != d.fillColor
? this.updateFill()
: this.styleEnabled ||
('ellipse' == c.nodeName && mxClient.IS_FF
? c.setAttribute('fill', 'transparent')
: c.setAttribute('fill', 'none'),
(a = !1));
b && null != d.strokeColor ? this.updateStroke() : this.styleEnabled || c.setAttribute('stroke', 'none');
null != d.transform && 0 < d.transform.length && c.setAttribute('transform', d.transform);
? c.setAttribute('pointer-events', this.pointerEventsValue)
: this.pointerEvents || null != this.originalRoot || c.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
d.shadow && this.root.appendChild(this.createShadow(c));
0 < this.strokeTolerance && (!a || null == d.fillColor) && this.addTolerance(c);
(('rect' != c.nodeName && 'path' != c.nodeName && 'ellipse' != c.nodeName) ||
('none' != c.getAttribute('fill') && 'transparent' != c.getAttribute('fill')) ||
'none' != c.getAttribute('stroke') ||
'none' != c.getAttribute('pointer-events')) &&
this.node = null;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addTolerance = function (a) {
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateFill = function () {
var a = this.state;
(1 > a.alpha || 1 > a.fillAlpha) && this.node.setAttribute('fill-opacity', a.alpha * a.fillAlpha);
if (null != a.fillColor)
if (null != a.gradientColor && a.gradientColor != mxConstants.NONE)
if (
((a = this.getSvgGradient(
this.root.ownerDocument == document && this.useAbsoluteIds)
) {
var b = this.getBaseUrl().replace(/([\(\)])/g, '\\$1');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', 'url(' + b + '#' + a + ')');
} else this.node.setAttribute('fill', 'url(#' + a + ')');
else this.node.setAttribute('fill', String(a.fillColor).toLowerCase());
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getCurrentStrokeWidth = function () {
return Math.max(this.minStrokeWidth, Math.max(0.01, this.format(this.state.strokeWidth * this.state.scale)));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateStroke = function () {
var a = this.state;
this.node.setAttribute('stroke', String(a.strokeColor).toLowerCase());
(1 > a.alpha || 1 > a.strokeAlpha) && this.node.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', a.alpha * a.strokeAlpha);
var b = this.getCurrentStrokeWidth();
1 != b && this.node.setAttribute('stroke-width', b);
'path' == this.node.nodeName && this.updateStrokeAttributes();
a.dashed &&
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', this.createDashPattern((a.fixDash ? 1 : a.strokeWidth) * a.scale));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateStrokeAttributes = function () {
var a = this.state;
null != a.lineJoin && 'miter' != a.lineJoin && this.node.setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', a.lineJoin);
if (null != a.lineCap) {
var b = a.lineCap;
'flat' == b && (b = 'butt');
'butt' != b && this.node.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', b);
null == a.miterLimit ||
(this.styleEnabled && 10 == a.miterLimit) ||
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit', a.miterLimit);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createDashPattern = function (a) {
var b = [];
if ('string' === typeof this.state.dashPattern) {
var c = this.state.dashPattern.split(' ');
if (0 < c.length) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) b[d] = Number(c[d]) * a;
return b.join(' ');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createTolerance = function (a) {
a = a.cloneNode(!0);
var b = parseFloat(a.getAttribute('stroke-width') || 1) + this.strokeTolerance;
a.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'stroke');
a.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
a.setAttribute('stroke-width', b);
a.setAttribute('fill', 'none');
a.setAttribute('stroke', mxClient.IS_OT ? 'none' : 'white');
return a;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createShadow = function (a) {
a = a.cloneNode(!0);
var b = this.state;
'none' == a.getAttribute('fill') ||
(mxClient.IS_FF && 'transparent' == a.getAttribute('fill')) ||
a.setAttribute('fill', b.shadowColor);
'none' != a.getAttribute('stroke') && a.setAttribute('stroke', b.shadowColor);
'translate(' +
this.format(b.shadowDx * b.scale) +
',' +
this.format(b.shadowDy * b.scale) +
')' +
(b.transform || '')
a.setAttribute('opacity', b.shadowAlpha);
return a;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.setLink = function (a, b) {
if (null == a) this.root = this.originalRoot;
else {
this.originalRoot = this.root;
var c = this.createElement('a');
null == c.setAttributeNS || (this.root.ownerDocument != document && null == document.documentMode)
? c.setAttribute('xlink:href', a)
: c.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href', a);
null != b && c.setAttribute('target', b);
this.root = c;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (0 != a || b || c) {
var f = this.state;
d += f.dx;
e += f.dy;
d *= f.scale;
e *= f.scale;
f.transform = f.transform || '';
if (b && c) a += 180;
else if (b != c) {
var g = b ? d : 0,
k = b ? -1 : 1,
h = c ? e : 0,
l = c ? -1 : 1;
f.transform +=
'translate(' +
this.format(g) +
',' +
this.format(h) +
')scale(' +
this.format(k) +
',' +
this.format(l) +
')translate(' +
this.format(-g) +
',' +
this.format(-h) +
if (b ? !c : c) a *= -1;
0 != a && (f.transform += 'rotate(' + this.format(a) + ',' + this.format(d) + ',' + this.format(e) + ')');
f.rotation += a;
f.rotationCx = d;
f.rotationCy = e;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function () {
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.begin.apply(this, arguments);
this.node = this.createElement('path');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.state,
f = this.createElement('rect');
f.setAttribute('x', this.format((a + e.dx) * e.scale));
f.setAttribute('y', this.format((b + e.dy) * e.scale));
f.setAttribute('width', this.format(c * e.scale));
f.setAttribute('height', this.format(d * e.scale));
this.node = f;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.rect(a, b, c, d);
0 < e && this.node.setAttribute('rx', this.format(e * this.state.scale));
0 < f && this.node.setAttribute('ry', this.format(f * this.state.scale));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.ellipse = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.state,
f = this.createElement('ellipse');
f.setAttribute('cx', this.format((a + c / 2 + e.dx) * e.scale));
f.setAttribute('cy', this.format((b + d / 2 + e.dy) * e.scale));
f.setAttribute('rx', (c / 2) * e.scale);
f.setAttribute('ry', (d / 2) * e.scale);
this.node = f;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.image = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
e = this.converter.convert(e);
f = null != f ? f : !0;
g = null != g ? g : !1;
k = null != k ? k : !1;
var l = this.state;
a += l.dx;
b += l.dy;
var m = this.createElement('image');
m.setAttribute('x', this.format(a * l.scale) + this.imageOffset);
m.setAttribute('y', this.format(b * l.scale) + this.imageOffset);
m.setAttribute('width', this.format(c * l.scale));
m.setAttribute('height', this.format(d * l.scale));
null == m.setAttributeNS ? m.setAttribute('xlink:href', e) : m.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href', e);
f || m.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'none');
(1 > l.alpha || 1 > l.fillAlpha) && m.setAttribute('opacity', l.alpha * l.fillAlpha);
e = this.state.transform || '';
if (g || k) {
var n = (f = 1),
p = 0,
r = 0;
g && ((f = -1), (p = -c - 2 * a));
k && ((n = -1), (r = -d - 2 * b));
e += 'scale(' + f + ',' + n + ')translate(' + p * l.scale + ',' + r * l.scale + ')';
0 < e.length && m.setAttribute('transform', e);
this.pointerEvents || m.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
null != h && this.processClipPath(m, h, new mxRectangle(a, b, c, d));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.processClipPath = function (a, b, c) {
try {
var d = this.createElement('clipPath');
d.setAttribute('id', this.createClipPathId(b));
d.setAttribute('clipPathUnits', 'objectBoundingBox');
var e = this.appendClipPath(d, b, c);
if (null != e) {
var f = this.state;
a.setAttribute('x', c.x * f.scale - (c.width * f.scale * e.x) / e.width + this.imageOffset);
a.setAttribute('y', c.y * f.scale - (c.height * f.scale * e.y) / e.height + this.imageOffset);
a.setAttribute('width', (c.width * f.scale) / e.width);
a.setAttribute('height', (c.height * f.scale) / e.height);
this.setClip(a, d);
} catch (g) {}
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.convertHtml = function (a) {
if (this.useDomParser) {
var b = new DOMParser().parseFromString(a, 'text/html');
null != b &&
((a = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(b.body)),
'<body' == a.substring(0, 5) && (a = a.substring(a.indexOf('>', 5) + 1)),
'</body>' == a.substring(a.length - 7, a.length) && (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 7)));
} else {
if (null != document.implementation && null != document.implementation.createDocument) {
var b = document.implementation.createDocument('', 'html', null),
c = b.createElement('body');
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = a;
for (a = d.firstChild; null != a; ) (d = a.nextSibling), c.appendChild(b.adoptNode(a)), (a = d);
return c.innerHTML;
b = document.createElement('textarea');
b.innerHTML = a
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&amp;amp;')
.replace(/&#60;/g, '&amp;lt;')
.replace(/&#62;/g, '&amp;gt;')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '&amp;lt;')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '&amp;gt;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
a = b.value
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/&amp;lt;/g, '&lt;')
.replace(/&amp;gt;/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/&amp;amp;/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/<br>/g, '<br />')
.replace(/<hr>/g, '<hr />')
.replace(/(<img[^>]+)>/gm, '$1 />');
return a;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createDiv = function (a) {
mxUtils.isNode(a) || (a = '<div><div>' + this.convertHtml(a) + '</div></div>');
if (mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11 || !document.createElementNS)
return (
mxUtils.isNode(a) && (a = '<div><div>' + mxUtils.getXml(a) + '</div></div>'),
mxUtils.parseXml('<div xmlns="">' + a + '</div>').documentElement
var b = document.createElementNS('', 'div');
if (mxUtils.isNode(a)) {
var c = document.createElement('div'),
d = c.cloneNode(!1);
this.root.ownerDocument != document ? c.appendChild(a.cloneNode(!0)) : c.appendChild(a);
} else b.innerHTML = a;
return b;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateText = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m) {
null != m &&
null != m.firstChild &&
null != m.firstChild.firstChild &&
this.updateTextNodes(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m.firstChild);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addForeignObject = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p, r, t) {
p = this.createElement('g');
var u = this.createElement('foreignObject');
this.setCssText(u, 'overflow: visible; text-align: left;');
u.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
r.ownerDocument != document && (r = mxUtils.importNodeImplementation(u.ownerDocument, r, !0));
this.updateTextNodes(a, b, c, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, p);
this.root.ownerDocument != document &&
((a = this.createAlternateContent(u, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n)),
null != a &&
(u.setAttribute('requiredFeatures', ''),
(b = this.createElement('switch')),
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateTextNodes = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m) {
var n = this.state.scale;
c + 2,
null != this.state.fontBackgroundColor ? this.state.fontBackgroundColor : null,
null != this.state.fontBorderColor ? this.state.fontBorderColor : null,
'display: flex; align-items: unsafe ' +
(f == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? 'flex-start' : f == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? 'flex-end' : 'center') +
'; justify-content: unsafe ' +
(e == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT ? 'flex-start' : e == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? 'flex-end' : 'center') +
'; ',
mxUtils.bind(this, function (c, d, e, f, g) {
a += this.state.dx;
b += this.state.dy;
var k = m.firstChild,
h = k.firstChild,
p = h.firstChild,
r = (this.rotateHtml ? this.state.rotation : 0) + (null != l ? l : 0),
t =
(0 != this.foOffset ? 'translate(' + this.foOffset + ' ' + this.foOffset + ')' : '') +
(1 != n ? 'scale(' + n + ')' : '');
this.setCssText(p.firstChild, g);
this.setCssText(p, f);
'color: ' +
this.state.fontColor +
'; ' +
(null == this.state.fontBackgroundColor ? '' : 'background-color: ' + this.state.fontBackgroundColor + '; ') +
(null == this.state.fontBorderColor ? '' : 'border-color: ' + this.state.fontBorderColor + '; ')
k.setAttribute('width', Math.ceil((1 / Math.min(1, n)) * 100) + '%');
k.setAttribute('height', Math.ceil((1 / Math.min(1, n)) * 100) + '%');
d = Math.round(b + d);
0 > d ? k.setAttribute('y', d) : (k.removeAttribute('y'), (e += 'padding-top: ' + d + 'px; '));
this.setCssText(h, e + 'margin-left: ' + Math.round(a + c) + 'px;');
t += 0 != r ? 'rotate(' + r + ' ' + a + ' ' + b + ')' : '';
'' != t ? m.setAttribute('transform', t) : m.removeAttribute('transform');
1 != this.state.alpha ? m.setAttribute('opacity', this.state.alpha) : m.removeAttribute('opacity');
mxSvgCanvas2D.createCss = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
n =
'box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: ' +
(c == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT ? 'left' : c == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? 'right' : 'center') +
'; ';
var r = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(c, d);
c = 'overflow: hidden; ';
var t = 'width: 1px; ',
u = 'height: 1px; ',
x = r.x * a,
r = r.y * b;
? ((t = 'width: ' + Math.round(a) + 'px; '), (n += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(b) + 'px; '), (r = 0))
: 'fill' == f
? ((t = 'width: ' + Math.round(a) + 'px; '),
(u = 'height: ' + Math.round(b) + 'px; '),
(m += 'width: 100%; height: 100%; '),
(n += 'width: ' + Math.round(a - 2) + 'px; ' + u))
: 'width' == f
? ((t = 'width: ' + Math.round(a - 2) + 'px; '),
(m += 'width: 100%; '),
(n += t),
(r = 0),
0 < b && (n += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(b) + 'px; '))
: 'block' == f
? ((t = 'width: ' + Math.round(a - 2) + 'px; '),
(m += 'width: 100%; '),
(c = ''),
(r = 0),
(n += t),
'middle' == d && (n += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(b) + 'px; '))
: ((c = ''), (r = 0));
b = '';
null != k && (b += 'background-color: ' + k + '; ');
null != h && (b += 'border: 1px solid ' + h + '; ');
'' == c || g ? (m += b) : (n += b);
e && 0 < a
? ((m += 'white-space: normal; word-wrap: ' + mxConstants.WORD_WRAP + '; '),
(t = 'width: ' + Math.round(a) + 'px; '),
'' != c && 'fill' != f && (r = 0))
: ((m += 'white-space: nowrap; '), '' == c && 'block' != f && (x = 0));
p(x, r, l + t + u, n + c, m, c);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getTextCss = function () {
var a = this.state,
b =
'display: inline-block; font-size: ' +
a.fontSize +
'px; font-family: ' +
a.fontFamily +
'; color: ' +
a.fontColor +
'; line-height: ' +
? a.fontSize * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT * this.lineHeightCorrection) +
'; pointer-events: ' +
(this.pointerEvents ? this.pointerEventsValue : 'none') +
'; ';
(a.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && (b += 'font-weight: bold; ');
(a.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && (b += 'font-style: italic; ');
var c = [];
(a.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && c.push('underline');
(a.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && c.push('line-through');
0 < c.length && (b += 'text-decoration: ' + c.join(' ') + '; ');
return b;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.text = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
if (this.textEnabled && null != e)
if (((n = null != n ? n : 0), this.foEnabled && 'html' == h)) {
var r = this.createDiv(e);
null != r &&
(null != p && r.setAttribute('dir', p),
this.addForeignObject(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p, r, this.root));
} else this.plainText(a + this.state.dx, b + this.state.dy, c, d, e, f, g, k, l, m, n, p);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createClip = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = Math.round(a);
b = Math.round(b);
c = Math.round(c);
d = Math.round(d);
for (
var e = 'mx-clip-' + a + '-' + b + '-' + c + '-' + d, f = 0, g = e + '-' + f;
null != document.getElementById(g);
g = e + '-' + ++f;
e = this.createElement('clipPath');
e.setAttribute('id', g);
g = this.createElement('rect');
g.setAttribute('x', a);
g.setAttribute('y', b);
g.setAttribute('width', c);
g.setAttribute('height', d);
return e;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createClipPathId = function (a) {
a = 'mx-clippath-' + a.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '-');
for (var b = '-' == a.charAt(a.length - 1) ? '' : '-', c = 0, d = a + b + c; null != document.getElementById(d); )
d = a + b + ++c;
return d;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.appendClipPath = function (a, b, c) {
var d = b.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/),
e = null;
'polygon' == b.substring(0, 7)
? (e = this.appendPolygonClip(d[1], a, c))
: 'circle' == b.substring(0, 6)
? (e = this.appendCircleClip(d[1], a, c))
: 'ellipse' == b.substring(0, 7)
? (e = this.appendEllipseClip(d[1], a, c))
: 'inset' == b.substring(0, 5) && (e = this.appendInsetClip(d[1], a, c));
return e;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.appendPolygonClip = function (a, b, c) {
c = this.createElement('polygon');
a = a.split(/[ ,]+/);
for (var d = null, e = null, f = null, g = null, k = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var l = this.parseClipValue(a, h);
if (0 == h % 2) {
if (null == d || d > l) d = l;
if (null == f || f < l) f = l;
} else {
if (null == e || e > l) e = l;
if (null == g || g < l) g = l;
c.setAttribute('points', k.join(','));
return new mxRectangle(d, e, f - d, g - e);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.appendCircleClip = function (a, b, c) {
c = this.createElement('circle');
var d = a.split(/[ ,]+/);
a = this.parseClipValue(d, 0);
var e = this.parseClipValue(d, 2),
d = this.parseClipValue(d, 3);
c.setAttribute('r', a);
c.setAttribute('cx', e);
c.setAttribute('cy', d);
return new mxRectangle(e - a, d - a, 2 * a, 2 * a);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.appendEllipseClip = function (a, b, c) {
c = this.createElement('ellipse');
var d = a.split(/[ ,]+/);
a = this.parseClipValue(d, 0);
var e = this.parseClipValue(d, 1),
f = this.parseClipValue(d, 3),
d = this.parseClipValue(d, 4);
c.setAttribute('rx', a);
c.setAttribute('ry', e);
c.setAttribute('cx', f);
c.setAttribute('cy', d);
return new mxRectangle(f - a, d - e, 2 * a, 2 * e);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.appendInsetClip = function (a, b, c) {
c = this.createElement('rect');
var d = a.split(/[ ,]+/);
a = this.parseClipValue(d, 0);
var e = this.parseClipValue(d, 1),
f = this.parseClipValue(d, 2),
g = this.parseClipValue(d, 3),
e = 1 - e - g,
f = 1 - a - f;
c.setAttribute('x', g);
c.setAttribute('y', a);
c.setAttribute('width', e);
c.setAttribute('height', f);
4 < d.length &&
'round' == d[4] &&
((d = this.parseClipValue(d, 5)), c.setAttribute('rx', d), c.setAttribute('ry', d));
return new mxRectangle(g, a, e, f);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.parseClipValue = function (a, b) {
var c = a[Math.min(b, a.length - 1)],
d = 1;
'center' == c
? (d = 0.5)
: 'top' == c || 'left' == c
? (d = 0)
: ((c = parseFloat(c)), isNaN(c) || (d = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, c / 100))));
return d;
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.setClip = function (a, b) {
null != this.defs ? this.defs.appendChild(b) : this.root.appendChild(b);
if (
mxClient.IS_CHROMEAPP ||
mxClient.IS_IE ||
mxClient.IS_IE11 ||
mxClient.IS_EDGE ||
this.root.ownerDocument != document
a.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(#' + b.getAttribute('id') + ')');
else {
var c = this.getBaseUrl().replace(/([\(\)])/g, '\\$1');
a.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(' + c + '#' + b.getAttribute('id') + ')');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.plainText = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n) {
m = null != m ? m : 0;
k = this.state;
var p = k.fontSize,
r = this.createElement('g'),
t = k.transform || '';
this.pointerEvents || null != this.originalRoot || r.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
0 != m && (t += 'rotate(' + m + ',' + this.format(a * k.scale) + ',' + this.format(b * k.scale) + ')');
null != n && r.setAttribute('direction', n);
l &&
0 < c &&
0 < d &&
((n = a),
(m = b),
f == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? (n -= c / 2) : f == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (n -= c),
'fill' != h && (g == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? (m -= d / 2) : g == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (m -= d)),
this.setClip(r, this.createClip(n * k.scale - 2, m * k.scale - 2, c * k.scale + 4, d * k.scale + 4)));
m = f == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? 'end' : f == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? 'middle' : 'start';
'start' != m && r.setAttribute('text-anchor', m);
(this.styleEnabled && p == mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE) || r.setAttribute('font-size', p * k.scale + 'px');
0 < t.length && r.setAttribute('transform', t);
1 > k.alpha && r.setAttribute('opacity', k.alpha);
t = e.split('\n');
n = Math.round(p * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT);
var u = p + (t.length - 1) * n;
m = b + p - 1;
g == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE
? 'fill' == h
? (m -= d / 2)
: ((l = (this.matchHtmlAlignment && l && 0 < d ? Math.min(u, d) : u) / 2), (m -= l))
: g == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM &&
('fill' == h ? (m -= d) : ((l = this.matchHtmlAlignment && l && 0 < d ? Math.min(u, d) : u), (m -= l + 1)));
for (l = 0; l < t.length; l++)
0 < t[l].length &&
0 < mxUtils.trim(t[l]).length &&
((p = this.createElement('text')),
p.setAttribute('x', this.format(a * k.scale) + this.textOffset),
p.setAttribute('y', this.format(m * k.scale) + this.textOffset),
mxUtils.write(p, t[l]),
(m += n);
this.addTextBackground(r, e, a, b, c, 'fill' == h ? d : u, f, g, h);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateFont = function (a) {
var b = this.state;
a.setAttribute('fill', b.fontColor);
(this.styleEnabled && b.fontFamily == mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY) || a.setAttribute('font-family', b.fontFamily);
(b.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && a.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold');
(b.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && a.setAttribute('font-style', 'italic');
var c = [];
(b.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && c.push('underline');
(b.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && c.push('line-through');
0 < c.length && a.setAttribute('text-decoration', c.join(' '));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addTextBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
var l = this.state;
if (null != l.fontBackgroundColor || null != l.fontBorderColor) {
var m = null;
if ('fill' == h || 'width' == h)
g == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? (c -= e / 2) : g == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (c -= e),
k == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? (d -= f / 2) : k == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (d -= f),
(m = new mxRectangle((c + 1) * l.scale, d * l.scale, (e - 2) * l.scale, (f + 2) * l.scale));
else if (null != a.getBBox && this.root.ownerDocument == document)
try {
var m = a.getBBox(),
n = mxClient.IS_IE && mxClient.IS_SVG,
m = new mxRectangle(m.x, m.y + (n ? 0 : 1), m.width, m.height + (n ? 1 : 0));
} catch (p) {}
if (null == m || 0 == m.width || 0 == m.height)
(m = document.createElement('div')),
? l.fontSize * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT),
( = l.fontSize + 'px'),
( = l.fontFamily),
( = 'nowrap'),
( = 'absolute'),
( = 'hidden'),
( = 'inline-block'),
( = '1'),
(l.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && ( = 'bold'),
(l.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && ( = 'italic'),
(b = mxUtils.htmlEntities(b, !1)),
(m.innerHTML = b.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>')),
(e = m.offsetWidth),
(f = m.offsetHeight),
g == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? (c -= e / 2) : g == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (c -= e),
k == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? (d -= f / 2) : k == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (d -= f),
(m = new mxRectangle((c + 1) * l.scale, (d + 2) * l.scale, e * l.scale, (f + 1) * l.scale));
null != m &&
((b = this.createElement('rect')),
b.setAttribute('fill', l.fontBackgroundColor || 'none'),
b.setAttribute('stroke', l.fontBorderColor || 'none'),
b.setAttribute('x', Math.floor(m.x - 1)),
b.setAttribute('y', Math.floor(m.y - 1)),
b.setAttribute('width', Math.ceil(m.width + 2)),
b.setAttribute('height', Math.ceil(m.height)),
(l = null != l.fontBorderColor ? Math.max(1, this.format(l.scale)) : 0),
b.setAttribute('stroke-width', l),
this.root.ownerDocument == document &&
1 == mxUtils.mod(l, 2) &&
b.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0.5, 0.5)'),
a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.stroke = function () {
this.addNode(!1, !0);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fill = function () {
this.addNode(!0, !1);
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fillAndStroke = function () {
this.addNode(!0, !0);
function mxShape(a) {
this.stencil = a;
mxShape.prototype.dialect = null;
mxShape.prototype.scale = 1;
mxShape.prototype.antiAlias = !0;
mxShape.prototype.minSvgStrokeWidth = 1;
mxShape.prototype.bounds = null;
mxShape.prototype.points = null;
mxShape.prototype.node = null;
mxShape.prototype.state = null; = null;
mxShape.prototype.boundingBox = null;
mxShape.prototype.stencil = null;
mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance = 8;
mxShape.prototype.pointerEvents = !0;
mxShape.prototype.svgPointerEvents = 'all';
mxShape.prototype.shapePointerEvents = !1;
mxShape.prototype.stencilPointerEvents = !1;
mxShape.prototype.outline = !1;
mxShape.prototype.visible = !0;
mxShape.prototype.useSvgBoundingBox = !1;
mxShape.prototype.init = function (a) {
null == this.node && ((this.node = this.create(a)), null != a && a.appendChild(this.node));
mxShape.prototype.initStyles = function (a) {
this.strokewidth = 1;
this.rotation = 0;
this.strokeOpacity = this.fillOpacity = this.opacity = 100;
this.flipV = this.flipH = !1;
mxShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
mxShape.prototype.getSvgScreenOffset = function () {
return 1 ==
(this.stencil && 'inherit' != this.stencil.strokewidth
? Number(this.stencil.strokewidth)
: this.strokewidth) * this.scale
? 0.5
: 0;
mxShape.prototype.create = function (a) {
return null != a && null != a.ownerSVGElement ? this.createSvg(a) : this.createHtml(a);
mxShape.prototype.createSvg = function () {
return document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
mxShape.prototype.createHtml = function () {
var a = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute';
return a;
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function () {
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function () {
this.visible && this.checkBounds()
? (( = 'visible'),
'DIV' == this.node.nodeName ? this.redrawHtmlShape() : this.redrawShape(),
: (( = 'hidden'), (this.boundingBox = null));
mxShape.prototype.clear = function () {
if (null != this.node.ownerSVGElement)
for (; null != this.node.lastChild; ) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
( = 'position:absolute;' + (null != this.cursor ? 'cursor:' + this.cursor + ';' : '')),
(this.node.innerHTML = '');
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundsFromPoints = function () {
var a = this.points;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length && null != a[0]) {
this.bounds = new mxRectangle(Number(a[0].x), Number(a[0].y), 1, 1);
for (var b = 1; b < this.points.length; b++)
null != a[b] && this.bounds.add(new mxRectangle(Number(a[b].x), Number(a[b].y), 1, 1));
mxShape.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST),
c = a;
b != mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH &&
b != mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH &&
null != this.state &&
null != this.state.text &&
this.state.text.isPaintBoundsInverted() &&
((c = c.clone()), (b = c.width), (c.width = c.height), (c.height = b));
c = this.getLabelMargins(c);
if (null != c) {
var d = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, !1),
e = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, !1);
null != this.state &&
null != this.state.text &&
this.state.text.isPaintBoundsInverted() &&
((b = c.x), (c.x = c.height), (c.height = c.width), (c.width = c.y), (c.y = b), (b = d), (d = e), (e = b));
return mxUtils.getDirectedBounds(a, c,, d, e);
return a;
mxShape.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return null;
mxShape.prototype.checkBounds = function () {
return (
!isNaN(this.scale) &&
isFinite(this.scale) &&
0 < this.scale &&
null != this.bounds &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.x) &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.y) &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.width) &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.height) &&
0 < this.bounds.width &&
0 < this.bounds.height
mxShape.prototype.redrawShape = function () {
var a = this.createCanvas();
null != a &&
((a.pointerEvents = this.pointerEvents),
this.node != a.root && this.node.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', a.root.outerHTML),
'DIV' == this.node.nodeName &&
8 == document.documentMode &&
(( = ''), mxUtils.addTransparentBackgroundFilter(this.node)),
mxShape.prototype.createCanvas = function () {
var a = null;
null != this.node.ownerSVGElement && (a = this.createSvgCanvas());
null != a &&
this.outline &&
null != this.isDashed && a.setDashed(this.isDashed),
(a.setStrokeWidth = function () {}),
(a.setStrokeColor = function () {}),
(a.setFillColor = function () {}),
(a.setGradient = function () {}),
(a.setDashed = function () {}),
(a.text = function () {}));
return a;
mxShape.prototype.createSvgCanvas = function () {
var a = new mxSvgCanvas2D(this.node, !1);
a.strokeTolerance = this.svgStrokeTolerance;
a.pointerEventsValue = this.svgPointerEvents;
var b = this.getSvgScreenOffset();
0 != b
? this.node.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + b + ',' + b + ')')
: this.node.removeAttribute('transform');
a.minStrokeWidth = this.minSvgStrokeWidth;
this.antiAlias ||
(a.format = function (a) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(a));
return a;
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function () {
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlFilters = function (a) {
var b = '';
100 > this.opacity && (b += 'alpha(opacity=' + this.opacity + ')');
this.isShadow &&
(b +=
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow (OffX='" +
Math.round(mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_X * this.scale) +
"', OffY='" +
Math.round(mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_Y * this.scale) +
"', Color='" +
if (null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE && this.gradient && this.gradient != mxConstants.NONE) {
var c = this.fill,
d = this.gradient,
e = '0',
f = { east: 0, south: 1, west: 2, north: 3 },
g = null != this.direction ? f[this.direction] : 0;
null != this.gradientDirection && (g = mxUtils.mod(g + f[this.gradientDirection] - 1, 4));
1 == g ? ((e = '1'), (f = c), (c = d), (d = f)) : 2 == g ? ((f = c), (c = d), (d = f)) : 3 == g && (e = '1');
b +=
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='" +
c +
"', endColorStr='" +
d +
"', gradientType='" +
e +
} = b;
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlColors = function (a) {
var b = this.stroke;
null != b && b != mxConstants.NONE
? (( = b),
this.isDashed ? ( = 'dashed') : 0 < this.strokewidth && ( = 'solid'),
( = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(this.strokewidth * this.scale)) + 'px'))
: ( = '0px');
b = this.outline ? null : this.fill;
null != b && b != mxConstants.NONE
? (( = b), ( = 'none'))
: this.pointerEvents
? ( = 'transparent')
: 8 == document.documentMode
? mxUtils.addTransparentBackgroundFilter(a)
: this.setTransparentBackgroundImage(a);
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlBounds = function (a) {
var b = 9 <= document.documentMode ? 0 : Math.ceil(this.strokewidth * this.scale); = Math.max(1, b) + 'px'; = 'hidden'; = Math.round(this.bounds.x - b / 2) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.bounds.y - b / 2) + 'px';
'CSS1Compat' == document.compatMode && (b = -b); = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.bounds.width + b)) + 'px'; = Math.round(Math.max(0, this.bounds.height + b)) + 'px';
mxShape.prototype.destroyCanvas = function (a) {
if (a instanceof mxSvgCanvas2D) {
for (var b in a.gradients) {
var c = a.gradients[b];
null != c && (c.mxRefCount = (c.mxRefCount || 0) + 1);
this.oldGradients = a.gradients;
mxShape.prototype.beforePaint = function (a) {};
mxShape.prototype.afterPaint = function (a) {};
mxShape.prototype.paint = function (a) {
var b = !1;
if (null != a && this.outline) {
var c = a.stroke;
a.stroke = function () {
b = !0;
c.apply(this, arguments);
var d = a.fillAndStroke;
a.fillAndStroke = function () {
b = !0;
d.apply(this, arguments);
var e = this.scale,
f = this.bounds.x / e,
g = this.bounds.y / e,
k = this.bounds.width / e,
h = this.bounds.height / e;
if (this.isPaintBoundsInverted())
var l = (k - h) / 2,
f = f + l,
g = g - l,
l = k,
k = h,
h = l;
this.updateTransform(a, f, g, k, h);
this.configureCanvas(a, f, g, k, h);
l = null;
if (
(null == this.stencil && null == this.points && this.shapePointerEvents) ||
(null != this.stencil && this.stencilPointerEvents)
) {
var m = this.createBoundingBox();
this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? ((l = this.createTransparentSvgRectangle(m.x, m.y, m.width, m.height)), this.node.appendChild(l))
: ((e = a.createRect('rect', m.x / e, m.y / e, m.width / e, m.height / e)),
(e.stroked = 'false'),
null != this.stencil
? this.stencil.drawShape(a, this, f, g, k, h)
: (a.setStrokeWidth(this.strokewidth),
(e = this.getWaypoints()),
null != e ? 1 < e.length && this.paintEdgeShape(a, e) : this.paintVertexShape(a, f, g, k, h));
null != l && null != a.state && null != a.state.transform && l.setAttribute('transform', a.state.transform);
null != a && this.outline && !b && (a.rect(f, g, k, h), a.stroke());
mxShape.prototype.getWaypoints = function () {
var a = this.points,
b = null;
if (null != a && ((b = []), 0 < a.length)) {
var c = this.scale,
d = Math.max(c, 1),
e = a[0];
b.push(new mxPoint(e.x / c, e.y / c));
for (var f = 1; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = a[f];
(Math.abs(e.x - g.x) >= d || Math.abs(e.y - g.y) >= d) && b.push(new mxPoint(g.x / c, g.y / c));
e = g;
return b;
mxShape.prototype.configureCanvas = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = null;
null != && (f =;
a.setAlpha(this.opacity / 100);
a.setFillAlpha(this.fillOpacity / 100);
a.setStrokeAlpha(this.strokeOpacity / 100);
null != this.isShadow && a.setShadow(this.isShadow);
null != this.isDashed &&
null != ? 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FIX_DASH, !1) : !1
null != f && a.setDashPattern(f);
null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE && this.gradient && this.gradient != mxConstants.NONE
? ((b = this.getGradientBounds(a, b, c, d, e)),
a.setGradient(this.fill, this.gradient, b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, this.gradientDirection))
: a.setFillColor(this.fill);
mxShape.prototype.configurePointerEvents = function (a) {
null == ||
(null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE && 0 != this.opacity && 0 != this.fillOpacity) ||
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1') ||
(a.pointerEvents = !1);
mxShape.prototype.getGradientBounds = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return new mxRectangle(b, c, d, e);
mxShape.prototype.updateTransform = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.rotate(this.getShapeRotation(), this.flipH, this.flipV, b + d / 2, c + e / 2);
mxShape.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.paintBackground(a, b, c, d, e);
(this.outline && null != && 0 != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_BACKGROUND_OUTLINE, 0)) ||
(a.setShadow(!1), this.paintForeground(a, b, c, d, e));
mxShape.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {};
mxShape.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {};
mxShape.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b) {};
mxShape.prototype.getArcSize = function (a, b) {
var c;
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0)
? (c = Math.min(
a / 2,
Math.min(b / 2, mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2)
: ((c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100),
(c = Math.min(a * c, b * c)));
return c;
mxShape.prototype.paintGlassEffect = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = Math.ceil(this.strokewidth / 2);
a.setGradient('#ffffff', '#ffffff', b, c, d, 0.6 * e, 'south', 0.9, 0.1);
f += 2 * g;
? (a.moveTo(b - g + f, c - g),
a.quadTo(b - g, c - g, b - g, c - g + f),
a.lineTo(b - g, c + 0.4 * e),
a.quadTo(b + 0.5 * d, c + 0.7 * e, b + d + g, c + 0.4 * e),
a.lineTo(b + d + g, c - g + f),
a.quadTo(b + d + g, c - g, b + d + g - f, c - g))
: (a.moveTo(b - g, c - g),
a.lineTo(b - g, c + 0.4 * e),
a.quadTo(b + 0.5 * d, c + 0.7 * e, b + d + g, c + 0.4 * e),
a.lineTo(b + d + g, c - g));
mxShape.prototype.addPoints = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (null != b && 0 < b.length) {
g = null != g ? g : !0;
var k = b[b.length - 1];
if (e && c) {
b = b.slice();
var h = b[0],
h = new mxPoint(k.x + (h.x - k.x) / 2, k.y + (h.y - k.y) / 2);
b.splice(0, 0, h);
var l = b[0],
h = 1;
for (g ? a.moveTo(l.x, l.y) : a.lineTo(l.x, l.y); h < (e ? b.length : b.length - 1); ) {
g = b[mxUtils.mod(h, b.length)];
var m = l.x - g.x,
l = l.y - g.y;
if (c && (0 != m || 0 != l) && (null == f || 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(f, h - 1))) {
var n = Math.sqrt(m * m + l * l);
a.lineTo(g.x + (m * Math.min(d, n / 2)) / n, g.y + (l * Math.min(d, n / 2)) / n);
for (
l = b[mxUtils.mod(h + 1, b.length)];
h < b.length - 2 && 0 == Math.round(l.x - g.x) && 0 == Math.round(l.y - g.y);
(l = b[mxUtils.mod(h + 2, b.length)]), h++;
m = l.x - g.x;
l = l.y - g.y;
n = Math.max(1, Math.sqrt(m * m + l * l));
m = g.x + (m * Math.min(d, n / 2)) / n;
l = g.y + (l * Math.min(d, n / 2)) / n;
a.quadTo(g.x, g.y, m, l);
g = new mxPoint(m, l);
} else a.lineTo(g.x, g.y);
l = g;
e ? a.close() : a.lineTo(k.x, k.y);
mxShape.prototype.resetStyles = function () {
this.spacing = 0;
delete this.fill;
delete this.gradient;
delete this.gradientDirection;
delete this.stroke;
delete this.startSize;
delete this.endSize;
delete this.startArrow;
delete this.endArrow;
delete this.direction;
delete this.isShadow;
delete this.isDashed;
delete this.isRounded;
mxShape.prototype.apply = function (a) {
this.state = a; =;
if (null != {
this.fill = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, this.fill);
this.gradient = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR, this.gradient);
this.gradientDirection = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENT_DIRECTION, this.gradientDirection);
this.opacity = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_OPACITY, this.opacity);
this.fillOpacity = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FILL_OPACITY, this.fillOpacity);
this.strokeOpacity = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKE_OPACITY, this.strokeOpacity);
this.stroke = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, this.stroke);
this.strokewidth = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, this.strokewidth);
this.spacing = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING, this.spacing);
this.startSize = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, this.startSize);
this.endSize = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE, this.endSize);
this.startArrow = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW, this.startArrow);
this.endArrow = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, this.endArrow);
this.rotation = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, this.rotation);
this.direction = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, this.direction);
this.flipH = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0);
this.flipV = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0);
null != this.stencil &&
((this.flipH = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipH', 0) || this.flipH),
(this.flipV = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipV', 0) || this.flipV));
if (this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
(a = this.flipH), (this.flipH = this.flipV), (this.flipV = a);
this.isShadow = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW, this.isShadow);
this.isDashed = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED, this.isDashed);
this.isRounded = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, this.isRounded); = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS,;
this.fill == mxConstants.NONE && (this.fill = null);
this.gradient == mxConstants.NONE && (this.gradient = null);
this.stroke == mxConstants.NONE && (this.stroke = null);
mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function (a) {
null == a && (a = '');
this.cursor = a;
null != this.node && ( = a);
mxShape.prototype.getCursor = function () {
return this.cursor;
mxShape.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !1;
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function () {
if (this.useSvgBoundingBox && null != this.node && null != this.node.ownerSVGElement)
try {
var a = this.node.getBBox();
if (0 < a.width && 0 < a.height) {
this.boundingBox = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
this.boundingBox.grow((this.strokewidth * this.scale) / 2);
} catch (c) {}
if (null != this.bounds) {
a = this.createBoundingBox();
if (null != a) {
var b = this.getShapeRotation();
0 != b && (a = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(a, b));
this.boundingBox = a;
mxShape.prototype.createBoundingBox = function () {
var a = this.bounds.clone();
((null != this.stencil &&
(this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)) ||
this.isPaintBoundsInverted()) &&
return a;
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function (a) {
this.isShadow &&
((a.width += Math.ceil(mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_X * this.scale)),
(a.height += Math.ceil(mxConstants.SHADOW_OFFSET_Y * this.scale)));
a.grow((this.strokewidth * this.scale) / 2);
mxShape.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function () {
return (
null == this.stencil &&
(this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
mxShape.prototype.getRotation = function () {
return null != this.rotation ? this.rotation : 0;
mxShape.prototype.getTextRotation = function () {
var a = this.getRotation();
1 != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1) && (a += mxText.prototype.verticalTextRotation);
return a;
mxShape.prototype.getShapeRotation = function () {
var a = this.getRotation();
null != this.direction &&
(this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (a += 270)
: this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? (a += 180)
: this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH && (a += 90));
return a;
mxShape.prototype.createTransparentSvgRectangle = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'rect');
e.setAttribute('x', a);
e.setAttribute('y', b);
e.setAttribute('width', c);
e.setAttribute('height', d);
e.setAttribute('fill', 'none');
e.setAttribute('stroke', 'none');
e.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'all');
return e;
mxShape.prototype.setTransparentBackgroundImage = function (a) { = "url('" + mxClient.imageBasePath + "/transparent.gif')";
mxShape.prototype.intersectsRectangle = function (a) {
return (
null != a &&
null != this.node &&
'hidden' != &&
'none' != &&
mxUtils.intersects(this.bounds, a)
mxShape.prototype.releaseSvgGradients = function (a) {
if (null != a)
for (var b in a) {
var c = a[b];
null != c &&
((c.mxRefCount = (c.mxRefCount || 0) - 1),
0 == c.mxRefCount && null != c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c));
mxShape.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.node &&
null != this.node.parentNode && this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node),
(this.node = null));
this.oldGradients = null;
function mxStencil(a) {
this.desc = a;
mxUtils.extend(mxStencil, mxShape);
mxStencil.defaultLocalized = !1;
mxStencil.allowEval = !1;
mxStencil.prototype.desc = null;
mxStencil.prototype.constraints = null;
mxStencil.prototype.aspect = null;
mxStencil.prototype.w0 = null;
mxStencil.prototype.h0 = null;
mxStencil.prototype.bgNode = null;
mxStencil.prototype.fgNode = null;
mxStencil.prototype.strokewidth = null;
mxStencil.prototype.parseDescription = function () {
this.fgNode = this.desc.getElementsByTagName('foreground')[0];
this.bgNode = this.desc.getElementsByTagName('background')[0];
this.w0 = Number(this.desc.getAttribute('w') || 100);
this.h0 = Number(this.desc.getAttribute('h') || 100);
var a = this.desc.getAttribute('aspect');
this.aspect = null != a ? a : 'variable';
a = this.desc.getAttribute('strokewidth');
this.strokewidth = null != a ? a : '1';
mxStencil.prototype.parseConstraints = function () {
var a = this.desc.getElementsByTagName('connections')[0];
if (null != a && ((a = mxUtils.getChildNodes(a)), null != a && 0 < a.length)) {
this.constraints = [];
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.constraints.push(this.parseConstraint(a[b]));
mxStencil.prototype.parseConstraint = function (a) {
var b = Number(a.getAttribute('x')),
c = Number(a.getAttribute('y')),
d = '1' == a.getAttribute('perimeter');
a = a.getAttribute('name');
return new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(b, c), d, a);
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
b = this.evaluateAttribute(a, b, c);
a = a.getAttribute('localized');
if ((mxStencil.defaultLocalized && null == a) || '1' == a) b = mxResources.get(b);
return b;
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
b = a.getAttribute(b);
null == b &&
((a = mxUtils.getTextContent(a)),
null != a && mxStencil.allowEval && ((a = mxUtils.eval(a)), 'function' == typeof a && (b = a(c))));
return b;
mxStencil.prototype.drawShape = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = a.states.slice(),
k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, null),
k = this.computeAspect(, c, d, e, f, k),
h = Math.min(k.width, k.height),
h =
'inherit' == this.strokewidth
? Number(mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, 1))
: Number(this.strokewidth) * h;
null != &&
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '0') &&
(a.setStrokeColor(mxConstants.NONE), a.rect(c, d, e, f), a.stroke(), a.setStrokeColor(b.stroke));
this.drawChildren(a, b, c, d, e, f, this.bgNode, k, !1, !0);
!b.outline || null == || 0 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_BACKGROUND_OUTLINE, 0)
a.states.length != g.length && (a.states = g);
mxStencil.prototype.drawChildren = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) {
if (null != g && 0 < e && 0 < f)
for (c = g.firstChild; null != c; )
c.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && this.drawNode(a, b, c, k, h, l), (c = c.nextSibling);
mxStencil.prototype.computeAspect = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = b;
b = d / this.w0;
var g = e / this.h0;
if ((f = f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)) {
g = d / this.h0;
b = e / this.w0;
var k = (d - e) / 2;
a += k;
c -= k;
'fixed' == this.aspect &&
((b = g = Math.min(b, g)),
? ((a += (e - this.w0 * b) / 2), (c += (d - this.h0 * g) / 2))
: ((a += (d - this.w0 * b) / 2), (c += (e - this.h0 * g) / 2)));
return new mxRectangle(a, c, b, g);
mxStencil.prototype.drawNode = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = c.nodeName,
k = d.x,
h = d.y,
l = d.width,
m = d.height,
n = Math.min(l, m);
if ('save' == g);
else if ('restore' == g) a.restore();
else if (f) {
if ('path' == g) {
n = !0;
if ('1' == c.getAttribute('rounded')) {
for (var n = !1, p = Number(c.getAttribute('arcSize')), r = 0, t = [], u = c.firstChild; null != u; ) {
if (u.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
var x = u.nodeName;
if ('move' == x || 'line' == x)
('move' != x && 0 != t.length) || t.push([]),
t[t.length - 1].push(
new mxPoint(k + Number(u.getAttribute('x')) * l, h + Number(u.getAttribute('y')) * m)
else {
n = !0;
u = u.nextSibling;
if (!n && 0 < r)
for (l = 0; l < t.length; l++)
(m = !1),
(h = t[l][0]),
(k = t[l][t[l].length - 1]),
h.x == k.x && h.y == k.y && (t[l].pop(), (m = !0)),
this.addPoints(a, t[l], !0, p, m);
else n = !0;
if (n)
for (u = c.firstChild; null != u; )
u.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && this.drawNode(a, b, u, d, e, f), (u = u.nextSibling);
} else if ('close' == g) a.close();
else if ('move' == g) a.moveTo(k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l, h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m);
else if ('line' == g) a.lineTo(k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l, h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m);
else if ('quad' == g)
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x1')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y1')) * m,
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x2')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y2')) * m
else if ('curve' == g)
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x1')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y1')) * m,
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x2')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y2')) * m,
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x3')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y3')) * m
else if ('arc' == g)
Number(c.getAttribute('rx')) * l,
Number(c.getAttribute('ry')) * m,
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m
else if ('rect' == g)
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m,
Number(c.getAttribute('w')) * l,
Number(c.getAttribute('h')) * m
else if ('roundrect' == g)
(b = Number(c.getAttribute('arcsize'))),
0 == b && (b = 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR),
(d = Number(c.getAttribute('w')) * l),
(f = Number(c.getAttribute('h')) * m),
(b = Number(b) / 100),
(b = Math.min(d * b, f * b)),
a.roundrect(k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l, h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m, d, f, b, b);
else if ('ellipse' == g)
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m,
Number(c.getAttribute('w')) * l,
Number(c.getAttribute('h')) * m
else if ('image' == g)
b.outline ||
((b = this.evaluateAttribute(c, 'src', b)),
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m,
Number(c.getAttribute('w')) * l,
Number(c.getAttribute('h')) * m,
'1' == c.getAttribute('flipH'),
'1' == c.getAttribute('flipV')
else if ('text' == g)
b.outline ||
((d = this.evaluateTextAttribute(c, 'str', b)),
(f = '1' == c.getAttribute('vertical') ? -90 : 0),
'0' == c.getAttribute('align-shape') &&
((n = b.rotation),
(p = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0)),
(b = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0)),
(f = p && b ? f - n : p || b ? f + n : f - n)),
(f -= c.getAttribute('rotation')),
k + Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l,
h + Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m,
c.getAttribute('align') || 'left',
c.getAttribute('valign') || 'top',
else if ('include-shape' == g)
(n = mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(c.getAttribute('name'))),
null != n &&
((k += Number(c.getAttribute('x')) * l),
(h += Number(c.getAttribute('y')) * m),
(d = Number(c.getAttribute('w')) * l),
(f = Number(c.getAttribute('h')) * m),
n.drawShape(a, b, k, h, d, f));
else if ('fillstroke' == g) a.fillAndStroke();
else if ('fill' == g) a.fill();
else if ('stroke' == g) a.stroke();
else if ('strokewidth' == g)
(l = '1' == c.getAttribute('fixed') ? 1 : n), a.setStrokeWidth(Number(c.getAttribute('width')) * l);
else if ('dashed' == g) a.setDashed('1' == c.getAttribute('dashed'));
else if ('dashpattern' == g) {
if (((c = c.getAttribute('pattern')), null != c)) {
c = c.split(' ');
m = [];
for (l = 0; l < c.length; l++) 0 < c[l].length && m.push(Number(c[l]) * n);
c = m.join(' ');
} else
'strokecolor' == g
? a.setStrokeColor(c.getAttribute('color'))
: 'linecap' == g
? a.setLineCap(c.getAttribute('cap'))
: 'linejoin' == g
? a.setLineJoin(c.getAttribute('join'))
: 'miterlimit' == g
? a.setMiterLimit(Number(c.getAttribute('limit')))
: 'fillcolor' == g
? a.setFillColor(c.getAttribute('color'))
: 'alpha' == g
? a.setAlpha(c.getAttribute('alpha'))
: 'fillalpha' == g
? a.setAlpha(c.getAttribute('alpha'))
: 'strokealpha' == g
? a.setAlpha(c.getAttribute('alpha'))
: 'fontcolor' == g
? a.setFontColor(c.getAttribute('color'))
: 'fontstyle' == g
? a.setFontStyle(c.getAttribute('style'))
: 'fontfamily' == g
? a.setFontFamily(c.getAttribute('family'))
: 'fontsize' == g && a.setFontSize(Number(c.getAttribute('size')) * n);
!e || ('fillstroke' != g && 'fill' != g && 'stroke' != g) || a.setShadow(!1);
var mxStencilRegistry = {
stencils: {},
addStencil: function (a, b) {
mxStencilRegistry.stencils[a] = b;
getStencil: function (a) {
return mxStencilRegistry.stencils[a];
mxMarker = {
markers: [],
addMarker: function (a, b) {
mxMarker.markers[a] = b;
createMarker: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) {
var m = mxMarker.markers[c];
return null != m ? m(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) : null;
(function () {
function a(a) {
a = null != a ? a : 2;
return function (b, c, d, k, h, l, m, n, p, r) {
c = h * p * 1.118;
n = l * p * 1.118;
h *= m + p;
l *= m + p;
var e = k.clone();
e.x -= c;
e.y -= n;
m = d != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC && d != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC_THIN ? 1 : 0.75;
k.x += -h * m - c;
k.y += -l * m - n;
return function () {
b.moveTo(e.x, e.y);
b.lineTo(e.x - h - l / a, e.y - l + h / a);
(d != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC && d != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC_THIN) ||
b.lineTo(e.x - (3 * h) / 4, e.y - (3 * l) / 4);
b.lineTo(e.x + l / a - h, e.y - l - h / a);
r ? b.fillAndStroke() : b.stroke();
function b(a) {
a = null != a ? a : 2;
return function (b, c, d, k, h, l, m, n, p, r) {
c = h * p * 1.118;
d = l * p * 1.118;
h *= m + p;
l *= m + p;
var e = k.clone();
e.x -= c;
e.y -= d;
k.x += 2 * -c;
k.y += 2 * -d;
return function () {
b.moveTo(e.x - h - l / a, e.y - l + h / a);
b.lineTo(e.x, e.y);
b.lineTo(e.x + l / a - h, e.y - l - h / a);
function c(a, b, c, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
m = c == mxConstants.ARROW_DIAMOND ? 0.7071 : 0.9862;
b = k * n * m;
m *= h * n;
k *= l + n;
h *= l + n;
var d = g.clone();
d.x -= b;
d.y -= m;
g.x += -k - b;
g.y += -h - m;
var e = c == mxConstants.ARROW_DIAMOND ? 2 : 3.4;
return function () {
a.moveTo(d.x, d.y);
a.lineTo(d.x - k / 2 - h / e, d.y + k / e - h / 2);
a.lineTo(d.x - k, d.y - h);
a.lineTo(d.x - k / 2 + h / e, d.y - h / 2 - k / e);
p ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
mxMarker.addMarker('classic', a(2));
mxMarker.addMarker('classicThin', a(3));
mxMarker.addMarker('block', a(2));
mxMarker.addMarker('blockThin', a(3));
mxMarker.addMarker('open', b(2));
mxMarker.addMarker('openThin', b(3));
mxMarker.addMarker('oval', function (a, b, c, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
var d = l / 2,
e = g.clone();
g.x -= k * d;
g.y -= h * d;
return function () {
a.ellipse(e.x - d, e.y - d, l, l);
p ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
mxMarker.addMarker('baseDash', function (a, b, c, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
var d = k * (l + n + 1),
e = h * (l + n + 1);
return function () {
a.moveTo(g.x - e / 2, g.y + d / 2);
a.lineTo(g.x + e / 2, g.y - d / 2);
mxMarker.addMarker('doubleBlock', function (a, b, c, g, k, h, l, m, n, p) {
b = k * n * 1.118;
m = h * n * 1.118;
k *= l + n;
h *= l + n;
var d = g.clone();
d.x -= b;
d.y -= m;
c = c != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC && c != mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC_THIN ? 1 : 0.75;
g.x += -k * c * 2 - b;
g.y += -h * c * 2 - m;
return function () {
a.moveTo(d.x, d.y);
a.lineTo(d.x - k - h / 2, d.y - h + k / 2);
a.lineTo(d.x + h / 2 - k, d.y - h - k / 2);
a.moveTo(d.x - k, d.y - h);
a.lineTo(d.x - 2 * k - 0.5 * h, d.y + 0.5 * k - 2 * h);
a.lineTo(d.x - 2 * k + 0.5 * h, d.y - 0.5 * k - 2 * h);
p ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
mxMarker.addMarker('diamond', c);
mxMarker.addMarker('diamondThin', c);
function mxActor(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxActor, mxShape);
mxActor.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
this.redrawPath(a, b, c, d, e);
mxActor.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = d / 3;
a.moveTo(0, e);
a.curveTo(0, (3 * e) / 5, 0, (2 * e) / 5, d / 2, (2 * e) / 5);
a.curveTo(d / 2 - b, (2 * e) / 5, d / 2 - b, 0, d / 2, 0);
a.curveTo(d / 2 + b, 0, d / 2 + b, (2 * e) / 5, d / 2, (2 * e) / 5);
a.curveTo(d, (2 * e) / 5, d, (3 * e) / 5, d, e);
function mxCloud(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxCloud, mxActor);
mxCloud.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(0.25 * d, 0.25 * e);
a.curveTo(0.05 * d, 0.25 * e, 0, 0.5 * e, 0.16 * d, 0.55 * e);
a.curveTo(0, 0.66 * e, 0.18 * d, 0.9 * e, 0.31 * d, 0.8 * e);
a.curveTo(0.4 * d, e, 0.7 * d, e, 0.8 * d, 0.8 * e);
a.curveTo(d, 0.8 * e, d, 0.6 * e, 0.875 * d, 0.5 * e);
a.curveTo(d, 0.3 * e, 0.8 * d, 0.1 * e, 0.625 * d, 0.2 * e);
a.curveTo(0.5 * d, 0.05 * e, 0.3 * d, 0.05 * e, 0.25 * d, 0.25 * e);
function mxRectangleShape(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxRectangleShape, mxShape);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
var a = !0;
null != && (a = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1'));
return (
!this.isRounded && ! && 0 == this.rotation && (a || (null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE))
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (this.isRounded) {
var f;
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0)
? (f = Math.min(
d / 2,
Math.min(e / 2, mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2)
: ((f =
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100),
(f = Math.min(d * f, e * f)));
a.roundrect(b, c, d, e, f, f);
} else a.rect(b, c, d, e);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) { &&
!this.outline &&
null != this.fill &&
this.fill != mxConstants.NONE &&
this.paintGlassEffect(a, b, c, d, e, this.getArcSize(d + this.strokewidth, e + this.strokewidth));
function mxEllipse(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxEllipse, mxShape);
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.ellipse(b, c, d, e);
function mxDoubleEllipse(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxDoubleEllipse, mxShape);
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.ellipse(b, c, d, e);
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (!this.outline) {
var f = mxUtils.getValue(,
Math.min(3 + this.strokewidth, Math.min(d / 5, e / 5))
d -= 2 * f;
e -= 2 * f;
0 < d && 0 < e && a.ellipse(b + f, c + f, d, e);
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
var b =
Math.min(3 + this.strokewidth, Math.min(a.width / 5 / this.scale, a.height / 5 / this.scale))
) * this.scale;
return new mxRectangle(a.x + b, a.y + b, a.width - 2 * b, a.height - 2 * b);
function mxRhombus(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxRhombus, mxShape);
mxRhombus.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
mxRhombus.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = d / 2,
g = e / 2,
k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(b + f, c), new mxPoint(b + d, c + g), new mxPoint(b + f, c + e), new mxPoint(b, c + g)],
function mxPolyline(a, b, c) {;
this.points = a;
this.stroke = b;
this.strokewidth = null != c ? c : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxPolyline, mxShape);
mxPolyline.prototype.getRotation = function () {
return 0;
mxPolyline.prototype.getShapeRotation = function () {
return 0;
mxPolyline.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function () {
return !1;
mxPolyline.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b) {
var c = a.pointerEventsValue;
a.pointerEventsValue = 'stroke';
null == || 1 !=[mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED]
? this.paintLine(a, b, this.isRounded)
: this.paintCurvedLine(a, b);
a.pointerEventsValue = c;
mxPolyline.prototype.paintLine = function (a, b, c) {
var d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
this.addPoints(a, b, c, d, !1);
mxPolyline.prototype.paintCurvedLine = function (a, b) {
var c = b[0],
d = b.length;
a.moveTo(c.x, c.y);
for (c = 1; c < d - 2; c++) {
var e = b[c],
f = b[c + 1];
a.quadTo(e.x, e.y, (e.x + f.x) / 2, (e.y + f.y) / 2);
e = b[d - 2];
f = b[d - 1];
a.quadTo(e.x, e.y, f.x, f.y);
function mxArrow(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {;
this.points = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
this.arrowWidth = null != e ? e : mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH;
this.spacing = null != f ? f : mxConstants.ARROW_SPACING;
this.endSize = null != g ? g : mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE;
mxUtils.extend(mxArrow, mxShape);
mxArrow.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox.apply(this, arguments);
a.grow((Math.max(this.arrowWidth, this.endSize) / 2 + this.strokewidth) * this.scale);
mxArrow.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b) {
var c = mxConstants.ARROW_SPACING,
d = mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH,
e = b[0],
f = b[b.length - 1],
g = f.x - e.x,
k = f.y - e.y,
h = Math.sqrt(g * g + k * k),
l = h - 2 * c - mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE,
g = g / h,
k = k / h,
h = (d * k) / 3,
d = (-d * g) / 3,
m = e.x - h / 2 + c * g,
e = e.y - d / 2 + c * k,
n = m + h,
p = e + d,
r = n + l * g,
l = p + l * k,
t = r + h,
u = l + d,
x = t - 3 * h,
z = u - 3 * d;
a.moveTo(m, e);
a.lineTo(n, p);
a.lineTo(r, l);
a.lineTo(t, u);
a.lineTo(f.x - c * g, f.y - c * k);
a.lineTo(x, z);
a.lineTo(x + h, z + d);
function mxArrowConnector(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {;
this.points = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
this.arrowWidth = null != e ? e : mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH;
this.arrowSpacing = null != f ? f : mxConstants.ARROW_SPACING;
this.startSize = mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5;
this.endSize = mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5;
mxUtils.extend(mxArrowConnector, mxShape);
mxArrowConnector.prototype.useSvgBoundingBox = !0;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.resetStyles = function () {
mxShape.prototype.resetStyles.apply(this, arguments);
this.arrowSpacing = mxConstants.ARROW_SPACING;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.apply = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.apply.apply(this, arguments);
null != &&
((this.startSize = 3 * mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5)),
(this.endSize = 3 * mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5)));
mxArrowConnector.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox.apply(this, arguments);
var b = this.getEdgeWidth();
this.isMarkerStart() && (b = Math.max(b, this.getStartArrowWidth()));
this.isMarkerEnd() && (b = Math.max(b, this.getEndArrowWidth()));
a.grow((b / 2 + this.strokewidth) * this.scale);
mxArrowConnector.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b) {
var c = this.strokewidth;
this.outline && (c = Math.max(1, mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, this.strokewidth)));
var d = this.getStartArrowWidth() + c,
e = this.getEndArrowWidth() + c,
f = this.outline ? this.getEdgeWidth() + c : this.getEdgeWidth(),
g = this.isOpenEnded(),
k = this.isMarkerStart(),
h = this.isMarkerEnd(),
l = g ? 0 : this.arrowSpacing + c / 2,
m = this.startSize + c,
c = this.endSize + c,
n = this.isArrowRounded(),
p = b[b.length - 1],
r = b[1].x - b[0].x,
t = b[1].y - b[0].y,
u = Math.sqrt(r * r + t * t);
if (0 != u) {
var x = r / u,
D = x,
B = t / u,
J = B,
u = f * B,
v = -f * x,
K = [];
n ? a.setLineJoin('round') : 2 < b.length && a.setMiterLimit(1.42);
r = x;
t = B;
if (k && !g) this.paintMarker(a, b[0].x, b[0].y, x, B, m, d, f, l, !0);
else {
z = b[0].x + u / 2 + l * x;
C = b[0].y + v / 2 + l * B;
var O = b[0].x - u / 2 + l * x,
T = b[0].y - v / 2 + l * B;
? (a.moveTo(z, C),
K.push(function () {
a.lineTo(O, T);
: (a.moveTo(O, T), a.lineTo(z, C));
for (var M = (C = z = 0), u = 0; u < b.length - 2; u++)
if (
((v = mxUtils.relativeCcw(b[u].x, b[u].y, b[u + 1].x, b[u + 1].y, b[u + 2].x, b[u + 2].y)),
(z = b[u + 2].x - b[u + 1].x),
(C = b[u + 2].y - b[u + 1].y),
(M = Math.sqrt(z * z + C * C)),
0 != M)
) {
D = z / M;
J = C / M;
M = Math.max(Math.sqrt((x * D + B * J + 1) / 2), 0.04);
z = x + D;
C = B + J;
var U = Math.sqrt(z * z + C * C);
if (0 != U) {
z /= U;
C /= U;
var U = Math.max(M, Math.min(this.strokewidth / 200 + 0.04, 0.35)),
M = 0 != v && n ? Math.max(0.1, U) : Math.max(M, 0.06),
da = b[u + 1].x + (C * f) / 2 / M,
ha = b[u + 1].y - (z * f) / 2 / M;
C = b[u + 1].x - (C * f) / 2 / M;
z = b[u + 1].y + (z * f) / 2 / M;
0 != v && n
? -1 == v
? ((v = C + J * f),
(M = z - D * f),
a.lineTo(C + B * f, z - x * f),
a.quadTo(da, ha, v, M),
(function (b, c) {
K.push(function () {
a.lineTo(b, c);
})(C, z))
: (a.lineTo(da, ha),
(function (b, c) {
var d = da - B * f,
e = ha + x * f,
g = da - J * f,
k = ha + D * f;
K.push(function () {
a.quadTo(b, c, d, e);
K.push(function () {
a.lineTo(g, k);
})(C, z))
: (a.lineTo(da, ha),
(function (b, c) {
K.push(function () {
a.lineTo(b, c);
})(C, z));
x = D;
B = J;
u = f * J;
v = -f * D;
if (h && !g) this.paintMarker(a, p.x, p.y, -x, -B, c, e, f, l, !1);
else {
a.lineTo(p.x - l * D + u / 2, p.y - l * J + v / 2);
var Y = p.x - l * D - u / 2,
P = p.y - l * J - v / 2;
? (a.moveTo(Y, P),
K.splice(0, 0, function () {
a.moveTo(Y, P);
: a.lineTo(Y, P);
for (u = K.length - 1; 0 <= u; u--) K[u]();
g ? (a.end(), a.stroke()) : (a.close(), a.fillAndStroke());
n && a.setLineJoin('flat');
2 < b.length &&
k && !g && (a.begin(), this.paintMarker(a, b[0].x, b[0].y, r, t, m, d, f, l, !0), a.stroke(), a.end()),
h && !g && (a.begin(), this.paintMarker(a, p.x, p.y, -x, -B, c, e, f, l, !0), a.stroke(), a.end()));
mxArrowConnector.prototype.paintMarker = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) {
g = k / g;
var m = (k * e) / 2;
k = (-k * d) / 2;
var n = (h + f) * d;
f = (h + f) * e;
l ? a.moveTo(b - m + n, c - k + f) : a.lineTo(b - m + n, c - k + f);
a.lineTo(b - m / g + n, c - k / g + f);
a.lineTo(b + h * d, c + h * e);
a.lineTo(b + m / g + n, c + k / g + f);
a.lineTo(b + m + n, c + k + f);
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isArrowRounded = function () {
return this.isRounded;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.getStartArrowWidth = function () {
return mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.getEndArrowWidth = function () {
return mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function () {
return mxConstants.ARROW_WIDTH / 3;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isOpenEnded = function () {
return !1;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isMarkerStart = function () {
return mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE;
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isMarkerEnd = function () {
return mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE;
function mxText(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p, r, t, u, x, z, D, B, C) {;
this.value = a;
this.bounds = b;
this.color = null != e ? e : 'black';
this.align = null != c ? c : mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
this.valign = null != d ? d : mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE; = null != f ? f : mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY;
this.size = null != g ? g : mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE;
this.fontStyle = null != k ? k : mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSTYLE;
this.spacing = parseInt(h || 2);
this.spacingTop = this.spacing + parseInt(l || 0);
this.spacingRight = this.spacing + parseInt(m || 0);
this.spacingBottom = this.spacing + parseInt(n || 0);
this.spacingLeft = this.spacing + parseInt(p || 0);
this.horizontal = null != r ? r : !0;
this.background = t;
this.border = u;
this.wrap = null != x ? x : !1;
this.clipped = null != z ? z : !1;
this.overflow = null != D ? D : 'visible';
this.labelPadding = null != B ? B : 0;
this.textDirection = C;
this.rotation = 0;
mxUtils.extend(mxText, mxShape);
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop = 0;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom = 0;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingLeft = 0;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingRight = 0;
mxText.prototype.replaceLinefeeds = !0;
mxText.prototype.verticalTextRotation = -90;
mxText.prototype.ignoreClippedStringSize = !0;
mxText.prototype.ignoreStringSize = !1;
mxText.prototype.textWidthPadding = 8 != document.documentMode || mxClient.IS_EM ? 3 : 4;
mxText.prototype.lastValue = null;
mxText.prototype.cacheEnabled = !0;
mxText.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return 8 != document.documentMode || mxClient.IS_EM;
mxText.prototype.getSvgScreenOffset = function () {
return 0;
mxText.prototype.checkBounds = function () {
return (
!isNaN(this.scale) &&
isFinite(this.scale) &&
0 < this.scale &&
null != this.bounds &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.x) &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.y) &&
!isNaN(this.bounds.width) &&
mxText.prototype.configurePointerEvents = function (a) {};
mxText.prototype.paint = function (a, b) {
var c = this.scale,
d = this.bounds.x / c,
e = this.bounds.y / c,
f = this.bounds.width / c,
c = this.bounds.height / c;
this.updateTransform(a, d, e, f, c);
this.configureCanvas(a, d, e, f, c);
if (b)
else {
var g = mxUtils.isNode(this.value) || this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML,
k = g ? 'html' : '',
h = this.value;
g || 'html' != k || (h = mxUtils.htmlEntities(h, !1));
'html' != k || mxUtils.isNode(this.value) || (h = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(h, '<div><br></div>'));
var h = !mxUtils.isNode(this.value) && this.replaceLinefeeds && 'html' == k ? h.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : h,
l = this.textDirection;
l != mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO || g || (l = this.getAutoDirection());
l != mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR && l != mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL && (l = null);
mxText.prototype.redraw = function () {
if (
this.visible &&
this.checkBounds() &&
this.cacheEnabled &&
this.lastValue == this.value &&
(mxUtils.isNode(this.value) || this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML)
if ('DIV' == this.node.nodeName)
? this.redrawHtmlShapeWithCss3()
: (this.updateSize(this.node, null == this.state || null == this.state.view.textDiv),
mxClient.IS_IE && (null == document.documentMode || 8 >= document.documentMode)
? this.updateHtmlFilter()
: this.updateHtmlTransform()),
else {
var a = this.createCanvas();
null != a && null != a.updateText
? ((a.pointerEvents = this.pointerEvents), this.paint(a, !0), this.destroyCanvas(a), this.updateBoundingBox())
: mxShape.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
mxShape.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments),
mxUtils.isNode(this.value) || this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML
? (this.lastValue = this.value)
: (this.lastValue = null);
mxText.prototype.resetStyles = function () {
mxShape.prototype.resetStyles.apply(this, arguments);
this.color = 'black';
this.align = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
this.valign = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE; = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY;
this.size = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE;
this.fontStyle = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSTYLE;
this.spacingLeft = this.spacingBottom = this.spacingRight = this.spacingTop = this.spacing = 2;
this.horizontal = !0;
delete this.background;
delete this.border;
this.textDirection = mxConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTION;
delete this.margin;
mxText.prototype.apply = function (a) {
var b = this.spacing;
mxShape.prototype.apply.apply(this, arguments);
null != &&
((this.fontStyle = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, this.fontStyle)),
( = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY,,
(this.size = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, this.size)),
(this.color = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, this.color)),
(this.align = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, this.align)),
(this.valign = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, this.valign)),
(this.spacing = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING, this.spacing))),
(this.spacingTop =
parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP, this.spacingTop - b)) + this.spacing),
(this.spacingRight =
parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT, this.spacingRight - b)) + this.spacing),
(this.spacingBottom =
parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM, this.spacingBottom - b)) + this.spacing),
(this.spacingLeft =
parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT, this.spacingLeft - b)) + this.spacing),
(this.horizontal = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, this.horizontal)),
(this.background = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, this.background)),
(this.border = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BORDERCOLOR, this.border)),
(this.textDirection = mxUtils.getValue(,
(this.opacity = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, 100)),
this.flipH = this.flipV = null;
mxText.prototype.getAutoDirection = function () {
var a = /[A-Za-z\u05d0-\u065f\u066a-\u06ef\u06fa-\u07ff\ufb1d-\ufdff\ufe70-\ufefc]/.exec(this.value);
return null != a && 0 < a.length && 'z' < a[0] ? mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL : mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR;
mxText.prototype.getContentNode = function () {
var a = this.node;
null != a &&
(a =
null == a.ownerSVGElement
? this.node.firstChild.firstChild
: a.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild);
return a;
mxText.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function () {
var a = this.node;
this.boundingBox = this.bounds.clone();
var b = this.getTextRotation(),
c =
null !=
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)
: null,
d =
null !=
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
: null;
if (
this.ignoreStringSize ||
null == a ||
'fill' == this.overflow ||
(this.clipped && this.ignoreClippedStringSize && c == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && d == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
) {
d = c = null;
if (null != a.ownerSVGElement)
if (
null != a.firstChild &&
null != a.firstChild.firstChild &&
'foreignObject' == a.firstChild.firstChild.nodeName
(a = a.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild),
(d = a.offsetHeight * this.scale),
(c = 'width' == this.overflow ? this.boundingBox.width : a.offsetWidth * this.scale);
try {
var e = a.getBBox();
'string' == typeof this.value && 0 == mxUtils.trim(this.value)
? (this.boundingBox = null)
: (this.boundingBox = 0 == e.width && 0 == e.height ? null : new mxRectangle(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height));
} catch (f) {}
else {
c = null != this.state ? this.state.view.textDiv : null;
if (null == this.offsetWidth || null == this.offsetHeight)
null != c && (this.updateFont(c), this.updateSize(c, !1), this.updateInnerHtml(c), (a = c)),
(e = a),
8 != document.documentMode || mxClient.IS_EM
? null != e.firstChild && 'DIV' == e.firstChild.nodeName && (e = e.firstChild)
: ((d = Math.round(this.bounds.width / this.scale)),
this.wrap && 0 < d
? (( = mxConstants.WORD_WRAP),
( = 'normal'),
'break-word' != &&
((a = e.getElementsByTagName('div')),
0 < a.length && (e = a[a.length - 1]),
(c = e.offsetWidth + 2),
(a = this.node.getElementsByTagName('div')),
this.clipped && (c = Math.min(d, c)),
1 < a.length && (a[a.length - 2].style.width = c + 'px')))
: ( = 'nowrap')),
(this.offsetWidth = e.offsetWidth + this.textWidthPadding),
(this.offsetHeight = e.offsetHeight);
c = this.offsetWidth * this.scale;
d = this.offsetHeight * this.scale;
null != c && null != d && (this.boundingBox = new mxRectangle(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, c, d));
null != this.boundingBox &&
(0 != b
? ((b = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(
new mxRectangle(
this.margin.x * this.boundingBox.width,
this.margin.y * this.boundingBox.height,
new mxPoint(0, 0)
(this.unrotatedBoundingBox = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.boundingBox)),
(this.unrotatedBoundingBox.x += this.margin.x * this.unrotatedBoundingBox.width),
(this.unrotatedBoundingBox.y += this.margin.y * this.unrotatedBoundingBox.height),
(this.boundingBox.x += b.x),
(this.boundingBox.y += b.y),
(this.boundingBox.width = b.width),
(this.boundingBox.height = b.height))
: ((this.boundingBox.x += this.margin.x * this.boundingBox.width),
(this.boundingBox.y += this.margin.y * this.boundingBox.height),
(this.unrotatedBoundingBox = null)));
mxText.prototype.getShapeRotation = function () {
return 0;
mxText.prototype.getTextRotation = function () {
return null != this.state && null != this.state.shape ? this.state.shape.getTextRotation() : 0;
mxText.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function () {
return !this.horizontal && null != this.state && this.state.view.graph.model.isVertex(this.state.cell);
mxText.prototype.configureCanvas = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxShape.prototype.configureCanvas.apply(this, arguments);
mxText.prototype.getHtmlValue = function () {
var a = this.value;
this.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML && (a = mxUtils.htmlEntities(a, !1));
a = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(a, '<div><br></div>');
return (a = this.replaceLinefeeds ? a.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : a);
mxText.prototype.getTextCss = function () {
var a =
'display: inline-block; font-size: ' +
this.size +
'px; font-family: ' + +
'; color: ' +
this.color +
'; line-height: ' +
(mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT ? this.size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT + 'px' : mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) +
'; pointer-events: ' +
(this.pointerEvents ? 'all' : 'none') +
'; ';
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD && (a += 'font-weight: bold; ');
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC && (a += 'font-style: italic; ');
var b = [];
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && b.push('underline');
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && b.push('line-through');
0 < b.length && (a += 'text-decoration: ' + b.join(' ') + '; ');
return a;
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function () {
if (mxClient.IS_SVG) this.redrawHtmlShapeWithCss3();
else {
var a =;
a.whiteSpace = 'normal';
a.overflow = '';
a.width = '';
a.height = '';
this.updateSize(this.node, null == this.state || null == this.state.view.textDiv);
this.offsetHeight = this.offsetWidth = null;
mxClient.IS_IE && (null == document.documentMode || 8 >= document.documentMode)
? this.updateHtmlFilter()
: this.updateHtmlTransform();
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlShapeWithCss3 = function () {
var a = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.width / this.scale)),
b = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.height / this.scale)),
c =
'position: absolute; left: ' +
Math.round(this.bounds.x) +
'px; top: ' +
Math.round(this.bounds.y) +
'px; pointer-events: none; ',
d = this.getTextCss();
a + 2,
null != this.background ? mxUtils.htmlEntities(this.background) : null,
null != this.border ? mxUtils.htmlEntities(this.border) : null,
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c, d, k, h, l) {
a = this.getTextRotation();
a =
(1 != this.scale ? 'scale(' + this.scale + ') ' : '') +
(0 != a ? 'rotate(' + a + 'deg) ' : '') +
(0 != this.margin.x || 0 != this.margin.y
? 'translate(' + 100 * this.margin.x + '%,' + 100 * this.margin.y + '%)'
: '');
'' != a && (a = 'transform-origin: 0 0; transform: ' + a + '; ');
'block' == this.overflow && this.valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE && (a += 'max-height: ' + (b + 1) + 'px;');
'' == l
? ((d += k), (k = 'display:inline-block; min-width: 100%; ' + a))
: ((k += a), mxClient.IS_SF && (k += '-webkit-clip-path: content-box;'));
'block' == this.overflow && (k += 'width: 100%; ');
100 > this.opacity && (h += 'opacity: ' + this.opacity / 100 + '; ');
this.node.setAttribute('style', d);
d = mxUtils.isNode(this.value) ? this.value.outerHTML : this.getHtmlValue();
null == this.node.firstChild &&
((this.node.innerHTML = '<div><div>' + d + '</div></div>'),
mxClient.IS_IE11 && this.fixFlexboxForIe11(this.node));
this.node.firstChild.firstChild.setAttribute('style', h);
this.node.firstChild.setAttribute('style', k);
mxText.prototype.fixFlexboxForIe11 = function (a) {
for (var b = a.querySelectorAll('div[style*="display: flex; justify-content: flex-end;"]'), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
(b[c].style.justifyContent = 'flex-start'), (b[c].style.flexDirection = 'row-reverse');
if (!this.wrap)
for (
b = a.querySelectorAll('div[style*="display: flex; justify-content: center;"]'), a = -window.innerWidth, c = 0;
c < b.length;
(b[c].style.marginLeft = a + 'px'), (b[c].style.marginRight = a + 'px');
mxText.prototype.updateHtmlTransform = function () {
var a = this.getTextRotation(),
b =,
c = this.margin.x,
d = this.margin.y;
0 != a
? (mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(b, 'transformOrigin', 100 * -c + '% ' + 100 * -d + '%'),
'translate(' + 100 * c + '%,' + 100 * d + '%) scale(' + this.scale + ') rotate(' + a + 'deg)'
: (mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(b, 'transformOrigin', '0% 0%'),
'scale(' + this.scale + ') translate(' + 100 * c + '%,' + 100 * d + '%)'
b.left =
Math.round(this.bounds.x - Math.ceil(c * ('fill' != this.overflow && 'width' != this.overflow ? 3 : 1))) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.bounds.y - d * ('fill' != this.overflow ? 3 : 1)) + 'px';
b.opacity = 100 > this.opacity ? this.opacity / 100 : '';
mxText.prototype.updateInnerHtml = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.isNode(this.value)) a.innerHTML = this.value.outerHTML;
else {
var b = this.value;
this.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML && (b = mxUtils.htmlEntities(b, !1));
b = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(b, '<div>&nbsp;</div>');
b = this.replaceLinefeeds ? b.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : b;
a.innerHTML = '<div style="display:inline-block;_display:inline;">' + b + '</div>';
mxText.prototype.updateHtmlFilter = function () {
var a =,
b = this.margin.x,
c = this.margin.y,
d = this.scale;
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.node, this.opacity);
var e,
f = 0,
g = null != this.state ? this.state.view.textDiv : null,
k = this.node;
if (null != g) { = ''; = ''; = '';
this.updateSize(g, !1);
var h = Math.round(this.bounds.width / this.scale);
this.wrap && 0 < h
? (( = 'normal'),
( = mxConstants.WORD_WRAP),
(e = h),
this.clipped && (e = Math.min(e, this.bounds.width)),
( = e + 'px'))
: ( = 'nowrap');
k = g;
null != k.firstChild &&
'DIV' == k.firstChild.nodeName &&
((k = k.firstChild), this.wrap && 'break-word' == && ( = '100%'));
!this.clipped && this.wrap && 0 < h && ((e = k.offsetWidth + this.textWidthPadding), ( = e + 'px'));
f = k.offsetHeight + 2;
} else null != k.firstChild && 'DIV' == k.firstChild.nodeName && ((k = k.firstChild), (f = k.offsetHeight));
e = k.offsetWidth + this.textWidthPadding;
this.clipped && (f = Math.min(f, this.bounds.height));
h = this.bounds.width / d;
g = this.bounds.height / d;
'fill' == this.overflow ? ((f = g), (e = h)) : 'width' == this.overflow && ((f = k.scrollHeight), (e = h));
this.offsetWidth = e;
this.offsetHeight = f;
'fill' != this.overflow &&
'width' != this.overflow &&
(this.clipped && (e = Math.min(h, e)), (h = e), this.wrap && (a.width = Math.round(h) + 'px'));
var g = f * d,
h = h * d,
l = this.getTextRotation() * (Math.PI / 180);
e = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(l)).toFixed(8));
f = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(-l)).toFixed(8));
l %= 2 * Math.PI;
0 > l && (l += 2 * Math.PI);
l %= Math.PI;
l > Math.PI / 2 && (l = Math.PI - l);
var k = Math.cos(l),
m = Math.sin(-l),
b = h * -(b + 0.5),
c = g * -(c + 0.5);
0 != l &&
((l =
'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' +
e +
', M12=' +
f +
', M21=' +
-f +
', M22=' +
e +
", sizingMethod='auto expand')"),
(a.filter = null != a.filter && 0 < a.filter.length ? a.filter + (' ' + l) : l));
a.zoom = d;
a.left = Math.round(this.bounds.x + ((h - h * k + g * m) / 2 - e * b - f * c) - h / 2) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.bounds.y + ((g - g * k + h * m) / 2 + f * b - e * c) - g / 2 + 0) + 'px';
mxText.prototype.updateValue = function () {
if (mxUtils.isNode(this.value)) (this.node.innerHTML = ''), this.node.appendChild(this.value);
else {
var a = this.value;
this.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML && (a = mxUtils.htmlEntities(a, !1));
var a = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(a, '<div><br></div>'),
a = this.replaceLinefeeds ? a.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : a,
b = null != this.background && this.background != mxConstants.NONE ? this.background : null,
c = null != this.border && this.border != mxConstants.NONE ? this.border : null;
if ('fill' == this.overflow || 'width' == this.overflow)
null != b && ( = b), null != c && ( = '1px solid ' + c);
else {
var d = '';
null != b && (d += 'background-color:' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(b) + ';');
null != c && (d += 'border:1px solid ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(c) + ';');
a =
'<div style="zoom:1;' +
d +
'display:inline-block;_display:inline;text-decoration:inherit;padding-bottom:1px;padding-right:1px;line-height:' +
(mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT ? this.size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT + 'px' : mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) +
'">' +
a +
this.node.innerHTML = a;
a = this.node.getElementsByTagName('div');
0 < a.length &&
((b = this.textDirection),
b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO &&
this.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML &&
(b = this.getAutoDirection()),
b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR || b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL
? a[a.length - 1].setAttribute('dir', b)
: a[a.length - 1].removeAttribute('dir'));
mxText.prototype.updateFont = function (a) {
a =;
a.lineHeight = mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT
? this.size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT;
a.fontSize = this.size + 'px';
a.fontFamily =;
a.verticalAlign = 'top';
a.color = this.color;
a.fontWeight = (this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD ? 'bold' : '';
a.fontStyle = (this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC ? 'italic' : '';
var b = [];
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && b.push('underline');
(this.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && b.push('line-through');
a.textDecoration = b.join(' ');
a.textAlign =
this.align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? 'center' : this.align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? 'right' : 'left';
mxText.prototype.updateSize = function (a, b) {
var c = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.width / this.scale)),
d = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.height / this.scale)),
e =;
? ((e.overflow = 'hidden'), (e.maxHeight = d + 'px'), (e.maxWidth = c + 'px'))
: 'fill' == this.overflow
? ((e.width = c + 1 + 'px'), (e.height = d + 1 + 'px'), (e.overflow = 'hidden'))
: 'width' == this.overflow
? ((e.width = c + 1 + 'px'), (e.maxHeight = d + 1 + 'px'), (e.overflow = 'hidden'))
: 'block' == this.overflow && (e.width = c + 1 + 'px');
if (this.wrap && 0 < c) {
if (
((e.wordWrap = mxConstants.WORD_WRAP),
(e.whiteSpace = 'normal'),
(e.width = c + 'px'),
b && 'fill' != this.overflow && 'width' != this.overflow)
) {
d = a;
null != d.firstChild &&
'DIV' == d.firstChild.nodeName &&
((d = d.firstChild), 'break-word' == && ( = '100%'));
var f = d.offsetWidth;
if (0 == f) {
var g = a.parentNode; = 'hidden';
f = d.offsetWidth; = '';
f += 3;
this.clipped && (f = Math.min(f, c));
e.width = f + 'px';
} else e.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
mxText.prototype.updateMargin = function () {
this.margin = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(this.align, this.valign);
mxText.prototype.getSpacing = function (a) {
return new mxPoint(
this.align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER
? (this.spacingLeft - this.spacingRight) / 2
: this.align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT
? -this.spacingRight - (a ? 0 : this.baseSpacingRight)
: this.spacingLeft + (a ? 0 : this.baseSpacingLeft),
this.valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE
? (this.spacingTop - this.spacingBottom) / 2
: this.valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM
? -this.spacingBottom - (a ? 0 : this.baseSpacingBottom)
: this.spacingTop + (a ? 0 : this.baseSpacingTop)
function mxTriangle() {;
mxUtils.extend(mxTriangle, mxActor);
mxTriangle.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
mxTriangle.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
this.addPoints(a, [new mxPoint(0, 0), new mxPoint(d, 0.5 * e), new mxPoint(0, e)], this.isRounded, b, !0);
function mxHexagon() {;
mxUtils.extend(mxHexagon, mxActor);
mxHexagon.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0.25 * d, 0),
new mxPoint(0.75 * d, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0.5 * e),
new mxPoint(0.75 * d, e),
new mxPoint(0.25 * d, e),
new mxPoint(0, 0.5 * e),
function mxLine(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.stroke = b;
this.strokewidth = null != c ? c : 1;
this.vertical = null != d ? d : this.vertical;
mxUtils.extend(mxLine, mxShape);
mxLine.prototype.vertical = !1;
mxLine.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (this.vertical) {
var f = b + d / 2;
a.moveTo(f, c);
a.lineTo(f, c + e);
} else (f = c + e / 2), a.moveTo(b, f), a.lineTo(b + d, f);
function mxImageShape(a, b, c, d, e) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.image = b;
this.fill = c;
this.stroke = d;
this.strokewidth = null != e ? e : 1;
this.shadow = !1;
mxUtils.extend(mxImageShape, mxRectangleShape);
mxImageShape.prototype.preserveImageAspect = !0;
mxImageShape.prototype.getSvgScreenOffset = function () {
return 0;
mxImageShape.prototype.apply = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.apply.apply(this, arguments);
this.gradient = this.stroke = this.fill = null;
null != &&
((this.preserveImageAspect = 1 == mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_ASPECT, 1)),
(this.imageBackground = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BACKGROUND, null)),
(this.imageBorder = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, null)),
(this.flipH = this.flipH || 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'imageFlipH', 0)),
(this.flipV = this.flipV || 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'imageFlipV', 0)),
(this.clipPath = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_CLIP_PATH, null)));
mxImageShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !this.preserveImageAspect;
mxImageShape.prototype.createHtml = function () {
var a = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute';
return a;
mxImageShape.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !1;
mxImageShape.prototype.getImageDataUri = function () {
return this.image;
mxImageShape.prototype.configurePointerEvents = function (a) {};
mxImageShape.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
null != this.image
? (null != this.imageBackground &&
a.rect(b, c, d, e),
a.image(b, c, d, e, this.getImageDataUri(), this.preserveImageAspect, !1, !1, this.clipPath),
null != this.imageBorder && (a.setShadow(!1), a.setStrokeColor(this.imageBorder), a.rect(b, c, d, e), a.stroke()))
: mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground.apply(this, arguments);
mxImageShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function () { = Math.round(this.bounds.x) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.bounds.y) + 'px'; = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.width)) + 'px'; = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.height)) + 'px';
this.node.innerHTML = '';
if (null != this.image) {
var a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BACKGROUND, ''),
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, ''); = a; = b;
a = document.createElement('img');
a.setAttribute('border', '0'); = 'absolute';
a.src = this.image;
b = 100 > this.opacity ? 'alpha(opacity=' + this.opacity + ')' : ''; = b;
this.flipH && this.flipV
? (b += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2)')
: this.flipH
? (b += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(mirror=1)')
: this.flipV && (b += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)'); != b && ( = b);
'image' == a.nodeName
? ( = this.rotation)
: 0 != this.rotation
? mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transform', 'rotate(' + this.rotation + 'deg)')
: mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transform', ''); =; =; = '';
} else this.setTransparentBackgroundImage(this.node);
function mxLabel(a, b, c, d) {, a, b, c, d);
mxUtils.extend(mxLabel, mxRectangleShape);
mxLabel.prototype.imageSize = mxConstants.DEFAULT_IMAGESIZE;
mxLabel.prototype.spacing = 2;
mxLabel.prototype.indicatorSize = 10;
mxLabel.prototype.indicatorSpacing = 2;
mxLabel.prototype.init = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.indicatorShape &&
((this.indicator = new this.indicatorShape()),
(this.indicator.dialect = this.dialect),
mxLabel.prototype.redraw = function () {
null != this.indicator &&
((this.indicator.fill = this.indicatorColor),
(this.indicator.stroke = this.indicatorStrokeColor),
(this.indicator.gradient = this.indicatorGradientColor),
(this.indicator.direction = this.indicatorDirection),
mxShape.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
mxLabel.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return (
mxRectangleShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed.apply(this, arguments) &&
null == this.indicatorColor &&
null == this.indicatorShape
mxLabel.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.paintImage(a, b, c, d, e);
this.paintIndicator(a, b, c, d, e);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
mxLabel.prototype.paintImage = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
null != this.image &&
((b = this.getImageBounds(b, c, d, e)),
(c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_CLIP_PATH, null)),
a.image(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, this.image, !1, !1, !1, c));
mxLabel.prototype.getImageBounds = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT),
f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
g = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH, mxConstants.DEFAULT_IMAGESIZE),
k = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, mxConstants.DEFAULT_IMAGESIZE),
h = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING, this.spacing) + 5;
a = e == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? a + (c - g) / 2 : e == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? a + (c - g - h) : a + h;
b = f == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? b + h : f == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? b + (d - k - h) : b + (d - k) / 2;
return new mxRectangle(a, b, g, k);
mxLabel.prototype.paintIndicator = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
null != this.indicator
? ((this.indicator.bounds = this.getIndicatorBounds(b, c, d, e)), this.indicator.paint(a))
: null != this.indicatorImage &&
((b = this.getIndicatorBounds(b, c, d, e)),
a.image(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, this.indicatorImage, !1, !1, !1));
mxLabel.prototype.getIndicatorBounds = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT),
f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
g = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_WIDTH, this.indicatorSize),
k = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_HEIGHT, this.indicatorSize),
h = this.spacing + 5;
a = e == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? a + (c - g - h) : e == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? a + (c - g) / 2 : a + h;
b = f == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? b + (d - k - h) : f == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? b + h : b + (d - k) / 2;
return new mxRectangle(a, b, g, k);
mxLabel.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function () {
for (mxRectangleShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape.apply(this, arguments); this.node.hasChildNodes(); )
if (null != this.image) {
var a = document.createElement('img'); = 'relative';
a.setAttribute('border', '0');
var b = this.getImageBounds(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height);
b.x -= this.bounds.x;
b.y -= this.bounds.y; = Math.round(b.x) + 'px'; = Math.round(b.y) + 'px'; = Math.round(b.width) + 'px'; = Math.round(b.height) + 'px';
a.src = this.image;
function mxCylinder(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxCylinder, mxShape);
mxCylinder.prototype.maxHeight = 40;
mxCylinder.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
this.redrawPath(a, b, c, d, e, !1);
(this.outline && null != && 0 != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_BACKGROUND_OUTLINE, 0)) ||
(a.setShadow(!1), a.begin(), this.redrawPath(a, b, c, d, e, !0), a.stroke());
mxCylinder.prototype.getCylinderSize = function (a, b, c, d) {
return Math.min(this.maxHeight, Math.round(d / 5));
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = this.getCylinderSize(b, c, d, e);
if ((f && null != this.fill) || (!f && null == this.fill))
a.moveTo(0, b), a.curveTo(0, 2 * b, d, 2 * b, d, b), f || (a.stroke(), a.begin());
f ||
(a.moveTo(0, b),
a.curveTo(0, -b / 3, d, -b / 3, d, b),
a.lineTo(d, e - b),
a.curveTo(d, e + b / 3, 0, e + b / 3, 0, e - b),
function mxConnector(a, b, c) {, a, b, c);
mxUtils.extend(mxConnector, mxPolyline);
mxConnector.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function () {
this.useSvgBoundingBox = null != && 1 ==[mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED];
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox.apply(this, arguments);
mxConnector.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b) {
var c = this.createMarker(a, b, !0),
d = this.createMarker(a, b, !1);
mxPolyline.prototype.paintEdgeShape.apply(this, arguments);
null != c && c();
null != d && d();
mxConnector.prototype.createMarker = function (a, b, c) {
var d = null,
e = b.length,
f = mxUtils.getValue(, c ? mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW : mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW),
g = c ? b[1] : b[e - 2];
b = c ? b[0] : b[e - 1];
if (null != f && null != g && null != b)
var d = b.x - g.x,
e = b.y - g.y,
k = Math.sqrt(d * d + e * e),
g = d / k,
d = e / k,
e = mxUtils.getNumber(,
c ? mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE : mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE,
d = mxMarker.createMarker(
0 !=[c ? mxConstants.STYLE_STARTFILL : mxConstants.STYLE_ENDFILL]
return d;
mxConnector.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox.apply(this, arguments);
var b = 0;
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE &&
(b = mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_MARKERSIZE) + 1);
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE &&
(b = Math.max(b, mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_MARKERSIZE)) + 1);
a.grow(b * this.scale);
function mxSwimlane(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
mxUtils.extend(mxSwimlane, mxShape);
mxSwimlane.prototype.imageSize = 16;
mxSwimlane.prototype.apply = function (a) {
mxShape.prototype.apply.apply(this, arguments);
null != &&
(this.laneFill = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE));
mxSwimlane.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
mxSwimlane.prototype.getTitleSize = function () {
return Math.max(0, mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE));
mxSwimlane.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
var b = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0),
c = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0);
a = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
var d = this.isHorizontal(),
e = this.getTitleSize(),
f = this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH,
d = d == !f,
b = !d && b != (this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST),
c = d && c != (this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
if (f) {
e = Math.min(a.width, e * this.scale);
if (b || c) a.x += a.width - e;
a.width = e;
} else {
e = Math.min(a.height, e * this.scale);
if (b || c) a.y += a.height - e;
a.height = e;
return a;
mxSwimlane.prototype.getGradientBounds = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = this.getTitleSize();
return this.isHorizontal() ? new mxRectangle(b, c, d, Math.min(a, e)) : new mxRectangle(b, c, Math.min(a, d), e);
mxSwimlane.prototype.getSwimlaneArcSize = function (a, b, c) {
if ('1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0))
return Math.min(
a / 2,
Math.min(b / 2, mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2)
a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100;
return c * a * 3;
mxSwimlane.prototype.isHorizontal = function () {
return 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1);
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (!this.outline) {
var f = this.getTitleSize(),
g = 0,
f = this.isHorizontal() ? Math.min(f, e) : Math.min(f, d);
a.translate(b, c);
? ((g = this.getSwimlaneArcSize(d, e, f)),
(g = Math.min((this.isHorizontal() ? e : d) - f, Math.min(f, g))),
this.paintRoundedSwimlane(a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
: this.paintSwimlane(a, b, c, d, e, f);
var k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SEPARATORCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
this.paintSeparator(a, b, c, d, e, f, k);
null != this.image &&
((e = this.getImageBounds(b, c, d, e)),
(k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_CLIP_PATH, null)),
a.image(e.x - b, e.y - c, e.width, e.height, this.image, !1, !1, !1, k)); && (a.setShadow(!1), this.paintGlassEffect(a, 0, 0, d, f, g));
mxSwimlane.prototype.configurePointerEvents = function (a) {
var b = !0,
c = !0,
d = !0;
null != &&
((b = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1')),
(c = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_HEAD, 1)),
(d = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_BODY, 1)));
(b || c || d) && mxShape.prototype.configurePointerEvents.apply(this, arguments);
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintSwimlane = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = this.laneFill,
k = !0,
h = !0,
l = !0,
m = !0;
null != &&
((k = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1')),
(h = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_LINE, 1)),
(l = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_HEAD, 1)),
(m = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_BODY, 1)));
? (a.begin(),
a.moveTo(0, f),
a.lineTo(0, 0),
a.lineTo(d, 0),
a.lineTo(d, f),
l ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.fill(),
f < e &&
((g != mxConstants.NONE && k) || (a.pointerEvents = !1),
g != mxConstants.NONE && a.setFillColor(g),
a.moveTo(0, f),
a.lineTo(0, e),
a.lineTo(d, e),
a.lineTo(d, f),
m ? (g == mxConstants.NONE ? a.stroke() : m && a.fillAndStroke()) : g != mxConstants.NONE && a.fill()))
: (a.begin(),
a.moveTo(f, 0),
a.lineTo(0, 0),
a.lineTo(0, e),
a.lineTo(f, e),
l ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.fill(),
f < d &&
((g != mxConstants.NONE && k) || (a.pointerEvents = !1),
g != mxConstants.NONE && a.setFillColor(g),
a.moveTo(f, 0),
a.lineTo(d, 0),
a.lineTo(d, e),
a.lineTo(f, e),
m ? (g == mxConstants.NONE ? a.stroke() : m && a.fillAndStroke()) : g != mxConstants.NONE && a.fill()));
h && this.paintDivider(a, b, c, d, e, f, g == mxConstants.NONE);
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintRoundedSwimlane = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var k = this.laneFill,
h = !0,
l = !0,
m = !0,
n = !0;
null != &&
((h = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1')),
(l = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_LINE, 1)),
(m = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_HEAD, 1)),
(n = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_BODY, 1)));
? (a.begin(),
a.moveTo(d, f),
a.lineTo(d, g),
a.quadTo(d, 0, d - Math.min(d / 2, g), 0),
a.lineTo(Math.min(d / 2, g), 0),
a.quadTo(0, 0, 0, g),
a.lineTo(0, f),
m ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.fill(),
f < e &&
((k != mxConstants.NONE && h) || (a.pointerEvents = !1),
k != mxConstants.NONE && a.setFillColor(k),
a.moveTo(0, f),
a.lineTo(0, e - g),
a.quadTo(0, e, Math.min(d / 2, g), e),
a.lineTo(d - Math.min(d / 2, g), e),
a.quadTo(d, e, d, e - g),
a.lineTo(d, f),
n ? (k == mxConstants.NONE ? a.stroke() : n && a.fillAndStroke()) : k != mxConstants.NONE && a.fill()))
: (a.begin(),
a.moveTo(f, 0),
a.lineTo(g, 0),
a.quadTo(0, 0, 0, Math.min(e / 2, g)),
a.lineTo(0, e - Math.min(e / 2, g)),
a.quadTo(0, e, g, e),
a.lineTo(f, e),
m ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.fill(),
f < d &&
((k != mxConstants.NONE && h) || (a.pointerEvents = !1),
k != mxConstants.NONE && a.setFillColor(k),
a.moveTo(f, e),
a.lineTo(d - g, e),
a.quadTo(d, e, d, e - Math.min(e / 2, g)),
a.lineTo(d, Math.min(e / 2, g)),
a.quadTo(d, 0, d - g, 0),
a.lineTo(f, 0),
n ? (k == mxConstants.NONE ? a.stroke() : n && a.fillAndStroke()) : k != mxConstants.NONE && a.fill()));
l && this.paintDivider(a, b, c, d, e, f, k == mxConstants.NONE);
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintDivider = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
0 != f &&
(g || a.setShadow(!1),
this.isHorizontal() ? (a.moveTo(0, f), a.lineTo(d, f)) : (a.moveTo(f, 0), a.lineTo(f, e)),
mxSwimlane.prototype.paintSeparator = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
g != mxConstants.NONE &&
this.isHorizontal() ? (a.moveTo(d, f), a.lineTo(d, e)) : (a.moveTo(f, 0), a.lineTo(d, 0)),
mxSwimlane.prototype.getImageBounds = function (a, b, c, d) {
return this.isHorizontal()
? new mxRectangle(a + c - this.imageSize, b, this.imageSize, this.imageSize)
: new mxRectangle(a, b, this.imageSize, this.imageSize);
function mxGraphLayout(a) {
this.graph = a;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.graph = null;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.useBoundingBox = !0;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.parent = null;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.moveCell = function (a, b, c) {};
mxGraphLayout.prototype.resizeCell = function (a, b) {};
mxGraphLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {};
mxGraphLayout.prototype.getGraph = function () {
return this.graph;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.getConstraint = function (a, b, c, d) {
return this.graph.getCurrentCellStyle(b)[a];
mxGraphLayout.traverse = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (
null != c &&
null != a &&
((b = null != b ? b : !0),
(e = e || new mxDictionary()),
!e.get(a) && (e.put(a, !0), (d = c(a, d)), null == d || d)) &&
((d = this.graph.model.getEdgeCount(a)), 0 < d)
for (var f = 0; f < d; f++) {
var g = this.graph.model.getEdgeAt(a, f),
k = this.graph.model.getTerminal(g, !0) == a;
if (!b || k) (k = this.graph.view.getVisibleTerminal(g, !k)), this.traverse(k, b, c, g, e);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isAncestor = function (a, b, c) {
if (!c) return this.graph.model.getParent(b) == a;
if (b == a) return !1;
for (; null != b && b != a; ) b = this.graph.model.getParent(b);
return b == a;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexMovable = function (a) {
return this.graph.isCellMovable(a);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return !this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a) || !this.graph.isCellVisible(a);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isEdgeIgnored = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel();
return !b.isEdge(a) || !this.graph.isCellVisible(a) || null == b.getTerminal(a, !0) || null == b.getTerminal(a, !1);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgeStyleEnabled = function (a, b) {
this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, b ? '0' : '1', [a]);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setOrthogonalEdge = function (a, b) {
this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ORTHOGONAL, b ? '1' : '0', [a]);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.getParentOffset = function (a) {
var b = new mxPoint();
if (null != a && a != this.parent) {
var c = this.graph.getModel();
if (c.isAncestor(this.parent, a))
for (var d = c.getGeometry(a); a != this.parent; )
(b.x += d.x), (b.y += d.y), (a = c.getParent(a)), (d = c.getGeometry(a));
return b;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgePoints = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
var c = this.graph.model,
d = c.getGeometry(a);
null == d ? ((d = new mxGeometry()), d.setRelative(!0)) : (d = d.clone());
if (null != this.parent && null != b)
for (var e = c.getParent(a), e = this.getParentOffset(e), f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
(b[f].x -= e.x), (b[f].y -= e.y);
d.points = b;
c.setGeometry(a, d);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setVertexLocation = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.getModel(),
e = d.getGeometry(a),
f = null;
if (null != e) {
f = new mxRectangle(b, c, e.width, e.height);
if (this.useBoundingBox) {
var g = this.graph.getView().getState(a);
if (null != g && null != g.text && null != g.text.boundingBox) {
var k = this.graph.getView().scale,
h = g.text.boundingBox;
g.text.boundingBox.x < g.x && ((b += (g.x - h.x) / k), (f.width = h.width));
g.text.boundingBox.y < g.y && ((c += (g.y - h.y) / k), (f.height = h.height));
null != this.parent &&
((g = d.getParent(a)), null != g && g != this.parent && ((g = this.getParentOffset(g)), (b -= g.x), (c -= g.y)));
if (e.x != b || e.y != c) (e = e.clone()), (e.x = b), (e.y = c), d.setGeometry(a, e);
return f;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.getVertexBounds = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel().getGeometry(a);
if (this.useBoundingBox) {
var c = this.graph.getView().getState(a);
if (null != c && null != c.text && null != c.text.boundingBox)
var d = this.graph.getView().scale,
e = c.text.boundingBox,
f = Math.max(c.x - e.x, 0) / d,
g = Math.max(c.y - e.y, 0) / d,
b = new mxRectangle(
b.x - f,
b.y - g,
b.width + f + Math.max(e.x + e.width - (c.x + c.width), 0) / d,
b.height + g + Math.max(e.y + e.height - (c.y + c.height), 0) / d
null != this.parent &&
((a = this.graph.getModel().getParent(a)),
(b = b.clone()),
null != a && a != this.parent && ((a = this.getParentOffset(a)), (b.x += a.x), (b.y += a.y)));
return new mxRectangle(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);
mxGraphLayout.prototype.arrangeGroups = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return this.graph.updateGroupBounds(a, b, !0, c, d, e, f);
function WeightedCellSorter(a, b) {
this.cell = a;
this.weightedValue = b;
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.weightedValue = 0;
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.nudge = !1;
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.visited = !1;
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.rankIndex = null;
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.cell = null; = function (a, b) {
return null != a && null != b
? b.weightedValue > a.weightedValue
? -1
: b.weightedValue < a.weightedValue
? 1
: b.nudge
? -1
: 1
: 0;
function mxStackLayout(a, b, c, d, e, f) {, a);
this.horizontal = null != b ? b : !0;
this.spacing = null != c ? c : 0;
this.x0 = null != d ? d : 0;
this.y0 = null != e ? e : 0;
this.border = null != f ? f : 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxStackLayout.prototype.constructor = mxStackLayout;
mxStackLayout.prototype.horizontal = null;
mxStackLayout.prototype.spacing = null;
mxStackLayout.prototype.x0 = null;
mxStackLayout.prototype.y0 = null;
mxStackLayout.prototype.border = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.marginTop = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.marginLeft = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.marginRight = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.marginBottom = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.keepFirstLocation = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.fill = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.resizeParent = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.resizeParentMax = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.resizeLast = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.wrap = null;
mxStackLayout.prototype.borderCollapse = !0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.allowGaps = !1;
mxStackLayout.prototype.gridSize = 0;
mxStackLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function () {
return this.horizontal;
mxStackLayout.prototype.moveCell = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.getModel(),
e = d.getParent(a),
f = this.isHorizontal();
if (null != a && null != e) {
var g = 0,
k = d.getChildCount(e);
c = f ? b : c;
b = this.graph.getView().getState(e);
null != b && (c -= f ? b.x : b.y);
c /= this.graph.view.scale;
for (b = 0; b < k; b++) {
var h = d.getChildAt(e, b);
if (h != a && ((h = d.getGeometry(h)), null != h)) {
h = f ? h.x + h.width / 2 : h.y + h.height / 2;
if (g <= c && h > c) break;
g = h;
f = e.getIndex(a);
f = Math.max(0, b - (b > f ? 1 : 0));
d.add(e, a, f);
mxStackLayout.prototype.getParentSize = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel(),
c = b.getGeometry(a);
null != this.graph.container &&
((null == c && b.isLayer(a)) || a == this.graph.getView().currentRoot) &&
(c = new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.graph.container.offsetWidth - 1, this.graph.container.offsetHeight - 1));
return c;
mxStackLayout.prototype.getLayoutCells = function (a) {
for (var b = this.graph.getModel(), c = b.getChildCount(a), d = [], e = 0; e < c; e++) {
var f = b.getChildAt(a, e);
!this.isVertexIgnored(f) && this.isVertexMovable(f) && d.push(f);
this.allowGaps &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a),
d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(b);
return this.horizontal ? (c.x == d.x ? 0 : c.x > d.x > 0 ? 1 : -1) : c.y == d.y ? 0 : c.y > d.y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return d;
mxStackLayout.prototype.snap = function (a) {
if (null != this.gridSize && 0 < this.gridSize && ((a = Math.max(a, this.gridSize)), 1 < a / this.gridSize)) {
var b = a % this.gridSize;
a += b > this.gridSize / 2 ? this.gridSize - b : -b;
return a;
mxStackLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.getParentSize(a),
c = this.isHorizontal(),
d = this.graph.getModel(),
e = null;
null != b && (e = c ? b.height - this.marginTop - this.marginBottom : b.width - this.marginLeft - this.marginRight);
var e = e - 2 * this.border,
f = this.x0 + this.border + this.marginLeft,
g = this.y0 + this.border + this.marginTop;
if (this.graph.isSwimlane(a)) {
var k = this.graph.getCellStyle(a),
h = mxUtils.getNumber(k, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE),
k = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(k, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0);
null != b && (h = k ? Math.min(h, b.height) : Math.min(h, b.width));
c == k && (e -= h);
k ? (g += h) : (f += h);
try {
for (var h = 0, k = null, l = 0, m = null, n = this.getLayoutCells(a), p = 0; p < n.length; p++) {
var r = n[p],
t = d.getGeometry(r);
if (null != t) {
t = t.clone();
null != this.wrap &&
null != k &&
((c && k.x + k.width + t.width + 2 * this.spacing > this.wrap) ||
(!c && k.y + k.height + t.height + 2 * this.spacing > this.wrap)) &&
((k = null), c ? (g += h + this.spacing) : (f += h + this.spacing), (h = 0));
var h = Math.max(h, c ? t.height : t.width),
u = 0;
if (!this.borderCollapse)
var x = this.graph.getCellStyle(r),
u = mxUtils.getNumber(x, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, 1);
if (null != k) {
var z = l + this.spacing + Math.floor(u / 2);
? (t.x = this.snap((this.allowGaps ? Math.max(z, t.x) : z) - this.marginLeft) + this.marginLeft)
: (t.y = this.snap((this.allowGaps ? Math.max(z, t.y) : z) - this.marginTop) + this.marginTop);
} else
this.keepFirstLocation ||
? (t.x =
this.allowGaps && t.x > f ? Math.max(this.snap(t.x - this.marginLeft) + this.marginLeft, f) : f)
: (t.y =
this.allowGaps && t.y > g ? Math.max(this.snap(t.y - this.marginTop) + this.marginTop, g) : g));
c ? (t.y = g) : (t.x = f);
this.fill && null != e && (c ? (t.height = e) : (t.width = e));
c ? (t.width = this.snap(t.width)) : (t.height = this.snap(t.height));
this.setChildGeometry(r, t);
m = r;
k = t;
l = c ? k.x + k.width + Math.floor(u / 2) : k.y + k.height + Math.floor(u / 2);
this.resizeParent && null != b && null != k && !this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a)
? this.updateParentGeometry(a, b, k)
: this.resizeLast &&
null != b &&
null != k &&
null != m &&
? (k.width = b.width - k.x - this.spacing - this.marginRight - this.marginLeft)
: (k.height = b.height - k.y - this.spacing - this.marginBottom),
this.setChildGeometry(m, k));
} finally {
mxStackLayout.prototype.setChildGeometry = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
(null != c && b.x == c.x && b.y == c.y && b.width == c.width && b.height == c.height) ||
this.graph.getModel().setGeometry(a, b);
mxStackLayout.prototype.updateParentGeometry = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.isHorizontal(),
e = this.graph.getModel(),
f = b.clone();
? ((c = c.x + c.width + this.marginRight + this.border),
(f.width = this.resizeParentMax ? Math.max(f.width, c) : c))
: ((c = c.y + c.height + this.marginBottom + this.border),
(f.height = this.resizeParentMax ? Math.max(f.height, c) : c));
(b.x == f.x && b.y == f.y && b.width == f.width && b.height == f.height) || e.setGeometry(a, f);
function mxPartitionLayout(a, b, c, d) {, a);
this.horizontal = null != b ? b : !0;
this.spacing = c || 0;
this.border = d || 0;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.constructor = mxPartitionLayout;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.horizontal = null;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.spacing = null;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.border = null;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.resizeVertices = !0;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function () {
return this.horizontal;
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.moveCell = function (a, b, c) {
c = this.graph.getModel();
var d = c.getParent(a);
if (null != a && null != d) {
var e,
f = 0,
g = c.getChildCount(d);
for (e = 0; e < g; e++) {
var k = c.getChildAt(d, e),
k = this.getVertexBounds(k);
if (null != k) {
k = k.x + k.width / 2;
if (f < b && k > b) break;
f = k;
b = d.getIndex(a);
b = Math.max(0, e - (e > b ? 1 : 0));
c.add(d, a, b);
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
var b = this.isHorizontal(),
c = this.graph.getModel(),
d = c.getGeometry(a);
null != this.graph.container &&
((null == d && c.isLayer(a)) || a == this.graph.getView().currentRoot) &&
(d = new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.graph.container.offsetWidth - 1, this.graph.container.offsetHeight - 1));
if (null != d) {
for (var e = [], f = c.getChildCount(a), g = 0; g < f; g++) {
var k = c.getChildAt(a, g);
!this.isVertexIgnored(k) && this.isVertexMovable(k) && e.push(k);
f = e.length;
if (0 < f) {
var h = this.border,
l = this.border,
m = b ? d.height : d.width,
m = m - 2 * this.border;
a = this.graph.isSwimlane(a) ? this.graph.getStartSize(a) : new mxRectangle();
m -= b ? a.height : a.width;
h += a.width;
l += a.height;
a = this.border + (f - 1) * this.spacing;
d = b ? (d.width - h - a) / f : (d.height - l - a) / f;
if (0 < d) {
try {
for (g = 0; g < f; g++) {
var k = e[g],
n = c.getGeometry(k);
null != n &&
((n = n.clone()),
(n.x = h),
(n.y = l),
? (this.resizeVertices && ((n.width = d), (n.height = m)), (h += d + this.spacing))
: (this.resizeVertices && ((n.height = d), (n.width = m)), (l += d + this.spacing)),
c.setGeometry(k, n));
} finally {
function mxCompactTreeLayout(a, b, c) {, a);
this.horizontal = null != b ? b : !0;
this.invert = null != c ? c : !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.constructor = mxCompactTreeLayout;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.horizontal = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.invert = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.resizeParent = !0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.maintainParentLocation = !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPadding = 10;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPaddingTop = 0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPaddingRight = 0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPaddingBottom = 0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.groupPaddingLeft = 0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.parentsChanged = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.moveTree = !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.visited = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.levelDistance = 10;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.nodeDistance = 20;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.resetEdges = !0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.prefHozEdgeSep = 5;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.prefVertEdgeOff = 4;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.minEdgeJetty = 8;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.channelBuffer = 4;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.edgeRouting = !0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.sortEdges = !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.alignRanks = !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.maxRankHeight = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.root = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.node = null;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored.apply(this, arguments) || 0 == this.graph.getConnections(a).length;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function () {
return this.horizontal;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.execute = function (a, b) {
this.parent = a;
var c = this.graph.getModel();
if (null == b)
if (0 < this.graph.getEdges(a, c.getParent(a), this.invert, !this.invert, !1).length) this.root = a;
else {
var d = this.graph.findTreeRoots(a, !0, this.invert);
if (0 < d.length)
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
if (
!this.isVertexIgnored(d[e]) &&
0 < this.graph.getEdges(d[e], null, this.invert, !this.invert, !1).length
) {
this.root = d[e];
else this.root = b;
if (null != this.root) {
this.parentsChanged = this.resizeParent ? {} : null;
this.parentY = this.parentX = null;
if (a != this.root && null != c.isVertex(a) && this.maintainParentLocation) {
var f = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
null != f && ((this.parentX = f.x), (this.parentY = f.y));
try {
if (
((this.visited = {}),
(this.node = this.dfs(this.root, a)),
this.alignRanks &&
((this.maxRankHeight = []), this.findRankHeights(this.node, 0), this.setCellHeights(this.node, 0)),
null != this.node)
) {
var g = this.graph.gridSize,
d = g;
if (!this.moveTree) {
var k = this.getVertexBounds(this.root);
null != k && ((g = k.x), (d = k.y));
k = null;
k = this.isHorizontal() ? this.horizontalLayout(this.node, g, d) : this.verticalLayout(this.node, null, g, d);
if (null != k) {
var h = (e = 0);
0 > k.x && (e = Math.abs(g - k.x));
0 > k.y && (h = Math.abs(d - k.y));
(0 == e && 0 == h) || this.moveNode(this.node, e, h);
this.resizeParent && this.adjustParents();
this.edgeRouting && this.localEdgeProcessing(this.node);
null != this.parentX &&
null != this.parentY &&
((f = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a)),
null != f && ((f = f.clone()), (f.x = this.parentX), (f.y = this.parentY), c.setGeometry(a, f)));
} finally {
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.moveNode = function (a, b, c) {
a.x += b;
a.y += c;
for (a = a.child; null != a; ) this.moveNode(a, b, c), (a =;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.sortOutgoingEdges = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxDictionary();
b.sort(function (b, e) {
var d = b.getTerminal(b.getTerminal(!1) == a),
g = c.get(d);
null == g && ((g = mxCellPath.create(d).split(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR)), c.put(d, g));
var d = e.getTerminal(e.getTerminal(!1) == a),
k = c.get(d);
null == k && ((k = mxCellPath.create(d).split(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR)), c.put(d, k));
return, k);
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.findRankHeights = function (a, b) {
if (null == this.maxRankHeight[b] || this.maxRankHeight[b] < a.height) this.maxRankHeight[b] = a.height;
for (var c = a.child; null != c; ) this.findRankHeights(c, b + 1), (c =;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.setCellHeights = function (a, b) {
null != this.maxRankHeight[b] && this.maxRankHeight[b] > a.height && (a.height = this.maxRankHeight[b]);
for (var c = a.child; null != c; ) this.setCellHeights(c, b + 1), (c =;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.dfs = function (a, b) {
var c = mxCellPath.create(a),
d = null;
if (null != a && null == this.visited[c] && !this.isVertexIgnored(a)) {
this.visited[c] = a;
var d = this.createNode(a),
c = this.graph.getModel(),
e = null,
f = this.graph.getEdges(a, b, this.invert, !this.invert, !1, !0),
g = this.graph.getView();
this.sortEdges && this.sortOutgoingEdges(a, f);
for (var k = 0; k < f.length; k++) {
var h = f[k];
if (!this.isEdgeIgnored(h)) {
this.resetEdges && this.setEdgePoints(h, null);
this.edgeRouting && (this.setEdgeStyleEnabled(h, !1), this.setEdgePoints(h, null));
var l = g.getState(h),
h = null != l ? l.getVisibleTerminal(this.invert) : g.getVisibleTerminal(h, this.invert),
l = this.dfs(h, b);
null != l && null != c.getGeometry(h) && (null == e ? (d.child = l) : ( = l), (e = l));
return d;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layout = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
for (var b = a.child; null != b; ) this.layout(b), (b =;
null != a.child ? this.attachParent(a, this.join(a)) : this.layoutLeaf(a);
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.horizontalLayout = function (a, b, c, d) {
a.x += b + a.offsetX;
a.y += c + a.offsetY;
d = this.apply(a, d);
b = a.child;
if (null != b) {
d = this.horizontalLayout(b, a.x, a.y, d);
c = a.y + b.offsetY;
for (var e =; null != e; )
(d = this.horizontalLayout(e, a.x + b.offsetX, c, d)), (c += e.offsetY), (e =;
return d;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.x += c + a.offsetY;
a.y += d + a.offsetX;
e = this.apply(a, e);
b = a.child;
if (null != b)
for (e = this.verticalLayout(b, a, a.x, a.y, e), c = a.x + b.offsetY, d =; null != d; )
(e = this.verticalLayout(d, a, c, a.y + b.offsetX, e)), (c += d.offsetY), (d =;
return e;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.attachParent = function (a, b) {
var c = this.nodeDistance + this.levelDistance,
d = (b - a.width) / 2 - this.nodeDistance,
e = d + a.width + 2 * this.nodeDistance - b;
a.child.offsetX = c + a.height;
a.child.offsetY = e;
a.contour.upperHead = this.createLine(a.height, 0, this.createLine(c, e, a.contour.upperHead));
a.contour.lowerHead = this.createLine(a.height, 0, this.createLine(c, d, a.contour.lowerHead));
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layoutLeaf = function (a) {
var b = 2 * this.nodeDistance;
a.contour.upperTail = this.createLine(a.height + b, 0);
a.contour.upperHead = a.contour.upperTail;
a.contour.lowerTail = this.createLine(0, -a.width - b);
a.contour.lowerHead = this.createLine(a.height + b, 0, a.contour.lowerTail);
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.join = function (a) {
var b = 2 * this.nodeDistance,
c = a.child;
a.contour = c.contour;
for (var d = c.width + b, e = d, c =; null != c; ) {
var f = this.merge(a.contour, c.contour);
c.offsetY = f + d;
c.offsetX = 0;
d = c.width + b;
e += f + d;
c =;
return e;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.merge = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = a.lowerHead, g = b.upperHead; null != g && null != f; ) {
var k = this.offset(c, d, g.dx, g.dy, f.dx, f.dy),
d = d + k,
e = e + k;
c + g.dx <= f.dx ? ((c += g.dx), (d += g.dy), (g = : ((c -= f.dx), (d -= f.dy), (f =;
null != g
? ((c = this.bridge(a.upperTail, 0, 0, g, c, d)),
(a.upperTail = null != ? b.upperTail : c),
(a.lowerTail = b.lowerTail))
: ((c = this.bridge(b.lowerTail, c, d, f, 0, 0)), null == && (a.lowerTail = c));
a.lowerHead = b.lowerHead;
return e;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.offset = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (e <= a || 0 >= a + c) return 0;
a =
0 < e * d - c * f
? 0 > a
? (a * d) / c - b
: 0 < a
? (a * f) / e - b
: -b
: e < a + c
? f - (b + ((e - a) * d) / c)
: e > a + c
? ((c + a) * f) / e - (b + d)
: f - (b + d);
return 0 < a ? a : 0;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.bridge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = e + d.dx - b;
0 == d.dx ? (e = d.dy) : ((e = b * d.dy), (e /= d.dx));
b = this.createLine(b, e,; = this.createLine(0, f + d.dy - e - c, b);
return b;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.createNode = function (a) {
var b = {};
b.cell = a;
b.x = 0;
b.y = 0;
b.width = 0;
b.height = 0;
a = this.getVertexBounds(a);
null != a &&
(this.isHorizontal() ? ((b.width = a.height), (b.height = a.width)) : ((b.width = a.width), (b.height = a.height)));
b.offsetX = 0;
b.offsetY = 0;
b.contour = {};
return b;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.apply = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getModel(),
d = a.cell,
e = c.getGeometry(d);
null != d &&
null != e &&
(this.isVertexMovable(d) &&
((e = this.setVertexLocation(d, a.x, a.y)),
this.resizeParent &&
((c = c.getParent(d)),
(d = mxCellPath.create(c)),
null == this.parentsChanged[d] && (this.parentsChanged[d] = c))),
(b =
null == b
? new mxRectangle(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height)
: new mxRectangle(
Math.min(b.x, e.x),
Math.min(b.y, e.y),
Math.max(b.x + b.width, e.x + e.width),
Math.max(b.y + b.height, e.y + e.height)
return b;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.createLine = function (a, b, c) {
var d = {};
d.dx = a;
d.dy = b; = c;
return d;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.adjustParents = function () {
var a = [],
for (b in this.parentsChanged) a.push(this.parentsChanged[b]);
mxUtils.sortCells(a, !0),
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function (a) {
for (a = a.child; null != a; ) this.localEdgeProcessing(a), (a =;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.processNodeOutgoing = function (a) {
for (var b = a.child, c = a.cell, d = 0, e = []; null != b; ) {
var f = b.x;
this.horizontal && (f = b.y);
e.push(new WeightedCellSorter(b, f));
b =;
var f = a.width,
g = (d + 1) * this.prefHozEdgeSep;
f > g + 2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep && (f -= 2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep);
a = f / d;
b = a / 2;
f > g + 2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep && (b += this.prefHozEdgeSep);
for (var f = this.minEdgeJetty - this.prefVertEdgeOff, g = this.getVertexBounds(c), k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
for (
var h = e[k].cell.cell,
l = this.getVertexBounds(h),
h = this.graph.getEdgesBetween(c, h, !1),
m = [],
r = 0;
r < h.length;
? ((n = g.x + g.width),
(p = g.y + b),
m.push(new mxPoint(n, p)),
(n = g.x + g.width + f),
m.push(new mxPoint(n, p)),
(p = l.y + l.height / 2))
: ((n = g.x + b),
(p = g.y + g.height),
m.push(new mxPoint(n, p)),
(p = g.y + g.height + f),
m.push(new mxPoint(n, p)),
(n = l.x + l.width / 2)),
m.push(new mxPoint(n, p)),
this.setEdgePoints(h[r], m);
k < d / 2 ? (f += this.prefVertEdgeOff) : k > d / 2 && (f -= this.prefVertEdgeOff);
b += a;
function mxRadialTreeLayout(a) {, a, !1);
mxUtils.extend(mxRadialTreeLayout, mxCompactTreeLayout);
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.angleOffset = 0.5;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rootx = 0;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rooty = 0;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.levelDistance = 120;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.nodeDistance = 10;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.autoRadius = !1;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.sortEdges = !1;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rowMinX = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rowMaxX = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rowMinCenX = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rowMaxCenX = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.rowRadi = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.row = [];
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored.apply(this, arguments) || 0 == this.graph.getConnections(a).length;
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.execute = function (a, b) {
this.parent = a;
this.edgeRouting = this.useBoundingBox = !1;
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.execute.apply(this, arguments);
var c = null,
d = this.getVertexBounds(this.root);
this.centerX = d.x + d.width / 2;
this.centerY = d.y + d.height / 2;
for (var e in this.visited) {
var f = this.getVertexBounds(this.visited[e]),
c = null != c ? c : f.clone();
this.calcRowDims([this.node], 0);
for (var g = 0, k = 0, c = 0; c < this.row.length; c++)
(e = (this.rowMaxX[c] - this.centerX - this.nodeDistance) / this.rowRadi[c]),
(g = Math.max(g, (this.centerX - this.rowMinX[c] - this.nodeDistance) / this.rowRadi[c])),
(k = Math.max(k, e));
for (c = 0; c < this.row.length; c++) {
var h = this.centerX - this.nodeDistance - g * this.rowRadi[c],
l = this.centerX + this.nodeDistance + k * this.rowRadi[c] - h;
for (e = 0; e < this.row[c].length; e++)
(f = this.row[c]),
(d = f[e]),
(f = this.getVertexBounds(d.cell)),
(d.theta = ((f.x + f.width / 2 - h) / l) * Math.PI * 2);
for (c = this.row.length - 2; 0 <= c; c--)
for (f = this.row[c], e = 0; e < f.length; e++) {
d = f[e];
g = d.child;
for (h = k = 0; null != g; ) (h += g.theta), k++, (g =;
0 < k &&
((g = h / k),
g > d.theta && e < f.length - 1
? (d.theta = Math.min(g, f[e + 1].theta - Math.PI / 10))
: g < d.theta && 0 < e && (d.theta = Math.max(g, f[e - 1].theta + Math.PI / 10)));
for (c = 0; c < this.row.length; c++)
for (e = 0; e < this.row[c].length; e++)
(f = this.row[c]),
(d = f[e]),
(f = this.getVertexBounds(d.cell)),
this.centerX - f.width / 2 + this.rowRadi[c] * Math.cos(d.theta),
this.centerY - f.height / 2 + this.rowRadi[c] * Math.sin(d.theta)
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.calcRowDims = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && 0 != a.length) {
this.rowMinX[b] = this.centerX;
this.rowMaxX[b] = this.centerX;
this.rowMinCenX[b] = this.centerX;
this.rowMaxCenX[b] = this.centerX;
this.row[b] = [];
for (var c = !1, d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
for (var e = null != a[d] ? a[d].child : null; null != e; ) {
var f = this.getVertexBounds(e.cell);
this.rowMinX[b] = Math.min(f.x, this.rowMinX[b]);
this.rowMaxX[b] = Math.max(f.x + f.width, this.rowMaxX[b]);
this.rowMinCenX[b] = Math.min(f.x + f.width / 2, this.rowMinCenX[b]);
this.rowMaxCenX[b] = Math.max(f.x + f.width / 2, this.rowMaxCenX[b]);
this.rowRadi[b] = f.y - this.getVertexBounds(this.root).y;
null != e.child && (c = !0);
e =;
c && this.calcRowDims(this.row[b], b + 1);
function mxFastOrganicLayout(a) {, a);
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.constructor = mxFastOrganicLayout;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.useInputOrigin = !0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.resetEdges = !0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.disableEdgeStyle = !0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.forceConstant = 50;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.forceConstantSquared = 0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.minDistanceLimit = 2;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.maxDistanceLimit = 500;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.minDistanceLimitSquared = 4;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.initialTemp = 200;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.temperature = 0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.maxIterations = 0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.iteration = 0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.allowedToRun = !0;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored.apply(this, arguments) || 0 == this.graph.getConnections(a).length;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel();
this.vertexArray = [];
for (var c = this.graph.getChildVertices(a), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
this.isVertexIgnored(c[d]) || this.vertexArray.push(c[d]);
var e = this.useInputOrigin ? this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(this.vertexArray) : null,
f = this.vertexArray.length;
this.indices = [];
this.dispX = [];
this.dispY = [];
this.cellLocation = [];
this.isMoveable = [];
this.neighbours = [];
this.radius = [];
this.radiusSquared = [];
0.001 > this.forceConstant && (this.forceConstant = 0.001);
this.forceConstantSquared = this.forceConstant * this.forceConstant;
for (d = 0; d < this.vertexArray.length; d++) {
var g = this.vertexArray[d];
this.cellLocation[d] = [];
var k = mxObjectIdentity.get(g);
this.indices[k] = d;
var h = this.getVertexBounds(g),
l = h.width,
m = h.height,
n = h.x,
p = h.y;
this.cellLocation[d][0] = n + l / 2;
this.cellLocation[d][1] = p + m / 2;
this.radius[d] = Math.min(l, m);
this.radiusSquared[d] = this.radius[d] * this.radius[d];
try {
for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
this.dispX[d] = 0;
this.dispY[d] = 0;
this.isMoveable[d] = this.isVertexMovable(this.vertexArray[d]);
var r = this.graph.getConnections(this.vertexArray[d], a),
c = this.graph.getOpposites(r, this.vertexArray[d]);
this.neighbours[d] = [];
for (l = 0; l < c.length; l++) {
this.resetEdges && this.graph.resetEdge(r[l]);
this.disableEdgeStyle && this.setEdgeStyleEnabled(r[l], !1);
var k = mxObjectIdentity.get(c[l]),
t = this.indices[k];
this.neighbours[d][l] = null != t ? t : d;
this.temperature = this.initialTemp;
0 == this.maxIterations && (this.maxIterations = 20 * Math.sqrt(f));
for (this.iteration = 0; this.iteration < this.maxIterations; this.iteration++) {
if (!this.allowedToRun) return;
a = c = null;
for (d = 0; d < this.vertexArray.length; d++)
(g = this.vertexArray[d]),
this.isVertexMovable(g) &&
((h = this.getVertexBounds(g)),
null != h &&
((this.cellLocation[d][0] -= h.width / 2),
(this.cellLocation[d][1] -= h.height / 2),
(n = this.graph.snap(Math.round(this.cellLocation[d][0]))),
(p = this.graph.snap(Math.round(this.cellLocation[d][1]))),
this.setVertexLocation(g, n, p),
(c = null == c ? n : Math.min(c, n)),
(a = null == a ? p : Math.min(a, p))));
d = -(c || 0) + 1;
g = -(a || 0) + 1;
null != e && ((d += e.x), (g += e.y));
this.graph.moveCells(this.vertexArray, d, g);
} finally {
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcPositions = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < this.vertexArray.length; a++)
if (this.isMoveable[a]) {
var b = Math.sqrt(this.dispX[a] * this.dispX[a] + this.dispY[a] * this.dispY[a]);
0.001 > b && (b = 0.001);
var c = (this.dispX[a] / b) * Math.min(b, this.temperature),
b = (this.dispY[a] / b) * Math.min(b, this.temperature);
this.dispX[a] = 0;
this.dispY[a] = 0;
this.cellLocation[a][0] += c;
this.cellLocation[a][1] += b;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcAttraction = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < this.vertexArray.length; a++)
for (var b = 0; b < this.neighbours[a].length; b++) {
var c = this.neighbours[a][b];
if (a != c && this.isMoveable[a] && this.isMoveable[c]) {
var d = this.cellLocation[a][0] - this.cellLocation[c][0],
e = this.cellLocation[a][1] - this.cellLocation[c][1],
f = d * d + e * e - this.radiusSquared[a] - this.radiusSquared[c];
f < this.minDistanceLimitSquared && (f = this.minDistanceLimitSquared);
var g = Math.sqrt(f),
f = f / this.forceConstant,
d = (d / g) * f,
e = (e / g) * f;
this.dispX[a] -= d;
this.dispY[a] -= e;
this.dispX[c] += d;
this.dispY[c] += e;
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcRepulsion = function () {
for (var a = this.vertexArray.length, b = 0; b < a; b++)
for (var c = b; c < a; c++) {
if (!this.allowedToRun) return;
if (c != b && this.isMoveable[b] && this.isMoveable[c]) {
var d = this.cellLocation[b][0] - this.cellLocation[c][0],
e = this.cellLocation[b][1] - this.cellLocation[c][1];
0 == d && (d = 0.01 + Math.random());
0 == e && (e = 0.01 + Math.random());
var f = Math.sqrt(d * d + e * e),
g = f - this.radius[b] - this.radius[c];
g > this.maxDistanceLimit ||
(g < this.minDistanceLimit && (g = this.minDistanceLimit),
(g = this.forceConstantSquared / g),
(d = (d / f) * g),
(e = (e / f) * g),
(this.dispX[b] += d),
(this.dispY[b] += e),
(this.dispX[c] -= d),
(this.dispY[c] -= e));
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function () {
this.temperature = this.initialTemp * (1 - this.iteration / this.maxIterations);
function mxCircleLayout(a, b) {, a);
this.radius = null != b ? b : 100;
mxCircleLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxCircleLayout.prototype.constructor = mxCircleLayout;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.radius = null;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.moveCircle = !1;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.x0 = 0;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.y0 = 0;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.resetEdges = !0;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.disableEdgeStyle = !0;
mxCircleLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel();
try {
for (var c = 0, d = null, e = null, f = [], g = b.getChildCount(a), k = 0; k < g; k++) {
var h = b.getChildAt(a, k);
if (this.isVertexIgnored(h))
this.isEdgeIgnored(h) ||
(this.resetEdges && this.graph.resetEdge(h), this.disableEdgeStyle && this.setEdgeStyleEnabled(h, !1));
else {
var l = this.getVertexBounds(h),
d = null == d ? l.y : Math.min(d, l.y),
e = null == e ? l.x : Math.min(e, l.x),
c = Math.max(c, Math.max(l.width, l.height));
var m = this.getRadius(f.length, c);
this.moveCircle && ((e = this.x0), (d = this.y0));, m, e, d);
} finally {
mxCircleLayout.prototype.getRadius = function (a, b) {
return Math.max((a * b) / Math.PI, this.radius);
}; = function (a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = a.length, f = (2 * Math.PI) / e, g = 0; g < e; g++)
this.isVertexMovable(a[g]) &&
Math.round(c + b + b * Math.cos(g * f - Math.PI / 2)),
Math.round(d + b + b * Math.sin(g * f - Math.PI / 2))
function mxParallelEdgeLayout(a) {, a);
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.constructor = mxParallelEdgeLayout;
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.spacing = 20;
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.checkOverlap = !1;
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.execute = function (a, b) {
var c = this.findParallels(a, b);
try {
for (var d in c) {
var e = c[d];
1 < e.length && this.layout(e);
} finally {
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.findParallels = function (a, b) {
var c = [],
d = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
if (!this.isEdgeIgnored(a)) {
var b = this.getEdgeId(a);
null != b && (null == c[b] && (c[b] = []), c[b].push(a));
if (null != b) for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) d(b[e]);
else for (var f = this.graph.getModel(), g = f.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < g; e++) d(f.getChildAt(a, e));
return c;
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.getEdgeId = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getView(),
c = b.getVisibleTerminal(a, !0),
b = b.getVisibleTerminal(a, !1),
d = '';
if (null != c && null != b) {
c = mxObjectIdentity.get(c);
b = mxObjectIdentity.get(b);
if (this.checkOverlap && ((a = this.graph.view.getState(a)), null != a && null != a.absolutePoints)) {
for (var d = [], e = 0; e < a.absolutePoints.length; e++) {
var f = a.absolutePoints[e];
null != f && d.push(f.x, f.y);
d = d.join(',');
return (c > b ? b + '-' + c : c + '-' + b) + d;
return null;
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.layout = function (a) {
var b = a[0],
c = this.graph.getView(),
d = this.graph.getModel(),
e = d.getGeometry(c.getVisibleTerminal(b, !0)),
d = d.getGeometry(c.getVisibleTerminal(b, !1));
if (e == d)
for (var b = e.x + e.width + this.spacing, c = e.y + e.height / 2, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)
this.route(a[f], b, c), (b += this.spacing);
else if (null != e && null != d) {
var b = e.x + e.width / 2,
c = e.y + e.height / 2,
f = d.x + d.width / 2 - b,
g = d.y + d.height / 2 - c,
d = Math.sqrt(f * f + g * g);
if (0 < d)
for (
e = (g * this.spacing) / d,
d = (f * this.spacing) / d,
b = b + f / 2 + (e * (a.length - 1)) / 2,
c = c + g / 2 - (d * (a.length - 1)) / 2,
f = 0;
f < a.length;
this.route(a[f], b, c), (b -= e), (c += d);
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.route = function (a, b, c) {
this.graph.isCellMovable(a) && this.setEdgePoints(a, [new mxPoint(b, c)]);
function mxCompositeLayout(a, b, c) {, a);
this.layouts = b;
this.master = c;
mxCompositeLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.constructor = mxCompositeLayout;
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.layouts = null;
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.master = null;
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.moveCell = function (a, b, c) {
null != this.master
? this.master.moveCell.apply(this.master, arguments)
: this.layouts[0].moveCell.apply(this.layouts[0], arguments);
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel();
try {
for (var c = 0; c < this.layouts.length; c++) this.layouts[c].execute.apply(this.layouts[c], arguments);
} finally {
function mxEdgeLabelLayout(a, b) {, a);
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.constructor = mxEdgeLabelLayout;
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
for (var b = this.graph.view, c = this.graph.getModel(), d = [], e = [], f = c.getChildCount(a), g = 0; g < f; g++) {
var k = c.getChildAt(a, g),
h = b.getState(k);
null != h && (this.isVertexIgnored(k) ? this.isEdgeIgnored(k) || d.push(h) : e.push(h));
this.placeLabels(e, d);
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.placeLabels = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getModel();
try {
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
if (null != e && null != e.text && null != e.text.boundingBox)
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = a[f];
null != g && this.avoid(e, g);
} finally {
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.avoid = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getModel(),
d = a.text.boundingBox;
if (mxUtils.intersects(d, b)) {
var e = -d.y - d.height + b.y,
f = -d.y + b.y + b.height,
e = Math.abs(e) < Math.abs(f) ? e : f,
f = -d.x - d.width + b.x,
d = -d.x + b.x + b.width,
d = Math.abs(f) < Math.abs(d) ? f : d;
Math.abs(d) < Math.abs(e) ? (e = 0) : (d = 0);
f = c.getGeometry(a.cell);
null != f &&
((f = f.clone()),
null != f.offset ? ((f.offset.x += d), (f.offset.y += e)) : (f.offset = new mxPoint(d, e)),
c.setGeometry(a.cell, f));
function mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell() {
this.x = [];
this.y = [];
this.temp = [];
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.maxRank = -1;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.minRank = -1;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.x = null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.y = null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.width = 0;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.height = 0;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.nextLayerConnectedCells = null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.previousLayerConnectedCells = null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.temp = null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.getNextLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.isEdge = function () {
return !1;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.isVertex = function () {
return !1;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.getGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a, b) {
return null;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setX = function (a, b) {
this.isVertex() ? (this.x[0] = b) : this.isEdge() && (this.x[a - this.minRank - 1] = b);
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.getX = function (a) {
return this.isVertex() ? this.x[0] : this.isEdge() ? this.x[a - this.minRank - 1] : 0;
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setY = function (a, b) {
this.isVertex() ? (this.y[0] = b) : this.isEdge() && (this.y[a - this.minRank - 1] = b);
function mxGraphHierarchyNode(a) {
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.apply(this, arguments);
this.cell = a; = mxObjectIdentity.get(a);
this.connectsAsTarget = [];
this.connectsAsSource = [];
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype = new mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell();
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.constructor = mxGraphHierarchyNode;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.cell = null; = null;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.connectsAsTarget = null;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.connectsAsSource = null;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.hashCode = !1;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.getRankValue = function (a) {
return this.maxRank;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.getNextLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
if (null == this.nextLayerConnectedCells) {
this.nextLayerConnectedCells = [];
this.nextLayerConnectedCells[0] = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.connectsAsTarget.length; b++) {
var c = this.connectsAsTarget[b];
-1 == c.maxRank || c.maxRank == a + 1
? this.nextLayerConnectedCells[0].push(c.source)
: this.nextLayerConnectedCells[0].push(c);
return this.nextLayerConnectedCells[0];
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
if (null == this.previousLayerConnectedCells) {
this.previousLayerConnectedCells = [];
this.previousLayerConnectedCells[0] = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.connectsAsSource.length; b++) {
var c = this.connectsAsSource[b];
-1 == c.minRank || c.minRank == a - 1
? this.previousLayerConnectedCells[0].push(
: this.previousLayerConnectedCells[0].push(c);
return this.previousLayerConnectedCells[0];
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.isVertex = function () {
return !0;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.getGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a) {
return this.temp[0];
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a, b) {
this.temp[0] = b;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.isAncestor = function (a) {
if (null != a && null != this.hashCode && null != a.hashCode && this.hashCode.length < a.hashCode.length) {
if (this.hashCode == a.hashCode) return !0;
if (null == this.hashCode || null == this.hashCode) return !1;
for (var b = 0; b < this.hashCode.length; b++) if (this.hashCode[b] != a.hashCode[b]) return !1;
return !0;
return !1;
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.getCoreCell = function () {
return this.cell;
function mxGraphHierarchyEdge(a) {
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.apply(this, arguments);
this.edges = a;
this.ids = [];
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.ids.push(mxObjectIdentity.get(a[b]));
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype = new mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell();
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.constructor = mxGraphHierarchyEdge;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.edges = null;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.ids = null;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.source = null; = null;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.isReversed = !1;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.invert = function (a) {
a = this.source;
this.source =; = a;
this.isReversed = !this.isReversed;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.getNextLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
if (null == this.nextLayerConnectedCells) {
this.nextLayerConnectedCells = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.temp.length; b++)
(this.nextLayerConnectedCells[b] = []),
b == this.temp.length - 1
? this.nextLayerConnectedCells[b].push(this.source)
: this.nextLayerConnectedCells[b].push(this);
return this.nextLayerConnectedCells[a - this.minRank - 1];
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells = function (a) {
if (null == this.previousLayerConnectedCells) {
this.previousLayerConnectedCells = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.temp.length; b++)
(this.previousLayerConnectedCells[b] = []),
0 == b ? this.previousLayerConnectedCells[b].push( : this.previousLayerConnectedCells[b].push(this);
return this.previousLayerConnectedCells[a - this.minRank - 1];
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.isEdge = function () {
return !0;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.getGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a) {
return this.temp[a - this.minRank - 1];
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function (a, b) {
this.temp[a - this.minRank - 1] = b;
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.getCoreCell = function () {
return null != this.edges && 0 < this.edges.length ? this.edges[0] : null;
function mxGraphHierarchyModel(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.tightenToSource = e;
this.roots = c;
this.parent = d;
this.vertexMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.edgeMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.maxRank = 0;
c = [];
null == b && (b = this.graph.getChildVertices(d));
this.maxRank = this.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK;
this.createInternalCells(a, b, c);
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
e = c[d].connectsAsSource;
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var g = e[f],
k = g.edges;
if (null != k && 0 < k.length) {
var k = k[0],
h = a.getVisibleTerminal(k, !1),
h = this.vertexMapper.get(h);
c[d] == h && ((h = a.getVisibleTerminal(k, !0)), (h = this.vertexMapper.get(h)));
null != h &&
c[d] != h &&
(( = h),
0 == h.connectsAsTarget.length && (h.connectsAsTarget = []),
0 > mxUtils.indexOf(h.connectsAsTarget, g) && h.connectsAsTarget.push(g));
c[d].temp[0] = 1;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.maxRank = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.vertexMapper = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.edgeMapper = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.ranks = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.roots = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.parent = null;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.dfsCount = 0;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK = 1e8;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.tightenToSource = !1;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.createInternalCells = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.getGraph(), e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
c[e] = new mxGraphHierarchyNode(b[e]);
this.vertexMapper.put(b[e], c[e]);
var f = a.getEdges(b[e]);
c[e].connectsAsSource = [];
for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++) {
var k = a.getVisibleTerminal(f[g], !1);
if (k != b[e] && a.graph.model.isVertex(k) && !a.isVertexIgnored(k)) {
var h = a.getEdgesBetween(b[e], k, !1),
k = a.getEdgesBetween(b[e], k, !0);
if (null != h && 0 < h.length && null == this.edgeMapper.get(h[0]) && 2 * k.length >= h.length) {
for (var k = new mxGraphHierarchyEdge(h), l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var m = h[l];
this.edgeMapper.put(m, k);
a.disableEdgeStyle && (a.setEdgeStyleEnabled(m, !1), a.setOrthogonalEdge(m, !0));
k.source = c[e];
0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c[e].connectsAsSource, k) && c[e].connectsAsSource.push(k);
c[e].temp[0] = 0;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.initialRank = function () {
var a = [];
if (null != this.roots)
for (var b = 0; b < this.roots.length; b++) {
var c = this.vertexMapper.get(this.roots[b]);
null != c && a.push(c);
for (var d = this.vertexMapper.getValues(), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) d[b].temp[0] = -1;
for (var e = a.slice(); 0 < a.length; ) {
var c = a[0],
f = c.connectsAsTarget;
g = c.connectsAsSource;
for (var k = !0, h = this.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK, b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
var l = f[b];
if (5270620 == l.temp[0]) (l = l.source), (h = Math.min(h, l.temp[0] - 1));
else {
k = !1;
if (k) {
c.temp[0] = h;
this.maxRank = Math.min(this.maxRank, h);
if (null != g)
for (b = 0; b < g.length; b++)
(l = g[b]), (l.temp[0] = 5270620), (l =, -1 == l.temp[0] && (a.push(l), (l.temp[0] = -2));
} else if (((b = a.shift()), a.push(c), b == c && 1 == a.length)) break;
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) d[b].temp[0] -= this.maxRank;
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
for (c = e[b], a = 0, f = c.connectsAsSource, d = 0; d < f.length; d++)
(l = f[d]), (l =, (c.temp[0] = Math.max(a, l.temp[0] + 1)), (a = c.temp[0]);
this.maxRank = this.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK - this.maxRank;
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.fixRanks = function () {
var a = [];
this.ranks = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.maxRank + 1; b++) (a[b] = []), (this.ranks[b] = a[b]);
var c = null;
if (null != this.roots)
for (var d = this.roots, c = [], b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var e = this.vertexMapper.get(d[b]);
c[b] = e;
function (b, c, d, e, l) {
0 == l &&
0 > c.maxRank &&
0 > c.minRank &&
(a[c.temp[0]].push(c), (c.maxRank = c.temp[0]), (c.minRank = c.temp[0]), (c.temp[0] = a[c.maxRank].length - 1));
if (null != b && null != d && 1 < b.maxRank - c.maxRank)
for (
d.maxRank = b.maxRank, d.minRank = c.maxRank, d.temp = [], d.x = [], d.y = [], b = d.minRank + 1;
b < d.maxRank;
a[b].push(d), d.setGeneralPurposeVariable(b, a[b].length - 1);
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.visit = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b) {
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f = b[e];
null != f &&
(null == d && (d = {}),
? ((f.hashCode = []),
(f.hashCode[0] = this.dfsCount),
(f.hashCode[1] = e),
this.extendedDfs(null, f, null, a, d, f.hashCode, e, 0))
: this.dfs(null, f, null, a, d, 0));
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.dfs = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null != b) {
var g =;
if (null == e[g])
for (e[g] = b, d(a, b, c, f, 0), a = b.connectsAsSource.slice(), c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
(g = a[c]), this.dfs(b,, g, d, e, f + 1);
else d(a, b, c, f, 1);
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.extendedDfs = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
if (null != b)
if (
(null == a ||
(null != b.hashCode && b.hashCode[0] == a.hashCode[0]) ||
((f = a.hashCode.length + 1), (b.hashCode = a.hashCode.slice()), (b.hashCode[f - 1] = g)),
(g =,
null == e[g])
for (e[g] = b, d(a, b, c, k, 0), a = b.connectsAsSource.slice(), c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
(g = a[c]), this.extendedDfs(b,, g, d, e, b.hashCode, c, k + 1);
else d(a, b, c, k, 1);
function mxSwimlaneModel(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.tightenToSource = e;
this.roots = c;
this.parent = d;
this.vertexMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.edgeMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.maxRank = 0;
c = [];
null == b && (b = this.graph.getChildVertices(d));
this.maxRank = this.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK;
this.createInternalCells(a, b, c);
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
e = c[d].connectsAsSource;
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var g = e[f],
k = g.edges;
if (null != k && 0 < k.length) {
var k = k[0],
h = a.getVisibleTerminal(k, !1),
h = this.vertexMapper.get(h);
c[d] == h && ((h = a.getVisibleTerminal(k, !0)), (h = this.vertexMapper.get(h)));
null != h &&
c[d] != h &&
(( = h),
0 == h.connectsAsTarget.length && (h.connectsAsTarget = []),
0 > mxUtils.indexOf(h.connectsAsTarget, g) && h.connectsAsTarget.push(g));
c[d].temp[0] = 1;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.maxRank = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.vertexMapper = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.edgeMapper = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.ranks = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.roots = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.parent = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.dfsCount = 0;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK = 1e8;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.tightenToSource = !1;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.ranksPerGroup = null;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.createInternalCells = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.getGraph(), e = a.swimlanes, f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
c[f] = new mxGraphHierarchyNode(b[f]);
this.vertexMapper.put(b[f], c[f]);
c[f].swimlaneIndex = -1;
for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++)
if (d.model.getParent(b[f]) == e[g]) {
c[f].swimlaneIndex = g;
g = a.getEdges(b[f]);
c[f].connectsAsSource = [];
for (var k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
var h = a.getVisibleTerminal(g[k], !1);
if (h != b[f] && a.graph.model.isVertex(h) && !a.isVertexIgnored(h)) {
var l = a.getEdgesBetween(b[f], h, !1),
h = a.getEdgesBetween(b[f], h, !0);
if (null != l && 0 < l.length && null == this.edgeMapper.get(l[0]) && 2 * h.length >= l.length) {
for (var h = new mxGraphHierarchyEdge(l), m = 0; m < l.length; m++) {
var n = l[m];
this.edgeMapper.put(n, h);
a.disableEdgeStyle && (a.setEdgeStyleEnabled(n, !1), a.setOrthogonalEdge(n, !0));
h.source = c[f];
0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c[f].connectsAsSource, h) && c[f].connectsAsSource.push(h);
c[f].temp[0] = 0;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.initialRank = function () {
this.ranksPerGroup = [];
var a = [],
b = {};
if (null != this.roots)
for (var c = 0; c < this.roots.length; c++) {
var d = this.vertexMapper.get(this.roots[c]);
this.maxChainDfs(null, d, null, b, 0);
null != d && a.push(d);
d = [];
b = [];
for (c = this.ranksPerGroup.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--)
(d[c] = c == this.ranksPerGroup.length - 1 ? 0 : b[c + 1] + 1), (b[c] = d[c] + this.ranksPerGroup[c]);
this.maxRank = b[0];
d = this.vertexMapper.getValues();
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) d[c].temp[0] = -1;
for (a.slice(); 0 < a.length; ) {
var d = a[0],
e = d.connectsAsTarget;
f = d.connectsAsSource;
for (var g = !0, k = b[0], c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
var h = e[c];
if (5270620 == h.temp[0]) (h = h.source), (k = Math.min(k, h.temp[0] - 1));
else {
g = !1;
if (g) {
k > b[d.swimlaneIndex] && (k = b[d.swimlaneIndex]);
d.temp[0] = k;
if (null != f)
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++)
(h = f[c]), (h.temp[0] = 5270620), (h =, -1 == h.temp[0] && (a.push(h), (h.temp[0] = -2));
} else if (((c = a.shift()), a.push(d), c == d && 1 == a.length)) break;
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.maxChainDfs = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != b && ((a = mxCellPath.create(b.cell)), null == d[a])) {
d[a] = b;
a = b.swimlaneIndex;
if (null == this.ranksPerGroup[a] || this.ranksPerGroup[a] < e) this.ranksPerGroup[a] = e;
a = b.connectsAsSource.slice();
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var f = a[c],
g =;
b.swimlaneIndex < g.swimlaneIndex
? this.maxChainDfs(b, g, f, mxUtils.clone(d, null, !0), 0)
: b.swimlaneIndex == g.swimlaneIndex && this.maxChainDfs(b, g, f, mxUtils.clone(d, null, !0), e + 1);
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.fixRanks = function () {
var a = [];
this.ranks = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.maxRank + 1; b++) (a[b] = []), (this.ranks[b] = a[b]);
var c = null;
if (null != this.roots)
for (var d = this.roots, c = [], b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var e = this.vertexMapper.get(d[b]);
c[b] = e;
function (b, c, d, e, l) {
0 == l &&
0 > c.maxRank &&
0 > c.minRank &&
(a[c.temp[0]].push(c), (c.maxRank = c.temp[0]), (c.minRank = c.temp[0]), (c.temp[0] = a[c.maxRank].length - 1));
if (null != b && null != d && 1 < b.maxRank - c.maxRank)
for (
d.maxRank = b.maxRank, d.minRank = c.maxRank, d.temp = [], d.x = [], d.y = [], b = d.minRank + 1;
b < d.maxRank;
a[b].push(d), d.setGeneralPurposeVariable(b, a[b].length - 1);
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.visit = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b) {
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f = b[e];
null != f &&
(null == d && (d = {}),
? ((f.hashCode = []),
(f.hashCode[0] = this.dfsCount),
(f.hashCode[1] = e),
this.extendedDfs(null, f, null, a, d, f.hashCode, e, 0))
: this.dfs(null, f, null, a, d, 0));
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.dfs = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null != b) {
var g =;
if (null == e[g])
for (e[g] = b, d(a, b, c, f, 0), a = b.connectsAsSource.slice(), c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
(g = a[c]), this.dfs(b,, g, d, e, f + 1);
else d(a, b, c, f, 1);
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.extendedDfs = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
if (null != b)
if (
(null == a ||
(null != b.hashCode && b.hashCode[0] == a.hashCode[0]) ||
((f = a.hashCode.length + 1), (b.hashCode = a.hashCode.slice()), (b.hashCode[f - 1] = g)),
(g =,
null == e[g])
) {
e[g] = b;
d(a, b, c, k, 0);
a = b.connectsAsSource.slice();
c = b.connectsAsTarget.slice();
for (g = 0; g < a.length; g++) {
f = a[g];
var h =;
b.swimlaneIndex <= h.swimlaneIndex && this.extendedDfs(b, h, f, d, e, b.hashCode, g, k + 1);
for (g = 0; g < c.length; g++)
(f = c[g]),
(h = f.source),
b.swimlaneIndex < h.swimlaneIndex && this.extendedDfs(b, h, f, d, e, b.hashCode, g, k + 1);
} else d(a, b, c, k, 1);
function mxHierarchicalLayoutStage() {}
mxHierarchicalLayoutStage.prototype.execute = function (a) {};
function mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction(a) {
this.layout = a;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype = new mxHierarchicalLayoutStage();
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.constructor = mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.layout = null;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.maxIterations = 24;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.nestedBestRanks = null;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.currentBestCrossings = 0;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.iterationsWithoutImprovement = 0;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.maxNoImprovementIterations = 2;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.execute = function (a) {
a = this.layout.getModel();
this.nestedBestRanks = [];
for (var b = 0; b < a.ranks.length; b++) this.nestedBestRanks[b] = a.ranks[b].slice();
for (
var c = 0, d = this.calculateCrossings(a), b = 0;
b < this.maxIterations && c < this.maxNoImprovementIterations;
) {
this.weightedMedian(b, a);
this.transpose(b, a);
var e = this.calculateCrossings(a);
if (e < d)
for (d = e, e = c = 0; e < this.nestedBestRanks.length; e++)
for (var f = a.ranks[e], g = 0; g < f.length; g++) {
var k = f[g];
this.nestedBestRanks[e][k.getGeneralPurposeVariable(e)] = k;
for (c++, e = 0; e < this.nestedBestRanks.length; e++)
for (f = a.ranks[e], g = 0; g < f.length; g++) (k = f[g]), k.setGeneralPurposeVariable(e, g);
if (0 == d) break;
c = [];
d = [];
for (b = 0; b < a.maxRank + 1; b++) (d[b] = []), (c[b] = d[b]);
for (b = 0; b < this.nestedBestRanks.length; b++)
for (e = 0; e < this.nestedBestRanks[b].length; e++) d[b].push(this.nestedBestRanks[b][e]);
a.ranks = c;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.calculateCrossings = function (a) {
for (var b = a.ranks.length, c = 0, d = 1; d < b; d++) c += this.calculateRankCrossing(d, a);
return c;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.calculateRankCrossing = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = b.ranks[a], e = b.ranks[a - 1], f = [], g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
for (
var k = d[g], h = k.getGeneralPurposeVariable(a), k = k.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(a), l = [], m = 0;
m < k.length;
) {
var n = k[m].getGeneralPurposeVariable(a - 1);
l.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
f[h] = l;
d = [];
for (g = 0; g < f.length; g++) d = d.concat(f[g]);
for (f = 1; f < e.length; ) f <<= 1;
h = 2 * f - 1;
e = [];
for (g = 0; g < h; ++g) e[g] = 0;
for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++)
for (h = d[g] + f, ++e[h]; 0 < h; ) h % 2 && (c += e[h + 1]), (h = (h - 1) >> 1), ++e[h];
return c;
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.transpose = function (a, b) {
for (var c = !0, d = 0; c && 10 > d++; )
for (var e = 1 == a % 2 && 1 == d % 2, c = !1, f = 0; f < b.ranks.length; f++) {
for (var g = b.ranks[f], k = [], h = 0; h < g.length; h++) {
var l = g[h],
m = l.getGeneralPurposeVariable(f);
0 > m && (m = h);
k[m] = l;
for (var n = null, p = null, r, t, u = null, x = null, z, D = null, h = 0; h < g.length - 1; h++) {
if (0 == h) {
z = k[h];
l = z.getNextLayerConnectedCells(f);
m = z.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(f);
r = [];
t = [];
for (var B = 0; B < l.length; B++) r[B] = l[B].getGeneralPurposeVariable(f + 1);
for (B = 0; B < m.length; B++) t[B] = m[B].getGeneralPurposeVariable(f - 1);
} else (l = n), (m = p), (r = u), (t = x), (z = D);
D = k[h + 1];
n = D.getNextLayerConnectedCells(f);
p = D.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(f);
u = [];
x = [];
for (B = 0; B < n.length; B++) u[B] = n[B].getGeneralPurposeVariable(f + 1);
for (B = 0; B < p.length; B++) x[B] = p[B].getGeneralPurposeVariable(f - 1);
for (var C = 0, J = 0, B = 0; B < r.length; B++)
for (var v = 0; v < u.length; v++) r[B] > u[v] && C++, r[B] < u[v] && J++;
for (B = 0; B < t.length; B++) for (v = 0; v < x.length; v++) t[B] > x[v] && C++, t[B] < x[v] && J++;
if (J < C || (J == C && e))
(n = z.getGeneralPurposeVariable(f)),
z.setGeneralPurposeVariable(f, D.getGeneralPurposeVariable(f)),
D.setGeneralPurposeVariable(f, n),
(n = l),
(p = m),
(u = r),
(x = t),
(D = z),
e || (c = !0);
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.weightedMedian = function (a, b) {
var c = 0 == a % 2;
if (c) for (var d = b.maxRank - 1; 0 <= d; d--) this.medianRank(d, c);
else for (d = 1; d < b.maxRank; d++) this.medianRank(d, c);
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.medianRank = function (a, b) {
for (var c = this.nestedBestRanks[a].length, d = [], e = [], f = 0; f < c; f++) {
var g = this.nestedBestRanks[a][f],
k = new MedianCellSorter();
k.cell = g;
var h;
h = b ? g.getNextLayerConnectedCells(a) : g.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(a);
var l;
l = b ? a + 1 : a - 1;
null != h && 0 != h.length
? ((k.medianValue = this.medianValue(h, l)), d.push(k))
: (e[g.getGeneralPurposeVariable(a)] = !0);
for (f = 0; f < c; f++) null == e[f] && ((g = d.shift().cell), g.setGeneralPurposeVariable(a, f));
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.medianValue = function (a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = a[e];
c[d++] = f.getGeneralPurposeVariable(b);
c.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
if (1 == d % 2) return c[Math.floor(d / 2)];
if (2 == d) return (c[0] + c[1]) / 2;
e = d / 2;
f = c[e - 1] - c[0];
d = c[d - 1] - c[e];
return (c[e - 1] * d + c[e] * f) / (f + d);
function MedianCellSorter() {}
MedianCellSorter.prototype.medianValue = 0;
MedianCellSorter.prototype.cell = !1; = function (a, b) {
return null != a && null != b ? (b.medianValue > a.medianValue ? -1 : b.medianValue < a.medianValue ? 1 : 0) : 0;
function mxMinimumCycleRemover(a) {
this.layout = a;
mxMinimumCycleRemover.prototype = new mxHierarchicalLayoutStage();
mxMinimumCycleRemover.prototype.constructor = mxMinimumCycleRemover;
mxMinimumCycleRemover.prototype.layout = null;
mxMinimumCycleRemover.prototype.execute = function (a) {
a = this.layout.getModel();
for (var b = {}, c = a.vertexMapper.getValues(), d = {}, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) d[c[e].id] = c[e];
c = null;
if (null != a.roots) for (var f = a.roots, c = [], e = 0; e < f.length; e++) c[e] = a.vertexMapper.get(f[e]);
function (a, c, e, f, m) {
c.isAncestor(a) &&
mxUtils.remove(e, a.connectsAsSource),
mxUtils.remove(e, c.connectsAsTarget),
b[] = c;
delete d[];
e = mxUtils.clone(b, null, !0);
function (a, c, e, f, m) {
c.isAncestor(a) &&
mxUtils.remove(e, a.connectsAsSource),
mxUtils.remove(e, c.connectsAsTarget));
b[] = c;
delete d[];
function mxCoordinateAssignment(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.layout = a;
this.intraCellSpacing = b;
this.interRankCellSpacing = c;
this.orientation = d;
this.initialX = e;
this.parallelEdgeSpacing = f;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype = new mxHierarchicalLayoutStage();
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.constructor = mxCoordinateAssignment;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.layout = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.intraCellSpacing = 30;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.interRankCellSpacing = 100;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.parallelEdgeSpacing = 10;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.maxIterations = 8;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.prefHozEdgeSep = 5;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.prefVertEdgeOff = 2;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minEdgeJetty = 12;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.channelBuffer = 4;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.jettyPositions = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.initialX = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.limitX = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.currentXDelta = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.widestRank = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankTopY = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankBottomY = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.widestRankValue = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankWidths = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankY = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.fineTuning = !0;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.nextLayerConnectedCache = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.previousLayerConnectedCache = null;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.groupPadding = 10;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.printStatus = function () {
var a = this.layout.getModel();;
mxLog.writeln('======Coord assignment debug=======');
for (var b = 0; b < a.ranks.length; b++) {
mxLog.write('Rank ', b, ' : ');
for (var c = a.ranks[b], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) mxLog.write(c[d].getGeneralPurposeVariable(b), ' ');
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.execute = function (a) {
this.jettyPositions = {};
a = this.layout.getModel();
this.currentXDelta = 0;
this.initialCoords(this.layout.getGraph(), a);
this.fineTuning && this.minNode(a);
var b = 1e8;
if (this.fineTuning)
for (var c = 0; c < this.maxIterations; c++) {
0 != c && (this.medianPos(c, a), this.minNode(a));
if (this.currentXDelta < b) {
for (var d = 0; d < a.ranks.length; d++)
for (var e = a.ranks[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var g = e[f];
g.setX(d, g.getGeneralPurposeVariable(d));
b = this.currentXDelta;
} else
for (d = 0; d < a.ranks.length; d++)
for (e = a.ranks[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) (g = e[f]), g.setGeneralPurposeVariable(d, g.getX(d));
this.minPath(this.layout.getGraph(), a);
this.currentXDelta = 0;
this.setCellLocations(this.layout.getGraph(), a);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minNode = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = new mxDictionary(), d = [], e = 0; e <= a.maxRank; e++) {
d[e] = a.ranks[e];
for (var f = 0; f < d[e].length; f++) {
var g = d[e][f],
k = new WeightedCellSorter(g, e);
k.rankIndex = f;
k.visited = !0;
c.put(g, k);
a = 10 * b.length;
for (f = 0; 0 < b.length && f <= a; ) {
var g = b.shift(),
e = g.cell,
h = g.weightedValue,
l = parseInt(g.rankIndex),
k = e.getNextLayerConnectedCells(h),
m = e.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(h),
n = k.length,
p = m.length,
r = this.medianXValue(k, h + 1),
t = this.medianXValue(m, h - 1),
u = n + p,
x = e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h),
z = x;
0 < u && (z = (r * n + t * p) / u);
n = !1;
z < x - 1
? 0 == l
? (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, z), (n = !0))
: ((l = d[h][l - 1]),
(x = l.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h)),
(x = x + l.width / 2 + this.intraCellSpacing + e.width / 2),
x < z
? (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, z), (n = !0))
: x < e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h) - 1 && (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, x), (n = !0)))
: z > x + 1 &&
(l == d[h].length - 1
? (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, z), (n = !0))
: ((l = d[h][l + 1]),
(x = l.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h)),
(x = x - l.width / 2 - this.intraCellSpacing - e.width / 2),
x > z
? (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, z), (n = !0))
: x > e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h) + 1 && (e.setGeneralPurposeVariable(h, x), (n = !0))));
if (n) {
for (e = 0; e < k.length; e++)
(h = k[e]), (h = c.get(h)), null != h && 0 == h.visited && ((h.visited = !0), b.push(h));
for (e = 0; e < m.length; e++)
(h = m[e]), (h = c.get(h)), null != h && 0 == h.visited && ((h.visited = !0), b.push(h));
g.visited = !1;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianPos = function (a, b) {
if (0 == a % 2) for (var c = b.maxRank; 0 < c; c--) this.rankMedianPosition(c - 1, b, c);
else for (c = 0; c < b.maxRank - 1; c++) this.rankMedianPosition(c + 1, b, c);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function (a, b, c) {
b = b.ranks[a];
for (var d = [], e = {}, f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
var g = b[f];
d[f] = new WeightedCellSorter();
d[f].cell = g;
d[f].rankIndex = f;
e[] = d[f];
var k;
k = c < a ? g.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(a) : g.getNextLayerConnectedCells(a);
d[f].weightedValue = this.calculatedWeightedValue(g, k);
for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var h,
g = d[f].cell;
h = 0;
k = c < a ? g.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(a).slice() : g.getNextLayerConnectedCells(a).slice();
null != k && ((h = k.length), (h = 0 < h ? this.medianXValue(k, c) : g.getGeneralPurposeVariable(a)));
var l = 0;
k = -1e8;
for (var m = d[f].rankIndex - 1; 0 <= m; ) {
var n = e[b[m].id];
if (null != n) {
var p = n.cell;
? ((k = p.getGeneralPurposeVariable(a) + p.width / 2 + this.intraCellSpacing + l + g.width / 2), (m = -1))
: ((l += p.width + this.intraCellSpacing), m--);
l = 0;
p = 1e8;
for (m = d[f].rankIndex + 1; m < d.length; )
if (((n = e[b[m].id]), null != n)) {
var r = n.cell;
? ((p = r.getGeneralPurposeVariable(a) - r.width / 2 - this.intraCellSpacing - l - g.width / 2),
(m = d.length))
: ((l += r.width + this.intraCellSpacing), m++);
h >= k && h <= p
? g.setGeneralPurposeVariable(a, h)
: h < k
? (g.setGeneralPurposeVariable(a, k), (this.currentXDelta += k - h))
: h > p && (g.setGeneralPurposeVariable(a, p), (this.currentXDelta += h - p));
d[f].visited = !0;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.calculatedWeightedValue = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
a.isVertex() && e.isVertex() ? c++ : (c = a.isEdge() && e.isEdge() ? c + 8 : c + 2);
return c;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianXValue = function (a, b) {
if (0 == a.length) return 0;
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c[d] = a[d].getGeneralPurposeVariable(b);
c.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
if (1 == a.length % 2) return c[Math.floor(a.length / 2)];
d = a.length / 2;
return (c[d - 1] + c[d]) / 2;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.initialCoords = function (a, b) {
this.calculateWidestRank(a, b);
for (var c = this.widestRank; 0 <= c; c--) c < b.maxRank && this.rankCoordinates(c, a, b);
for (c = this.widestRank + 1; c <= b.maxRank; c++) 0 < c && this.rankCoordinates(c, a, b);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function (a, b, c) {
b = c.ranks[a];
c = this.initialX + (this.widestRankValue - this.rankWidths[a]) / 2;
for (var d = !1, e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f = b[e];
if (f.isVertex()) {
var g = this.layout.getVertexBounds(f.cell);
null != g
? this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((f.width = g.width), (f.height = g.height))
: ((f.width = g.height), (f.height = g.width))
: (d = !0);
} else
f.isEdge() &&
((g = 1),
null != f.edges ? (g = f.edges.length) : mxLog.warn('edge.edges is null'),
(f.width = (g - 1) * this.parallelEdgeSpacing));
c += f.width / 2;
f.setX(a, c);
f.setGeneralPurposeVariable(a, c);
c += f.width / 2;
c += this.intraCellSpacing;
1 == d && mxLog.warn('At least one cell has no bounds');
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.calculateWidestRank = function (a, b) {
var c = -this.interRankCellSpacing,
d = 0;
this.rankWidths = [];
this.rankY = [];
for (var e = b.maxRank; 0 <= e; e--) {
for (var f = 0, g = b.ranks[e], k = this.initialX, h = !1, l = 0; l < g.length; l++) {
var m = g[l];
if (m.isVertex()) {
var n = this.layout.getVertexBounds(m.cell);
null != n
? this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((m.width = n.width), (m.height = n.height))
: ((m.width = n.height), (m.height = n.width))
: (h = !0);
f = Math.max(f, m.height);
} else
m.isEdge() &&
((n = 1),
null != m.edges ? (n = m.edges.length) : mxLog.warn('edge.edges is null'),
(m.width = (n - 1) * this.parallelEdgeSpacing));
k += m.width / 2;
m.setX(e, k);
m.setGeneralPurposeVariable(e, k);
k += m.width / 2;
k += this.intraCellSpacing;
k > this.widestRankValue && ((this.widestRankValue = k), (this.widestRank = e));
this.rankWidths[e] = k;
1 == h && mxLog.warn('At least one cell has no bounds');
this.rankY[e] = c;
k = f / 2 + d / 2 + this.interRankCellSpacing;
d = f;
c =
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST ? c + k : c - k;
for (l = 0; l < g.length; l++) g[l].setY(e, c);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minPath = function (a, b) {
for (var c = b.edgeMapper.getValues(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d];
if (!(1 > e.maxRank - e.minRank - 1)) {
for (var f = e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(e.minRank + 1), g = !0, k = 0, h = e.minRank + 2; h < e.maxRank; h++) {
var l = e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(h);
f != l ? ((g = !1), (f = l)) : k++;
if (!g) {
for (
var g = (f = 0), l = [], m = [], n = e.getGeneralPurposeVariable(e.minRank + 1), h = e.minRank + 1;
h < e.maxRank - 1;
) {
var p = e.getX(h + 1);
n == p
? ((l[h - e.minRank - 1] = n), f++)
: this.repositionValid(b, e, h + 1, n)
? ((l[h - e.minRank - 1] = n), f++)
: (n = l[h - e.minRank - 1] = p);
n = e.getX(h);
for (h = e.maxRank - 1; h > e.minRank + 1; h--)
(p = e.getX(h - 1)),
n == p
? ((m[h - e.minRank - 2] = n), g++)
: this.repositionValid(b, e, h - 1, n)
? ((m[h - e.minRank - 2] = n), g++)
: ((m[h - e.minRank - 2] = e.getX(h - 1)), (n = p));
if (g > k || f > k)
if (g >= f) for (h = e.maxRank - 2; h > e.minRank; h--) e.setX(h, m[h - e.minRank - 1]);
else if (f > g) for (h = e.minRank + 2; h < e.maxRank; h++) e.setX(h, l[h - e.minRank - 2]);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = a.ranks[c];
for (var e = -1, f = 0; f < a.length; f++)
if (b == a[f]) {
e = f;
if (0 > e) return !1;
f = b.getGeneralPurposeVariable(c);
if (d < f) {
if (0 == e) return !0;
a = a[e - 1];
c = a.getGeneralPurposeVariable(c);
c = c + a.width / 2 + this.intraCellSpacing + b.width / 2;
if (!(c <= d)) return !1;
} else if (d > f) {
if (e == a.length - 1) return !0;
a = a[e + 1];
c = a.getGeneralPurposeVariable(c);
c = c - a.width / 2 - this.intraCellSpacing - b.width / 2;
if (!(c >= d)) return !1;
return !0;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setCellLocations = function (a, b) {
this.rankTopY = [];
this.rankBottomY = [];
for (var c = 0; c < b.ranks.length; c++)
(this.rankTopY[c] = Number.MAX_VALUE), (this.rankBottomY[c] = -Number.MAX_VALUE);
for (var d = b.vertexMapper.getValues(), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) this.setVertexLocation(d[c]);
(this.layout.edgeStyle != mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.ORTHOGONAL &&
this.layout.edgeStyle != mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.POLYLINE &&
this.layout.edgeStyle != mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE) ||
d = b.edgeMapper.getValues();
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) this.setEdgePosition(d[c]);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.ranks.length; b++)
for (var c = a.ranks[b], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d];
if (e.isVertex())
for (var f = e.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(b), g = b - 1, k = 0; 2 > k; k++) {
if (-1 < g && g < a.ranks.length && null != f && 0 < f.length) {
for (var h = [], l = 0; l < f.length; l++) {
var m = new WeightedCellSorter(f[l], f[l].getX(g));
for (var m = e.x[0] - e.width / 2, n = m + e.width, p = (f = 0), g = [], l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var r = h[l].cell,
if (r.isVertex()) {
t = 0 == k ? e.connectsAsSource : e.connectsAsTarget;
for (var u = 0; u < t.length; u++)
if (t[u].source == r || t[u].target == r) (f += t[u].edges.length), p++, g.push(t[u]);
} else (f += r.edges.length), p++, g.push(r);
e.width > (f + 1) * this.prefHozEdgeSep + 2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep &&
((m += this.prefHozEdgeSep), (n -= this.prefHozEdgeSep));
h = (n - m) / f;
m += h / 2;
n = this.minEdgeJetty - this.prefVertEdgeOff;
for (l = 0; l < g.length; l++)
for (
p = g[l].edges.length,
r = this.jettyPositions[g[l].ids[0]],
null == r && ((r = []), (this.jettyPositions[g[l].ids[0]] = r)),
l < f / 2 ? (n += this.prefVertEdgeOff) : l > f / 2 && (n -= this.prefVertEdgeOff),
t = 0;
t < p;
(r[4 * t + 2 * k] = m), (m += h), (r[4 * t + 2 * k + 1] = n);
f = e.getNextLayerConnectedCells(b);
g = b + 1;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setEdgePosition = function (a) {
var b = 0;
if (101207 != a.temp[0]) {
var c = a.maxRank,
d = a.minRank;
c == d && ((c = a.source.maxRank), (d =;
for (
var e = 0,
f = this.jettyPositions[a.ids[0]],
g = a.isReversed ? : a.source.cell,
k = this.layout.graph,
h = this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH,
l = 0;
l < a.edges.length;
) {
var m = a.edges[l],
n = this.layout.getVisibleTerminal(m, !0),
p = [],
r = a.isReversed;
n != g && (r = !r);
if (null != f) {
var t = r ? 2 : 0,
u = r ? (h ? this.rankBottomY[d] : this.rankTopY[d]) : h ? this.rankTopY[c] : this.rankBottomY[c],
x = f[4 * e + 1 + t];
r != h && (x = -x);
var u = u + x,
t = f[4 * e + t],
z = k.model.getTerminal(m, !0);
this.layout.isPort(z) &&
k.model.getParent(z) == n &&
((t = k.view.getState(z)), (t = null != t ? t.x : n.geometry.x + a.source.width * z.geometry.x));
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (p.push(new mxPoint(t, u)),
this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE && p.push(new mxPoint(t, u + x)))
: (p.push(new mxPoint(u, t)),
this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE && p.push(new mxPoint(u + x, t)));
t = a.x.length - 1;
u = x = -1;
n = a.maxRank - 1;
r && ((t = 0), (x = a.x.length), (u = 1), (n = a.minRank + 1));
for (; a.maxRank != a.minRank && t != x; t += u) {
var z = a.x[t] + b,
D = (this.rankTopY[n] + this.rankBottomY[n + 1]) / 2,
B = (this.rankTopY[n - 1] + this.rankBottomY[n]) / 2;
if (r)
var C = D,
D = B,
B = C;
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (p.push(new mxPoint(z, D)), p.push(new mxPoint(z, B)))
: (p.push(new mxPoint(D, z)), p.push(new mxPoint(B, z)));
this.limitX = Math.max(this.limitX, z);
n += u;
null != f &&
((t = r ? 2 : 0),
(u = r ? (h ? this.rankTopY[c] : this.rankBottomY[c]) : h ? this.rankBottomY[d] : this.rankTopY[d]),
(x = f[4 * e + 3 - t]),
r != h && (x = -x),
(u -= x),
(t = f[4 * e + 2 - t]),
(r = k.model.getTerminal(m, !1)),
(n = this.layout.getVisibleTerminal(m, !1)),
this.layout.isPort(r) &&
k.model.getParent(r) == n &&
((t = k.view.getState(r)), (t = null != t ? t.x : n.geometry.x + * r.geometry.x)),
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE && p.push(new mxPoint(t, u - x)),
p.push(new mxPoint(t, u)))
: (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE && p.push(new mxPoint(u - x, t)),
p.push(new mxPoint(u, t))));
a.isReversed && this.processReversedEdge(a, m);
this.layout.setEdgePoints(m, p);
b = 0 == b ? this.parallelEdgeSpacing : 0 < b ? -b : -b + this.parallelEdgeSpacing;
a.temp[0] = 101207;
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setVertexLocation = function (a) {
var b = a.cell,
c = a.x[0] - a.width / 2,
d = a.y[0] - a.height / 2;
this.rankTopY[a.minRank] = Math.min(this.rankTopY[a.minRank], d);
this.rankBottomY[a.minRank] = Math.max(this.rankBottomY[a.minRank], d + a.height);
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? this.layout.setVertexLocation(b, c, d)
: this.layout.setVertexLocation(b, d, c);
this.limitX = Math.max(this.limitX, c + a.width);
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.processReversedEdge = function (a, b) {};
function mxSwimlaneOrdering(a) {
this.layout = a;
mxSwimlaneOrdering.prototype = new mxHierarchicalLayoutStage();
mxSwimlaneOrdering.prototype.constructor = mxSwimlaneOrdering;
mxSwimlaneOrdering.prototype.layout = null;
mxSwimlaneOrdering.prototype.execute = function (a) {
a = this.layout.getModel();
var b = mxUtils.clone(a.vertexMapper, null, !0),
c = null;
if (null != a.roots) for (var d = a.roots, c = [], e = 0; e < d.length; e++) c[e] = a.vertexMapper.get(d[e]);
function (a, c, d, e, l) {
e = null != a && a.swimlaneIndex == c.swimlaneIndex && c.isAncestor(a);
l = null != a && null != d && a.swimlaneIndex < c.swimlaneIndex && d.source == c;
? (d.invert(),
mxUtils.remove(d, a.connectsAsSource),
mxUtils.remove(d, c.connectsAsTarget))
: l &&
mxUtils.remove(d, a.connectsAsTarget),
mxUtils.remove(d, c.connectsAsSource));
a = mxCellPath.create(c.cell);
delete b[a];
function mxHierarchicalLayout(a, b, c) {, a);
this.orientation = null != b ? b : mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
this.deterministic = null != c ? c : !0;
var mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle = { ORTHOGONAL: 1, POLYLINE: 2, STRAIGHT: 3, CURVE: 4 };
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.constructor = mxHierarchicalLayout;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.roots = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.resizeParent = !1;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.maintainParentLocation = !1;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.moveParent = !1;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.parentBorder = 0;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.intraCellSpacing = 30;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.interRankCellSpacing = 100;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.interHierarchySpacing = 60;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.parallelEdgeSpacing = 10;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.fineTuning = !0;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.tightenToSource = !0;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.disableEdgeStyle = !0;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.traverseAncestors = !0;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.model = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgesCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgeSourceTermCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgesTargetTermCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgeStyle = mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.POLYLINE;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.execute = function (a, b) {
this.parent = a;
var c = this.graph.model;
this.edgesCache = new mxDictionary();
this.edgeSourceTermCache = new mxDictionary();
this.edgesTargetTermCache = new mxDictionary();
null == b || b instanceof Array || (b = [b]);
if (null != b || null != a) {
this.parentY = this.parentX = null;
if (a != this.root && null != c.isVertex(a) && this.maintainParentLocation) {
var d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
null != d && ((this.parentX = d.x), (this.parentY = d.y));
if (null != b) {
for (var e = [], f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
(null != a ? c.isAncestor(a, b[f]) : 1) && c.isVertex(b[f]) && e.push(b[f]);
this.roots = e;
try {,
this.resizeParent &&
!this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a) &&
this.graph.updateGroupBounds([a], this.parentBorder, this.moveParent),
null != this.parentX &&
null != this.parentY &&
((d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a)),
null != d && ((d = d.clone()), (d.x = this.parentX), (d.y = this.parentY), c.setGeometry(a, d)));
} finally {
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.findRoots = function (a, b) {
var c = [];
if (null != a && null != b) {
var d = this.graph.model,
e = null,
f = -1e5,
for (g in b) {
var k = b[g];
if (d.isVertex(k) && this.graph.isCellVisible(k)) {
for (var h = this.getEdges(k), l = 0, m = 0, n = 0; n < h.length; n++)
this.getVisibleTerminal(h[n], !0) == k ? l++ : m++;
0 == m && 0 < l && c.push(k);
h = l - m;
h > f && ((f = h), (e = k));
0 == c.length && null != e && c.push(e);
return c;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.getEdges = function (a) {
var b = this.edgesCache.get(a);
if (null != b) return b;
for (var c = this.graph.model, b = [], d = this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a), e = c.getChildCount(a), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = c.getChildAt(a, f);
if (this.isPort(g)) b = b.concat(c.getEdges(g, !0, !0));
else if (d || !this.graph.isCellVisible(g)) b = b.concat(c.getEdges(g, !0, !0));
b = b.concat(c.getEdges(a, !0, !0));
c = [];
for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
(d = this.getVisibleTerminal(b[f], !0)),
(e = this.getVisibleTerminal(b[f], !1)),
(d == e ||
(d != e &&
((e == a && (null == this.parent || this.isAncestor(this.parent, d, this.traverseAncestors))) ||
(d == a && (null == this.parent || this.isAncestor(this.parent, e, this.traverseAncestors)))))) &&
this.edgesCache.put(a, c);
return c;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.getVisibleTerminal = function (a, b) {
var c = this.edgesTargetTermCache;
b && (c = this.edgeSourceTermCache);
var d = c.get(a);
if (null != d) return d;
var d = this.graph.view.getState(a),
e = null != d ? d.getVisibleTerminal(b) : this.graph.view.getVisibleTerminal(a, b);
null == e && (e = null != d ? d.getVisibleTerminal(b) : this.graph.view.getVisibleTerminal(a, b));
null != e && (this.isPort(e) && (e = this.graph.model.getParent(e)), c.put(a, e));
return e;
}; = function (a) {
var b = [],
c = [];
if (null == this.roots && null != a) {
var d = {};
this.filterDescendants(a, d);
this.roots = [];
var e = !0,
for (f in d)
if (null != d[f]) {
e = !1;
for (; !e; ) {
for (var g = this.findRoots(a, d), e = 0; e < g.length; e++) {
var k = {};
this.traverse(g[e], !0, null, c, k, b, d);
for (e = 0; e < g.length; e++) this.roots.push(g[e]);
e = !0;
for (f in d)
if (null != d[f]) {
e = !1;
} else
for (e = 0; e < this.roots.length; e++) (k = {}), b.push(k), this.traverse(this.roots[e], !0, null, c, k, b, null);
for (e = c = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
k = b[e];
d = [];
for (f in k) d.push(k[f]);
this.model = new mxGraphHierarchyModel(this, d, this.roots, a, this.tightenToSource);
c = this.placementStage(c, a);
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.filterDescendants = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.model;
c.isVertex(a) && a != this.parent && this.graph.isCellVisible(a) && (b[mxObjectIdentity.get(a)] = a);
if (this.traverseAncestors || (a == this.parent && this.graph.isCellVisible(a)))
for (var d = c.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = c.getChildAt(a, e);
this.isPort(f) || this.filterDescendants(f, b);
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.isPort = function (a) {
return null != a && null != a.geometry ? a.geometry.relative : !1;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.getEdgesBetween = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
for (var d = this.getEdges(a), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var g = this.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !0),
k = this.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !1);
((g == a && k == b) || (!c && g == b && k == a)) && e.push(d[f]);
return e;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.traverse = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (null != a && null != d) {
var k = mxObjectIdentity.get(a);
if (null == d[k] && (null == g || null != g[k])) {
null == e[k] && (e[k] = a);
null == d[k] && (d[k] = a);
null !== g && delete g[k];
var h = this.getEdges(a),
k = [];
for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++) k[c] = this.getVisibleTerminal(h[c], !0) == a;
for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++)
if (!b || k[c]) {
a = this.getVisibleTerminal(h[c], !k[c]);
for (var l = 1, m = 0; m < h.length; m++)
if (m != c) {
var n = k[m];
this.getVisibleTerminal(h[m], !n) == a && (n ? l++ : l--);
0 <= l && (e = this.traverse(a, b, h[c], d, e, f, g));
} else if (null == e[k])
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++)
if (((b = f[c]), null != b[k])) {
for (h in b) e[h] = b[h];
f.splice(c, 1);
return e;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.cycleStage = function (a) {
new mxMinimumCycleRemover(this).execute(a);
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function () {
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.crossingStage = function (a) {
new mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction(this).execute(a);
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.placementStage = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxCoordinateAssignment(
c.fineTuning = this.fineTuning;
return c.limitX + this.interHierarchySpacing;
function mxSwimlaneLayout(a, b, c) {, a);
this.orientation = null != b ? b : mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
this.deterministic = null != c ? c : !0;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.constructor = mxSwimlaneLayout;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.roots = null;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.swimlanes = null;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.dummyVertexWidth = 50;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.resizeParent = !1;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.maintainParentLocation = !1;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.moveParent = !1;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.parentBorder = 30;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.intraCellSpacing = 30;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.interRankCellSpacing = 100;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.interHierarchySpacing = 60;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.parallelEdgeSpacing = 10;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.fineTuning = !0;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.tightenToSource = !0;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.disableEdgeStyle = !0;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.traverseAncestors = !0;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.model = null;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.edgesCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgeSourceTermCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgesTargetTermCache = null;
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.edgeStyle = mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.POLYLINE;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.execute = function (a, b) {
this.parent = a;
var c = this.graph.model;
this.edgesCache = new mxDictionary();
this.edgeSourceTermCache = new mxDictionary();
this.edgesTargetTermCache = new mxDictionary();
if (!(null == b || 1 > b.length)) {
null == a && (a = c.getParent(b[0]));
this.parentY = this.parentX = null;
if (a != this.root && null != c.isVertex(a) && this.maintainParentLocation) {
var d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
null != d && ((this.parentX = d.x), (this.parentY = d.y));
this.swimlanes = b;
for (var e = [], f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
var g = this.graph.getChildCells(b[f]);
if (null == g || 0 == g.length)
(g = this.graph.insertVertex(b[f], null, null, 0, 0, this.dummyVertexWidth, 0)), e.push(g);
try {,
this.resizeParent &&
!this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a) &&
this.graph.updateGroupBounds([a], this.parentBorder, this.moveParent),
null != this.parentX &&
null != this.parentY &&
((d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a)),
null != d && ((d = d.clone()), (d.x = this.parentX), (d.y = this.parentY), c.setGeometry(a, d))),
} finally {
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.updateGroupBounds = function () {
var a = [],
b = this.model,
for (c in b.edgeMapper) for (var d = b.edgeMapper[c], e = 0; e < d.edges.length; e++) a.push(d.edges[e]);
a = this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(a, !0);
b = [];
for (e = 0; e < this.swimlanes.length; e++) {
var f = this.swimlanes[e];
c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(f);
if (null != c) {
var g = this.graph.getChildCells(f),
d = this.graph.isSwimlane(f) ? this.graph.getStartSize(f) : new mxRectangle(),
f = this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(g);
b[e] = f;
d = f.y + c.y - d.height - this.parentBorder;
c = f.y + c.y + f.height;
null == a
? (a = new mxRectangle(0, d, 0, c - d))
: ((a.y = Math.min(a.y, d)), (a.height = Math.max(a.y + a.height, c) - a.y));
for (e = 0; e < this.swimlanes.length; e++)
if (((f = this.swimlanes[e]), (c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(f)), null != c)) {
var g = this.graph.getChildCells(f),
d = this.graph.isSwimlane(f) ? this.graph.getStartSize(f) : new mxRectangle(),
k = c.clone(),
h = d.width + (0 == e ? this.parentBorder : this.interRankCellSpacing / 2),
l = b[e].x - h,
m = a.y - this.parentBorder;
k.x += l;
k.y = m;
k.width = b[e].width + h + this.interRankCellSpacing / 2;
k.height = a.height + d.height + 2 * this.parentBorder;
this.graph.model.setGeometry(f, k);
this.graph.moveCells(g, -l, c.y - m);
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.findRoots = function (a, b) {
var c = [];
if (null != a && null != b) {
var d = this.graph.model,
e = null,
f = -1e5,
for (g in b) {
var k = b[g];
if (null != k && d.isVertex(k) && this.graph.isCellVisible(k) && d.isAncestor(a, k)) {
for (var h = this.getEdges(k), l = 0, m = 0, n = 0; n < h.length; n++) {
var p = this.getVisibleTerminal(h[n], !0);
p == k ? ((p = this.getVisibleTerminal(h[n], !1)), d.isAncestor(a, p) && l++) : d.isAncestor(a, p) && m++;
0 == m && 0 < l && c.push(k);
h = l - m;
h > f && ((f = h), (e = k));
0 == c.length && null != e && c.push(e);
return c;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.getEdges = function (a) {
var b = this.edgesCache.get(a);
if (null != b) return b;
for (var c = this.graph.model, b = [], d = this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a), e = c.getChildCount(a), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = c.getChildAt(a, f);
if (this.isPort(g)) b = b.concat(c.getEdges(g, !0, !0));
else if (d || !this.graph.isCellVisible(g)) b = b.concat(c.getEdges(g, !0, !0));
b = b.concat(c.getEdges(a, !0, !0));
c = [];
for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
(d = this.getVisibleTerminal(b[f], !0)),
(e = this.getVisibleTerminal(b[f], !1)),
(d == e ||
(d != e &&
((e == a && (null == this.parent || this.graph.isValidAncestor(d, this.parent, this.traverseAncestors))) ||
(d == a &&
(null == this.parent || this.graph.isValidAncestor(e, this.parent, this.traverseAncestors)))))) &&
this.edgesCache.put(a, c);
return c;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.getVisibleTerminal = function (a, b) {
var c = this.edgesTargetTermCache;
b && (c = this.edgeSourceTermCache);
var d = c.get(a);
if (null != d) return d;
var d = this.graph.view.getState(a),
e = null != d ? d.getVisibleTerminal(b) : this.graph.view.getVisibleTerminal(a, b);
null == e && (e = null != d ? d.getVisibleTerminal(b) : this.graph.view.getVisibleTerminal(a, b));
null != e && (this.isPort(e) && (e = this.graph.model.getParent(e)), c.put(a, e));
return e;
}; = function (a) {
var b = [],
c = {};
if (null != this.swimlanes && 0 < this.swimlanes.length && null != a) {
for (var d = {}, e = 0; e < this.swimlanes.length; e++) this.filterDescendants(this.swimlanes[e], d);
this.roots = [];
var e = !0,
for (f in d)
if (null != d[f]) {
e = !1;
for (var g = 0; !e && g < this.swimlanes.length; ) {
var k = this.findRoots(this.swimlanes[g], d);
if (0 == k.length) g++;
else {
for (e = 0; e < k.length; e++) {
var h = {};
this.traverse(k[e], !0, null, c, h, b, d, g);
for (e = 0; e < k.length; e++) this.roots.push(k[e]);
e = !0;
for (f in d)
if (null != d[f]) {
e = !1;
} else
for (e = 0; e < this.roots.length; e++) (h = {}), b.push(h), this.traverse(this.roots[e], !0, null, c, h, b, null);
b = [];
for (f in c) b.push(c[f]);
this.model = new mxSwimlaneModel(this, b, this.roots, a, this.tightenToSource);
this.placementStage(0, a);
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.filterDescendants = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.model;
c.isVertex(a) &&
a != this.parent &&
c.getParent(a) != this.parent &&
this.graph.isCellVisible(a) &&
(b[mxObjectIdentity.get(a)] = a);
if (this.traverseAncestors || (a == this.parent && this.graph.isCellVisible(a)))
for (var d = c.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = c.getChildAt(a, e);
this.isPort(f) || this.filterDescendants(f, b);
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.isPort = function (a) {
return a.geometry.relative ? !0 : !1;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.getEdgesBetween = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
for (var d = this.getEdges(a), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var g = this.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !0),
k = this.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !1);
((g == a && k == b) || (!c && g == b && k == a)) && e.push(d[f]);
return e;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.traverse = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
if (null != a && null != d) {
var h = mxObjectIdentity.get(a);
if (null == d[h] && (null == g || null != g[h])) {
null == e[h] && (e[h] = a);
null == d[h] && (d[h] = a);
null !== g && delete g[h];
var l = this.getEdges(a),
h = this.graph.model;
for (c = 0; c < l.length; c++) {
var m = this.getVisibleTerminal(l[c], !0),
n = m == a;
n && (m = this.getVisibleTerminal(l[c], !1));
for (var p = 0; p < this.swimlanes.length && !h.isAncestor(this.swimlanes[p], m); ) p++;
p >= this.swimlanes.length ||
!(p > k || ((!b || n) && p == k)) ||
(e = this.traverse(m, b, l[c], d, e, f, g, p));
} else if (null == e[h])
for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++)
if (((a = f[c]), null != a[h])) {
for (l in a) e[l] = a[l];
f.splice(c, 1);
return e;
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.cycleStage = function (a) {
new mxSwimlaneOrdering(this).execute(a);
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function () {
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.crossingStage = function (a) {
new mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction(this).execute(a);
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.placementStage = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxCoordinateAssignment(
c.fineTuning = this.fineTuning;
return c.limitX + this.interHierarchySpacing;
function mxGraphModel(a) {
this.currentEdit = this.createUndoableEdit();
null != a ? this.setRoot(a) : this.clear();
mxGraphModel.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxGraphModel.prototype.constructor = mxGraphModel;
mxGraphModel.prototype.root = null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cells = null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.maintainEdgeParent = !0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.ignoreRelativeEdgeParent = !0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.createIds = !0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.prefix = '';
mxGraphModel.prototype.postfix = '';
mxGraphModel.prototype.nextId = 0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.currentEdit = null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateLevel = 0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.endingUpdate = !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.clear = function () {
mxGraphModel.prototype.isCreateIds = function () {
return this.createIds;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCreateIds = function (a) {
this.createIds = a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.createRoot = function () {
var a = new mxCell();
a.insert(new mxCell());
return a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getCell = function (a) {
return null != this.cells ? this.cells[a] : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.filterCells = function (a, b) {
var c = null;
if (null != a) for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b(a[d]) && c.push(a[d]);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getDescendants = function (a) {
return this.filterDescendants(null, a);
mxGraphModel.prototype.filterDescendants = function (a, b) {
var c = [];
b = b || this.getRoot();
(null == a || a(b)) && c.push(b);
for (var d = this.getChildCount(b), e = 0; e < d; e++)
var f = this.getChildAt(b, e), c = c.concat(this.filterDescendants(a, f));
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getRoot = function (a) {
var b = a || this.root;
if (null != a) for (; null != a; ) (b = a), (a = this.getParent(a));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setRoot = function (a) {
this.execute(new mxRootChange(this, a));
return a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.rootChanged = function (a) {
var b = this.root;
this.root = a;
this.nextId = 0;
this.cells = null;
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isRoot = function (a) {
return null != a && this.root == a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isLayer = function (a) {
return this.isRoot(this.getParent(a));
mxGraphModel.prototype.isAncestor = function (a, b) {
for (; null != b && b != a; ) b = this.getParent(b);
return b == a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.contains = function (a) {
return this.isAncestor(this.root, a);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getParent = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getParent() : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.add = function (a, b, c) {
if (b != a && null != a && null != b) {
null == c && (c = this.getChildCount(a));
var d = a != this.getParent(b);
this.execute(new mxChildChange(this, a, b, c));
this.maintainEdgeParent && d && this.updateEdgeParents(b);
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cellAdded = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
null == a.getId() && this.createIds && a.setId(this.createId(a));
if (null != a.getId()) {
var b = this.getCell(a.getId());
if (b != a) {
for (; null != b; ) a.setId(this.createId(a)), (b = this.getCell(a.getId()));
null == this.cells && (this.cells = {});
this.cells[a.getId()] = a;
mxUtils.isNumeric(a.getId()) && (this.nextId = Math.max(this.nextId, a.getId()));
for (var b = this.getChildCount(a), c = 0; c < b; c++) this.cellAdded(this.getChildAt(a, c));
mxGraphModel.prototype.createId = function (a) {
a = this.nextId;
return this.prefix + a + this.postfix;
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParents = function (a, b) {
b = b || this.getRoot(a);
for (var c = this.getChildCount(a), d = 0; d < c; d++) {
var e = this.getChildAt(a, d);
this.updateEdgeParents(e, b);
e = this.getEdgeCount(a);
c = [];
for (d = 0; d < e; d++) c.push(this.getEdgeAt(a, d));
for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) (e = c[d]), this.isAncestor(b, e) && this.updateEdgeParent(e, b);
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParent = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = this.getTerminal(a, !0), d = this.getTerminal(a, !1);
null != c && !this.isEdge(c) && null != c.geometry && c.geometry.relative;
c = this.getParent(c);
for (; null != d && this.ignoreRelativeEdgeParent && !this.isEdge(d) && null != d.geometry && d.geometry.relative; )
d = this.getParent(d);
if (
this.isAncestor(b, c) &&
this.isAncestor(b, d) &&
((c = c == d ? this.getParent(c) : this.getNearestCommonAncestor(c, d)),
null != c && (this.getParent(c) != this.root || this.isAncestor(c, a)) && this.getParent(a) != c)
) {
d = this.getGeometry(a);
if (null != d) {
var e = this.getOrigin(this.getParent(a)),
f = this.getOrigin(c),
g = f.x - e.x,
e = f.y - e.y,
d = d.clone();
d.translate(-g, -e);
this.setGeometry(a, d);
this.add(c, a, this.getChildCount(c));
mxGraphModel.prototype.getOrigin = function (a) {
var b;
null != a
? ((b = this.getOrigin(this.getParent(a))),
this.isEdge(a) || ((a = this.getGeometry(a)), null != a && ((b.x += a.x), (b.y += a.y))))
: (b = new mxPoint());
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getNearestCommonAncestor = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b) {
var c = mxCellPath.create(b);
if (null != c && 0 < c.length) {
var d = a,
e = mxCellPath.create(d);
if (c.length < e.length)
var d = b,
f = e,
e = c,
c = f;
for (; null != d; ) {
f = this.getParent(d);
if (0 == c.indexOf(e + mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR) && null != f) return d;
e = mxCellPath.getParentPath(e);
d = f;
return null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.remove = function (a) {
a == this.root ? this.setRoot(null) : null != this.getParent(a) && this.execute(new mxChildChange(this, null, a));
return a;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cellRemoved = function (a) {
if (null != a && null != this.cells) {
for (var b = this.getChildCount(a) - 1; 0 <= b; b--) this.cellRemoved(this.getChildAt(a, b));
null != this.cells && null != a.getId() && delete this.cells[a.getId()];
mxGraphModel.prototype.parentForCellChanged = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getParent(a);
null != b ? (b == d && d.getIndex(a) == c) || b.insert(a, c) : null != d && ((c = d.getIndex(a)), d.remove(c));
b = this.contains(b);
c = this.contains(d);
b && !c ? this.cellAdded(a) : c && !b && this.cellRemoved(a);
return d;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildCount = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getChildCount() : 0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildAt = function (a, b) {
return null != a ? a.getChildAt(b) : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildren = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.children : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildVertices = function (a) {
return this.getChildCells(a, !0, !1);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildEdges = function (a) {
return this.getChildCells(a, !1, !0);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getChildCells = function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = null != c ? c : !1;
for (var d = this.getChildCount(a), e = [], f = 0; f < d; f++) {
var g = this.getChildAt(a, f);
((!c && !b) || (c && this.isEdge(g)) || (b && this.isVertex(g))) && e.push(g);
return e;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getTerminal = function (a, b) {
return null != a ? a.getTerminal(b) : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminal = function (a, b, c) {
var d = b != this.getTerminal(a, c);
this.execute(new mxTerminalChange(this, a, b, c));
this.maintainEdgeParent && d && this.updateEdgeParent(a, this.getRoot());
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminals = function (a, b, c) {
try {
this.setTerminal(a, b, !0), this.setTerminal(a, c, !1);
} finally {
mxGraphModel.prototype.terminalForCellChanged = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getTerminal(a, c);
null != b ? b.insertEdge(a, c) : null != d && d.removeEdge(a, c);
return d;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getEdgeCount = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getEdgeCount() : 0;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getEdgeAt = function (a, b) {
return null != a ? a.getEdgeAt(b) : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getDirectedEdgeCount = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0, e = this.getEdgeCount(a), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = this.getEdgeAt(a, f);
g != c && this.getTerminal(g, b) == a && d++;
return d;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getConnections = function (a) {
return this.getEdges(a, !0, !0, !1);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getIncomingEdges = function (a) {
return this.getEdges(a, !0, !1, !1);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getOutgoingEdges = function (a) {
return this.getEdges(a, !1, !0, !1);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getEdges = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
c = null != c ? c : !0;
d = null != d ? d : !0;
for (var e = this.getEdgeCount(a), f = [], g = 0; g < e; g++) {
var k = this.getEdgeAt(a, g),
h = this.getTerminal(k, !0),
l = this.getTerminal(k, !1);
((d && h == l) || (h != l && ((b && l == a) || (c && h == a)))) && f.push(k);
return f;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getEdgesBetween = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
var d = this.getEdgeCount(a),
e = this.getEdgeCount(b),
f = a,
g = d;
e < d && ((g = e), (f = b));
d = [];
for (e = 0; e < g; e++) {
var k = this.getEdgeAt(f, e),
h = this.getTerminal(k, !0),
l = this.getTerminal(k, !1),
m = l == a && h == b;
((h == a && l == b) || (!c && m)) && d.push(k);
return d;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getOpposites = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
d = null != d ? d : !0;
var e = [];
if (null != a)
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = this.getTerminal(a[f], !0),
k = this.getTerminal(a[f], !1);
g == b && null != k && k != b && d ? e.push(k) : k == b && null != g && g != b && c && e.push(g);
return e;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getTopmostCells = function (a) {
for (var b = new mxDictionary(), c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b.put(a[d], !0);
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
for (var e = a[d], f = !0, g = this.getParent(e); null != g; ) {
if (b.get(g)) {
f = !1;
g = this.getParent(g);
f && c.push(e);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isVertex = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.isVertex() : !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isEdge = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.isEdge() : !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isConnectable = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.isConnectable() : !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getValue = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getValue() : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setValue = function (a, b) {
this.execute(new mxValueChange(this, a, b));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.valueForCellChanged = function (a, b) {
return a.valueChanged(b);
mxGraphModel.prototype.getGeometry = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getGeometry() : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setGeometry = function (a, b) {
b != this.getGeometry(a) && this.execute(new mxGeometryChange(this, a, b));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.geometryForCellChanged = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getGeometry(a);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.getStyle = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.getStyle() : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setStyle = function (a, b) {
b != this.getStyle(a) && this.execute(new mxStyleChange(this, a, b));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.styleForCellChanged = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getStyle(a);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isCollapsed = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.isCollapsed() : !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCollapsed = function (a, b) {
b != this.isCollapsed(a) && this.execute(new mxCollapseChange(this, a, b));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.collapsedStateForCellChanged = function (a, b) {
var c = this.isCollapsed(a);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.isVisible = function (a) {
return null != a ? a.isVisible() : !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.setVisible = function (a, b) {
b != this.isVisible(a) && this.execute(new mxVisibleChange(this, a, b));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.visibleStateForCellChanged = function (a, b) {
var c = this.isVisible(a);
return c;
mxGraphModel.prototype.execute = function (a) {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EXECUTE, 'change', a));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EXECUTED, 'change', a));
mxGraphModel.prototype.beginUpdate = function () {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.BEGIN_UPDATE));
1 == this.updateLevel && this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START_EDIT));
mxGraphModel.prototype.endUpdate = function () {
0 == this.updateLevel && this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.END_EDIT));
if (!this.endingUpdate) {
this.endingUpdate = 0 == this.updateLevel;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.END_UPDATE, 'edit', this.currentEdit));
try {
if (this.endingUpdate && !this.currentEdit.isEmpty()) {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.BEFORE_UNDO, 'edit', this.currentEdit));
var a = this.currentEdit;
this.currentEdit = this.createUndoableEdit();
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNDO, 'edit', a));
} finally {
this.endingUpdate = !1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.createUndoableEdit = function (a) {
var b = new mxUndoableEdit(this, null != a ? a : !0);
b.notify = function () {
b.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CHANGE, 'edit', b, 'changes', b.changes));
b.source.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.NOTIFY, 'edit', b, 'changes', b.changes));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.mergeChildren = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
try {
var d = {};
this.mergeChildrenImpl(a, b, c, d);
for (var e in d) {
var f = d[e],
g = this.getTerminal(f, !0);
null != g && ((g = d[mxCellPath.create(g)]), this.setTerminal(f, g, !0));
g = this.getTerminal(f, !1);
null != g && ((g = d[mxCellPath.create(g)]), this.setTerminal(f, g, !1));
} finally {
mxGraphModel.prototype.mergeChildrenImpl = function (a, b, c, d) {
try {
for (var e = a.getChildCount(), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = a.getChildAt(f);
if ('function' == typeof g.getId) {
var k = g.getId(),
h = null == k || (this.isEdge(g) && c) ? null : this.getCell(k);
if (null == h) {
var l = g.clone();
l.setTerminal(g.getTerminal(!0), !0);
l.setTerminal(g.getTerminal(!1), !1);
h = b.insert(l);
d[mxCellPath.create(g)] = h;
this.mergeChildrenImpl(g, h, c, d);
} finally {
mxGraphModel.prototype.getParents = function (a) {
var b = [];
if (null != a)
for (var c = new mxDictionary(), d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = this.getParent(a[d]);
null == e || c.get(e) || (c.put(e, !0), b.push(e));
return b;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cloneCell = function (a, b, c) {
return null != a ? this.cloneCells([a], b, null, c)[0] : null;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cloneCells = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
c = null != c ? c : {};
d = null != d ? d : !1;
for (var e = [], f = 0; f < a.length; f++) null != a[f] ? e.push(this.cloneCellImpl(a[f], c, b, d)) : e.push(null);
for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++) null != e[f] && this.restoreClone(e[f], a[f], c);
return e;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cloneCellImpl = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = mxObjectIdentity.get(a),
f = b[e];
if (null == f && ((f = this.cellCloned(a)), (b[e] = f), d && ( =, c))
for (c = this.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < c; e++) {
var g = this.cloneCellImpl(this.getChildAt(a, e), b, !0, d);
return f;
mxGraphModel.prototype.cellCloned = function (a) {
return a.clone();
mxGraphModel.prototype.restoreClone = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getTerminal(b, !0);
null != d && ((d = c[mxObjectIdentity.get(d)]), null != d && d.insertEdge(a, !0));
d = this.getTerminal(b, !1);
null != d && ((d = c[mxObjectIdentity.get(d)]), null != d && d.insertEdge(a, !1));
for (var d = this.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++)
this.restoreClone(this.getChildAt(a, e), this.getChildAt(b, e), c);
function mxRootChange(a, b) {
this.model = a;
this.previous = this.root = b;
mxRootChange.prototype.execute = function () {
this.root = this.previous;
this.previous = this.model.rootChanged(this.previous);
function mxChildChange(a, b, c, d) {
this.model = a;
this.previous = this.parent = b;
this.child = c;
this.previousIndex = this.index = d;
mxChildChange.prototype.execute = function () {
if (null != this.child) {
var a = this.model.getParent(this.child),
b = null != a ? a.getIndex(this.child) : 0;
null == this.previous && this.connect(this.child, !1);
a = this.model.parentForCellChanged(this.child, this.previous, this.previousIndex);
null != this.previous && this.connect(this.child, !0);
this.parent = this.previous;
this.previous = a;
this.index = this.previousIndex;
this.previousIndex = b;
mxChildChange.prototype.connect = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = a.getTerminal(!0),
d = a.getTerminal(!1);
null != c && (b ? this.model.terminalForCellChanged(a, c, !0) : this.model.terminalForCellChanged(a, null, !0));
null != d && (b ? this.model.terminalForCellChanged(a, d, !1) : this.model.terminalForCellChanged(a, null, !1));
a.setTerminal(c, !0);
a.setTerminal(d, !1);
c = this.model.getChildCount(a);
for (d = 0; d < c; d++) this.connect(this.model.getChildAt(a, d), b);
function mxTerminalChange(a, b, c, d) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = this.terminal = c;
this.source = d;
mxTerminalChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
((this.terminal = this.previous),
(this.previous = this.model.terminalForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous, this.source)));
function mxValueChange(a, b, c) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = this.value = c;
mxValueChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
((this.value = this.previous), (this.previous = this.model.valueForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous)));
function mxStyleChange(a, b, c) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = = c;
mxStyleChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
(( = this.previous), (this.previous = this.model.styleForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous)));
function mxGeometryChange(a, b, c) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = this.geometry = c;
mxGeometryChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
((this.geometry = this.previous), (this.previous = this.model.geometryForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous)));
function mxCollapseChange(a, b, c) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = this.collapsed = c;
mxCollapseChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
((this.collapsed = this.previous),
(this.previous = this.model.collapsedStateForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous)));
function mxVisibleChange(a, b, c) {
this.model = a;
this.cell = b;
this.previous = this.visible = c;
mxVisibleChange.prototype.execute = function () {
null != this.cell &&
((this.visible = this.previous), (this.previous = this.model.visibleStateForCellChanged(this.cell, this.previous)));
function mxCellAttributeChange(a, b, c) {
this.cell = a;
this.attribute = b;
this.previous = this.value = c;
mxCellAttributeChange.prototype.execute = function () {
if (null != this.cell) {
var a = this.cell.getAttribute(this.attribute);
null == this.previous
? this.cell.value.removeAttribute(this.attribute)
: this.cell.setAttribute(this.attribute, this.previous);
this.previous = a;
function mxCell(a, b, c) {
this.value = a;
if (null != this.onInit) this.onInit();
} = null;
mxCell.prototype.value = null;
mxCell.prototype.geometry = null; = null;
mxCell.prototype.vertex = !1;
mxCell.prototype.edge = !1;
mxCell.prototype.connectable = !0;
mxCell.prototype.visible = !0;
mxCell.prototype.collapsed = !1;
mxCell.prototype.parent = null;
mxCell.prototype.source = null; = null;
mxCell.prototype.children = null;
mxCell.prototype.edges = null;
mxCell.prototype.mxTransient = 'id value parent source target children edges'.split(' ');
mxCell.prototype.getId = function () {
mxCell.prototype.setId = function (a) { = a;
mxCell.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.value;
mxCell.prototype.setValue = function (a) {
this.value = a;
mxCell.prototype.valueChanged = function (a) {
var b = this.getValue();
return b;
mxCell.prototype.getGeometry = function () {
return this.geometry;
mxCell.prototype.setGeometry = function (a) {
this.geometry = a;
mxCell.prototype.getStyle = function () {
mxCell.prototype.setStyle = function (a) { = a;
mxCell.prototype.isVertex = function () {
return 0 != this.vertex;
mxCell.prototype.setVertex = function (a) {
this.vertex = a;
mxCell.prototype.isEdge = function () {
return 0 != this.edge;
mxCell.prototype.setEdge = function (a) {
this.edge = a;
mxCell.prototype.isConnectable = function () {
return 0 != this.connectable;
mxCell.prototype.setConnectable = function (a) {
this.connectable = a;
mxCell.prototype.isVisible = function () {
return 0 != this.visible;
mxCell.prototype.setVisible = function (a) {
this.visible = a;
mxCell.prototype.isCollapsed = function () {
return 0 != this.collapsed;
mxCell.prototype.setCollapsed = function (a) {
this.collapsed = a;
mxCell.prototype.getParent = function () {
return this.parent;
mxCell.prototype.setParent = function (a) {
this.parent = a;
mxCell.prototype.getTerminal = function (a) {
return a ? this.source :;
mxCell.prototype.setTerminal = function (a, b) {
b ? (this.source = a) : ( = a);
return a;
mxCell.prototype.getChildCount = function () {
return null == this.children ? 0 : this.children.length;
mxCell.prototype.getIndex = function (a) {
return mxUtils.indexOf(this.children, a);
mxCell.prototype.getChildAt = function (a) {
return null == this.children ? null : this.children[a];
mxCell.prototype.insert = function (a, b) {
null != a &&
(null == b && ((b = this.getChildCount()), a.getParent() == this && b--),
null == this.children ? ((this.children = []), this.children.push(a)) : this.children.splice(b, 0, a));
return a;
mxCell.prototype.remove = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != this.children &&
0 <= a &&
((b = this.getChildAt(a)), null != b && (this.children.splice(a, 1), b.setParent(null)));
return b;
mxCell.prototype.removeFromParent = function () {
if (null != this.parent) {
var a = this.parent.getIndex(this);
mxCell.prototype.getEdgeCount = function () {
return null == this.edges ? 0 : this.edges.length;
mxCell.prototype.getEdgeIndex = function (a) {
return mxUtils.indexOf(this.edges, a);
mxCell.prototype.getEdgeAt = function (a) {
return null == this.edges ? null : this.edges[a];
mxCell.prototype.insertEdge = function (a, b) {
null != a &&
a.setTerminal(this, b),
null == this.edges || a.getTerminal(!b) != this || 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(this.edges, a)) &&
(null == this.edges && (this.edges = []), this.edges.push(a));
return a;
mxCell.prototype.removeEdge = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
if (a.getTerminal(!b) != this && null != this.edges) {
var c = this.getEdgeIndex(a);
0 <= c && this.edges.splice(c, 1);
a.setTerminal(null, b);
return a;
mxCell.prototype.removeFromTerminal = function (a) {
var b = this.getTerminal(a);
null != b && b.removeEdge(this, a);
mxCell.prototype.hasAttribute = function (a) {
var b = this.getValue();
return null != b && b.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && b.hasAttribute
? b.hasAttribute(a)
: null != b.getAttribute(a);
mxCell.prototype.getAttribute = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getValue(),
c = null != c && c.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT ? c.getAttribute(a) : null;
return null != c ? c : b;
mxCell.prototype.setAttribute = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getValue();
null != c && c.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && c.setAttribute(a, b);
mxCell.prototype.clone = function () {
var a = mxUtils.clone(this, this.mxTransient);
return a;
mxCell.prototype.cloneValue = function (a) {
a = null != a ? a : this.getValue();
null != a && ('function' == typeof a.clone ? (a = a.clone()) : isNaN(a.nodeType) || (a = a.cloneNode(!0)));
return a;
function mxGeometry(a, b, c, d) {, a, b, c, d);
mxGeometry.prototype = new mxRectangle();
mxGeometry.prototype.constructor = mxGeometry;
mxGeometry.prototype.TRANSLATE_CONTROL_POINTS = !0;
mxGeometry.prototype.alternateBounds = null;
mxGeometry.prototype.sourcePoint = null;
mxGeometry.prototype.targetPoint = null;
mxGeometry.prototype.points = null;
mxGeometry.prototype.offset = null;
mxGeometry.prototype.relative = !1;
mxGeometry.prototype.swap = function () {
if (null != this.alternateBounds) {
var a = new mxRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.x = this.alternateBounds.x;
this.y = this.alternateBounds.y;
this.width = this.alternateBounds.width;
this.height = this.alternateBounds.height;
this.alternateBounds = a;
mxGeometry.prototype.getTerminalPoint = function (a) {
return a ? this.sourcePoint : this.targetPoint;
mxGeometry.prototype.setTerminalPoint = function (a, b) {
b ? (this.sourcePoint = a) : (this.targetPoint = a);
return a;
mxGeometry.prototype.rotate = function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.toRadians(a),
d = Math.cos(c),
c = Math.sin(c);
if (!this.relative) {
var e = new mxPoint(this.getCenterX(), this.getCenterY()),
e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(e, d, c, b);
this.x = Math.round(e.x - this.width / 2);
this.y = Math.round(e.y - this.height / 2);
null != this.sourcePoint &&
((e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(this.sourcePoint, d, c, b)),
(this.sourcePoint.x = Math.round(e.x)),
(this.sourcePoint.y = Math.round(e.y)));
null != this.targetPoint &&
((e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(this.targetPoint, d, c, b)),
(this.targetPoint.x = Math.round(e.x)),
(this.targetPoint.y = Math.round(e.y)));
if (null != this.points)
for (var f = 0; f < this.points.length; f++)
null != this.points[f] &&
((e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(this.points[f], d, c, b)),
(this.points[f].x = Math.round(e.x)),
(this.points[f].y = Math.round(e.y)));
mxGeometry.prototype.translate = function (a, b) {
a = parseFloat(a);
b = parseFloat(b);
this.relative || ((this.x = parseFloat(this.x) + a), (this.y = parseFloat(this.y) + b));
null != this.sourcePoint &&
((this.sourcePoint.x = parseFloat(this.sourcePoint.x) + a),
(this.sourcePoint.y = parseFloat(this.sourcePoint.y) + b));
null != this.targetPoint &&
((this.targetPoint.x = parseFloat(this.targetPoint.x) + a),
(this.targetPoint.y = parseFloat(this.targetPoint.y) + b));
if (this.TRANSLATE_CONTROL_POINTS && null != this.points)
for (var c = 0; c < this.points.length; c++)
null != this.points[c] &&
((this.points[c].x = parseFloat(this.points[c].x) + a), (this.points[c].y = parseFloat(this.points[c].y) + b));
mxGeometry.prototype.scale = function (a, b, c) {
a = parseFloat(a);
b = parseFloat(b);
null != this.sourcePoint &&
((this.sourcePoint.x = parseFloat(this.sourcePoint.x) * a),
(this.sourcePoint.y = parseFloat(this.sourcePoint.y) * b));
null != this.targetPoint &&
((this.targetPoint.x = parseFloat(this.targetPoint.x) * a),
(this.targetPoint.y = parseFloat(this.targetPoint.y) * b));
if (null != this.points)
for (var d = 0; d < this.points.length; d++)
null != this.points[d] &&
((this.points[d].x = parseFloat(this.points[d].x) * a), (this.points[d].y = parseFloat(this.points[d].y) * b));
this.relative ||
((this.x = parseFloat(this.x) * a),
(this.y = parseFloat(this.y) * b),
c && (b = a = Math.min(a, b)),
(this.width = parseFloat(this.width) * a),
(this.height = parseFloat(this.height) * b));
mxGeometry.prototype.equals = function (a) {
return (
mxRectangle.prototype.equals.apply(this, arguments) &&
this.relative == a.relative &&
((null == this.sourcePoint && null == a.sourcePoint) ||
(null != this.sourcePoint && this.sourcePoint.equals(a.sourcePoint))) &&
((null == this.targetPoint && null == a.targetPoint) ||
(null != this.targetPoint && this.targetPoint.equals(a.targetPoint))) &&
((null == this.points && null == a.points) ||
(null != this.points && mxUtils.equalPoints(this.points, a.points))) &&
((null == this.alternateBounds && null == a.alternateBounds) ||
(null != this.alternateBounds && this.alternateBounds.equals(a.alternateBounds))) &&
((null == this.offset && null == a.offset) || (null != this.offset && this.offset.equals(a.offset)))
var mxCellPath = {
create: function (a) {
var b = '';
if (null != a)
for (var c = a.getParent(); null != c; )
(b = c.getIndex(a) + mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR + b), (a = c), (c = a.getParent());
a = b.length;
1 < a && (b = b.substring(0, a - 1));
return b;
getParentPath: function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = a.lastIndexOf(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR);
if (0 <= b) return a.substring(0, b);
if (0 < a.length) return '';
return null;
resolve: function (a, b) {
var c = a;
if (null != b)
for (var d = b.split(mxCellPath.PATH_SEPARATOR), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) c = c.getChildAt(parseInt(d[e]));
return c;
compare: function (a, b) {
for (var c = Math.min(a.length, b.length), d = 0, e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (a[e] != b[e]) {
0 == a[e].length || 0 == b[e].length
? (d = a[e] == b[e] ? 0 : a[e] > b[e] ? 1 : -1)
: ((c = parseInt(a[e])), (e = parseInt(b[e])), (d = c == e ? 0 : c > e ? 1 : -1));
0 == d && ((c = a.length), (e = b.length), c != e && (d = c > e ? 1 : -1));
return d;
mxPerimeter = {
RectanglePerimeter: function (a, b, c, d) {
b = a.getCenterX();
var e = a.getCenterY(),
f = Math.atan2(c.y - e, c.x - b),
g = new mxPoint(0, 0),
k = Math.PI,
h = Math.PI / 2 - f,
l = Math.atan2(a.height, a.width);
f < -k + l || f > k - l
? ((g.x = a.x), (g.y = e - (a.width * Math.tan(f)) / 2))
: f < -l
? ((g.y = a.y), (g.x = b - (a.height * Math.tan(h)) / 2))
: f < l
? ((g.x = a.x + a.width), (g.y = e + (a.width * Math.tan(f)) / 2))
: ((g.y = a.y + a.height), (g.x = b + (a.height * Math.tan(h)) / 2));
d &&
(c.x >= a.x && c.x <= a.x + a.width ? (g.x = c.x) : c.y >= a.y && c.y <= a.y + a.height && (g.y = c.y),
c.x < a.x ? (g.x = a.x) : c.x > a.x + a.width && (g.x = a.x + a.width),
c.y < a.y ? (g.y = a.y) : c.y > a.y + a.height && (g.y = a.y + a.height));
return g;
EllipsePerimeter: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.x,
f = a.y,
g = a.width / 2,
k = a.height / 2,
h = e + g,
l = f + k;
b = c.x;
c = c.y;
var m = parseInt(b - h),
n = parseInt(c - l);
if (0 == m && 0 != n) return new mxPoint(h, l + (k * n) / Math.abs(n));
if (0 == m && 0 == n) return new mxPoint(b, c);
if (d) {
if (c >= f && c <= f + a.height)
return (
(a = c - l),
(a = Math.sqrt(g * g * (1 - (a * a) / (k * k))) || 0),
b <= e && (a = -a),
new mxPoint(h + a, c)
if (b >= e && b <= e + a.width)
return (
(a = b - h),
(a = Math.sqrt(k * k * (1 - (a * a) / (g * g))) || 0),
c <= f && (a = -a),
new mxPoint(b, l + a)
e = n / m;
l -= e * h;
f = g * g * e * e + k * k;
a = -2 * h * f;
k = Math.sqrt(a * a - 4 * f * (g * g * e * e * h * h + k * k * h * h - g * g * k * k));
g = (-a + k) / (2 * f);
h = (-a - k) / (2 * f);
k = e * g + l;
l = e * h + l;
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(g - b, 2) + Math.pow(k - c, 2)) < Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h - b, 2) + Math.pow(l - c, 2))
? ((b = g), (c = k))
: ((b = h), (c = l));
return new mxPoint(b, c);
RhombusPerimeter: function (a, b, c, d) {
b = a.x;
var e = a.y,
f = a.width;
a = a.height;
var g = b + f / 2,
k = e + a / 2,
h = c.x;
c = c.y;
if (g == h) return k > c ? new mxPoint(g, e) : new mxPoint(g, e + a);
if (k == c) return g > h ? new mxPoint(b, k) : new mxPoint(b + f, k);
var l = g,
m = k;
d && (h >= b && h <= b + f ? (l = h) : c >= e && c <= e + a && (m = c));
return h < g
? c < k
? mxUtils.intersection(h, c, l, m, g, e, b, k)
: mxUtils.intersection(h, c, l, m, g, e + a, b, k)
: c < k
? mxUtils.intersection(h, c, l, m, g, e, b + f, k)
: mxUtils.intersection(h, c, l, m, g, e + a, b + f, k);
TrianglePerimeter: function (a, b, c, d) {
b = null != b ?[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] : null;
var e = b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH,
f = a.x,
g = a.y,
k = a.width,
h = a.height;
a = f + k / 2;
var l = g + h / 2,
m = new mxPoint(f, g),
n = new mxPoint(f + k, l),
p = new mxPoint(f, g + h);
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? ((m = p), (n = new mxPoint(a, g)), (p = new mxPoint(f + k, g + h)))
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((n = new mxPoint(a, g + h)), (p = new mxPoint(f + k, g)))
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST &&
((m = new mxPoint(f + k, g)), (n = new mxPoint(f, l)), (p = new mxPoint(f + k, g + h)));
var r = c.x - a,
t = c.y - l,
r = e ? Math.atan2(r, t) : Math.atan2(t, r),
t = e ? Math.atan2(k, h) : Math.atan2(h, k);
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? r > -t && r < t
: r < -Math.PI + t || r > Math.PI - t
? (c =
d && ((e && c.x >= m.x && c.x <= p.x) || (!e && c.y >= m.y && c.y <= p.y))
? e
? new mxPoint(c.x, m.y)
: new mxPoint(m.x, c.y)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? new mxPoint(f + k / 2 + (h * Math.tan(r)) / 2, g + h)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? new mxPoint(f + k / 2 - (h * Math.tan(r)) / 2, g)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? new mxPoint(f + k, g + h / 2 + (k * Math.tan(r)) / 2)
: new mxPoint(f, g + h / 2 - (k * Math.tan(r)) / 2))
: (d &&
((d = new mxPoint(a, l)),
c.y >= g && c.y <= g + h
? ((d.x = e ? a : b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST ? f + k : f), (d.y = c.y))
: c.x >= f &&
c.x <= f + k &&
((d.x = c.x), (d.y = e ? (b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ? g + h : g) : l)),
(a = d.x),
(l = d.y)),
(c =
(e && c.x <= f + k / 2) || (!e && c.y <= g + h / 2)
? mxUtils.intersection(c.x, c.y, a, l, m.x, m.y, n.x, n.y)
: mxUtils.intersection(c.x, c.y, a, l, n.x, n.y, p.x, p.y)));
null == c && (c = new mxPoint(a, l));
return c;
HexagonPerimeter: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.x,
f = a.y,
g = a.width,
k = a.height,
h = a.getCenterX();
a = a.getCenterY();
var l = c.x,
m = c.y,
n = -Math.atan2(m - a, l - h),
p = Math.PI,
r = Math.PI / 2;
new mxPoint(h, a);
b =
null != b
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
var t = b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
b = new mxPoint();
var u = new mxPoint();
if ((l < e && m < f) || (l < e && m > f + k) || (l > e + g && m < f) || (l > e + g && m > f + k)) d = !1;
if (d) {
if (t) {
if (l == h) {
if (m <= f) return new mxPoint(h, f);
if (m >= f + k) return new mxPoint(h, f + k);
} else if (l < e) {
if (m == f + k / 4) return new mxPoint(e, f + k / 4);
if (m == f + (3 * k) / 4) return new mxPoint(e, f + (3 * k) / 4);
} else if (l > e + g) {
if (m == f + k / 4) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + k / 4);
if (m == f + (3 * k) / 4) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + (3 * k) / 4);
} else if (l == e) {
if (m < a) return new mxPoint(e, f + k / 4);
if (m > a) return new mxPoint(e, f + (3 * k) / 4);
} else if (l == e + g) {
if (m < a) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + k / 4);
if (m > a) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + (3 * k) / 4);
if (m == f) return new mxPoint(h, f);
if (m == f + k) return new mxPoint(h, f + k);
l < h
? m > f + k / 4 && m < f + (3 * k) / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e, f + k)))
: m < f + k / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + g, f - Math.floor(0.25 * k))))
: m > f + (3 * k) / 4 &&
((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + Math.floor(1.25 * k))))
: l > h &&
(m > f + k / 4 && m < f + (3 * k) / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e + g, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + k)))
: m < f + k / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f - Math.floor(0.25 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))))
: m > f + (3 * k) / 4 &&
((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e, f + Math.floor(1.25 * k)))));
} else {
if (m == a) {
if (l <= e) return new mxPoint(e, f + k / 2);
if (l >= e + g) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + k / 2);
} else if (m < f) {
if (l == e + g / 4) return new mxPoint(e + g / 4, f);
if (l == e + (3 * g) / 4) return new mxPoint(e + (3 * g) / 4, f);
} else if (m > f + k) {
if (l == e + g / 4) return new mxPoint(e + g / 4, f + k);
if (l == e + (3 * g) / 4) return new mxPoint(e + (3 * g) / 4, f + k);
} else if (m == f) {
if (l < h) return new mxPoint(e + g / 4, f);
if (l > h) return new mxPoint(e + (3 * g) / 4, f);
} else if (m == f + k) {
if (l < h) return new mxPoint(e + g / 4, f + k);
if (m > a) return new mxPoint(e + (3 * g) / 4, f + k);
if (l == e) return new mxPoint(e, a);
if (l == e + g) return new mxPoint(e + g, a);
m < a
? l > e + g / 4 && l < e + (3 * g) / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f)))
: l < e + g / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.25 * g), f + k)),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f - Math.floor(0.5 * k))))
: l > e + (3 * g) / 4 &&
((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f - Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.25 * g), f + k)))
: m > a &&
(l > e + g / 4 && l < e + (3 * g) / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f + k)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + k)))
: l < e + g / 4
? ((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.25 * g), f)),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(1.5 * k))))
: l > e + (3 * g) / 4 &&
((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(1.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.25 * g), f))));
d = h;
n = a;
l >= e && l <= e + g
? ((d = l), (n = m < a ? f + k : f))
: m >= f && m <= f + k && ((n = m), (d = l < h ? e + g : e));
c = mxUtils.intersection(d, n, c.x, c.y, b.x, b.y, u.x, u.y);
} else {
if (t) {
l = Math.atan2(k / 4, g / 2);
if (n == l) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + Math.floor(0.25 * k));
if (n == r) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f);
if (n == p - l) return new mxPoint(e, f + Math.floor(0.25 * k));
if (n == -l) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + Math.floor(0.75 * k));
if (n == -r) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + k);
if (n == -p + l) return new mxPoint(e, f + Math.floor(0.75 * k));
n < l && n > -l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e + g, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + k)))
: n > l && n < r
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f - Math.floor(0.25 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))))
: n > r && n < p - l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + g, f - Math.floor(0.25 * k))))
: (n > p - l && n <= p) || (n < -p + l && n >= -p)
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e, f + k)))
: n < -l && n > -r
? ((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e, f + Math.floor(1.25 * k))))
: n < -r &&
n > -p + l &&
((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + Math.floor(1.25 * k))));
} else {
l = Math.atan2(k / 2, g / 4);
if (n == l) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.75 * g), f);
if (n == p - l) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.25 * g), f);
if (n == p || n == -p) return new mxPoint(e, f + Math.floor(0.5 * k));
if (0 == n) return new mxPoint(e + g, f + Math.floor(0.5 * k));
if (n == -l) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.75 * g), f + k);
if (n == -p + l) return new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.25 * g), f + k);
0 < n && n < l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f - Math.floor(0.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.25 * g), f + k)))
: n > l && n < p - l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f)))
: n > p - l && n < p
? ((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.25 * g), f + k)),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f - Math.floor(0.5 * k))))
: 0 > n && n > -l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(1.5 * k))),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(1.25 * g), f)))
: n < -l && n > -p + l
? ((b = new mxPoint(e, f + k)), (u = new mxPoint(e + g, f + k)))
: n < -p + l &&
n > -p &&
((b = new mxPoint(e - Math.floor(0.25 * g), f)),
(u = new mxPoint(e + Math.floor(0.5 * g), f + Math.floor(1.5 * k))));
c = mxUtils.intersection(h, a, c.x, c.y, b.x, b.y, u.x, u.y);
return null == c ? new mxPoint(h, a) : c;
function mxStylesheet() {
this.styles = {};
mxStylesheet.prototype.createDefaultVertexStyle = function () {
var a = {};
a[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] = mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = '#C3D9FF';
a[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = '#6482B9';
a[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = '#774400';
return a;
mxStylesheet.prototype.createDefaultEdgeStyle = function () {
var a = {};
a[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_CONNECTOR;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW] = mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
a[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = '#6482B9';
a[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = '#446299';
return a;
mxStylesheet.prototype.putDefaultVertexStyle = function (a) {
this.putCellStyle('defaultVertex', a);
mxStylesheet.prototype.putDefaultEdgeStyle = function (a) {
this.putCellStyle('defaultEdge', a);
mxStylesheet.prototype.getDefaultVertexStyle = function () {
return this.styles.defaultVertex;
mxStylesheet.prototype.getDefaultEdgeStyle = function () {
return this.styles.defaultEdge;
mxStylesheet.prototype.putCellStyle = function (a, b) {
this.styles[a] = b;
mxStylesheet.prototype.getCellStyle = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
var d = a.split(';');
b = null != b && ';' != a.charAt(0) ? mxUtils.clone(b) : {};
for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
var e = d[a],
f = e.indexOf('=');
if (0 <= f) {
var g = e.substring(0, f),
e = e.substring(f + 1);
e == mxConstants.NONE && c ? delete b[g] : mxUtils.isNumeric(e) ? (b[g] = parseFloat(e)) : (b[g] = e);
} else if (((e = this.styles[e]), null != e)) for (g in e) b[g] = e[g];
return b;
function mxCellState(a, b, c) {
this.view = a;
this.cell = b; = null != c ? c : {};
this.origin = new mxPoint();
this.absoluteOffset = new mxPoint();
mxCellState.prototype = new mxRectangle();
mxCellState.prototype.constructor = mxCellState;
mxCellState.prototype.view = null;
mxCellState.prototype.cell = null; = null;
mxCellState.prototype.invalidStyle = !1;
mxCellState.prototype.invalid = !0;
mxCellState.prototype.origin = null;
mxCellState.prototype.absolutePoints = null;
mxCellState.prototype.absoluteOffset = null;
mxCellState.prototype.visibleSourceState = null;
mxCellState.prototype.visibleTargetState = null;
mxCellState.prototype.terminalDistance = 0;
mxCellState.prototype.length = 0;
mxCellState.prototype.segments = null;
mxCellState.prototype.shape = null;
mxCellState.prototype.text = null;
mxCellState.prototype.unscaledWidth = null;
mxCellState.prototype.unscaledHeight = null;
mxCellState.prototype.getPerimeterBounds = function (a, b) {
a = a || 0;
b = null != b ? b : new mxRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
if (null != this.shape && null != this.shape.stencil && 'fixed' == this.shape.stencil.aspect) {
var c = this.shape.stencil.computeAspect(, b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);
b.x = c.x;
b.y = c.y;
b.width = this.shape.stencil.w0 * c.width;
b.height = this.shape.stencil.h0 * c.height;
0 != a && b.grow(a);
return b;
mxCellState.prototype.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint = function (a, b) {
? (null == this.absolutePoints && (this.absolutePoints = []),
0 == this.absolutePoints.length ? this.absolutePoints.push(a) : (this.absolutePoints[0] = a))
: null == this.absolutePoints
? ((this.absolutePoints = []), this.absolutePoints.push(null), this.absolutePoints.push(a))
: 1 == this.absolutePoints.length
? this.absolutePoints.push(a)
: (this.absolutePoints[this.absolutePoints.length - 1] = a);
mxCellState.prototype.setCursor = function (a) {
null != this.shape && this.shape.setCursor(a);
null != this.text && this.text.setCursor(a);
mxCellState.prototype.isFloatingTerminalPoint = function (a) {
var b = this.getVisibleTerminalState(a);
if (null == b) return !1;
a = this.view.graph.getConnectionConstraint(this, b, a);
return null == a || null == a.point;
mxCellState.prototype.getVisibleTerminal = function (a) {
a = this.getVisibleTerminalState(a);
return null != a ? a.cell : null;
mxCellState.prototype.getVisibleTerminalState = function (a) {
return a ? this.visibleSourceState : this.visibleTargetState;
mxCellState.prototype.setVisibleTerminalState = function (a, b) {
b ? (this.visibleSourceState = a) : (this.visibleTargetState = a);
mxCellState.prototype.getCellBounds = function () {
return this.cellBounds;
mxCellState.prototype.getPaintBounds = function () {
return this.paintBounds;
mxCellState.prototype.updateCachedBounds = function () {
var a = this.view.translate,
b = this.view.scale;
this.cellBounds = new mxRectangle(this.x / b - a.x, this.y / b - a.y, this.width / b, this.height / b);
this.paintBounds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.cellBounds);
null != this.shape && this.shape.isPaintBoundsInverted() && this.paintBounds.rotate90();
mxCellState.prototype.setState = function (a) {
this.view = a.view;
this.cell = a.cell; =;
this.absolutePoints = a.absolutePoints;
this.origin = a.origin;
this.absoluteOffset = a.absoluteOffset;
this.boundingBox = a.boundingBox;
this.terminalDistance = a.terminalDistance;
this.segments = a.segments;
this.length = a.length;
this.x = a.x;
this.y = a.y;
this.width = a.width;
this.height = a.height;
this.unscaledWidth = a.unscaledWidth;
this.unscaledHeight = a.unscaledHeight;
mxCellState.prototype.clone = function () {
var a = new mxCellState(this.view, this.cell,;
if (null != this.absolutePoints) {
a.absolutePoints = [];
for (var b = 0; b < this.absolutePoints.length; b++) a.absolutePoints[b] = this.absolutePoints[b].clone();
null != this.origin && (a.origin = this.origin.clone());
null != this.absoluteOffset && (a.absoluteOffset = this.absoluteOffset.clone());
null != this.boundingBox && (a.boundingBox = this.boundingBox.clone());
a.terminalDistance = this.terminalDistance;
a.segments = this.segments;
a.length = this.length;
a.x = this.x;
a.y = this.y;
a.width = this.width;
a.height = this.height;
a.unscaledWidth = this.unscaledWidth;
a.unscaledHeight = this.unscaledHeight;
return a;
mxCellState.prototype.destroy = function () {
function mxGraphSelectionModel(a) {
this.graph = a;
this.cells = [];
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.constructor = mxGraphSelectionModel;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.doneResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'done' : '';
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.updatingSelectionResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'updatingSelection' : '';
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.graph = null;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.singleSelection = !1;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isSingleSelection = function () {
return this.singleSelection;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setSingleSelection = function (a) {
this.singleSelection = a;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isSelected = function (a) {
return null != a ? 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(this.cells, a) : !1;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return 0 == this.cells.length;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.clear = function () {
this.changeSelection(null, this.cells);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCell = function (a) {
null != a && this.setCells([a]);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCells = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
this.singleSelection && (a = [this.getFirstSelectableCell(a)]);
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.graph.isCellSelectable(a[c]) && b.push(a[c]);
this.changeSelection(b, this.cells);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.getFirstSelectableCell = function (a) {
if (null != a) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) if (this.graph.isCellSelectable(a[b])) return a[b];
return null;
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.addCell = function (a) {
null != a && this.addCells([a]);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.addCells = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = null;
this.singleSelection && ((b = this.cells), (a = [this.getFirstSelectableCell(a)]));
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
!this.isSelected(a[d]) && this.graph.isCellSelectable(a[d]) && c.push(a[d]);
this.changeSelection(c, b);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCell = function (a) {
null != a && this.removeCells([a]);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCells = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.isSelected(a[c]) && b.push(a[c]);
this.changeSelection(null, b);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.changeSelection = function (a, b) {
if ((null != a && 0 < a.length && null != a[0]) || (null != b && 0 < b.length && null != b[0])) {
var c = new mxSelectionChange(this, a, b);
var d = new mxUndoableEdit(this, !1);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNDO, 'edit', d));
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellAdded = function (a) {
null == a || this.isSelected(a) || this.cells.push(a);
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellRemoved = function (a) {
null != a && ((a = mxUtils.indexOf(this.cells, a)), 0 <= a && this.cells.splice(a, 1));
function mxSelectionChange(a, b, c) {
this.selectionModel = a;
this.added = null != b ? b.slice() : null;
this.removed = null != c ? c.slice() : null;
mxSelectionChange.prototype.execute = function () {
var a = mxLog.enter('mxSelectionChange.execute');
window.status =
mxResources.get(this.selectionModel.updatingSelectionResource) || this.selectionModel.updatingSelectionResource;
if (null != this.removed)
for (var b = 0; b < this.removed.length; b++) this.selectionModel.cellRemoved(this.removed[b]);
if (null != this.added) for (b = 0; b < this.added.length; b++) this.selectionModel.cellAdded(this.added[b]);
b = this.added;
this.added = this.removed;
this.removed = b;
window.status = mxResources.get(this.selectionModel.doneResource) || this.selectionModel.doneResource;
mxLog.leave('mxSelectionChange.execute', a);
this.selectionModel.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CHANGE, 'added', this.added, 'removed', this.removed));
function mxCellEditor(a) {
this.graph = a;
this.zoomHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.graph.isEditing() && this.resize();
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.zoomHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.zoomHandler);
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.editingCell &&
((a = this.graph.getView().getState(this.editingCell)),
null == a ? this.stopEditing(!0) : this.updateTextAreaStyle(a));
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
mxCellEditor.prototype.graph = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.textarea = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.editingCell = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.trigger = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.modified = !1;
mxCellEditor.prototype.autoSize = !0;
mxCellEditor.prototype.selectText = !0;
mxCellEditor.prototype.emptyLabelText = mxClient.IS_FF ? '<br>' : '';
mxCellEditor.prototype.escapeCancelsEditing = !0;
mxCellEditor.prototype.textNode = '';
mxCellEditor.prototype.zIndex = 5;
mxCellEditor.prototype.minResize = new mxRectangle(0, 20);
mxCellEditor.prototype.wordWrapPadding = mxClient.IS_IE11 ? 0 : 1;
mxCellEditor.prototype.blurEnabled = !1;
mxCellEditor.prototype.initialValue = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.align = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.init = function () {
this.textarea = document.createElement('div');
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor mxPlainTextEditor';
this.textarea.contentEditable = !0;
mxClient.IS_GC && ( = '1em'); = this.isLegacyEditor() ? 'absolute' : 'relative';
mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue = function (a, b) {
this.graph.labelChanged(a.cell, b, this.trigger);
mxCellEditor.prototype.setAlign = function (a) {
null != this.textarea && ( = a);
this.align = a;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getInitialValue = function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.htmlEntities(this.graph.getEditingValue(a.cell, b), !1);
8 != document.documentMode &&
9 != document.documentMode &&
10 != document.documentMode &&
(c = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(c, '<div><br></div>'));
return c.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
mxCellEditor.prototype.getCurrentValue = function (a) {
return mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace(this.textarea.childNodes);
mxCellEditor.prototype.isCancelEditingKeyEvent = function (a) {
return this.escapeCancelsEditing || mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) || mxEvent.isControlDown(a) || mxEvent.isMetaDown(a);
mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners = function (a) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.blurEnabled && this.focusLost(a);
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isConsumed(a) ||
? (this.graph.stopEditing(!1), mxEvent.consume(a))
: 27 == a.keyCode && (this.graph.stopEditing(this.isCancelEditingKeyEvent(a)), mxEvent.consume(a)));
var b = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
null != this.editingCell &&
this.clearOnChange &&
a.innerHTML == this.getEmptyLabelText() &&
(!mxClient.IS_FF || (8 != b.keyCode && 46 != b.keyCode)) &&
((this.clearOnChange = !1), (a.innerHTML = ''));
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'keypress', b);
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'paste', b);
b = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.editingCell &&
(0 == this.textarea.innerHTML.length || '<br>' == this.textarea.innerHTML
? ((this.textarea.innerHTML = this.getEmptyLabelText()),
(this.clearOnChange = 0 < this.textarea.innerHTML.length))
: (this.clearOnChange = !1));
mxEvent.addListener(a, mxClient.IS_IE11 || mxClient.IS_IE ? 'keyup' : 'input', b);
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'cut', b);
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'paste', b);
var b = mxClient.IS_IE11 || mxClient.IS_IE ? 'keydown' : 'input',
c = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.editingCell &&
this.autoSize &&
!mxEvent.isConsumed(a) &&
(null != this.resizeThread && window.clearTimeout(this.resizeThread),
(this.resizeThread = window.setTimeout(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.resizeThread = null;
mxEvent.addListener(a, b, c);
mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', c);
9 <= document.documentMode
? (mxEvent.addListener(a, 'DOMNodeRemoved', c), mxEvent.addListener(a, 'DOMNodeInserted', c))
: (mxEvent.addListener(a, 'cut', c), mxEvent.addListener(a, 'paste', c));
mxCellEditor.prototype.isStopEditingEvent = function (a) {
return (
113 == a.keyCode ||
(this.graph.isEnterStopsCellEditing() && 13 == a.keyCode && !mxEvent.isControlDown(a) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(a))
mxCellEditor.prototype.isEventSource = function (a) {
return mxEvent.getSource(a) == this.textarea;
mxCellEditor.prototype.resize = function () {
var a = this.graph.getView().getState(this.editingCell);
if (null == a) this.stopEditing(!0);
else if (null != this.textarea) {
var b = this.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell),
c = this.graph.getView().scale,
d = null;
if (this.autoSize && 'fill' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW]) {
var e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_WIDTH, null),
d = null != a.text && null == this.align ? a.text.margin : null;
null == d &&
(d = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(
this.align || mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
if (b)
(this.bounds = new mxRectangle(a.absoluteOffset.x, a.absoluteOffset.y, 0, 0)),
null != e && ((e = (parseFloat(e) + 2) * c), (this.bounds.width = e), (this.bounds.x += d.x * e));
else {
var b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(a),
f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
b =
null != a.shape && f == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && g == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE
? a.shape.getLabelBounds(b)
: b;
null != e && (b.width = parseFloat(e) * c);
if (
!a.view.graph.cellRenderer.legacySpacing ||
('width' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] && 'block' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW])
var f = parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING] || 2) * c,
k = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop) * c + f,
h = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingRight) * c + f,
l = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom) * c + f,
m = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingLeft) * c + f,
f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
b = new mxRectangle(
b.x + m,
b.y + k,
b.width - (f == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && null == e ? m + h : 0),
b.height - (g == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? k + l : 0)
this.bounds = new mxRectangle(b.x + a.absoluteOffset.x, b.y + a.absoluteOffset.y, b.width, b.height);
if (
this.graph.isWrapping(a.cell) &&
(2 <= this.bounds.width || 2 <= this.bounds.height) &&
this.textarea.innerHTML != this.getEmptyLabelText()
if (
(( = mxConstants.WORD_WRAP),
( = 'normal'),
(e = Math.round(this.bounds.width / c) + this.wordWrapPadding),
'relative' !=
( = e + 'px'),
this.textarea.scrollWidth > e && ( = this.textarea.scrollWidth + 'px');
else if ('block' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] || 'width' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW]) {
if (-0.5 == d.y || 'width' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW]) = this.bounds.height + 'px'; = e + 'px';
} else = e + 'px';
else ( = 'nowrap'), ( = '');
8 == document.documentMode && (( = '1'), ( = 'auto'));
8 == document.documentMode
? ((a = this.textarea.scrollWidth),
(e = this.textarea.scrollHeight),
( =
(this.bounds.x - d.x * (this.bounds.width - (a + 1) * c) + a * (c - 1) * 0 + 2 * (d.x + 0.5)) / c
) + 'px'),
( =
(this.bounds.y -
d.y * (this.bounds.height - (e + 0.5) * c) +
e * (c - 1) * 0 +
1 * Math.abs(d.y + 0.5)) /
) + 'px'),
( = Math.round(a * c) + 'px'),
( = Math.round(e * c) + 'px'))
: (( =
Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.x - d.x * (this.bounds.width - 2)) + 1) + 'px'),
( =
Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.y - d.y * (this.bounds.height - 4) + (-1 == d.y ? 3 : 0)) + 1) + 'px'));
} else
(this.bounds = this.getEditorBounds(a)),
( = Math.round(this.bounds.width / c) + 'px'),
( = Math.round(this.bounds.height / c) + 'px'),
8 == document.documentMode
? (( = Math.round(this.bounds.x) + 'px'),
( = Math.round(this.bounds.y) + 'px'))
: (( = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.x + 1)) + 'px'),
( = Math.max(0, Math.round(this.bounds.y + 1)) + 'px')),
this.graph.isWrapping(a.cell) &&
(2 <= this.bounds.width || 2 <= this.bounds.height) &&
this.textarea.innerHTML != this.getEmptyLabelText()
? (( = mxConstants.WORD_WRAP),
( = 'normal'),
'fill' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] &&
( = Math.round(this.bounds.width / c) + this.wordWrapPadding + 'px'))
: (( = 'nowrap'),
'fill' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] && ( = ''));
mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transformOrigin', '0px 0px');
'scale(' + c + ',' + c + ')' + (null == d ? '' : ' translate(' + 100 * d.x + '%,' + 100 * d.y + '%)')
mxCellEditor.prototype.focusLost = function () {
mxCellEditor.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function (a) {
return null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getBorderColor = function (a) {
return null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.isLegacyEditor = function () {
var a = !1;
if (mxClient.IS_SVG) {
var b = this.graph.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement;
null != b && ((b = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(b)), null != b && (a = 'absolute' == b.position));
return !a;
mxCellEditor.prototype.updateTextAreaStyle = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE),
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY),
d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, 'black'),
e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT),
f = (mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD,
g =
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC,
k = [];
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) ==
mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && k.push('underline');
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) ==
mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && k.push('line-through'); = mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT
? Math.round(b * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT; = this.getBackgroundColor(a); = k.join(' '); = f ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = g ? 'italic' : ''; = Math.round(b) + 'px'; = this.zIndex; = c; = e; = 'none'; = d;
b = this.getBorderColor(a); = null != b ? '1px solid ' + b : 'none';
b = this.textDirection = mxUtils.getValue(,
b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO &&
(null == a ||
null == a.text ||
a.text.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML ||
mxUtils.isNode(a.text.value) ||
(b = a.text.getAutoDirection()));
b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR || b == mxConstants.TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL
? this.textarea.setAttribute('dir', b)
: this.textarea.removeAttribute('dir');
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function (a, b) {
this.align = null;
null == this.textarea && this.init();
null != this.graph.tooltipHandler && this.graph.tooltipHandler.hideTooltip();
var c = this.graph.getView().getState(a);
if (null != c) {
this.textarea.innerHTML = this.getInitialValue(c, b) || '';
this.initialValue = this.textarea.innerHTML;
0 == this.textarea.innerHTML.length || '<br>' == this.textarea.innerHTML
? ((this.textarea.innerHTML = this.getEmptyLabelText()), (this.clearOnChange = !0))
: (this.clearOnChange = this.textarea.innerHTML == this.getEmptyLabelText());
this.editingCell = a;
this.trigger = b;
this.textNode = null;
null != c.text &&
this.isHideLabel(c) &&
((this.textNode = c.text.node), ( = 'hidden'));
this.autoSize &&
(this.graph.model.isEdge(c.cell) || 'fill' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW]) &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
try {
this.isSelectText() &&
0 < this.textarea.innerHTML.length &&
(this.textarea.innerHTML != this.getEmptyLabelText() || !this.clearOnChange) &&
document.execCommand('selectAll', !1, null);
} catch (d) {}
mxCellEditor.prototype.isSelectText = function () {
return this.selectText;
mxCellEditor.prototype.clearSelection = function () {
var a = null;
window.getSelection ? (a = window.getSelection()) : document.selection && (a = document.selection);
null != a && (a.empty ? a.empty() : a.removeAllRanges && a.removeAllRanges());
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function (a) {
if (null != this.editingCell) {
null != this.textNode && (( = 'visible'), (this.textNode = null));
a = a ? null : this.graph.view.getState(this.editingCell);
var b = this.initialValue;
this.bounds = this.trigger = this.editingCell = this.initialValue = null;
null != this.textarea.parentNode && this.textarea.parentNode.removeChild(this.textarea);
this.clearOnChange &&
this.textarea.innerHTML == this.getEmptyLabelText() &&
((this.textarea.innerHTML = ''), (this.clearOnChange = !1));
if (null != a && (this.textarea.innerHTML != b || null != this.align)) {
b = this.getCurrentValue(a);
try {
null != b && this.applyValue(a, b),
null != this.align && this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, this.align, [a.cell]);
} finally {
this.align = this.textarea = null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.prepareTextarea = function () {
null != this.textarea.lastChild &&
'BR' == this.textarea.lastChild.nodeName &&
mxCellEditor.prototype.isHideLabel = function (a) {
return !0;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getMinimumSize = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getView().scale;
return new mxRectangle(
null == a.text ? 30 : a.text.size * b + 20,
'left' == ? 120 : 40
mxCellEditor.prototype.getEditorBounds = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell),
c = this.graph.getView().scale,
d = this.getMinimumSize(a),
e = d.width,
d = d.height;
if (!b && a.view.graph.cellRenderer.legacySpacing && 'fill' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW])
c = a.shape.getLabelBounds(mxRectangle.fromRectangle(a));
else {
var f = parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING] || 0) * c,
g = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop) * c + f,
k = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingRight) * c + f,
h = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom) * c + f,
f = (parseInt([mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] || 0) + mxText.prototype.baseSpacingLeft) * c + f,
c = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, Math.max(e, a.width - f - k), Math.max(d, a.height - g - h)),
k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
h = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
c =
null != a.shape && k == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && h == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE
? a.shape.getLabelBounds(c)
: c;
? ((c.x = a.absoluteOffset.x),
(c.y = a.absoluteOffset.y),
null != a.text &&
null != a.text.boundingBox &&
(0 < a.text.boundingBox.x && (c.x = a.text.boundingBox.x),
0 < a.text.boundingBox.y && (c.y = a.text.boundingBox.y)))
: null != a.text &&
null != a.text.boundingBox &&
((c.x = Math.min(c.x, a.text.boundingBox.x)), (c.y = Math.min(c.y, a.text.boundingBox.y)));
c.x += f;
c.y += g;
null != a.text &&
null != a.text.boundingBox &&
? ((c.width = Math.max(e, a.text.boundingBox.width)), (c.height = Math.max(d, a.text.boundingBox.height)))
: ((c.width = Math.max(c.width, a.text.boundingBox.width)),
(c.height = Math.max(c.height, a.text.boundingBox.height))));
this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a.cell) &&
((b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)),
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT ? (c.x -= a.width) : b == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (c.x += a.width),
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)),
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP ? (c.y -= a.height) : b == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (c.y += a.height));
return new mxRectangle(Math.round(c.x), Math.round(c.y), Math.round(c.width), Math.round(c.height));
mxCellEditor.prototype.getEmptyLabelText = function (a) {
return this.emptyLabelText;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getEditingCell = function () {
return this.editingCell;
mxCellEditor.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.textarea &&
null != this.textarea.parentNode && this.textarea.parentNode.removeChild(this.textarea),
(this.textarea = null));
null != this.changeHandler && (this.graph.getModel().removeListener(this.changeHandler), (this.changeHandler = null));
this.zoomHandler && (this.graph.view.removeListener(this.zoomHandler), (this.zoomHandler = null));
function mxCellRenderer() {}
mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes = {};
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultEdgeShape = mxConnector;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultVertexShape = mxRectangleShape;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultTextShape = mxText;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.legacyControlPosition = !0;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.legacySpacing = !0;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.antiAlias = !0;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.minSvgStrokeWidth = 1;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.forceControlClickHandler = !1;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape = function (a, b) {
mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[a] = b;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, mxRectangleShape);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_ELLIPSE, mxEllipse);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_RHOMBUS, mxRhombus);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_CYLINDER, mxCylinder);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_CONNECTOR, mxConnector);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_ACTOR, mxActor);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_TRIANGLE, mxTriangle);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_HEXAGON, mxHexagon);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_CLOUD, mxCloud);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_LINE, mxLine);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_ARROW, mxArrow);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_ARROW_CONNECTOR, mxArrowConnector);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_DOUBLE_ELLIPSE, mxDoubleEllipse);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_SWIMLANE, mxSwimlane);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_IMAGE, mxImageShape);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxConstants.SHAPE_LABEL, mxLabel);
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeShape = function (a) {
a.shape.dialect = a.view.graph.dialect;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != &&
((b =[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE]),
(b = null == mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[b] ? mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(b) : null),
(b = null != b ? new mxShape(b) : new (this.getShapeConstructor(a))()));
return b;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createIndicatorShape = function (a) {
a.shape.indicatorShape = this.getShape(a.view.graph.getIndicatorShape(a));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getShape = function (a) {
return null != a ? mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[a] : null;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getShapeConstructor = function (a) {
var b = this.getShape([mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE]);
null == b && (b = a.view.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell) ? this.defaultEdgeShape : this.defaultVertexShape);
return b;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.configureShape = function (a) {
a.shape.image = a.view.graph.getImage(a);
a.shape.indicatorColor = a.view.graph.getIndicatorColor(a);
a.shape.indicatorStrokeColor =[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_STROKECOLOR];
a.shape.indicatorGradientColor = a.view.graph.getIndicatorGradientColor(a);
a.shape.indicatorDirection =[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_DIRECTION];
a.shape.indicatorImage = a.view.graph.getIndicatorImage(a);
mxCellRenderer.prototype.postConfigureShape = function (a) {
null != a.shape &&
(this.resolveColor(a, 'indicatorGradientColor', mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR),
this.resolveColor(a, 'indicatorColor', mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR),
this.resolveColor(a, 'gradient', mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR),
this.resolveColor(a, 'stroke', mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR),
this.resolveColor(a, 'fill', mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.checkPlaceholderStyles = function (a) {
if (null !=
for (
var b = ['inherit', 'swimlane', 'indicated'],
c = [
d = 0;
d < c.length;
if (0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(b,[c[d]])) return !0;
return !1;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.resolveColor = function (a, b, c) {
var d = c == mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR ? a.text : a.shape;
if (null != d) {
var e = a.view.graph,
f = d[b],
g = null;
'inherit' == f
? (g = e.model.getParent(a.cell))
: 'swimlane' == f
? ((d[b] = c == mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR || c == mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'),
(g = null != e.model.getTerminal(a.cell, !1) ? e.model.getTerminal(a.cell, !1) : a.cell),
(g = e.getSwimlane(g)),
(c = e.swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute))
: 'indicated' == f && null != a.shape
? (d[b] = a.shape.indicatorColor)
: c != mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR && f == mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR && null != a.shape
? (d[b] =[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR])
: c != mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR &&
f == mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR &&
null != a.shape &&
(d[b] =[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR]);
null != g &&
((a = e.getView().getState(g)),
(d[b] = null),
null != a &&
((e = c == mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR ? a.text : a.shape),
(d[b] = null != e && 'indicatorColor' != b ? e[b] :[c])));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getLabelValue = function (a) {
return a.view.graph.getLabel(a.cell);
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createLabel = function (a, b) {
var c = a.view.graph;
if (0 <[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] || null ==[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE]) {
var d = c.isHtmlLabel(a.cell) || (null != b && mxUtils.isNode(b));
a.text = new this.defaultTextShape(
new mxRectangle(),[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] || mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER,
c.isWrapping(a.cell) && c.isHtmlLabel(a.cell),
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTION)
a.text.opacity = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, 100);
a.text.dialect = d ? mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML : a.view.graph.dialect; =;
a.text.state = a;
this.initializeLabel(a, a.text);
var e = !1,
f = function (b) {
var d = a;
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH || e)
(d = mxEvent.getClientX(b)),
(b = mxEvent.getClientY(b)),
(b = mxUtils.convertPoint(c.container, d, b)),
(d = c.view.getState(c.getCellAt(b.x, b.y)));
return d;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isLabelEvent(a, b) &&
(c.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(b, a)),
(e = c.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG && 'IMG' == mxEvent.getSource(b).nodeName));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isLabelEvent(a, b) && c.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(b, f(b)));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isLabelEvent(a, b) && (c.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(b, f(b))), (e = !1));
c.nativeDblClickEnabled &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isLabelEvent(a, b) && (c.dblClick(b, a.cell), mxEvent.consume(b));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel = function (a, b) {
mxClient.IS_SVG && mxClient.NO_FO && b.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? b.init(a.view.graph.container)
: b.init(a.view.getDrawPane());
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createCellOverlays = function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph.getCellOverlays(a.cell),
c = null;
if (null != b)
for (var c = new mxDictionary(), d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = null != a.overlays ? a.overlays.remove(b[d]) : null;
null == e &&
((e = new mxImageShape(new mxRectangle(), b[d].image.src)),
(e.dialect = a.view.graph.dialect),
(e.preserveImageAspect = !1),
(e.overlay = b[d]),
this.initializeOverlay(a, e),
this.installCellOverlayListeners(a, b[d], e),
null != b[d].cursor && ( = b[d].cursor));
c.put(b[d], e);
null != a.overlays &&
a.overlays.visit(function (a, b) {
a.overlays = c;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeOverlay = function (a, b) {
mxCellRenderer.prototype.installCellOverlayListeners = function (a, b, c) {
var d = a.view.graph;
mxEvent.addListener(c.node, 'click', function (c) {
d.isEditing() && d.stopEditing(!d.isInvokesStopCellEditing());
b.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CLICK, 'event', c, 'cell', a.cell));
function (a) {
function (b) {
d.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(b, a));
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
mxEvent.addListener(c.node, 'touchend', function (c) {
b.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CLICK, 'event', c, 'cell', a.cell));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createControl = function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph,
c = b.getFoldingImage(a);
if (b.foldingEnabled && null != c) {
if (null == a.control) {
var d = new mxRectangle(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
a.control = new mxImageShape(d, c.src);
a.control.preserveImageAspect = !1;
a.control.dialect = b.dialect;
this.initControl(a, a.control, !0, this.createControlClickHandler(a));
} else null != a.control && (a.control.destroy(), (a.control = null));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createControlClickHandler = function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph;
return mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
if (this.forceControlClickHandler || b.isEnabled()) {
var d = !b.isCellCollapsed(a.cell);
b.foldCells(d, !1, [a.cell], null, c);
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initControl = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.view.graph;
e.isHtmlLabel(a.cell) && mxClient.NO_FO && e.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? ((b.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_PREFERHTML), b.init(e.container), ( = 1))
: b.init(a.view.getOverlayPane());
b = b.innerNode || b.node;
null == d || mxClient.IS_IOS || (e.isEnabled() && ( = 'pointer'), mxEvent.addListener(b, 'click', d));
if (c) {
var f = null;
function (b) {
f = new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(b), mxEvent.getClientY(b));
e.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(b, a));
function (b) {
e.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(b, a));
function (b) {
e.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(b, a));
null != d &&
mxClient.IS_IOS &&
function (a) {
if (null != f) {
var b = e.tolerance;
Math.abs(f.x - mxEvent.getClientX(a)) < b &&
Math.abs(f.y - mxEvent.getClientY(a)) < b &&
(, a), mxEvent.consume(a));
return b;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isShapeEvent = function (a, b) {
return !0;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isLabelEvent = function (a, b) {
return !0;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.installListeners = function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph,
c = function (c) {
var d = a;
if ((b.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG && 'IMG' == mxEvent.getSource(c).nodeName) || mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
(d = mxEvent.getClientX(c)),
(c = mxEvent.getClientY(c)),
(c = mxUtils.convertPoint(b.container, d, c)),
(d = b.view.getState(b.getCellAt(c.x, c.y)));
return d;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
this.isShapeEvent(a, c) && b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(c, a));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (d) {
this.isShapeEvent(a, d) && b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(d, c(d)));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (d) {
this.isShapeEvent(a, d) && b.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(d, c(d)));
b.nativeDblClickEnabled &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
this.isShapeEvent(a, c) && (b.dblClick(c, a.cell), mxEvent.consume(c));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabel = function (a, b) {
var c = a.view.graph,
d = this.getLabelValue(a),
e = c.isWrapping(a.cell),
f = c.isLabelClipped(a.cell),
g =
a.view.graph.isHtmlLabel(a.cell) || (null != d && mxUtils.isNode(d))
: a.view.graph.dialect,
k =[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] || 'visible';
null == a.text ||
(a.text.wrap == e && a.text.clipped == f && a.text.overflow == k && a.text.dialect == g) ||
(a.text.destroy(), (a.text = null));
null == a.text && null != d && (mxUtils.isNode(d) || 0 < d.length)
? this.createLabel(a, d)
: null == a.text || (null != d && 0 != d.length) || (a.text.destroy(), (a.text = null));
if (null != a.text) {
b &&
(null != a.text.lastValue && this.isTextShapeInvalid(a, a.text) && (a.text.lastValue = null),
(a.text.valign = c.getVerticalAlign(a)));
var c = this.getLabelBounds(a),
h = this.getTextScale(a);
this.resolveColor(a, 'color', mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR);
if (
b ||
a.text.value != d ||
a.text.isWrapping != e ||
a.text.overflow != k ||
a.text.isClipping != f ||
a.text.scale != h ||
a.text.dialect != g ||
null == a.text.bounds ||
(a.text.dialect = g),
(a.text.value = d),
(a.text.bounds = c),
(a.text.scale = h),
(a.text.wrap = e),
(a.text.clipped = f),
(a.text.overflow = k),
(d =,
( = d);
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isTextShapeInvalid = function (a, b) {
function c(c, e, f) {
return 'spacingTop' == e || 'spacingRight' == e || 'spacingBottom' == e || 'spacingLeft' == e
? parseFloat(b[c]) - parseFloat(b.spacing) != ([e] || f)
: b[c] != ([e] || f);
return (
c('fontStyle', mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSTYLE) ||
c('family', mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY) ||
c('size', mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE) ||
c('color', mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, 'black') ||
c('align', mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, '') ||
c('valign', mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, '') ||
c('spacing', mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING, 2) ||
c('spacingTop', mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP, 0) ||
c('spacingRight', mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT, 0) ||
c('spacingBottom', mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM, 0) ||
c('spacingLeft', mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT, 0) ||
c('horizontal', mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0) ||
c('background', mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR) ||
c('border', mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BORDERCOLOR) ||
c('opacity', mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, 100) ||
c('textDirection', mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTION)
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabelShape = function (a) {
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getTextScale = function (a) {
return a.view.scale;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph,
c = a.view.scale,
d = b.getModel().isEdge(a.cell),
e = new mxRectangle(a.absoluteOffset.x, a.absoluteOffset.y);
if (d) {
var f = a.text.getSpacing();
e.x += f.x * c;
e.y += f.y * c;
b = b.getCellGeometry(a.cell);
null != b && ((e.width = Math.max(0, b.width * c)), (e.height = Math.max(0, b.height * c)));
} else
a.text.isPaintBoundsInverted() && ((b = e.x), (e.x = e.y), (e.y = b)),
(e.x += a.x),
(e.y += a.y),
(e.width = Math.max(1, a.width)),
(e.height = Math.max(1, a.height));
a.text.isPaintBoundsInverted() &&
((b = (a.width - a.height) / 2), (e.x += b), (e.y -= b), (b = e.width), (e.width = e.height), (e.height = b));
null != a.shape &&
((b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)),
(f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)),
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && f == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE && (e = a.shape.getLabelBounds(e)));
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_WIDTH, null);
null != b && (e.width = parseFloat(b) * c);
d || this.rotateLabelBounds(a, e);
return e;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.rotateLabelBounds = function (a, b) {
b.y -= a.text.margin.y * b.height;
b.x -= a.text.margin.x * b.width;
if (
!this.legacySpacing ||
('fill' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] &&
'width' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] &&
('block' !=[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW] || '1' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_BLOCK_SPACING]))
) {
var c = a.view.scale,
d = a.text.getSpacing('1' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_BLOCK_SPACING]);
b.x += d.x * c;
b.y += d.y * c;
var d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE),
f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_WIDTH, null);
b.width = Math.max(
b.width - (d == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && null == f ? a.text.spacingLeft * c + a.text.spacingRight * c : 0)
b.height = Math.max(
b.height - (e == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? a.text.spacingTop * c + a.text.spacingBottom * c : 0)
e = a.text.getTextRotation();
0 != e &&
null != a &&
a.view.graph.model.isVertex(a.cell) &&
((c = a.getCenterX()), (d = a.getCenterY()), b.x != c || b.y != d) &&
((e *= Math.PI / 180),
(c = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(b.x, b.y), Math.cos(e), Math.sin(e), new mxPoint(c, d))),
(b.x = c.x),
(b.y = c.y));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawCellOverlays = function (a, b) {
if (null != a.overlays) {
var c = mxUtils.mod(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0), 90),
d = mxUtils.toRadians(c),
e = Math.cos(d),
f = Math.sin(d);
a.overlays.visit(function (d, k) {
var g = k.overlay.getBounds(a);
if (!a.view.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell) && null != a.shape && 0 != c) {
var l = g.getCenterX(),
m = g.getCenterY(),
m = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(l, m), e, f, new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY())),
l = m.x,
m = m.y;
g.x = Math.round(l - g.width / 2);
g.y = Math.round(m - g.height / 2);
if (b || null == k.bounds || k.scale != a.view.scale || !k.bounds.equals(g))
(k.bounds = g), (k.scale = a.view.scale), k.redraw();
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawControl = function (a, b) {
var c = a.view.graph.getFoldingImage(a);
if (null != a.control && null != c) {
var c = this.getControlBounds(a, c.width, c.height),
d = this.legacyControlPosition
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0)
: a.shape.getTextRotation(),
e = a.view.scale;
if (b || a.control.scale != e || !a.control.bounds.equals(c) || a.control.rotation != d)
(a.control.rotation = d), (a.control.bounds = c), (a.control.scale = e), a.control.redraw();
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getControlBounds = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a.control) {
var d = a.view.scale,
e = a.getCenterX(),
f = a.getCenterY();
if (!a.view.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell) && ((e = a.x + b * d), (f = a.y + c * d), null != a.shape)) {
var g = a.shape.getShapeRotation();
if (this.legacyControlPosition) g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0);
else if (a.shape.isPaintBoundsInverted())
var k = (a.width - a.height) / 2,
e = e + k,
f = f - k;
0 != g &&
((k = mxUtils.toRadians(g)),
(g = Math.cos(k)),
(k = Math.sin(k)),
(f = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(e, f), g, k, new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY()))),
(e = f.x),
(f = f.y));
return (
new mxRectangle(Math.round(e - (b / 2) * d), Math.round(f - (c / 2) * d), Math.round(b * d), Math.round(c * d))
return null;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.insertStateAfter = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = this.getShapesForState(a), e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
if (null != d[e] && null != d[e].node) {
var f = d[e].node.parentNode != a.view.getDrawPane() && d[e].node.parentNode != a.view.getOverlayPane(),
g = f ? c : b;
if (null != g && g.nextSibling != d[e].node)
null == g.nextSibling
? g.parentNode.appendChild(d[e].node)
: g.parentNode.insertBefore(d[e].node, g.nextSibling);
else if (null == g)
if (d[e].node.parentNode == a.view.graph.container) {
for (g = a.view.canvas; null != g && g.parentNode != a.view.graph.container; ) g = g.parentNode;
null != g && null != g.nextSibling
? g.nextSibling != d[e].node && d[e].node.parentNode.insertBefore(d[e].node, g.nextSibling)
: d[e].node.parentNode.appendChild(d[e].node);
} else
null != d[e].node.parentNode &&
null != d[e].node.parentNode.firstChild &&
d[e].node.parentNode.firstChild != d[e].node &&
d[e].node.parentNode.insertBefore(d[e].node, d[e].node.parentNode.firstChild);
f ? (c = d[e].node) : (b = d[e].node);
return [b, c];
mxCellRenderer.prototype.getShapesForState = function (a) {
return [a.shape, a.text, a.control];
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redraw = function (a, b, c) {
b = this.redrawShape(a, b, c);
null == a.shape ||
(null != c && !c) ||
(this.redrawLabel(a, b), this.redrawCellOverlays(a, b), this.redrawControl(a, b));
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawShape = function (a, b, c) {
var d = a.view.graph.model,
e = !1;
null != a.shape &&
null != &&
null != &&[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] !=[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] &&
(a.shape.destroy(), (a.shape = null));
null == a.shape &&
null != a.view.graph.container &&
a.cell != a.view.currentRoot &&
(d.isVertex(a.cell) || d.isEdge(a.cell))
? ((a.shape = this.createShape(a)),
null != a.shape &&
((a.shape.minSvgStrokeWidth = this.minSvgStrokeWidth),
(a.shape.antiAlias = this.antiAlias),
: b ||
null == a.shape ||
(mxUtils.equalEntries(, && !this.checkPlaceholderStyles(a)) ||
(a.shape.resetStyles(), this.configureShape(a), a.view.graph.selectionCellsHandler.updateHandler(a), (b = !0));
null != a.shape &&
a.shape.indicatorShape != this.getShape(a.view.graph.getIndicatorShape(a)) &&
(null != a.shape.indicator && (a.shape.indicator.destroy(), (a.shape.indicator = null)),
null != a.shape.indicatorShape &&
((a.shape.indicator = new a.shape.indicatorShape()),
(a.shape.indicator.dialect = a.shape.dialect),
(b = !0)));
null != a.shape &&
(this.createControl(a), b || this.isShapeInvalid(a, a.shape)) &&
(null != a.absolutePoints
? ((a.shape.points = a.absolutePoints.slice()), (a.shape.bounds = null))
: ((a.shape.points = null), (a.shape.bounds = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height))),
(a.shape.scale = a.view.scale),
null == c || c ? this.doRedrawShape(a) : a.shape.updateBoundingBox(),
(e = !0));
return e;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.doRedrawShape = function (a) {
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isShapeInvalid = function (a, b) {
return (
null == b.bounds ||
b.scale != a.view.scale ||
(null == a.absolutePoints && !b.bounds.equals(a)) ||
(null != a.absolutePoints && !mxUtils.equalPoints(b.points, a.absolutePoints))
mxCellRenderer.prototype.destroy = function (a) {
null != a.shape &&
(null != a.text && (a.text.destroy(), (a.text = null)),
null != a.overlays &&
(a.overlays.visit(function (a, c) {
(a.overlays = null)),
null != a.control && (a.control.destroy(), (a.control = null)),
(a.shape = null));
var mxEdgeStyle = {
EntityRelation: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.view,
g = f.graph;
d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SEGMENT, mxConstants.ENTITY_SEGMENT) * f.scale;
var k = a.absolutePoints,
h = k[0],
l = k[k.length - 1],
k = !1;
if (null != b) {
var m = g.getCellGeometry(b.cell);
m.relative ? (k = 0.5 >= m.x) : null != c && (k = (null != l ? l.x : c.x + c.width) < (null != h ? h.x : b.x));
if (null != h) (b = new mxCellState()), (b.x = h.x), (b.y = h.y);
else if (null != b) {
var n = mxUtils.getPortConstraints(b, a, !0, mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NONE);
n != mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NONE &&
n != mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST + mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST &&
(k = n == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST);
} else return;
m = !0;
null != c &&
((g = g.getCellGeometry(c.cell)),
g.relative ? (m = 0.5 >= g.x) : null != b && (m = (null != h ? h.x : b.x + b.width) < (null != l ? l.x : c.x)));
null != l
? ((c = new mxCellState()), (c.x = l.x), (c.y = l.y))
: null != c &&
((n = mxUtils.getPortConstraints(c, a, !1, mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NONE)),
n != mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NONE &&
n != mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST + mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST &&
(m = n == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST));
null != b &&
null != c &&
((a = k ? b.x : b.x + b.width),
(b = f.getRoutingCenterY(b)),
(h = m ? c.x : c.x + c.width),
(c = f.getRoutingCenterY(c)),
(f = new mxPoint(a + (k ? -d : d), b)),
(g = new mxPoint(h + (m ? -d : d), c)),
k == m
? ((d = k ? Math.min(a, h) - d : Math.max(a, h) + d), e.push(new mxPoint(d, b)), e.push(new mxPoint(d, c)))
: (f.x < g.x == k
? ((d = b + (c - b) / 2), e.push(f), e.push(new mxPoint(f.x, d)), e.push(new mxPoint(g.x, d)))
: e.push(f),
Loop: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
c = a.absolutePoints;
var f = c[c.length - 1];
if (null != c[0] && null != f) {
if (null != d && 0 < d.length)
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++)
(c = d[b]), (c = a.view.transformControlPoint(a, c)), e.push(new mxPoint(c.x, c.y));
} else if (null != b) {
var f = a.view,
g = f.graph;
c = null != d && 0 < d.length ? d[0] : null;
null != c && ((c = f.transformControlPoint(a, c)), mxUtils.contains(b, c.x, c.y) && (c = null));
var k = (d = 0),
h = 0,
l = 0,
g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SEGMENT, g.gridSize) * f.scale;
a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
a == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || a == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((d = f.getRoutingCenterX(b)), (k = g))
: ((h = f.getRoutingCenterY(b)), (l = g));
null == c || c.x < b.x || c.x > b.x + b.width
? null != c
? ((d = c.x), (l = Math.max(Math.abs(h - c.y), l)))
: a == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (h = b.y - 2 * k)
: a == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (h = b.y + b.height + 2 * k)
: (d = a == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST ? b.x - 2 * l : b.x + b.width + 2 * l)
: null != c && ((d = f.getRoutingCenterX(b)), (k = Math.max(Math.abs(d - c.x), l)), (h = c.y), (l = 0));
e.push(new mxPoint(d - k, h - l));
e.push(new mxPoint(d + k, h + l));
ElbowConnector: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = null != d && 0 < d.length ? d[0] : null,
g = !1,
k = !1;
if (null != b && null != c)
if (null != f)
var h = Math.min(b.x, c.x),
l = Math.max(b.x + b.width, c.x + c.width),
k = Math.min(b.y, c.y),
m = Math.max(b.y + b.height, c.y + c.height),
f = a.view.transformControlPoint(a, f),
g = f.y < k || f.y > m,
k = f.x < h || f.x > l;
(h = Math.max(b.x, c.x)),
(l = Math.min(b.x + b.width, c.x + c.width)),
(g = h == l),
g || ((k = Math.max(b.y, c.y)), (m = Math.min(b.y + b.height, c.y + c.height)), (k = k == m));
k || (!g &&[mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW] != mxConstants.ELBOW_VERTICAL)
? mxEdgeStyle.SideToSide(a, b, c, d, e)
: mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom(a, b, c, d, e);
SideToSide: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.view;
d = null != d && 0 < d.length ? d[0] : null;
var g = a.absolutePoints,
k = g[0],
g = g[g.length - 1];
null != d && (d = f.transformControlPoint(a, d));
null != k && ((b = new mxCellState()), (b.x = k.x), (b.y = k.y));
null != g && ((c = new mxCellState()), (c.x = g.x), (c.y = g.y));
null != b &&
null != c &&
((a = Math.max(b.x, c.x)),
(k = Math.min(b.x + b.width, c.x + c.width)),
(a = null != d ? d.x : Math.round(k + (a - k) / 2)),
(k = f.getRoutingCenterY(b)),
(f = f.getRoutingCenterY(c)),
null != d &&
(d.y >= b.y && d.y <= b.y + b.height && (k = d.y), d.y >= c.y && d.y <= c.y + c.height && (f = d.y)),
mxUtils.contains(c, a, k) || mxUtils.contains(b, a, k) || e.push(new mxPoint(a, k)),
mxUtils.contains(c, a, f) || mxUtils.contains(b, a, f) || e.push(new mxPoint(a, f)),
1 == e.length &&
(null != d
? mxUtils.contains(c, a, d.y) || mxUtils.contains(b, a, d.y) || e.push(new mxPoint(a, d.y))
: ((f = Math.max(b.y, c.y)),
e.push(new mxPoint(a, f + (Math.min(b.y + b.height, c.y + c.height) - f) / 2)))));
TopToBottom: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.view;
d = null != d && 0 < d.length ? d[0] : null;
var g = a.absolutePoints,
k = g[0],
g = g[g.length - 1];
null != d && (d = f.transformControlPoint(a, d));
null != k && ((b = new mxCellState()), (b.x = k.x), (b.y = k.y));
null != g && ((c = new mxCellState()), (c.x = g.x), (c.y = g.y));
null != b &&
null != c &&
((k = Math.max(b.y, c.y)),
(g = Math.min(b.y + b.height, c.y + c.height)),
(a = f.getRoutingCenterX(b)),
null != d && d.x >= b.x && d.x <= b.x + b.width && (a = d.x),
(k = null != d ? d.y : Math.round(g + (k - g) / 2)),
mxUtils.contains(c, a, k) || mxUtils.contains(b, a, k) || e.push(new mxPoint(a, k)),
(a = null != d && d.x >= c.x && d.x <= c.x + c.width ? d.x : f.getRoutingCenterX(c)),
mxUtils.contains(c, a, k) || mxUtils.contains(b, a, k) || e.push(new mxPoint(a, k)),
1 == e.length &&
(null != d && 1 == e.length
? mxUtils.contains(c, d.x, k) || mxUtils.contains(b, d.x, k) || e.push(new mxPoint(d.x, k))
: ((f = Math.max(b.x, c.x)),
e.push(new mxPoint(f + (Math.min(b.x + b.width, c.x + c.width) - f) / 2, k)))));
SegmentConnector: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = mxEdgeStyle.scalePointArray(a.absolutePoints, a.view.scale);
b = mxEdgeStyle.scaleCellState(b, a.view.scale);
var g = mxEdgeStyle.scaleCellState(c, a.view.scale);
c = [];
var k = 0 < e.length ? e[0] : null,
h = !0,
l = f[0];
null == l && null != b
? (l = new mxPoint(a.view.getRoutingCenterX(b), a.view.getRoutingCenterY(b)))
: null != l && (l = l.clone());
var m = f.length - 1;
if (null != d && 0 < d.length) {
for (var n = [], p = 0; p < d.length; p++) {
var r = a.view.transformControlPoint(a, d[p], !0);
null != r && n.push(r);
if (0 == n.length) return;
null != l &&
null != n[0] &&
(1 > Math.abs(n[0].x - l.x) && (n[0].x = l.x), 1 > Math.abs(n[0].y - l.y) && (n[0].y = l.y));
r = f[m];
null != r &&
null != n[n.length - 1] &&
(1 > Math.abs(n[n.length - 1].x - r.x) && (n[n.length - 1].x = r.x),
1 > Math.abs(n[n.length - 1].y - r.y) && (n[n.length - 1].y = r.y));
d = n[0];
var t = b,
u = f[0],
x = d;
null != u && (t = null);
for (p = 0; 2 > p; p++) {
var z = null != u && u.x == x.x,
D = null != u && u.y == x.y,
B = null != t && x.y >= t.y && x.y <= t.y + t.height,
C = null != t && x.x >= t.x && x.x <= t.x + t.width,
t = D || (null == u && B);
x = z || (null == u && C);
if (0 != p || !((t && x) || (z && D))) {
if (null != u && !D && !z && (B || C)) {
h = B ? !1 : !0;
if (x || t) {
h = t;
1 == p && (h = 0 == n.length % 2 ? t : x);
t = g;
u = f[m];
null != u && (t = null);
x = n[n.length - 1];
z && D && (n = n.slice(1));
h && ((null != f[0] && f[0].y != d.y) || (null == f[0] && null != b && (d.y < b.y || d.y > b.y + b.height)))
? c.push(new mxPoint(l.x, d.y))
: !h &&
((null != f[0] && f[0].x != d.x) || (null == f[0] && null != b && (d.x < b.x || d.x > b.x + b.width))) &&
c.push(new mxPoint(d.x, l.y));
h ? (l.y = d.y) : (l.x = d.x);
for (p = 0; p < n.length; p++) (h = !h), (d = n[p]), h ? (l.y = d.y) : (l.x = d.x), c.push(l.clone());
} else (d = l), (h = !0);
l = f[m];
null == l && null != g && (l = new mxPoint(a.view.getRoutingCenterX(g), a.view.getRoutingCenterY(g)));
null != l &&
null != d &&
(h && ((null != f[m] && f[m].y != d.y) || (null == f[m] && null != g && (d.y < g.y || d.y > g.y + g.height)))
? c.push(new mxPoint(l.x, d.y))
: !h &&
((null != f[m] && f[m].x != d.x) || (null == f[m] && null != g && (d.x < g.x || d.x > g.x + g.width))) &&
c.push(new mxPoint(d.x, l.y)));
if (null == f[0] && null != b)
for (; 0 < c.length && null != c[0] && mxUtils.contains(b, c[0].x, c[0].y); ) c.splice(0, 1);
if (null == f[m] && null != g)
for (; 0 < c.length && null != c[c.length - 1] && mxUtils.contains(g, c[c.length - 1].x, c[c.length - 1].y); )
c.splice(c.length - 1, 1);
for (p = 0; p < c.length; p++)
if (
((f = c[p]),
(f.x = Math.round(f.x * a.view.scale * 10) / 10),
(f.y = Math.round(f.y * a.view.scale * 10) / 10),
null == k || 1 <= Math.abs(k.x - f.x) || Math.abs(k.y - f.y) >= Math.max(1, a.view.scale))
e.push(f), (k = f);
null != r &&
null != e[e.length - 1] &&
1 >= Math.abs(r.x - e[e.length - 1].x) &&
1 >= Math.abs(r.y - e[e.length - 1].y) &&
(e.splice(e.length - 1, 1),
null != e[e.length - 1] &&
(1 > Math.abs(e[e.length - 1].x - r.x) && (e[e.length - 1].x = r.x),
1 > Math.abs(e[e.length - 1].y - r.y) && (e[e.length - 1].y = r.y)));
orthBuffer: 10,
orthPointsFallback: !0,
dirVectors: [
[-1, 0],
[0, -1],
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
[-1, 0],
[0, -1],
[1, 0],
wayPoints1: [
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
routePatterns: [
[513, 2308, 2081, 2562],
[513, 1090, 514, 2184, 2114, 2561],
[513, 1090, 514, 2564, 2184, 2562],
[513, 2308, 2561, 1090, 514, 2568, 2308],
[514, 1057, 513, 2308, 2081, 2562],
[514, 2184, 2114, 2561],
[514, 2184, 2562, 1057, 513, 2564, 2184],
[514, 1057, 513, 2568, 2308, 2561],
[1090, 514, 1057, 513, 2308, 2081, 2562],
[2114, 2561],
[1090, 2562, 1057, 513, 2564, 2184],
[1090, 514, 1057, 513, 2308, 2561, 2568],
[2081, 2562],
[1057, 513, 1090, 514, 2184, 2114, 2561],
[1057, 513, 1090, 514, 2184, 2562, 2564],
[1057, 2561, 1090, 514, 2568, 2308],
inlineRoutePatterns: [
[null, [2114, 2568], null, null],
[null, [514, 2081, 2114, 2568], null, null],
[null, [2114, 2561], null, null],
[[2081, 2562], [1057, 2114, 2568], [2184, 2562], null],
vertexSeperations: [],
limits: [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
LEFT: 1,
TOP: 2,
getJettySize: function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.getValue(,
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_JETTY_SIZE, mxEdgeStyle.orthBuffer)
'auto' == c &&
(mxUtils.getValue(, b ? mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW : mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants.NONE) !=
? ((c = mxUtils.getNumber(,
b ? mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE : mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE,
(c =
Math.max(2, Math.ceil((c + mxEdgeStyle.orthBuffer) / mxEdgeStyle.orthBuffer)) * mxEdgeStyle.orthBuffer))
: (c = 2 * mxEdgeStyle.orthBuffer));
return c;
scalePointArray: function (a, b) {
var c = [];
if (null != a)
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (null != a[d]) {
var e = new mxPoint(Math.round((a[d].x / b) * 10) / 10, Math.round((a[d].y / b) * 10) / 10);
c[d] = e;
} else c[d] = null;
else c = null;
return c;
scaleCellState: function (a, b) {
var c;
null != a
? ((c = a.clone()),
Math.round((a.x / b) * 10) / 10,
Math.round((a.y / b) * 10) / 10,
Math.round((a.width / b) * 10) / 10,
Math.round((a.height / b) * 10) / 10
: (c = null);
return c;
OrthConnector: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.view.graph,
g = null == h ? !1 : f.getModel().isEdge(h.cell),
k = null == l ? !1 : f.getModel().isEdge(l.cell),
f = mxEdgeStyle.scalePointArray(a.absolutePoints, a.view.scale),
h = mxEdgeStyle.scaleCellState(b, a.view.scale),
l = mxEdgeStyle.scaleCellState(c, a.view.scale),
m = f[0],
n = f[f.length - 1],
p = null != h ? h.x : m.x,
r = null != h ? h.y : m.y,
t = null != h ? h.width : 0,
u = null != h ? h.height : 0,
x = null != l ? l.x : n.x,
z = null != l ? l.y : n.y,
D = null != l ? l.width : 0,
B = null != l ? l.height : 0,
f = mxEdgeStyle.getJettySize(a, !0),
C = mxEdgeStyle.getJettySize(a, !1);
null != h && l == h && (f = C = Math.max(f, C));
var J = C + f,
v = !1;
if (null != m && null != n)
var v = n.x - m.x,
K = n.y - m.y,
v = v * v + K * K < J * J;
if (v || (mxEdgeStyle.orthPointsFallback && null != d && 0 < d.length) || g || k)
mxEdgeStyle.SegmentConnector(a, b, c, d, e);
else {
c = [mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_ALL, mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_ALL];
null != h &&
((c[0] = mxUtils.getPortConstraints(h, a, !0, mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_ALL)),
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0)),
0 != b &&
((b = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(new mxRectangle(p, r, t, u), b)),
(p = b.x),
(r = b.y),
(t = b.width),
(u = b.height)));
null != l &&
((c[1] = mxUtils.getPortConstraints(l, a, !1, mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_ALL)),
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0)),
0 != b &&
((b = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(new mxRectangle(x, z, D, B), b)),
(x = b.x),
(z = b.y),
(D = b.width),
(B = b.height)));
b = [0, 0];
p = [
[p, r, t, u],
[x, z, D, B],
C = [f, C];
for (v = 0; 2 > v; v++)
(mxEdgeStyle.limits[v][1] = p[v][0] - C[v]),
(mxEdgeStyle.limits[v][2] = p[v][1] - C[v]),
(mxEdgeStyle.limits[v][4] = p[v][0] + p[v][2] + C[v]),
(mxEdgeStyle.limits[v][8] = p[v][1] + p[v][3] + C[v]);
C = p[0][1] + p[0][3] / 2;
r = p[1][1] + p[1][3] / 2;
v = p[0][0] + p[0][2] / 2 - (p[1][0] + p[1][2] / 2);
K = C - r;
C = 0;
0 > v ? (C = 0 > K ? 2 : 1) : 0 >= K && ((C = 3), 0 == v && (C = 2));
r = null;
null != h && (r = m);
h = [
[0.5, 0.5],
[0.5, 0.5],
for (v = 0; 2 > v; v++)
null != r &&
((h[v][0] = (r.x - p[v][0]) / p[v][2]),
1 >= Math.abs(r.x - p[v][0])
? (b[v] = mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST)
: 1 >= Math.abs(r.x - p[v][0] - p[v][2]) && (b[v] = mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST),
(h[v][1] = (r.y - p[v][1]) / p[v][3]),
1 >= Math.abs(r.y - p[v][1])
? (b[v] = mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH)
: 1 >= Math.abs(r.y - p[v][1] - p[v][3]) && (b[v] = mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH)),
(r = null),
null != l && (r = n);
v = p[0][1] - (p[1][1] + p[1][3]);
n = p[0][0] - (p[1][0] + p[1][2]);
r = p[1][1] - (p[0][1] + p[0][3]);
t = p[1][0] - (p[0][0] + p[0][2]);
mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[1] = Math.max(n - J, 0);
mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[2] = Math.max(v - J, 0);
mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[4] = Math.max(r - J, 0);
mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[3] = Math.max(t - J, 0);
J = [];
l = [];
m = [];
l[0] = n >= t ? mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST : mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST;
m[0] = v >= r ? mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH : mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH;
l[1] = mxUtils.reversePortConstraints(l[0]);
m[1] = mxUtils.reversePortConstraints(m[0]);
n = n >= t ? n : t;
r = v >= r ? v : r;
t = [
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
u = !1;
for (v = 0; 2 > v; v++)
0 == b[v] &&
(0 == (l[v] & c[v]) && (l[v] = mxUtils.reversePortConstraints(l[v])),
0 == (m[v] & c[v]) && (m[v] = mxUtils.reversePortConstraints(m[v])),
(t[v][0] = m[v]),
(t[v][1] = l[v]));
0 < r &&
0 < n &&
(0 < (l[0] & c[0]) && 0 < (m[1] & c[1])
? ((t[0][0] = l[0]), (t[0][1] = m[0]), (t[1][0] = m[1]), (t[1][1] = l[1]), (u = !0))
: 0 < (m[0] & c[0]) &&
0 < (l[1] & c[1]) &&
((t[0][0] = m[0]), (t[0][1] = l[0]), (t[1][0] = l[1]), (t[1][1] = m[1]), (u = !0)));
0 < r && !u && ((t[0][0] = m[0]), (t[0][1] = l[0]), (t[1][0] = m[1]), (t[1][1] = l[1]), (u = !0));
0 < n && !u && ((t[0][0] = l[0]), (t[0][1] = m[0]), (t[1][0] = l[1]), (t[1][1] = m[1]));
for (v = 0; 2 > v; v++)
0 == b[v] &&
(0 == (t[v][0] & c[v]) && (t[v][0] = t[v][1]),
(J[v] = t[v][0] & c[v]),
(J[v] |= (t[v][1] & c[v]) << 8),
(J[v] |= (t[1 - v][v] & c[v]) << 16),
(J[v] |= (t[1 - v][1 - v] & c[v]) << 24),
0 == (J[v] & 15) && (J[v] <<= 8),
0 == (J[v] & 3840) && (J[v] = (J[v] & 15) | (J[v] >> 8)),
0 == (J[v] & 983040) && (J[v] = (J[v] & 65535) | ((J[v] & 251658240) >> 8)),
(b[v] = J[v] & 15),
c[v] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST ||
c[v] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH ||
c[v] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ||
c[v] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH) &&
(b[v] = c[v]);
c = b[0] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ? 3 : b[0];
J = b[1] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ? 3 : b[1];
c -= C;
J -= C;
1 > c && (c += 4);
1 > J && (J += 4);
c = mxEdgeStyle.routePatterns[c - 1][J - 1];
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][0] = p[0][0];
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][1] = p[0][1];
switch (b[0]) {
case mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST:
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][0] -= f;
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][1] += h[0][1] * p[0][3];
case mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTH:
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][0] += h[0][0] * p[0][2];
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][1] += p[0][3] + f;
case mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST:
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][0] += p[0][2] + f;
mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][1] += h[0][1] * p[0][3];
case mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_NORTH:
(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][0] += h[0][0] * p[0][2]), (mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[0][1] -= f);
f = 0;
l = J = 0 < (b[0] & (mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST | mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST)) ? 0 : 1;
for (v = 0; v < c.length; v++)
(m = c[v] & 15),
(u = m == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ? 3 : m),
(u += C),
4 < u && (u -= 4),
(n = mxEdgeStyle.dirVectors[u - 1]),
(m = 0 < u % 2 ? 0 : 1),
m != J &&
(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][0] = mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f - 1][0]),
(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][1] = mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f - 1][1])),
(x = 0 < (c[v] & mxEdgeStyle.TARGET_MASK)),
(z = 0 < (c[v] & mxEdgeStyle.SOURCE_MASK)),
(r = (c[v] & mxEdgeStyle.SIDE_MASK) >> 5),
(r <<= C),
15 < r && (r >>= 4),
(t = 0 < (c[v] & mxEdgeStyle.CENTER_MASK)),
(z || x) && 9 > r
? ((u = z ? 0 : 1),
(r =
t && 0 == m
? p[u][0] + h[u][0] * p[u][2]
: t
? p[u][1] + h[u][1] * p[u][3]
: mxEdgeStyle.limits[u][r]),
0 == m
? ((r = (r - mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][0]) * n[0]),
0 < r && (mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][0] += n[0] * r))
: ((r = (r - mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][1]) * n[1]),
0 < r && (mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][1] += n[1] * r)))
: t &&
((mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][0] += n[0] * Math.abs(mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[u] / 2)),
(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][1] += n[1] * Math.abs(mxEdgeStyle.vertexSeperations[u] / 2))),
0 < f && mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f][m] == mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[f - 1][m] ? f-- : (J = m);
for (
v = 0;
v <= f &&
(v != f ||
((0 < (b[1] & (mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST | mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_WEST)) ? 0 : 1) == l ? 0 : 1) ==
(f + 1) % 2);
new mxPoint(
Math.round(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[v][0] * a.view.scale * 10) / 10,
Math.round(mxEdgeStyle.wayPoints1[v][1] * a.view.scale * 10) / 10
for (a = 1; a < e.length; )
null == e[a - 1] || null == e[a] || e[a - 1].x != e[a].x || e[a - 1].y != e[a].y ? a++ : e.splice(a, 1);
getRoutePattern: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = a[0] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ? 3 : a[0];
a = a[1] == mxConstants.DIRECTION_MASK_EAST ? 3 : a[1];
e -= b;
a -= b;
1 > e && (e += 4);
1 > a && (a += 4);
b = routePatterns[e - 1][a - 1];
(0 != c && 0 != d) || null == inlineRoutePatterns[e - 1][a - 1] || (b = inlineRoutePatterns[e - 1][a - 1]);
return b;
mxStyleRegistry = {
values: [],
putValue: function (a, b) {
mxStyleRegistry.values[a] = b;
getValue: function (a) {
return mxStyleRegistry.values[a];
getName: function (a) {
for (var b in mxStyleRegistry.values) if (mxStyleRegistry.values[b] == a) return b;
return null;
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ELBOW, mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ENTITY_RELATION, mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_LOOP, mxEdgeStyle.Loop);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_SIDETOSIDE, mxEdgeStyle.SideToSide);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_TOPTOBOTTOM, mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ORTHOGONAL, mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_SEGMENT, mxEdgeStyle.SegmentConnector);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.PERIMETER_ELLIPSE, mxPerimeter.EllipsePerimeter);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.PERIMETER_RECTANGLE, mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.PERIMETER_RHOMBUS, mxPerimeter.RhombusPerimeter);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.PERIMETER_TRIANGLE, mxPerimeter.TrianglePerimeter);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue(mxConstants.PERIMETER_HEXAGON, mxPerimeter.HexagonPerimeter);
function mxGraphView(a) {
this.graph = a;
this.translate = new mxPoint();
this.graphBounds = new mxRectangle();
this.states = new mxDictionary();
mxGraphView.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxGraphView.prototype.constructor = mxGraphView;
mxGraphView.prototype.EMPTY_POINT = new mxPoint();
mxGraphView.prototype.doneResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'done' : '';
mxGraphView.prototype.updatingDocumentResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'updatingDocument' : '';
mxGraphView.prototype.allowEval = !1;
mxGraphView.prototype.captureDocumentGesture = !0;
mxGraphView.prototype.rendering = !0;
mxGraphView.prototype.graph = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.currentRoot = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.graphBounds = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.scale = 1;
mxGraphView.prototype.translate = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.states = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateStyle = !1;
mxGraphView.prototype.lastNode = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.lastHtmlNode = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.lastForegroundNode = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.lastForegroundHtmlNode = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.getGraphBounds = function () {
return this.graphBounds;
mxGraphView.prototype.setGraphBounds = function (a) {
this.graphBounds = a;
mxGraphView.prototype.getBounds = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length)
for (var c = this.graph.getModel(), d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (c.isVertex(a[d]) || c.isEdge(a[d])) {
var e = this.getState(a[d]);
null != e && (null == b ? (b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(e)) : b.add(e));
return b;
mxGraphView.prototype.setCurrentRoot = function (a) {
if (this.currentRoot != a) {
var b = new mxCurrentRootChange(this, a);
var c = new mxUndoableEdit(this, !0);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNDO, 'edit', c));
return a;
mxGraphView.prototype.scaleAndTranslate = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.scale,
e = new mxPoint(this.translate.x, this.translate.y);
if (this.scale != a || this.translate.x != b || this.translate.y != c)
(this.scale = a), (this.translate.x = b), (this.translate.y = c), this.isEventsEnabled() && this.viewStateChanged();
new mxEventObject(
mxGraphView.prototype.getScale = function () {
return this.scale;
mxGraphView.prototype.setScale = function (a) {
var b = this.scale;
this.scale != a && ((this.scale = a), this.isEventsEnabled() && this.viewStateChanged());
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SCALE, 'scale', a, 'previousScale', b));
mxGraphView.prototype.getTranslate = function () {
return this.translate;
mxGraphView.prototype.setTranslate = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxPoint(this.translate.x, this.translate.y);
if (this.translate.x != a || this.translate.y != b)
(this.translate.x = a), (this.translate.y = b), this.isEventsEnabled() && this.viewStateChanged();
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, 'translate', this.translate, 'previousTranslate', c));
mxGraphView.prototype.viewStateChanged = function () {
mxGraphView.prototype.refresh = function () {
null != this.currentRoot && this.clear();
mxGraphView.prototype.revalidate = function () {
mxGraphView.prototype.clear = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.getModel();
a = a || d.getRoot();
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = null != c ? c : !0;
if (c && (b || a != this.currentRoot)) {
c = d.getChildCount(a);
for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) this.clear(d.getChildAt(a, e), b);
} else this.invalidate(a);
mxGraphView.prototype.invalidate = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.getModel();
a = a || d.getRoot();
b = null != b ? b : !0;
c = null != c ? c : !0;
var e = this.getState(a);
null != e && (e.invalid = !0);
if (!a.invalidating) {
a.invalidating = !0;
if (b)
for (var f = d.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < f; e++) {
var g = d.getChildAt(a, e);
this.invalidate(g, b, c);
if (c) for (f = d.getEdgeCount(a), e = 0; e < f; e++) this.invalidate(d.getEdgeAt(a, e), b, c);
delete a.invalidating;
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function (a) {
var b = mxLog.enter('mxGraphView.validate');
window.status = mxResources.get(this.updatingDocumentResource) || this.updatingDocumentResource;
var c = null;
null == this.canvas ||
null != this.textDiv ||
8 != document.documentMode ||
mxClient.IS_EM ||
((this.placeholder = document.createElement('div')),
( = 'absolute'),
( = this.canvas.clientWidth + 'px'),
( = this.canvas.clientHeight + 'px'),
(c =,
( = 'none'),
(this.textDiv = document.createElement('div')),
( = 'absolute'),
( = 'nowrap'),
( = 'hidden'),
( = 'inline-block'),
( = '1'),
a = this.getBoundingBox(
this.validateCell(a || (null != this.currentRoot ? this.currentRoot : this.graph.getModel().getRoot()))
this.setGraphBounds(null != a ? a : this.getEmptyBounds());
null != c &&
(( = c),
null != this.placeholder && this.placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholder),
(this.textDiv = null));
window.status = mxResources.get(this.doneResource) || this.doneResource;
mxLog.leave('mxGraphView.validate', b);
mxGraphView.prototype.getEmptyBounds = function () {
return new mxRectangle(this.translate.x * this.scale, this.translate.y * this.scale);
mxGraphView.prototype.getBoundingBox = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = null;
if (
null != a &&
(null != a.shape && null != a.shape.boundingBox && (c = a.shape.boundingBox.clone()),
null != a.text &&
null != a.text.boundingBox &&
(null != c ? c.add(a.text.boundingBox) : (c = a.text.boundingBox.clone())),
for (var d = this.graph.getModel(), e = d.getChildCount(a.cell), f = 0; f < e; f++) {
var g = this.getBoundingBox(this.getState(d.getChildAt(a.cell, f)));
null != g && (null == c ? (c = g) : c.add(g));
return c;
mxGraphView.prototype.createBackgroundPageShape = function (a) {
return new mxRectangleShape(a, 'white', 'black');
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function () {
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundImage = function () {
var a = this.graph.getBackgroundImage();
if (null != a) {
if (null == this.backgroundImage || this.backgroundImage.image != a.src) {
null != this.backgroundImage && this.backgroundImage.destroy();
var b = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
this.backgroundImage = new mxImageShape(b, a.src);
this.backgroundImage.dialect = this.graph.dialect;
8 != document.documentMode ||
mxClient.IS_EM ||
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(a));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(a));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(a));
this.redrawBackgroundImage(this.backgroundImage, a);
} else null != this.backgroundImage && (this.backgroundImage.destroy(), (this.backgroundImage = null));
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundPage = function () {
if (this.graph.pageVisible) {
var a = this.getBackgroundPageBounds();
null == this.backgroundPageShape
? ((this.backgroundPageShape = this.createBackgroundPageShape(a)),
(this.backgroundPageShape.scale = this.scale),
(this.backgroundPageShape.isShadow = !0),
(this.backgroundPageShape.dialect = this.graph.dialect),
this.graph.nativeDblClickEnabled &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(a));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.graph.tooltipHandler &&
this.graph.tooltipHandler.isHideOnHover() &&
this.graph.isMouseDown &&
!mxEvent.isConsumed(a) &&
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(a));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(a));
: ((this.backgroundPageShape.scale = this.scale),
(this.backgroundPageShape.bounds = a),
} else null != this.backgroundPageShape && (this.backgroundPageShape.destroy(), (this.backgroundPageShape = null));
mxGraphView.prototype.getBackgroundPageBounds = function () {
var a = this.graph.pageFormat,
b = this.scale * this.graph.pageScale;
return new mxRectangle(this.scale * this.translate.x, this.scale * this.translate.y, a.width * b, a.height * b);
mxGraphView.prototype.redrawBackgroundImage = function (a, b) {
a.scale = this.scale;
a.bounds.x = this.scale * (this.translate.x + b.x);
a.bounds.y = this.scale * (this.translate.y + b.y);
a.bounds.width = this.scale * b.width;
a.bounds.height = this.scale * b.height;
mxGraphView.prototype.validateCell = function (a, b) {
if (null != a)
if (((b = (null != b ? b : !0) && this.graph.isCellVisible(a)), null == this.getState(a, b) || b))
for (var c = this.graph.getModel(), d = c.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++)
this.validateCell(c.getChildAt(a, e), b && (!this.isCellCollapsed(a) || a == this.currentRoot));
else this.removeState(a);
return a;
mxGraphView.prototype.validateCellState = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = null;
if (null != a && ((c = this.getState(a)), null != c)) {
var d = this.graph.getModel();
if (c.invalid) {
c.invalid = !1;
if (null == || c.invalidStyle) ( = this.graph.getCellStyle(c.cell)), (c.invalidStyle = !1);
a != this.currentRoot && this.validateCellState(d.getParent(a), !1);
c.setVisibleTerminalState(this.validateCellState(this.getVisibleTerminal(a, !0), !1), !0);
c.setVisibleTerminalState(this.validateCellState(this.getVisibleTerminal(a, !1), !1), !1);
a == this.currentRoot ||
c.invalid ||
(this.graph.cellRenderer.redraw(c, !1, this.isRendering()), c.updateCachedBounds());
if (b && !c.invalid) {
null != c.shape && this.stateValidated(c);
for (var e = d.getChildCount(a), f = 0; f < e; f++) this.validateCellState(d.getChildAt(a, f));
return c;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateCellState = function (a) {
a.absoluteOffset.x = 0;
a.absoluteOffset.y = 0;
a.origin.x = 0;
a.origin.y = 0;
a.length = 0;
if (a.cell != this.currentRoot) {
var b = this.graph.getModel(),
c = this.getState(b.getParent(a.cell));
null != c && c.cell != this.currentRoot && ((a.origin.x += c.origin.x), (a.origin.y += c.origin.y));
var d = this.graph.getChildOffsetForCell(a.cell);
null != d && ((a.origin.x += d.x), (a.origin.y += d.y));
var e = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a.cell);
null != e &&
(b.isEdge(a.cell) ||
((d = null != e.offset ? e.offset : this.EMPTY_POINT),
e.relative && null != c
? b.isEdge(c.cell)
? ((d = this.getPoint(c, e)),
null != d &&
((a.origin.x += d.x / this.scale - c.origin.x - this.translate.x),
(a.origin.y += d.y / this.scale - c.origin.y - this.translate.y)))
: ((a.origin.x += e.x * c.unscaledWidth + d.x), (a.origin.y += e.y * c.unscaledHeight + d.y))
: ((a.absoluteOffset.x = this.scale * d.x),
(a.absoluteOffset.y = this.scale * d.y),
(a.origin.x += e.x),
(a.origin.y += e.y))),
(a.x = this.scale * (this.translate.x + a.origin.x)),
(a.y = this.scale * (this.translate.y + a.origin.y)),
(a.width = this.scale * e.width),
(a.unscaledWidth = e.width),
(a.height = this.scale * e.height),
(a.unscaledHeight = e.height),
b.isVertex(a.cell) && this.updateVertexState(a, e),
b.isEdge(a.cell) && this.updateEdgeState(a, e));
mxGraphView.prototype.isCellCollapsed = function (a) {
return this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a);
mxGraphView.prototype.updateVertexState = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getModel(),
d = this.getState(c.getParent(a.cell));
if (b.relative && null != d && !c.isEdge(d.cell)) {
var e = mxUtils.toRadians([mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0');
if (0 != e) {
var c = Math.cos(e),
e = Math.sin(e),
f = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY()),
d = new mxPoint(d.getCenterX(), d.getCenterY()),
d = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(f, c, e, d);
a.x = d.x - a.width / 2;
a.y = d.y - a.height / 2;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeState = function (a, b) {
var c = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!0),
d = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!1);
(null != this.graph.model.getTerminal(a.cell, !0) && null == c) ||
(null == c && null == b.getTerminalPoint(!0)) ||
(null != this.graph.model.getTerminal(a.cell, !1) && null == d) ||
(null == d && null == b.getTerminalPoint(!1))
? this.clear(a.cell, !0)
: (this.updateFixedTerminalPoints(a, c, d),
this.updatePoints(a, b.points, c, d),
this.updateFloatingTerminalPoints(a, c, d),
(c = a.absolutePoints),
a.cell != this.currentRoot && (null == c || 2 > c.length || null == c[0] || null == c[c.length - 1])
? this.clear(a.cell, !0)
: (this.updateEdgeBounds(a), this.updateEdgeLabelOffset(a)));
mxGraphView.prototype.updateVertexLabelOffset = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
if (b == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT)
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_WIDTH, null)),
(b = null != b ? b * this.scale : a.width),
(a.absoluteOffset.x -= b);
else if (b == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) a.absoluteOffset.x += a.width;
else if (
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER &&
((b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_WIDTH, null)), null != b)
) {
var c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
d = 0;
c == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? (d = 0.5) : c == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT && (d = 1);
0 != d && (a.absoluteOffset.x -= (b * this.scale - a.width) * d);
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
b == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP
? (a.absoluteOffset.y -= a.height)
: b == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM && (a.absoluteOffset.y += a.height);
mxGraphView.prototype.resetValidationState = function () {
this.lastForegroundHtmlNode = this.lastForegroundNode = this.lastHtmlNode = this.lastNode = null;
mxGraphView.prototype.stateValidated = function (a) {
var b =
(this.graph.getModel().isEdge(a.cell) && this.graph.keepEdgesInForeground) ||
(this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a.cell) && this.graph.keepEdgesInBackground);
a = this.graph.cellRenderer.insertStateAfter(
b ? this.lastForegroundNode || this.lastNode : this.lastNode,
b ? this.lastForegroundHtmlNode || this.lastHtmlNode : this.lastHtmlNode
? ((this.lastForegroundHtmlNode = a[1]), (this.lastForegroundNode = a[0]))
: ((this.lastHtmlNode = a[1]), (this.lastNode = a[0]));
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoints = function (a, b, c) {
this.updateFixedTerminalPoint(a, b, !0, this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(a, b, !0));
this.updateFixedTerminalPoint(a, c, !1, this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(a, c, !1));
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
a.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(this.getFixedTerminalPoint(a, b, c, d), c);
mxGraphView.prototype.getFixedTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = null;
null != d && (e = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(b, d, !1));
if (null == e && null == b) {
b = this.scale;
d = this.translate;
var f = a.origin,
e = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a.cell).getTerminalPoint(c);
null != e && (e = new mxPoint(b * (d.x + e.x + f.x), b * (d.y + e.y + f.y)));
return e;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateBoundsFromStencil = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && null != a.shape && null != a.shape.stencil && 'fixed' == a.shape.stencil.aspect) {
var b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(a),
c = a.shape.stencil.computeAspect(, a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
a.setRect(c.x, c.y, a.shape.stencil.w0 * c.width, a.shape.stencil.h0 * c.height);
return b;
mxGraphView.prototype.updatePoints = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != a) {
var e = [];
var f = this.getEdgeStyle(a, b, c, d);
if (null != f) {
c = this.getTerminalPort(a, c, !0);
d = this.getTerminalPort(a, d, !1);
var g = this.updateBoundsFromStencil(c),
k = this.updateBoundsFromStencil(d);
f(a, c, d, b, e);
null != g && c.setRect(g.x, g.y, g.width, g.height);
null != k && d.setRect(k.x, k.y, k.width, k.height);
} else if (null != b)
for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
null != b[f] && ((c = mxUtils.clone(b[f])), e.push(this.transformControlPoint(a, c)));
b = a.absolutePoints;
e.push(b[b.length - 1]);
a.absolutePoints = e;
mxGraphView.prototype.transformControlPoint = function (a, b, c) {
return null != a && null != b
? ((a = a.origin),
(c = c ? 1 : this.scale),
new mxPoint(c * (b.x + this.translate.x + a.x), c * (b.y + this.translate.y + a.y)))
: null;
mxGraphView.prototype.isLoopStyleEnabled = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(a, c, !0),
f = this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(a, d, !1);
return !(null == b || 2 > b.length) ||
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ORTHOGONAL_LOOP, !1) &&
((null != e && null != e.point) || (null != f && null != f.point)))
? !1
: null != c && c == d;
mxGraphView.prototype.getEdgeStyle = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = this.isLoopStyleEnabled(a, b, c, d)
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LOOP, this.graph.defaultLoopStyle)
: mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, !1)
? null
'string' == typeof a &&
((b = mxStyleRegistry.getValue(a)), null == b && this.isAllowEval() && (b = mxUtils.eval(a)), (a = b));
return 'function' == typeof a ? a : null;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoints = function (a, b, c) {
var d = a.absolutePoints,
e = d[0];
null == d[d.length - 1] && null != c && this.updateFloatingTerminalPoint(a, c, b, !1);
null == e && null != b && this.updateFloatingTerminalPoint(a, b, c, !0);
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
a.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(this.getFloatingTerminalPoint(a, b, c, d), d);
mxGraphView.prototype.getFloatingTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = this.getTerminalPort(a, b, d);
var e = this.getNextPoint(a, c, d),
f = this.graph.isOrthogonal(a);
c = mxUtils.toRadians(Number([mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0'));
var g = new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY());
if (0 != c)
var k = Math.cos(-c),
h = Math.sin(-c),
e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(e, k, h, g);
k = parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0);
k += parseFloat([d ? mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PERIMETER_SPACING : mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0
a = this.getPerimeterPoint(b, e, 0 == c && f, k);
0 != c && ((k = Math.cos(c)), (h = Math.sin(c)), (a = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(a, k, h, g)));
return a;
mxGraphView.prototype.getTerminalPort = function (a, b, c) {
a = mxUtils.getValue(, c ? mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PORT : mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PORT);
null != a && ((a = this.getState(this.graph.getModel().getCell(a))), null != a && (b = a));
return b;
mxGraphView.prototype.getPerimeterPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = null;
if (null != a) {
var f = this.getPerimeterFunction(a);
if (null != f && null != b && ((d = this.getPerimeterBounds(a, d)), 0 < d.width || 0 < d.height)) {
var e = new mxPoint(b.x, b.y),
g = (b = !1);
this.graph.model.isVertex(a.cell) &&
((b = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0)),
(g = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0)),
null != a.shape &&
null != a.shape.stencil &&
((b = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipH', 0) || b),
(g = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipV', 0) || g)),
b && (e.x = 2 * d.getCenterX() - e.x),
g && (e.y = 2 * d.getCenterY() - e.y));
e = f(d, a, e, c);
null != e && (b && (e.x = 2 * d.getCenterX() - e.x), g && (e.y = 2 * d.getCenterY() - e.y));
null == e && (e = this.getPoint(a));
return e;
mxGraphView.prototype.getRoutingCenterX = function (a) {
var b = null != ? parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_X]) || 0 : 0;
return a.getCenterX() + b * a.width;
mxGraphView.prototype.getRoutingCenterY = function (a) {
var b = null != ? parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_Y]) || 0 : 0;
return a.getCenterY() + b * a.height;
mxGraphView.prototype.getPerimeterBounds = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : 0;
null != a && (b += parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0));
return a.getPerimeterBounds(b * this.scale);
mxGraphView.prototype.getPerimeterFunction = function (a) {
a =[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER];
if ('string' == typeof a) {
var b = mxStyleRegistry.getValue(a);
null == b && this.isAllowEval() && (b = mxUtils.eval(a));
a = b;
return 'function' == typeof a ? a : null;
mxGraphView.prototype.getNextPoint = function (a, b, c) {
a = a.absolutePoints;
var d = null;
null != a && 2 <= a.length && ((d = a.length), (d = a[c ? Math.min(1, d - 1) : Math.max(0, d - 2)]));
null == d && null != b && (d = new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY()));
return d;
mxGraphView.prototype.getVisibleTerminal = function (a, b) {
for (var c = this.graph.getModel(), d = c.getTerminal(a, b), e = d; null != d && d != this.currentRoot; ) {
if (!this.graph.isCellVisible(e) || this.isCellCollapsed(d)) e = d;
d = c.getParent(d);
null == e || (c.contains(e) && c.getParent(e) != c.getRoot() && e != this.currentRoot) || (e = null);
return e;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeBounds = function (a) {
var b = a.absolutePoints,
c = b[0],
d = b[b.length - 1];
if (c.x != d.x || c.y != d.y) {
var e = d.x - c.x,
f = d.y - c.y;
a.terminalDistance = Math.sqrt(e * e + f * f);
} else a.terminalDistance = 0;
var d = 0,
g = [],
f = c;
if (null != f) {
for (var c = f.x, k = f.y, h = c, l = k, m = 1; m < b.length; m++) {
var n = b[m];
null != n &&
((e = f.x - n.x),
(f = f.y - n.y),
(e = Math.sqrt(e * e + f * f)),
(d += e),
(f = n),
(c = Math.min(f.x, c)),
(k = Math.min(f.y, k)),
(h = Math.max(f.x, h)),
(l = Math.max(f.y, l)));
a.length = d;
a.segments = g;
a.x = c;
a.y = k;
a.width = Math.max(1, h - c);
a.height = Math.max(1, l - k);
mxGraphView.prototype.getPoint = function (a, b) {
var c = a.getCenterX(),
d = a.getCenterY();
if (null == a.segments || (null != b && !b.relative))
null != b && ((l = b.offset), null != l && ((c += l.x), (d += l.y)));
else {
for (
var e = a.absolutePoints.length,
f = Math.round(((null != b ? b.x / 2 : 0) + 0.5) * a.length),
g = a.segments[0],
k = 0,
h = 1;
f >= Math.round(k + g) && h < e - 1;
(k += g), (g = a.segments[h++]);
e = 0 == g ? 0 : (f - k) / g;
f = a.absolutePoints[h - 1];
h = a.absolutePoints[h];
if (null != f && null != h) {
k = c = d = 0;
if (null != b) {
var d = b.y,
l = b.offset;
null != l && ((c = l.x), (k = l.y));
l = h.x - f.x;
h = h.y - f.y;
c = f.x + l * e + ((0 == g ? 0 : h / g) * d + c) * this.scale;
d = f.y + h * e - ((0 == g ? 0 : l / g) * d - k) * this.scale;
return new mxPoint(c, d);
mxGraphView.prototype.getRelativePoint = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.getModel().getGeometry(a.cell);
if (null != d) {
var e = a.absolutePoints.length;
if (d.relative && 1 < e) {
for (
var d = a.length,
f = a.segments,
g = a.absolutePoints[0],
k = a.absolutePoints[1],
h = mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(g.x, g.y, k.x, k.y, b, c),
l = 0,
m = 0,
n = 0,
p = 2;
p < e;
(g = k),
(k = a.absolutePoints[p]),
(g = mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(g.x, g.y, k.x, k.y, b, c)),
(n += f[p - 2]),
g <= h && ((h = g), (m = p - 1), (l = n));
e = f[m];
g = a.absolutePoints[m];
k = a.absolutePoints[m + 1];
h = k.x;
f = k.y;
a = g.x - h;
m = g.y - f;
h = a - (b - h);
f = m - (c - f);
f = h * a + f * m;
a = Math.sqrt(0 >= f ? 0 : (f * f) / (a * a + m * m));
a > e && (a = e);
e = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(g.x, g.y, k.x, k.y, b, c));
-1 == mxUtils.relativeCcw(g.x, g.y, k.x, k.y, b, c) && (e = -e);
return new mxPoint(((d / 2 - l - a) / d) * -2, e / this.scale);
return new mxPoint();
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeLabelOffset = function (a) {
var b = a.absolutePoints;
a.absoluteOffset.x = a.getCenterX();
a.absoluteOffset.y = a.getCenterY();
if (null != b && 0 < b.length && null != a.segments) {
var c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a.cell);
if (c.relative) {
var d = this.getPoint(a, c);
null != d && (a.absoluteOffset = d);
} else {
var d = b[0],
e = b[b.length - 1];
if (null != d && null != e) {
var b = e.x - d.x,
f = e.y - d.y,
g = (e = 0),
c = c.offset;
null != c && ((e = c.x), (g = c.y));
c = d.y + f / 2 + g * this.scale;
a.absoluteOffset.x = d.x + b / 2 + e * this.scale;
a.absoluteOffset.y = c;
mxGraphView.prototype.getState = function (a, b) {
b = b || !1;
var c = null;
null != a &&
((c = this.states.get(a)),
b &&
(null == c || this.updateStyle) &&
this.graph.isCellVisible(a) &&
(null == c ? ((c = this.createState(a)), this.states.put(a, c)) : ( = this.graph.getCellStyle(a))));
return c;
mxGraphView.prototype.isRendering = function () {
return this.rendering;
mxGraphView.prototype.setRendering = function (a) {
this.rendering = a;
mxGraphView.prototype.isAllowEval = function () {
return this.allowEval;
mxGraphView.prototype.setAllowEval = function (a) {
this.allowEval = a;
mxGraphView.prototype.getStates = function () {
return this.states;
mxGraphView.prototype.setStates = function (a) {
this.states = a;
mxGraphView.prototype.getCellStates = function (a) {
if (null == a) return this.states;
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.getState(a[c]);
null != d && b.push(d);
return b;
mxGraphView.prototype.removeState = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != a &&
((b = this.states.remove(a)), null != b && (this.graph.cellRenderer.destroy(b), (b.invalid = !0), b.destroy()));
return b;
mxGraphView.prototype.createState = function (a) {
return new mxCellState(this, a, this.graph.getCellStyle(a));
mxGraphView.prototype.getCanvas = function () {
return this.canvas;
mxGraphView.prototype.getBackgroundPane = function () {
return this.backgroundPane;
mxGraphView.prototype.getDrawPane = function () {
return this.drawPane;
mxGraphView.prototype.getOverlayPane = function () {
return this.overlayPane;
mxGraphView.prototype.getDecoratorPane = function () {
return this.decoratorPane;
mxGraphView.prototype.isContainerEvent = function (a) {
a = mxEvent.getSource(a);
return (
a == this.graph.container ||
a.parentNode == this.backgroundPane ||
(null != a.parentNode && a.parentNode.parentNode == this.backgroundPane) ||
a == this.canvas.parentNode ||
a == this.canvas ||
a == this.backgroundPane ||
a == this.drawPane ||
a == this.overlayPane ||
a == this.decoratorPane
mxGraphView.prototype.isScrollEvent = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getOffset(this.graph.container);
a = new mxPoint(a.clientX - b.x, a.clientY - b.y);
var b = this.graph.container.offsetWidth,
c = this.graph.container.clientWidth;
if (b > c && a.x > c + 2 && a.x <= b) return !0;
b = this.graph.container.offsetHeight;
c = this.graph.container.clientHeight;
return b > c && a.y > c + 2 && a.y <= b ? !0 : !1;
mxGraphView.prototype.init = function () {
this.graph.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG ? this.createSvg() : this.createHtml();
mxGraphView.prototype.installListeners = function () {
var a = this.graph,
b = a.container;
if (null != b) {
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
!this.isContainerEvent(b) ||
((mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11 || mxClient.IS_GC || mxClient.IS_OP || mxClient.IS_SF) &&
this.isScrollEvent(b)) ||
a.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(b));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isContainerEvent(b) && a.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(b));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isContainerEvent(b) && a.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(b));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.isContainerEvent(b) && a.dblClick(b);
var c = function (c) {
var d = null;
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
((d = mxEvent.getClientX(c)),
(c = mxEvent.getClientY(c)),
(c = mxUtils.convertPoint(b, d, c)),
(d = a.view.getState(a.getCellAt(c.x, c.y))));
return d;
mouseDown: function (b, c) {
mouseMove: function () {},
mouseUp: function () {},
this.moveHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
null != a.tooltipHandler && a.tooltipHandler.isHideOnHover() && a.tooltipHandler.hide();
this.captureDocumentGesture &&
a.isMouseDown &&
null != a.container &&
!this.isContainerEvent(b) &&
'none' != &&
'hidden' != &&
!mxEvent.isConsumed(b) &&
a.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(b, c(b)));
this.endHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
this.captureDocumentGesture &&
a.isMouseDown &&
null != a.container &&
!this.isContainerEvent(b) &&
'none' != &&
'hidden' != &&
a.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(b));
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, null, this.moveHandler, this.endHandler);
mxGraphView.prototype.createHtml = function () {
var a = this.graph.container;
null != a &&
((this.canvas = this.createHtmlPane('100%', '100%')),
( = 'hidden'),
(this.backgroundPane = this.createHtmlPane('1px', '1px')),
(this.drawPane = this.createHtmlPane('1px', '1px')),
(this.overlayPane = this.createHtmlPane('1px', '1px')),
(this.decoratorPane = this.createHtmlPane('1px', '1px')),
mxGraphView.prototype.updateHtmlCanvasSize = function (a, b) {
if (null != this.graph.container) {
var c = this.graph.container.offsetHeight; = this.graph.container.offsetWidth < a ? a + 'px' : '100%'; = c < b ? b + 'px' : '100%';
mxGraphView.prototype.createHtmlPane = function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement('DIV');
null != a && null != b
? (( = 'absolute'),
( = '0px'),
( = '0px'),
( = a),
( = b))
: ( = 'relative');
return c;
mxGraphView.prototype.createSvg = function () {
var a = this.graph.container;
this.canvas = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
this.backgroundPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
this.drawPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
this.overlayPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
this.decoratorPane = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g');
var b = document.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'svg'); = '0px'; = '0px'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'block';
if (mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11) = 'hidden';
null != a && (a.appendChild(b), this.updateContainerStyle(a));
mxGraphView.prototype.updateContainerStyle = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(a);
null != b && 'static' == b.position && ( = 'relative');
mxClient.IS_POINTER && ( = 'none');
mxGraphView.prototype.destroy = function () {
var a = null != this.canvas ? this.canvas.ownerSVGElement : null;
null == a && (a = this.canvas);
null != a &&
null != a.parentNode &&
(this.clear(this.currentRoot, !0),
mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(document, null, this.moveHandler, this.endHandler),
(this.decoratorPane =
this.overlayPane =
this.drawPane =
this.backgroundPane =
this.canvas =
this.endHandler =
this.moveHandler =
function mxCurrentRootChange(a, b) {
this.view = a;
this.previous = this.root = b;
this.isUp = null == b;
if (!this.isUp)
for (var c = this.view.currentRoot, d = this.view.graph.getModel(); null != c; ) {
if (c == b) {
this.isUp = !0;
c = d.getParent(c);
mxCurrentRootChange.prototype.execute = function () {
var a = this.view.currentRoot;
this.view.currentRoot = this.previous;
this.previous = a;
a = this.view.graph.getTranslateForRoot(this.view.currentRoot);
null != a && (this.view.translate = new mxPoint(-a.x, -a.y));
this.isUp ? (this.view.clear(this.view.currentRoot, !0), this.view.validate()) : this.view.refresh();
new mxEventObject(this.isUp ? mxEvent.UP : mxEvent.DOWN, 'root', this.view.currentRoot, 'previous', this.previous)
this.isUp = !this.isUp;
function mxGraph(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.mouseListeners = null;
this.renderHint = c;
this.dialect = mxClient.IS_SVG
? mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
: c == mxConstants.RENDERING_HINT_FASTER
this.model = null != b ? b : new mxGraphModel();
this.multiplicities = [];
this.imageBundles = [];
this.cellRenderer = this.createCellRenderer();
this.setStylesheet(null != d ? d : this.createStylesheet());
this.view = this.createGraphView();
this.view.rendering = null != e ? e : this.view.rendering;
this.graphModelChangeListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.graphModelChangeListener);
null != a && this.init(a);
this.view.rendering && this.view.revalidate();
? mxResources.add(mxClient.basePath + '/resources/graph')
: mxClient.defaultBundles.push(mxClient.basePath + '/resources/graph');
mxGraph.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxGraph.prototype.constructor = mxGraph;
mxGraph.prototype.mouseListeners = null;
mxGraph.prototype.isMouseDown = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.model = null;
mxGraph.prototype.view = null;
mxGraph.prototype.stylesheet = null;
mxGraph.prototype.selectionModel = null;
mxGraph.prototype.cellEditor = null;
mxGraph.prototype.cellRenderer = null;
mxGraph.prototype.multiplicities = null;
mxGraph.prototype.renderHint = null;
mxGraph.prototype.dialect = null;
mxGraph.prototype.gridSize = 10;
mxGraph.prototype.gridEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.portsEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.nativeDblClickEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.doubleTapEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.doubleTapTimeout = 500;
mxGraph.prototype.doubleTapTolerance = 25;
mxGraph.prototype.lastTouchY = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.lastTouchY = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.lastTouchTime = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.tapAndHoldEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.tapAndHoldDelay = 500;
mxGraph.prototype.tapAndHoldInProgress = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.tapAndHoldValid = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.initialTouchX = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.initialTouchY = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.tolerance = 4;
mxGraph.prototype.defaultOverlap = 0.5;
mxGraph.prototype.defaultParent = null;
mxGraph.prototype.alternateEdgeStyle = null;
mxGraph.prototype.backgroundImage = null;
mxGraph.prototype.pageVisible = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreaksVisible = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreakColor = 'gray';
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreakDashed = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.minPageBreakDist = 20;
mxGraph.prototype.preferPageSize = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.pageFormat = mxConstants.PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT;
mxGraph.prototype.pageScale = 1.5;
mxGraph.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.escapeEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.invokesStopCellEditing = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.enterStopsCellEditing = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.useScrollbarsForPanning = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.exportEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.importEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsLocked = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsCloneable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.foldingEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsEditable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsDeletable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsMovable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.edgeLabelsMovable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.vertexLabelsMovable = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.dropEnabled = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.splitEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsResizable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsBendable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsSelectable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsDisconnectable = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.autoSizeCells = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.autoSizeCellsOnAdd = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.autoScroll = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.ignoreScrollbars = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.translateToScrollPosition = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.timerAutoScroll = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.allowAutoPanning = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.autoExtend = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.maximumGraphBounds = null;
mxGraph.prototype.minimumGraphSize = null;
mxGraph.prototype.minimumContainerSize = null;
mxGraph.prototype.maximumContainerSize = null;
mxGraph.prototype.resizeContainer = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.border = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.keepEdgesInForeground = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.keepEdgesInBackground = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.allowNegativeCoordinates = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.constrainChildren = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.constrainRelativeChildren = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.extendParents = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.extendParentsOnAdd = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.extendParentsOnMove = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.recursiveResize = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.collapseToPreferredSize = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.zoomFactor = 1.2;
mxGraph.prototype.keepSelectionVisibleOnZoom = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.centerZoom = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.resetViewOnRootChange = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnResize = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnMove = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnConnect = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.allowLoops = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.defaultLoopStyle = mxEdgeStyle.Loop;
mxGraph.prototype.multigraph = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.connectableEdges = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.allowDanglingEdges = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.cloneInvalidEdges = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.disconnectOnMove = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.labelsVisible = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.htmlLabels = !1;
mxGraph.prototype.swimlaneSelectionEnabled = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.swimlaneNesting = !0;
mxGraph.prototype.swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute = mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR;
mxGraph.prototype.imageBundles = null;
mxGraph.prototype.minFitScale = 0.1;
mxGraph.prototype.maxFitScale = 8;
mxGraph.prototype.panDx = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.panDy = 0;
mxGraph.prototype.collapsedImage = new mxImage(mxClient.imageBasePath + '/collapsed.gif', 9, 9);
mxGraph.prototype.expandedImage = new mxImage(mxClient.imageBasePath + '/expanded.gif', 9, 9);
mxGraph.prototype.warningImage = new mxImage(
mxClient.imageBasePath + '/warning' + (mxClient.IS_MAC ? '.png' : '.gif'),
mxGraph.prototype.alreadyConnectedResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'alreadyConnected' : '';
mxGraph.prototype.containsValidationErrorsResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'containsValidationErrors' : '';
mxGraph.prototype.collapseExpandResource = 'none' != mxClient.language ? 'collapse-expand' : '';
mxGraph.prototype.init = function (a) {
this.container = a;
this.cellEditor = this.createCellEditor();
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.tooltipHandler &&
null != this.tooltipHandler.div &&
this.tooltipHandler.div != a.relatedTarget &&
mxClient.IS_IE &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isEditing() || (!this.isMouseDown && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(a));
mxGraph.prototype.createHandlers = function () {
this.tooltipHandler = this.createTooltipHandler();
this.selectionCellsHandler = this.createSelectionCellsHandler();
this.connectionHandler = this.createConnectionHandler();
this.graphHandler = this.createGraphHandler();
this.panningHandler = this.createPanningHandler();
this.panningHandler.panningEnabled = !1;
this.popupMenuHandler = this.createPopupMenuHandler();
mxGraph.prototype.createTooltipHandler = function () {
return new mxTooltipHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createSelectionCellsHandler = function () {
return new mxSelectionCellsHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createConnectionHandler = function () {
return new mxConnectionHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createGraphHandler = function () {
return new mxGraphHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createPanningHandler = function () {
return new mxPanningHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createPopupMenuHandler = function () {
return new mxPopupMenuHandler(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createSelectionModel = function () {
return new mxGraphSelectionModel(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createStylesheet = function () {
return new mxStylesheet();
mxGraph.prototype.createGraphView = function () {
return new mxGraphView(this);
mxGraph.prototype.createCellRenderer = function () {
return new mxCellRenderer();
mxGraph.prototype.createCellEditor = function () {
return new mxCellEditor(this);
mxGraph.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
mxGraph.prototype.getView = function () {
return this.view;
mxGraph.prototype.getStylesheet = function () {
return this.stylesheet;
mxGraph.prototype.setStylesheet = function (a) {
this.stylesheet = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getSelectionModel = function () {
return this.selectionModel;
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionModel = function (a) {
this.selectionModel = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getSelectionCellsForChanges = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = new mxDictionary(),
d = [],
e = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
if (!c.get(a) && this.model.contains(a))
if (this.model.isEdge(a) || this.model.isVertex(a)) c.put(a, !0), d.push(a);
else for (var b = this.model.getChildCount(a), f = 0; f < b; f++) e(this.model.getChildAt(a, f));
f = 0;
f < a.length;
) {
var g = a[f];
if (g.constructor != mxRootChange && (null == b || !b(g))) {
var k = null;
g instanceof mxChildChange ? (k = g.child) : null != g.cell && g.cell instanceof mxCell && (k = g.cell);
null != k && e(k);
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.graphModelChanged = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.processChange(a[b]);
mxGraph.prototype.updateSelection = function () {
for (var a = this.getSelectionCells(), b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (this.model.contains(a[c]) && this.isCellVisible(a[c]))
for (var d = this.model.getParent(a[c]); null != d && d != this.view.currentRoot; ) {
if (this.isCellCollapsed(d) || !this.isCellVisible(d)) {
d = this.model.getParent(d);
else b.push(a[c]);
mxGraph.prototype.processChange = function (a) {
if (a instanceof mxRootChange)
this.resetViewOnRootChange && ((this.view.scale = 1), (this.view.translate.x = 0), (this.view.translate.y = 0)),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ROOT));
else if (a instanceof mxChildChange) {
var b = this.model.getParent(a.child);
this.view.invalidate(a.child, !0, !0);
if (!this.model.contains(b) || this.isCellCollapsed(b))
this.view.invalidate(a.child, !0, !0),
this.view.currentRoot == a.child && this.home();
b != a.previous &&
(null != b && this.view.invalidate(b, !1, !1), null != a.previous && this.view.invalidate(a.previous, !1, !1));
} else
a instanceof mxTerminalChange || a instanceof mxGeometryChange
? (a instanceof mxTerminalChange ||
(null == a.previous && null != a.geometry) ||
(null != a.previous && !a.previous.equals(a.geometry))) &&
: a instanceof mxValueChange
? this.view.invalidate(a.cell, !1, !1)
: a instanceof mxStyleChange
? (this.view.invalidate(a.cell, !0, !0), (a = this.view.getState(a.cell)), null != a && (a.invalidStyle = !0))
: null != a.cell && a.cell instanceof mxCell && this.removeStateForCell(a.cell);
mxGraph.prototype.removeStateForCell = function (a) {
for (var b = this.model.getChildCount(a), c = 0; c < b; c++) this.removeStateForCell(this.model.getChildAt(a, c));
this.view.invalidate(a, !1, !0);
mxGraph.prototype.addCellOverlay = function (a, b) {
null == a.overlays && (a.overlays = []);
var c = this.view.getState(a);
null != c && this.cellRenderer.redraw(c);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ADD_OVERLAY, 'cell', a, 'overlay', b));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellOverlays = function (a) {
return a.overlays;
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlay = function (a, b) {
if (null == b) this.removeCellOverlays(a);
else {
var c = mxUtils.indexOf(a.overlays, b);
0 <= c
? (a.overlays.splice(c, 1),
0 == a.overlays.length && (a.overlays = null),
(c = this.view.getState(a)),
null != c && this.cellRenderer.redraw(c),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REMOVE_OVERLAY, 'cell', a, 'overlay', b)))
: (b = null);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlays = function (a) {
var b = a.overlays;
if (null != b) {
a.overlays = null;
var c = this.view.getState(a);
null != c && this.cellRenderer.redraw(c);
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REMOVE_OVERLAY, 'cell', a, 'overlay', b[c]));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.clearCellOverlays = function (a) {
a = null != a ? a : this.model.getRoot();
for (var b = this.model.getChildCount(a), c = 0; c < b; c++) {
var d = this.model.getChildAt(a, c);
mxGraph.prototype.setCellWarning = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b && 0 < b.length)
return (
(c = null != c ? c : this.warningImage),
(b = new mxCellOverlay(c, '<font color=red>' + b + '</font>')),
d &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b, c) {
this.isEnabled() && this.setSelectionCell(a);
this.addCellOverlay(a, b)
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.startEditing = function (a) {
this.startEditingAtCell(null, a);
mxGraph.prototype.startEditingAtCell = function (a, b) {
(null != b && mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(b)) ||
(null == a && ((a = this.getSelectionCell()), null == a || this.isCellEditable(a) || (a = null)),
null != a &&
(this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START_EDITING, 'cell', a, 'event', b)),
this.cellEditor.startEditing(a, b),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EDITING_STARTED, 'cell', a, 'event', b))));
mxGraph.prototype.getEditingValue = function (a, b) {
return this.convertValueToString(a);
mxGraph.prototype.stopEditing = function (a) {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.EDITING_STOPPED, 'cancel', a));
mxGraph.prototype.labelChanged = function (a, b, c) {
try {
var d = a.value;
this.cellLabelChanged(a, b, this.isAutoSizeCell(a));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.LABEL_CHANGED, 'cell', a, 'value', b, 'old', d, 'event', c));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellLabelChanged = function (a, b, c) {
try {
this.model.setValue(a, b), c && this.cellSizeUpdated(a, !1);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.escape = function (a) {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ESCAPE, 'event', a));
}; = function (a) {
var b = a.getEvent(),
c = a.getCell(),
d = new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CLICK, 'event', b, 'cell', c);
a.isConsumed() && d.consume();
if (this.isEnabled() && !mxEvent.isConsumed(b) && !d.isConsumed()) {
if (null != c) {
if (this.isTransparentClickEvent(b)) {
var e = !1;
a = this.getCellAt(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var b = this.isCellSelected(a.cell);
e = e || b;
return !e || b || (a.cell != c && this.model.isAncestor(a.cell, c));
null != a && (c = a);
} else if (
this.isSwimlaneSelectionEnabled() &&
((c = this.getSwimlaneAt(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY())),
!(null == c || (this.isToggleEvent(b) && mxEvent.isAltDown(b))))
) {
d = c;
for (a = []; null != d; ) {
var d = this.model.getParent(d),
f = this.view.getState(d);
this.isSwimlane(d) && null != f && a.push(d);
if (0 < a.length)
for (a = a.reverse(), a.splice(0, 0, c), a.push(c), d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++)
this.isCellSelected(a[d]) && (c = a[this.isToggleEvent(b) ? d : d + 1]);
null != c ? this.selectCellForEvent(c, b) : this.isToggleEvent(b) || this.clearSelection();
mxGraph.prototype.isSiblingSelected = function (a) {
for (var b = this.model, c = b.getParent(a), d = b.getChildCount(c), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = b.getChildAt(c, e);
if (a != f && this.isCellSelected(f)) return !0;
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.dblClick = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxEventObject(mxEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, 'event', a, 'cell', b);
!this.isEnabled() ||
mxEvent.isConsumed(a) ||
c.isConsumed() ||
null == b ||
!this.isCellEditable(b) ||
this.isEditing(b) ||
(this.startEditingAtCell(b, a), mxEvent.consume(a));
mxGraph.prototype.tapAndHold = function (a) {
var b = a.getEvent(),
c = new mxEventObject(mxEvent.TAP_AND_HOLD, 'event', b, 'cell', a.getCell());
c.isConsumed() && (this.panningHandler.panningTrigger = !1);
this.isEnabled() &&
!mxEvent.isConsumed(b) &&
!c.isConsumed() &&
this.connectionHandler.isEnabled() &&
((b = this.view.getState(this.connectionHandler.marker.getCell(a))),
null != b &&
((this.connectionHandler.marker.currentColor = this.connectionHandler.marker.validColor),
(this.connectionHandler.marker.markedState = b),
(this.connectionHandler.first = new mxPoint(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY())),
(this.connectionHandler.edgeState = this.connectionHandler.createEdgeState(a)),
(this.connectionHandler.previous = b),
this.connectionHandler.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START, 'state', this.connectionHandler.previous))));
mxGraph.prototype.scrollPointToVisible = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (this.timerAutoScroll || (!this.ignoreScrollbars && !mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)))
this.allowAutoPanning &&
!this.panningHandler.isActive() &&
(null == this.panningManager && (this.panningManager = this.createPanningManager()),
this.panningManager.panTo(a + this.panDx, b + this.panDy));
else {
var e = this.container;
d = null != d ? d : 20;
if (
a >= e.scrollLeft &&
b >= e.scrollTop &&
a <= e.scrollLeft + e.clientWidth &&
b <= e.scrollTop + e.clientHeight
) {
var f = e.scrollLeft + e.clientWidth - a;
if (f < d) {
if (((a = e.scrollLeft), (e.scrollLeft += d - f), c && a == e.scrollLeft)) {
if (this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) {
a = this.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement;
var g = this.container.scrollWidth + d - f;
} else (g = Math.max(e.clientWidth, e.scrollWidth) + d - f), (a = this.view.getCanvas()); = g + 'px';
e.scrollLeft += d - f;
} else (f = a - e.scrollLeft), f < d && (e.scrollLeft -= d - f);
f = e.scrollTop + e.clientHeight - b;
f < d
? ((a = e.scrollTop),
(e.scrollTop += d - f),
a == e.scrollTop &&
c &&
(this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? ((a = this.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement), (b = this.container.scrollHeight + d - f))
: ((b = Math.max(e.clientHeight, e.scrollHeight) + d - f), (a = this.view.getCanvas())),
( = b + 'px'),
(e.scrollTop += d - f)))
: ((f = b - e.scrollTop), f < d && (e.scrollTop -= d - f));
mxGraph.prototype.createPanningManager = function () {
return new mxPanningManager(this);
mxGraph.prototype.getBorderSizes = function () {
var a = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(this.container);
return new mxRectangle(
mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.paddingLeft) +
('none' != a.borderLeftStyle ? mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.borderLeftWidth) : 0),
mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.paddingTop) + ('none' != a.borderTopStyle ? mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.borderTopWidth) : 0),
mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.paddingRight) +
('none' != a.borderRightStyle ? mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.borderRightWidth) : 0),
mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.paddingBottom) +
('none' != a.borderBottomStyle ? mxUtils.parseCssNumber(a.borderBottomWidth) : 0)
mxGraph.prototype.getPreferredPageSize = function (a, b, c) {
a = this.view.translate;
var d = this.pageFormat,
e = this.pageScale,
d = new mxRectangle(0, 0, Math.ceil(d.width * e), Math.ceil(d.height * e));
return new mxRectangle(
(this.pageBreaksVisible ? Math.ceil(b / d.width) : 1) * d.width + 2 + a.x,
(this.pageBreaksVisible ? Math.ceil(c / d.height) : 1) * d.height + 2 + a.y
}; = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (null != this.container) {
a = null != a ? a : this.getBorder();
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = null != c ? c : 0;
d = null != d ? d : !0;
e = null != e ? e : !1;
f = null != f ? f : !1;
var k = this.getBorderSizes(),
h = this.container.offsetWidth - k.x - k.width - 1,
l = null != g ? g : this.container.offsetHeight - k.y - k.height - 1;
g = this.view.getGraphBounds();
if (0 < g.width && 0 < g.height) {
b && null != g.x && null != g.y && ((g = g.clone()), (g.width += g.x), (g.height += g.y), (g.x = 0), (g.y = 0));
var k = this.view.scale,
m = g.width / k,
n = g.height / k;
null != this.backgroundImage &&
null != this.backgroundImage.width &&
null != this.backgroundImage.height &&
((m = Math.max(m, this.backgroundImage.width - g.x / k)),
(n = Math.max(n, this.backgroundImage.height - g.y / k)));
var p = (b ? a : 2 * a) + c + 1,
h = h - p,
l = l - p;
e = e ? l / n : f ? h / m : Math.min(h / m, l / n);
null != this.minFitScale && (e = Math.max(e, this.minFitScale));
null != this.maxFitScale && (e = Math.min(e, this.maxFitScale));
if (d)
? this.view.scale != e && this.view.setScale(e)
: mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)
? (this.view.setScale(e),
(a = this.getGraphBounds()),
null != a.x && (this.container.scrollLeft = a.x),
null != a.y && (this.container.scrollTop = a.y))
: this.view.scaleAndTranslate(
null != g.x ? Math.floor(this.view.translate.x - g.x / k + a / e + c / 2) : a,
null != g.y ? Math.floor(this.view.translate.y - g.y / k + a / e + c / 2) : a
else return e;
return this.view.scale;
mxGraph.prototype.sizeDidChange = function () {
var a = this.getGraphBounds();
if (null != this.container) {
var b = this.getBorder(),
c = Math.max(0, a.x) + a.width + 2 * b,
b = Math.max(0, a.y) + a.height + 2 * b;
null != this.minimumContainerSize &&
((c = Math.max(c, this.minimumContainerSize.width)), (b = Math.max(b, this.minimumContainerSize.height)));
this.resizeContainer && this.doResizeContainer(c, b);
if (this.preferPageSize || (!mxClient.IS_IE && this.pageVisible)) {
var d = this.getPreferredPageSize(a, Math.max(1, c), Math.max(1, b));
null != d && ((c = d.width * this.view.scale), (b = d.height * this.view.scale));
null != this.minimumGraphSize &&
((c = Math.max(c, this.minimumGraphSize.width * this.view.scale)),
(b = Math.max(b, this.minimumGraphSize.height * this.view.scale)));
c = Math.ceil(c);
b = Math.ceil(b);
this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG
? ((d = this.view.getDrawPane().ownerSVGElement),
null != d &&
(( = Math.max(1, c) + 'px'),
( = Math.max(1, b) + 'px'),
( = '100%'),
( = '100%')))
: (( = Math.max(1, c) + 'px'),
( = Math.max(1, b) + 'px'));
this.updatePageBreaks(this.pageBreaksVisible, c, b);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SIZE, 'bounds', a));
mxGraph.prototype.doResizeContainer = function (a, b) {
null != this.maximumContainerSize &&
((a = Math.min(this.maximumContainerSize.width, a)), (b = Math.min(this.maximumContainerSize.height, b))); = Math.ceil(a) + 'px'; = Math.ceil(b) + 'px';
mxGraph.prototype.updatePageBreaks = function (a, b, c) {
b = this.view.scale;
c = this.view.translate;
var d = this.pageFormat,
e = b * this.pageScale,
f = new mxRectangle(0, 0, d.width * e, d.height * e),
d = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.getGraphBounds());
d.width = Math.max(1, d.width);
d.height = Math.max(1, d.height);
f.x = Math.floor((d.x - c.x * b) / f.width) * f.width + c.x * b;
f.y = Math.floor((d.y - c.y * b) / f.height) * f.height + c.y * b;
d.width = Math.ceil((d.width + (d.x - f.x)) / f.width) * f.width;
d.height = Math.ceil((d.height + (d.y - f.y)) / f.height) * f.height;
var g = (a = a && Math.min(f.width, f.height) > this.minPageBreakDist) ? Math.ceil(d.height / f.height) + 1 : 0,
k = a ? Math.ceil(d.width / f.width) + 1 : 0,
h = (k - 1) * f.width,
l = (g - 1) * f.height;
null == this.horizontalPageBreaks && 0 < g && (this.horizontalPageBreaks = []);
null == this.verticalPageBreaks && 0 < k && (this.verticalPageBreaks = []);
a = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
if (null != a) {
for (var b = a == this.horizontalPageBreaks ? g : k, c = 0; c <= b; c++) {
var d =
a == this.horizontalPageBreaks
? [
new mxPoint(Math.round(f.x), Math.round(f.y + c * f.height)),
new mxPoint(Math.round(f.x + h), Math.round(f.y + c * f.height)),
: [
new mxPoint(Math.round(f.x + c * f.width), Math.round(f.y)),
new mxPoint(Math.round(f.x + c * f.width), Math.round(f.y + l)),
null != a[c]
? ((a[c].points = d), a[c].redraw())
: ((d = new mxPolyline(d, this.pageBreakColor)),
(d.dialect = this.dialect),
(d.pointerEvents = !1),
(d.isDashed = this.pageBreakDashed),
(a[c] = d));
for (c = b; c < a.length; c++) a[c].destroy();
a.splice(b, a.length - b);
mxGraph.prototype.getCurrentCellStyle = function (a, b) {
var c = b ? null : this.view.getState(a);
return null != c ? : this.getCellStyle(a);
mxGraph.prototype.getCellStyle = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = this.model.getStyle(a),
d = this.model.isEdge(a) ? this.stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle() : this.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle();
null != c ? (d = this.stylesheet.getCellStyle(c, d, b)) : null != d && (d = mxUtils.clone(d));
null == d ? (d = {}) : b && (d = this.postProcessCellStyle(a, d));
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.postProcessCellStyle = function (a, b) {
if (null != b) {
var c = b[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE],
d = this.getImageFromBundles(c);
null != d ? (b[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE] = d) : (d = c);
null != d &&
'data:image/' == d.substring(0, 11) &&
('data:image/svg+xml,<' == d.substring(0, 20)
? (d = d.substring(0, 19) + encodeURIComponent(d.substring(19)))
: 'data:image/svg+xml,%3C' != d.substring(0, 22) &&
((c = d.indexOf(',')),
0 < c &&
';base64,' != d.substring(c - 7, c + 1) &&
(d = d.substring(0, c) + ';base64,' + d.substring(c + 1))),
(b[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE] = d));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyle = function (a, b) {
b = b || this.getSelectionCells();
if (null != b) {
try {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) this.model.setStyle(b[c], a);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyle = function (a, b, c) {
c = c || this.getSelectionCell();
return this.toggleCellStyles(a, b, [c]);
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyles = function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = c || this.getEditableCells(this.getSelectionCells());
var d = null;
null != c &&
0 < c.length &&
((d = this.getCurrentCellStyle(c[0])), (d = mxUtils.getValue(d, a, b) ? 0 : 1), this.setCellStyles(a, d, c));
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyles = function (a, b, c) {
c = c || this.getEditableCells(this.getSelectionCells());
mxUtils.setCellStyles(this.model, c, a, b);
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyleFlags = function (a, b, c) {
this.setCellStyleFlags(a, b, null, c);
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyleFlags = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = d || this.getEditableCells(this.getSelectionCells());
null != d &&
0 < d.length &&
(null == c && ((c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(d[0])), (c = (parseInt(c[a] || 0) & b) != b)),
mxUtils.setCellStyleFlags(this.model, d, a, b, c));
mxGraph.prototype.getOriginForCell = function (a) {
a = this.model.getParent(a);
for (var b = new mxPoint(); null != a; ) {
var c = this.getCellGeometry(a);
null == c || c.relative || ((b.x += c.x), (b.y += c.y));
a = this.model.getParent(a);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.alignCells = function (a, b, c) {
null == b && (b = this.getMovableCells(this.getSelectionCells()));
if (null != b && 1 < b.length) {
if (null == c)
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = this.getOriginForCell(b[d]),
f = this.getCellGeometry(b[d]);
if (!this.model.isEdge(b[d]) && null != f && !f.relative)
if (null == c)
if (a == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER) {
c = e.x + f.x + f.width / 2;
} else if (a == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) c = e.x + f.x + f.width;
else if (a == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP) c = e.y + f.y;
else if (a == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
c = e.y + f.y + f.height / 2;
} else c = a == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? e.y + f.y + f.height : e.x + f.x;
c =
a == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT
? Math.max(c, e.x + f.x + f.width)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP
? Math.min(c, e.y + f.y)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM
? Math.max(c, e.y + f.y + f.height)
: Math.min(c, e.x + f.x);
if (null != c) {
b = mxUtils.sortCells(b);
try {
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
(e = this.getOriginForCell(b[d])),
(f = this.getCellGeometry(b[d])),
this.model.isEdge(b[d]) ||
null == f ||
f.relative ||
((f = f.clone()),
a == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER
? (f.x = c - e.x - f.width / 2)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT
? (f.x = c - e.x - f.width)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP
? (f.y = c - e.y)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE
? (f.y = c - e.y - f.height / 2)
: a == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM
? (f.y = c - e.y - f.height)
: (f.x = c - e.x),
this.resizeCell(b[d], f));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ALIGN_CELLS, 'align', a, 'cells', b));
} finally {
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.flipEdge = function (a) {
if (null != a && null != this.alternateEdgeStyle) {
try {
var b = this.model.getStyle(a);
null == b || 0 == b.length ? this.model.setStyle(a, this.alternateEdgeStyle) : this.model.setStyle(a, null);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.FLIP_EDGE, 'edge', a));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.addImageBundle = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.removeImageBundle = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < this.imageBundles.length; c++) this.imageBundles[c] != a && b.push(this.imageBundles[c]);
this.imageBundles = b;
mxGraph.prototype.getImageFromBundles = function (a) {
if (null != a)
for (var b = 0; b < this.imageBundles.length; b++) {
var c = this.imageBundles[b].getImage(a);
if (null != c) return c;
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.orderCells = function (a, b, c) {
null == b && (b = mxUtils.sortCells(this.getEditableCells(this.getSelectionCells()), !0));
try {
this.cellsOrdered(b, a, c),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ORDER_CELLS, 'back', a, 'cells', b, 'increment', c));
} finally {
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsOrdered = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a) {
try {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a[d]);
? c
? this.model.add(e, a[d], Math.max(0, e.getIndex(a[d]) - 1))
: this.model.add(e, a[d], d)
: c
? this.model.add(e, a[d], Math.min(this.model.getChildCount(e) - 1, e.getIndex(a[d]) + 1))
: this.model.add(e, a[d], this.model.getChildCount(e) - 1);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_ORDERED, 'back', b, 'cells', a, 'increment', c));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.groupCells = function (a, b, c) {
null == c && (c = mxUtils.sortCells(this.getSelectionCells(), !0));
c = this.getCellsForGroup(c);
null == a && (a = this.createGroupCell(c));
var d = this.getBoundsForGroup(a, c, b);
if (1 < c.length && null != d) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a);
null == e && (e = this.model.getParent(c[0]));
try {
null == this.getCellGeometry(a) && this.model.setGeometry(a, new mxGeometry());
var f = this.model.getChildCount(e);
this.cellsAdded([a], e, f, null, null, !1, !1, !1);
f = this.model.getChildCount(a);
this.cellsAdded(c, a, f, null, null, !1, !1, !1);
this.cellsMoved(c, -d.x, -d.y, !1, !1, !1);
this.cellsResized([a], [d], !1);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.GROUP_CELLS, 'group', a, 'border', b, 'cells', c));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellsForGroup = function (a) {
var b = [];
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
var c = this.model.getParent(a[0]);
for (var d = 1; d < a.length; d++) this.model.getParent(a[d]) == c && b.push(a[d]);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getBoundsForGroup = function (a, b, c) {
b = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(b, !0);
null != b &&
(this.isSwimlane(a) &&
((a = this.getStartSize(a)), (b.x -= a.width), (b.y -= a.height), (b.width += a.width), (b.height += a.height)),
null != c && ((b.x -= c), (b.y -= c), (b.width += 2 * c), (b.height += 2 * c)));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.createGroupCell = function (a) {
a = new mxCell('');
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.ungroupCells = function (a) {
var b = [];
null == a && (a = this.getCellsForUngroup());
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
try {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.model.getChildren(a[c]);
if (null != d && 0 < d.length) {
var d = d.slice(),
e = this.model.getParent(a[c]),
f = this.model.getChildCount(e);
this.cellsAdded(d, e, f, null, null, !0);
for (var b = b.concat(d), g = 0; g < d.length; g++)
if (this.model.isVertex(d[g])) {
var k = this.view.getState(d[g]),
h = this.getCellGeometry(d[g]);
null != k &&
null != h &&
h.relative &&
((h = h.clone()),
(h.x = k.origin.x),
(h.y = k.origin.y),
(h.relative = !1),
this.model.setGeometry(d[g], h));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UNGROUP_CELLS, 'cells', a));
} finally {
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellsForUngroup = function () {
for (var a = this.getEditableCells(this.getSelectionCells()), b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
this.model.isVertex(a[c]) && 0 < this.model.getChildCount(a[c]) && b.push(a[c]);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = function (a) {
null == a && (a = this.getSelectionCells());
try {
var b = this.getDefaultParent(),
c = this.model.getChildCount(b);
this.cellsAdded(a, b, c, null, null, !0);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT, 'cells', a));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.updateGroupBounds = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
null == a && (a = this.getSelectionCells());
b = null != b ? b : 0;
c = null != c ? c : !1;
d = null != d ? d : 0;
e = null != e ? e : 0;
f = null != f ? f : 0;
g = null != g ? g : 0;
try {
for (var k = a.length - 1; 0 <= k; k--) {
var h = this.getCellGeometry(a[k]);
if (null != h) {
var l = this.getChildCells(a[k]);
if (null != l && 0 < l.length) {
var m = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(l, !0);
if (null != m && 0 < m.width && 0 < m.height) {
var n = this.isSwimlane(a[k]) ? this.getActualStartSize(a[k], !0) : new mxRectangle(),
h = h.clone();
c && ((h.x = Math.round(h.x + m.x - b - n.x - g)), (h.y = Math.round(h.y + m.y - b - n.y - d)));
h.width = Math.round(m.width + 2 * b + n.x + g + e + n.width);
h.height = Math.round(m.height + 2 * b + n.y + d + f + n.height);
this.model.setGeometry(a[k], h);
this.moveCells(l, b + n.x - m.x + g, b + n.y - m.y + d);
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.getBoundingBox = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (this.model.isVertex(a[c]) || this.model.isEdge(a[c])) {
var d = this.view.getBoundingBox(this.view.getState(a[c]), !0);
null != d && (null == b ? (b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(d)) : b.add(d));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.cloneCell = function (a, b, c, d) {
return this.cloneCells([a], b, c, d)[0];
mxGraph.prototype.cloneCells = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var e = null;
if (null != a) {
for (var f = new mxDictionary(), e = [], g = 0; g < a.length; g++) f.put(a[g], !0), e.push(a[g]);
if (0 < e.length)
for (
var k = this.view.scale, h = this.view.translate, e = this.model.cloneCells(a, !0, c), g = 0;
g < a.length;
if (
!b &&
this.model.isEdge(e[g]) &&
null != this.getEdgeValidationError(e[g], this.model.getTerminal(e[g], !0), this.model.getTerminal(e[g], !1))
e[g] = null;
else {
var l = this.model.getGeometry(e[g]);
if (null != l) {
var m = this.view.getState(a[g]),
n = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(a[g]));
if (null != m && null != n)
if (((c = d ? 0 : n.origin.x), (n = d ? 0 : n.origin.y), this.model.isEdge(e[g]))) {
if (((m = m.absolutePoints), null != m)) {
for (var p = this.model.getTerminal(a[g], !0); null != p && !f.get(p); ) p = this.model.getParent(p);
null == p && null != m[0] && l.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(m[0].x / k - h.x, m[0].y / k - h.y), !0);
for (p = this.model.getTerminal(a[g], !1); null != p && !f.get(p); ) p = this.model.getParent(p);
var r = m.length - 1;
null == p && null != m[r] && l.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(m[r].x / k - h.x, m[r].y / k - h.y), !1);
l = l.points;
if (null != l) for (m = 0; m < l.length; m++) (l[m].x += c), (l[m].y += n);
} else l.translate(c, n);
else e = [];
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.insertVertex = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
b = this.createVertex(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h);
return this.addCell(b, a);
mxGraph.prototype.createVertex = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
a = new mxGeometry(d, e, f, g);
a.relative = null != h ? h : !1;
c = new mxCell(c, a, k);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.insertEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = this.createEdge(a, b, c, d, e, f);
return this.addEdge(b, a, d, e);
mxGraph.prototype.createEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = new mxCell(c, new mxGeometry(), f);
a.geometry.relative = !0;
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.addEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return this.addCell(a, b, e, c, d);
mxGraph.prototype.addCell = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return this.addCells([a], b, c, d, e)[0];
mxGraph.prototype.addCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
null == b && (b = this.getDefaultParent());
null == c && (c = this.model.getChildCount(b));
try {
this.cellsAdded(a, b, c, d, e, null != f ? f : !1, !0),
new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ADD_CELLS, 'cells', a, 'parent', b, 'index', c, 'source', d, 'target', e)
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsAdded = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
if (null != a && null != b && null != c) {
try {
for (
var h = f ? this.view.getState(b) : null, l = null != h ? h.origin : null, m = new mxPoint(0, 0), h = 0;
h < a.length;
if (null == a[h]) c--;
else {
var n = this.model.getParent(a[h]);
if (null != l && a[h] != b && b != n) {
var p = this.view.getState(n),
r = null != p ? p.origin : m,
t = this.model.getGeometry(a[h]);
if (null != t) {
var u = r.x - l.x,
x = r.y - l.y,
t = t.clone();
t.translate(u, x);
t.relative ||
!this.model.isVertex(a[h]) ||
this.isAllowNegativeCoordinates() ||
((t.x = Math.max(0, t.x)), (t.y = Math.max(0, t.y)));
this.model.setGeometry(a[h], t);
b == n && c + h > this.model.getChildCount(b) && c--;
this.model.add(b, a[h], c + h);
this.autoSizeCellsOnAdd && this.autoSizeCell(a[h], !0);
(null == k || k) && this.isExtendParentsOnAdd(a[h]) && this.isExtendParent(a[h]) && this.extendParent(a[h]);
(null == g || g) && this.constrainChild(a[h]);
null != d && this.cellConnected(a[h], d, !0);
null != e && this.cellConnected(a[h], e, !1);
new mxEventObject(
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.autoSizeCell = function (a, b) {
if (null != b ? b : 1)
for (var c = this.model.getChildCount(a), d = 0; d < c; d++) this.autoSizeCell(this.model.getChildAt(a, d));
this.getModel().isVertex(a) && this.isAutoSizeCell(a) && this.updateCellSize(a);
mxGraph.prototype.removeCells = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
null == a && (a = this.getDeletableCells(this.getSelectionCells()));
if (b) a = this.getDeletableCells(this.addAllEdges(a));
else {
a = a.slice();
for (var c = this.getDeletableCells(this.getAllEdges(a)), d = new mxDictionary(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
d.put(a[e], !0);
for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) null != this.view.getState(c[e]) || d.get(c[e]) || (d.put(c[e], !0), a.push(c[e]));
try {
this.cellsRemoved(a), this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REMOVE_CELLS, 'cells', a, 'includeEdges', b));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsRemoved = function (a) {
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
var b = this.view.scale,
c = this.view.translate;
try {
for (var d = new mxDictionary(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++) d.put(a[e], !0);
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
for (
var f = this.getAllEdges([a[e]]),
g = mxUtils.bind(this, function (d, f) {
var g = this.model.getGeometry(d);
if (null != g) {
for (var k = this.model.getTerminal(d, f), h = !1, l = k; null != l; ) {
if (a[e] == l) {
h = !0;
l = this.model.getParent(l);
h &&
((g = g.clone()),
(h = this.view.getState(d)),
null != h && null != h.absolutePoints
? ((k = h.absolutePoints),
(l = f ? 0 : k.length - 1),
g.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(k[l].x / b - c.x - h.origin.x, k[l].y / b - c.y - h.origin.y), f))
: ((k = this.view.getState(k)),
null != k &&
g.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(k.getCenterX() / b - c.x, k.getCenterY() / b - c.y), f)),
this.model.setGeometry(d, g),
this.model.setTerminal(d, null, f));
k = 0;
k < f.length;
d.get(f[k]) || (d.put(f[k], !0), g(f[k], !0), g(f[k], !1));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_REMOVED, 'cells', a));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.splitEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
d = d || 0;
e = e || 0;
k = null != k ? k : this.model.getParent(a);
f = this.model.getTerminal(a, !0);
try {
if (null == c) {
c = this.cloneCell(a);
var h = this.view.getState(a),
l = this.getCellGeometry(c);
if (null != l && null != l.points && null != h) {
var m = this.view.translate,
n = this.view.scale,
p = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(h, (d + m.x) * n, (e + m.y) * n);
l.points = l.points.slice(0, p);
l = this.getCellGeometry(a);
null != l &&
null != l.points &&
((l = l.clone()), (l.points = l.points.slice(p)), this.model.setGeometry(a, l));
this.cellsMoved(b, d, e, !1, !1);
this.cellsAdded(b, k, this.model.getChildCount(k), null, null, !0);
this.cellsAdded([c], k, this.model.getChildCount(k), f, b[0], !1);
this.cellConnected(a, b[0], !0);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SPLIT_EDGE, 'edge', a, 'cells', b, 'newEdge', c, 'dx', d, 'dy', e));
} finally {
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCells = function (a, b, c) {
null == b && (b = this.getSelectionCells());
c && (b = this.addAllEdges(b));
try {
this.cellsToggled(b, a),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.TOGGLE_CELLS, 'show', a, 'cells', b, 'includeEdges', c));
} finally {
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsToggled = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
try {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.model.setVisible(a[c], b);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.foldCells = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
null == c && (c = this.getFoldableCells(this.getSelectionCells(), a));
try {
this.cellsFolded(c, a, b, d),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.FOLD_CELLS, 'collapse', a, 'recurse', b, 'cells', c));
} finally {
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsFolded = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
try {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if ((!d || this.isCellFoldable(a[e], b)) && b != this.isCellCollapsed(a[e])) {
this.model.setCollapsed(a[e], b);
this.swapBounds(a[e], b);
this.isExtendParent(a[e]) && this.extendParent(a[e]);
if (c) {
var f = this.model.getChildren(a[e]);
this.cellsFolded(f, b, c);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_FOLDED, 'cells', a, 'collapse', b, 'recurse', c));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.swapBounds = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
var c = this.model.getGeometry(a);
null != c && ((c = c.clone()), this.updateAlternateBounds(a, c, b), c.swap(), this.model.setGeometry(a, c));
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a && null != b) {
c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
if (null == b.alternateBounds) {
var d = b;
this.collapseToPreferredSize &&
((a = this.getPreferredSizeForCell(a)),
null != a &&
((d = a),
(a = mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE)),
0 < a && (d.height = Math.max(d.height, a))));
b.alternateBounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
if (null != b.alternateBounds) {
b.alternateBounds.x = b.x;
b.alternateBounds.y = b.y;
var e = mxUtils.toRadians(c[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || 0);
0 != e &&
((c = b.alternateBounds.getCenterX() - b.getCenterX()),
(d = b.alternateBounds.getCenterY() - b.getCenterY()),
(a = Math.cos(e)),
(e = Math.sin(e)),
(b.alternateBounds.x += a * c - e * d - c),
(b.alternateBounds.y += e * c + a * d - d));
mxGraph.prototype.addAllEdges = function (a) {
var b = a.slice();
return mxUtils.removeDuplicates(b.concat(this.getAllEdges(a)));
mxGraph.prototype.getAllEdges = function (a) {
var b = [];
if (null != a)
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
for (var d = this.model.getEdgeCount(a[c]), e = 0; e < d; e++) b.push(this.model.getEdgeAt(a[c], e));
d = this.model.getChildren(a[c]);
b = b.concat(this.getAllEdges(d));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.updateCellSize = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
try {
this.cellSizeUpdated(a, b),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.UPDATE_CELL_SIZE, 'cell', a, 'ignoreChildren', b));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellSizeUpdated = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
try {
var c = this.getPreferredSizeForCell(a),
d = this.model.getGeometry(a);
if (null != c && null != d) {
var e = this.isCellCollapsed(a),
d = d.clone();
if (this.isSwimlane(a)) {
var f = this.getCellStyle(a),
g = this.model.getStyle(a);
null == g && (g = '');
mxUtils.getValue(f, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0)
? ((g = mxUtils.setStyle(g, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, c.height + 8)),
e && (d.height = c.height + 8),
(d.width = c.width))
: ((g = mxUtils.setStyle(g, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, c.width + 8)),
e && (d.width = c.width + 8),
(d.height = c.height));
this.model.setStyle(a, g);
} else {
var k = this.view.createState(a),
h =[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] || mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER,
l = this.getVerticalAlign(k);
'fixed' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_ASPECT] &&
(c.height = Math.round((d.height * c.width * 100) / d.width) / 100);
h == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT
? (d.x += d.width - c.width)
: h == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER && (d.x += Math.round((d.width - c.width) / 2));
l == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM
? (d.y += d.height - c.height)
: l == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE && (d.y += Math.round((d.height - c.height) / 2));
d.width = c.width;
d.height = c.height;
if (!b && !e) {
var m = this.view.getBounds(this.model.getChildren(a));
if (null != m) {
var n = this.view.translate,
p = this.view.scale,
r = (m.y + m.height) / p - d.y - n.y;
d.width = Math.max(d.width, (m.x + m.width) / p - d.x - n.x);
d.height = Math.max(d.height, r);
this.cellsResized([a], [d], !1);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.getPreferredSizeForCell = function (a, b) {
var c = null;
if (null != a) {
var d = this.view.createState(a),
e =;
if (!this.model.isEdge(a)) {
var f = e[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] || mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE,
g = 0,
c = 0;
(null == this.getImage(d) && null == e[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE]) ||
e[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] != mxConstants.SHAPE_LABEL ||
(e[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE &&
(g += parseFloat(e[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH]) || mxLabel.prototype.imageSize),
e[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] != mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER &&
(c += parseFloat(e[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT]) || mxLabel.prototype.imageSize));
var g = g + 2 * (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING] || 0),
g = g + (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] || 0),
g = g + (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] || 0),
c = c + 2 * (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING] || 0),
c = c + (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] || 0),
c = c + (e[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] || 0),
k = this.getFoldingImage(d);
null != k && (g += k.width + 8);
k = this.cellRenderer.getLabelValue(d);
null != k && 0 < k.length
? (this.isHtmlLabel(d.cell) || (k = mxUtils.htmlEntities(k, !1)),
(k = k.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')),
(f = mxUtils.getSizeForString(k, f, e[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY], b, e[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE])),
(d = f.width + g),
(c = f.height + c),
mxUtils.getValue(e, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0) || ((e = c), (c = d), (d = e)),
this.gridEnabled && ((d = this.snap(d + this.gridSize / 2)), (c = this.snap(c + this.gridSize / 2))),
(c = new mxRectangle(0, 0, d, c)))
: ((e = 4 * this.gridSize), (c = new mxRectangle(0, 0, e, e)));
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell = function (a, b, c) {
return this.resizeCells([a], [b], c)[0];
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCells = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : this.isRecursiveResize();
try {
var d = this.cellsResized(a, b, c);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS, 'cells', a, 'bounds', b, 'previous', d));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsResized = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
var d = [];
if (null != a && null != b && a.length == b.length) {
try {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
d.push(this.cellResized(a[e], b[e], !1, c)),
this.isExtendParent(a[e]) && this.extendParent(a[e]),
this.resetEdgesOnResize && this.resetEdges(a);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_RESIZED, 'cells', a, 'bounds', b, 'previous', d));
} finally {
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.cellResized = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.model.getGeometry(a);
if (null != e && (e.x != b.x || e.y != b.y || e.width != b.width || e.height != b.height)) {
var f = e.clone();
!c && f.relative
? ((c = f.offset), null != c && ((c.x += b.x - f.x), (c.y += b.y - f.y)))
: ((f.x = b.x), (f.y = b.y));
f.width = b.width;
f.height = b.height;
f.relative ||
!this.model.isVertex(a) ||
this.isAllowNegativeCoordinates() ||
((f.x = Math.max(0, f.x)), (f.y = Math.max(0, f.y)));
try {
d && this.resizeChildCells(a, f), this.model.setGeometry(a, f), this.constrainChildCells(a);
} finally {
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.resizeChildCells = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = this.model.getGeometry(a),
d = 0 != c.width ? b.width / c.width : 1,
c = 0 != c.height ? b.height / c.height : 1,
e = this.model.getChildCount(a),
f = 0;
f < e;
this.scaleCell(this.model.getChildAt(a, f), d, c, !0);
mxGraph.prototype.constrainChildCells = function (a) {
for (var b = this.model.getChildCount(a), c = 0; c < b; c++) this.constrainChild(this.model.getChildAt(a, c));
mxGraph.prototype.scaleCell = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.model.getGeometry(a);
if (null != e) {
var f = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a),
e = e.clone(),
g = e.x,
k = e.y,
h = e.width,
l = e.height;
e.scale(b, c, 'fixed' == f[mxConstants.STYLE_ASPECT]);
'1' == f[mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZE_WIDTH]
? (e.width = h * b)
: '0' == f[mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZE_WIDTH] && (e.width = h);
'1' == f[mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZE_HEIGHT]
? (e.height = l * c)
: '0' == f[mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZE_HEIGHT] && (e.height = l);
this.isCellMovable(a) || ((e.x = g), (e.y = k));
this.isCellResizable(a) || ((e.width = h), (e.height = l));
this.model.isVertex(a) ? this.cellResized(a, e, !0, d) : this.model.setGeometry(a, e);
mxGraph.prototype.extendParent = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.model.getParent(a),
c = this.getCellGeometry(b);
null == b ||
null == c ||
this.isCellCollapsed(b) ||
((a = this.getCellGeometry(a)),
null != a &&
!a.relative &&
(c.width < a.x + a.width || c.height < a.y + a.height) &&
((c = c.clone()),
(c.width = Math.max(c.width, a.x + a.width)),
(c.height = Math.max(c.height, a.y + a.height)),
this.cellsResized([b], [c], !1)));
mxGraph.prototype.importCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return this.moveCells(a, b, c, !0, d, e, f);
mxGraph.prototype.moveCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
b = null != b ? b : 0;
c = null != c ? c : 0;
d = null != d ? d : !1;
if (null != a && (0 != b || 0 != c || d || null != e)) {
var k = (a = this.model.getTopmostCells(a));
try {
for (var h = new mxDictionary(), l = 0; l < a.length; l++) h.put(a[l], !0);
for (
var m = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
for (; null != a; ) {
if (h.get(a)) return !0;
a = this.model.getParent(a);
return !1;
n = [],
l = 0;
l < a.length;
) {
var p = this.getCellGeometry(a[l]),
r = this.model.getParent(a[l]);
(null != p &&
p.relative &&
this.model.isEdge(r) &&
(m(this.model.getTerminal(r, !0)) || m(this.model.getTerminal(r, !1)))) ||
a = n;
d && ((a = this.cloneCells(a, this.isCloneInvalidEdges(), g)), null == e && (e = this.getDefaultParent()));
var t = this.isAllowNegativeCoordinates();
null != e && this.setAllowNegativeCoordinates(!0);
!d && this.isDisconnectOnMove() && this.isAllowDanglingEdges(),
null == e,
this.isExtendParentsOnMove() && null == e
if (null != e) {
var u = this.model.getChildCount(e);
this.cellsAdded(a, e, u, null, null, !0);
if (d)
for (l = 0; l < a.length; l++)
(p = this.getCellGeometry(a[l])),
(r = this.model.getParent(k[l])),
null != p && p.relative && this.model.isEdge(r) && this.model.contains(r) && this.model.add(r, a[l]);
new mxEventObject(mxEvent.MOVE_CELLS, 'cells', a, 'dx', b, 'dy', c, 'clone', d, 'target', e, 'event', f)
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellsMoved = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null != a && (0 != b || 0 != c)) {
f = null != f ? f : !1;
try {
d && this.disconnectGraph(a);
for (var g = 0; g < a.length; g++)
this.translateCell(a[g], b, c),
f && this.isExtendParent(a[g]) ? this.extendParent(a[g]) : e && this.constrainChild(a[g]);
this.resetEdgesOnMove && this.resetEdges(a);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_MOVED, 'cells', a, 'dx', b, 'dy', c, 'disconnect', d));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.translateCell = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.model.getGeometry(a);
if (null != d) {
b = parseFloat(b);
c = parseFloat(c);
d = d.clone();
d.translate(b, c);
d.relative ||
!this.model.isVertex(a) ||
this.isAllowNegativeCoordinates() ||
((d.x = Math.max(0, parseFloat(d.x))), (d.y = Math.max(0, parseFloat(d.y))));
if (d.relative && !this.model.isEdge(a)) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a),
f = 0;
this.model.isVertex(e) &&
((e = this.getCurrentCellStyle(e)), (f = mxUtils.getValue(e, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0)));
0 != f &&
((f = mxUtils.toRadians(-f)),
(e = Math.cos(f)),
(f = Math.sin(f)),
(c = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(b, c), e, f, new mxPoint(0, 0))),
(b = c.x),
(c = c.y));
null == d.offset
? (d.offset = new mxPoint(Math.round(b), Math.round(c)))
: ((d.offset.x = Math.round(parseFloat(d.offset.x + b))),
(d.offset.y = Math.round(parseFloat(d.offset.y + c))));
this.model.setGeometry(a, d);
mxGraph.prototype.getCellContainmentArea = function (a) {
if (null != a && !this.model.isEdge(a)) {
var b = this.model.getParent(a);
if (null != b && b != this.getDefaultParent()) {
var c = this.model.getGeometry(b);
if (null != c) {
var d = (a = 0),
e = c.width,
c = c.height;
if (this.isSwimlane(b)) {
var f = this.getStartSize(b),
g = this.getCurrentCellStyle(b),
b = mxUtils.getValue(g, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST),
k = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(g, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0),
g = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(g, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0);
if (b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) {
var h = f.width;
f.width = f.height;
f.height = h;
if (
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST && !g) ||
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH && !k) ||
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST && g) ||
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH && k)
(a = f.width), (d = f.height);
e -= f.width;
c -= f.height;
return new mxRectangle(a, d, e, c);
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getMaximumGraphBounds = function () {
return this.maximumGraphBounds;
mxGraph.prototype.constrainChild = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
var c = this.getCellGeometry(a);
if (null != c && (this.isConstrainRelativeChildren() || !c.relative)) {
var d = this.model.getParent(a);
var e = this.getMaximumGraphBounds();
null != e &&
((d = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry([d], !1)),
null != d && ((e = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(e)), (e.x -= d.x), (e.y -= d.y)));
if (this.isConstrainChild(a) && ((d = this.getCellContainmentArea(a)), null != d)) {
var f = this.getOverlap(a);
0 < f &&
((d = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(d)),
(d.x -= d.width * f),
(d.y -= d.height * f),
(d.width += 2 * d.width * f),
(d.height += 2 * d.height * f));
null == e ? (e = d) : ((e = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(e)), e.intersect(d));
if (null != e) {
d = [a];
if (!this.isCellCollapsed(a))
for (var f = this.model.getDescendants(a), g = 0; g < f.length; g++) this.isCellVisible(f[g]) && d.push(f[g]);
d = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(d, !1);
if (null != d) {
c = c.clone();
f = 0;
c.width > e.width && ((f = c.width - e.width), (c.width -= f));
d.x + d.width > e.x + e.width && (f -= d.x + d.width - e.x - e.width - f);
g = 0;
c.height > e.height && ((g = c.height - e.height), (c.height -= g));
d.y + d.height > e.y + e.height && (g -= d.y + d.height - e.y - e.height - g);
d.x < e.x && (f -= d.x - e.x);
d.y < e.y && (g -= d.y - e.y);
if (0 != f || 0 != g)
? (null == c.offset && (c.offset = new mxPoint()), (c.offset.x += f), (c.offset.y += g))
: ((c.x += f), (c.y += g));
this.model.setGeometry(a, c);
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdges = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
for (var b = new mxDictionary(), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.put(a[c], !0);
try {
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.model.getEdges(a[c]);
if (null != d)
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
var f = this.view.getState(d[e]),
g = null != f ? f.getVisibleTerminal(!0) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(d[e], !0),
k = null != f ? f.getVisibleTerminal(!1) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(d[e], !1);
(b.get(g) && b.get(k)) || this.resetEdge(d[e]);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdge = function (a) {
var b = this.model.getGeometry(a);
null != b &&
null != b.points &&
0 < b.points.length &&
((b = b.clone()), (b.points = []), this.model.setGeometry(a, b));
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.getOutlineConstraint = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != b.shape) {
c = this.view.getPerimeterBounds(b);
var d =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION];
if (d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) {
c.x += c.width / 2 - c.height / 2;
c.y += c.height / 2 - c.width / 2;
var e = c.width;
c.width = c.height;
c.height = e;
var f = mxUtils.toRadians(b.shape.getShapeRotation());
if (0 != f) {
var e = Math.cos(-f),
f = Math.sin(-f),
g = new mxPoint(c.getCenterX(), c.getCenterY());
a = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(a, e, f, g);
var g = (f = 1),
k = 0,
h = 0;
if (this.getModel().isVertex(b.cell)) {
var l =[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH],
m =[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV];
null != b.shape &&
null != b.shape.stencil &&
((l = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipH', 0) || l),
(m = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipV', 0) || m));
if (d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) (e = l), (l = m), (m = e);
l && ((f = -1), (k = -c.width));
m && ((g = -1), (h = -c.height));
a = new mxPoint((a.x - c.x) * f - k + c.x, (a.y - c.y) * g - h + c.y);
return new mxConnectionConstraint(
new mxPoint(
0 == c.width ? 0 : Math.round((1e3 * (a.x - c.x)) / c.width) / 1e3,
0 == c.height ? 0 : Math.round((1e3 * (a.y - c.y)) / c.height) / 1e3
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getAllConnectionConstraints = function (a, b) {
return null != a && null != a.shape && null != a.shape.stencil ? a.shape.stencil.constraints : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getConnectionConstraint = function (a, b, c) {
b = null;
var d =[c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X];
if (null != d) {
var e =[c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y];
null != e && (b = new mxPoint(parseFloat(d), parseFloat(e)));
var d = !1,
f = (e = 0);
null != b &&
((d = mxUtils.getValue(, c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_PERIMETER : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_PERIMETER, !0)),
(e = parseFloat([c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DX : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DX])),
(f = parseFloat([c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DY : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DY])),
(e = isFinite(e) ? e : 0),
(f = isFinite(f) ? f : 0));
return new mxConnectionConstraint(b, d, null, e, f);
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectionConstraint = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != d) {
try {
null == d || null == d.point
? (this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DX : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DX, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DY : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DY, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_PERIMETER : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_PERIMETER, null, [a]))
: null != d.point &&
(this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X, d.point.x, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y, d.point.y, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DX : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DX, d.dx, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_DY : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_DY, d.dy, [a]),
? this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_PERIMETER : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_PERIMETER, null, [a])
: this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_PERIMETER : mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_PERIMETER, '0', [a]));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.getConnectionPoint = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
var d = null;
if (null != a && null != b.point) {
var e = this.view.getPerimeterBounds(a),
f = new mxPoint(e.getCenterX(), e.getCenterY()),
g =[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION],
k = 0;
null != g &&
1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ANCHOR_POINT_DIRECTION, 1) &&
(g == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (k += 270)
: g == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? (k += 180)
: g == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH && (k += 90),
(g != mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH && g != mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) || e.rotate90());
var d = this.view.scale,
d = new mxPoint(e.x + b.point.x * e.width + b.dx * d, e.y + b.point.y * e.height + b.dy * d),
h =[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || 0;
if (b.perimeter)
0 != k &&
((g = e = 0),
90 == k ? (g = 1) : 180 == k ? (e = -1) : 270 == k && (g = -1),
(d = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(d, e, g, f))),
(d = this.view.getPerimeterPoint(a, d, !1));
else if (((h += k), this.getModel().isVertex(a.cell))) {
k = 1 ==[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH];
b = 1 ==[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV];
null != a.shape &&
null != a.shape.stencil &&
((k = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipH', 0) || k),
(b = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, 'stencilFlipV', 0) || b));
if (g == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || g == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) (a = k), (k = b), (b = a);
k && (d.x = 2 * e.getCenterX() - d.x);
b && (d.y = 2 * e.getCenterY() - d.y);
0 != h &&
null != d &&
((a = mxUtils.toRadians(h)), (e = Math.cos(a)), (g = Math.sin(a)), (d = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(d, e, g, f)));
c && null != d && ((d.x = Math.round(d.x)), (d.y = Math.round(d.y)));
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.connectCell = function (a, b, c, d) {
try {
var e = this.model.getTerminal(a, c);
this.cellConnected(a, b, c, d);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CONNECT_CELL, 'edge', a, 'terminal', b, 'source', c, 'previous', e));
} finally {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.cellConnected = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != a) {
try {
var e = this.model.getTerminal(a, c);
this.setConnectionConstraint(a, b, c, d);
this.isPortsEnabled() &&
((d = null),
this.isPort(b) && ((d = b.getId()), (b = this.getTerminalForPort(b, c))),
this.setCellStyles(c ? mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PORT : mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PORT, d, [a]));
this.model.setTerminal(a, b, c);
this.resetEdgesOnConnect && this.resetEdge(a);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELL_CONNECTED, 'edge', a, 'terminal', b, 'source', c, 'previous', e));
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.disconnectGraph = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
try {
for (var b = this.view.scale, c = this.view.translate, d = new mxDictionary(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
d.put(a[e], !0);
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if (this.model.isEdge(a[e])) {
var f = this.model.getGeometry(a[e]);
if (null != f) {
var g = this.view.getState(a[e]),
k = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(a[e]));
if (null != g && null != k) {
var f = f.clone(),
h = -k.origin.x,
l = -k.origin.y,
m = g.absolutePoints,
n = this.model.getTerminal(a[e], !0);
if (null != n && this.isCellDisconnectable(a[e], n, !0)) {
for (; null != n && !d.get(n); ) n = this.model.getParent(n);
null == n &&
(f.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(m[0].x / b - c.x + h, m[0].y / b - c.y + l), !0),
this.model.setTerminal(a[e], null, !0));
var p = this.model.getTerminal(a[e], !1);
if (null != p && this.isCellDisconnectable(a[e], p, !1)) {
for (; null != p && !d.get(p); ) p = this.model.getParent(p);
if (null == p) {
var r = m.length - 1;
f.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(m[r].x / b - c.x + h, m[r].y / b - c.y + l), !1);
this.model.setTerminal(a[e], null, !1);
this.model.setGeometry(a[e], f);
} finally {
mxGraph.prototype.getCurrentRoot = function () {
return this.view.currentRoot;
mxGraph.prototype.getTranslateForRoot = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.isPort = function (a) {
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.getTerminalForPort = function (a, b) {
return this.model.getParent(a);
mxGraph.prototype.getChildOffsetForCell = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.enterGroup = function (a) {
a = a || this.getSelectionCell();
null != a && this.isValidRoot(a) && (this.view.setCurrentRoot(a), this.clearSelection());
mxGraph.prototype.exitGroup = function () {
var a = this.model.getRoot(),
b = this.getCurrentRoot();
if (null != b) {
for (var c = this.model.getParent(b); c != a && !this.isValidRoot(c) && this.model.getParent(c) != a; )
c = this.model.getParent(c);
c == a || this.model.getParent(c) == a ? this.view.setCurrentRoot(null) : this.view.setCurrentRoot(c);
null != this.view.getState(b) && this.setSelectionCell(b);
mxGraph.prototype.home = function () {
var a = this.getCurrentRoot();
null != a && (this.view.setCurrentRoot(null), null != this.view.getState(a) && this.setSelectionCell(a));
mxGraph.prototype.isValidRoot = function (a) {
return null != a;
mxGraph.prototype.getGraphBounds = function () {
return this.view.getGraphBounds();
mxGraph.prototype.getCellBounds = function (a, b, c) {
var d = [a];
b && (d = d.concat(this.model.getEdges(a)));
d = this.view.getBounds(d);
if (c) {
c = this.model.getChildCount(a);
for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) {
var f = this.getCellBounds(this.model.getChildAt(a, e), b, !0);
null != d ? d.add(f) : (d = f);
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
var c = null;
if (null != a)
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (b || this.model.isVertex(a[d])) {
var e = this.getCellGeometry(a[d]);
if (null != e) {
var f = null;
if (this.model.isEdge(a[d])) {
f = function (a) {
null != a && (null == g ? (g = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, 0, 0)) : g.add(new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, 0, 0)));
null == this.model.getTerminal(a[d], !0) && f(e.getTerminalPoint(!0));
null == this.model.getTerminal(a[d], !1) && f(e.getTerminalPoint(!1));
e = e.points;
if (null != e && 0 < e.length)
for (var g = new mxRectangle(e[0].x, e[0].y, 0, 0), k = 1; k < e.length; k++) f(e[k]);
f = g;
} else
(k = this.model.getParent(a[d])),
? this.model.isVertex(k) &&
k != this.view.currentRoot &&
((g = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry([k], !1)),
null != g &&
((f = new mxRectangle(e.x * g.width, e.y * g.height, e.width, e.height)),
0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(a, k) && ((f.x += g.x), (f.y += g.y))))
: ((f = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(e)),
this.model.isVertex(k) &&
0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(a, k) &&
((g = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry([k], !1)), null != g && ((f.x += g.x), (f.y += g.y)))),
null != f && null != e.offset && ((f.x += e.offset.x), (f.y += e.offset.y)),
(e = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a[d])),
null != f &&
((e = mxUtils.getValue(e, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0)),
0 != e && (f = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(f, e)));
null != f && (null == c ? (c = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(f)) : c.add(f));
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.refresh = function (a) {
this.view.clear(a, null == a);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REFRESH));
mxGraph.prototype.snap = function (a) {
this.gridEnabled && (a = Math.round(a / this.gridSize) * this.gridSize);
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.snapDelta = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = this.view.translate,
g = this.view.scale;
!c && this.gridEnabled
? ((c = this.gridSize * g * 0.5),
d ||
((d = b.x - (this.snap(b.x / g - f.x) + f.x) * g),
(a.x = Math.abs(a.x - d) < c ? 0 : this.snap(a.x / g) * g - d)),
e ||
((b = b.y - (this.snap(b.y / g - f.y) + f.y) * g),
(a.y = Math.abs(a.y - b) < c ? 0 : this.snap(a.y / g) * g - b)))
: ((c = 0.5 * g),
d ||
((d = b.x - (Math.round(b.x / g - f.x) + f.x) * g),
(a.x = Math.abs(a.x - d) < c ? 0 : Math.round(a.x / g) * g - d)),
e ||
((b = b.y - (Math.round(b.y / g - f.y) + f.y) * g),
(a.y = Math.abs(a.y - b) < c ? 0 : Math.round(a.y / g) * g - b)));
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.panGraph = function (a, b) {
if (this.useScrollbarsForPanning && mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container))
(this.container.scrollLeft = -a), (this.container.scrollTop = -b);
else {
var c = this.view.getCanvas();
if (this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG)
if (0 == a && 0 == b) {
if (
? c.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + a + ',' + b + ')')
: c.removeAttribute('transform'),
null != this.shiftPreview1)
) {
for (var d = this.shiftPreview1.firstChild; null != d; ) {
var e = d.nextSibling;
d = e;
null != this.shiftPreview1.parentNode && this.shiftPreview1.parentNode.removeChild(this.shiftPreview1);
this.shiftPreview1 = null;
for (d = this.shiftPreview2.firstChild; null != d; )
(e = d.nextSibling), this.container.appendChild(d), (d = e);
null != this.shiftPreview2.parentNode && this.shiftPreview2.parentNode.removeChild(this.shiftPreview2);
this.shiftPreview2 = null;
} else {
c.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + a + ',' + b + ')');
if (null == this.shiftPreview1) {
this.shiftPreview1 = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'visible';
this.shiftPreview2 = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'visible';
for (var f = this.shiftPreview1, d = this.container.firstChild; null != d; )
(e = d.nextSibling), d != c.parentNode ? f.appendChild(d) : (f = this.shiftPreview2), (d = e);
null != this.shiftPreview1.firstChild && this.container.insertBefore(this.shiftPreview1, c.parentNode);
null != this.shiftPreview2.firstChild && this.container.appendChild(this.shiftPreview2);
} = a + 'px'; = b + 'px'; = a + 'px'; = b + 'px';
else ( = a + 'px'), ( = b + 'px');
this.panDx = a;
this.panDy = b;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN));
mxGraph.prototype.zoomIn = function () {
mxGraph.prototype.zoomOut = function () {
this.zoom(1 / this.zoomFactor);
mxGraph.prototype.zoomActual = function () {
1 == this.view.scale
? this.view.setTranslate(0, 0)
: ((this.view.translate.x = 0), (this.view.translate.y = 0), this.view.setScale(1));
mxGraph.prototype.zoomTo = function (a, b) {
this.zoom(a / this.view.scale, b);
}; = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = null != a ? a : !0;
b = null != b ? b : !0;
c = null != c ? c : 0.5;
d = null != d ? d : 0.5;
var e = mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container),
f = 2 * this.getBorder(),
g = this.container.clientWidth - f,
f = this.container.clientHeight - f,
k = this.getGraphBounds(),
h = this.view.translate,
l = this.view.scale,
m = a ? g - k.width : 0,
n = b ? f - k.height : 0;
? ((k.x -= h.x),
(k.y -= h.y),
(a = this.container.scrollWidth),
(b = this.container.scrollHeight),
a > g && (m = 0),
b > f && (n = 0),
this.view.setTranslate(Math.floor(m / 2 - k.x), Math.floor(n / 2 - k.y)),
(this.container.scrollLeft = (a - g) / 2),
(this.container.scrollTop = (b - f) / 2))
: this.view.setTranslate(
a ? Math.floor(h.x - k.x / l + (m * c) / l) : h.x,
b ? Math.floor(h.y - k.y / l + (n * d) / l) : h.y
mxGraph.prototype.zoom = function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : this.centerZoom;
var d = Math.round(this.view.scale * a * 100) / 100;
null != c && (d = Math.round(d * c) / c);
c = this.view.getState(this.getSelectionCell());
a = d / this.view.scale;
if (this.keepSelectionVisibleOnZoom && null != c)
(a = new mxRectangle(c.x * a, c.y * a, c.width * a, c.height * a)),
(this.view.scale = d),
this.scrollRectToVisible(a) || (this.view.revalidate(), this.view.setScale(d));
else if (((c = mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)), b && !c)) {
c = this.container.offsetWidth;
var e = this.container.offsetHeight;
1 < a
? ((a = (a - 1) / (2 * d)), (c *= -a), (e *= -a))
: ((a = (1 / a - 1) / (2 * this.view.scale)), (c *= a), (e *= a));
this.view.scaleAndTranslate(d, this.view.translate.x + c, this.view.translate.y + e);
} else {
var f = this.view.translate.x,
g = this.view.translate.y,
k = this.container.scrollLeft,
h = this.container.scrollTop;
c &&
((e = c = 0),
b && ((c = (this.container.offsetWidth * (a - 1)) / 2), (e = (this.container.offsetHeight * (a - 1)) / 2)),
(this.container.scrollLeft = (this.view.translate.x - f) * this.view.scale + Math.round(k * a + c)),
(this.container.scrollTop = (this.view.translate.y - g) * this.view.scale + Math.round(h * a + e)));
mxGraph.prototype.zoomToRect = function (a) {
var b = this.container.clientWidth / a.width / (this.container.clientHeight / a.height);
a.x = Math.max(0, a.x);
a.y = Math.max(0, a.y);
var c = Math.min(this.container.scrollWidth, a.x + a.width),
d = Math.min(this.container.scrollHeight, a.y + a.height);
a.width = c - a.x;
a.height = d - a.y;
1 > b
? ((b = a.height / b),
(c = (b - a.height) / 2),
(a.height = b),
(a.y -= Math.min(a.y, c)),
(d = Math.min(this.container.scrollHeight, a.y + a.height)),
(a.height = d - a.y))
: ((b *= a.width),
(c = (b - a.width) / 2),
(a.width = b),
(a.x -= Math.min(a.x, c)),
(c = Math.min(this.container.scrollWidth, a.x + a.width)),
(a.width = c - a.x));
b = this.container.clientWidth / a.width;
c = this.view.scale * b;
? (this.view.setScale(c),
(this.container.scrollLeft = Math.round(a.x * b)),
(this.container.scrollTop = Math.round(a.y * b)))
: this.view.scaleAndTranslate(
this.view.translate.x - a.x / this.view.scale,
this.view.translate.y - a.y / this.view.scale
mxGraph.prototype.scrollCellToVisible = function (a, b) {
var c = -this.view.translate.x,
d = -this.view.translate.y,
e = this.view.getState(a);
null != e &&
((c = new mxRectangle(c + e.x, d + e.y, e.width, e.height)),
b &&
null != this.container &&
((d = this.container.clientWidth),
(e = this.container.clientHeight),
(c.x = c.getCenterX() - d / 2),
(c.width = d),
(c.y = c.getCenterY() - e / 2),
(c.height = e)),
(d = new mxPoint(this.view.translate.x, this.view.translate.y)),
this.scrollRectToVisible(c) &&
((c = new mxPoint(this.view.translate.x, this.view.translate.y)),
(this.view.translate.x = d.x),
(this.view.translate.y = d.y),
this.view.setTranslate(c.x, c.y)));
mxGraph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible = function (a) {
var b = !1;
if (null != a) {
var c = this.container.offsetWidth,
d = this.container.offsetHeight,
e = Math.min(c, a.width),
f = Math.min(d, a.height);
if (mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)) {
c = this.container;
a.x += this.view.translate.x;
a.y += this.view.translate.y;
var g = c.scrollLeft - a.x,
d = Math.max(g - c.scrollLeft, 0);
0 < g
? (c.scrollLeft -= g + 2)
: ((g = a.x + e - c.scrollLeft - c.clientWidth), 0 < g && (c.scrollLeft += g + 2));
e = c.scrollTop - a.y;
g = Math.max(0, e - c.scrollTop);
0 < e ? (c.scrollTop -= e + 2) : ((e = a.y + f - c.scrollTop - c.clientHeight), 0 < e && (c.scrollTop += e + 2));
this.useScrollbarsForPanning || (0 == d && 0 == g) || this.view.setTranslate(d, g);
} else {
var g = -this.view.translate.x,
k = -this.view.translate.y,
h = this.view.scale;
a.x + e > g + c && ((this.view.translate.x -= (a.x + e - c - g) / h), (b = !0));
a.y + f > k + d && ((this.view.translate.y -= (a.y + f - d - k) / h), (b = !0));
a.x < g && ((this.view.translate.x += (g - a.x) / h), (b = !0));
a.y < k && ((this.view.translate.y += (k - a.y) / h), (b = !0));
b && (this.view.refresh(), null != this.selectionCellsHandler && this.selectionCellsHandler.refresh());
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellGeometry = function (a) {
return this.model.getGeometry(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellVisible = function (a) {
return this.model.isVisible(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellCollapsed = function (a) {
return this.model.isCollapsed(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellConnectable = function (a) {
return this.model.isConnectable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isOrthogonal = function (a) {
var b =[mxConstants.STYLE_ORTHOGONAL];
if (null != b) return b;
a = this.view.getEdgeStyle(a);
return (
a == mxEdgeStyle.SegmentConnector ||
a == mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector ||
a == mxEdgeStyle.SideToSide ||
a == mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom ||
a == mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation ||
a == mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector
mxGraph.prototype.isLoop = function (a) {
var b = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!0);
a = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!1);
return null != b && b == a;
mxGraph.prototype.isCloneEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isControlDown(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isTransparentClickEvent = function (a) {
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.isToggleEvent = function (a) {
return mxClient.IS_MAC ? mxEvent.isMetaDown(a) : mxEvent.isControlDown(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isGridEnabledEvent = function (a) {
return null != a && !mxEvent.isAltDown(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainedEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isIgnoreTerminalEvent = function (a) {
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.validationAlert = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.isEdgeValid = function (a, b, c) {
return null == this.getEdgeValidationError(a, b, c);
mxGraph.prototype.getEdgeValidationError = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a && !this.isAllowDanglingEdges() && (null == b || null == c)) return '';
if (null != a && null == this.model.getTerminal(a, !0) && null == this.model.getTerminal(a, !1)) return null;
if ((!this.allowLoops && b == c && null != b) || !this.isValidConnection(b, c)) return '';
if (null != b && null != c) {
var d = '';
if (!this.multigraph) {
var e = this.model.getEdgesBetween(b, c, !0);
if (1 < e.length || (1 == e.length && e[0] != a))
d += (mxResources.get(this.alreadyConnectedResource) || this.alreadyConnectedResource) + '\n';
var e = this.model.getDirectedEdgeCount(b, !0, a),
f = this.model.getDirectedEdgeCount(c, !1, a);
if (null != this.multiplicities)
for (var g = 0; g < this.multiplicities.length; g++) {
var k = this.multiplicities[g].check(this, a, b, c, e, f);
null != k && (d += k);
k = this.validateEdge(a, b, c);
null != k && (d += k);
return 0 < d.length ? d : null;
return this.allowDanglingEdges ? null : '';
mxGraph.prototype.validateEdge = function (a, b, c) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.validateGraph = function (a, b) {
a = null != a ? a : this.model.getRoot();
b = null != b ? b : {};
for (var c = !0, d = this.model.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = this.model.getChildAt(a, e),
g = b;
this.isValidRoot(f) && (g = {});
g = this.validateGraph(f, g);
null != g ? this.setCellWarning(f, g.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')) : this.setCellWarning(f, null);
c = c && null == g;
d = '';
this.isCellCollapsed(a) &&
!c &&
(d += (mxResources.get(this.containsValidationErrorsResource) || this.containsValidationErrorsResource) + '\n');
d = this.model.isEdge(a)
? d + (this.getEdgeValidationError(a, this.model.getTerminal(a, !0), this.model.getTerminal(a, !1)) || '')
: d + (this.getCellValidationError(a) || '');
e = this.validateCell(a, b);
null != e && (d += e);
null == this.model.getParent(a) && this.view.validate();
return 0 < d.length || !c ? d : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellValidationError = function (a) {
var b = this.model.getDirectedEdgeCount(a, !0),
c = this.model.getDirectedEdgeCount(a, !1);
a = this.model.getValue(a);
var d = '';
if (null != this.multiplicities)
for (var e = 0; e < this.multiplicities.length; e++) {
var f = this.multiplicities[e];
f.source && mxUtils.isNode(a, f.type, f.attr, f.value) && (b > f.max || b < f.min)
? (d += f.countError + '\n')
: !f.source &&
mxUtils.isNode(a, f.type, f.attr, f.value) &&
(c > f.max || c < f.min) &&
(d += f.countError + '\n');
return 0 < d.length ? d : null;
mxGraph.prototype.validateCell = function (a, b) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getBackgroundImage = function () {
return this.backgroundImage;
mxGraph.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function (a) {
this.backgroundImage = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getFoldingImage = function (a) {
if (null != a && this.foldingEnabled && !this.getModel().isEdge(a.cell)) {
var b = this.isCellCollapsed(a.cell);
if (this.isCellFoldable(a.cell, !b)) return b ? this.collapsedImage : this.expandedImage;
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.convertValueToString = function (a) {
a = this.model.getValue(a);
if (null != a) {
if (mxUtils.isNode(a)) return a.nodeName;
if ('function' == typeof a.toString) return a.toString();
return '';
mxGraph.prototype.getLabel = function (a) {
var b = '';
if (this.labelsVisible && null != a) {
var c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_NOLABEL, !1) || (b = this.convertValueToString(a));
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.isHtmlLabel = function (a) {
return this.isHtmlLabels();
mxGraph.prototype.isHtmlLabels = function () {
return this.htmlLabels;
mxGraph.prototype.setHtmlLabels = function (a) {
this.htmlLabels = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isWrapping = function (a) {
return 'wrap' == this.getCurrentCellStyle(a)[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE];
mxGraph.prototype.isLabelClipped = function (a) {
return 'hidden' == this.getCurrentCellStyle(a)[mxConstants.STYLE_OVERFLOW];
mxGraph.prototype.getTooltip = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = null;
null != a &&
(null == a.control ||
(b != a.control.node && b.parentNode != a.control.node) ||
((e = this.collapseExpandResource), (e = mxUtils.htmlEntities(mxResources.get(e) || e).replace(/\\n/g, '<br>'))),
null == e &&
null != a.overlays &&
a.overlays.visit(function (a, c) {
null != e || (b != c.node && b.parentNode != c.node) || (e = c.overlay.toString());
null == e &&
((c = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(a.cell)),
null != c && 'function' == typeof c.getTooltipForNode && (e = c.getTooltipForNode(b))),
null == e && (e = this.getTooltipForCell(a.cell)));
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.getTooltipForCell = function (a) {
return null != a && null != a.getTooltip ? a.getTooltip() : this.convertValueToString(a);
mxGraph.prototype.getLinkForCell = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getLinkTargetForCell = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getCursorForMouseEvent = function (a) {
return this.getCursorForCell(a.getCell());
mxGraph.prototype.getCursorForCell = function (a) {
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getStartSize = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxRectangle(),
d = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a, b),
e = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(d, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE));
mxUtils.getValue(d, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0) ? (c.height = e) : (c.width = e);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.getSwimlaneDirection = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(a, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST),
c = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(a, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH, 0),
d = 1 == mxUtils.getValue(a, mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, 0);
a = mxUtils.getValue(a, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0) ? 0 : 3;
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? a--
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? (a += 2)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH && (a += 1);
b = mxUtils.mod(a, 2);
c && 1 == b && (a += 2);
d && 0 == b && (a += 2);
return [
][mxUtils.mod(a, 4)];
mxGraph.prototype.getActualStartSize = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxRectangle();
if (this.isSwimlane(a, b)) {
var d = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a, b),
e = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(d, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE)),
d = this.getSwimlaneDirection(d);
d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (c.y = e)
: d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? (c.x = e)
: d == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (c.height = e)
: (c.width = e);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.getImage = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE] : null;
mxGraph.prototype.isTransparentState = function (a) {
var b = !1;
if (null != a)
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE),
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE),
b = b == mxConstants.NONE && c == mxConstants.NONE && null == this.getImage(a);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getVerticalAlign = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] || mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getIndicatorColor = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_COLOR] : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getIndicatorGradientColor = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_GRADIENTCOLOR] : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getIndicatorShape = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_SHAPE] : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getIndicatorImage = function (a) {
return null != a && null != ?[mxConstants.STYLE_INDICATOR_IMAGE] : null;
mxGraph.prototype.getBorder = function () {
return this.border;
mxGraph.prototype.setBorder = function (a) {
this.border = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlane = function (a, b) {
return null == a || this.model.getParent(a) == this.model.getRoot() || this.model.isEdge(a)
? !1
: this.getCurrentCellStyle(a, b)[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] == mxConstants.SHAPE_SWIMLANE;
mxGraph.prototype.isResizeContainer = function () {
return this.resizeContainer;
mxGraph.prototype.setResizeContainer = function (a) {
this.resizeContainer = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('enabledChanged', 'enabled', a));
mxGraph.prototype.isEscapeEnabled = function () {
return this.escapeEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setEscapeEnabled = function (a) {
this.escapeEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isInvokesStopCellEditing = function () {
return this.invokesStopCellEditing;
mxGraph.prototype.setInvokesStopCellEditing = function (a) {
this.invokesStopCellEditing = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isEnterStopsCellEditing = function () {
return this.enterStopsCellEditing;
mxGraph.prototype.setEnterStopsCellEditing = function (a) {
this.enterStopsCellEditing = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isCellLocked = function (a) {
var b = this.model.getGeometry(a);
return this.isCellsLocked() || (null != b && this.model.isVertex(a) && b.relative);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsLocked = function () {
return this.cellsLocked;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsLocked = function (a) {
this.cellsLocked = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getCloneableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellCloneable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellCloneable = function (a) {
a = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isCellsCloneable() && 0 != a[mxConstants.STYLE_CLONEABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsCloneable = function () {
return this.cellsCloneable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsCloneable = function (a) {
this.cellsCloneable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getExportableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.canExportCell(a);
mxGraph.prototype.canExportCell = function (a) {
return this.exportEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.getImportableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.canImportCell(a);
mxGraph.prototype.canImportCell = function (a) {
return this.importEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.isCellSelectable = function (a) {
return this.isCellsSelectable();
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsSelectable = function () {
return this.cellsSelectable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsSelectable = function (a) {
this.cellsSelectable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getDeletableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellDeletable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellDeletable = function (a) {
a = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isCellsDeletable() && 0 != a[mxConstants.STYLE_DELETABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsDeletable = function () {
return this.cellsDeletable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDeletable = function (a) {
this.cellsDeletable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isLabelMovable = function (a) {
return (
!this.isCellLocked(a) &&
((this.model.isEdge(a) && this.edgeLabelsMovable) || (this.model.isVertex(a) && this.vertexLabelsMovable))
mxGraph.prototype.getRotatableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellRotatable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellRotatable = function (a) {
return 0 != this.getCurrentCellStyle(a)[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.getMovableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellMovable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellMovable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isCellsMovable() && !this.isCellLocked(a) && 0 != b[mxConstants.STYLE_MOVABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsMovable = function () {
return this.cellsMovable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsMovable = function (a) {
this.cellsMovable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isGridEnabled = function () {
return this.gridEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setGridEnabled = function (a) {
this.gridEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isPortsEnabled = function () {
return this.portsEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setPortsEnabled = function (a) {
this.portsEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getGridSize = function () {
return this.gridSize;
mxGraph.prototype.setGridSize = function (a) {
this.gridSize = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getTolerance = function () {
return this.tolerance;
mxGraph.prototype.setTolerance = function (a) {
this.tolerance = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isVertexLabelsMovable = function () {
return this.vertexLabelsMovable;
mxGraph.prototype.setVertexLabelsMovable = function (a) {
this.vertexLabelsMovable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isEdgeLabelsMovable = function () {
return this.edgeLabelsMovable;
mxGraph.prototype.setEdgeLabelsMovable = function (a) {
this.edgeLabelsMovable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlaneNesting = function () {
return this.swimlaneNesting;
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneNesting = function (a) {
this.swimlaneNesting = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function () {
return this.swimlaneSelectionEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function (a) {
this.swimlaneSelectionEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isMultigraph = function () {
return this.multigraph;
mxGraph.prototype.setMultigraph = function (a) {
this.multigraph = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowLoops = function () {
return this.allowLoops;
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowDanglingEdges = function (a) {
this.allowDanglingEdges = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowDanglingEdges = function () {
return this.allowDanglingEdges;
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectableEdges = function (a) {
this.connectableEdges = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isConnectableEdges = function () {
return this.connectableEdges;
mxGraph.prototype.setCloneInvalidEdges = function (a) {
this.cloneInvalidEdges = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isCloneInvalidEdges = function () {
return this.cloneInvalidEdges;
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowLoops = function (a) {
this.allowLoops = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isDisconnectOnMove = function () {
return this.disconnectOnMove;
mxGraph.prototype.setDisconnectOnMove = function (a) {
this.disconnectOnMove = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isDropEnabled = function () {
return this.dropEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setDropEnabled = function (a) {
this.dropEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isSplitEnabled = function () {
return this.splitEnabled;
mxGraph.prototype.setSplitEnabled = function (a) {
this.splitEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getResizableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellResizable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellResizable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return (
this.isCellsResizable() && !this.isCellLocked(a) && '0' != mxUtils.getValue(b, mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZABLE, '1')
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsResizable = function () {
return this.cellsResizable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsResizable = function (a) {
this.cellsResizable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isTerminalPointMovable = function (a, b) {
return !0;
mxGraph.prototype.isCellBendable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isCellsBendable() && !this.isCellLocked(a) && 0 != b[mxConstants.STYLE_BENDABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsBendable = function () {
return this.cellsBendable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsBendable = function (a) {
this.cellsBendable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getEditableCells = function (a) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellEditable(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellEditable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isCellsEditable() && !this.isCellLocked(a) && 0 != b[mxConstants.STYLE_EDITABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsEditable = function () {
return this.cellsEditable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsEditable = function (a) {
this.cellsEditable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isCellDisconnectable = function (a, b, c) {
return this.isCellsDisconnectable() && !this.isCellLocked(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsDisconnectable = function () {
return this.cellsDisconnectable;
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDisconnectable = function (a) {
this.cellsDisconnectable = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isValidSource = function (a) {
return (
(null == a && this.allowDanglingEdges) ||
(null != a && (!this.model.isEdge(a) || this.connectableEdges) && this.isCellConnectable(a))
mxGraph.prototype.isValidTarget = function (a) {
return this.isValidSource(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isValidConnection = function (a, b) {
return this.isValidSource(a) && this.isValidTarget(b);
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.isConnectable = function () {
return this.connectionHandler.isEnabled();
mxGraph.prototype.setTooltips = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.setPanning = function (a) {
this.panningHandler.panningEnabled = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isEditing = function (a) {
if (null != this.cellEditor) {
var b = this.cellEditor.getEditingCell();
return null == a ? null != b : a == b;
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.isAutoSizeCell = function (a) {
a = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isAutoSizeCells() || 1 == a[mxConstants.STYLE_AUTOSIZE];
mxGraph.prototype.isAutoSizeCells = function () {
return this.autoSizeCells;
mxGraph.prototype.setAutoSizeCells = function (a) {
this.autoSizeCells = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParent = function (a) {
return !this.getModel().isEdge(a) && this.isExtendParents();
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParents = function () {
return this.extendParents;
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParents = function (a) {
this.extendParents = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd = function (a) {
return this.extendParentsOnAdd;
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParentsOnAdd = function (a) {
this.extendParentsOnAdd = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnMove = function () {
return this.extendParentsOnMove;
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParentsOnMove = function (a) {
this.extendParentsOnMove = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isRecursiveResize = function (a) {
return this.recursiveResize;
mxGraph.prototype.setRecursiveResize = function (a) {
this.recursiveResize = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainChild = function (a) {
return this.isConstrainChildren() && !this.getModel().isEdge(this.getModel().getParent(a));
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainChildren = function () {
return this.constrainChildren;
mxGraph.prototype.setConstrainChildren = function (a) {
this.constrainChildren = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainRelativeChildren = function () {
return this.constrainRelativeChildren;
mxGraph.prototype.setConstrainRelativeChildren = function (a) {
this.constrainRelativeChildren = a;
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowNegativeCoordinates = function () {
return this.allowNegativeCoordinates;
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowNegativeCoordinates = function (a) {
this.allowNegativeCoordinates = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getOverlap = function (a) {
return this.isAllowOverlapParent(a) ? this.defaultOverlap : 0;
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowOverlapParent = function (a) {
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.getFoldableCells = function (a, b) {
return this.model.filterCells(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return this.isCellFoldable(a, b);
mxGraph.prototype.isCellFoldable = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return 0 < this.model.getChildCount(a) && 0 != c[mxConstants.STYLE_FOLDABLE];
mxGraph.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function (a, b, c) {
return (
null != a &&
((this.isSplitEnabled() && this.isSplitTarget(a, b, c)) ||
(!this.model.isEdge(a) && (this.isSwimlane(a) || (0 < this.model.getChildCount(a) && !this.isCellCollapsed(a)))))
mxGraph.prototype.isSplitTarget = function (a, b, c) {
return this.model.isEdge(a) &&
null != b &&
1 == b.length &&
this.isCellConnectable(b[0]) &&
null == this.getEdgeValidationError(a, this.model.getTerminal(a, !0), b[0])
? ((c = this.model.getTerminal(a, !0)),
(a = this.model.getTerminal(a, !1)),
!this.model.isAncestor(b[0], c) && !this.model.isAncestor(b[0], a))
: !1;
mxGraph.prototype.getDropTarget = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (!this.isSwimlaneNesting()) for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) if (this.isSwimlane(a[e])) return null;
e = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(b), mxEvent.getClientY(b));
e.x -= this.panDx;
e.y -= this.panDy;
e = this.getSwimlaneAt(e.x, e.y);
if (null == c) c = e;
else if (null != e) {
for (var f = this.model.getParent(e); null != f && this.isSwimlane(f) && f != c; ) f = this.model.getParent(f);
f == c && (c = e);
for (; null != c && !this.isValidDropTarget(c, a, b) && !this.model.isLayer(c); ) c = this.model.getParent(c);
if (null == d || !d) for (var g = c; null != g && 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(a, g); ) g = this.model.getParent(g);
return this.model.isLayer(c) || null != g ? null : c;
mxGraph.prototype.getDefaultParent = function () {
var a = this.getCurrentRoot();
null == a && ((a = this.defaultParent), null == a && ((a = this.model.getRoot()), (a = this.model.getChildAt(a, 0))));
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.setDefaultParent = function (a) {
this.defaultParent = a;
mxGraph.prototype.getSwimlane = function (a) {
for (; null != a && !this.isSwimlane(a); ) a = this.model.getParent(a);
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.getSwimlaneAt = function (a, b, c) {
null == c && ((c = this.getCurrentRoot()), null == c && (c = this.model.getRoot()));
if (null != c)
for (var d = this.model.getChildCount(c), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = this.model.getChildAt(c, e);
if (null != f) {
var g = this.getSwimlaneAt(a, b, f);
if (null != g) return g;
if (this.isCellVisible(f) && this.isSwimlane(f) && ((g = this.view.getState(f)), this.intersects(g, a, b)))
return f;
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellAt = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
d = null != d ? d : !0;
e = null != e ? e : !0;
null == c && ((c = this.getCurrentRoot()), null == c && (c = this.getModel().getRoot()));
if (null != c)
for (var g = this.model.getChildCount(c) - 1; 0 <= g; g--) {
var k = this.model.getChildAt(c, g),
h = this.getCellAt(a, b, k, d, e, f);
if (null != h) return h;
if (
this.isCellVisible(k) &&
((e && this.model.isEdge(k)) || (d && this.model.isVertex(k))) &&
((h = this.view.getState(k)), null != h && (null == f || !f(h, a, b)) && this.intersects(h, a, b))
return k;
return null;
mxGraph.prototype.intersects = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a) {
var d = a.absolutePoints;
if (null != d) {
a = this.tolerance * this.tolerance;
for (var e = d[0], f = 1; f < d.length; f++) {
var g = d[f];
if (mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(e.x, e.y, g.x, g.y, b, c) <= a) return !0;
e = g;
} else if (
((e = mxUtils.toRadians(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0)),
0 != e &&
((d = Math.cos(-e)),
(e = Math.sin(-e)),
(f = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY())),
(e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(b, c), d, e, f)),
(b = e.x),
(c = e.y)),
mxUtils.contains(a, b, c))
return !0;
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.hitsSwimlaneContent = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getView().getState(a);
a = this.getStartSize(a);
if (null != d) {
var e = this.getView().getScale();
b -= d.x;
c -= d.y;
if ((0 < a.width && 0 < b && b > a.width * e) || (0 < a.height && 0 < c && c > a.height * e)) return !0;
return !1;
mxGraph.prototype.getChildVertices = function (a) {
return this.getChildCells(a, !0, !1);
mxGraph.prototype.getChildEdges = function (a) {
return this.getChildCells(a, !1, !0);
mxGraph.prototype.getChildCells = function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a : this.getDefaultParent();
a = this.model.getChildCells(a, null != b ? b : !1, null != c ? c : !1);
b = [];
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.isCellVisible(a[c]) && b.push(a[c]);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.getConnections = function (a, b) {
return this.getEdges(a, b, !0, !0, !1);
mxGraph.prototype.getIncomingEdges = function (a, b) {
return this.getEdges(a, b, !0, !1, !1);
mxGraph.prototype.getOutgoingEdges = function (a, b) {
return this.getEdges(a, b, !1, !0, !1);
mxGraph.prototype.getEdges = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
d = null != d ? d : !0;
e = null != e ? e : !0;
f = null != f ? f : !1;
for (var g = [], k = this.isCellCollapsed(a), h = this.model.getChildCount(a), l = 0; l < h; l++) {
var m = this.model.getChildAt(a, l);
if (k || !this.isCellVisible(m)) g = g.concat(this.model.getEdges(m, c, d));
g = g.concat(this.model.getEdges(a, c, d));
k = [];
for (l = 0; l < g.length; l++)
(m = this.view.getState(g[l])),
(h = null != m ? m.getVisibleTerminal(!0) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(g[l], !0)),
(m = null != m ? m.getVisibleTerminal(!1) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(g[l], !1)),
((e && h == m) ||
(h != m &&
((c && m == a && (null == b || this.isValidAncestor(h, b, f))) ||
(d && h == a && (null == b || this.isValidAncestor(m, b, f)))))) &&
return k;
mxGraph.prototype.isValidAncestor = function (a, b, c) {
return c ? this.model.isAncestor(b, a) : this.model.getParent(a) == b;
mxGraph.prototype.getOpposites = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
d = null != d ? d : !0;
var e = [],
f = new mxDictionary();
if (null != a)
for (var g = 0; g < a.length; g++) {
var k = this.view.getState(a[g]),
h = null != k ? k.getVisibleTerminal(!0) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(a[g], !0),
k = null != k ? k.getVisibleTerminal(!1) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(a[g], !1);
h == b && null != k && k != b && d
? f.get(k) || (f.put(k, !0), e.push(k))
: k == b && null != h && h != b && c && !f.get(h) && (f.put(h, !0), e.push(h));
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.getEdgesBetween = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
for (var d = this.getEdges(a), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var g = this.view.getState(d[f]),
k = null != g ? g.getVisibleTerminal(!0) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !0),
g = null != g ? g.getVisibleTerminal(!1) : this.view.getVisibleTerminal(d[f], !1);
((k == a && g == b) || (!c && k == b && g == a)) && e.push(d[f]);
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.getPointForEvent = function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(a), mxEvent.getClientY(a)),
d = this.view.scale,
e = this.view.translate,
f = 0 != b ? this.gridSize / 2 : 0;
c.x = this.snap(c.x / d - e.x - f);
c.y = this.snap(c.y / d - e.y - f);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.getCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
f = null != f ? f : [];
if (0 < c || 0 < d || null != g) {
var l = this.getModel(),
m = a + c,
n = b + d;
null == e && ((e = this.getCurrentRoot()), null == e && (e = l.getRoot()));
if (null != e)
for (var p = l.getChildCount(e), r = 0; r < p; r++) {
var t = l.getChildAt(e, r),
u = this.view.getState(t);
if (null != u && this.isCellVisible(t) && (null == k || !k(u))) {
var x = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0;
0 != x && (u = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(u, x));
(x =
(null != g && l.isVertex(t) && mxUtils.intersects(g, u)) ||
(null != g && l.isEdge(t) && mxUtils.intersects(g, u)) ||
(null == g &&
(l.isEdge(t) || l.isVertex(t)) &&
u.x >= a &&
u.y + u.height <= n &&
u.y >= b &&
u.x + u.width <= m)) && f.push(t);
(x && !h) || this.getCells(a, b, c, d, t, f, g, k, h);
return f;
mxGraph.prototype.getCellsBeyond = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = [];
if (d || e)
if ((null == c && (c = this.getDefaultParent()), null != c))
for (var g = this.model.getChildCount(c), k = 0; k < g; k++) {
var h = this.model.getChildAt(c, k),
l = this.view.getState(h);
this.isCellVisible(h) && null != l && (!d || l.x >= a) && (!e || l.y >= b) && f.push(h);
return f;
mxGraph.prototype.findTreeRoots = function (a, b, c) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
c = null != c ? c : !1;
var d = [];
if (null != a) {
for (var e = this.getModel(), f = e.getChildCount(a), g = null, k = 0, h = 0; h < f; h++) {
var l = e.getChildAt(a, h);
if (this.model.isVertex(l) && this.isCellVisible(l)) {
for (var m = this.getConnections(l, b ? a : null), n = 0, p = 0, r = 0; r < m.length; r++)
this.view.getVisibleTerminal(m[r], !0) == l ? n++ : p++;
((c && 0 == n && 0 < p) || (!c && 0 == p && 0 < n)) && d.push(l);
m = c ? p - n : n - p;
m > k && ((k = m), (g = l));
0 == d.length && null != g && d.push(g);
return d;
mxGraph.prototype.traverse = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (
null != c &&
null != a &&
((b = null != b ? b : !0), (f = null != f ? f : !1), (e = e || new mxDictionary()), null == d || !e.get(d)) &&
(e.put(d, !0), (d = c(a, d)), null == d || d) &&
((d = this.model.getEdgeCount(a)), 0 < d)
for (var g = 0; g < d; g++) {
var k = this.model.getEdgeAt(a, g),
h = this.model.getTerminal(k, !0) == a;
(b && !f != h) || ((h = this.model.getTerminal(k, !h)), this.traverse(h, b, c, k, e, f));
mxGraph.prototype.isCellSelected = function (a) {
return this.getSelectionModel().isSelected(a);
mxGraph.prototype.isSelectionEmpty = function () {
return this.getSelectionModel().isEmpty();
mxGraph.prototype.clearSelection = function () {
return this.getSelectionModel().clear();
mxGraph.prototype.getSelectionCount = function () {
return this.getSelectionModel().cells.length;
mxGraph.prototype.getSelectionCell = function () {
return this.getSelectionModel().cells[0];
mxGraph.prototype.getSelectionCells = function () {
return this.getSelectionModel().cells.slice();
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCell = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCells = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.addSelectionCell = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.addSelectionCells = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCell = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCells = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.selectRegion = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getCells(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
this.selectCellsForEvent(c, b);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.selectNextCell = function () {
mxGraph.prototype.selectPreviousCell = function () {
mxGraph.prototype.selectParentCell = function () {
this.selectCell(!1, !0);
mxGraph.prototype.selectChildCell = function () {
this.selectCell(!1, !1, !0);
mxGraph.prototype.selectCell = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.selectionModel,
e = 0 < d.cells.length ? d.cells[0] : null;
1 < d.cells.length && d.clear();
var d = null != e ? this.model.getParent(e) : this.getDefaultParent(),
f = this.model.getChildCount(d);
null == e && 0 < f
? ((a = this.model.getChildAt(d, 0)), this.setSelectionCell(a))
: (null != e && !b) || null == this.view.getState(d) || null == this.model.getGeometry(d)
? null != e && c
? 0 < this.model.getChildCount(e) && ((a = this.model.getChildAt(e, 0)), this.setSelectionCell(a))
: 0 < f &&
((b = d.getIndex(e)),
a ? (b++, (a = this.model.getChildAt(d, b % f))) : (b--, (a = this.model.getChildAt(d, 0 > b ? f - 1 : b))),
: this.getCurrentRoot() != d && this.setSelectionCell(d);
mxGraph.prototype.selectAll = function (a, b) {
a = a || this.getDefaultParent();
var c = b
? this.model.filterDescendants(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
return b != a && null != this.view.getState(b);
: this.model.getChildren(a);
null != c && this.setSelectionCells(c);
mxGraph.prototype.selectVertices = function (a, b) {
this.selectCells(!0, !1, a, b);
mxGraph.prototype.selectEdges = function (a) {
this.selectCells(!1, !0, a);
mxGraph.prototype.selectCells = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = c || this.getDefaultParent();
var e = mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
return (
null != this.view.getState(c) &&
(((d || 0 == this.model.getChildCount(c)) &&
this.model.isVertex(c) &&
a &&
!this.model.isEdge(this.model.getParent(c))) ||
(this.model.isEdge(c) && b))
c = this.model.filterDescendants(e, c);
null != c && this.setSelectionCells(c);
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function (a, b) {
var c = this.isCellSelected(a);
? c
? this.removeSelectionCell(a)
: this.addSelectionCell(a)
: (c && 1 == this.getSelectionCount()) || this.setSelectionCell(a);
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellsForEvent = function (a, b) {
this.isToggleEvent(b) ? this.addSelectionCells(a) : this.setSelectionCells(a);
mxGraph.prototype.createHandler = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a)
if (this.model.isEdge(a.cell))
var b = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!0),
c = a.getVisibleTerminalState(!1),
d = this.getCellGeometry(a.cell),
b = this.view.getEdgeStyle(a, null != d ? d.points : null, b, c),
b = this.createEdgeHandler(a, b);
else b = this.createVertexHandler(a);
return b;
mxGraph.prototype.createVertexHandler = function (a) {
return new mxVertexHandler(a);
mxGraph.prototype.createEdgeHandler = function (a, b) {
return b == mxEdgeStyle.Loop ||
b == mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector ||
b == mxEdgeStyle.SideToSide ||
b == mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom
? this.createElbowEdgeHandler(a)
: b == mxEdgeStyle.SegmentConnector || b == mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector
? this.createEdgeSegmentHandler(a)
: new mxEdgeHandler(a);
mxGraph.prototype.createEdgeSegmentHandler = function (a) {
return new mxEdgeSegmentHandler(a);
mxGraph.prototype.createElbowEdgeHandler = function (a) {
return new mxElbowEdgeHandler(a);
mxGraph.prototype.addMouseListener = function (a) {
null == this.mouseListeners && (this.mouseListeners = []);
mxGraph.prototype.removeMouseListener = function (a) {
if (null != this.mouseListeners)
for (var b = 0; b < this.mouseListeners.length; b++)
if (this.mouseListeners[b] == a) {
this.mouseListeners.splice(b, 1);
mxGraph.prototype.updateMouseEvent = function (a, b) {
if (null == a.graphX || null == a.graphY) {
var c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, a.getX(), a.getY());
a.graphX = c.x - this.panDx;
a.graphY = c.y - this.panDy;
null == a.getCell() &&
this.isMouseDown &&
b == mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE &&
(a.state = this.view.getState(
this.getCellAt(c.x, c.y, null, null, null, function (a) {
return (
null == a.shape ||
a.shape.paintBackground != mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground ||
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1') ||
(null != a.shape.fill && a.shape.fill != mxConstants.NONE)
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.getStateForTouchEvent = function (a) {
var b = mxEvent.getClientX(a);
a = mxEvent.getClientY(a);
b = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, b, a);
return this.view.getState(this.getCellAt(b.x, b.y));
mxGraph.prototype.isEventIgnored = function (a, b, c) {
var d = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(b.getEvent()),
e = !1;
b.getEvent() == this.lastEvent ? (e = !0) : (this.lastEvent = b.getEvent());
if (null != this.eventSource && a != mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE)
mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(this.eventSource, null, this.mouseMoveRedirect, this.mouseUpRedirect),
(this.eventSource = this.mouseUpRedirect = this.mouseMoveRedirect = null);
else if (!mxClient.IS_GC && null != this.eventSource && b.getSource() != this.eventSource) e = !0;
else if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH && a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN && !d && !mxEvent.isPenEvent(b.getEvent())) {
this.eventSource = b.getSource();
var f = null;
(!mxClient.IS_ANDROID && mxClient.IS_LINUX && mxClient.IS_GC) || (f = b.getEvent().pointerId);
this.mouseMoveRedirect = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
(null != f && a.pointerId != f) ||
this.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(a, this.getStateForTouchEvent(a)));
this.mouseUpRedirect = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(a, this.getStateForTouchEvent(a)));
f = null;
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(this.eventSource, null, this.mouseMoveRedirect, this.mouseUpRedirect);
this.isSyntheticEventIgnored(a, b, c) && (e = !0);
if (!mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(this.lastEvent) && a != mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE && 2 == this.lastEvent.detail) return !0;
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP && this.isMouseDown
? (this.isMouseDown = !1)
: a != mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN || this.isMouseDown
? !e &&
(((!mxClient.IS_FF || a != mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE) && this.isMouseDown && this.isMouseTrigger != d) ||
(a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN && this.isMouseDown) ||
(a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP && !this.isMouseDown)) &&
(e = !0)
: ((this.isMouseDown = !0), (this.isMouseTrigger = d));
e || a != mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN || ((this.lastMouseX = b.getX()), (this.lastMouseY = b.getY()));
return e;
mxGraph.prototype.isSyntheticEventIgnored = function (a, b, c) {
c = !1;
b = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(b.getEvent());
this.ignoreMouseEvents && b && a != mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE
? ((this.ignoreMouseEvents = a != mxEvent.MOUSE_UP), (c = !0))
: mxClient.IS_FF && !b && a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP && (this.ignoreMouseEvents = !0);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.isEventSourceIgnored = function (a, b) {
var c = b.getSource(),
d = null != c.nodeName ? c.nodeName.toLowerCase() : '',
e = !mxEvent.isMouseEvent(b.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(b.getEvent());
return (
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN &&
e &&
('select' == d ||
'option' == d ||
('input' == d &&
'checkbox' != c.type &&
'radio' != c.type &&
'button' != c.type &&
'submit' != c.type &&
'file' != c.type))
mxGraph.prototype.getEventState = function (a) {
return a;
mxGraph.prototype.isPointerEventIgnored = function (a, b) {
var c = !1;
if (mxClient.IS_ANDROID || !mxClient.IS_LINUX || !mxClient.IS_GC) {
var d = b.getEvent().pointerId;
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
? null != this.currentPointerId && this.currentPointerId != d
? (c = !0)
: null == this.currentPointerId && (this.currentPointerId = b.getEvent().pointerId)
: a == mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE
? null != this.currentPointerId && this.currentPointerId != d && (c = !0)
: a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP && (this.currentPointerId = null);
return c;
mxGraph.prototype.fireMouseEvent = function (a, b, c) {
if (this.isEventSourceIgnored(a, b)) null != this.tooltipHandler && this.tooltipHandler.hide();
else if (this.isPointerEventIgnored(a, b)) this.tapAndHoldValid = !1;
else {
null == c && (c = this);
b = this.updateMouseEvent(b, a);
if (
(!this.nativeDblClickEnabled && !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(b.getEvent())) ||
(this.doubleTapEnabled &&
mxClient.IS_TOUCH &&
(mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isPenEvent(b.getEvent())))
) {
var d = new Date().getTime();
if (a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN)
if (
null != this.lastTouchEvent &&
this.lastTouchEvent != b.getEvent() &&
d - this.lastTouchTime < this.doubleTapTimeout &&
Math.abs(this.lastTouchX - b.getX()) < this.doubleTapTolerance &&
Math.abs(this.lastTouchY - b.getY()) < this.doubleTapTolerance &&
2 > this.doubleClickCounter
) {
if (
(d = !1),
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP
? b.getCell() == this.lastTouchCell &&
null != this.lastTouchCell &&
((this.lastTouchTime = 0),
(d = this.lastTouchCell),
(this.lastTouchCell = null),
this.dblClick(b.getEvent(), d),
(d = !0))
: ((this.fireDoubleClick = !0), (this.lastTouchTime = 0)),
) {
} else {
if (null == this.lastTouchEvent || this.lastTouchEvent != b.getEvent())
(this.lastTouchCell = b.getCell()),
(this.lastTouchX = b.getX()),
(this.lastTouchY = b.getY()),
(this.lastTouchTime = d),
(this.lastTouchEvent = b.getEvent()),
(this.doubleClickCounter = 0);
else if ((this.isMouseDown || a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP) && this.fireDoubleClick) {
this.fireDoubleClick = !1;
d = this.lastTouchCell;
this.lastTouchCell = null;
this.isMouseDown = !1;
(null != d ||
((mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isPenEvent(b.getEvent())) &&
(mxClient.IS_GC || mxClient.IS_SF))) &&
Math.abs(this.lastTouchX - b.getX()) < this.doubleTapTolerance &&
Math.abs(this.lastTouchY - b.getY()) < this.doubleTapTolerance
? this.dblClick(b.getEvent(), d)
: mxEvent.consume(b.getEvent());
if (!this.isEventIgnored(a, b, c)) {
b.state = this.getEventState(b.getState());
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, 'eventName', a, 'event', b));
if (
mxClient.IS_OP ||
mxClient.IS_SF ||
mxClient.IS_GC ||
mxClient.IS_IE11 ||
(mxClient.IS_IE && mxClient.IS_SVG) ||
b.getEvent().target != this.container
) {
if (a == mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE && this.isMouseDown && this.autoScroll && !mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(b.getEvent))
this.scrollPointToVisible(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY(), this.autoExtend);
else if (
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP &&
this.ignoreScrollbars &&
this.translateToScrollPosition &&
(0 != this.container.scrollLeft || 0 != this.container.scrollTop)
) {
var d = this.view.scale,
e = this.view.translate;
this.view.setTranslate(e.x - this.container.scrollLeft / d, e.y - this.container.scrollTop / d);
this.container.scrollLeft = 0;
this.container.scrollTop = 0;
if (null != this.mouseListeners)
for (
d = [c, b], b.getEvent().preventDefault || (b.getEvent().returnValue = !0), e = 0;
e < this.mouseListeners.length;
) {
var f = this.mouseListeners[e];
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
? f.mouseDown.apply(f, d)
: a == mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE
? f.mouseMove.apply(f, d)
: a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP && f.mouseUp.apply(f, d);
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP &&;
(mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isPenEvent(b.getEvent())) &&
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN &&
this.tapAndHoldEnabled &&
? ((this.tapAndHoldInProgress = !0),
(this.initialTouchX = b.getGraphX()),
(this.initialTouchY = b.getGraphY()),
this.tapAndHoldThread && window.clearTimeout(this.tapAndHoldThread),
(this.tapAndHoldThread = window.setTimeout(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.tapAndHoldValid && this.tapAndHold(b);
this.tapAndHoldValid = this.tapAndHoldInProgress = !1;
(this.tapAndHoldValid = !0))
: a == mxEvent.MOUSE_UP
? (this.tapAndHoldValid = this.tapAndHoldInProgress = !1)
: this.tapAndHoldValid &&
(this.tapAndHoldValid =
Math.abs(this.initialTouchX - b.getGraphX()) < this.tolerance &&
Math.abs(this.initialTouchY - b.getGraphY()) < this.tolerance);
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN &&
this.isEditing() &&
!this.cellEditor.isEventSource(b.getEvent()) &&
this.consumeMouseEvent(a, b, c);
mxGraph.prototype.consumeMouseEvent = function (a, b, c) {
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN && mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) && b.consume(!1);
mxGraph.prototype.fireGestureEvent = function (a, b) {
this.lastTouchTime = 0;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.GESTURE, 'event', a, 'cell', b));
mxGraph.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.destroyed ||
((this.destroyed = !0),
null != this.tooltipHandler && this.tooltipHandler.destroy(),
null != this.selectionCellsHandler && this.selectionCellsHandler.destroy(),
null != this.panningHandler && this.panningHandler.destroy(),
null != this.popupMenuHandler && this.popupMenuHandler.destroy(),
null != this.connectionHandler && this.connectionHandler.destroy(),
null != this.graphHandler && this.graphHandler.destroy(),
null != this.cellEditor && this.cellEditor.destroy(),
null != this.view && this.view.destroy(),
null != this.model &&
null != this.graphModelChangeListener &&
(this.model.removeListener(this.graphModelChangeListener), (this.graphModelChangeListener = null)),
(this.container = null));
function mxLayoutManager(a) {
this.undoHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.isEnabled() && this.beforeUndo(c.getProperty('edit'));
this.moveHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.isEnabled() && this.cellsMoved(c.getProperty('cells'), c.getProperty('event'));
this.resizeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.isEnabled() && this.cellsResized(c.getProperty('cells'), c.getProperty('bounds'), c.getProperty('previous'));
mxLayoutManager.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxLayoutManager.prototype.constructor = mxLayoutManager;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.graph = null;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.bubbling = !0;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.undoHandler = null;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.moveHandler = null;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.resizeHandler = null;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.isBubbling = function () {
return this.bubbling;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setBubbling = function (a) {
this.bubbling = a;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.getGraph = function () {
return this.graph;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setGraph = function (a) {
if (null != this.graph) {
var b = this.graph.getModel();
this.graph = a;
null != this.graph &&
((b = this.graph.getModel()),
b.addListener(mxEvent.BEFORE_UNDO, this.undoHandler),
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.MOVE_CELLS, this.moveHandler),
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS, this.resizeHandler));
mxLayoutManager.prototype.hasLayout = function (a) {
return null != this.getLayout(a, mxEvent.LAYOUT_CELLS);
mxLayoutManager.prototype.getLayout = function (a, b) {
return null;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.beforeUndo = function (a) {
mxLayoutManager.prototype.cellsMoved = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b)
for (
var c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.getGraph().container, mxEvent.getClientX(b), mxEvent.getClientY(b)),
d = this.getGraph().getModel(),
e = 0;
e < a.length;
) {
var f = this.getLayout(d.getParent(a[e]), mxEvent.MOVE_CELLS);
null != f && f.moveCell(a[e], c.x, c.y);
mxLayoutManager.prototype.cellsResized = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a && null != b)
for (var d = this.getGraph().getModel(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = this.getLayout(d.getParent(a[e]), mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS);
null != f && f.resizeCell(a[e], b[e], c[e]);
mxLayoutManager.prototype.getCellsForChanges = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c];
if (d instanceof mxRootChange) return [];
b = b.concat(this.getCellsForChange(d));
return b;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.getCellsForChange = function (a) {
return a instanceof mxChildChange
? this.addCellsWithLayout(a.child, this.addCellsWithLayout(a.previous))
: a instanceof mxTerminalChange ||
a instanceof mxGeometryChange ||
a instanceof mxVisibleChange ||
a instanceof mxStyleChange
? this.addCellsWithLayout(a.cell)
: [];
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addCellsWithLayout = function (a, b) {
return this.addDescendantsWithLayout(a, this.addAncestorsWithLayout(a, b));
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addAncestorsWithLayout = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : [];
if (null != a && (this.hasLayout(a) && b.push(a), this.isBubbling())) {
var c = this.getGraph().getModel();
this.addAncestorsWithLayout(c.getParent(a), b);
return b;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.addDescendantsWithLayout = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : [];
if (null != a && this.hasLayout(a))
for (var c = this.getGraph().getModel(), d = 0; d < c.getChildCount(a); d++) {
var e = c.getChildAt(a, d);
this.hasLayout(e) && (b.push(e), this.addDescendantsWithLayout(e, b));
return b;
mxLayoutManager.prototype.executeLayoutForCells = function (a) {
a = mxUtils.sortCells(a, !1);
this.layoutCells(a, !0);
this.layoutCells(a.reverse(), !1);
mxLayoutManager.prototype.layoutCells = function (a, b) {
if (0 < a.length) {
var c = this.getGraph().getModel();
try {
for (var d = null, e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
a[e] != c.getRoot() && a[e] != d && (this.executeLayout(a[e], b), (d = a[e]));
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.LAYOUT_CELLS, 'cells', a));
} finally {
mxLayoutManager.prototype.executeLayout = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getLayout(a, b ? mxEvent.BEGIN_UPDATE : mxEvent.END_UPDATE);
null != c && c.execute(a);
mxLayoutManager.prototype.destroy = function () {
function mxConnectionConstraint(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.point = a;
this.perimeter = null != b ? b : !0; = c;
this.dx = d ? d : 0;
this.dy = e ? e : 0;
mxConnectionConstraint.prototype.point = null;
mxConnectionConstraint.prototype.perimeter = null; = null;
mxConnectionConstraint.prototype.dx = null;
mxConnectionConstraint.prototype.dy = null;
function mxGraphHandler(a) {
this.graph = a;
this.panHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.suspended || (this.updatePreview(), this.updateHint());
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.PAN, this.panHandler);
this.escapeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, this.escapeHandler);
this.refreshHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.refreshThread && window.clearTimeout(this.refreshThread);
this.refreshThread = window.setTimeout(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.refreshThread = null;
if (null != this.first && !this.suspended) {
var a = this.currentDx,
b = this.currentDy;
this.currentDy = this.currentDx = 0;
this.bounds = this.graph.getView().getBounds(this.cells);
this.pBounds = this.getPreviewBounds(this.cells);
null != this.pBounds || this.livePreviewUsed
? ((this.currentDx = a),
(this.currentDy = b),
this.livePreviewUsed &&
(this.setHandlesVisibleForCells(this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandledSelectionCells(), !1, !0),
: this.reset();
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.REFRESH, this.refreshHandler);
this.keyHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null == this.graph.container ||
'hidden' == ||
null == this.first ||
this.suspended ||
((a = this.graph.isCloneEvent(a) && this.graph.isCellsCloneable() && this.isCloneEnabled()),
a != this.cloning && ((this.cloning = a), this.checkPreview(), this.updatePreview()));
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'keydown', this.keyHandler);
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'keyup', this.keyHandler);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxCells = mxClient.IS_IE ? 20 : 50;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.highlightEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.cloneEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.moveEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.handlesVisible = !0; = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.currentDx = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.currentDy = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updateCursor = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeEmptyParents = !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.connectOnDrop = !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.scrollOnMove = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.minimumSize = 6;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor = 'black';
mxGraphHandler.prototype.htmlPreview = !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shape = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.scaleGrid = !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.rotationEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxLivePreview = 0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.allowLivePreview = mxClient.IS_SVG;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isCloneEnabled = function () {
return this.cloneEnabled;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setCloneEnabled = function (a) {
this.cloneEnabled = a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isMoveEnabled = function () {
return this.moveEnabled;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setMoveEnabled = function (a) {
this.moveEnabled = a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isSelectEnabled = function () {
return this.selectEnabled;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setSelectEnabled = function (a) {
this.selectEnabled = a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isRemoveCellsFromParent = function () {
return this.removeCellsFromParent;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setRemoveCellsFromParent = function (a) {
this.removeCellsFromParent = a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isPropagateSelectionCell = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.graph.model.getParent(a);
return b
? ((b = this.graph.model.isEdge(a) ? null : this.graph.getCellGeometry(a)),
!this.graph.isSiblingSelected(a) && ((null != b && b.relative) || !this.graph.isSwimlane(d)))
: (!this.graph.isToggleEvent(c.getEvent()) ||
(!this.graph.isSiblingSelected(a) && !this.graph.isCellSelected(a) && !this.graph.isSwimlane(d)) ||
this.graph.isCellSelected(d)) &&
(this.graph.isToggleEvent(c.getEvent()) || !this.graph.isCellSelected(d));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getInitialCellForEvent = function (a) {
var b = a.getState();
if (
(this.graph.isToggleEvent(a.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent())) ||
null == b ||
for (
var c = this.graph.model, d = this.graph.view.getState(c.getParent(b.cell));
null != d &&
!this.graph.isCellSelected(d.cell) &&
(c.isVertex(d.cell) || c.isEdge(d.cell)) &&
this.isPropagateSelectionCell(b.cell, !0, a);
(b = d), (d = this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getModel().getParent(b.cell)));
return null != b ? b.cell : null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isDelayedSelection = function (a, b) {
if (!this.graph.isToggleEvent(b.getEvent()) || !mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent()))
for (; null != a; ) {
if (this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.isHandled(a)) return this.graph.cellEditor.getEditingCell() != a;
a = this.graph.model.getParent(a);
return this.graph.isToggleEvent(b.getEvent()) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent());
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectDelayed = function (a) {
if (!this.graph.popupMenuHandler.isPopupTrigger(a)) {
var b = a.getCell();
null == b && (b = this.cell);
this.selectCellForEvent(b, a);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.view.getState(a);
if (null != c) {
if (!(b.isSource(c.control) || (this.graph.isToggleEvent(b.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent()))))
for (
var c = this.graph.getModel(), d = c.getParent(a);
null != this.graph.view.getState(d) &&
(c.isVertex(d) || (c.isEdge(d) && !this.graph.isToggleEvent(b.getEvent()))) &&
this.isPropagateSelectionCell(a, !1, b);
(a = d), (d = c.getParent(a));
this.graph.selectCellForEvent(a, b.getEvent());
return a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.consumeMouseEvent = function (a, b) {
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
if (
!b.isConsumed() &&
this.isEnabled() &&
this.graph.isEnabled() &&
null != b.getState() &&
) {
var c = this.getInitialCellForEvent(b);
this.delayedSelection = this.isDelayedSelection(c, b);
this.cell = null;
this.isSelectEnabled() && !this.delayedSelection && this.graph.selectCellForEvent(c, b.getEvent());
if (this.isMoveEnabled()) {
var d = this.graph.model,
e = d.getGeometry(c);
this.graph.isCellMovable(c) &&
(!d.isEdge(c) ||
1 < this.graph.getSelectionCount() ||
(null != e.points && 0 < e.points.length) ||
null == d.getTerminal(c, !0) ||
null == d.getTerminal(c, !1) ||
this.graph.allowDanglingEdges ||
(this.graph.isCloneEvent(b.getEvent()) && this.graph.isCellsCloneable()))
? this.start(c, b.getX(), b.getY())
: this.delayedSelection && (this.cell = c);
this.cellWasClicked = !0;
this.consumeMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, b);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getGuideStates = function () {
var a = this.graph.getDefaultParent(),
b = this.graph.getModel(),
c = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
return (
null != this.graph.view.getState(a) && b.isVertex(a) && null != b.getGeometry(a) && !b.getGeometry(a).relative
return this.graph.view.getCellStates(b.filterDescendants(c, a));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getCells = function (a) {
return !this.delayedSelection && this.graph.isCellMovable(a)
? [a]
: this.graph.getMovableCells(this.graph.getSelectionCells());
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getPreviewBounds = function (a) {
a = this.getBoundingBox(a);
null != a &&
((a.width = Math.max(0, a.width - 1)),
(a.height = Math.max(0, a.height - 1)),
a.width < this.minimumSize
? ((a.x -= (this.minimumSize - a.width) / 2), (a.width = this.minimumSize))
: ((a.x = Math.round(a.x)), (a.width = Math.ceil(a.width))),
a.height < this.minimumSize
? ((a.y -= (this.minimumSize - a.height) / 2), (a.height = this.minimumSize))
: ((a.y = Math.round(a.y)), (a.height = Math.ceil(a.height))));
return a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getBoundingBox = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length)
for (var c = this.graph.getModel(), d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (c.isVertex(a[d]) || c.isEdge(a[d])) {
var e = this.graph.view.getState(a[d]);
if (null != e) {
var f = e;
c.isVertex(a[d]) && null != e.shape && null != e.shape.boundingBox && (f = e.shape.boundingBox);
null == b ? (b = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(f)) : b.add(f);
return b;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.createPreviewShape = function (a) {
a = new mxRectangleShape(a, null, this.previewColor);
a.isDashed = !0;
? ((a.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML), a.init(this.graph.container))
: ((a.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG),
(a.pointerEvents = !1),
mxClient.IS_IOS &&
(a.getSvgScreenOffset = function () {
return 0;
return a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.start = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.cell = a;
this.first = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, b, c);
this.cells = null != d ? d : this.getCells(this.cell);
this.bounds = this.graph.getView().getBounds(this.cells);
this.pBounds = this.getPreviewBounds(this.cells);
this.allCells = new mxDictionary();
this.cloning = !1;
for (b = this.cellCount = 0; b < this.cells.length; b++)
this.cellCount += this.addStates(this.cells[b], this.allCells);
if (this.guidesEnabled) { = new mxGuide(this.graph, this.getGuideStates());
var e = this.graph.model.getParent(a),
f = 2 > this.graph.model.getChildCount(e),
g = new mxDictionary();
a = this.graph.getOpposites(this.graph.getEdges(this.cell), this.cell);
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) (c = this.graph.view.getState(a[b])), null == c || g.get(c) || g.put(c, !0); = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var b = this.graph.model.getParent(a.cell);
return (
null != a.cell &&
((!this.cloning && this.isCellMoving(a.cell)) ||
(a.cell != ( || e) &&
!f &&
!g.get(a) &&
(null == || 2 <= this.graph.model.getChildCount( &&
b != ( || e)))
mxGraphHandler.prototype.addStates = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.view.getState(a),
d = 0;
if (null != c && null == b.get(a)) {
b.put(a, c);
for (var c = this.graph.model.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < c; e++)
d += this.addStates(this.graph.model.getChildAt(a, e), b);
return d;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isCellMoving = function (a) {
return null != this.allCells.get(a);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.useGuidesForEvent = function (a) {
return null != ? && !this.isConstrainedEvent(a) : !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.snap = function (a) {
var b = this.scaleGrid ? this.graph.view.scale : 1;
a.x = this.graph.snap(a.x / b) * b;
a.y = this.graph.snap(a.y / b) * b;
return a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getDelta = function (a) {
a = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, a.getX(), a.getY());
return new mxPoint(a.x - this.first.x - this.graph.panDx, a.y - this.first.y - this.graph.panDy);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updateHint = function (a) {};
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint = function () {};
mxGraphHandler.prototype.roundLength = function (a) {
return Math.round(100 * a) / 100;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function (a, b) {
return this.graph.model.getParent(this.cell) != a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.checkPreview = function () {
this.livePreviewActive && this.cloning
? (this.resetLivePreview(), (this.livePreviewActive = !1))
: this.maxLivePreview >= this.cellCount && !this.livePreviewActive && this.allowLivePreview
? (this.cloning && this.livePreviewActive) || (this.livePreviewUsed = this.livePreviewActive = !0)
: this.livePreviewUsed || null != this.shape || (this.shape = this.createPreviewShape(this.bounds));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph;
if (
b.isConsumed() ||
!c.isMouseDown ||
null == this.cell ||
null == this.first ||
null == this.bounds ||
(!this.isMoveEnabled() && !this.isCloneEnabled()) ||
!this.updateCursor ||
b.isConsumed() ||
(null == b.getState() && null == b.sourceState) ||
c.isMouseDown ||
((d = c.getCursorForMouseEvent(b)),
null == d &&
c.isEnabled() &&
c.isCellMovable(b.getCell()) &&
(d = c.getModel().isEdge(b.getCell()) ? mxConstants.CURSOR_MOVABLE_EDGE : mxConstants.CURSOR_MOVABLE_VERTEX),
null != d && null != b.sourceState && b.sourceState.setCursor(d));
else if (mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(b.getEvent())) this.reset();
else {
var d = this.getDelta(b),
e = c.tolerance;
if (null != this.shape || this.livePreviewActive || Math.abs(d.x) > e || Math.abs(d.y) > e) {
null == this.highlight && (this.highlight = new mxCellHighlight(this.graph, mxConstants.DROP_TARGET_COLOR, 3));
var e = c.isCloneEvent(b.getEvent()) && c.isCellsCloneable() && this.isCloneEnabled(),
f = c.isGridEnabledEvent(b.getEvent()),
g = b.getCell(),
g =
null != g && 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(this.cells, g)
? g
: c.getCellAt(
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b, c) {
return 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(this.cells, a.cell);
k = !0,
h = null;
this.cloning = e;
c.isDropEnabled() && this.highlightEnabled && (h = c.getDropTarget(this.cells, b.getEvent(), g, e));
var l = c.getView().getState(h),
m = !1;
null != l && (e || this.isValidDropTarget(h, b))
? ( != h && (( = h), this.setHighlightColor(mxConstants.DROP_TARGET_COLOR)), (m = !0))
: (( = null),
this.connectOnDrop &&
null != g &&
1 == this.cells.length &&
c.getModel().isVertex(g) &&
c.isCellConnectable(g) &&
((l = c.getView().getState(g)),
null != l &&
((c =
null == c.getEdgeValidationError(null, this.cell, g)
? mxConstants.VALID_COLOR
(m = !0))));
null != l && m ? this.highlight.highlight(l) : this.highlight.hide();
null != && this.useGuidesForEvent(b)
? ((d =, d, f, e)), (k = !1))
: (d = this.graph.snapDelta(d, this.bounds, !f, !1, !1));
null != && k &&;
this.isConstrainedEvent(b) && (Math.abs(d.x) > Math.abs(d.y) ? (d.y = 0) : (d.x = 0));
if (this.currentDx != d.x || this.currentDy != d.y)
(this.currentDx = d.x), (this.currentDy = d.y), this.updatePreview();
this.consumeMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, b);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isConstrainedEvent = function (a) {
return (null == || this.graph.isCloneEvent(a.getEvent())) && this.graph.isConstrainedEvent(a.getEvent());
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updatePreview = function (a) {
this.livePreviewUsed && !a
? null != this.cells &&
(this.setHandlesVisibleForCells(this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandledSelectionCells(), !1),
this.updateLivePreview(this.currentDx, this.currentDy))
: this.updatePreviewShape();
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updatePreviewShape = function () {
null != this.shape &&
null != this.pBounds &&
((this.shape.bounds = new mxRectangle(
Math.round(this.pBounds.x + this.currentDx),
Math.round(this.pBounds.y + this.currentDy),
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updateLivePreview = function (a, b) {
if (!this.suspended) {
var c = [];
null != this.allCells &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (d, e) {
var f = this.graph.view.getState(e.cell);
f != e && (e.destroy(), null != f ? this.allCells.put(e.cell, f) : this.allCells.remove(e.cell), (e = f));
null != e &&
((f = e.clone()),
c.push([e, f]),
null != e.shape &&
(null == e.shape.originalPointerEvents && (e.shape.originalPointerEvents = e.shape.pointerEvents),
(e.shape.pointerEvents = !1),
null != e.text &&
(null == e.text.originalPointerEvents && (e.text.originalPointerEvents = e.text.pointerEvents),
(e.text.pointerEvents = !1))),
this.graph.model.isVertex(e.cell)) &&
(((e.x += a), (e.y += b), this.cloning)
? null != e.text &&
null != e.text.boundingBox && ((e.text.boundingBox.x += a), (e.text.boundingBox.y += b)),
null != e.text.unrotatedBoundingBox &&
((e.text.unrotatedBoundingBox.x += a), (e.text.unrotatedBoundingBox.y += b)))
: (e.view.graph.cellRenderer.redraw(e, !0),
(e.invalid = !1),
null != e.control && null != e.control.node && ( = 'hidden')));
if (0 == c.length) this.reset();
else {
for (var d = this.graph.view.scale, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = c[e][0];
if (this.graph.model.isEdge(f.cell)) {
var g = this.graph.getCellGeometry(f.cell),
k = [];
if (null != g && null != g.points)
for (var h = 0; h < g.points.length; h++)
null != g.points[h] && k.push(new mxPoint(g.points[h].x + a / d, g.points[h].y + b / d));
var g = f.visibleSourceState,
h = f.visibleTargetState,
l = c[e][1].absolutePoints;
null != g && this.isCellMoving(g.cell)
? f.view.updateFixedTerminalPoint(f, g, !0, this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(f, g, !0))
: ((g = l[0]), f.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(g.x + a, g.y + b), !0), (g = null));
null != h && this.isCellMoving(h.cell)
? f.view.updateFixedTerminalPoint(f, h, !1, this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(f, h, !1))
: ((h = l[l.length - 1]), f.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(h.x + a, h.y + b), !1), (h = null));
f.view.updatePoints(f, k, g, h);
f.view.updateFloatingTerminalPoints(f, g, h);
f.invalid = !1;
this.cloning || f.view.graph.cellRenderer.redraw(f, !0);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
var c = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(a[b][0].cell);
null != c && c.redraw(!0);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.resetPreviewStates = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b][0].setState(a[b][1]);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.suspend = function () {
this.suspended ||
(this.livePreviewUsed && this.updateLivePreview(0, 0),
null != this.shape && ( = 'hidden'),
null != &&!1),
(this.suspended = !0));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.resume = function () {
this.suspended &&
((this.suspended = null),
this.livePreviewUsed && (this.livePreviewActive = !0),
null != this.shape && ( = 'visible'),
null != &&!0));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.resetLivePreview = function () {
null != this.allCells &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
null != b.shape &&
null != b.shape.originalPointerEvents &&
((b.shape.pointerEvents = b.shape.originalPointerEvents),
(b.shape.originalPointerEvents = null),
(b.shape.bounds = null),
null != b.text &&
((b.text.pointerEvents = b.text.originalPointerEvents), (b.text.originalPointerEvents = null)));
null != b.control &&
null != b.control.node &&
'hidden' == &&
( = '');
this.cloning || (null != b.text && b.text.updateBoundingBox());
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setHandlesVisibleForCells = function (a, b, c) {
if (c || this.handlesVisible != b)
for (this.handlesVisible = b, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(a[c]);
null != d && (d.setHandlesVisible(b), b && d.redraw());
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setHighlightColor = function (a) {
null != this.highlight && this.highlight.setHighlightColor(a);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
if (!b.isConsumed())
if (
(this.livePreviewUsed && this.resetLivePreview(),
null == this.cell ||
null == this.first ||
(null == this.shape && !this.livePreviewUsed) ||
null == this.currentDx ||
null == this.currentDy)
this.isSelectEnabled() && this.delayedSelection && null != this.cell && this.selectDelayed(b);
else {
var c = this.graph,
d = b.getCell();
if (
this.connectOnDrop &&
null == &&
null != d &&
c.getModel().isVertex(d) &&
c.isCellConnectable(d) &&
c.isEdgeValid(null, this.cell, d)
c.connectionHandler.connect(this.cell, d, b.getEvent());
else {
var d = c.isCloneEvent(b.getEvent()) && c.isCellsCloneable() && this.isCloneEnabled(),
e = c.getView().scale,
f = this.roundLength(this.currentDx / e),
e = this.roundLength(this.currentDy / e),
g =;
c.isSplitEnabled() && c.isSplitTarget(g, this.cells, b.getEvent())
? c.splitEdge(g, this.cells, null, f, e, b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY())
: this.moveCells(this.cells, f, e, d,, b.getEvent());
this.cellWasClicked && this.consumeMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, b);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
this.livePreviewUsed &&
this.setHandlesVisibleForCells(this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandledSelectionCells(), !0));
this.delayedSelection = !1;
this.livePreviewUsed = this.livePreviewActive = null;
this.cellWasClicked = !1;
this.cellCount = this.currentDy = this.currentDx = this.suspended = null;
this.cloning = !1;
this.cell = this.cells = this.first = = this.guides = this.pBounds = this.allCells = null;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function (a, b, c) {
if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a) && ((a = this.graph.getView().getState(a)), null != a)) {
c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, mxEvent.getClientX(c), mxEvent.getClientY(c));
var d = mxUtils.toRadians(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0);
if (0 != d) {
b = Math.cos(-d);
var d = Math.sin(-d),
e = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY());
c = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(c, b, d, e);
return !mxUtils.contains(a, c.x, c.y);
return !1;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.moveCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
d && (a = this.graph.getCloneableCells(a));
var g = this.graph.getModel().getParent(this.cell);
null == e &&
null != f &&
this.isRemoveCellsFromParent() &&
this.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent(g, a, f) &&
(e = this.graph.getDefaultParent());
d = d && !this.graph.isCellLocked(e || this.graph.getDefaultParent());
try {
g = [];
if (!d && null != e && this.removeEmptyParents) {
for (var k = new mxDictionary(), h = 0; h < a.length; h++) k.put(a[h], !0);
for (h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var l = this.graph.model.getParent(a[h]);
null == l || k.get(l) || (k.put(l, !0), g.push(l));
a = this.graph.moveCells(a, b, c, d, e, f);
b = [];
for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) this.shouldRemoveParent(g[h]) && b.push(g[h]);
this.graph.removeCells(b, !1);
} finally {
d && this.graph.setSelectionCells(a);
this.isSelectEnabled() && this.scrollOnMove && this.graph.scrollCellToVisible(a[0]);
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveParent = function (a) {
a = this.graph.view.getState(a);
return (
null != a &&
(this.graph.model.isEdge(a.cell) || this.graph.model.isVertex(a.cell)) &&
this.graph.isCellDeletable(a.cell) &&
0 == this.graph.model.getChildCount(a.cell) &&
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroyShapes = function () {
null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null));
null != && (, ( = null));
null != this.highlight && (this.highlight.destroy(), (this.highlight = null));
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.escapeHandler && (this.graph.removeListener(this.escapeHandler), (this.escapeHandler = null));
null != this.refreshHandler &&
(this.refreshHandler = null));
mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'keydown', this.keyHandler);
mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'keyup', this.keyHandler);
function mxPanningHandler(a) {
null != a &&
((this.graph = a),
(this.forcePanningHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
var b = c.getProperty('eventName'),
e = c.getProperty('event');
b == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN &&
this.isForcePanningEvent(e) &&
( = !0),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN_START, 'event', e)),
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, this.forcePanningHandler),
(this.gestureHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
if (this.isPinchEnabled()) {
var b = c.getProperty('event');
mxEvent.isConsumed(b) || 'gesturestart' != b.type
? 'gestureend' == b.type && null != this.initialScale && (this.initialScale = null)
: ((this.initialScale = this.graph.view.scale), ||
null == this.mouseDownEvent ||
(this.start(this.mouseDownEvent), (this.mouseDownEvent = null)));
null != this.initialScale && this.zoomGraph(b);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.GESTURE, this.gestureHandler),
(this.mouseUpListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function () { && this.reset();
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, null, null, this.mouseUpListener),
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'mouseleave', this.mouseUpListener));
mxPanningHandler.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxPanningHandler.prototype.constructor = mxPanningHandler;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.useLeftButtonForPanning = !1;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.usePopupTrigger = !0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.ignoreCell = !1;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.previewEnabled = !0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.useGrid = !1;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.panningEnabled = !0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.pinchEnabled = !0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.maxScale = 8;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.minScale = 0.01;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.dx = null;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.dy = null;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.startX = 0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.startY = 0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isActive = function () {
return || null != this.initialScale;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningEnabled = function () {
return this.panningEnabled;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.setPanningEnabled = function (a) {
this.panningEnabled = a;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPinchEnabled = function () {
return this.pinchEnabled;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.setPinchEnabled = function (a) {
this.pinchEnabled = a;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function (a) {
var b = a.getEvent();
return (
(this.useLeftButtonForPanning && null == a.getState() && mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(b)) ||
(mxEvent.isControlDown(b) && mxEvent.isShiftDown(b)) ||
(this.usePopupTrigger && mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(b))
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isForcePanningEvent = function (a) {
return this.ignoreCell || mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(a.getEvent());
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
this.mouseDownEvent = b;
!b.isConsumed() &&
this.isPanningEnabled() &&
! &&
this.isPanningTrigger(b) &&
(this.start(b), this.consumePanningTrigger(b));
mxPanningHandler.prototype.start = function (a) {
this.dx0 = -this.graph.container.scrollLeft;
this.dy0 = -this.graph.container.scrollTop;
this.startX = a.getX();
this.startY = a.getY();
this.dy = this.dx = null;
this.panningTrigger = !0;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.consumePanningTrigger = function (a) {
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
this.dx = b.getX() - this.startX;
this.dy = b.getY() - this.startY;
if (
this.previewEnabled &&
(this.useGrid && ((this.dx = this.graph.snap(this.dx)), (this.dy = this.graph.snap(this.dy))),
this.graph.panGraph(this.dx + this.dx0, this.dy + this.dy0)),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN, 'event', b));
else if (this.panningTrigger) {
var c =; = Math.abs(this.dx) > this.graph.tolerance || Math.abs(this.dy) > this.graph.tolerance;
!c && && this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN_START, 'event', b));
( || this.panningTrigger) && b.consume();
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
if ( {
if (null != this.dx && null != this.dy) {
if (!this.graph.useScrollbarsForPanning || !mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.graph.container)) {
var c = this.graph.getView().scale,
d = this.graph.getView().translate;
this.graph.panGraph(0, 0);
this.panGraph(d.x + this.dx / c, d.y + this.dy / c);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.PAN_END, 'event', b));
mxPanningHandler.prototype.zoomGraph = function (a) {
var b = Math.round(this.initialScale * a.scale * 100) / 100;
null != this.minScale && (b = Math.max(this.minScale, b));
null != this.maxScale && (b = Math.min(this.maxScale, b));
this.graph.view.scale != b && (this.graph.zoomTo(b), mxEvent.consume(a));
mxPanningHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
this.panningTrigger = this.graph.isMouseDown = !1;
this.mouseDownEvent = null; = !1;
this.dy = this.dx = null;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.panGraph = function (a, b) {
this.graph.getView().setTranslate(a, b);
mxPanningHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(document, null, null, this.mouseUpListener);
mxEvent.removeListener(document, 'mouseleave', this.mouseUpListener);
function mxPopupMenuHandler(a, b) {
null != a &&
((this.graph = a),
(this.factoryMethod = b),
(this.gestureHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.inTolerance = !1;
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.GESTURE, this.gestureHandler),
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype = new mxPopupMenu();
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.constructor = mxPopupMenuHandler;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.selectOnPopup = !0;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.clearSelectionOnBackground = !0;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.triggerX = null;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.triggerY = null;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.screenX = null;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.screenY = null;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.init = function () {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.isSelectOnPopup = function (a) {
return this.selectOnPopup;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
this.isEnabled() &&
!mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) &&
(this.triggerX = b.getGraphX()),
(this.triggerY = b.getGraphY()),
(this.screenX = mxEvent.getMainEvent(b.getEvent()).screenX),
(this.screenY = mxEvent.getMainEvent(b.getEvent()).screenY),
(this.popupTrigger = this.isPopupTrigger(b)),
(this.inTolerance = !0));
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
this.inTolerance &&
null != this.screenX &&
null != this.screenY &&
(Math.abs(mxEvent.getMainEvent(b.getEvent()).screenX - this.screenX) > this.graph.tolerance ||
Math.abs(mxEvent.getMainEvent(b.getEvent()).screenY - this.screenY) > this.graph.tolerance) &&
(this.inTolerance = !1);
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b, c) {
a = null == c;
c =
null != c
? c
: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var c = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin();
this.popup(b.getX() + c.x + 1, b.getY() + c.y + 1, a, b.getEvent());
if (this.popupTrigger && this.inTolerance && null != this.triggerX && null != this.triggerY) {
var d = this.getCellForPopupEvent(b);
this.graph.isEnabled() && this.isSelectOnPopup(b) && null != d && !this.graph.isCellSelected(d)
? this.graph.setSelectionCell(d)
: this.clearSelectionOnBackground && null == d && this.graph.clearSelection();
a && b.consume();
this.inTolerance = this.popupTrigger = !1;
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.getCellForPopupEvent = function (a) {
return a.getCell();
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
function mxCellMarker(a, b, c, d) {;
null != a &&
((this.graph = a),
(this.validColor = null != b ? b : mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR),
(this.invalidColor = null != c ? c : mxConstants.DEFAULT_INVALID_COLOR),
(this.hotspot = null != d ? d : mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT),
(this.highlight = new mxCellHighlight(a)));
mxUtils.extend(mxCellMarker, mxEventSource);
mxCellMarker.prototype.graph = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxCellMarker.prototype.hotspot = mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT;
mxCellMarker.prototype.hotspotEnabled = !1;
mxCellMarker.prototype.validColor = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.invalidColor = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.currentColor = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.validState = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.markedState = null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxCellMarker.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspot = function (a) {
this.hotspot = a;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getHotspot = function () {
return this.hotspot;
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspotEnabled = function (a) {
this.hotspotEnabled = a;
mxCellMarker.prototype.isHotspotEnabled = function () {
return this.hotspotEnabled;
mxCellMarker.prototype.hasValidState = function () {
return null != this.validState;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getValidState = function () {
return this.validState;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getMarkedState = function () {
return this.markedState;
mxCellMarker.prototype.reset = function () {
this.validState = null;
null != this.markedState && ((this.markedState = null), this.unmark());
mxCellMarker.prototype.process = function (a) {
var b = null;
this.isEnabled() && ((b = this.getState(a)), this.setCurrentState(b, a));
return b;
mxCellMarker.prototype.setCurrentState = function (a, b, c) {
var d = null != a ? this.isValidState(a) : !1;
c = null != c ? c : this.getMarkerColor(b.getEvent(), a, d);
this.validState = d ? a : null;
if (a != this.markedState || c != this.currentColor)
(this.currentColor = c),
null != a && null != this.currentColor
? ((this.markedState = a), this.mark())
: null != this.markedState && ((this.markedState = null), this.unmark());
mxCellMarker.prototype.markCell = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getView().getState(a);
null != c && ((this.currentColor = null != b ? b : this.validColor), (this.markedState = c), this.mark());
mxCellMarker.prototype.mark = function () {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.MARK, 'state', this.markedState));
mxCellMarker.prototype.unmark = function () {
mxCellMarker.prototype.isValidState = function (a) {
return !0;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getMarkerColor = function (a, b, c) {
return c ? this.validColor : this.invalidColor;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getState = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getView(),
c = this.getCell(a),
b = this.getStateToMark(b.getState(c));
return null != b && this.intersects(b, a) ? b : null;
mxCellMarker.prototype.getCell = function (a) {
return a.getCell();
mxCellMarker.prototype.getStateToMark = function (a) {
return a;
mxCellMarker.prototype.intersects = function (a, b) {
return this.hotspotEnabled
? mxUtils.intersectsHotspot(
: !0;
mxCellMarker.prototype.destroy = function () {
function mxSelectionCellsHandler(a) {;
this.graph = a;
this.handlers = new mxDictionary();
this.refreshHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
this.isEnabled() && this.refresh();
this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.refreshHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.refreshHandler);
mxUtils.extend(mxSelectionCellsHandler, mxEventSource);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refreshHandler = null;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.maxHandlers = 100;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.handlers = null;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.getHandler = function (a) {
return this.handlers.get(a);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.isHandled = function (a) {
return null != this.getHandler(a);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
this.handlers.visit(function (a, b) {
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.getHandledSelectionCells = function () {
return this.graph.getSelectionCells();
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refresh = function () {
var a = this.handlers;
this.handlers = new mxDictionary();
for (var b = mxUtils.sortCells(this.getHandledSelectionCells(), !1), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = this.graph.view.getState(b[c]);
if (null != d) {
var e = a.remove(b[c]);
null != e &&
(e.state != d
? (e.destroy(), (e = null))
: this.isHandlerActive(e) || (null != e.refresh && e.refresh(), e.redraw()));
null != e && this.handlers.put(b[c], e);
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.REMOVE, 'state', b.state));
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
(d = this.graph.view.getState(b[c])),
null != d &&
((e = this.handlers.get(b[c])),
null == e
? ((e = this.graph.createHandler(d)),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.ADD, 'state', d)),
this.handlers.put(b[c], e))
: e.updateParentHighlight());
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.isHandlerActive = function (a) {
return null != a.index;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.updateHandler = function (a) {
var b = this.handlers.remove(a.cell);
if (null != b) {
var c = b.index,
d = b.startX,
e = b.startY;
b = this.graph.createHandler(a);
null != b && (this.handlers.put(a.cell, b), null != c && null != d && null != e && b.start(d, e, c));
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
if (this.graph.isEnabled() && this.isEnabled()) {
var c = [a, b];
this.handlers.visit(function (a, b) {
b.mouseDown.apply(b, c);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
if (this.graph.isEnabled() && this.isEnabled()) {
var c = [a, b];
this.handlers.visit(function (a, b) {
b.mouseMove.apply(b, c);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
if (this.graph.isEnabled() && this.isEnabled()) {
var c = [a, b];
this.handlers.visit(function (a, b) {
b.mouseUp.apply(b, c);
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.refreshHandler &&
(this.refreshHandler = null));
function mxConnectionHandler(a, b) {;
null != a &&
((this.graph = a),
(this.factoryMethod = b),
(this.escapeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, this.escapeHandler));
mxUtils.extend(mxConnectionHandler, mxEventSource);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.factoryMethod = !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.moveIconFront = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.moveIconBack = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.targetConnectImage = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.enabled = !0; = !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTarget = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.marker = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.constraintHandler = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.error = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.waypointsEnabled = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.ignoreMouseDown = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.first = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectIconOffset = new mxPoint(0, mxConstants.TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSET);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.edgeState = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.changeHandler = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drillHandler = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseDownCounter = 0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.outlineConnect = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.livePreview = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.cursor = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertBeforeSource = !1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isInsertBefore = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return this.insertBeforeSource && b != c;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function (a) {
return this.createTarget;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function (a) {
this.createTarget = a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape = function () {
var a =
this.livePreview && null != this.edgeState
? this.graph.cellRenderer.createShape(this.edgeState)
: new mxPolyline([], mxConstants.INVALID_COLOR);
a.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
a.scale = this.graph.view.scale;
a.svgStrokeTolerance = 0;
a.pointerEvents = !1;
a.isDashed = !0;
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(a.node, this.graph, null);
return a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function () {
this.marker = this.createMarker();
this.constraintHandler = new mxConstraintHandler(this.graph);
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != this.iconState && (this.iconState = this.graph.getView().getState(this.iconState.cell));
null != this.iconState
? (this.redrawIcons(this.icons, this.iconState), this.constraintHandler.reset())
: null != this.previous && null == this.graph.view.getState(this.previous.cell) && this.reset();
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.changeHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.changeHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.changeHandler);
this.drillHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.START_EDITING, this.drillHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.drillHandler);
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.drillHandler);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function (a) {
return !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function () {
var a = new mxCellMarker(this.graph);
a.hotspotEnabled = !0;
a.getCell = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
var c = mxCellMarker.prototype.getCell.apply(a, arguments);
this.error = null;
null == c && null != this.currentPoint && (c = this.graph.getCellAt(this.currentPoint.x, this.currentPoint.y));
if (null != c && !this.graph.isCellConnectable(c)) {
var d = this.graph.getModel().getParent(c);
this.graph.getModel().isVertex(d) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(d) && (c = d);
if (
(this.graph.isSwimlane(c) &&
null != this.currentPoint &&
this.graph.hitsSwimlaneContent(c, this.currentPoint.x, this.currentPoint.y)) ||
c = null;
null != c
? this.isConnecting()
? null != this.previous &&
((this.error = this.validateConnection(this.previous.cell, c)),
null != this.error &&
0 == this.error.length &&
((c = null), this.isCreateTarget(b.getEvent()) && (this.error = null)))
: this.isValidSource(c, b) || (c = null)
: !this.isConnecting() || this.isCreateTarget(b.getEvent()) || this.graph.allowDanglingEdges || (this.error = '');
return c;
a.isValidState = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
return this.isConnecting() ? null == this.error : mxCellMarker.prototype.isValidState.apply(a, arguments);
a.getMarkerColor = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b, c, d) {
return null == this.connectImage || this.isConnecting()
? mxCellMarker.prototype.getMarkerColor.apply(a, arguments)
: null;
a.intersects = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b, c) {
return null != this.connectImage || this.isConnecting()
? !0
: mxCellMarker.prototype.intersects.apply(a, arguments);
return a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.previous = a;
this.first = new mxPoint(b, c);
this.edgeState = null != d ? d : this.createEdgeState(null);
this.marker.currentColor = this.marker.validColor;
this.marker.markedState = a;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START, 'state', this.previous));
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnecting = function () {
return null != this.first && null != this.shape;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function (a, b) {
return this.graph.isValidSource(a);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function (a) {
return !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function (a, b) {
return this.isValidTarget(b) ? this.graph.getEdgeValidationError(null, a, b) : '';
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getConnectImage = function (a) {
return this.connectImage;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function (a) {
return null != a.text && a.text.node.parentNode == this.graph.container ? !0 : this.moveIconFront;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createIcons = function (a) {
var b = this.getConnectImage(a);
if (null != b && null != a) {
this.iconState = a;
var c = [],
d = new mxRectangle(0, 0, b.width, b.height),
e = new mxImageShape(d, b.src, null, null, 0);
e.preserveImageAspect = !1;
? ((e.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML), e.init(this.graph.container))
: ((e.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG),
this.moveIconBack &&
null != e.node.previousSibling &&
e.node.parentNode.insertBefore(e.node, e.node.parentNode.firstChild)); = mxConstants.CURSOR_CONNECT;
var f = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
return null != this.currentState ? this.currentState : a;
b = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isConsumed(a) ||
((this.icon = e), this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(a, f())));
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(e.node, this.graph, f, b);
this.redrawIcons(c, this.iconState);
return c;
return null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != a[0] && null != b) {
var c = this.getIconPosition(a[0], b);
a[0].bounds.x = c.x;
a[0].bounds.y = c.y;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getIconPosition = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getView().scale,
d = b.getCenterX(),
e = b.getCenterY();
if (this.graph.isSwimlane(b.cell)) {
var f = this.graph.getStartSize(b.cell),
d = 0 != f.width ? b.x + (f.width * c) / 2 : d,
e = 0 != f.height ? b.y + (f.height * c) / 2 : e,
f = mxUtils.toRadians(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION) || 0);
if (0 != f)
var c = Math.cos(f),
f = Math.sin(f),
g = new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY()),
e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(d, e), c, f, g),
d = e.x,
e = e.y;
return new mxPoint(d - a.bounds.width / 2, e - a.bounds.height / 2);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function () {
if (null != this.icons) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.icons.length; a++) this.icons[a].destroy();
this.iconState = this.selectedIcon = this.icon = this.icons = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function (a) {
return (
(null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus && null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint) ||
(null != this.previous && null == this.error && (null == this.icons || (null != this.icons && null != this.icon)))
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
if (this.isEnabled() && this.graph.isEnabled() && !b.isConsumed() && !this.isConnecting() && this.isStartEvent(b)) {
null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint &&
null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus &&
null != this.constraintHandler.currentPoint
? ((this.sourceConstraint = this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint),
(this.previous = this.constraintHandler.currentFocus),
(this.first = this.constraintHandler.currentPoint.clone()))
: (this.first = new mxPoint(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY()));
this.edgeState = this.createEdgeState(b);
this.mouseDownCounter = 1;
this.waypointsEnabled &&
null == this.shape &&
((this.waypoints = null),
(this.shape = this.createShape()),
null != this.edgeState && this.shape.apply(this.edgeState));
if (null == this.previous && null != this.edgeState) {
var c = this.graph.getPointForEvent(b.getEvent());
this.edgeState.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(c, !0);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.START, 'state', this.previous));
this.selectedIcon = this.icon;
this.icon = null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isImmediateConnectSource = function (a) {
return !this.graph.isCellMovable(a.cell);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function (a) {
return null;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent = function (a) {
if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent())) return !1;
var b = mxUtils.getOffset(this.graph.container),
c = a.getEvent(),
d = mxEvent.getClientX(c),
c = mxEvent.getClientY(c),
e = document.documentElement,
f =
this.currentPoint.x -
this.graph.container.scrollLeft +
b.x -
((window.pageXOffset || e.scrollLeft) - (e.clientLeft || 0)),
b =
this.currentPoint.y -
this.graph.container.scrollTop +
b.y -
((window.pageYOffset || e.scrollTop) - (e.clientTop || 0));
return (
this.outlineConnect &&
((mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent())) ||
a.isSource(this.marker.highlight.shape) ||
(!mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent()) && null != a.getState()) ||
this.marker.highlight.isHighlightAt(d, c) ||
((f != d || b != c) && null == a.getState() && this.marker.highlight.isHighlightAt(f, b)))
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function (a, b) {
null == this.first,
null == this.first || a.isSource(this.marker.highlight.shape) ? null : b
if (null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus && null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint)
null != this.marker.highlight &&
null != this.marker.highlight.state &&
this.marker.highlight.state.cell == this.constraintHandler.currentFocus.cell
? 'transparent' != this.marker.highlight.shape.stroke &&
((this.marker.highlight.shape.stroke = 'transparent'), this.marker.highlight.repaint())
: this.marker.markCell(this.constraintHandler.currentFocus.cell, 'transparent'),
null != this.previous &&
((this.error = this.validateConnection(this.previous.cell, this.constraintHandler.currentFocus.cell)),
null == this.error && (this.currentState = this.constraintHandler.currentFocus),
(null != this.error || (null != this.currentState && !this.isCellEnabled(this.currentState.cell))) &&
else {
? (this.marker.reset(), (this.currentState = null))
: (this.marker.process(a), (this.currentState = this.marker.getValidState()));
null == this.currentState ||
this.isCellEnabled(this.currentState.cell) ||
(this.constraintHandler.reset(), this.marker.reset(), (this.currentState = null));
var c = this.isOutlineConnectEvent(a);
null != this.currentState &&
c &&
(a.isSource(this.marker.highlight.shape) && (b = new mxPoint(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY())),
(c = this.graph.getOutlineConstraint(b, this.currentState, a)),
this.constraintHandler.setFocus(a, this.currentState, !1),
(this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint = c),
(this.constraintHandler.currentPoint = b));
this.outlineConnect &&
null != this.marker.highlight &&
null != this.marker.highlight.shape &&
((c = this.graph.view.scale),
null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint && null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus
? ((this.marker.highlight.shape.stroke = mxConstants.OUTLINE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR),
(this.marker.highlight.shape.strokewidth = mxConstants.OUTLINE_HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTH / c / c),
: this.marker.hasValidState() &&
(this.graph.isCellConnectable(a.getCell()) && this.marker.getValidState() != a.getState()
? ((this.marker.highlight.shape.stroke = 'transparent'), (this.currentState = null))
: (this.marker.highlight.shape.stroke = mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR),
(this.marker.highlight.shape.strokewidth = mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTH / c / c),
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCellEnabled = function (a) {
return !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.convertWaypoint = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getView().getScale(),
c = this.graph.getView().getTranslate();
a.x = a.x / b - c.x;
a.y = a.y / b - c.y;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.snapToPreview = function (a, b) {
if (!mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent()) && null != this.previous) {
var c = (this.graph.gridSize * this.graph.view.scale) / 2,
d =
null != this.sourceConstraint
? this.first
: new mxPoint(this.previous.getCenterX(), this.previous.getCenterY());
Math.abs(d.x - a.getGraphX()) < c && (b.x = d.x);
Math.abs(d.y - a.getGraphY()) < c && (b.y = d.y);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
if (b.isConsumed() || (!this.ignoreMouseDown && null == this.first && this.graph.isMouseDown))
else {
this.isEnabled() || null == this.currentState || (this.destroyIcons(), (this.currentState = null));
var c = this.graph.getView(),
d = c.scale,
e = c.translate,
c = new mxPoint(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY());
this.error = null;
this.graph.isGridEnabledEvent(b.getEvent()) &&
(c = new mxPoint((this.graph.snap(c.x / d - e.x) + e.x) * d, (this.graph.snap(c.y / d - e.y) + e.y) * d));
this.snapToPreview(b, c);
this.currentPoint = c;
(null != this.first || (this.isEnabled() && this.graph.isEnabled())) &&
(null != this.shape ||
null == this.first ||
Math.abs(b.getGraphX() - this.first.x) > this.graph.tolerance ||
Math.abs(b.getGraphY() - this.first.y) > this.graph.tolerance) &&
this.updateCurrentState(b, c);
if (null != this.first) {
var f = null,
d = c;
null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint &&
null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus &&
null != this.constraintHandler.currentPoint
? ((f = this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint), (d = this.constraintHandler.currentPoint.clone()))
: null != this.previous &&
mxEvent.isShiftDown(b.getEvent()) &&
!this.graph.isIgnoreTerminalEvent(b.getEvent()) &&
(Math.abs(this.previous.getCenterX() - c.x) < Math.abs(this.previous.getCenterY() - c.y)
? (c.x = this.previous.getCenterX())
: (c.y = this.previous.getCenterY()));
e = this.first;
if (null != this.selectedIcon) {
var g = this.selectedIcon.bounds.width,
k = this.selectedIcon.bounds.height;
null != this.currentState && this.targetConnectImage
? ((g = this.getIconPosition(this.selectedIcon, this.currentState)),
(this.selectedIcon.bounds.x = g.x),
(this.selectedIcon.bounds.y = g.y))
: ((g = new mxRectangle(
b.getGraphX() + this.connectIconOffset.x,
b.getGraphY() + this.connectIconOffset.y,
(this.selectedIcon.bounds = g));
null != this.edgeState
? (this.updateEdgeState(d, f),
(d = this.edgeState.absolutePoints[this.edgeState.absolutePoints.length - 1]),
(e = this.edgeState.absolutePoints[0]))
: (null != this.currentState &&
null == this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint &&
((g = this.getTargetPerimeterPoint(this.currentState, b)), null != g && (d = g)),
null == this.sourceConstraint &&
null != this.previous &&
((g = this.getSourcePerimeterPoint(
null != this.waypoints && 0 < this.waypoints.length ? this.waypoints[0] : d,
null != g && (e = g)));
if (null == this.currentState && this.movePreviewAway) {
g = e;
null != this.edgeState &&
2 <= this.edgeState.absolutePoints.length &&
((f = this.edgeState.absolutePoints[this.edgeState.absolutePoints.length - 2]), null != f && (g = f));
f = d.x - g.x;
g = d.y - g.y;
k = Math.sqrt(f * f + g * g);
if (0 == k) return;
this.originalPoint = d.clone();
d.x -= (4 * f) / k;
d.y -= (4 * g) / k;
} else this.originalPoint = null;
null == this.shape &&
((f = Math.abs(b.getGraphX() - this.first.x)),
(g = Math.abs(b.getGraphY() - this.first.y)),
f > this.graph.tolerance || g > this.graph.tolerance) &&
((this.shape = this.createShape()),
null != this.edgeState && this.shape.apply(this.edgeState),
this.updateCurrentState(b, c));
null != this.shape &&
(null != this.edgeState
? (this.shape.points = this.edgeState.absolutePoints)
: ((c = [e]), null != this.waypoints && (c = c.concat(this.waypoints)), c.push(d), (this.shape.points = c)),
null != this.cursor && ( = this.cursor);
} else
this.isEnabled() && this.graph.isEnabled()
? this.previous != this.currentState && null == this.edgeState
? (this.destroyIcons(),
null != this.currentState &&
null == this.error &&
null == this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint &&
((this.icons = this.createIcons(this.currentState)),
null == this.icons && (this.currentState.setCursor(mxConstants.CURSOR_CONNECT), b.consume())),
(this.previous = this.currentState))
: this.previous != this.currentState ||
null == this.currentState ||
null != this.icons ||
this.graph.isMouseDown ||
: this.constraintHandler.reset();
if (!this.graph.isMouseDown && null != this.currentState && null != this.icons) {
c = !1;
d = b.getSource();
for (e = 0; e < this.icons.length && !c; e++) c = d == this.icons[e].node || d.parentNode == this.icons[e].node;
c || this.updateIcons(this.currentState, this.icons, b);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateEdgeState = function (a, b) {
null != this.sourceConstraint &&
null != this.sourceConstraint.point &&
(([mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X] = this.sourceConstraint.point.x),
([mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y] = this.sourceConstraint.point.y));
null != b && null != b.point
? (([mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X] = b.point.x),
([mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y] = b.point.y))
: (delete[mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X], delete[mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y]);
this.edgeState.absolutePoints = [null, null != this.currentState ? null : a];
this.graph.view.updateFixedTerminalPoint(this.edgeState, this.previous, !0, this.sourceConstraint);
null != this.currentState &&
(null == b && (b = this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(this.edgeState, this.previous, !1)),
this.edgeState.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(null, !1),
this.graph.view.updateFixedTerminalPoint(this.edgeState, this.currentState, !1, b));
var c = null;
if (null != this.waypoints)
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < this.waypoints.length; d++) {
var e = this.waypoints[d].clone();
c[d] = e;
this.graph.view.updatePoints(this.edgeState, c, this.previous, this.currentState);
this.graph.view.updateFloatingTerminalPoints(this.edgeState, this.previous, this.currentState);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function (a, b) {
var c = null,
d = a.view,
e = d.getPerimeterFunction(a);
if (null != e) {
var f =
null != this.waypoints && 0 < this.waypoints.length
? this.waypoints[this.waypoints.length - 1]
: new mxPoint(this.previous.getCenterX(), this.previous.getCenterY()),
d = e(d.getPerimeterBounds(a), this.edgeState, f, !1);
null != d && (c = d);
} else c = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY());
return c;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function (a, b, c) {
c = null;
var d = a.view,
e = d.getPerimeterFunction(a),
f = new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY());
if (null != e) {
var g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0),
k = (Math.PI / 180) * -g;
0 != g && (b = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(b.x, b.y), Math.cos(k), Math.sin(k), f));
a = e(d.getPerimeterBounds(a), a, b, !1);
null != a &&
(0 != g && (a = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(new mxPoint(a.x, a.y), Math.cos(-k), Math.sin(-k), f)), (c = a));
} else c = f;
return c;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function (a, b, c) {};
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function (a) {
return null != a.getState();
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.addWaypointForEvent = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, a.getX(), a.getY()),
c = Math.abs(b.x - this.first.x),
b = Math.abs(b.y - this.first.y);
if (null != this.waypoints || (1 < this.mouseDownCounter && (c > this.graph.tolerance || b > this.graph.tolerance)))
null == this.waypoints && (this.waypoints = []),
(c = this.graph.view.scale),
(b = new mxPoint(this.graph.snap(a.getGraphX() / c) * c, this.graph.snap(a.getGraphY() / c) * c)),
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.checkConstraints = function (a, b) {
return (
null == a ||
null == b ||
null == a.point ||
null == b.point ||
!a.point.equals(b.point) ||
a.dx != b.dx ||
a.dy != b.dy ||
a.perimeter != b.perimeter
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
if (!b.isConsumed() && this.isConnecting()) {
if (this.waypointsEnabled && !this.isStopEvent(b)) {
var c = this.sourceConstraint,
d = this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint,
e = null != this.previous ? this.previous.cell : null,
f = null;
null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint &&
null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus &&
(f = this.constraintHandler.currentFocus.cell);
null == f && null != this.currentState && (f = this.currentState.cell);
null != this.error || (null != e && null != f && e == f && !this.checkConstraints(c, d))
? (null != this.previous &&
null != this.marker.validState &&
this.previous.cell == this.marker.validState.cell &&
this.graph.selectCellForEvent(this.marker.source, b.getEvent()),
null != this.error && 0 < this.error.length && this.graph.validationAlert(this.error))
: this.connect(e, f, b.getEvent(), b.getCell());
null != this.first && this.reset();
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null));
null != this.cursor && null != this.graph.container && ( = '');
this.sourceConstraint = this.error = this.previous = this.edgeState = this.currentPoint = this.originalPoint = null;
this.mouseDownCounter = 0;
this.first = null;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.RESET));
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function () {
this.updatePreview(null == this.error);
null != this.edgeState &&
((this.edgeState.shape = this.shape),
(this.edgeState.shape = null));
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updatePreview = function (a) {
this.shape.strokewidth = this.getEdgeWidth(a);
this.shape.stroke = this.getEdgeColor(a);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeColor = function (a) {
return a ? mxConstants.VALID_COLOR : mxConstants.INVALID_COLOR;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function (a) {
return a ? 3 : 1;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connect = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b || this.isCreateTarget(c) || this.graph.allowDanglingEdges) {
var e = this.graph.getModel(),
f = !1,
g = null;
try {
if (
null != a &&
null == b &&
!this.graph.isIgnoreTerminalEvent(c) &&
this.isCreateTarget(c) &&
((b = this.createTargetVertex(c, a)), null != b)
) {
d = this.graph.getDropTarget([b], c, d);
f = !0;
if (null != d && this.graph.getModel().isEdge(d)) d = this.graph.getDefaultParent();
else {
var k = this.graph.getView().getState(d);
if (null != k) {
var h = e.getGeometry(b);
h.x -= k.origin.x;
h.y -= k.origin.y;
this.graph.addCell(b, d);
var l = this.graph.getDefaultParent();
null != a &&
null != b &&
e.getParent(a) == e.getParent(b) &&
e.getParent(e.getParent(a)) != e.getRoot() &&
((l = e.getParent(a)),
null != a.geometry && a.geometry.relative && null != b.geometry && b.geometry.relative && (l = e.getParent(l)));
var m = (k = null);
null != this.edgeState && ((k = this.edgeState.cell.value), (m =;
g = this.insertEdge(l, null, k, a, b, m);
if (null != g) {
this.graph.setConnectionConstraint(g, a, !0, this.sourceConstraint);
this.graph.setConnectionConstraint(g, b, !1, this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint);
null != this.edgeState && e.setGeometry(g, this.edgeState.cell.geometry);
l = e.getParent(a);
if (this.isInsertBefore(g, a, b, c, d)) {
for (h = a; null != h.parent && null != h.geometry && h.geometry.relative && h.parent != g.parent; )
h = this.graph.model.getParent(h);
null != h && null != h.parent && h.parent == g.parent && e.add(l, g, h.parent.getIndex(h));
var n = e.getGeometry(g);
null == n && ((n = new mxGeometry()), (n.relative = !0), e.setGeometry(g, n));
if (null != this.waypoints && 0 < this.waypoints.length) {
var p = this.graph.view.scale,
r = this.graph.view.translate;
n.points = [];
for (a = 0; a < this.waypoints.length; a++) {
var t = this.waypoints[a];
n.points.push(new mxPoint(t.x / p - r.x, t.y / p - r.y));
if (null == b) {
var u = this.graph.view.translate,
p = this.graph.view.scale,
t =
null != this.originalPoint
? new mxPoint(this.originalPoint.x / p - u.x, this.originalPoint.y / p - u.y)
: new mxPoint(this.currentPoint.x / p - u.x, this.currentPoint.y / p - u.y);
t.x -= this.graph.panDx / this.graph.view.scale;
t.y -= this.graph.panDy / this.graph.view.scale;
n.setTerminalPoint(t, !1);
new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CONNECT, 'cell', g, 'terminal', b, 'event', c, 'target', d, 'terminalInserted', f)
} catch (x) {, mxLog.debug(x.message);
} finally {
} && this.selectCells(g, f ? b : null);
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function (a, b) {
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (null == this.factoryMethod) return this.graph.insertEdge(a, b, c, d, e, f);
b = this.createEdge(c, d, e, f);
return (b = this.graph.addEdge(b, a, d, e));
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex = function (a, b) {
for (var c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(b); null != c && c.relative; )
(b = this.graph.getModel().getParent(b)), (c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(b));
var d = this.graph.cloneCell(b),
c = this.graph.getModel().getGeometry(d);
if (null != c) {
var e = this.graph.view.translate,
f = this.graph.view.scale,
g = new mxPoint(this.currentPoint.x / f - e.x, this.currentPoint.y / f - e.y);
c.x = Math.round(g.x - c.width / 2 - this.graph.panDx / f);
c.y = Math.round(g.y - c.height / 2 - this.graph.panDy / f);
g = this.getAlignmentTolerance();
if (0 < g) {
var k = this.graph.view.getState(b);
if (null != k) {
var h = k.x / f - e.x,
e = k.y / f - e.y;
Math.abs(h - c.x) <= g && (c.x = Math.round(h));
Math.abs(e - c.y) <= g && (c.y = Math.round(e));
return d;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getAlignmentTolerance = function (a) {
return this.graph.isGridEnabled() ? this.graph.gridSize / 2 : this.graph.tolerance;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdge = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = null;
null != this.factoryMethod && (e = this.factoryMethod(b, c, d));
null == e &&
((e = new mxCell(a || '')),
(a = new mxGeometry()),
(a.relative = !0),
return e;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null));
null != this.marker && (this.marker.destroy(), (this.marker = null));
null != this.constraintHandler && (this.constraintHandler.destroy(), (this.constraintHandler = null));
null != this.changeHandler &&
(this.changeHandler = null));
null != this.drillHandler &&
(this.drillHandler = null));
null != this.escapeHandler && (this.graph.removeListener(this.escapeHandler), (this.escapeHandler = null));
function mxConstraintHandler(a) {
this.graph = a;
this.resetHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, c) {
null != this.currentFocus && null == this.graph.view.getState(this.currentFocus.cell)
? this.reset()
: this.redraw();
this.graph.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.resetHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.resetHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.resetHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.resetHandler);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ROOT, this.resetHandler);
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.pointImage = new mxImage(mxClient.imageBasePath + '/point.gif', 5, 5);
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.highlightColor = mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
if (null != this.focusIcons) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.focusIcons.length; a++) this.focusIcons[a].destroy();
this.focusIcons = null;
null != this.focusHighlight && (this.focusHighlight.destroy(), (this.focusHighlight = null));
this.focusPoints = this.currentFocus = this.currentPoint = this.currentFocusArea = this.currentConstraint = null;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.getTolerance = function (a) {
return this.graph.getTolerance();
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.getImageForConstraint = function (a, b, c) {
return this.pointImage;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isEventIgnored = function (a, b) {
return !1;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isStateIgnored = function (a, b) {
return !1;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function () {
if (null != this.focusIcons) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.focusIcons.length; a++) this.focusIcons[a].destroy();
this.focusPoints = this.focusIcons = null;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroyFocusHighlight = function () {
null != this.focusHighlight && (this.focusHighlight.destroy(), (this.focusHighlight = null));
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isKeepFocusEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent());
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.getCellForEvent = function (a, b) {
var c = a.getCell();
null != c || null == b || (a.getGraphX() == b.x && a.getGraphY() == b.y) || (c = this.graph.getCellAt(b.x, b.y));
if (null != c && !this.graph.isCellConnectable(c)) {
var d = this.graph.getModel().getParent(c);
this.graph.getModel().isVertex(d) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(d) && (c = d);
return this.graph.isCellLocked(c) ? null : c;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (this.isEnabled() && !this.isEventIgnored(a)) {
null == this.mouseleaveHandler &&
null != this.graph.container &&
((this.mouseleaveHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
mxEvent.addListener(this.graph.container, 'mouseleave', this.resetHandler));
var e = this.getTolerance(a),
f = null != d ? d.x : a.getGraphX(),
g = null != d ? d.y : a.getGraphY(),
f = new mxRectangle(f - e, g - e, 2 * e, 2 * e),
e = new mxRectangle(a.getGraphX() - e, a.getGraphY() - e, 2 * e, 2 * e),
k = this.graph.view.getState(this.getCellForEvent(a, d));
this.isKeepFocusEvent(a) ||
(null != this.currentFocusArea &&
null != this.currentFocus &&
null == k &&
this.graph.getModel().isVertex(this.currentFocus.cell) &&
mxUtils.intersects(this.currentFocusArea, e)) ||
k == this.currentFocus ||
((this.currentFocus = this.currentFocusArea = null), this.setFocus(a, k, b));
a = this.currentPoint = this.currentConstraint = null;
if (null != this.focusIcons && null != this.constraints && (null == k || this.currentFocus == k))
for (var g = e.getCenterX(), h = e.getCenterY(), l = 0; l < this.focusIcons.length; l++) {
var m = g - this.focusIcons[l].bounds.getCenterX(),
n = h - this.focusIcons[l].bounds.getCenterY(),
m = m * m + n * n;
if (
(this.intersects(this.focusIcons[l], e, b, c) ||
(null != d && this.intersects(this.focusIcons[l], f, b, c))) &&
(null == a || m < a)
) {
this.currentConstraint = this.constraints[l];
this.currentPoint = this.focusPoints[l];
a = m;
m = this.focusIcons[l].bounds.clone();
m.grow(mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_SIZE + 1);
if (null == this.focusHighlight) {
n = this.createHighlightShape();
n.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
n.pointerEvents = !1;
this.focusHighlight = n;
var p = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
return null != this.currentFocus ? this.currentFocus : k;
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(n.node, this.graph, p);
this.focusHighlight.bounds = m;
null == this.currentConstraint && this.destroyFocusHighlight();
} else this.currentPoint = this.currentFocus = this.currentConstraint = null;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.redraw = function () {
if (null != this.currentFocus && null != this.constraints && null != this.focusIcons) {
var a = this.graph.view.getState(this.currentFocus.cell);
this.currentFocus = a;
this.currentFocusArea = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height);
for (var b = 0; b < this.constraints.length; b++) {
var c = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(a, this.constraints[b]),
d = this.getImageForConstraint(a, this.constraints[b], c),
d = new mxRectangle(Math.round(c.x - d.width / 2), Math.round(c.y - d.height / 2), d.width, d.height);
this.focusIcons[b].bounds = d;
this.focusPoints[b] = c;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.setFocus = function (a, b, c) {
this.constraints =
null != b && !this.isStateIgnored(b, c) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(b.cell)
? this.isEnabled()
? this.graph.getAllConnectionConstraints(b, c) || []
: []
: null;
if (null != this.constraints) {
this.currentFocus = b;
this.currentFocusArea = new mxRectangle(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);
if (null != this.focusIcons) {
for (c = 0; c < this.focusIcons.length; c++) this.focusIcons[c].destroy();
this.focusPoints = this.focusIcons = null;
this.focusPoints = [];
this.focusIcons = [];
for (c = 0; c < this.constraints.length; c++) {
var d = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(b, this.constraints[c]),
e = this.getImageForConstraint(b, this.constraints[c], d),
f = e.src,
e = new mxRectangle(Math.round(d.x - e.width / 2), Math.round(d.y - e.height / 2), e.width, e.height),
f = new mxImageShape(e, f);
f.dialect =
this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG ? mxConstants.DIALECT_MIXEDHTML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
f.preserveImageAspect = !1;
null != f.node.previousSibling && f.node.parentNode.insertBefore(f.node, f.node.parentNode.firstChild);
e = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
return null != this.currentFocus ? this.currentFocus : b;
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(f.node, this.graph, e);
} else this.destroyIcons(), this.destroyFocusHighlight();
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.createHighlightShape = function () {
var a = new mxRectangleShape(null, this.highlightColor, this.highlightColor, mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTH);
a.opacity = mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY;
return a;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.intersects = function (a, b, c, d) {
return mxUtils.intersects(a.bounds, b);
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.resetHandler &&
(this.resetHandler = null));
null != this.mouseleaveHandler &&
null != this.graph.container &&
(mxEvent.removeListener(this.graph.container, 'mouseleave', this.mouseleaveHandler),
(this.mouseleaveHandler = null));
function mxHandle(a, b, c, d) {
this.graph = a.view.graph;
this.state = a;
this.cursor = null != b ? b : this.cursor;
this.image = null != c ? c : this.image;
this.shape = null != d ? d : null;
mxHandle.prototype.cursor = 'default';
mxHandle.prototype.image = null;
mxHandle.prototype.ignoreGrid = !1;
mxHandle.prototype.getPosition = function (a) {};
mxHandle.prototype.setPosition = function (a, b, c) {};
mxHandle.prototype.execute = function (a) {};
mxHandle.prototype.copyStyle = function (a) {
this.graph.setCellStyles(a,[a], [this.state.cell]);
mxHandle.prototype.processEvent = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.view.scale,
c = this.graph.view.translate,
c = new mxPoint(a.getGraphX() / b - c.x, a.getGraphY() / b - c.y);
null != this.shape &&
null != this.shape.bounds &&
((c.x -= this.shape.bounds.width / b / 4), (c.y -= this.shape.bounds.height / b / 4));
var b = -mxUtils.toRadians(this.getRotation()),
d = -mxUtils.toRadians(this.getTotalRotation()) - b,
c = this.flipPoint(
this.snapPoint(this.rotatePoint(c, b), this.ignoreGrid || !this.graph.isGridEnabledEvent(a.getEvent())),
this.setPosition(this.state.getPaintBounds(), c, a);
mxHandle.prototype.positionChanged = function () {
null != this.state.text && this.state.text.apply(this.state);
null != this.state.shape && this.state.shape.apply(this.state);
this.graph.cellRenderer.redraw(this.state, !0);
mxHandle.prototype.getRotation = function () {
return null != this.state.shape ? this.state.shape.getRotation() : 0;
mxHandle.prototype.getTotalRotation = function () {
return null != this.state.shape ? this.state.shape.getShapeRotation() : 0;
mxHandle.prototype.init = function () {
var a = this.isHtmlRequired();
null != this.image
? ((this.shape = new mxImageShape(new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.image.width, this.image.height), this.image.src)),
(this.shape.preserveImageAspect = !1))
: null == this.shape && (this.shape = this.createShape(a));
mxHandle.prototype.createShape = function (a) {
a = new mxRectangle(0, 0, mxConstants.HANDLE_SIZE, mxConstants.HANDLE_SIZE);
return new mxRectangleShape(a, mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR);
mxHandle.prototype.initShape = function (a) {
a && this.shape.isHtmlAllowed()
? ((this.shape.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML), this.shape.init(this.graph.container))
: ((this.shape.dialect =
this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG ? mxConstants.DIALECT_MIXEDHTML : mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG),
null != this.cursor && this.shape.init(this.graph.getView().getOverlayPane()));
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(this.shape.node, this.graph, this.state); = this.cursor;
mxHandle.prototype.redraw = function () {
if (null != this.shape && null != this.state.shape) {
var a = this.getPosition(this.state.getPaintBounds());
if (null != a) {
var b = mxUtils.toRadians(this.getTotalRotation()),
a = this.rotatePoint(this.flipPoint(a), b),
b = this.graph.view.scale,
c = this.graph.view.translate;
this.shape.bounds.x = Math.floor((a.x + c.x) * b - this.shape.bounds.width / 2);
this.shape.bounds.y = Math.floor((a.y + c.y) * b - this.shape.bounds.height / 2);
mxHandle.prototype.isHtmlRequired = function () {
return null != this.state.text && this.state.text.node.parentNode == this.graph.container;
mxHandle.prototype.rotatePoint = function (a, b) {
var c = this.state.getCellBounds(),
c = new mxPoint(c.getCenterX(), c.getCenterY());
return mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(a, Math.cos(b), Math.sin(b), c);
mxHandle.prototype.flipPoint = function (a) {
if (null != this.state.shape) {
var b = this.state.getCellBounds();
this.state.shape.flipH && (a.x = 2 * b.x + b.width - a.x);
this.state.shape.flipV && (a.y = 2 * b.y + b.height - a.y);
return a;
mxHandle.prototype.snapPoint = function (a, b) {
b || ((a.x = this.graph.snap(a.x)), (a.y = this.graph.snap(a.y)));
return a;
mxHandle.prototype.setVisible = function (a) {
null != this.shape && null != this.shape.node && ( = a ? '' : 'none');
mxHandle.prototype.reset = function () {
this.setVisible(!0); = this.graph.getCellStyle(this.state.cell);
mxHandle.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null));
function mxTooltipHandler(a, b) {
null != a && ((this.graph = a), (this.delay = b || 500), this.graph.addMouseListener(this));
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.zIndex = 10005;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.graph = null;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.delay = null;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.ignoreTouchEvents = !0;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.hideOnHover = !1;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.destroyed = !1;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.enabled = !0;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function (a) {
this.enabled = a;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.isHideOnHover = function () {
return this.hideOnHover;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setHideOnHover = function (a) {
this.hideOnHover = a;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.init = function () {
null != document.body &&
((this.div = document.createElement('div')),
(this.div.className = 'mxTooltip'),
( = 'hidden'),
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
'A' != mxEvent.getSource(a).nodeName && this.hideTooltip();
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.getStateForEvent = function (a) {
return a.getState();
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
this.reset(b, !1);
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
if (b.getX() != this.lastX || b.getY() != this.lastY) {
this.reset(b, !0);
var c = this.getStateForEvent(b);
(this.isHideOnHover() ||
c != this.state ||
(b.getSource() != this.node &&
(!this.stateSource || (null != c && this.stateSource == (b.isSource(c.shape) || !b.isSource(c.text)))))) &&
this.lastX = b.getX();
this.lastY = b.getY();
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
this.reset(b, !0);
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.resetTimer = function () {
null != this.thread && (window.clearTimeout(this.thread), (this.thread = null));
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.reset = function (a, b, c) {
if (!this.ignoreTouchEvents || mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a.getEvent()))
if (
(c = null != c ? c : this.getStateForEvent(a)),
b && this.isEnabled() && null != c && (null == this.div || 'hidden' ==
) {
var d = a.getSource(),
e = a.getX(),
f = a.getY(),
g = a.isSource(c.shape) || a.isSource(c.text);
this.thread = window.setTimeout(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
if (!this.graph.isEditing() && !this.graph.popupMenuHandler.isMenuShowing() && !this.graph.isMouseDown) {
var a = this.graph.getTooltip(c, d, e, f);, e, f);
this.state = c;
this.node = d;
this.stateSource = g;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.hide = function () {
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.hideTooltip = function () {
null != this.div && (( = 'hidden'), (this.div.innerHTML = ''));
}; = function (a, b, c) {
if (!this.destroyed && null != a && 0 < a.length) {
null == this.div && this.init();
var d = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin(); = this.zIndex; = b + d.x + 'px'; = c + mxConstants.TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSET + d.y + 'px';
? ((this.div.innerHTML = ''), this.div.appendChild(a))
: (this.div.innerHTML = a.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')); = '';;
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.destroyed ||
null != this.div && null != this.div.parentNode && this.div.parentNode.removeChild(this.div),
(this.destroyed = !0),
(this.div = null));
function mxCellHighlight(a, b, c, d) {
null != a &&
((this.graph = a),
(this.highlightColor = null != b ? b : mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR),
(this.strokeWidth = null != c ? c : mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTH),
(this.dashed = null != d ? d : !1),
(this.opacity = mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY),
(this.repaintHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
if (null != this.state) {
var a = this.graph.view.getState(this.state.cell);
null == a ? this.hide() : ((this.state = a), this.repaint());
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.repaintHandler),
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler),
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler),
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.repaintHandler),
(this.resetHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.resetHandler),
this.graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.resetHandler));
mxCellHighlight.prototype.keepOnTop = !1;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.graph = null;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.state = null;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.spacing = 2;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.resetHandler = null;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.setHighlightColor = function (a) {
this.highlightColor = a;
null != this.shape && (this.shape.stroke = a);
mxCellHighlight.prototype.drawHighlight = function () {
this.shape = this.createShape();
this.keepOnTop ||
this.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild == this.shape.node ||
this.shape.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.shape.node, this.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild);
mxCellHighlight.prototype.createShape = function () {
var a = this.graph.cellRenderer.createShape(this.state);
a.svgStrokeTolerance = this.graph.tolerance;
a.points = this.state.absolutePoints;
a.stroke = this.highlightColor;
a.opacity = this.opacity;
a.isDashed = this.dashed;
a.isShadow = !1;
a.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(a.node, this.graph, this.state);
this.graph.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG ? (a.pointerEvents = !1) : (a.svgPointerEvents = 'stroke');
return a;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.getStrokeWidth = function (a) {
return this.strokeWidth;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.repaint = function () {
null != this.state &&
null != this.shape &&
((this.shape.scale = this.state.view.scale),
? ((this.shape.strokewidth = this.getStrokeWidth()),
(this.shape.points = this.state.absolutePoints),
(this.shape.outline = !1))
: ((this.shape.bounds = new mxRectangle(
this.state.x - this.spacing,
this.state.y - this.spacing,
this.state.width + 2 * this.spacing,
this.state.height + 2 * this.spacing
(this.shape.rotation = Number([mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0')),
(this.shape.strokewidth = this.getStrokeWidth() / this.state.view.scale),
(this.shape.outline = !0)),
null != this.state.shape && this.shape.setCursor(this.state.shape.getCursor()),
mxCellHighlight.prototype.hide = function () {
mxCellHighlight.prototype.highlight = function (a) {
this.state != a &&
(null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null)),
(this.state = a),
null != this.state && this.drawHighlight());
mxCellHighlight.prototype.isHighlightAt = function (a, b) {
var c = !1;
if (null != this.shape && null != document.elementFromPoint)
for (var d = document.elementFromPoint(a, b); null != d; ) {
if (d == this.shape.node) {
c = !0;
d = d.parentNode;
return c;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.destroy = function () {
null != this.shape && (this.shape.destroy(), (this.shape = null));
var mxCodecRegistry = {
codecs: [],
aliases: [],
register: function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = a.getName();
mxCodecRegistry.codecs[b] = a;
var c = mxUtils.getFunctionName(a.template.constructor);
c != b && mxCodecRegistry.addAlias(c, b);
return a;
addAlias: function (a, b) {
mxCodecRegistry.aliases[a] = b;
getCodec: function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a) {
var b = mxUtils.getFunctionName(a),
c = mxCodecRegistry.aliases[b];
null != c && (b = c);
b = mxCodecRegistry.codecs[b];
if (null == b)
try {
(b = new mxObjectCodec(new a())), mxCodecRegistry.register(b);
} catch (d) {}
return b;
function mxCodec(a) {
this.document = a || mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
this.objects = [];
mxCodec.prototype.document = null;
mxCodec.prototype.objects = null;
mxCodec.prototype.elements = null;
mxCodec.prototype.encodeDefaults = !1;
mxCodec.prototype.putObject = function (a, b) {
return (this.objects[a] = b);
mxCodec.prototype.getObject = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != a &&
((b = this.objects[a]),
null == b &&
((b = this.lookup(a)), null == b && ((a = this.getElementById(a)), null != a && (b = this.decode(a)))));
return b;
mxCodec.prototype.lookup = function (a) {
return null;
mxCodec.prototype.getElementById = function (a) {
return this.elements[a];
mxCodec.prototype.updateElements = function () {
null == this.elements &&
((this.elements = {}), null != this.document.documentElement && this.addElement(this.document.documentElement));
mxCodec.prototype.addElement = function (a) {
if (a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
var b = a.getAttribute('id');
if (null != b)
if (null == this.elements[b]) this.elements[b] = a;
else if (this.elements[b] != a) throw Error(b + ': Duplicate ID');
for (a = a.firstChild; null != a; ) this.addElement(a), (a = a.nextSibling);
mxCodec.prototype.getId = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != a &&
((b = this.reference(a)),
null == b &&
a instanceof mxCell &&
((b = a.getId()), null == b && ((b = mxCellPath.create(a)), 0 == b.length && (b = 'root'))));
return b;
mxCodec.prototype.reference = function (a) {
return null;
mxCodec.prototype.encode = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && null != a.constructor) {
var c = mxCodecRegistry.getCodec(a.constructor);
null != c
? (b = c.encode(this, a))
: mxUtils.isNode(a)
? (b = mxUtils.importNode(this.document, a, !0))
: mxLog.warn('mxCodec.encode: No codec for ' + mxUtils.getFunctionName(a.constructor));
return b;
mxCodec.prototype.decode = function (a, b) {
var c = null;
if (null != a && a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
c = null;
try {
c = window[a.nodeName];
} catch (d) {}
c = mxCodecRegistry.getCodec(c);
null != c ? (c = c.decode(this, a, b)) : ((c = a.cloneNode(!0)), c.removeAttribute('as'));
return c;
mxCodec.prototype.encodeCell = function (a, b, c) {
if (null == c || c) {
c = a.getChildCount();
for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) this.encodeCell(a.getChildAt(d), b);
mxCodec.prototype.isCellCodec = function (a) {
return null != a && 'function' == typeof a.isCellCodec ? a.isCellCodec() : !1;
mxCodec.prototype.decodeCell = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = null;
if (null != a && a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
c = mxCodecRegistry.getCodec(a.nodeName);
if (!this.isCellCodec(c))
for (var d = a.firstChild; null != d && !this.isCellCodec(c); )
(c = mxCodecRegistry.getCodec(d.nodeName)), (d = d.nextSibling);
this.isCellCodec(c) || (c = mxCodecRegistry.getCodec(mxCell));
c = c.decode(this, a);
b && this.insertIntoGraph(c);
return c;
mxCodec.prototype.insertIntoGraph = function (a) {
var b = a.parent,
c = a.getTerminal(!0),
d = a.getTerminal(!1);
a.setTerminal(null, !1);
a.setTerminal(null, !0);
a.parent = null;
if (null != b) {
if (b == a) throw Error( + ': Self Reference');
null != c && c.insertEdge(a, !0);
null != d && d.insertEdge(a, !1);
mxCodec.prototype.setAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
null != b && null != c && a.setAttribute(b, c);
function mxObjectCodec(a, b, c, d) {
this.template = a;
this.exclude = null != b ? b : [];
this.idrefs = null != c ? c : [];
this.mapping = null != d ? d : [];
this.reverse = {};
for (var e in this.mapping) this.reverse[this.mapping[e]] = e;
mxObjectCodec.allowEval = !1;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.template = null;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.exclude = null;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.idrefs = null;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.mapping = null;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.reverse = null;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.getName = function () {
return mxUtils.getFunctionName(this.template.constructor);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.cloneTemplate = function () {
return new this.template.constructor();
mxObjectCodec.prototype.getFieldName = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.reverse[a];
null != b && (a = b);
return a;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.getAttributeName = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.mapping[a];
null != b && (a = b);
return a;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isExcluded = function (a, b, c, d) {
return b == mxObjectIdentity.FIELD_NAME || 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(this.exclude, b);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isReference = function (a, b, c, d) {
return 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(this.idrefs, b);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encode = function (a, b) {
var c = a.document.createElement(this.getName());
b = this.beforeEncode(a, b, c);
this.encodeObject(a, b, c);
return this.afterEncode(a, b, c);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encodeObject = function (a, b, c) {
a.setAttribute(c, 'id', a.getId(b));
for (var d in b) {
var e = d,
f = b[e];
null == f || this.isExcluded(b, e, f, !0) || (mxUtils.isInteger(e) && (e = null), this.encodeValue(a, b, e, f, c));
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encodeValue = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != d) {
if (this.isReference(b, c, d, !0)) {
var f = a.getId(d);
if (null == f) {
mxLog.warn('mxObjectCodec.encode: No ID for ' + this.getName() + '.' + c + '=' + d);
d = f;
f = this.template[c];
if (null == c || a.encodeDefaults || f != d) (c = this.getAttributeName(c)), this.writeAttribute(a, b, c, d, e);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeAttribute = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
'object' != typeof d ? this.writePrimitiveAttribute(a, b, c, d, e) : this.writeComplexAttribute(a, b, c, d, e);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writePrimitiveAttribute = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
d = this.convertAttributeToXml(a, b, c, d, e);
null == c
? ((b = a.document.createElement('add')),
'function' == typeof d ? b.appendChild(a.document.createTextNode(d)) : a.setAttribute(b, 'value', d),
: 'function' != typeof d && a.setAttribute(e, c, d);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeComplexAttribute = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = a.encode(d);
null != a
? (null != c && a.setAttribute('as', c), e.appendChild(a))
: mxLog.warn('mxObjectCodec.encode: No node for ' + this.getName() + '.' + c + ': ' + d);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.convertAttributeToXml = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.isBooleanAttribute(a, b, c, d) && (d = 1 == d ? '1' : '0');
return d;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isBooleanAttribute = function (a, b, c, d) {
return 'undefined' == typeof d.length && (1 == d || 0 == d);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.convertAttributeFromXml = function (a, b, c) {
var d = b.value;
this.isNumericAttribute(a, b, c) && ((d = parseFloat(d)), isNaN(d) || !isFinite(d)) && (d = 0);
return d;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isNumericAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
return (
(c.constructor == mxGeometry && ('x' == || 'y' == || 'width' == || 'height' == ||
(c.constructor == mxPoint && ('x' == || 'y' == ||
mxObjectCodec.prototype.beforeEncode = function (a, b, c) {
return b;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.afterEncode = function (a, b, c) {
return c;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decode = function (a, b, c) {
var d = b.getAttribute('id'),
e = a.objects[d];
null == e && ((e = c || this.cloneTemplate()), null != d && a.putObject(d, e));
b = this.beforeDecode(a, b, e);
this.decodeNode(a, b, e);
return this.afterDecode(a, b, e);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeNode = function (a, b, c) {
null != b && (this.decodeAttributes(a, b, c), this.decodeChildren(a, b, c));
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttributes = function (a, b, c) {
b = b.attributes;
if (null != b) for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) this.decodeAttribute(a, b[d], c);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isIgnoredAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
return 'as' == b.nodeName || 'id' == b.nodeName;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
if (!this.isIgnoredAttribute(a, b, c)) {
var d = b.nodeName;
b = this.convertAttributeFromXml(a, b, c);
var e = this.getFieldName(d);
if (this.isReference(c, e, b, !1)) {
a = a.getObject(b);
if (null == a) {
mxLog.warn('mxObjectCodec.decode: No object for ' + this.getName() + '.' + d + '=' + b);
b = a;
this.isExcluded(c, d, b, !1) || (c[d] = b);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChildren = function (a, b, c) {
for (b = b.firstChild; null != b; ) {
var d = b.nextSibling;
b.nodeType != mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT || this.processInclude(a, b, c) || this.decodeChild(a, b, c);
b = d;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChild = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getFieldName(b.getAttribute('as'));
if (null == d || !this.isExcluded(c, d, b, !1)) {
var e = this.getFieldTemplate(c, d, b);
'add' == b.nodeName
? ((a = b.getAttribute('value')),
null == a && mxObjectCodec.allowEval && (a = mxUtils.eval(mxUtils.getTextContent(b))))
: (a = a.decode(b, e));
try {
this.addObjectValue(c, d, a, e);
} catch (f) {
throw Error(f.message + ' for ' + b.nodeName);
mxObjectCodec.prototype.getFieldTemplate = function (a, b, c) {
a = a[b];
a instanceof Array && 0 < a.length && (a = null);
return a;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.addObjectValue = function (a, b, c, d) {
null != c && c != d && (null != b && 0 < b.length ? (a[b] = c) : a.push(c));
mxObjectCodec.prototype.processInclude = function (a, b, c) {
if ('include' == b.nodeName) {
b = b.getAttribute('name');
if (null != b)
try {
var d = mxUtils.load(b).getDocumentElement();
null != d && a.decode(d, c);
} catch (e) {}
return !0;
return !1;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.beforeDecode = function (a, b, c) {
return b;
mxObjectCodec.prototype.afterDecode = function (a, b, c) {
return c;
(function () {
var a = new mxObjectCodec(
new mxCell(),
['children', 'edges', 'overlays', 'mxTransient'],
['parent', 'source', 'target']
a.isCellCodec = function () {
return !0;
a.isNumericAttribute = function (a, c, d) {
return 'value' !== c.nodeName && mxObjectCodec.prototype.isNumericAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
a.isExcluded = function (a, c, d, e) {
return (
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isExcluded.apply(this, arguments) ||
(e && 'value' == c && d.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT)
a.afterEncode = function (a, c, d) {
if (null != c.value && c.value.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
var b = d;
d = mxUtils.importNode(a.document, c.value, !0);
a = b.getAttribute('id');
d.setAttribute('id', a);
return d;
a.beforeDecode = function (a, c, d) {
var b = c.cloneNode(!0),
f = this.getName();
c.nodeName != f
? ((b = c.getElementsByTagName(f)[0]),
null != b && b.parentNode == c
? (mxUtils.removeWhitespace(b, !0), mxUtils.removeWhitespace(b, !1), b.parentNode.removeChild(b))
: (b = null),
(d.value = c.cloneNode(!0)),
(c = d.value.getAttribute('id')),
null != c && (d.setId(c), d.value.removeAttribute('id')))
: d.setId(c.getAttribute('id'));
if (null != b)
for (c = 0; c < this.idrefs.length; c++) {
var f = this.idrefs[c],
g = b.getAttribute(f);
if (null != g) {
var k = a.objects[g] || a.lookup(g);
null == k &&
((g = a.getElementById(g)), null != g && (k = (mxCodecRegistry.codecs[g.nodeName] || this).decode(a, g)));
d[f] = k;
return b;
return a;
(function () {
var a = new mxObjectCodec(new mxGraphModel());
a.encodeObject = function (a, c, d) {
var b = a.document.createElement('root');
a.encodeCell(c.getRoot(), b);
a.decodeChild = function (a, c, d) {
'root' == c.nodeName ? this.decodeRoot(a, c, d) : mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChild.apply(this, arguments);
a.decodeRoot = function (a, c, d) {
var b = null;
for (c = c.firstChild; null != c; ) {
var f = a.decodeCell(c);
null != f && null == f.getParent() && (b = f);
c = c.nextSibling;
null != b && d.setRoot(b);
return a;
var mxStylesheetCodec = mxCodecRegistry.register(
(function () {
var a = new mxObjectCodec(new mxStylesheet());
a.encode = function (a, c) {
var b = a.document.createElement(this.getName()),
for (e in c.styles) {
var f = c.styles[e],
g = a.document.createElement('add');
if (null != e) {
g.setAttribute('as', e);
for (var k in f) {
var h = this.getStringValue(k, f[k]);
if (null != h) {
var l = a.document.createElement('add');
l.setAttribute('value', h);
l.setAttribute('as', k);
0 < g.childNodes.length && b.appendChild(g);
return b;
a.getStringValue = function (a, c) {
var b = typeof c;
'function' == b ? (c = mxStyleRegistry.getName(c)) : 'object' == b && (c = null);
return c;
a.decode = function (a, c, d) {
d = d || new this.template.constructor();
var b = c.getAttribute('id');
null != b && (a.objects[b] = d);
for (c = c.firstChild; null != c; ) {
if (!this.processInclude(a, c, d) && 'add' == c.nodeName && ((b = c.getAttribute('as')), null != b)) {
var f = c.getAttribute('extend'),
g = null != f ? mxUtils.clone(d.styles[f]) : null;
null == g &&
(null != f && mxLog.warn('mxStylesheetCodec.decode: stylesheet ' + f + ' not found to extend'), (g = {}));
for (f = c.firstChild; null != f; ) {
if (f.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT) {
var k = f.getAttribute('as');
if ('add' == f.nodeName) {
var h = mxUtils.getTextContent(f);
null != h && 0 < h.length && mxStylesheetCodec.allowEval
? (h = mxUtils.eval(h))
: ((h = f.getAttribute('value')), mxUtils.isNumeric(h) && (h = parseFloat(h)));
null != h && (g[k] = h);
} else 'remove' == f.nodeName && delete g[k];
f = f.nextSibling;
d.putCellStyle(b, g);
c = c.nextSibling;
return d;
return a;
mxStylesheetCodec.allowEval = !0;
(function () {
var a = [
['nbsp', '160'],
['shy', '173'],
b = mxUtils.parseXml;
mxUtils.parseXml = function (c) {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c = c.replace(new RegExp('&' + a[d][0] + ';', 'g'), '&#' + a[d][1] + ';');
return b(c);
Date.prototype.toISOString ||
(function () {
function a(a) {
a = String(a);
1 === a.length && (a = '0' + a);
return a;
Date.prototype.toISOString = function () {
return (
this.getUTCFullYear() +
'-' +
a(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
'-' +
a(this.getUTCDate()) +
'T' +
a(this.getUTCHours()) +
':' +
a(this.getUTCMinutes()) +
':' +
a(this.getUTCSeconds()) +
'.' +
String((this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3)).slice(2, 5) +
})(); ||
( = function () {
return new Date().getTime();
Uint8Array.from ||
(Uint8Array.from = (function () {
var a = Object.prototype.toString,
b = function (b) {
return 'function' === typeof b || '[object Function]' ===;
c = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
return function (a) {
var d = Object(a);
if (null == a) throw new TypeError('Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined');
var f = 1 < arguments.length ? arguments[1] : void 0,
if ('undefined' !== typeof f) {
if (!b(f)) throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function');
2 < arguments.length && (g = arguments[2]);
var k;
k = Number(d.length);
k = isNaN(k) ? 0 : 0 !== k && isFinite(k) ? (0 < k ? 1 : -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(k)) : k;
k = Math.min(Math.max(k, 0), c);
for (var h = b(this) ? Object(new this(k)) : Array(k), l = 0, m; l < k; )
(m = d[l]), (h[l] = f ? ('undefined' === typeof g ? f(m, l) :, m, l)) : m), (l += 1);
h.length = k;
return h;
mxConstants.POINTS = 1;
mxConstants.MILLIMETERS = 2;
mxConstants.INCHES = 3;
mxConstants.METERS = 4;
mxConstants.PIXELS_PER_MM = 3.937;
mxConstants.PIXELS_PER_INCH = 100;
mxConstants.SHADOW_OPACITY = 0.25;
mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#000000';
mxConstants.VML_SHADOWCOLOR = '#d0d0d0';
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreakColor = '#c0c0c0';
mxGraph.prototype.pageScale = 1;
(function () {
try {
if (null != navigator && null != navigator.language) {
var a = navigator.language.toLowerCase();
mxGraph.prototype.pageFormat =
'en-us' === a || 'en-ca' === a || 'es-mx' === a
} catch (b) {}
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop = 5;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom = 1;
mxGraphModel.prototype.ignoreRelativeEdgeParent = !1;
mxGraphView.prototype.gridImage = mxClient.IS_SVG
? ''
: IMAGE_PATH + '/grid.gif';
mxGraphView.prototype.gridSteps = 4;
mxGraphView.prototype.minGridSize = 4;
mxGraphView.prototype.defaultGridColor = '#d0d0d0';
mxGraphView.prototype.defaultDarkGridColor = '#6e6e6e';
mxGraphView.prototype.gridColor = mxGraphView.prototype.defaultGridColor;
mxGraphView.prototype.unit = mxConstants.POINTS;
mxGraphView.prototype.setUnit = function (a) {
this.unit != a && ((this.unit = a), this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('unitChanged', 'unit', a)));
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foAltText = '[Not supported by viewer]';
mxShape.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
return null;
mxImageShape.prototype.getImageDataUri = function () {
var a = this.image;
if (
'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' == a.substring(0, 26) &&
null != &&
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'clipSvg', '0')
) {
if (null == this.clippedSvg || this.clippedImage != a)
(this.clippedSvg = Graph.clipSvgDataUri(a, !0)), (this.clippedImage = a);
a = this.clippedSvg;
return a;
Graph = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {, a, b, c, d);
this.themes = e || this.defaultThemes;
this.currentEdgeStyle = mxUtils.clone(this.defaultEdgeStyle);
this.currentVertexStyle = mxUtils.clone(this.defaultVertexStyle);
this.standalone = null != f ? f : !1;
a = this.baseUrl;
b = a.indexOf('//');
this.domainPathUrl = this.domainUrl = '';
0 < b &&
((b = a.indexOf('/', b + 2)),
0 < b && (this.domainUrl = a.substring(0, b)),
(b = a.lastIndexOf('/')),
0 < b && (this.domainPathUrl = a.substring(0, b + 1)));
this.isHtmlLabel = function (a) {
a = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return null != a ? '1' == a.html || 'wrap' == a[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] : !1;
if (this.edgeMode) {
var g = null,
k = null,
h = null,
l = null,
m = !1;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
if ('mouseDown' == b.getProperty('eventName') && this.isEnabled()) {
var c = b.getProperty('event'),
d = c.getState(),
e = this.view.scale;
if (!mxEvent.isAltDown(c.getEvent()) && null != d)
if (this.model.isEdge(d.cell))
if (
((g = new mxPoint(c.getGraphX(), c.getGraphY())),
(m = this.isCellSelected(d.cell)),
(h = d),
(k = c),
null != d.text &&
null != d.text.boundingBox &&
mxUtils.contains(d.text.boundingBox, c.getGraphX(), c.getGraphY()))
l = mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE;
else {
var f = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(d.cell);
null != f && null != f.bends && 0 < f.bends.length && (l = f.getHandleForEvent(c));
else if (
!this.panningHandler.isActive() &&
!mxEvent.isControlDown(c.getEvent()) &&
((f = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(d.cell)), null == f || null == f.getHandleForEvent(c))
) {
var n = new mxRectangle(c.getGraphX() - 1, c.getGraphY() - 1),
p = mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c.getEvent())
? mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance - 1
: (mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance + 2) / 2,
f = p + 2;
if (
this.isTableCell(d.cell) &&
!this.isCellSelected(d.cell) &&
mxUtils.contains(d, c.getGraphX() - f, c.getGraphY() - f) &&
mxUtils.contains(d, c.getGraphX() - f, c.getGraphY() + f) &&
mxUtils.contains(d, c.getGraphX() + f, c.getGraphY() + f) &&
mxUtils.contains(d, c.getGraphX() + f, c.getGraphY() - f)
) {
var t = this.model.getParent(d.cell),
f = this.model.getParent(t);
if (!this.isCellSelected(f)) {
var p = p * e,
r = 2 * p;
if (
(this.model.getChildAt(f, 0) != t &&
mxUtils.intersects(n, new mxRectangle(d.x, d.y - p, d.width, r))) ||
(this.model.getChildAt(t, 0) != d.cell &&
mxUtils.intersects(n, new mxRectangle(d.x - p, d.y, r, d.height))) ||
mxUtils.intersects(n, new mxRectangle(d.x, d.y + d.height - p, d.width, r)) ||
mxUtils.intersects(n, new mxRectangle(d.x + d.width - p, d.y, r, d.height))
(t = this.selectionCellsHandler.isHandled(f)),
this.selectCellForEvent(f, c.getEvent()),
(f = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(f)),
null != f &&
((p = f.getHandleForEvent(c)),
null != p &&
(f.start(c.getGraphX(), c.getGraphY(), p), (f.blockDelayedSelection = !t), c.consume()));
for (
!c.isConsumed() &&
null != d &&
(this.isTableCell(d.cell) || this.isTableRow(d.cell) || this.isTable(d.cell));
this.isSwimlane(d.cell) &&
((f = this.getActualStartSize(d.cell)),
((0 < f.x || 0 < f.width) &&
new mxRectangle(d.x + (f.x - f.width - 1) * e + (0 == f.x ? d.width : 0), d.y, 1, d.height)
)) ||
((0 < f.y || 0 < f.height) &&
new mxRectangle(d.x, d.y + (f.y - f.height - 1) * e + (0 == f.y ? d.height : 0), d.width, 1)
))) &&
(this.selectCellForEvent(d.cell, c.getEvent()),
(f = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(d.cell)),
null != f &&
((p = mxEvent.CUSTOM_HANDLE - f.customHandles.length + 1),
f.start(c.getGraphX(), c.getGraphY(), p),
(d = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(d.cell)));
mouseDown: function (a, b) {},
mouseMove: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
var c =,
for (d in c) if (null != c[d].index) return;
if (this.isEnabled() && !this.panningHandler.isActive() && !mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent())) {
var e = this.tolerance;
if (null != g && null != h && null != k) {
if (((c = h), Math.abs(g.x - b.getGraphX()) > e || Math.abs(g.y - b.getGraphY()) > e)) {
var f = this.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(c.cell);
null == f && this.model.isEdge(c.cell) && (f = this.createHandler(c));
if (null != f && null != f.bends && 0 < f.bends.length) {
d = f.getHandleForEvent(k);
var n = this.view.getEdgeStyle(c),
e = n == mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation;
m || l != mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE || (d = l);
if (e && 0 != d && d != f.bends.length - 1 && d != mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE)
!e ||
(null == c.visibleSourceState && null == c.visibleTargetState) ||
(this.graphHandler.reset(), b.consume());
else if (
d == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE ||
0 == d ||
null != c.visibleSourceState ||
d == f.bends.length - 1 ||
null != c.visibleTargetState
e ||
d == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE ||
((e = c.absolutePoints),
null != e &&
((null == n && null == d) || n == mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector) &&
((d = l),
null == d &&
((d = new mxRectangle(g.x, g.y)),
d.grow(mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage.width / 2),
mxUtils.contains(d, e[0].x, e[0].y)
? (d = 0)
: mxUtils.contains(d, e[e.length - 1].x, e[e.length - 1].y)
? (d = f.bends.length - 1)
: null != n &&
(2 == e.length ||
(3 == e.length &&
((0 == Math.round(e[0].x - e[1].x) && 0 == Math.round(e[1].x - e[2].x)) ||
(0 == Math.round(e[0].y - e[1].y) && 0 == Math.round(e[1].y - e[2].y)))))
? (d = 2)
: ((d = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(c, g.x, g.y)),
(d = null == n ? mxEvent.VIRTUAL_HANDLE - d : d + 1)))),
null == d && (d = mxEvent.VIRTUAL_HANDLE)),
f.start(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphX(), d),
null != f &&
? this.isCellSelected(c.cell) ||
(this.selectionCellsHandler.handlers.put(c.cell, f), this.selectCellForEvent(c.cell, b.getEvent()))
: this.isCellSelected(c.cell) || f.destroy());
m = !1;
g = k = h = l = null;
} else if (((c = b.getState()), null != c && this.isCellEditable(c.cell))) {
f = null;
if (this.model.isEdge(c.cell)) {
if (
((d = new mxRectangle(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY())),
d.grow(mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage.width / 2),
(e = c.absolutePoints),
null != e)
if (
null != c.text &&
null != c.text.boundingBox &&
mxUtils.contains(c.text.boundingBox, b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY())
f = 'move';
else if (
mxUtils.contains(d, e[0].x, e[0].y) ||
mxUtils.contains(d, e[e.length - 1].x, e[e.length - 1].y)
f = 'pointer';
else if (null != c.visibleSourceState || null != c.visibleTargetState)
(d = this.view.getEdgeStyle(c)),
(f = 'crosshair'),
d != mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation &&
this.isOrthogonal(c) &&
((d = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(c, b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY())),
d < e.length - 1 &&
0 <= d &&
(f = 0 == Math.round(e[d].x - e[d + 1].x) ? 'col-resize' : 'row-resize'));
} else if (!mxEvent.isControlDown(b.getEvent())) {
e = mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance / 2;
d = new mxRectangle(b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY());
if (
this.isTableCell(c.cell) &&
((e = this.model.getParent(c.cell)), (n = this.model.getParent(e)), !this.isCellSelected(n))
if (
(mxUtils.intersects(d, new mxRectangle(c.x, c.y - 2, c.width, 4)) &&
this.model.getChildAt(n, 0) != e) ||
mxUtils.intersects(d, new mxRectangle(c.x, c.y + c.height - 2, c.width, 4))
f = 'row-resize';
else if (
(mxUtils.intersects(d, new mxRectangle(c.x - 2, c.y, 4, c.height)) &&
this.model.getChildAt(e, 0) != c.cell) ||
mxUtils.intersects(d, new mxRectangle(c.x + c.width - 2, c.y, 4, c.height))
f = 'col-resize';
for (
e = c;
null == f && null != e && (this.isTableCell(e.cell) || this.isTableRow(e.cell) || this.isTable(e.cell));
) {
if (this.isSwimlane(e.cell)) {
var n = this.getActualStartSize(e.cell),
p = this.view.scale;
(0 < n.x || 0 < n.width) &&
new mxRectangle(e.x + (n.x - n.width - 1) * p + (0 == n.x ? e.width * p : 0), e.y, 1, e.height)
? (f = 'col-resize')
: (0 < n.y || 0 < n.height) &&
new mxRectangle(e.x, e.y + (n.y - n.height - 1) * p + (0 == n.y ? e.height : 0), e.width, 1)
) &&
(f = 'row-resize');
e = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(e.cell));
null != f && c.setCursor(f);
mouseUp: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
l = g = k = h = null;
this.cellRenderer.minSvgStrokeWidth = 0.1;
this.cellRenderer.getLabelValue = function (a) {
var b = mxCellRenderer.prototype.getLabelValue.apply(this, arguments);
a.view.graph.isHtmlLabel(a.cell) &&
(b = 1 != ? mxUtils.htmlEntities(b, !1) : a.view.graph.sanitizeHtml(b));
return b;
if ('undefined' !== typeof mxVertexHandler) {
this.allowAutoPanning = !0;
this.constrainChildren = this.resetEdgesOnConnect = !1;
this.constrainRelativeChildren = !0;
this.graphHandler.scrollOnMove = !1;
this.graphHandler.scaleGrid = !0;
this.connectionHandler.insertBeforeSource = !0;
this.connectionHandler.isValidSource = function (a, b) {
return !1;
this.alternateEdgeStyle = 'vertical';
null == d && this.loadStylesheet();
var n = this.graphHandler.getGuideStates;
this.graphHandler.getGuideStates = function () {
var a = n.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.graph.pageVisible) {
for (
var b = [],
c = this.graph.pageFormat,
d = this.graph.pageScale,
e = c.width * d,
c = c.height * d,
d = this.graph.view.translate,
f = this.graph.view.scale,
g = this.graph.getPageLayout(),
k = 0;
k < g.width;
b.push(new mxRectangle(((g.x + k) * e + d.x) * f, (g.y * c + d.y) * f, e * f, c * f));
for (k = 1; k < g.height; k++)
b.push(new mxRectangle((g.x * e + d.x) * f, ((g.y + k) * c + d.y) * f, e * f, c * f));
a = b.concat(a);
return a;
mxDragSource.prototype.dragElementZIndex = mxPopupMenu.prototype.zIndex;
mxGuide.prototype.getGuideColor = function (a, b) {
return null == a.cell ? '#ffa500' : mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR;
this.graphHandler.createPreviewShape = function (a) {
this.previewColor = '#000000' == this.graph.background ? '#ffffff' : mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor;
return mxGraphHandler.prototype.createPreviewShape.apply(this, arguments);
var p = this.graphHandler.getCells;
this.graphHandler.getCells = function (a) {
for (var b = p.apply(this, arguments), c = new mxDictionary(), d = [], e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var f =
this.graph.isTableCell(a) && this.graph.isTableCell(b[e]) && this.graph.isCellSelected(b[e])
? this.graph.model.getParent(b[e])
: this.graph.isTableRow(a) && this.graph.isTableRow(b[e]) && this.graph.isCellSelected(b[e])
? b[e]
: this.graph.getCompositeParent(b[e]);
null == f || c.get(f) || (c.put(f, !0), d.push(f));
return d;
var r = this.graphHandler.start;
this.graphHandler.start = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = !1;
this.graph.isTableCell(a) && (this.graph.isCellSelected(a) ? (e = !0) : (a = this.graph.model.getParent(a)));
e || (this.graph.isTableRow(a) && this.graph.isCellSelected(a)) || (a = this.graph.getCompositeParent(a));
r.apply(this, arguments);
this.connectionHandler.createTargetVertex = function (a, b) {
b = this.graph.getCompositeParent(b);
return mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex.apply(this, arguments);
var t = new mxRubberband(this);
this.getRubberband = function () {
return t;
var u = new Date().getTime(),
x = 0,
z = this.connectionHandler.mouseMove;
this.connectionHandler.mouseMove = function () {
var a = this.currentState;
z.apply(this, arguments);
a != this.currentState ? ((u = new Date().getTime()), (x = 0)) : (x = new Date().getTime() - u);
var D = this.connectionHandler.isOutlineConnectEvent;
this.connectionHandler.isOutlineConnectEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent())
? !1
: (null != this.currentState && a.getState() == this.currentState && 2e3 < x) ||
((null == this.currentState || '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'outlineConnect', '1')) &&
D.apply(this, arguments));
var B = this.isToggleEvent;
this.isToggleEvent = function (a) {
return B.apply(this, arguments) || (!mxClient.IS_CHROMEOS && mxEvent.isShiftDown(a));
var C = t.isForceRubberbandEvent;
t.isForceRubberbandEvent = function (a) {
return (
C.apply(this, arguments) ||
(mxClient.IS_CHROMEOS && mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent())) ||
(mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.graph.container) &&
mxClient.IS_FF &&
mxClient.IS_WIN &&
null == a.getState() &&
var J = null;
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.isEnabled() && ((J =, ( = 'move'));
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.isEnabled() && ( = J);
this.popupMenuHandler.autoExpand = !0;
this.popupMenuHandler.isSelectOnPopup = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a.getEvent());
var v =; = function (a) {
var b = null == a.state && null != a.sourceState && this.isCellLocked(a.sourceState.cell);
if ((this.isEnabled() && !b) || a.isConsumed()) return v.apply(this, arguments);
var c = b ? a.sourceState.cell : a.getCell();
null != c &&
((c = this.getClickableLinkForCell(c)),
null != c && (this.isCustomLink(c) ? this.customLinkClicked(c) : this.openLink(c)));
this.isEnabled() && b && this.clearSelection();
this.tooltipHandler.getStateForEvent = function (a) {
return a.sourceState;
var K =; = function () {
K.apply(this, arguments);
if (null != this.div)
for (var a = this.div.getElementsByTagName('a'), b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
null != a[b].getAttribute('href') &&
null == a[b].getAttribute('target') &&
a[b].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
this.tooltipHandler.getStateForEvent = function (a) {
return a.sourceState;
this.getCursorForMouseEvent = function (a) {
var b = null == a.state && null != a.sourceState && this.isCellLocked(a.sourceState.cell);
return this.getCursorForCell(b ? a.sourceState.cell : a.getCell());
var O = this.getCursorForCell;
this.getCursorForCell = function (a) {
if (!this.isEnabled() || this.isCellLocked(a)) {
if (null != this.getClickableLinkForCell(a)) return 'pointer';
if (this.isCellLocked(a)) return 'default';
return O.apply(this, arguments);
this.selectRegion = function (a, b) {
var c = mxEvent.isAltDown(b) ? a : null,
c = this.getCells(
function (a) {
return '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'locked', '0');
if (this.isToggleEvent(b)) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.selectCellForEvent(c[d], b);
else this.selectCellsForEvent(c, b);
return c;
var T = this.graphHandler.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent;
this.graphHandler.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function (a, b, c) {
return this.graph.isCellSelected(a) ? !1 : T.apply(this, arguments);
this.isCellLocked = function (a) {
for (; null != a; ) {
if ('1' == mxUtils.getValue(this.getCurrentCellStyle(a), 'locked', '0')) return !0;
a = this.model.getParent(a);
return !1;
var M = null;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
if ('mouseDown' == b.getProperty('eventName')) {
var c = b.getProperty('event').getState();
M = null == c || this.isSelectionEmpty() || this.isCellSelected(c.cell) ? null : this.getSelectionCells();
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
if (!mxEvent.isMultiTouchEvent(b)) {
var c = b.getProperty('event'),
d = b.getProperty('cell');
null == d
? ((c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(c), mxEvent.getClientY(c))),
t.start(c.x, c.y))
: null != M
? this.addSelectionCells(M)
: 1 < this.getSelectionCount() && this.isCellSelected(d) && this.removeSelectionCell(d);
M = null;
this.connectionHandler.selectCells = function (a, b) {
this.graph.setSelectionCell(b || a);
this.connectionHandler.constraintHandler.isStateIgnored = function (a, b) {
var c = a.view.graph;
return (
b &&
(c.isCellSelected(a.cell) ||
(c.isTableRow(a.cell) && c.selectionCellsHandler.isHandled(c.model.getParent(a.cell))))
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
var a = this.connectionHandler.constraintHandler;
null != a.currentFocus &&
a.isStateIgnored(a.currentFocus, !0) &&
((a.currentFocus = null), (a.constraints = null), a.destroyIcons());
Graph.touchStyle && this.initTouch();
var U = this.updateMouseEvent;
this.updateMouseEvent = function (a) {
a = U.apply(this, arguments);
null != a.state && this.isCellLocked(a.getCell()) && (a.state = null);
return a;
this.currentTranslate = new mxPoint(0, 0);
Graph.touchStyle =
mxClient.IS_TOUCH ||
(mxClient.IS_FF && mxClient.IS_WIN) ||
0 < navigator.maxTouchPoints ||
0 < navigator.msMaxTouchPoints ||
null == window.urlParams ||
'1' == urlParams.touch;
Graph.fileSupport =
null != window.File &&
null != window.FileReader &&
null != window.FileList &&
(null == window.urlParams || '0' != urlParams.filesupport);
Graph.translateDiagram = '1' == urlParams['translate-diagram'];
Graph.diagramLanguage = null != urlParams['diagram-language'] ? urlParams['diagram-language'] : mxClient.language;
Graph.lineJumpsEnabled = !0;
Graph.defaultJumpSize = 6;
Graph.zoomWheel = !1;
Graph.minTableColumnWidth = 20;
Graph.minTableRowHeight = 20;
Graph.foreignObjectWarningText = 'Text is not SVG - cannot display';
Graph.foreignObjectWarningLink = '';
Graph.xmlDeclaration = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
Graph.svgDoctype = '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">';
Graph.svgFileComment = '\x3c!-- Do not edit this file with editors other than --\x3e';
Graph.pasteStyles =
'rounded shadow dashed dashPattern fontFamily fontSource fontSize fontColor fontStyle align verticalAlign strokeColor strokeWidth fillColor gradientColor swimlaneFillColor textOpacity gradientDirection glass labelBackgroundColor labelBorderColor opacity spacing spacingTop spacingLeft spacingBottom spacingRight endFill endArrow endSize targetPerimeterSpacing startFill startArrow startSize sourcePerimeterSpacing arcSize comic sketch fillWeight hachureGap hachureAngle jiggle disableMultiStroke disableMultiStrokeFill fillStyle curveFitting simplification comicStyle'.split(
' '
Graph.createOffscreenGraph = function (a) {
var b = new Graph(document.createElement('div'));
b.stylesheet.styles = mxUtils.clone(a.styles);
b.resetViewOnRootChange = !1;
b.gridEnabled = !1;
b.autoScroll = !1;
b.setEnabled(!1); = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = '1px'; = '1px';
return b;
Graph.createSvgImage = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
c = unescape(
Graph.svgDoctype +
'<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="' +
a +
'px" height="' +
b +
'px" ' +
(null != d && null != e ? 'viewBox="0 0 ' + d + ' ' + e + '" ' : '') +
'version="1.1">' +
c +
return new mxImage('data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + (window.btoa ? btoa(c) : Base64.encode(c, !0)), a, b);
Graph.zapGremlins = function (a) {
for (var b = 0, c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charCodeAt(d);
((32 <= e || 9 == e || 10 == e || 13 == e) && 65535 != e && 65534 != e) || (c.push(a.substring(b, d)), (b = d + 1));
0 < b && b < a.length && c.push(a.substring(b));
return 0 == c.length ? a : c.join('');
Graph.stringToBytes = function (a) {
for (var b = Array(a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b[c] = a.charCodeAt(c);
return b;
Graph.bytesToString = function (a) {
for (var b = Array(a.length), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b[c] = String.fromCharCode(a[c]);
return b.join('');
Graph.base64EncodeUnicode = function (a) {
return btoa(
encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (a, c) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c, 16));
Graph.base64DecodeUnicode = function (a) {
return decodeURIComponent(
.call(atob(a), function (a) {
return '%' + ('00' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
Graph.compressNode = function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.getXml(a);
return Graph.compress(b ? c : Graph.zapGremlins(c));
Graph.arrayBufferToString = function (a) {
var b = '';
a = new Uint8Array(a);
for (var c = a.byteLength, d = 0; d < c; d++) b += String.fromCharCode(a[d]);
return b;
Graph.stringToArrayBuffer = function (a) {
return Uint8Array.from(a, function (a) {
return a.charCodeAt(0);
Graph.arrayBufferIndexOfString = function (a, b, c) {
var d = b.charCodeAt(0),
e = 1,
f = -1;
for (c = c || 0; c < a.byteLength; c++)
if (a[c] == d) {
f = c;
for (c = f + 1; -1 < f && c < a.byteLength && c < f + b.length - 1; c++) {
if (a[c] != b.charCodeAt(e)) return Graph.arrayBufferIndexOfString(a, b, f + 1);
return e == b.length - 1 ? f : -1;
Graph.compress = function (a, b) {
if (null == a || 0 == a.length || 'undefined' === typeof pako) return a;
var c = b ? pako.deflate(encodeURIComponent(a)) : pako.deflateRaw(encodeURIComponent(a));
return btoa(Graph.arrayBufferToString(new Uint8Array(c)));
Graph.decompress = function (a, b, c) {
if (null == a || 0 == a.length || 'undefined' === typeof pako) return a;
a = Graph.stringToArrayBuffer(atob(a));
b = decodeURIComponent(b ? pako.inflate(a, { to: 'string' }) : pako.inflateRaw(a, { to: 'string' }));
return c ? b : Graph.zapGremlins(b);
Graph.fadeNodes = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
e = null != e ? e : 1e3;
Graph.setTransitionForNodes(a, null);
Graph.setOpacityForNodes(a, b);
window.setTimeout(function () {
Graph.setTransitionForNodes(a, 'all ' + e + 'ms ease-in-out');
Graph.setOpacityForNodes(a, c);
window.setTimeout(function () {
Graph.setTransitionForNodes(a, null);
null != d && d();
}, e);
}, 0);
Graph.removeKeys = function (a, b) {
for (var c in a) b(c) && delete a[c];
Graph.setTransitionForNodes = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(a[c].style, 'transition', b);
Graph.setOpacityForNodes = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c].style.opacity = b;
Graph.removePasteFormatting = function (a) {
for (; null != a; )
null != a.firstChild && Graph.removePasteFormatting(a.firstChild),
a.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT &&
null != &&
(( = ''), '#000000' == && ( = '')),
(a = a.nextSibling);
Graph.sanitizeHtml = function (a, b) {
return DOMPurify.sanitize(a, {
ADD_ATTR: ['target'],
FORBID_TAGS: ['form'],
ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP: /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp|data):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i,
Graph.sanitizeSvg = function (a) {
return DOMPurify.sanitize(a, { IN_PLACE: !0 });
Graph.clipSvgDataUri = function (a, b) {
if (!mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11 && null != a && 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' == a.substring(0, 26))
try {
var c = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'hidden';
var d = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(a.substring(26)))),
e = d.indexOf('<svg');
if (0 <= e) {
c.innerHTML = d.substring(e);
var f = c.getElementsByTagName('svg');
if (0 < f.length) {
if (b || null != f[0].getAttribute('preserveAspectRatio')) {
try {
var e = (d = 1),
g = f[0].getAttribute('width'),
k = f[0].getAttribute('height'),
g = null != g && '%' != g.charAt(g.length - 1) ? parseFloat(g) : NaN,
k = null != k && '%' != k.charAt(k.length - 1) ? parseFloat(k) : NaN,
h = f[0].getAttribute('viewBox');
if (null != h && !isNaN(g) && !isNaN(k)) {
var l = h.split(' ');
4 <= h.length && ((d = parseFloat(l[2]) / g), (e = parseFloat(l[3]) / k));
var m = f[0].getBBox();
0 < m.width &&
0 < m.height &&
.setAttribute('viewBox', m.x + ' ' + m.y + ' ' + m.width + ' ' + m.height),
c.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].setAttribute('width', m.width / d),
c.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].setAttribute('height', m.height / e));
} catch (n) {
} finally {
a = Editor.createSvgDataUri(mxUtils.getXml(f[0]));
} catch (n) {}
return a;
Graph.stripQuotes = function (a) {
null != a &&
("'" == a.charAt(0) && (a = a.substring(1)),
"'" == a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1)),
'"' == a.charAt(0) && (a = a.substring(1)),
'"' == a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1)));
return a;
Graph.createRemoveIcon = function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement('img');
c.setAttribute('src', Dialog.prototype.clearImage);
c.setAttribute('title', a);
c.setAttribute('width', '13');
c.setAttribute('height', '10'); = '4px'; = '-1px'; = 'pointer';
mxEvent.addListener(c, 'click', b);
return c;
Graph.isPageLink = function (a) {
return null != a && 'data:page/id,' == a.substring(0, 13);
Graph.isLink = function (a) {
return null != a && Graph.linkPattern.test(a);
Graph.linkPattern =
mxUtils.extend(Graph, mxGraph);
Graph.prototype.minFitScale = null;
Graph.prototype.maxFitScale = null;
Graph.prototype.linkPolicy = 'frame' == ? 'blank' : || 'auto';
Graph.prototype.linkTarget = 'frame' == ? '_self' : '_blank';
Graph.prototype.linkRelation = 'nofollow noopener noreferrer';
Graph.prototype.defaultScrollbars = !0;
Graph.prototype.defaultPageVisible = !0;
Graph.prototype.defaultGridEnabled = '0' != urlParams.grid;
Graph.prototype.lightbox = !1;
Graph.prototype.defaultPageBackgroundColor = '#ffffff';
Graph.prototype.defaultPageBorderColor = '#ffffff';
Graph.prototype.shapeForegroundColor = '#000000';
Graph.prototype.shapeBackgroundColor = '#ffffff';
Graph.prototype.scrollTileSize = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 400, 400);
Graph.prototype.transparentBackground = !0;
Graph.prototype.selectParentAfterDelete = !1;
Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeLength = 80;
Graph.prototype.edgeMode = !1;
Graph.prototype.connectionArrowsEnabled = !0;
Graph.prototype.placeholderPattern = RegExp('%(date{.*}|[^%^{^}^ ^"^ \'^=^;]+)%', 'g');
Graph.prototype.absoluteUrlPattern = /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i;
Graph.prototype.defaultThemeName = 'default';
Graph.prototype.defaultThemes = {};
Graph.prototype.baseUrl =
null != urlParams.base
? decodeURIComponent(urlParams.base)
: (window != ? document.referrer : document.location.toString()).split('#')[0];
Graph.prototype.editAfterInsert = !1;
Graph.prototype.builtInProperties = ['label', 'tooltip', 'placeholders', 'placeholder'];
Graph.prototype.standalone = !1;
Graph.prototype.enableFlowAnimation = !1;
Graph.prototype.roundableShapes =
'label rectangle internalStorage corner parallelogram swimlane triangle trapezoid ext step tee process link rhombus offPageConnector loopLimit hexagon manualInput card curlyBracket singleArrow callout doubleArrow flexArrow umlLifeline'.split(
' '
Graph.prototype.init = function (a) {
mxGraph.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
this.cellRenderer.initializeLabel = function (a, b) {
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel.apply(this, arguments);
var c = a.view.graph.tolerance,
d = !0,
g = null,
k = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
d = !0;
g = new mxPoint(mxEvent.getClientX(a), mxEvent.getClientY(a));
h = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
d = d && null != g && Math.abs(g.x - mxEvent.getClientX(a)) < c && Math.abs(g.y - mxEvent.getClientY(a)) < c;
l = mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
if (d)
for (var e = mxEvent.getSource(c); null != e && e != b.node; ) {
if ('a' == e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
a.view.graph.labelLinkClicked(a, e, c);
e = e.parentNode;
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(b.node, k, h, l);
mxEvent.addListener(b.node, 'click', function (a) {
if (null != this.tooltipHandler) {
var b = this.tooltipHandler.init;
this.tooltipHandler.init = function () {
b.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.div &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var b = mxEvent.getSource(a);
'A' == b.nodeName &&
((b = b.getAttribute('href')),
null != b &&
this.graph.isCustomLink(b) &&
(mxEvent.isTouchEvent(a) || !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(a)) &&
this.graph.customLinkClicked(b) &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
if (null != this.container && this.flowAnimationStyle) {
var c = this.flowAnimationStyle.getAttribute('id');
this.flowAnimationStyle.innerHTML = this.getFlowAnimationStyleCss(c);
(function () {
Graph.prototype.useCssTransforms = !1;
Graph.prototype.currentScale = 1;
Graph.prototype.currentTranslate = new mxPoint(0, 0);
Graph.prototype.isFillState = function (a) {
return (
!this.isSpecialColor([mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR]) &&
'1' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'lineShape', null) &&
(this.model.isVertex(a.cell) ||
'arrow' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null) ||
'filledEdge' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null) ||
'flexArrow' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null))
Graph.prototype.isStrokeState = function (a) {
return !this.isSpecialColor([mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR]);
Graph.prototype.isSpecialColor = function (a) {
return (
0 <=
[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'inherit', 'swimlane', 'indicated'],
Graph.prototype.isGlassState = function (a) {
a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
return (
'label' == a ||
'rectangle' == a ||
'internalStorage' == a ||
'ext' == a ||
'umlLifeline' == a ||
'swimlane' == a ||
'process' == a
Graph.prototype.isRoundedState = function (a) {
return null != a.shape
? a.shape.isRoundable()
: 0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(this.roundableShapes, mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null));
Graph.prototype.isLineJumpState = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
return !mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, !1) && ('connector' == b || 'filledEdge' == b);
Graph.prototype.isAutoSizeState = function (a) {
return '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_AUTOSIZE, null);
Graph.prototype.isImageState = function (a) {
a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
return 'label' == a || 'image' == a;
Graph.prototype.isShadowState = function (a) {
return 'image' != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
Graph.prototype.getVerticesAndEdges = function (a, b) {
a = null != a ? a : !0;
b = null != b ? b : !0;
var c = this.model;
return c.filterDescendants(function (d) {
return (a && c.isVertex(d)) || (b && c.isEdge(d));
}, c.getRoot());
Graph.prototype.getCommonStyle = function (a) {
for (var b = {}, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.view.getState(a[c]);
this.mergeStyle(, b, 0 == c);
return b;
Graph.prototype.mergeStyle = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a) {
var d = {},
for (e in a) {
var f = a[e];
null != f && ((d[e] = !0), null == b[e] && c ? (b[e] = f) : b[e] != f && delete b[e]);
for (e in b) d[e] || delete b[e];
Graph.prototype.getStartEditingCell = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getCellStyle(a),
c = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, 0));
this.isTable(a) &&
(!this.isSwimlane(a) || 0 == c) &&
'' == this.getLabel(a) &&
0 < this.model.getChildCount(a) &&
((a = this.model.getChildAt(a, 0)),
(c = this.getCellStyle(a)),
(c = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, 0))));
if (
this.isTableRow(a) &&
(!this.isSwimlane(a) || 0 == c) &&
'' == this.getLabel(a) &&
0 < this.model.getChildCount(a)
for (c = 0; c < this.model.getChildCount(a); c++) {
var d = this.model.getChildAt(a, c);
if (this.isCellEditable(d)) {
a = d;
return a;
Graph.prototype.copyStyle = function (a) {
return this.getCellStyle(a, !1);
Graph.prototype.pasteStyle = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : Graph.pasteStyles;
Graph.removeKeys(a, function (a) {
return 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c, a);
this.updateCellStyles(a, b);
Graph.prototype.updateCellStyles = function (a, b) {
try {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
if (this.model.isVertex(b[c]) || this.model.isEdge(b[c])) {
var d = this.getCellStyle(b[c], !1),
for (e in a) {
var f = a[e];
d[e] != f && this.setCellStyles(e, f, [b[c]]);
} finally {
Graph.prototype.isFastZoomEnabled = function () {
return (
'nocss' != urlParams.zoom &&
!mxClient.NO_FO &&
!mxClient.IS_EDGE &&
!this.useCssTransforms &&
(this.isCssTransformsSupported() || mxClient.IS_IOS)
Graph.prototype.isCssTransformsSupported = function () {
return this.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG && !mxClient.NO_FO && (!this.lightbox || !mxClient.IS_SF);
Graph.prototype.getCellAt = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.useCssTransforms &&
((a = a / this.currentScale - this.currentTranslate.x), (b = b / this.currentScale - this.currentTranslate.y));
return this.getScaledCellAt.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.getScaledCellAt = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
d = null != d ? d : !0;
e = null != e ? e : !0;
null == c && ((c = this.getCurrentRoot()), null == c && (c = this.getModel().getRoot()));
if (null != c)
for (var g = this.model.getChildCount(c) - 1; 0 <= g; g--) {
var k = this.model.getChildAt(c, g),
h = this.getScaledCellAt(a, b, k, d, e, f);
if (null != h) return h;
if (
this.isCellVisible(k) &&
((e && this.model.isEdge(k)) || (d && this.model.isVertex(k))) &&
((h = this.view.getState(k)), null != h && (null == f || !f(h, a, b)) && this.intersects(h, a, b))
return k;
return null;
Graph.prototype.isRecursiveVertexResize = function (a) {
return (
!this.isSwimlane(a.cell) &&
0 < this.model.getChildCount(a.cell) &&
!this.isCellCollapsed(a.cell) &&
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'recursiveResize', '1') &&
null == mxUtils.getValue(, 'childLayout', null)
Graph.prototype.getAbsoluteParent = function (a) {
for (var b = this.getCellGeometry(a); null != b && b.relative; )
(a = this.getModel().getParent(a)), (b = this.getCellGeometry(a));
return a;
Graph.prototype.isPart = function (a) {
return (
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(this.getCurrentCellStyle(a), 'part', '0') || this.isTableCell(a) || this.isTableRow(a)
Graph.prototype.getCompositeParents = function (a) {
for (var b = new mxDictionary(), c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = this.getCompositeParent(a[d]);
this.isTableCell(e) && (e = this.graph.model.getParent(e));
this.isTableRow(e) && (e = this.graph.model.getParent(e));
null == e || b.get(e) || (b.put(e, !0), c.push(e));
return c;
Graph.prototype.getCompositeParent = function (a) {
for (; this.isPart(a); ) {
var b = this.model.getParent(a);
if (!this.model.isVertex(b)) break;
a = b;
return a;
Graph.prototype.filterSelectionCells = function (a) {
var b = this.getSelectionCells();
if (null != a) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) a(b[d]) || c.push(b[d]);
b = c;
return b;
var a = mxGraph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible;
Graph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible = function (b) {
if (this.useCssTransforms) {
var c = this.currentScale,
d = this.currentTranslate;
b = new mxRectangle((b.x + 2 * d.x) * c - d.x, (b.y + 2 * d.y) * c - d.y, b.width * c, b.height * c);
a.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellHighlight.prototype.getStrokeWidth = function (a) {
a = this.strokeWidth;
this.graph.useCssTransforms && (a /= this.graph.currentScale);
return a;
mxGraphView.prototype.getGraphBounds = function () {
var a = this.graphBounds;
if (this.graph.useCssTransforms)
var b = this.graph.currentTranslate,
c = this.graph.currentScale,
a = new mxRectangle((a.x + b.x) * c, (a.y + b.y) * c, a.width * c, a.height * c);
return a;
mxGraphView.prototype.viewStateChanged = function () {
this.graph.useCssTransforms ? this.validate() : this.revalidate();
var b = mxGraphView.prototype.validate;
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function (a) {
this.graph.useCssTransforms &&
((this.graph.currentScale = this.scale),
(this.graph.currentTranslate.x = this.translate.x),
(this.graph.currentTranslate.y = this.translate.y),
(this.scale = 1),
(this.translate.x = 0),
(this.translate.y = 0));
b.apply(this, arguments);
this.graph.useCssTransforms &&
(this.scale = this.graph.currentScale),
(this.translate.x = this.graph.currentTranslate.x),
(this.translate.y = this.graph.currentTranslate.y));
var c = mxGraph.prototype.getCellsForGroup;
Graph.prototype.getCellsForGroup = function (a) {
a = c.apply(this, arguments);
for (var b = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) this.isTableRow(a[d]) || this.isTableCell(a[d]) || b.push(a[d]);
return b;
var d = mxGraph.prototype.getCellsForUngroup;
Graph.prototype.getCellsForUngroup = function (a) {
a = d.apply(this, arguments);
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
this.isTable(a[c]) || this.isTableRow(a[c]) || this.isTableCell(a[c]) || b.push(a[c]);
return b;
Graph.prototype.updateCssTransform = function () {
var a = this.view.getDrawPane();
if (null != a)
if (((a = a.parentNode), this.useCssTransforms)) {
var b = a.getAttribute('transform');
a.setAttribute('transformOrigin', '0 0');
var c = Math.round(100 * this.currentScale) / 100;
'scale(' +
c +
',' +
c +
')translate(' +
Math.round(100 * this.currentTranslate.x) / 100 +
',' +
Math.round(100 * this.currentTranslate.y) / 100 +
b != a.getAttribute('transform') &&
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('cssTransformChanged'), 'transform', a.getAttribute('transform'));
} else a.removeAttribute('transformOrigin'), a.removeAttribute('transform');
var e = mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundPage;
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundPage = function () {
var a = this.graph.useCssTransforms,
b = this.scale,
c = this.translate;
a && ((this.scale = this.graph.currentScale), (this.translate = this.graph.currentTranslate));
e.apply(this, arguments);
a && ((this.scale = b), (this.translate = c));
var f = mxGraph.prototype.updatePageBreaks;
mxGraph.prototype.updatePageBreaks = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.useCssTransforms,
e = this.view.scale,
g = this.view.translate;
d && ((this.view.scale = 1), (this.view.translate = new mxPoint(0, 0)), (this.useCssTransforms = !1));
f.apply(this, arguments);
d && ((this.view.scale = e), (this.view.translate = g), (this.useCssTransforms = !0));
Graph.prototype.isLightboxView = function () {
return this.lightbox;
Graph.prototype.isViewer = function () {
return !1;
Graph.prototype.labelLinkClicked = function (a, b, c) {
b = b.getAttribute('href');
if (
null != b &&
!this.isCustomLink(b) &&
((mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(c) && !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(c)) || mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c))
) {
if (!this.isEnabled() || this.isCellLocked(a.cell))
(a = this.isBlankLink(b) ? this.linkTarget : '_top'), this.openLink(this.getAbsoluteUrl(b), a);
Graph.prototype.openLink = function (a, b, c) {
var d = window;
try {
if ('_self' == b && window != window.location.href = a;
else if (
a.substring(0, this.baseUrl.length) == this.baseUrl &&
'#' == a.charAt(this.baseUrl.length) &&
'_top' == b &&
window ==
) {
var e = a.split('#')[1];
window.location.hash == '#' + e && (window.location.hash = '');
window.location.hash = e;
} else (d =, null != b ? b : '_blank')), null == d || c || (d.opener = null);
} catch (f) {}
return d;
Graph.prototype.getLinkTitle = function (a) {
return a.substring(a.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Graph.prototype.isCustomLink = function (a) {
return 'data:' == a.substring(0, 5);
Graph.prototype.customLinkClicked = function (a) {
return !1;
Graph.prototype.isExternalProtocol = function (a) {
return 'mailto:' === a.substring(0, 7);
Graph.prototype.isBlankLink = function (a) {
return (
!this.isExternalProtocol(a) &&
('blank' === this.linkPolicy ||
('self' !== this.linkPolicy &&
!this.isRelativeUrl(a) &&
a.substring(0, this.domainUrl.length) !== this.domainUrl))
Graph.prototype.isRelativeUrl = function (a) {
return null != a && !this.absoluteUrlPattern.test(a) && 'data:' !== a.substring(0, 5) && !this.isExternalProtocol(a);
Graph.prototype.getAbsoluteUrl = function (a) {
null != a &&
this.isRelativeUrl(a) &&
(a = '#' == a.charAt(0) ? this.baseUrl + a : '/' == a.charAt(0) ? this.domainUrl + a : this.domainPathUrl + a);
return a;
Graph.prototype.initLayoutManager = function () {
this.layoutManager = new mxLayoutManager(this);
this.layoutManager.hasLayout = function (a) {
return null != this.graph.getCellStyle(a).childLayout;
this.layoutManager.getLayout = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.model.getParent(a);
if (!this.graph.isCellCollapsed(a) && (b != mxEvent.BEGIN_UPDATE || this.hasLayout(c, b))) {
c = this.graph.getCellStyle(a);
if ('stackLayout' == c.childLayout) {
var d = new mxStackLayout(this.graph, !0);
d.resizeParentMax = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'resizeParentMax', '1');
d.horizontal = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'horizontalStack', '1');
d.resizeParent = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'resizeParent', '1');
d.resizeLast = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'resizeLast', '0');
d.spacing = c.stackSpacing || d.spacing;
d.border = c.stackBorder || d.border;
d.marginLeft = c.marginLeft || 0;
d.marginRight = c.marginRight || 0;
d.marginTop = c.marginTop || 0;
d.marginBottom = c.marginBottom || 0;
d.allowGaps = c.allowGaps || 0;
d.fill = !0;
d.allowGaps && (d.gridSize = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(c, 'stackUnitSize', 20)));
return d;
if ('treeLayout' == c.childLayout)
return (
(d = new mxCompactTreeLayout(this.graph)),
(d.horizontal = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'horizontalTree', '1')),
(d.resizeParent = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'resizeParent', '1')),
(d.groupPadding = mxUtils.getValue(c, 'parentPadding', 20)),
(d.levelDistance = mxUtils.getValue(c, 'treeLevelDistance', 30)),
(d.maintainParentLocation = !0),
(d.edgeRouting = !1),
(d.resetEdges = !1),
if ('flowLayout' == c.childLayout)
return (
(d = new mxHierarchicalLayout(
mxUtils.getValue(c, 'flowOrientation', mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
(d.resizeParent = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'resizeParent', '1')),
(d.parentBorder = mxUtils.getValue(c, 'parentPadding', 20)),
(d.maintainParentLocation = !0),
(d.intraCellSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(
(d.interRankCellSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(
(d.interHierarchySpacing = mxUtils.getValue(
(d.parallelEdgeSpacing = mxUtils.getValue(
if ('circleLayout' == c.childLayout) return new mxCircleLayout(this.graph);
if ('organicLayout' == c.childLayout) return new mxFastOrganicLayout(this.graph);
if ('tableLayout' == c.childLayout) return new TableLayout(this.graph);
return null;
Graph.prototype.getDataForCells = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = null != a[c].value ? a[c].value.attributes : null,
e = {}; = a[c].id;
if (null != d) for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e[d[f].nodeName] = d[f].nodeValue;
else e.label = this.convertValueToString(a[c]);
return b;
Graph.prototype.getNodesForCells = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.view.getState(a[c]);
if (null != d) {
for (var e = this.cellRenderer.getShapesForState(d), f = 0; f < e.length; f++)
null != e[f] && null != e[f].node && b.push(e[f].node);
null != d.control && null != d.control.node && b.push(d.control.node);
return b;
Graph.prototype.createWipeAnimations = function (a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = this.view.getState(a[d]);
null != e &&
null != e.shape &&
(this.model.isEdge(e.cell) && null != e.absolutePoints && 1 < e.absolutePoints.length
? c.push(this.createEdgeWipeAnimation(e, b))
: this.model.isVertex(e.cell) && null != e.shape.bounds && c.push(this.createVertexWipeAnimation(e, b)));
return c;
Graph.prototype.createEdgeWipeAnimation = function (a, b) {
var c = a.absolutePoints.slice(),
d = a.segments,
e = a.length,
f = c.length;
return {
execute: mxUtils.bind(this, function (g, k) {
if (null != a.shape) {
var h = [c[0]],
l = g / k;
b || (l = 1 - l);
for (var m = e * l, n = 1; n < f; n++)
if (m <= d[n - 1]) {
new mxPoint(
c[n - 1].x + ((c[n].x - c[n - 1].x) * m) / d[n - 1],
c[n - 1].y + ((c[n].y - c[n - 1].y) * m) / d[n - 1]
} else (m -= d[n - 1]), h.push(c[n]);
a.shape.points = h;
0 == g && Graph.setOpacityForNodes(this.getNodesForCells([a.cell]), 1);
null != a.text && null != a.text.node && ( = l);
stop: mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
null != a.shape &&
((a.shape.points = c),
null != a.text && null != a.text.node && ( = ''),
Graph.setOpacityForNodes(this.getNodesForCells([a.cell]), b ? 1 : 0));
Graph.prototype.createVertexWipeAnimation = function (a, b) {
var c = new mxRectangle.fromRectangle(a.shape.bounds);
return {
execute: mxUtils.bind(this, function (d, e) {
if (null != a.shape) {
var f = d / e;
b || (f = 1 - f);
a.shape.bounds = new mxRectangle(c.x, c.y, c.width * f, c.height);
0 == d && Graph.setOpacityForNodes(this.getNodesForCells([a.cell]), 1);
null != a.text && null != a.text.node && ( = f);
stop: mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
null != a.shape &&
((a.shape.bounds = c),
null != a.text && null != a.text.node && ( = ''),
Graph.setOpacityForNodes(this.getNodesForCells([a.cell]), b ? 1 : 0));
Graph.prototype.executeAnimations = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = null != c ? c : 30;
d = null != d ? d : 30;
var e = null,
f = 0,
g = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
if (f == c || this.stoppingCustomActions) {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) a[d].stop();
null != b && b();
} else for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) a[d].execute(f, c);
e = window.setInterval(g, d);
Graph.prototype.getPageSize = function () {
return this.pageVisible
? new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.pageFormat.width * this.pageScale, this.pageFormat.height * this.pageScale)
: this.scrollTileSize;
Graph.prototype.getPageLayout = function () {
var a = this.getPageSize(),
b = this.getGraphBounds();
if (0 == b.width || 0 == b.height) return new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
var c = Math.floor(Math.ceil(b.x / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x) / a.width),
d = Math.floor(Math.ceil(b.y / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y) / a.height);
return new mxRectangle(
Math.ceil((Math.floor((b.x + b.width) / this.view.scale) - this.view.translate.x) / a.width) - c,
Math.ceil((Math.floor((b.y + b.height) / this.view.scale) - this.view.translate.y) / a.height) - d
Graph.prototype.sanitizeHtml = function (a, b) {
return Graph.sanitizeHtml(a, b);
Graph.prototype.updatePlaceholders = function () {
var a = !1,
for (b in this.model.cells) {
var c = this.model.cells[b];
this.isReplacePlaceholders(c) && (this.view.invalidate(c, !1, !1), (a = !0));
a && this.view.validate();
Graph.prototype.isReplacePlaceholders = function (a) {
return null != a.value && 'object' == typeof a.value && '1' == a.value.getAttribute('placeholders');
Graph.prototype.isZoomWheelEvent = function (a) {
return (
(Graph.zoomWheel &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) &&
!mxEvent.isMetaDown(a) &&
!mxEvent.isAltDown(a) &&
(!mxEvent.isControlDown(a) || mxClient.IS_MAC)) ||
(!Graph.zoomWheel && (mxEvent.isAltDown(a) || mxEvent.isControlDown(a)))
Graph.prototype.isScrollWheelEvent = function (a) {
return !this.isZoomWheelEvent(a);
Graph.prototype.isTransparentClickEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isAltDown(a) || (mxClient.IS_CHROMEOS && mxEvent.isShiftDown(a));
Graph.prototype.isIgnoreTerminalEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isAltDown(a) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) && !mxEvent.isControlDown(a) && !mxEvent.isMetaDown(a);
Graph.prototype.isEdgeIgnored = function (a) {
var b = !1;
null != a && ((a = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a)), (b = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(a, 'ignoreEdge', '0')));
return b;
Graph.prototype.isSplitTarget = function (a, b, c) {
return (
!this.model.isEdge(b[0]) &&
!mxEvent.isAltDown(c) &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(c) &&
mxGraph.prototype.isSplitTarget.apply(this, arguments)
Graph.prototype.getLabel = function (a) {
var b = mxGraph.prototype.getLabel.apply(this, arguments);
null != b &&
this.isReplacePlaceholders(a) &&
null == a.getAttribute('placeholder') &&
(b = this.replacePlaceholders(a, b));
return b;
Graph.prototype.isLabelMovable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return (
!this.isCellLocked(a) &&
((this.model.isEdge(a) && this.edgeLabelsMovable) ||
(this.model.isVertex(a) && (this.vertexLabelsMovable || '1' == mxUtils.getValue(b, 'labelMovable', '0'))))
Graph.prototype.setGridSize = function (a) {
this.gridSize = a;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('gridSizeChanged'));
Graph.prototype.setDefaultParent = function (a) {
this.defaultParent = a;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('defaultParentChanged'));
Graph.prototype.getClickableLinkForCell = function (a) {
do {
var b = this.getLinkForCell(a);
if (null != b) return b;
a = this.model.getParent(a);
} while (null != a);
return null;
Graph.prototype.getGlobalVariable = function (a) {
var b = null;
'date' == a
? (b = new Date().toLocaleDateString())
: 'time' == a
? (b = new Date().toLocaleTimeString())
: 'timestamp' == a
? (b = new Date().toLocaleString())
: 'date{' == a.substring(0, 5) && ((a = a.substring(5, a.length - 1)), (b = this.formatDate(new Date(), a)));
return b;
Graph.prototype.formatDate = function (a, b, c) {
null == this.dateFormatCache &&
(this.dateFormatCache = {
i18n: {
dayNames: 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'.split(' '),
'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split(
' '
masks: {
default: 'ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss',
shortDate: 'm/d/yy',
mediumDate: 'mmm d, yyyy',
longDate: 'mmmm d, yyyy',
fullDate: 'dddd, mmmm d, yyyy',
shortTime: 'h:MM TT',
mediumTime: 'h:MM:ss TT',
longTime: 'h:MM:ss TT Z',
isoDate: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
isoTime: 'HH:MM:ss',
isoDateTime: "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss",
isoUtcDateTime: "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'",
var d = this.dateFormatCache,
e =
/\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g,
f = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g,
g = function (a, b) {
a = String(a);
for (b = b || 2; a.length < b; ) a = '0' + a;
return a;
1 != arguments.length ||
'[object String]' != ||
/\d/.test(a) ||
((b = a), (a = void 0));
a = a ? new Date(a) : new Date();
if (isNaN(a)) throw SyntaxError('invalid date');
b = String(d.masks[b] || b || d.masks['default']);
'UTC:' == b.slice(0, 4) && ((b = b.slice(4)), (c = !0));
var k = c ? 'getUTC' : 'get',
h = a[k + 'Date'](),
l = a[k + 'Day'](),
m = a[k + 'Month'](),
n = a[k + 'FullYear'](),
p = a[k + 'Hours'](),
r = a[k + 'Minutes'](),
t = a[k + 'Seconds'](),
k = a[k + 'Milliseconds'](),
u = c ? 0 : a.getTimezoneOffset(),
x = {
d: h,
dd: g(h),
ddd: d.i18n.dayNames[l],
dddd: d.i18n.dayNames[l + 7],
m: m + 1,
mm: g(m + 1),
mmm: d.i18n.monthNames[m],
mmmm: d.i18n.monthNames[m + 12],
yy: String(n).slice(2),
yyyy: n,
h: p % 12 || 12,
hh: g(p % 12 || 12),
H: p,
HH: g(p),
M: r,
MM: g(r),
s: t,
ss: g(t),
l: g(k, 3),
L: g(99 < k ? Math.round(k / 10) : k),
t: 12 > p ? 'a' : 'p',
tt: 12 > p ? 'am' : 'pm',
T: 12 > p ? 'A' : 'P',
TT: 12 > p ? 'AM' : 'PM',
Z: c ? 'UTC' : (String(a).match(e) || ['']).pop().replace(f, ''),
o: (0 < u ? '-' : '+') + g(100 * Math.floor(Math.abs(u) / 60) + (Math.abs(u) % 60), 4),
S: ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][3 < h % 10 ? 0 : ((10 != (h % 100) - (h % 10)) * h) % 10],
return b.replace(/d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([HhMsTt])\1?|[LloSZ]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, function (a) {
return a in x ? x[a] : a.slice(1, a.length - 1);
Graph.prototype.getLayerForCells = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (0 < a.length) {
for (b = a[0]; !this.model.isLayer(b); ) b = this.model.getParent(b);
for (var c = 1; c < a.length; c++)
if (!this.model.isAncestor(b, a[c])) {
b = null;
return b;
Graph.prototype.createLayersDialog = function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute';
for (var d = this.getModel(), e = d.getChildCount(d.root), f = 0; f < e; f++)
mxUtils.bind(this, function (e) {
function f() {
? (m.setAttribute('src', Editor.visibleImage), mxUtils.setOpacity(l, 75))
: (m.setAttribute('src', Editor.hiddenImage), mxUtils.setOpacity(l, 25));
var g = this.convertValueToString(e) || mxResources.get('background') || 'Background',
l = document.createElement('div'); = 'hidden'; = 'ellipsis'; = '2px'; = 'nowrap'; = 'pointer';
l.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get(d.isVisible(e) ? 'hideIt' : 'show', [g]));
var m = document.createElement('img');
m.setAttribute('draggable', 'false');
m.setAttribute('align', 'absmiddle');
m.setAttribute('border', '0'); = 'relative'; = '16px'; = '0px 6px 0 4px';
b && (( = 'invert(100%)'), ( = '-2px'));
mxUtils.write(l, g);
mxEvent.addListener(l, 'click', function () {
d.setVisible(e, !d.isVisible(e));
null != a && a(e);
})(d.getChildAt(d.root, f));
return c;
Graph.prototype.replacePlaceholders = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = [];
if (null != b) {
for (var e = 0; (match = this.placeholderPattern.exec(b)); ) {
var f = match[0];
if (2 < f.length && '%label%' != f && '%tooltip%' != f) {
var g = null;
if (match.index > e && '%' == b.charAt(match.index - 1)) g = f.substring(1);
else {
var k = f.substring(1, f.length - 1);
if ('id' == k) g =;
else if (0 > k.indexOf('{'))
for (var h = a; null == g && null != h; )
null != h.value &&
'object' == typeof h.value &&
(Graph.translateDiagram &&
null != Graph.diagramLanguage &&
(g = h.getAttribute(k + '_' + Graph.diagramLanguage)),
null == g && (g = h.hasAttribute(k) ? (null != h.getAttribute(k) ? h.getAttribute(k) : '') : null)),
(h = this.model.getParent(h));
null == g && (g = this.getGlobalVariable(k));
null == g && null != c && (g = c[k]);
d.push(b.substring(e, match.index) + (null != g ? g : f));
e = match.index + f.length;
return d.join('');
Graph.prototype.restoreSelection = function (a) {
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.model.getCell(a[c].id);
null != d && b.push(d);
} else this.clearSelection();
Graph.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function (a, b) {
(mxEvent.isShiftDown(b) && !this.isSelectionEmpty() && this.selectTableRange(this.getSelectionCell(), a)) ||
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellForEvent.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.selectTableRange = function (a, b) {
var c = !1;
if (this.isTableCell(a) && this.isTableCell(b)) {
var d = this.model.getParent(a),
e = this.model.getParent(d),
f = this.model.getParent(b);
if (e == this.model.getParent(f)) {
for (
var g = d.getIndex(a),
k = e.getIndex(d),
h = f.getIndex(b),
l = e.getIndex(f),
f = Math.max(k, l),
d = Math.min(g, h),
g = Math.max(g, h),
h = [],
k = Math.min(k, l);
k <= f;
for (var l = this.model.getChildAt(e, k), m = d; m <= g; m++) h.push(this.model.getChildAt(l, m));
0 < h.length &&
(1 < h.length || 1 < this.getSelectionCount() || !this.isCellSelected(h[0])) &&
(this.setSelectionCells(h), (c = !0));
return c;
Graph.prototype.snapCellsToGrid = function (a, b) {
try {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c],
e = this.getCellGeometry(d);
if (null != e) {
e = e.clone();
if (this.getModel().isVertex(d))
(e.x = Math.round(e.x / b) * b),
(e.y = Math.round(e.y / b) * b),
(e.width = Math.round(e.width / b) * b),
(e.height = Math.round(e.height / b) * b);
else if (this.getModel().isEdge(d) && null != e.points)
for (var f = 0; f < e.points.length; f++)
(e.points[f].x = Math.round(e.points[f].x / b) * b), (e.points[f].y = Math.round(e.points[f].y / b) * b);
this.getModel().setGeometry(d, e);
} finally {
Graph.prototype.selectCellsForConnectVertex = function (a, b, c) {
2 == a.length && this.model.isVertex(a[1])
? (this.setSelectionCell(a[1]),
null != c && (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b) ? c.update(c.getState(this.view.getState(a[1]))) : c.reset()))
: this.setSelectionCells(a);
Graph.prototype.isCloneConnectSource = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != this.layoutManager && (b = this.layoutManager.getLayout(this.model.getParent(a)));
return this.isTableRow(a) || this.isTableCell(a) || (null != b && b.constructor == mxStackLayout);
Graph.prototype.connectVertex = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
f = f ? f : !1;
if (a.geometry.relative && this.model.isEdge(a.parent)) return [];
for (; a.geometry.relative && this.model.isVertex(a.parent); ) a = a.parent;
var h = this.isCloneConnectSource(a),
l = h ? a : this.getCompositeParent(a),
m =
a.geometry.relative && null != a.parent.geometry
? new mxPoint(a.parent.geometry.width * a.geometry.x, a.parent.geometry.height * a.geometry.y)
: new mxPoint(l.geometry.x, l.geometry.y);
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? ((m.x += l.geometry.width / 2), (m.y -= c))
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((m.x += l.geometry.width / 2), (m.y += l.geometry.height + c))
: ((m.x = b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST ? m.x - c : m.x + (l.geometry.width + c)),
(m.y += l.geometry.height / 2));
var n = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(a));
c = this.view.scale;
var p = this.view.translate,
l = p.x * c,
p = p.y * c;
null != n && this.model.isVertex(n.cell) && ((l = n.x), (p = n.y));
this.model.isVertex(a.parent) && a.geometry.relative && ((m.x += a.parent.geometry.x), (m.y += a.parent.geometry.y));
f = f ? null : new mxRectangle(l + m.x * c, p + m.y * c).grow(40 * c);
f = null != f ? this.getCells(0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, f, null, !0) : null;
var n = this.view.getState(a),
r = null,
t = null;
if (null != f) {
f = f.reverse();
for (var u = 0; u < f.length; u++)
if (!this.isCellLocked(f[u]) && !this.model.isEdge(f[u]) && f[u] != a)
if (!this.model.isAncestor(a, f[u]) && this.isContainer(f[u]) && (null == r || f[u] == this.model.getParent(a)))
r = f[u];
else if (
null == t &&
this.isCellConnectable(f[u]) &&
!this.model.isAncestor(f[u], a) &&
) {
var x = this.view.getState(f[u]);
null == n || null == x || mxUtils.intersects(n, x) || (t = f[u]);
var z = !mxEvent.isShiftDown(d) || mxEvent.isControlDown(d) || e;
z &&
('1' != urlParams.sketch || e) &&
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (m.y -= a.geometry.height / 2)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (m.y += a.geometry.height / 2)
: (m.x = b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST ? m.x - a.geometry.width / 2 : m.x + a.geometry.width / 2));
var D = [],
B = t,
t = r;
e = mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
if (null == g || null != c || (null == t && h)) {
try {
if (null == B && z) {
var e = this.getAbsoluteParent(null != c ? c : a),
e = h ? a : this.getCompositeParent(e);
B = null != c ? c : this.duplicateCells([e], !1)[0];
null != c && this.addCells([B], this.model.getParent(a), null, null, null, !0);
var f = this.getCellGeometry(B);
null != f &&
(null != c &&
'1' == urlParams.sketch &&
(b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? (m.y -= f.height / 2)
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? (m.y += f.height / 2)
: (m.x = b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST ? m.x - f.width / 2 : m.x + f.width / 2)),
(f.x = m.x - f.width / 2),
(f.y = m.y - f.height / 2));
null != r
? (this.addCells([B], r, null, null, null, !0), (t = null))
: z && !h && this.addCells([B], this.getDefaultParent(), null, null, null, !0);
var l =
(mxEvent.isControlDown(d) && mxEvent.isShiftDown(d) && z) || (null == t && h)
? null
: this.insertEdge(this.model.getParent(a), null, '', a, B, this.createCurrentEdgeStyle());
if (null != l && this.connectionHandler.insertBeforeSource) {
var n = null;
for (c = a; null != c.parent && null != c.geometry && c.geometry.relative && c.parent != l.parent; )
c = this.model.getParent(c);
null != c &&
null != c.parent &&
c.parent == l.parent &&
((n = c.parent.getIndex(c)), this.model.add(c.parent, l, n));
null == t &&
null != B &&
null != a.parent &&
h &&
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST &&
((n = a.parent.getIndex(a)), this.model.add(a.parent, B, n));
null != l && D.push(l);
null == t && null != B && D.push(B);
null == B && null != l && l.geometry.setTerminalPoint(m, !1);
null != l && this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('cellsInserted', 'cells', [l]));
} finally {
if (null != k) k(D);
else return D;
if (null == g || null != B || !z || (null == t && h)) return e(B);
g(l + m.x * c, p + m.y * c, e);
Graph.prototype.getIndexableText = function (a) {
a = null != a ? a : this.model.getDescendants(this.model.root);
for (var b = document.createElement('div'), c = [], d, e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if (((d = a[e]), this.model.isVertex(d) || this.model.isEdge(d)))
? ((b.innerHTML = this.sanitizeHtml(this.getLabel(d))), (d = mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace([b])))
: (d = this.getLabel(d)),
(d = mxUtils.trim(d.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]|\s+/g, ' '))),
0 < d.length && c.push(d);
return c.join(' ');
Graph.prototype.convertValueToString = function (a) {
var b = this.model.getValue(a);
if (null != b && 'object' == typeof b) {
var c = null;
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(a) && null != a.getAttribute('placeholder'))
for (var b = a.getAttribute('placeholder'), d = a; null == c && null != d; )
null != d.value &&
'object' == typeof d.value &&
(c = d.hasAttribute(b) ? (null != d.getAttribute(b) ? d.getAttribute(b) : '') : null),
(d = this.model.getParent(d));
(c = null),
Graph.translateDiagram &&
null != Graph.diagramLanguage &&
(c = b.getAttribute('label_' + Graph.diagramLanguage)),
null == c && (c = b.getAttribute('label') || '');
return c || '';
return mxGraph.prototype.convertValueToString.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.getLinksForState = function (a) {
return null != a && null != a.text && null != a.text.node ? a.text.node.getElementsByTagName('a') : null;
Graph.prototype.getLinkForCell = function (a) {
return null != a.value && 'object' == typeof a.value
? ((a = a.value.getAttribute('link')),
null != a && 'javascript:' === a.toLowerCase().substring(0, 11) && (a = a.substring(11)),
: null;
Graph.prototype.getLinkTargetForCell = function (a) {
return null != a.value && 'object' == typeof a.value ? a.value.getAttribute('linkTarget') : null;
Graph.prototype.postProcessCellStyle = function (a, b) {
return this.updateHorizontalStyle(
this.replaceDefaultColors(a, mxGraph.prototype.postProcessCellStyle.apply(this, arguments))
Graph.prototype.updateHorizontalStyle = function (a, b) {
if (null != a && null != b && null != this.layoutManager) {
var c = this.model.getParent(a);
this.model.isVertex(c) &&
this.isCellCollapsed(a) &&
((c = this.layoutManager.getLayout(c)),
null != c && c.constructor == mxStackLayout && (b[mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL] = !c.horizontal));
return b;
Graph.prototype.replaceDefaultColors = function (a, b) {
if (null != b) {
var c = mxUtils.hex2rgb(this.shapeBackgroundColor),
d = mxUtils.hex2rgb(this.shapeForegroundColor);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, d);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, c);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, d);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, d);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_IMAGE_BACKGROUND, c);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BORDERCOLOR, d);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLOR, c);
this.replaceDefaultColor(b, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, c);
return b;
Graph.prototype.replaceDefaultColor = function (a, b, c) {
null != a && 'default' == a[b] && null != c && (a[b] = c);
Graph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a && null != b && null != this.layoutManager && null != b.alternateBounds) {
var d = this.layoutManager.getLayout(this.model.getParent(a));
null != d &&
d.constructor == mxStackLayout &&
(d.horizontal ? (b.alternateBounds.height = 0) : (b.alternateBounds.width = 0));
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.isMoveCellsEvent = function (a, b) {
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) || '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'moveCells', '0');
Graph.prototype.foldCells = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = null != b ? b : !1;
null == c && (c = this.getFoldableCells(this.getSelectionCells(), a));
if (null != c) {
try {
if ((mxGraph.prototype.foldCells.apply(this, arguments), null != this.layoutManager))
for (var f = 0; f < c.length; f++) {
var g = this.view.getState(c[f]),
k = this.getCellGeometry(c[f]);
if (null != g && null != k) {
var h = Math.round(k.width - g.width / this.view.scale),
l = Math.round(k.height - g.height / this.view.scale);
if (0 != l || 0 != h) {
var m = this.model.getParent(c[f]),
n = this.layoutManager.getLayout(m);
null == n
? null != e && this.isMoveCellsEvent(e, g) && this.moveSiblings(g, m, h, l)
: (null != e && mxEvent.isAltDown(e)) ||
n.constructor != mxStackLayout ||
n.resizeLast ||
this.resizeParentStacks(m, n, h, l);
} finally {
this.isEnabled() && this.setSelectionCells(c);
Graph.prototype.moveSiblings = function (a, b, c, d) {
try {
var e = this.getCellsBeyond(a.x, a.y, b, !0, !0);
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
if (e[b] != a.cell) {
var f = this.view.getState(e[b]),
g = this.getCellGeometry(e[b]);
null != f &&
null != g &&
((g = g.clone()),
Math.round(c * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (f.x - a.x) / a.width))),
Math.round(d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (f.y - a.y) / a.height)))
this.model.setGeometry(e[b], g));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.resizeParentStacks = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != this.layoutManager && null != b && b.constructor == mxStackLayout && !b.resizeLast) {
try {
for (
var e = b.horizontal;
null != a && null != b && b.constructor == mxStackLayout && b.horizontal == e && !b.resizeLast;
) {
var f = this.getCellGeometry(a),
g = this.view.getState(a);
null != g &&
null != f &&
((f = f.clone()),
? (f.width += c + Math.min(0, g.width / this.view.scale - f.width))
: (f.height += d + Math.min(0, g.height / this.view.scale - f.height)),
this.model.setGeometry(a, f));
a = this.model.getParent(a);
b = this.layoutManager.getLayout(a);
} finally {
Graph.prototype.isContainer = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return this.isSwimlane(a) ? '0' != b.container : '1' == b.container;
Graph.prototype.isCellConnectable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return null != b.connectable ? '0' != b.connectable : mxGraph.prototype.isCellConnectable.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.isLabelMovable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return null != b.movableLabel ? '0' != b.movableLabel : mxGraph.prototype.isLabelMovable.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.selectAll = function (a) {
a = a || this.getDefaultParent();
this.isCellLocked(a) || mxGraph.prototype.selectAll.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.selectCells = function (a, b, c) {
c = c || this.getDefaultParent();
this.isCellLocked(c) || mxGraph.prototype.selectCells.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.getSwimlaneAt = function (a, b, c) {
var d = mxGraph.prototype.getSwimlaneAt.apply(this, arguments);
this.isCellLocked(d) && (d = null);
return d;
Graph.prototype.isCellFoldable = function (a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return (
this.foldingEnabled &&
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(b, mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZABLE, '1') &&
('1' == b.treeFolding ||
(!this.isCellLocked(a) &&
((this.isContainer(a) && '0' != b.collapsible) || (!this.isContainer(a) && '1' == b.collapsible))))
Graph.prototype.reset = function () {
this.isEditing() && this.stopEditing(!0);
this.isSelectionEmpty() || this.clearSelection();
Graph.prototype.zoom = function (a, b) {
a = Math.max(0.01, Math.min(this.view.scale * a, 160)) / this.view.scale;
mxGraph.prototype.zoom.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.zoomIn = function () {
0.15 > this.view.scale
? this.zoom((this.view.scale + 0.01) / this.view.scale)
: this.zoom(Math.round(this.view.scale * this.zoomFactor * 20) / 20 / this.view.scale);
Graph.prototype.zoomOut = function () {
0.15 >= this.view.scale
? this.zoom((this.view.scale - 0.01) / this.view.scale)
: this.zoom(Math.round((1 / this.zoomFactor) * this.view.scale * 20) / 20 / this.view.scale);
Graph.prototype.fitWindow = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : 10;
var c = this.container.clientWidth - b,
d = this.container.clientHeight - b,
e = Math.floor(20 * Math.min(c / a.width, d / a.height)) / 20;
if (mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)) {
var f = this.view.translate;
this.container.scrollTop = (a.y + f.y) * e - Math.max((d - a.height * e) / 2 + b / 2, 0);
this.container.scrollLeft = (a.x + f.x) * e - Math.max((c - a.width * e) / 2 + b / 2, 0);
Graph.prototype.getTooltipForCell = function (a) {
var b = '';
if (mxUtils.isNode(a.value)) {
var c = null;
Graph.translateDiagram &&
null != Graph.diagramLanguage &&
(c = a.value.getAttribute('tooltip_' + Graph.diagramLanguage));
null == c && (c = a.value.getAttribute('tooltip'));
if (null != c)
null != c && this.isReplacePlaceholders(a) && (c = this.replacePlaceholders(a, c)), (b = this.sanitizeHtml(c));
else {
c = this.builtInProperties;
a = a.value.attributes;
var d = [];
this.isEnabled() && (c.push('linkTarget'), c.push('link'));
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c, a[e].nodeName) &&
0 < a[e].nodeValue.length &&
d.push({ name: a[e].nodeName, value: a[e].nodeValue });
d.sort(function (a, b) {
return < ? -1 : > ? 1 : 0;
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
('link' == d[e].name && this.isCustomLink(d[e].value)) ||
(b += ('link' != d[e].name ? '<b>' + d[e].name + ':</b> ' : '') + mxUtils.htmlEntities(d[e].value) + '\n');
0 < b.length &&
((b = b.substring(0, b.length - 1)),
mxClient.IS_SVG &&
(b = '<div style="max-width:360px;text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden;">' + b + '</div>'));
return b;
Graph.prototype.getFlowAnimationStyle = function () {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (null != a && null == this.flowAnimationStyle) {
this.flowAnimationStyle = document.createElement('style');
this.flowAnimationStyle.setAttribute('id', 'geEditorFlowAnimation-' + Editor.guid());
this.flowAnimationStyle.type = 'text/css';
var b = this.flowAnimationStyle.getAttribute('id');
this.flowAnimationStyle.innerHTML = this.getFlowAnimationStyleCss(b);
return this.flowAnimationStyle;
Graph.prototype.getFlowAnimationStyleCss = function (a) {
return (
'.' +
a +
' {\nanimation: ' +
a +
' 0.5s linear;\nanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n}\n@keyframes ' +
a +
' {\nto {\nstroke-dashoffset: ' +
-16 * this.view.scale +
Graph.prototype.stringToBytes = function (a) {
return Graph.stringToBytes(a);
Graph.prototype.bytesToString = function (a) {
return Graph.bytesToString(a);
Graph.prototype.compressNode = function (a) {
return Graph.compressNode(a);
Graph.prototype.compress = function (a, b) {
return Graph.compress(a, b);
Graph.prototype.decompress = function (a, b) {
return Graph.decompress(a, b);
Graph.prototype.zapGremlins = function (a) {
return Graph.zapGremlins(a);
HoverIcons = function (a) {;
this.graph = a;
mxUtils.extend(HoverIcons, mxEventSource);
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowSpacing = 2;
HoverIcons.prototype.updateDelay = 500;
HoverIcons.prototype.activationDelay = 140;
HoverIcons.prototype.currentState = null;
HoverIcons.prototype.activeArrow = null;
HoverIcons.prototype.inactiveOpacity = 15;
HoverIcons.prototype.cssCursor = 'copy';
HoverIcons.prototype.checkCollisions = !0;
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill = '#29b6f2';
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleUp = mxClient.IS_SVG
? Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 6 26 L 12 26 L 12 12 L 18 12 L 9 1 L 1 12 L 6 12 z" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
: new mxImage(IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-up.png', 26, 14);
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleRight = mxClient.IS_SVG
? Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 1 6 L 14 6 L 14 1 L 26 9 L 14 18 L 14 12 L 1 12 z" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
: new mxImage(IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-right.png', 14, 26);
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleDown = mxClient.IS_SVG
? Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 6 1 L 6 14 L 1 14 L 9 26 L 18 14 L 12 14 L 12 1 z" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
: new mxImage(IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-down.png', 26, 14);
HoverIcons.prototype.triangleLeft = mxClient.IS_SVG
? Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 1 9 L 12 1 L 12 6 L 26 6 L 26 12 L 12 12 L 12 18 z" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
: new mxImage(IMAGE_PATH + '/triangle-left.png', 14, 26);
HoverIcons.prototype.roundDrop = mxClient.IS_SVG
? Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="13" cy="13" r="12" stroke="#fff" fill="' + HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill + '"/>'
: new mxImage(IMAGE_PATH + '/round-drop.png', 26, 26);
HoverIcons.prototype.refreshTarget = new mxImage(
? ''
: IMAGE_PATH + '/refresh.png',
HoverIcons.prototype.tolerance = mxClient.IS_TOUCH ? 6 : 0;
HoverIcons.prototype.init = function () {
this.arrowUp = this.createArrow(this.triangleUp, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'), mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH);
this.arrowRight = this.createArrow(this.triangleRight, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'), mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST);
this.arrowDown = this.createArrow(this.triangleDown, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'), mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH);
this.arrowLeft = this.createArrow(this.triangleLeft, mxResources.get('plusTooltip'), mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
this.elts = [this.arrowUp, this.arrowRight, this.arrowDown, this.arrowLeft];
this.resetHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.repaintHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.graph.selectionModel.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.resetHandler);
this.graph.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.TRANSLATE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.SCALE, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.DOWN, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.UP, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ROOT, this.repaintHandler);
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.ESCAPE, this.resetHandler);
mxEvent.addListener(this.graph.container, 'scroll', this.resetHandler);
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.mouseDownPoint = null;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null != a.relatedTarget && mxEvent.getSource(a) == this.graph.container && this.setDisplay('none');
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var a =; = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
a.apply(this.graph, arguments);
null == this.currentState ||
this.graph.isCellSelected(this.currentState.cell) ||
!mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) ||
this.graph.model.isVertex(b.getCell()) ||
var b = !1;
mouseDown: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, d) {
b = !1;
var c = d.getEvent();
if (this.isResetEvent(c)) this.reset();
else if (!this.isActive()) {
var f = this.getState(d.getState());
(null == f && mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c)) || this.update(f);
mouseMove: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, d) {
var c = d.getEvent();
? this.reset()
: this.graph.isMouseDown ||
mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c) ||
this.update(this.getState(d.getState()), d.getGraphX(), d.getGraphY());
null != this.graph.connectionHandler && null != this.graph.connectionHandler.shape && (b = !0);
mouseUp: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, d) {
var c = d.getEvent();
mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, mxEvent.getClientX(c), mxEvent.getClientY(c));
? this.reset()
: this.isActive() && !b && null != this.mouseDownPoint
?, this.getDirection(), d)
: this.isActive()
? 1 == this.graph.getSelectionCount() && this.graph.model.isEdge(this.graph.getSelectionCell())
? this.reset()
: this.update(this.getState(this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getCellAt(d.getGraphX(), d.getGraphY()))))
: mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c) || (null != this.bbox && mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, d.getGraphX(), d.getGraphY()))
? (this.setDisplay(''), this.repaint())
: mxEvent.isTouchEvent(c) || this.reset();
b = !1;
HoverIcons.prototype.isResetEvent = function (a, b) {
return (
mxEvent.isAltDown(a) ||
(null == this.activeArrow && mxEvent.isShiftDown(a)) ||
(mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(a) && !this.graph.isCloneEvent(a))
HoverIcons.prototype.createArrow = function (a, b, c) {
var d = null,
d = mxUtils.createImage(a.src); = a.width + 'px'; = a.height + 'px'; = this.tolerance + 'px';
null != b && d.setAttribute('title', b); = 'absolute'; = this.cssCursor;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
null == this.currentState ||
this.isResetEvent(a) ||
((this.mouseDownPoint = mxUtils.convertPoint(
this.drag(a, this.mouseDownPoint.x, this.mouseDownPoint.y),
(this.activeArrow = d),
mxEvent.redirectMouseEvents(d, this.graph, this.currentState);
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a) &&
(null != this.activeArrow &&
this.activeArrow != d &&
mxUtils.setOpacity(this.activeArrow, this.inactiveOpacity),
mxUtils.setOpacity(d, 100),
(this.activeArrow = d),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('focus', 'arrow', d, 'direction', c, 'event', a)));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a) && this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('blur', 'arrow', d, 'direction', c, 'event', a));
this.graph.isMouseDown || this.resetActiveArrow();
return d;
HoverIcons.prototype.resetActiveArrow = function () {
null != this.activeArrow && (mxUtils.setOpacity(this.activeArrow, this.inactiveOpacity), (this.activeArrow = null));
HoverIcons.prototype.getDirection = function () {
var a = mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
this.activeArrow == this.arrowUp
? (a = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
: this.activeArrow == this.arrowDown
? (a = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
: this.activeArrow == this.arrowLeft && (a = mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
return a;
HoverIcons.prototype.visitNodes = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.elts.length; b++) null != this.elts[b] && a(this.elts[b]);
HoverIcons.prototype.removeNodes = function () {
this.visitNodes(function (a) {
null != a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
HoverIcons.prototype.setDisplay = function (a) {
this.visitNodes(function (b) { = a;
HoverIcons.prototype.isActive = function () {
return null != this.activeArrow && null != this.currentState;
HoverIcons.prototype.drag = function (a, b, c) {
null != this.currentState &&
(this.graph.connectionHandler.start(this.currentState, b, c),
(this.graph.isMouseTrigger = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a)),
(this.graph.isMouseDown = !0),
(b = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(this.currentState.cell)),
null != b && b.setHandlesVisible(!1),
(b = this.graph.connectionHandler.edgeState),
null != a &&
mxEvent.isShiftDown(a) &&
mxEvent.isControlDown(a) &&
null != b &&
'orthogonalEdgeStyle' === mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, null) &&
((a = this.getDirection()),
( = mxUtils.setStyle(, 'sourcePortConstraint', a)),
( = a)));
HoverIcons.prototype.getStateAt = function (a, b, c) {
return this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.getCellAt(b, c));
}; = function (a, b, c) {
var d = c.getEvent(),
e = c.getGraphX(),
f = c.getGraphY(),
e = this.getStateAt(a, e, f);
null == e ||
!this.graph.model.isEdge(e.cell) ||
this.graph.isCloneEvent(d) ||
(e.getVisibleTerminalState(!0) != a && e.getVisibleTerminalState(!1) != a)
? null != a && this.execute(a, b, c)
: (this.graph.setSelectionCell(e.cell), this.reset());
HoverIcons.prototype.execute = function (a, b, c) {
c = c.getEvent();
HoverIcons.prototype.reset = function (a) {
(null != a && !a) || null == this.updateThread || window.clearTimeout(this.updateThread);
this.activeArrow = this.currentState = this.mouseDownPoint = null;
this.bbox = null;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('reset'));
HoverIcons.prototype.repaint = function () {
this.bbox = null;
if (null != this.currentState) {
this.currentState = this.getState(this.currentState);
if (
null != this.currentState &&
this.graph.model.isVertex(this.currentState.cell) &&
) {
var a = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState);
null != this.currentState.shape &&
null != this.currentState.shape.boundingBox &&
(a = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState.shape.boundingBox));
var b = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(this.currentState.cell);
this.graph.isTableRow(this.currentState.cell) &&
(b = this.graph.selectionCellsHandler.getHandler(this.graph.model.getParent(this.currentState.cell)));
var c = null;
null != b &&
((a.x -= b.horizontalOffset / 2),
(a.y -= b.verticalOffset / 2),
(a.width += b.horizontalOffset),
(a.height += b.verticalOffset),
null != b.rotationShape &&
null != b.rotationShape.node &&
'hidden' != &&
'none' != &&
null != b.rotationShape.boundingBox &&
(c = b.rotationShape.boundingBox));
b = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b, d) {
if (null != c) {
var e = new mxRectangle(b, d, a.clientWidth, a.clientHeight);
mxUtils.intersects(e, c) &&
(a == this.arrowUp
? (d -= e.y + e.height - c.y)
: a == this.arrowRight
? (b += c.x + c.width - e.x)
: a == this.arrowDown
? (d += c.y + c.height - e.y)
: a == this.arrowLeft && (b -= e.x + e.width - c.x));
} = b + 'px'; = d + 'px';
mxUtils.setOpacity(a, this.inactiveOpacity);
Math.round(this.currentState.getCenterX() - this.triangleUp.width / 2 - this.tolerance),
Math.round(a.y - this.triangleUp.height - this.tolerance)
Math.round(a.x + a.width - this.tolerance),
Math.round(this.currentState.getCenterY() - this.triangleRight.height / 2 - this.tolerance)
b(this.arrowDown, parseInt(, Math.round(a.y + a.height - this.tolerance));
Math.round(a.x - this.triangleLeft.width - this.tolerance),
if (this.checkCollisions) {
var b = this.graph.getCellAt(a.x + a.width + this.triangleRight.width / 2, this.currentState.getCenterY()),
d = this.graph.getCellAt(a.x - this.triangleLeft.width / 2, this.currentState.getCenterY()),
e = this.graph.getCellAt(this.currentState.getCenterX(), a.y - this.triangleUp.height / 2),
a = this.graph.getCellAt(this.currentState.getCenterX(), a.y + a.height + this.triangleDown.height / 2);
null != b && b == d && d == e && e == a && (a = e = d = b = null);
var f = this.graph.getCellGeometry(this.currentState.cell),
g = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.model.isVertex(a) && this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
null == a ||
this.graph.model.isAncestor(a, this.currentState.cell) ||
this.graph.isSwimlane(a) ||
!(null == c || null == f || (c.height < 3 * f.height && c.width < 3 * f.width))
? ( = 'visible')
: ( = 'hidden');
g(b, this.arrowRight);
g(d, this.arrowLeft);
g(e, this.arrowUp);
g(a, this.arrowDown);
} else
( = 'visible'),
( = 'visible'),
( = 'visible'),
( = 'visible');
? (this.arrowLeft.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip')),
this.arrowRight.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip')),
this.arrowUp.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip')),
this.arrowDown.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('plusTooltip')))
: (this.arrowLeft.removeAttribute('title'),
} else this.reset();
null != this.currentState && ((this.bbox = this.computeBoundingBox()), null != this.bbox && this.bbox.grow(10));
HoverIcons.prototype.computeBoundingBox = function () {
var a = this.graph.model.isEdge(this.currentState.cell) ? null : mxRectangle.fromRectangle(this.currentState);
this.visitNodes(function (b) {
null != b.parentNode &&
((b = new mxRectangle(b.offsetLeft, b.offsetTop, b.offsetWidth, b.offsetHeight)), null == a ? (a = b) : a.add(b));
return a;
HoverIcons.prototype.getState = function (a) {
if (null != a)
if (((a = a.cell), this.graph.getModel().contains(a))) {
if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a) && !this.graph.isCellConnectable(a)) {
var b = this.graph.getModel().getParent(a);
this.graph.getModel().isVertex(b) && this.graph.isCellConnectable(b) && (a = b);
if (this.graph.isCellLocked(a) || this.graph.model.isEdge(a)) a = null;
a = this.graph.view.getState(a);
null != a && null == && (a = null);
} else a = null;
return a;
HoverIcons.prototype.update = function (a, b, c) {
if (!this.graph.connectionArrowsEnabled || (null != a && '0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'allowArrows', '1')))
else {
null != a &&
null != a.cell.geometry &&
a.cell.geometry.relative &&
this.graph.model.isEdge(a.cell.parent) &&
(a = null);
var d = null;
this.prev != a || this.isActive()
? ((this.startTime = new Date().getTime()),
(this.prev = a),
(d = 0),
null != this.updateThread && window.clearTimeout(this.updateThread),
null != a &&
(this.updateThread = window.setTimeout(
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.isActive() ||
this.graph.isMouseDown ||
this.graph.panningHandler.isActive() ||
((this.prev = a), this.update(a, b, c));
this.updateDelay + 10
: null != this.startTime && (d = new Date().getTime() - this.startTime);
null != this.currentState &&
this.currentState != a &&
d < this.activationDelay &&
null != this.bbox &&
!mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, b, c)
? this.reset(!1)
: (null != this.currentState || d > this.activationDelay) &&
this.currentState != a &&
((d > this.updateDelay && null != a) ||
null == this.bbox ||
null == b ||
null == c ||
!mxUtils.contains(this.bbox, b, c)) &&
(null != a && this.graph.isEnabled()
? (this.removeNodes(),
this.graph.connectionHandler.constraintHandler.currentFocus != a &&
: this.reset());
HoverIcons.prototype.setCurrentState = function (a) {
'eastwest' != &&
(this.graph.container.appendChild(this.arrowUp), this.graph.container.appendChild(this.arrowDown));
this.currentState = a;
Graph.prototype.createParent = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = this.cloneCell(a);
for (var f = 0; f < c; f++) {
var g = this.cloneCell(b),
k = this.getCellGeometry(g);
null != k && ((k.x += f * d), (k.y += f * e));
return a;
Graph.prototype.createTable = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
c = null != c ? c : 60;
d = null != d ? d : 40;
f = null != f ? f : 30;
k =
null != k
? k
: 'shape=tableRow;horizontal=0;startSize=0;swimlaneHead=0;swimlaneBody=0;top=0;left=0;bottom=0;right=0;collapsible=0;dropTarget=0;fillColor=none;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;';
h =
null != h
? h
: 'shape=partialRectangle;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;connectable=0;overflow=hidden;fillColor=none;top=0;left=0;bottom=0;right=0;pointerEvents=1;';
return this.createParent(
null != e ? e : '',
b * c,
a * d + (null != e ? f : 0),
null != g
? g
: 'shape=table;startSize=' + (null != e ? f : '0') + ';container=1;collapsible=0;childLayout=tableLayout;'
this.createVertex(null, null, '', 0, 0, b * c, d, k),
this.createVertex(null, null, '', 0, 0, c, d, h),
Graph.prototype.setTableValues = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = this.model.getChildCells(a, !0), e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
if ((null != c && (d[e].value = c[e]), null != b))
for (var f = this.model.getChildCells(d[e], !0), g = 0; g < f.length; g++)
null != b[e][g] && (f[g].value = b[e][g]);
return a;
Graph.prototype.createCrossFunctionalSwimlane = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h) {
c = null != c ? c : 120;
d = null != d ? d : 120;
g =
null != g
? g
: 'shape=tableRow;horizontal=0;swimlaneHead=0;swimlaneBody=0;top=0;left=0;bottom=0;right=0;dropTarget=0;fontStyle=0;fillColor=none;points=[[0,0.5],[1,0.5]];portConstraint=eastwest;startSize=40;collapsible=0;recursiveResize=0;expand=0;';
k =
null != k
? k
: 'swimlane;swimlaneHead=0;swimlaneBody=0;fontStyle=0;connectable=0;fillColor=none;startSize=40;collapsible=0;recursiveResize=0;expand=0;';
h =
null != h
? h
: 'swimlane;swimlaneHead=0;swimlaneBody=0;fontStyle=0;connectable=0;fillColor=none;startSize=0;collapsible=0;recursiveResize=0;expand=0;';
e = this.createVertex(
null != e ? e : '',
b * c,
a * d,
null != f
? f
: 'shape=table;childLayout=tableLayout;' +
(null == e ? 'startSize=0;fillColor=none;' : 'startSize=40;') +
f = mxUtils.getValue(this.getCellStyle(e), mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE);
e.geometry.width += f;
e.geometry.height += f;
g = this.createVertex(null, null, '', 0, f, b * c + f, d, g);
e.insert(this.createParent(g, this.createVertex(null, null, '', f, 0, c, d, k), b, c, 0));
return 1 < a
? ((g.geometry.y = d + f),
this.createParent(g, this.createVertex(null, null, '', f, 0, c, d, h), b, c, 0),
a - 1,
: e;
Graph.prototype.visitTableCells = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = null, d = this.model.getChildCells(a, !0), e = this.getActualStartSize(a, !0), f = 0;
f < d.length;
) {
for (
var g = this.getActualStartSize(d[f], !0),
k = this.model.getChildCells(d[f], !0),
h = this.getCellStyle(d[f], !0),
l = null,
m = [],
n = 0;
n < k.length;
) {
var p = this.getCellGeometry(k[n]),
r = { cell: k[n], rospan: 1, colspan: 1, row: f, col: n, geo: p },
p = null != p.alternateBounds ? p.alternateBounds : p;
r.point = new mxPoint(
p.width + (null != l ? l.point.x : e.x + g.x),
p.height + (null != c && null != c[0] ? c[0].point.y : e.y + g.y)
r.actual = r;
null != c && null != c[n] && 1 < c[n].rowspan
? ((r.rowspan = c[n].rowspan - 1), (r.colspan = c[n].colspan), (r.actual = c[n].actual))
: null != l && 1 < l.colspan
? ((r.rowspan = l.rowspan), (r.colspan = l.colspan - 1), (r.actual = l.actual))
: ((l = this.getCurrentCellStyle(k[n], !0)),
null != l && ((r.rowspan = parseInt(l.rowspan || 1)), (r.colspan = parseInt(l.colspan || 1))));
l =
1 == mxUtils.getValue(h, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_HEAD, 1) &&
mxUtils.getValue(h, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE;
b(r, k.length, d.length, e.x + (l ? g.x : 0), e.y + (l ? g.y : 0));
l = r;
c = m;
Graph.prototype.getTableLines = function (a, b, c) {
var d = [],
e = [];
(b || c) &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, g, k, h, l) {
b &&
a.row < k - 1 &&
(null == d[a.row] && (d[a.row] = [new mxPoint(h, a.point.y)]),
1 < a.rowspan && d[a.row].push(null),
c &&
a.col < g - 1 &&
(null == e[a.col] && (e[a.col] = [new mxPoint(a.point.x, l)]),
1 < a.colspan && e[a.col].push(null),
return d.concat(e);
Graph.prototype.isTableCell = function (a) {
return this.model.isVertex(a) && this.isTableRow(this.model.getParent(a));
Graph.prototype.isTableRow = function (a) {
return this.model.isVertex(a) && this.isTable(this.model.getParent(a));
Graph.prototype.isTable = function (a) {
a = this.getCellStyle(a);
return null != a && 'tableLayout' == a.childLayout;
Graph.prototype.isStack = function (a) {
a = this.getCellStyle(a);
return null != a && 'stackLayout' == a.childLayout;
Graph.prototype.isStackChild = function (a) {
return this.model.isVertex(a) && this.isStack(this.model.getParent(a));
Graph.prototype.setTableRowHeight = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
var d = this.getModel();
try {
var e = this.getCellGeometry(a);
if (null != e) {
e = e.clone();
e.height += b;
d.setGeometry(a, e);
var f = d.getParent(a),
g = d.getChildCells(f, !0);
if (!c) {
var k = mxUtils.indexOf(g, a);
if (k < g.length - 1) {
var h = g[k + 1],
l = this.getCellGeometry(h);
null != l && ((l = l.clone()), (l.y += b), (l.height -= b), d.setGeometry(h, l));
var m = this.getCellGeometry(f);
null != m && (c || (c = a == g[g.length - 1]), c && ((m = m.clone()), (m.height += b), d.setGeometry(f, m)));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.setTableColumnWidth = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !1;
var d = this.getModel(),
e = d.getParent(a),
f = d.getParent(e),
g = d.getChildCells(e, !0);
a = mxUtils.indexOf(g, a);
var k = a == g.length - 1;
try {
for (var h = d.getChildCells(f, !0), l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var e = h[l],
g = d.getChildCells(e, !0),
m = g[a],
n = this.getCellGeometry(m);
null != n &&
((n = n.clone()),
(n.width += b),
null != n.alternateBounds && (n.alternateBounds.width += b),
d.setGeometry(m, n));
a < g.length - 1 &&
((m = g[a + 1]),
(n = this.getCellGeometry(m)),
null != n &&
((n = n.clone()),
(n.x += b),
c || ((n.width -= b), null != n.alternateBounds && (n.alternateBounds.width -= b)),
d.setGeometry(m, n)));
if (k || c) {
var p = this.getCellGeometry(f);
null != p && ((p = p.clone()), (p.width += b), d.setGeometry(f, p));
null != this.layoutManager && this.layoutManager.executeLayout(f);
} finally {
function TableLayout(a) {, a);
TableLayout.prototype = new mxStackLayout();
TableLayout.prototype.constructor = TableLayout;
TableLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function () {
return !1;
TableLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return !this.graph.getModel().isVertex(a) || !this.graph.isCellVisible(a);
TableLayout.prototype.getSize = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (!this.isVertexIgnored(a[d])) {
var e = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a[d]);
null != e && (c += b ? e.width : e.height);
return c;
TableLayout.prototype.getRowLayout = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = this.graph.model.getChildCells(a, !0),
d = this.graph.getActualStartSize(a, !0),
e = this.getSize(c, !0),
f = b - d.x - d.width,
g = [],
d = d.x,
k = 0;
k < c.length;
) {
var h = this.graph.getCellGeometry(c[k]);
null != h &&
((d += ((null != h.alternateBounds ? h.alternateBounds.width : h.width) * f) / e), g.push(Math.round(d)));
return g;
TableLayout.prototype.layoutRow = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.graph.getModel(),
f = e.getChildCells(a, !0);
a = this.graph.getActualStartSize(a, !0);
var g = a.x,
k = 0;
null != b && ((b = b.slice()), b.splice(0, 0, a.x));
for (var h = 0; h < f.length; h++) {
var l = this.graph.getCellGeometry(f[h]);
null != l &&
((l = l.clone()),
(l.y = a.y),
(l.height = c - a.y - a.height),
null != b
? ((l.x = b[h]),
(l.width = b[h + 1] - l.x),
h == f.length - 1 && h < b.length - 2 && (l.width = d - l.x - a.x - a.width))
: ((l.x = g), (g += l.width), h == f.length - 1 ? (l.width = d - a.x - a.width - k) : (k += l.width)),
(l.alternateBounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, l.width, l.height)),
e.setGeometry(f[h], l));
return k;
TableLayout.prototype.execute = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.graph.getActualStartSize(a, !0),
c = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a),
d = this.graph.getCellStyle(a),
e = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(d, 'resizeLastRow', '0'),
f = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(d, 'resizeLast', '0'),
d = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(d, 'fixedRows', '0'),
g = this.graph.getModel(),
k = 0;
try {
for (
var h = c.height - b.y - b.height, l = c.width - b.x - b.width, m = g.getChildCells(a, !0), n = 0;
n < m.length;
g.setVisible(m[n], !0);
var p = this.getSize(m, !1);
if (0 < h && 0 < l && 0 < m.length && 0 < p) {
if (e) {
var r = this.graph.getCellGeometry(m[m.length - 1]);
null != r && ((r = r.clone()), (r.height = h - p + r.height), g.setGeometry(m[m.length - 1], r));
for (var t = f ? null : this.getRowLayout(m[0], l), u = [], x = b.y, n = 0; n < m.length; n++)
(r = this.graph.getCellGeometry(m[n])),
null != r &&
((r = r.clone()),
(r.x = b.x),
(r.width = l),
(r.y = Math.round(x)),
(x = e || d ? x + r.height : x + (r.height / p) * h),
(r.height = Math.round(x) - r.y),
g.setGeometry(m[n], r)),
(k = Math.max(k, this.layoutRow(m[n], t, r.height, l, u)));
d && h < p && ((c = c.clone()), (c.height = x + b.height), g.setGeometry(a, c));
f &&
l < k + Graph.minTableColumnWidth &&
((c = c.clone()), (c.width = k + b.width + b.x + Graph.minTableColumnWidth), g.setGeometry(a, c));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
g.setVisible(a.cell, a.actual.cell == a.cell);
if (a.actual.cell != a.cell) {
if (a.actual.row == a.row) {
var b = null != a.geo.alternateBounds ? a.geo.alternateBounds : a.geo;
a.actual.geo.width += b.width;
a.actual.col == a.col &&
((b = null != a.geo.alternateBounds ? a.geo.alternateBounds : a.geo),
(a.actual.geo.height += b.height));
} else for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) g.setVisible(m[n], !1);
} finally {
(function () {
var a = mxGraphView.prototype.resetValidationState;
mxGraphView.prototype.resetValidationState = function () {
a.apply(this, arguments);
this.validEdges = [];
var b = mxGraphView.prototype.validateCellState;
mxGraphView.prototype.validateCellState = function (a, c) {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
var d = this.getState(a);
null != d &&
c &&
this.graph.model.isEdge(d.cell) &&
null != &&
1 !=[mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED] &&
!d.invalid &&
this.updateLineJumps(d) &&
this.graph.cellRenderer.redraw(d, !1, this.isRendering());
d = b.apply(this, arguments);
null != d &&
c &&
this.graph.model.isEdge(d.cell) &&
null != &&
1 !=[mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED] &&
return d;
var c = mxShape.prototype.paint;
mxShape.prototype.paint = function () {
c.apply(this, arguments);
if (
null != this.state &&
null != this.node &&
this.state.view.graph.enableFlowAnimation &&
this.state.view.graph.model.isEdge(this.state.cell) &&
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'flowAnimation', '0')
) {
var a = this.node.getElementsByTagName('path');
if (1 < a.length) {
'1' != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED, '0') &&
a[1].setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', 8 * this.state.view.scale);
var b = this.state.view.graph.getFlowAnimationStyle();
null != b && a[1].setAttribute('class', b.getAttribute('id'));
var d = mxCellRenderer.prototype.isShapeInvalid;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isShapeInvalid = function (a, b) {
return (
d.apply(this, arguments) ||
(null != a.routedPoints && null != b.routedPoints && !mxUtils.equalPoints(b.routedPoints, a.routedPoints))
var e = mxGraphView.prototype.updateCellState;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateCellState = function (a) {
e.apply(this, arguments);
this.graph.model.isEdge(a.cell) && 1 !=[mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED] && this.updateLineJumps(a);
mxGraphView.prototype.updateLineJumps = function (a) {
var b = a.absolutePoints;
if (Graph.lineJumpsEnabled) {
var c = null != a.routedPoints,
d = null;
if (null != b && null != this.validEdges && 'none' !== mxUtils.getValue(, 'jumpStyle', 'none')) {
for (
var e = function (b, c, e) {
var f = new mxPoint(c, e);
f.type = b;
f = null != a.routedPoints ? a.routedPoints[d.length - 1] : null;
return null == f || f.type != b || f.x != c || f.y != e;
f = 0.5 * this.scale,
c = !1,
d = [],
g = 0;
g < b.length - 1;
) {
for (
var k = b[g + 1], h = b[g], l = [], m = b[g + 2];
g < b.length - 2 && mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(h.x, h.y, m.x, m.y, k.x, k.y) < 1 * this.scale * this.scale;
(k = m), g++, (m = b[g + 2]);
for (var c = e(0, h.x, h.y) || c, J = 0; J < this.validEdges.length; J++) {
var v = this.validEdges[J],
K = v.absolutePoints;
if (null != K && mxUtils.intersects(a, v) && '1' !=
for (v = 0; v < K.length - 1; v++) {
for (
var O = K[v + 1], T = K[v], m = K[v + 2];
v < K.length - 2 && mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(T.x, T.y, m.x, m.y, O.x, O.y) < 1 * this.scale * this.scale;
(O = m), v++, (m = K[v + 2]);
m = mxUtils.intersection(h.x, h.y, k.x, k.y, T.x, T.y, O.x, O.y);
if (
null != m &&
(Math.abs(m.x - h.x) > f || Math.abs(m.y - h.y) > f) &&
(Math.abs(m.x - k.x) > f || Math.abs(m.y - k.y) > f) &&
(Math.abs(m.x - T.x) > f || Math.abs(m.y - T.y) > f) &&
(Math.abs(m.x - O.x) > f || Math.abs(m.y - O.y) > f)
) {
O = m.x - h.x;
T = m.y - h.y;
m = { distSq: O * O + T * T, x: m.x, y: m.y };
for (O = 0; O < l.length; O++)
if (l[O].distSq > m.distSq) {
l.splice(O, 0, m);
m = null;
null == m || (0 != l.length && l[l.length - 1].x === m.x && l[l.length - 1].y === m.y) || l.push(m);
for (v = 0; v < l.length; v++) c = e(1, l[v].x, l[v].y) || c;
m = b[b.length - 1];
c = e(0, m.x, m.y) || c;
a.routedPoints = d;
return c;
return !1;
var f = mxConnector.prototype.paintLine;
mxConnector.prototype.paintLine = function (a, b, c) {
this.routedPoints = null != this.state ? this.state.routedPoints : null;
if (
this.outline ||
null == this.state ||
null == ||
null == this.state.routedPoints ||
0 == this.state.routedPoints.length
f.apply(this, arguments);
else {
var d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2,
e = (parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(, 'jumpSize', Graph.defaultJumpSize)) - 2) / 2 + this.strokewidth,
g = mxUtils.getValue(, 'jumpStyle', 'none'),
k = !0,
h = null,
l = null,
m = [],
n = null;
for (var p = 0; p < this.state.routedPoints.length; p++) {
var v = this.state.routedPoints[p],
K = new mxPoint(v.x / this.scale, v.y / this.scale);
0 == p ? (K = b[0]) : p == this.state.routedPoints.length - 1 && (K = b[b.length - 1]);
var O = !1;
if (null != h && 1 == v.type) {
var T = this.state.routedPoints[p + 1],
v = T.x / this.scale - K.x,
T = T.y / this.scale - K.y,
v = v * v + T * T;
null == n &&
((n = new mxPoint(K.x - h.x, K.y - h.y)),
(l = Math.sqrt(n.x * n.x + n.y * n.y)),
0 < l ? ((n.x = (n.x * e) / l), (n.y = (n.y * e) / l)) : (n = null));
v > e * e &&
0 < l &&
((v = h.x - K.x),
(T = h.y - K.y),
(v = v * v + T * T),
v > e * e &&
((O = new mxPoint(K.x - n.x, K.y - n.y)),
(v = new mxPoint(K.x + n.x, K.y + n.y)),
this.addPoints(a, m, c, d, !1, null, k),
(m = 0 > Math.round(n.x) || (0 == Math.round(n.x) && 0 >= Math.round(n.y)) ? 1 : -1),
(k = !1),
'sharp' == g
? (a.lineTo(O.x - n.y * m, O.y + n.x * m), a.lineTo(v.x - n.y * m, v.y + n.x * m), a.lineTo(v.x, v.y))
: 'line' == g
? (a.moveTo(O.x + n.y * m, O.y - n.x * m),
a.lineTo(O.x - n.y * m, O.y + n.x * m),
a.moveTo(v.x - n.y * m, v.y + n.x * m),
a.lineTo(v.x + n.y * m, v.y - n.x * m),
a.moveTo(v.x, v.y))
: 'arc' == g
? ((m *= 1.3), a.curveTo(O.x - n.y * m, O.y + n.x * m, v.x - n.y * m, v.y + n.x * m, v.x, v.y))
: (a.moveTo(v.x, v.y), (k = !0)),
(m = [v]),
(O = !0)));
} else n = null;
O || (m.push(K), (h = K));
this.addPoints(a, m, c, d, !1, null, k);
var g = mxGraphView.prototype.getFixedTerminalPoint;
mxGraphView.prototype.getFixedTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
return null != b && 'centerPerimeter' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER]
? new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY())
: g.apply(this, arguments);
var k = mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint;
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null == b || null == a || ('1' != && '1' != k.apply(this, arguments);
else {
b = this.getTerminalPort(a, b, d);
var e = this.getNextPoint(a, c, d),
f = this.graph.isOrthogonal(a),
g = mxUtils.toRadians(Number([mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0')),
h = new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY());
if (0 != g)
var l = Math.cos(-g),
m = Math.sin(-g),
e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(e, l, m, h);
l = parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0);
l += parseFloat([d ? mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PERIMETER_SPACING : mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING] || 0
e = this.getPerimeterPoint(b, e, 0 == g && f, l);
0 != g && ((l = Math.cos(g)), (m = Math.sin(g)), (e = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(e, l, m, h)));
a.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(this.snapToAnchorPoint(a, b, c, d, e), d);
mxGraphView.prototype.snapToAnchorPoint = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != b && null != a) {
a = this.graph.getAllConnectionConstraints(b);
d = c = null;
if (null != a)
for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
var g = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(b, a[f]);
if (null != g) {
var k = (g.x - e.x) * (g.x - e.x) + (g.y - e.y) * (g.y - e.y);
if (null == d || k < d) (c = g), (d = k);
null != c && (e = c);
return e;
var h = mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute;
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute = function (a, b, c) {
var d = h.apply(this, arguments);
'1' == a.getAttribute('placeholders') &&
null != c.state &&
(d = c.state.view.graph.replacePlaceholders(c.state.cell, d));
return d;
var l = mxCellRenderer.prototype.createShape;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (a) {
if (null != && 'undefined' !== typeof pako) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, null);
if (null != b && 'string' === typeof b && 'stencil(' == b.substring(0, 8))
try {
var c = b.substring(8, b.length - 1),
d = mxUtils.parseXml(Graph.decompress(c));
return new mxShape(new mxStencil(d.documentElement));
} catch (t) {
null != window.console && console.log('Error in shape: ' + t);
return l.apply(this, arguments);
mxStencilRegistry.libraries = {};
mxStencilRegistry.dynamicLoading = !0;
mxStencilRegistry.allowEval = !0;
mxStencilRegistry.packages = [];
mxStencilRegistry.filesLoaded = {};
mxStencilRegistry.getStencil = function (a) {
var b = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[a];
if (null == b && null == mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[a] && mxStencilRegistry.dynamicLoading) {
var c = mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil(a);
if (null != c) {
b = mxStencilRegistry.libraries[c];
if (null != b) {
if (null == mxStencilRegistry.packages[c]) {
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
if (!mxStencilRegistry.filesLoaded[e])
if (
((mxStencilRegistry.filesLoaded[e] = !0), '.xml' == e.toLowerCase().substring(e.length - 4, e.length))
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(e, null);
else if ('.js' == e.toLowerCase().substring(e.length - 3, e.length))
try {
if (mxStencilRegistry.allowEval) {
var f = mxUtils.load(e);
null != f && 200 <= f.getStatus() && 299 >= f.getStatus() &&, f.getText());
} catch (g) {
null != window.console && console.log('error in getStencil:', a, c, b, e, g);
mxStencilRegistry.packages[c] = 1;
} else (c = c.replace('_-_', '_')), mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(STENCIL_PATH + '/' + c + '.xml', null);
b = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[a];
return b;
mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (null != a && 'string' === typeof a && ((a = a.split('.')), 0 < a.length && 'mxgraph' == a[0]))
for (var b = a[1], c = 2; c < a.length - 1; c++) b += '/' + a[c];
return b;
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = mxStencilRegistry.packages[a];
if ((null != c && c) || null == e) {
var f = !1;
if (null == e)
try {
if (d) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function (c) {
null != c &&
null != c.documentElement &&
((mxStencilRegistry.packages[a] = c),
(f = !0),
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(c.documentElement, b, f));
e = mxStencilRegistry.loadStencil(a);
mxStencilRegistry.packages[a] = e;
f = !0;
} catch (g) {
null != window.console && console.log('error in loadStencilSet:', a, g);
null != e && null != e.documentElement && mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(e.documentElement, b, f);
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencil = function (a, b) {
if (null != b)
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
b(200 <= a.getStatus() && 299 >= a.getStatus() ? a.getXml() : null);
else return mxUtils.load(a).getXml();
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSets = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(mxUtils.parseXml(a[b]).documentElement);
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet = function (a, b, c) {
if ('stencils' == a.nodeName)
for (var d = a.firstChild; null != d; )
'shapes' == d.nodeName && mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(d, b, c), (d = d.nextSibling);
else {
c = null != c ? c : !0;
var d = a.firstChild,
e = '';
a = a.getAttribute('name');
for (null != a && (e = a + '.'); null != d; ) {
if (d.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT && ((a = d.getAttribute('name')), null != a)) {
var e = e.toLowerCase(),
f = a.replace(/ /g, '_');
c && mxStencilRegistry.addStencil(e + f.toLowerCase(), new mxStencil(d));
if (null != b) {
var g = d.getAttribute('w'),
k = d.getAttribute('h'),
g = null == g ? 80 : parseInt(g, 10),
k = null == k ? 80 : parseInt(k, 10);
b(e, f, a, g, k);
d = d.nextSibling;
'undefined' !== typeof mxVertexHandler &&
(function () {
function a() {
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.className = 'geHint'; = 'nowrap'; = 'absolute';
return a;
function b(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case mxConstants.POINTS:
return a;
case mxConstants.MILLIMETERS:
return (a / mxConstants.PIXELS_PER_MM).toFixed(1);
case mxConstants.METERS:
return (a / (1e3 * mxConstants.PIXELS_PER_MM)).toFixed(4);
case mxConstants.INCHES:
return (a / mxConstants.PIXELS_PER_INCH).toFixed(2);
mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#29b6f2';
mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#0088cf';
mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#99ccff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.CONNECT_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.LABEL_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR = '#0088cf';
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY = 30;
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = 5;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeEmptyParents = !0;
mxRubberband.prototype.fadeOut = !0;
mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function (a) {
return !mxEvent.isAltDown(a);
var c = mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function (a) {
return c.apply(this, arguments) || this.graph.isTableRow(a) || this.graph.isTableCell(a);
var d = mxGraphLayout.prototype.isEdgeIgnored;
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isEdgeIgnored = function (a) {
return d.apply(this, arguments) || this.graph.isEdgeIgnored(a);
var e = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function (a) {
return this.graph.isCloneEvent(a) != e.apply(this, arguments);
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.createHighlightShape = function () {
var a = new mxEllipse(null, this.highlightColor, this.highlightColor, 0);
a.opacity = mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY;
return a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.livePreview = !0;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.cursor = 'crosshair';
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function (a) {
a = this.graph.createCurrentEdgeStyle();
a = this.graph.createEdge(null, null, null, null, null, a);
a = new mxCellState(this.graph.view, a, this.graph.getCellStyle(a));
for (var b in this.graph.currentEdgeStyle)[b] = this.graph.currentEdgeStyle[b]; = this.graph.postProcessCellStyle(a.cell,;
return a;
var f = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape = function () {
var a = f.apply(this, arguments);
a.isDashed = '1' == this.graph.currentEdgeStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED];
return a;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updatePreview = function (a) {};
var g = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function () {
var a = g.apply(this, arguments),
b = a.getCell;
a.getCell = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var c = b.apply(this, arguments);
this.error = null;
return c;
return a;
Graph.prototype.defaultVertexStyle = {};
Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle = {
edgeStyle: 'orthogonalEdgeStyle',
rounded: '0',
jettySize: 'auto',
orthogonalLoop: '1',
Graph.prototype.createCurrentEdgeStyle = function () {
for (
var a = 'edgeStyle=' + (this.currentEdgeStyle.edgeStyle || 'none') + ';',
b =
'shape curved rounded comic sketch fillWeight hachureGap hachureAngle jiggle disableMultiStroke disableMultiStrokeFill fillStyle curveFitting simplification comicStyle jumpStyle jumpSize'.split(
' '
c = 0;
c < b.length;
null != this.currentEdgeStyle[b[c]] && (a += b[c] + '=' + this.currentEdgeStyle[b[c]] + ';');
null != this.currentEdgeStyle.orthogonalLoop
? (a += 'orthogonalLoop=' + this.currentEdgeStyle.orthogonalLoop + ';')
: null != Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle.orthogonalLoop &&
(a += 'orthogonalLoop=' + Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle.orthogonalLoop + ';');
null != this.currentEdgeStyle.jettySize
? (a += 'jettySize=' + this.currentEdgeStyle.jettySize + ';')
: null != Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle.jettySize &&
(a += 'jettySize=' + Graph.prototype.defaultEdgeStyle.jettySize + ';');
'elbowEdgeStyle' == this.currentEdgeStyle.edgeStyle &&
null != this.currentEdgeStyle.elbow &&
(a += 'elbow=' + this.currentEdgeStyle.elbow + ';');
return (a =
null != this.currentEdgeStyle.html ? a + ('html=' + this.currentEdgeStyle.html + ';') : a + 'html=1;');
Graph.prototype.getPagePadding = function () {
return new mxPoint(0, 0);
Graph.prototype.loadStylesheet = function () {
var a =
null != this.themes
? this.themes[this.defaultThemeName]
: mxStyleRegistry.dynamicLoading
? mxUtils.load(STYLE_PATH + '/default.xml').getDocumentElement()
: null;
null != a && new mxCodec(a.ownerDocument).decode(a, this.getStylesheet());
Graph.prototype.createCellLookup = function (a, b) {
b = null != b ? b : {};
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c];
b[mxObjectIdentity.get(d)] = d.getId();
for (var e = this.model.getChildCount(d), f = 0; f < e; f++)
this.createCellLookup([this.model.getChildAt(d, f)], b);
return b;
Graph.prototype.createCellMapping = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : {};
for (var d in a) {
var e = b[d];
null == c[e] && (c[e] = a[d].getId() || '');
return c;
Graph.prototype.importGraphModel = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = null != b ? b : 0;
c = null != c ? c : 0;
var e = new mxCodec(a.ownerDocument),
f = new mxGraphModel();
e.decode(a, f);
a = [];
var e = {},
g = {},
k = f.getChildren(this.cloneCell(f.root, this.isCloneInvalidEdges(), e));
if (null != k) {
var h = this.createCellLookup([f.root]),
k = k.slice();
try {
if (1 != k.length || this.isCellLocked(this.getDefaultParent()))
for (f = 0; f < k.length; f++)
(l = this.model.getChildren(this.moveCells([k[f]], b, c, !1, this.model.getRoot())[0])),
null != l && (a = a.concat(l));
else {
var l = f.getChildren(k[0]);
null != l &&
((a = this.moveCells(l, b, c, !1, this.getDefaultParent())),
(g[f.getChildAt(f.root, 0).getId()] = this.getDefaultParent().getId()));
if (null != a && (this.createCellMapping(e, h, g), this.updateCustomLinks(g, a), d)) {
this.isGridEnabled() && ((b = this.snap(b)), (c = this.snap(c)));
var m = this.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(a, !0);
null != m && this.moveCells(a, b - m.x, c - m.y);
} finally {
return a;
Graph.prototype.encodeCells = function (a) {
for (var b = {}, c = this.cloneCells(a, null, b), d = new mxDictionary(), e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
d.put(a[e], !0);
for (var f = new mxCodec(), g = new mxGraphModel(), k = g.getChildAt(g.getRoot(), 0), e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
g.add(k, c[e]);
var h = this.view.getState(a[e]);
if (null != h) {
var l = this.getCellGeometry(c[e]);
null != l &&
l.relative &&
!this.model.isEdge(a[e]) &&
null == d.get(this.model.getParent(a[e])) &&
((l.offset = null),
(l.relative = !1),
(l.x = h.x / h.view.scale - h.view.translate.x),
(l.y = h.y / h.view.scale - h.view.translate.y));
this.updateCustomLinks(this.createCellMapping(b, this.createCellLookup(a)), c);
return f.encode(g);
Graph.prototype.isSwimlane = function (a, b) {
var c = null;
null == a ||
this.model.isEdge(a) ||
this.model.getParent(a) == this.model.getRoot() ||
(c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a, b)[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE]);
return c == mxConstants.SHAPE_SWIMLANE || 'table' == c || 'tableRow' == c;
var k = Graph.prototype.isExtendParent;
Graph.prototype.isExtendParent = function (a) {
var b = this.model.getParent(a);
if (null != b) {
var c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(b);
if (null != c.expand) return '0' != c.expand;
return k.apply(this, arguments) && (null == b || !this.isTable(b));
var h = Graph.prototype.splitEdge;
Graph.prototype.splitEdge = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
null == k &&
((k = this.model.getParent(a)), this.isTable(k) || this.isTableRow(k)) &&
(k = this.getCellAt(f, g, null, !0, !1));
c = null;
try {
c = h.apply(this, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k]);
this.model.setValue(c, '');
var l = this.getChildCells(c, !0);
for (b = 0; b < l.length; b++) {
var m = this.getCellGeometry(l[b]);
null != m && m.relative && 0 < m.x && this.model.remove(l[b]);
var E = this.getChildCells(a, !0);
for (b = 0; b < E.length; b++)
(m = this.getCellGeometry(E[b])), null != m && m.relative && 0 >= m.x && this.model.remove(E[b]);
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING, null, [c]);
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants.NONE, [c]);
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PERIMETER_SPACING, null, [a]);
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants.NONE, [a]);
var n = this.model.getTerminal(c, !1);
if (null != n) {
var I = this.getCurrentCellStyle(n);
null != I &&
'1' == I.snapToPoint &&
(this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y, null, [a]),
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_X, null, [c]),
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ENTRY_Y, null, [c]));
} finally {
return c;
var l = Graph.prototype.selectCell;
Graph.prototype.selectCell = function (a, b, c) {
if (b || c) l.apply(this, arguments);
else {
var d = this.getSelectionCell(),
e = null,
f = [],
g = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
if (null != this.view.getState(b) && (this.model.isVertex(b) || this.model.isEdge(b)))
if ((f.push(b), b == d)) e = f.length - 1;
else if ((a && null == d && 0 < f.length) || (null != e && a && f.length > e) || (!a && 0 < e)) return;
for (var c = 0; c < this.model.getChildCount(b); c++) g(this.model.getChildAt(b, c));
0 < f.length && ((e = null != e ? mxUtils.mod(e + (a ? 1 : -1), f.length) : 0), this.setSelectionCell(f[e]));
Graph.prototype.swapShapes = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
b = !1;
if (
!d &&
null != e &&
1 == a.length &&
((d = this.view.getState(e)),
(c = this.view.getState(a[0])),
null != d &&
null != c &&
((null != f && mxEvent.isShiftDown(f)) ||
('umlLifeline' == && 'umlLifeline' == &&
((d = this.getCellGeometry(e)), (f = this.getCellGeometry(a[0])), null != d && null != f))
) {
b = d.clone();
d = f.clone();
d.x = b.x;
d.y = b.y;
b.x = f.x;
b.y = f.y;
try {
this.model.setGeometry(e, b), this.model.setGeometry(a[0], d);
} finally {
b = !0;
return b;
var m = Graph.prototype.moveCells;
Graph.prototype.moveCells = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (this.swapShapes(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) return a;
g = null != g ? g : {};
if (this.isTable(e)) {
for (var k = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++)
this.isTable(a[h]) ? (k = k.concat(this.model.getChildCells(a[h], !0).reverse())) : k.push(a[h]);
a = k;
try {
k = [];
for (h = 0; h < a.length; h++)
if (null != e && this.isTableRow(a[h])) {
var l = this.model.getParent(a[h]),
E = this.getCellGeometry(a[h]);
this.isTable(l) && k.push(l);
if (null != l && null != E && this.isTable(l) && this.isTable(e) && (d || l != e)) {
if (!d) {
var n = this.getCellGeometry(l);
null != n && ((n = n.clone()), (n.height -= E.height), this.model.setGeometry(l, n));
n = this.getCellGeometry(e);
null != n && ((n = n.clone()), (n.height += E.height), this.model.setGeometry(e, n));
var I = this.model.getChildCells(e, !0);
if (0 < I.length) {
a[h] = d ? this.cloneCell(a[h]) : a[h];
var F = this.model.getChildCells(a[h], !0),
p = this.model.getChildCells(I[0], !0),
N = p.length - F.length;
if (0 < N)
for (var V = 0; V < N; V++) {
var t = this.cloneCell(F[F.length - 1]);
null != t && ((t.value = ''), this.model.add(a[h], t));
else if (0 > N) for (V = 0; V > N; V--) this.model.remove(F[F.length + V - 1]);
F = this.model.getChildCells(a[h], !0);
for (V = 0; V < p.length; V++) {
var r = this.getCellGeometry(p[V]),
Q = this.getCellGeometry(F[V]);
null != r && null != Q && ((Q = Q.clone()), (Q.width = r.width), this.model.setGeometry(F[V], Q));
for (var u = m.apply(this, arguments), h = 0; h < k.length; h++)
!d && this.model.contains(k[h]) && 0 == this.model.getChildCount(k[h]) && this.model.remove(k[h]);
d && this.updateCustomLinks(this.createCellMapping(g, this.createCellLookup(a)), u);
} finally {
return u;
var n = Graph.prototype.removeCells;
Graph.prototype.removeCells = function (a, b) {
var c = [];
try {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (this.isTableCell(a[d])) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a[d]),
f = this.model.getParent(e);
1 == this.model.getChildCount(e) && 1 == this.model.getChildCount(f)
? 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(a, f) && 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c, f) && c.push(f)
: this.labelChanged(a[d], '');
} else {
if (
this.isTableRow(a[d]) &&
((f = this.model.getParent(a[d])), 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(a, f) && 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(c, f))
) {
for (var g = this.model.getChildCells(f, !0), k = 0, h = 0; h < g.length; h++)
0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(a, g[h]) && k++;
k == g.length && c.push(f);
c = n.apply(this, [c, b]);
} finally {
return c;
Graph.prototype.updateCustomLinks = function (a, b, c) {
c = null != c ? c : new Graph();
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) null != b[d] && c.updateCustomLinksForCell(a, b[d], c);
Graph.prototype.updateCustomLinksForCell = function (a, b) {
this.doUpdateCustomLinksForCell(a, b);
for (var c = this.model.getChildCount(b), d = 0; d < c; d++)
this.updateCustomLinksForCell(a, this.model.getChildAt(b, d));
Graph.prototype.doUpdateCustomLinksForCell = function (a, b) {};
Graph.prototype.getAllConnectionConstraints = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
var c = mxUtils.getValue(, 'points', null);
if (null != c) {
var d = [];
try {
for (var e = JSON.parse(c), c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
var f = e[c];
new mxConnectionConstraint(
new mxPoint(f[0], f[1]),
2 < f.length ? '0' != f[2] : !0,
3 < f.length ? f[3] : 0,
4 < f.length ? f[4] : 0
} catch (X) {}
return d;
if (null != a.shape && null != a.shape.bounds) {
f = a.shape.direction;
e = a.shape.bounds;
c = a.shape.scale;
d = e.width / c;
e = e.height / c;
if (f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || f == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH) (f = d), (d = e), (e = f);
c = a.shape.getConstraints(, d, e);
if (null != c) return c;
if (null != a.shape.stencil && null != a.shape.stencil.constraints) return a.shape.stencil.constraints;
if (null != a.shape.constraints) return a.shape.constraints;
return null;
Graph.prototype.flipEdge = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
var b = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a),
b =
mxUtils.getValue(b, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants.ELBOW_HORIZONTAL) == mxConstants.ELBOW_HORIZONTAL
? mxConstants.ELBOW_VERTICAL
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, b, [a]);
Graph.prototype.isValidRoot = function (a) {
for (var b = this.model.getChildCount(a), c = 0, d = 0; d < b; d++) {
var e = this.model.getChildAt(a, d);
this.model.isVertex(e) && ((e = this.getCellGeometry(e)), null == e || e.relative || c++);
return 0 < c || this.isContainer(a);
Graph.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a), e = !0, f = !0, g = 0; g < b.length && f; g++)
(e = e && this.isTable(b[g])), (f = f && this.isTableRow(b[g]));
return (
((1 == b.length && null != c && mxEvent.isShiftDown(c) && !mxEvent.isControlDown(c) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(c)) ||
(('1' != mxUtils.getValue(d, 'part', '0') || this.isContainer(a)) &&
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(d, 'dropTarget', '1') &&
(mxGraph.prototype.isValidDropTarget.apply(this, arguments) || this.isContainer(a)) &&
!this.isTableRow(a) &&
(!this.isTable(a) || f || e))) &&
Graph.prototype.createGroupCell = function () {
var a = mxGraph.prototype.createGroupCell.apply(this, arguments);
return a;
Graph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd = function (a) {
var b = mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd.apply(this, arguments);
if (b && null != a && null != this.layoutManager) {
var c = this.model.getParent(a);
null != c && ((c = this.layoutManager.getLayout(c)), null != c && c.constructor == mxStackLayout && (b = !1));
return b;
Graph.prototype.getPreferredSizeForCell = function (a) {
var b = mxGraph.prototype.getPreferredSizeForCell.apply(this, arguments);
null != b &&
((b.width += 10),
(b.height += 4),
this.gridEnabled && ((b.width = this.snap(b.width)), (b.height = this.snap(b.height))));
return b;
Graph.prototype.turnShapes = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getModel(),
d = [];
try {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = a[e];
if (c.isEdge(f)) {
var g = c.getTerminal(f, !0),
k = c.getTerminal(f, !1);
c.setTerminal(f, k, !0);
c.setTerminal(f, g, !1);
var h = c.getGeometry(f);
if (null != h) {
h = h.clone();
null != h.points && h.points.reverse();
var l = h.getTerminalPoint(!0),
m = h.getTerminalPoint(!1);
h.setTerminalPoint(l, !1);
h.setTerminalPoint(m, !0);
c.setGeometry(f, h);
var E = this.view.getState(f),
n = this.view.getState(g),
I = this.view.getState(k);
if (null != E) {
var p = null != n ? this.getConnectionConstraint(E, n, !0) : null,
t = null != I ? this.getConnectionConstraint(E, I, !1) : null;
this.setConnectionConstraint(f, g, !0, t);
this.setConnectionConstraint(f, k, !1, p);
var r = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PERIMETER_SPACING);
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING),
this.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING, r, [f]);
} else if (c.isVertex(f) && ((h = this.getCellGeometry(f)), null != h)) {
if (!(this.isTable(f) || this.isTableRow(f) || this.isTableCell(f) || this.isSwimlane(f))) {
h = h.clone();
h.x += h.width / 2 - h.height / 2;
h.y += h.height / 2 - h.width / 2;
var u = h.width;
h.width = h.height;
h.height = u;
c.setGeometry(f, h);
var v = this.view.getState(f);
if (null != v) {
var x = [
z = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST);
x[mxUtils.mod(mxUtils.indexOf(x, z) + (b ? -1 : 1), x.length)],
} finally {
return d;
Graph.prototype.stencilHasPlaceholders = function (a) {
if (null != a && null != a.fgNode)
for (a = a.fgNode.firstChild; null != a; ) {
if ('text' == a.nodeName && '1' == a.getAttribute('placeholders')) return !0;
a = a.nextSibling;
return !1;
var p = Graph.prototype.processChange;
Graph.prototype.processChange = function (a) {
if (
a instanceof mxGeometryChange &&
(this.isTableCell(a.cell) || this.isTableRow(a.cell)) &&
((null == a.previous && null != a.geometry) || (null != a.previous && !a.previous.equals(a.geometry)))
) {
var b = a.cell;
this.isTableCell(b) && (b = this.model.getParent(b));
this.isTableRow(b) && (b = this.model.getParent(b));
var c = this.view.getState(b);
null != c && null != c.shape && (this.view.invalidate(b), (c.shape.bounds = null));
p.apply(this, arguments);
a instanceof mxValueChange &&
null != a.cell &&
null != a.cell.value &&
'object' == typeof a.cell.value &&
Graph.prototype.invalidateDescendantsWithPlaceholders = function (a) {
a = this.model.getDescendants(a);
if (0 < a.length)
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
var c = this.view.getState(a[b]);
null != c && null != c.shape && null != c.shape.stencil && this.stencilHasPlaceholders(c.shape.stencil)
? this.removeStateForCell(a[b])
: this.isReplacePlaceholders(a[b]) && this.view.invalidate(a[b], !1, !1);
Graph.prototype.replaceElement = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = a.ownerDocument.createElement(null != b ? b : 'span'), d =;
(attr = d.pop());
c.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);
c.innerHTML = a.innerHTML;
a.parentNode.replaceChild(c, a);
Graph.prototype.processElements = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) for (var c = a.getElementsByTagName('*'), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) b(c[d]);
Graph.prototype.updateLabelElements = function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a : this.getSelectionCells();
for (var d = document.createElement('div'), e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if (this.isHtmlLabel(a[e])) {
var f = this.convertValueToString(a[e]);
if (null != f && 0 < f.length) {
d.innerHTML = f;
for (var g = d.getElementsByTagName(null != c ? c : '*'), k = 0; k < g.length; k++) b(g[k]);
d.innerHTML != f && this.cellLabelChanged(a[e], d.innerHTML);
Graph.prototype.cellLabelChanged = function (a, b, c) {
b = Graph.zapGremlins(b);
try {
if (null != a.value && 'object' == typeof a.value) {
if (this.isReplacePlaceholders(a) && null != a.getAttribute('placeholder'))
for (var d = a.getAttribute('placeholder'), e = a; null != e; ) {
if (e == this.model.getRoot() || (null != e.value && 'object' == typeof e.value && e.hasAttribute(d))) {
this.setAttributeForCell(e, d, b);
e = this.model.getParent(e);
var f = a.value.cloneNode(!0);
Graph.translateDiagram && null != Graph.diagramLanguage && f.hasAttribute('label_' + Graph.diagramLanguage)
? f.setAttribute('label_' + Graph.diagramLanguage, b)
: f.setAttribute('label', b);
b = f;
mxGraph.prototype.cellLabelChanged.apply(this, arguments);
} finally {
Graph.prototype.cellsRemoved = function (a) {
if (null != a) {
for (var b = new mxDictionary(), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.put(a[c], !0);
for (var d = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a[c]);
null == e || b.get(e) || (b.put(e, !0), d.push(e));
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
if (
((e = this.view.getState(d[c])),
null != e &&
(this.model.isEdge(e.cell) || this.model.isVertex(e.cell)) &&
this.isCellDeletable(e.cell) &&
) {
for (var f = !0, g = 0; g < this.model.getChildCount(e.cell) && f; g++)
b.get(this.model.getChildAt(e.cell, g)) || (f = !1);
f && a.push(e.cell);
mxGraph.prototype.cellsRemoved.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
this.isCellDeletable(a[c]) && this.isTransparentState(this.view.getState(a[c])) && b.push(a[c]);
a = b;
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup.apply(this, arguments);
Graph.prototype.setLinkForCell = function (a, b) {
this.setAttributeForCell(a, 'link', b);
Graph.prototype.setTooltipForCell = function (a, b) {
var c = 'tooltip';
Graph.translateDiagram &&
null != Graph.diagramLanguage &&
mxUtils.isNode(a.value) &&
a.value.hasAttribute('tooltip_' + Graph.diagramLanguage) &&
(c = 'tooltip_' + Graph.diagramLanguage);
this.setAttributeForCell(a, c, b);
Graph.prototype.getAttributeForCell = function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a.value && 'object' === typeof a.value ? a.value.getAttribute(b) : null;
return null != a ? a : c;
Graph.prototype.setAttributeForCell = function (a, b, c) {
var d;
null != a.value && 'object' == typeof a.value
? (d = a.value.cloneNode(!0))
: ((d = mxUtils.createXmlDocument().createElement('UserObject')), d.setAttribute('label', a.value || ''));
null != c ? d.setAttribute(b, c) : d.removeAttribute(b);
this.model.setValue(a, d);
var r = Graph.prototype.getDropTarget;
Graph.prototype.getDropTarget = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (mxEvent.isAltDown(b)) return null;
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var f = this.model.getParent(a[e]);
if (this.model.isEdge(f) && 0 > mxUtils.indexOf(a, f)) return null;
for (var f = r.apply(this, arguments), g = !0, e = 0; e < a.length && g; e++) g = g && this.isTableRow(a[e]);
g &&
(this.isTableCell(f) && (f = this.model.getParent(f)),
this.isTableRow(f) && (f = this.model.getParent(f)),
this.isTable(f) || (f = null));
return f;
}; = function (a) {, a);
this.firstClickState = a.getState();
this.firstClickSource = a.getSource();
Graph.prototype.dblClick = function (a, b) {
this.isEnabled() && ((b = this.insertTextForEvent(a, b)),, a, b));
Graph.prototype.insertTextForEvent = function (a, b) {
var c = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.container, mxEvent.getClientX(a), mxEvent.getClientY(a));
if (null != a && !this.model.isVertex(b)) {
var d = this.model.isEdge(b) ? this.view.getState(b) : null,
e = mxEvent.getSource(a);
this.firstClickState != d ||
this.firstClickSource != e ||
(null != d &&
null != d.text &&
null != d.text.node &&
null != d.text.boundingBox &&
(mxUtils.contains(d.text.boundingBox, c.x, c.y) ||
mxUtils.isAncestorNode(d.text.node, mxEvent.getSource(a)))) ||
((null != d || this.isCellLocked(this.getDefaultParent())) && (null == d || this.isCellLocked(d.cell))) ||
!(null != d || (mxClient.IS_SVG && e == this.view.getCanvas().ownerSVGElement)) ||
(null == d && (d = this.view.getState(this.getCellAt(c.x, c.y))), (b = this.addText(c.x, c.y, d)));
return b;
Graph.prototype.getInsertPoint = function () {
var a = this.getGridSize(),
b = this.container.scrollLeft / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x,
c = this.container.scrollTop / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y;
if (this.pageVisible)
var d = this.getPageLayout(),
e = this.getPageSize(),
b = Math.max(b, d.x * e.width),
c = Math.max(c, d.y * e.height);
return new mxPoint(this.snap(b + a), this.snap(c + a));
Graph.prototype.getFreeInsertPoint = function () {
var a = this.view,
b = this.getGraphBounds(),
c = this.getInsertPoint(),
d = this.snap(
Math.round(Math.max(c.x, b.x / a.scale - a.translate.x + (0 == b.width ? 2 * this.gridSize : 0)))
a = this.snap(Math.round(Math.max(c.y, (b.y + b.height) / a.scale - a.translate.y + 2 * this.gridSize)));
return new mxPoint(d, a);
Graph.prototype.getCenterInsertPoint = function (a) {
a = null != a ? a : new mxRectangle();
return mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)
? new mxPoint(
(this.container.scrollLeft + this.container.clientWidth / 2) / this.view.scale -
this.view.translate.x -
a.width / 2
(this.container.scrollTop + this.container.clientHeight / 2) / this.view.scale -
this.view.translate.y -
a.height / 2
: new mxPoint(
Math.round(this.container.clientWidth / 2 / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x - a.width / 2)
Math.round(this.container.clientHeight / 2 / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y - a.height / 2)
Graph.prototype.isMouseInsertPoint = function () {
return !1;
Graph.prototype.addText = function (a, b, c) {
var d = new mxCell();
d.value = 'Text';
d.geometry = new mxGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0);
d.vertex = !0;
if (null != c && this.model.isEdge(c.cell)) { = 'edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];';
d.geometry.relative = !0;
d.connectable = !1;
var e = this.view.getRelativePoint(c, a, b);
d.geometry.x = Math.round(1e4 * e.x) / 1e4;
d.geometry.y = Math.round(e.y);
d.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 0);
var e = this.view.getPoint(c, d.geometry),
f = this.view.scale;
d.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(Math.round((a - e.x) / f), Math.round((b - e.y) / f));
} else
(e = this.view.translate),
( = 'text;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];'),
(d.geometry.width = 40),
(d.geometry.height = 20),
(d.geometry.x = Math.round(a / this.view.scale) - e.x - (null != c ? c.origin.x : 0)),
(d.geometry.y = Math.round(b / this.view.scale) - e.y - (null != c ? c.origin.y : 0)),
( += 'autosize=1;');
try {
this.addCells([d], null != c ? c.cell : null),
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('textInserted', 'cells', [d])),
} finally {
return d;
Graph.prototype.addClickHandler = function (a, b, c) {
var d = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
var a = this.container.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (null != a)
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = this.getAbsoluteUrl(a[c].getAttribute('href'));
null != d &&
(a[c].setAttribute('rel', this.linkRelation),
a[c].setAttribute('href', d),
null != b && mxEvent.addGestureListeners(a[c], null, null, b));
this.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, d);
var e =,
f = this.getTolerance(),
g = this,
k = {
currentState: null,
currentLink: null,
currentTarget: null,
highlight: null != a && '' != a && a != mxConstants.NONE ? new mxCellHighlight(g, a, 4) : null,
startX: 0,
startY: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
updateCurrentState: function (a) {
var b = a.sourceState;
if (null == b || null == g.getLinkForCell(b.cell))
(a = g.getCellAt(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY(), null, null, null, function (a, b, c) {
return null == g.getLinkForCell(a.cell);
(b = null == b || g.model.isAncestor(a, b.cell) ? g.view.getState(a) : null);
b != this.currentState &&
(null != this.currentState && this.clear(),
(this.currentState = b),
null != this.currentState && this.activate(this.currentState));
mouseDown: function (a, b) {
this.startX = b.getGraphX();
this.startY = b.getGraphY();
this.scrollLeft = g.container.scrollLeft;
this.scrollTop = g.container.scrollTop;
null == this.currentLink && 'auto' == && ( = 'move');
mouseMove: function (a, b) {
if (g.isMouseDown) {
if (null != this.currentLink) {
var c = Math.abs(this.startX - b.getGraphX()),
d = Math.abs(this.startY - b.getGraphY());
(c > f || d > f) && this.clear();
} else {
for (c = b.getSource(); null != c && 'a' != c.nodeName.toLowerCase(); ) c = c.parentNode;
null != c
? this.clear()
: (null != g.tooltipHandler &&
null != this.currentLink &&
null != this.currentState &&
g.tooltipHandler.reset(b, !0, this.currentState),
(null == this.currentState ||
(b.getState() != this.currentState && null != b.sourceState) ||
!g.intersects(this.currentState, b.getGraphX(), b.getGraphY())) &&
mouseUp: function (a, d) {
for (var e = d.getSource(), k = d.getEvent(); null != e && 'a' != e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); )
e = e.parentNode;
null == e &&
Math.abs(this.scrollLeft - g.container.scrollLeft) < f &&
Math.abs(this.scrollTop - g.container.scrollTop) < f &&
(null == d.sourceState || !d.isSource(d.sourceState.control)) &&
(((mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(k) || mxEvent.isMiddleMouseButton(k)) && !mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(k)) ||
mxEvent.isTouchEvent(k)) &&
(null != this.currentLink
? ((e = g.isBlankLink(this.currentLink)),
('data:' !== this.currentLink.substring(0, 5) && e) || null == b || b(k, this.currentLink),
mxEvent.isConsumed(k) ||
((k =
null != this.currentTarget
? this.currentTarget
: mxEvent.isMiddleMouseButton(k)
? '_blank'
: e
? g.linkTarget
: '_top'),
g.openLink(this.currentLink, k),
: null != c &&
!d.isConsumed() &&
Math.abs(this.scrollLeft - g.container.scrollLeft) < f &&
Math.abs(this.scrollTop - g.container.scrollTop) < f &&
Math.abs(this.startX - d.getGraphX()) < f &&
Math.abs(this.startY - d.getGraphY()) < f &&
activate: function (a) {
this.currentLink = g.getAbsoluteUrl(g.getLinkForCell(a.cell));
null != this.currentLink &&
((this.currentTarget = g.getLinkTargetForCell(a.cell)),
( = 'pointer'),
null != this.highlight && this.highlight.highlight(a));
clear: function () {
null != g.container && ( = e);
this.currentLink = this.currentState = this.currentTarget = null;
null != this.highlight && this.highlight.hide();
null != g.tooltipHandler && g.tooltipHandler.hide();
}; = function (a) {};
mxEvent.addListener(document, 'mouseleave', function (a) {
Graph.prototype.duplicateCells = function (a, b) {
a = null != a ? a : this.getSelectionCells();
b = null != b ? b : !0;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) this.isTableCell(a[c]) && (a[c] = this.model.getParent(a[c]));
a = this.model.getTopmostCells(a);
var d = this.getModel(),
e = this.gridSize,
f = [];
try {
for (var g = {}, k = this.createCellLookup(a), h = this.cloneCells(a, !1, g, !0), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var l = d.getParent(a[c]);
if (null != l) {
var m = this.moveCells([h[c]], e, e, !1)[0];
if (b) d.add(l, h[c]);
else {
var n = l.getIndex(a[c]);
d.add(l, h[c], n + 1);
if (this.isTable(l)) {
var E = this.getCellGeometry(h[c]),
p = this.getCellGeometry(l);
null != E && null != p && ((p = p.clone()), (p.height += E.height), d.setGeometry(l, p));
} else f.push(h[c]);
this.updateCustomLinks(this.createCellMapping(g, k), h, this);
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.CELLS_ADDED, 'cells', h));
} finally {
return f;
Graph.prototype.insertImage = function (a, b, c) {
if (null != a && null != this.cellEditor.textarea) {
for (var d = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('img'), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
document.execCommand('insertimage', !1, a);
a = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (a.length == e.length + 1)
for (f = a.length - 1; 0 <= f; f--)
if (0 == f || a[f] != e[f - 1]) {
a[f].setAttribute('width', b);
a[f].setAttribute('height', c);
Graph.prototype.insertLink = function (a) {
if (null != this.cellEditor.textarea)
if (0 == a.length) document.execCommand('unlink', !1);
else if (mxClient.IS_FF) {
for (var b = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('a'), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
document.execCommand('createlink', !1, mxUtils.trim(a));
b = this.cellEditor.textarea.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (b.length == c.length + 1)
for (d = b.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--)
if (b[d] != c[d - 1]) {
for (b = b[d].getElementsByTagName('a'); 0 < b.length; ) {
for (c = b[0].parentNode; null != b[0].firstChild; ) c.insertBefore(b[0].firstChild, b[0]);
} else document.execCommand('createlink', !1, mxUtils.trim(a));
Graph.prototype.isCellResizable = function (a) {
var b = mxGraph.prototype.isCellResizable.apply(this, arguments),
c = this.getCurrentCellStyle(a);
return (
!this.isTableCell(a) &&
!this.isTableRow(a) &&
(b ||
('0' != mxUtils.getValue(c, mxConstants.STYLE_RESIZABLE, '1') && 'wrap' == c[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE]))
Graph.prototype.distributeCells = function (a, b) {
null == b && (b = this.getSelectionCells());
if (null != b && 1 < b.length) {
for (var c = [], d = null, e = null, f = 0; f < b.length; f++)
if (this.getModel().isVertex(b[f])) {
var g = this.view.getState(b[f]);
if (null != g) {
var k = a ? g.getCenterX() : g.getCenterY(),
d = null != d ? Math.max(d, k) : k,
e = null != e ? Math.min(e, k) : k;
if (2 < c.length) {
c.sort(function (b, c) {
return a ? b.x - c.x : b.y - c.y;
g = this.view.translate;
k = this.view.scale;
e = e / k - (a ? g.x : g.y);
d = d / k - (a ? g.x : g.y);
try {
for (var h = (d - e) / (c.length - 1), d = e, f = 1; f < c.length - 1; f++) {
var l = this.view.getState(this.model.getParent(c[f].cell)),
m = this.getCellGeometry(c[f].cell),
d = d + h;
null != m &&
null != l &&
((m = m.clone()),
? (m.x = Math.round(d - m.width / 2) - l.origin.x)
: (m.y = Math.round(d - m.height / 2) - l.origin.y),
this.getModel().setGeometry(c[f].cell, m));
} finally {
return b;
Graph.prototype.isCloneEvent = function (a) {
return (mxClient.IS_MAC && mxEvent.isMetaDown(a)) || mxEvent.isControlDown(a);
Graph.prototype.createSvgImageExport = function () {
var a = new mxImageExport();
a.getLinkForCellState = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
return this.getLinkForCell(a.cell);
return a;
Graph.prototype.parseBackgroundImage = function (a) {
var b = null;
null != a && 0 < a.length && ((a = JSON.parse(a)), (b = new mxImage(a.src, a.width, a.height)));
return b;
Graph.prototype.getBackgroundImageObject = function (a) {
return a;
Graph.prototype.getSvg = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, p, t) {
var E = null;
if (null != t) for (E = new mxDictionary(), m = 0; m < t.length; m++) E.put(t[m], !0);
if ((t = this.useCssTransforms)) (this.useCssTransforms = !1), this.view.revalidate(), this.sizeDidChange();
try {
b = null != b ? b : 1;
c = null != c ? c : 0;
e = null != e ? e : !0;
f = null != f ? f : !0;
g = null != g ? g : !0;
l = null != l ? l : !1;
var I =
'page' == p
? this.view.getBackgroundPageBounds()
: (f && null == E) || d || 'diagram' == p
? this.getGraphBounds()
: this.getBoundingBox(this.getSelectionCells()),
F = this.view.scale;
'diagram' == p &&
null != this.backgroundImage &&
((I = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(I)),
new mxRectangle(
(this.view.translate.x + this.backgroundImage.x) * F,
(this.view.translate.y + this.backgroundImage.y) * F,
this.backgroundImage.width * F,
this.backgroundImage.height * F
if (null == I) throw Error(mxResources.get('drawingEmpty'));
var r = mxUtils.createXmlDocument(),
N = null != r.createElementNS ? r.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'svg') : r.createElement('svg');
null != a &&
(null != ? ( = a) : N.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:' + a));
null == r.createElementNS
? (N.setAttribute('xmlns', mxConstants.NS_SVG), N.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK))
: N.setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
a = b / F;
var u = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(I.width * a) + 2 * c) + (l && 0 == c ? 5 : 0),
V = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(I.height * a) + 2 * c) + (l && 0 == c ? 5 : 0);
N.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
N.setAttribute('width', u + 'px');
N.setAttribute('height', V + 'px');
N.setAttribute('viewBox', (e ? '-0.5 -0.5' : '0 0') + ' ' + u + ' ' + V);
var v = null != r.createElementNS ? r.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g') : r.createElement('g');
var Q = this.createSvgCanvas(v);
Q.foOffset = e ? -0.5 : 0;
Q.textOffset = e ? -0.5 : 0;
Q.imageOffset = e ? -0.5 : 0;
Q.translate(Math.floor(c / b - I.x / F), Math.floor(c / b - I.y / F));
var x = document.createElement('div'),
z = Q.getAlternateText;
Q.getAlternateText = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l, m, n, E) {
if (null != f && 0 < this.state.fontSize)
try {
? (f = f.innerText)
: ((x.innerHTML = f), (f = mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace(x.childNodes)));
for (
var p = Math.ceil((2 * d) / this.state.fontSize), I = [], q = 0, w = 0;
(0 == p || q < p) && w < f.length;
) {
var y = f.charCodeAt(w);
if (10 == y || 13 == y) {
if (0 < q) break;
} else I.push(f.charAt(w)), 255 > y && q++;
I.length < f.length && 1 < f.length - I.length && (f = mxUtils.trim(I.join('')) + '...');
return f;
} catch (A) {
return z.apply(this, arguments);
else return z.apply(this, arguments);
var X = this.backgroundImage;
if (null != X) {
b = F / b;
var B = this.view.translate,
C = new mxRectangle((X.x + B.x) * b, (X.y + B.y) * b, X.width * b, X.height * b);
mxUtils.intersects(I, C) && Q.image(X.x + B.x, X.y + B.y, X.width, X.height, X.src, !0);
Q.textEnabled = g;
k = null != k ? k : this.createSvgImageExport();
var D = k.drawCellState,
J = k.getLinkForCellState;
k.getLinkForCellState = function (a, b) {
var c = J.apply(this, arguments);
return null == c || a.view.graph.isCustomLink(c) ? null : c;
k.getLinkTargetForCellState = function (a, b) {
return a.view.graph.getLinkTargetForCell(a.cell);
k.drawCellState = function (a, b) {
for (
var c = a.view.graph,
d = null != E ? E.get(a.cell) : c.isCellSelected(a.cell),
e = c.model.getParent(a.cell);
!((f && null == E) || d) && null != e;
(d = null != E ? E.get(e) : c.isCellSelected(e)), (e = c.model.getParent(e));
((f && null == E) || d) && D.apply(this, arguments);
k.drawState(this.getView().getState(this.model.root), Q);
this.updateSvgLinks(N, h, !0);
this.addForeignObjectWarning(Q, N);
return N;
} finally {
t && ((this.useCssTransforms = !0), this.view.revalidate(), this.sizeDidChange());
Graph.prototype.addForeignObjectWarning = function (a, b) {
if ('0' != urlParams['svg-warning'] && 0 < b.getElementsByTagName('foreignObject').length) {
var c = a.createElement('switch'),
d = a.createElement('g');
d.setAttribute('requiredFeatures', '');
var e = a.createElement('a');
e.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0,-5)');
null == e.setAttributeNS || (b.ownerDocument != document && null == document.documentMode)
? (e.setAttribute('xlink:href', Graph.foreignObjectWarningLink), e.setAttribute('target', '_blank'))
: (e.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href', Graph.foreignObjectWarningLink),
e.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'target', '_blank'));
var f = a.createElement('text');
f.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'middle');
f.setAttribute('font-size', '10px');
f.setAttribute('x', '50%');
f.setAttribute('y', '100%');
mxUtils.write(f, Graph.foreignObjectWarningText);
Graph.prototype.updateSvgLinks = function (a, b, c) {
a = a.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (null == a[d].getAttribute('target')) {
var e = a[d].getAttribute('href');
null == e && (e = a[d].getAttribute('xlink:href'));
null != e &&
(null != b && /^https?:\/\//.test(e)
? a[d].setAttribute('target', b)
: c && this.isCustomLink(e) && a[d].setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);'));
Graph.prototype.createSvgCanvas = function (a) {
a = new mxSvgCanvas2D(a);
a.minStrokeWidth = this.cellRenderer.minSvgStrokeWidth;
a.pointerEvents = !0;
return a;
Graph.prototype.getSelectedElement = function () {
var a = null;
if (window.getSelection) {
var b = window.getSelection();
b.getRangeAt && b.rangeCount && (a = b.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer);
} else document.selection && (a = document.selection.createRange().parentElement());
return a;
Graph.prototype.getSelectedEditingElement = function () {
for (var a = this.getSelectedElement(); null != a && a.nodeType != mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT; )
a = a.parentNode;
null != a &&
a == this.cellEditor.textarea &&
1 == this.cellEditor.textarea.children.length &&
this.cellEditor.textarea.firstChild.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT &&
(a = this.cellEditor.textarea.firstChild);
return a;
Graph.prototype.getParentByName = function (a, b, c) {
for (; null != a && a.nodeName != b; ) {
if (a == c) return null;
a = a.parentNode;
return a;
Graph.prototype.getParentByNames = function (a, b, c) {
for (; null != a && !(0 <= mxUtils.indexOf(b, a.nodeName)); ) {
if (a == c) return null;
a = a.parentNode;
return a;
Graph.prototype.selectNode = function (a) {
var b = null;
if (window.getSelection) {
if (((b = window.getSelection()), b.getRangeAt && b.rangeCount)) {
var c = document.createRange();
} else
(b = document.selection) &&
'Control' != b.type &&
((a = b.createRange()), a.collapse(!0), (c = b.createRange()), c.setEndPoint('StartToStart', a),;
Graph.prototype.flipEdgePoints = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getCellGeometry(a);
if (null != d) {
d = d.clone();
if (null != d.points)
for (var e = 0; e < d.points.length; e++)
b ? (d.points[e].x = c + (c - d.points[e].x)) : (d.points[e].y = c + (c - d.points[e].y));
e = function (a) {
null != a && (b ? (a.x = c + (c - a.x)) : (a.y = c + (c - a.y)));
this.model.setGeometry(a, d);
Graph.prototype.flipChildren = function (a, b, c) {
try {
for (var d = this.model.getChildCount(a), e = 0; e < d; e++) {
var f = this.model.getChildAt(a, e);
if (this.model.isEdge(f)) this.flipEdgePoints(f, b, c);
else {
var g = this.getCellGeometry(f);
null != g &&
((g = g.clone()),
b ? (g.x = c + (c - g.x - g.width)) : (g.y = c + (c - g.y - g.height)),
this.model.setGeometry(f, g));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.flipCells = function (a, b) {
try {
a = this.model.getTopmostCells(a);
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (this.model.isEdge(a[d])) {
var e = this.view.getState(a[d]);
null != e &&
(b ? e.getCenterX() : e.getCenterY()) / this.view.scale -
(b ? e.origin.x : e.origin.y) -
(b ? this.view.translate.x : this.view.translate.y)
} else {
var f = this.getCellGeometry(a[d]);
null != f && this.flipChildren(a[d], b, b ? f.getCenterX() - f.x : f.getCenterY() - f.y);
this.toggleCellStyles(b ? mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH : mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV, !1, c);
} finally {
Graph.prototype.deleteCells = function (a, b) {
var c = null;
if (null != a && 0 < a.length) {
try {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = this.model.getParent(a[d]);
if (this.isTable(e)) {
var f = this.getCellGeometry(a[d]),
g = this.getCellGeometry(e);
null != f && null != g && ((g = g.clone()), (g.height -= f.height), this.model.setGeometry(e, g));
var k = this.selectParentAfterDelete ? this.model.getParents(a) : null;
this.removeCells(a, b);
} finally {
if (null != k)
for (c = [], d = 0; d < k.length; d++)
this.model.contains(k[d]) && (this.model.isVertex(k[d]) || this.model.isEdge(k[d])) && c.push(k[d]);
return c;
Graph.prototype.insertTableColumn = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getModel();
try {
var d = a,
e = 0;
if (this.isTableCell(a))
var f = c.getParent(a),
d = c.getParent(f),
e = mxUtils.indexOf(c.getChildCells(f, !0), a);
this.isTableRow(a) ? (d = c.getParent(a)) : (a = c.getChildCells(d, !0)[0]),
b || (e = c.getChildCells(a, !0).length - 1);
for (var g = c.getChildCells(d, !0), k = Graph.minTableColumnWidth, f = 0; f < g.length; f++) {
var h = c.getChildCells(g[f], !0)[e],
l = c.cloneCell(h, !1),
m = this.getCellGeometry(l);
l.value = null; = mxUtils.setStyle(mxUtils.setStyle(, 'rowspan', null), 'colspan', null);
if (null != m) {
null != m.alternateBounds &&
((m.width = m.alternateBounds.width), (m.height = m.alternateBounds.height), (m.alternateBounds = null));
var k = m.width,
n = this.getCellGeometry(g[f]);
null != n && (m.height = n.height);
c.add(g[f], l, e + (b ? 0 : 1));
var p = this.getCellGeometry(d);
null != p && ((p = p.clone()), (p.width += k), c.setGeometry(d, p));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.deleteLane = function (a) {
var b = this.getModel();
try {
var c = null,
c = 'stackLayout' == this.getCurrentCellStyle(a).childLayout ? a : b.getParent(a),
d = b.getChildCells(c, !0);
0 == d.length ? b.remove(c) : (c == a && (a = d[d.length - 1]), b.remove(a));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.insertLane = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getModel();
try {
var d = null,
e = a;
if ('stackLayout' == this.getCurrentCellStyle(e).childLayout)
var d = e,
f = c.getChildCells(d, !0),
e = f[b ? 0 : f.length - 1];
else d = c.getParent(e);
var g = d.getIndex(e),
e = c.cloneCell(e, !1);
e.value = null;
c.add(d, e, g + (b ? 0 : 1));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.insertTableRow = function (a, b) {
var c = this.getModel();
try {
var d = a,
e = a;
if (this.isTableCell(a)) (e = c.getParent(a)), (d = c.getParent(e));
else if (this.isTableRow(a)) d = c.getParent(a);
var f = c.getChildCells(d, !0),
e = f[b ? 0 : f.length - 1];
var g = c.getChildCells(e, !0),
k = d.getIndex(e),
e = c.cloneCell(e, !1);
e.value = null;
var h = this.getCellGeometry(e);
if (null != h) {
for (f = 0; f < g.length; f++) {
a = c.cloneCell(g[f], !1);
a.value = null; = mxUtils.setStyle(mxUtils.setStyle(, 'rowspan', null), 'colspan', null);
var l = this.getCellGeometry(a);
null != l &&
(null != l.alternateBounds &&
((l.width = l.alternateBounds.width),
(l.height = l.alternateBounds.height),
(l.alternateBounds = null)),
(l.height = h.height));
c.add(d, e, k + (b ? 0 : 1));
var m = this.getCellGeometry(d);
null != m && ((m = m.clone()), (m.height += h.height), c.setGeometry(d, m));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.deleteTableColumn = function (a) {
var b = this.getModel();
try {
var c = a,
d = a;
this.isTableCell(a) && (d = b.getParent(a));
this.isTableRow(d) && (c = b.getParent(d));
var e = b.getChildCells(c, !0);
if (0 == e.length) b.remove(c);
else {
this.isTableRow(d) || (d = e[0]);
var f = b.getChildCells(d, !0);
if (1 >= f.length) b.remove(c);
else {
var g = f.length - 1;
this.isTableCell(a) && (g = mxUtils.indexOf(f, a));
for (d = a = 0; d < e.length; d++) {
var k = b.getChildCells(e[d], !0)[g];
var h = this.getCellGeometry(k);
null != h && (a = Math.max(a, h.width));
var l = this.getCellGeometry(c);
null != l && ((l = l.clone()), (l.width -= a), b.setGeometry(c, l));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.deleteTableRow = function (a) {
var b = this.getModel();
try {
var c = a,
d = a;
this.isTableCell(a) && (a = d = b.getParent(a));
this.isTableRow(a) && (c = b.getParent(d));
var e = b.getChildCells(c, !0);
if (1 >= e.length) b.remove(c);
else {
this.isTableRow(d) || (d = e[e.length - 1]);
a = 0;
var f = this.getCellGeometry(d);
null != f && (a = f.height);
var g = this.getCellGeometry(c);
null != g && ((g = g.clone()), (g.height -= a), b.setGeometry(c, g));
} finally {
Graph.prototype.insertRow = function (a, b) {
for (var c = a.tBodies[0], d = c.rows[0].cells, e = 0, f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
var g = d[f].getAttribute('colspan'), e = e + (null != g ? parseInt(g) : 1);
c = c.insertRow(b);
for (f = 0; f < e; f++);
return c.cells[0];
Graph.prototype.deleteRow = function (a, b) {
Graph.prototype.insertColumn = function (a, b) {
var c = a.tHead;
if (null != c)
for (var d = 0; d < c.rows.length; d++) {
var e = document.createElement('th');
c = a.tBodies[0];
for (d = 0; d < c.rows.length; d++) (e = c.rows[d].insertCell(b)),;
return c.rows[0].cells[0 <= b ? b : c.rows[0].cells.length - 1];
Graph.prototype.deleteColumn = function (a, b) {
if (0 <= b) for (var c = a.tBodies[0].rows, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) c[d].cells.length > b && c[d].deleteCell(b);
Graph.prototype.pasteHtmlAtCaret = function (a) {
var b;
if (window.getSelection) {
if (((b = window.getSelection()), b.getRangeAt && b.rangeCount)) {
b = b.getRangeAt(0);
var c = document.createElement('div');
c.innerHTML = a;
a = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var d; (d = c.firstChild); ) lastNode = a.appendChild(d);
} else (b = document.selection) && 'Control' != b.type && b.createRange().pasteHTML(a);
Graph.prototype.createLinkForHint = function (a, b) {
function c(a, b) {
a.length > b && (a = a.substring(0, Math.round(b / 2)) + '...' + a.substring(a.length - Math.round(b / 4)));
return a;
a = null != a ? a : 'javascript:void(0);';
if (null == b || 0 == b.length) b = this.isCustomLink(a) ? this.getLinkTitle(a) : a;
var d = document.createElement('a');
d.setAttribute('rel', this.linkRelation);
d.setAttribute('href', this.getAbsoluteUrl(a));
d.setAttribute('title', c(this.isCustomLink(a) ? this.getLinkTitle(a) : a, 80));
null != this.linkTarget && d.setAttribute('target', this.linkTarget);
mxUtils.write(d, c(b, 40));
this.isCustomLink(a) &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
return d;
Graph.prototype.initTouch = function () {
this.connectionHandler.marker.isEnabled = function () {
return null != this.graph.connectionHandler.first;
this.addListener(mxEvent.START_EDITING, function (a, b) {
var a = this.updateMouseEvent;
this.updateMouseEvent = function (b) {
b = a.apply(this, arguments);
if (mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) && null == b.getState()) {
var c = this.getCellAt(b.graphX, b.graphY);
(null != c && this.isSwimlane(c) && this.hitsSwimlaneContent(c, b.graphX, b.graphY)) ||
((b.state = this.view.getState(c)),
null != b.state &&
null != b.state.shape &&
( =;
null == b.getState() && this.isEnabled() && ( = 'default');
return b;
var b = !1,
c = !1,
d = !1,
e = this.fireMouseEvent;
this.fireMouseEvent = function (a, f, g) {
a == mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN &&
((f = this.updateMouseEvent(f)),
(b = this.isCellSelected(f.getCell())),
(c = this.isSelectionEmpty()),
(d = this.popupMenuHandler.isMenuShowing()));
e.apply(this, arguments);
this.popupMenuHandler.mouseUp = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, e) {
var f = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(e.getEvent());
this.popupMenuHandler.popupTrigger =
!this.isEditing() &&
this.isEnabled() &&
(null == e.getState() || !e.isSource(e.getState().control)) &&
(this.popupMenuHandler.popupTrigger ||
(!d &&
!f &&
((c && null == e.getCell() && this.isSelectionEmpty()) || (b && this.isCellSelected(e.getCell())))));
f =
!b || f
? null
: mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
if (!this.isEditing()) {
var b = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin();
this.popupMenuHandler.popup(e.getX() + b.x + 1, e.getY() + b.y + 1, a, e.getEvent());
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseUp.apply(this.popupMenuHandler, [a, e, f]);
mxCellEditor.prototype.isContentEditing = function () {
var a = this.graph.view.getState(this.editingCell);
return null != a && 1 ==;
mxCellEditor.prototype.isTableSelected = function () {
return null != this.graph.getParentByName(this.graph.getSelectedElement(), 'TABLE', this.textarea);
mxCellEditor.prototype.isTextSelected = function () {
var a = '';
? (a = window.getSelection())
: document.getSelection
? (a = document.getSelection())
: document.selection && (a = document.selection.createRange().text);
return '' != a;
mxCellEditor.prototype.insertTab = function (a) {
var b = this.textarea.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(),
c = b.getRangeAt(0),
d = '\t';
if (null != a) for (d = ''; 0 < a; ) (d += ' '), a--;
a = document.createElement('span'); = 'pre';
mxCellEditor.prototype.alignText = function (a, b) {
var c = null != b && mxEvent.isShiftDown(b);
if (c || (null != window.getSelection && null != window.getSelection().containsNode)) {
var d = !0;
this.graph.processElements(this.textarea, function (a) {
c || window.getSelection().containsNode(a, !0)
? (a.removeAttribute('align'), ( = null))
: (d = !1);
d && this.graph.cellEditor.setAlign(a);
document.execCommand('justify' + a.toLowerCase(), !1, null);
mxCellEditor.prototype.saveSelection = function () {
if (window.getSelection) {
var a = window.getSelection();
if (a.getRangeAt && a.rangeCount) {
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.rangeCount; c < d; ++c) b.push(a.getRangeAt(c));
return b;
} else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) return document.selection.createRange();
return null;
mxCellEditor.prototype.restoreSelection = function (a) {
try {
if (a)
if (window.getSelection) {
sel = window.getSelection();
for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; ++b) sel.addRange(a[b]);
} else document.selection && &&;
} catch (N) {}
var t = mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel;
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel = function (a) {
null != a.text && (a.text.replaceLinefeeds = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'nl2Br', '1'));
t.apply(this, arguments);
var u = mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update;
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function (a, b) {
this.isKeepFocusEvent(a) || !mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent()) ? u.apply(this, arguments) : this.reset();
mxGuide.prototype.createGuideShape = function (a) {
return new mxPolyline([], mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR, mxConstants.GUIDE_STROKEWIDTH);
mxCellEditor.prototype.escapeCancelsEditing = !1;
var x = mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing;
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function (a, b) {
a = this.graph.getStartEditingCell(a, b);
x.apply(this, arguments);
var c = this.graph.view.getState(a);
this.textarea.className =
null != c && 1 == ? 'mxCellEditor geContentEditable' : 'mxCellEditor mxPlainTextEditor';
this.codeViewMode = !1;
this.switchSelectionState = null;
var c = this.graph.getModel().getParent(a),
d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a);
if ((this.graph.getModel().isEdge(c) && null != d && d.relative) || this.graph.getModel().isEdge(a)) =
mxClient.IS_IE || mxClient.IS_IE11 || (mxClient.IS_FF && mxClient.IS_WIN) ? 'gray dotted 1px' : '';
var z = mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners;
mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners = function (a) {
function b(a, c) {
c.originalNode = a;
a = a.firstChild;
for (var d = c.firstChild; null != a && null != d; ) b(a, d), (a = a.nextSibling), (d = d.nextSibling);
return c;
function c(a, b) {
if (null != a)
if (b.originalNode != a) d(a);
for (a = a.firstChild, b = b.firstChild; null != a; ) {
var e = a.nextSibling;
null == b ? d(a) : (c(a, b), (b = b.nextSibling));
a = e;
function d(a) {
for (var b = a.firstChild; null != b; ) {
var c = b.nextSibling;
b = c;
(1 == a.nodeType && ('BR' === a.nodeName || null != a.firstChild)) ||
(3 == a.nodeType && 0 != mxUtils.trim(mxUtils.getTextContent(a)).length)
? (3 == a.nodeType && mxUtils.setTextContent(a, mxUtils.getTextContent(a).replace(/\n|\r/g, '')),
1 == a.nodeType &&
: a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
z.apply(this, arguments);
7 !== document.documentMode &&
8 !== document.documentMode &&
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
var d = b(this.textarea, this.textarea.cloneNode(!0));
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
null != this.textarea &&
(0 <= this.textarea.innerHTML.indexOf('<o:OfficeDocumentSettings>') ||
0 <= this.textarea.innerHTML.indexOf('\x3c!--[if !mso]>')
? c(this.textarea, d)
: Graph.removePasteFormatting(this.textarea));
mxCellEditor.prototype.toggleViewMode = function () {
var a = this.graph.view.getState(this.editingCell);
if (null != a) {
var b = null != a && '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'nl2Br', '1'),
c = this.saveSelection();
if (this.codeViewMode) {
h = mxUtils.extractTextWithWhitespace(this.textarea.childNodes);
0 < h.length && '\n' == h.charAt(h.length - 1) && (h = h.substring(0, h.length - 1));
h = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(b ? h.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : h, !0);
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor geContentEditable';
var d = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE),
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY),
e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT),
f =
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) ==
g =
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) ==
k = [];
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) ==
mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE && k.push('underline');
(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSTYLE, 0) & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) ==
mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH && k.push('line-through'); = mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT
? Math.round(d * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT; = Math.round(d) + 'px'; = k.join(' '); = f ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = g ? 'italic' : ''; = b; = e; = '0px';
this.textarea.innerHTML != h &&
((this.textarea.innerHTML = h),
0 == this.textarea.innerHTML.length &&
((this.textarea.innerHTML = this.getEmptyLabelText()),
(this.clearOnChange = 0 < this.textarea.innerHTML.length)));
this.codeViewMode = !1;
} else {
this.clearOnChange &&
this.textarea.innerHTML == this.getEmptyLabelText() &&
((this.clearOnChange = !1), (this.textarea.innerHTML = ''));
var h = mxUtils.htmlEntities(this.textarea.innerHTML);
8 != document.documentMode && (h = mxUtils.replaceTrailingNewlines(h, '<div><br></div>'));
h = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(b ? h.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/&lt;br\s*.?&gt;/g, '<br>') : h, !0);
this.textarea.className = 'mxCellEditor mxPlainTextEditor';
var d = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE; = mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT
? Math.round(d * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px'
: mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT; = Math.round(d) + 'px'; = ''; = 'normal'; = ''; = mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY; = 'left'; = ''; = '2px';
this.textarea.innerHTML != h && (this.textarea.innerHTML = h);
this.codeViewMode = !0;
null != this.switchSelectionState && this.restoreSelection(this.switchSelectionState);
this.switchSelectionState = c;
var D = mxCellEditor.prototype.resize;
mxCellEditor.prototype.resize = function (a, b) {
if (null != this.textarea)
if (((a = this.graph.getView().getState(this.editingCell)), this.codeViewMode && null != a)) {
var c = a.view.scale;
this.bounds = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(a);
if (0 == this.bounds.width && 0 == this.bounds.height) {
this.bounds.width = 160 * c;
this.bounds.height = 60 * c;
var d = null != a.text ? a.text.margin : null;
null == d &&
(d = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER),
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
this.bounds.x += d.x * this.bounds.width;
this.bounds.y += d.y * this.bounds.height;
} = Math.round((this.bounds.width - 4) / c) + 'px'; = Math.round((this.bounds.height - 4) / c) + 'px'; = 'auto';
this.textarea.clientHeight < this.textarea.offsetHeight &&
(( =
Math.round(this.bounds.height / c) + (this.textarea.offsetHeight - this.textarea.clientHeight) + 'px'),
(this.bounds.height = parseInt( * c));
this.textarea.clientWidth < this.textarea.offsetWidth &&
(( =
Math.round(this.bounds.width / c) + (this.textarea.offsetWidth - this.textarea.clientWidth) + 'px'),
(this.bounds.width = parseInt( * c)); = Math.round(this.bounds.x) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.bounds.y) + 'px';
mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transform', 'scale(' + c + ',' + c + ')');
} else ( = ''), ( = ''), D.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellEditorGetInitialValue = mxCellEditor.prototype.getInitialValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getInitialValue = function (a, b) {
if ('0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'html', '0')) return mxCellEditorGetInitialValue.apply(this, arguments);
var c = this.graph.getEditingValue(a.cell, b);
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'nl2Br', '1') && (c = c.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'));
return (c = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(c, !0));
mxCellEditorGetCurrentValue = mxCellEditor.prototype.getCurrentValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getCurrentValue = function (a) {
if ('0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'html', '0')) return mxCellEditorGetCurrentValue.apply(this, arguments);
var b = this.graph.sanitizeHtml(this.textarea.innerHTML, !0);
return (b =
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'nl2Br', '1')
? b.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br/>').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>')
: b.replace(/\r\n/g, '').replace(/\n/g, ''));
var B = mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing;
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function (a) {
this.codeViewMode && this.toggleViewMode();
B.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellEditor.prototype.focusContainer = function () {
try {
} catch (E) {}
var C = mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue;
mxCellEditor.prototype.applyValue = function (a, b) {
try {
C.apply(this, arguments),
'' == b &&
this.graph.isCellDeletable(a.cell) &&
0 == this.graph.model.getChildCount(a.cell) &&
this.graph.isTransparentState(a) &&
this.graph.removeCells([a.cell], !1);
} finally {
mxCellEditor.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, null);
(null != b && b != mxConstants.NONE) ||
!(null != a.cell.geometry && 0 < a.cell.geometry.width) ||
(0 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0) &&
0 != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1)) ||
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, null));
b == mxConstants.NONE && (b = null);
return b;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getBorderColor = function (a) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BORDERCOLOR, null);
(null != b && b != mxConstants.NONE) ||
!(null != a.cell.geometry && 0 < a.cell.geometry.width) ||
(0 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0) &&
0 != mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1)) ||
(b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, null));
b == mxConstants.NONE && (b = null);
return b;
mxCellEditor.prototype.getMinimumSize = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getView().scale;
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, null == a.text ? 30 : a.text.size * b + 20, 30);
mxGraphHandlerIsValidDropTarget = mxGraphHandler.prototype.isValidDropTarget;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function (a, b) {
return mxGraphHandlerIsValidDropTarget.apply(this, arguments) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent);
mxGraphView.prototype.formatUnitText = function (a) {
return a ? b(a, this.unit) : a;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updateHint = function (c) {
if (null != this.pBounds && (null != this.shape || this.livePreviewActive)) {
null == this.hint && ((this.hint = a()), this.graph.container.appendChild(this.hint));
var d = this.graph.view.translate,
e = this.graph.view.scale;
c = this.roundLength((this.bounds.x + this.currentDx) / e - d.x);
d = this.roundLength((this.bounds.y + this.currentDy) / e - d.y);
e = this.graph.view.unit;
this.hint.innerHTML = b(c, e) + ', ' + b(d, e); =
this.pBounds.x + this.currentDx + Math.round((this.pBounds.width - this.hint.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px'; = this.pBounds.y + this.currentDy + this.pBounds.height + Editor.hintOffset + 'px';
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint = function () {
null != this.hint && (this.hint.parentNode.removeChild(this.hint), (this.hint = null));
var J = mxStackLayout.prototype.resizeCell;
mxStackLayout.prototype.resizeCell = function (a, b) {
J.apply(this, arguments);
var c = this.graph.getCellStyle(a);
if (null == c.childLayout) {
var d = this.graph.model.getParent(a),
e = null != d ? this.graph.getCellGeometry(d) : null;
if (null != e && ((c = this.graph.getCellStyle(d)), 'stackLayout' == c.childLayout)) {
var f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(c, 'stackBorder', mxStackLayout.prototype.border)),
c = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(c, 'horizontalStack', '1'),
g = this.graph.getActualStartSize(d),
e = e.clone();
c ? (e.height = b.height + g.y + g.height + 2 * f) : (e.width = b.width + g.x + g.width + 2 * f);
this.graph.model.setGeometry(d, e);
var v = mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.getHandledSelectionCells;
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.getHandledSelectionCells = function () {
function a(a) {
c.get(a) || (c.put(a, !0), e.push(a));
for (
var b = v.apply(this, arguments), c = new mxDictionary(), d = this.graph.model, e = [], f = 0;
f < b.length;
) {
var g = b[f];
this.graph.isTableCell(g) ? a(d.getParent(d.getParent(g))) : this.graph.isTableRow(g) && a(d.getParent(g));
return e;
var K = mxVertexHandler.prototype.createParentHighlightShape;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.createParentHighlightShape = function (a) {
var b = K.apply(this, arguments);
b.stroke = '#C0C0C0';
b.strokewidth = 1;
return b;
var O = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createParentHighlightShape;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createParentHighlightShape = function (a) {
var b = O.apply(this, arguments);
b.stroke = '#C0C0C0';
b.strokewidth = 1;
return b;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationHandleVSpacing = -12;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getRotationHandlePosition = function () {
var a = this.getHandlePadding();
return new mxPoint(
this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width - this.rotationHandleVSpacing + a.x / 2,
this.bounds.y + this.rotationHandleVSpacing - a.y / 2
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRecursiveResize = function (a, b) {
return this.graph.isRecursiveVertexResize(a) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent());
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCenteredEvent = function (a, b) {
return mxEvent.isControlDown(b.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isMetaDown(b.getEvent());
var T = mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRotationHandleVisible;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRotationHandleVisible = function () {
return (
T.apply(this, arguments) &&
!this.graph.isTableCell(this.state.cell) &&
!this.graph.isTableRow(this.state.cell) &&
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSizerBounds = function () {
return this.graph.isTableCell(this.state.cell)
? this.graph.view.getState(this.graph.model.getParent(this.graph.model.getParent(this.state.cell)))
: this.bounds;
var M = mxVertexHandler.prototype.isParentHighlightVisible;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isParentHighlightVisible = function () {
return (
M.apply(this, arguments) && !this.graph.isTableCell(this.state.cell) && !this.graph.isTableRow(this.state.cell)
var U = mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleVisible;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleVisible = function (a) {
return (
a.tableHandle ||
(U.apply(this, arguments) &&
(!this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell) || this.graph.isCellSelected(this.state.cell)))
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBorderInset = function () {
var a = 0;
this.graph.isTableRow(this.state.cell) ? (a = 1) : this.graph.isTableCell(this.state.cell) && (a = 2);
return a;
var da = mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBorderBounds;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBorderBounds = function () {
return da.apply(this, arguments).grow(-this.getSelectionBorderInset());
var ha = null,
Y = mxVertexHandler.prototype.createCustomHandles;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.createCustomHandles = function () {
null == ha && (ha = mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes.tableLine);
var a = Y.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell)) {
var b = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var g = a[e];
d.push(null == g ? null : new mxPoint((h + g.x + b) * f, (l + g.y + c) * f));
return d;
c = this,
d = this.graph,
e = d.model,
f = d.view.scale,
g = this.state,
k = this.selectionBorder,
h = this.state.origin.x + d.view.translate.x,
l = this.state.origin.y + d.view.translate.y;
null == a && (a = []);
var m = d.view.getCellStates(e.getChildCells(this.state.cell, !0));
if (0 < m.length) {
for (
var n = e.getChildCells(m[0].cell, !0),
p = d.getTableLines(this.state.cell, !1, !0),
t = d.getTableLines(this.state.cell, !0, !1),
e = 0;
e < m.length;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (e) {
var h = m[e],
l = e < m.length - 1 ? m[e + 1] : null,
l = null != l ? d.getCellGeometry(l.cell) : null,
n = null != l && null != l.alternateBounds ? l.alternateBounds : l,
l =
null != t[e]
? new ha(t[e], mxConstants.NONE, 1)
: new mxLine(new mxRectangle(), mxConstants.NONE, 1, !1);
l.isDashed = k.isDashed;
h = new mxHandle(h, 'row-resize', null, l);
h.tableHandle = !0;
var p = 0;
h.shape.node.parentNode.insertBefore(h.shape.node, h.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild);
h.redraw = function () {
if (null != this.shape) {
this.shape.stroke = 0 == p ? mxConstants.NONE : k.stroke;
if (this.shape.constructor == ha)
(this.shape.line = b(t[e], 0, p)), this.shape.updateBoundsFromLine();
else {
var a = d.getActualStartSize(g.cell, !0);
this.shape.bounds.height = 1;
this.shape.bounds.y = this.state.y + this.state.height + p * f;
this.shape.bounds.x = g.x + (e == m.length - 1 ? 0 : a.x * f);
this.shape.bounds.width = g.width - (e == m.length - 1 ? 0 : a.width + a.x + f);
var r = !1;
h.setPosition = function (a, b, c) {
p = Math.max(Graph.minTableRowHeight - a.height, b.y - a.y - a.height);
r = mxEvent.isShiftDown(c.getEvent());
null != n && r && (p = Math.min(p, n.height - Graph.minTableRowHeight));
h.execute = function (a) {
if (0 != p) d.setTableRowHeight(this.state.cell, p, !r);
else if (!c.blockDelayedSelection) {
var b = d.getCellAt(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY()) || g.cell;
d.graphHandler.selectCellForEvent(b, a);
p = 0;
h.reset = function () {
p = 0;
for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++)
mxUtils.bind(this, function (e) {
var h = d.view.getState(n[e]),
l = d.getCellGeometry(n[e]),
m = null != l.alternateBounds ? l.alternateBounds : l;
null == h &&
((h = new mxCellState(d.view, n[e], d.getCellStyle(n[e]))),
(h.x = g.x + l.x * f),
(h.y = g.y + l.y * f),
(h.width = m.width * f),
(h.height = m.height * f),
var l = e < n.length - 1 ? n[e + 1] : null,
l = null != l ? d.getCellGeometry(l) : null,
t = null != l && null != l.alternateBounds ? l.alternateBounds : l,
l =
null != p[e]
? new ha(p[e], mxConstants.NONE, 1)
: new mxLine(new mxRectangle(), mxConstants.NONE, 1, !0);
l.isDashed = k.isDashed;
h = new mxHandle(h, 'col-resize', null, l);
h.tableHandle = !0;
var r = 0;
h.shape.node.parentNode.insertBefore(h.shape.node, h.shape.node.parentNode.firstChild);
h.redraw = function () {
if (null != this.shape) {
this.shape.stroke = 0 == r ? mxConstants.NONE : k.stroke;
if (this.shape.constructor == ha)
(this.shape.line = b(p[e], r, 0)), this.shape.updateBoundsFromLine();
else {
var a = d.getActualStartSize(g.cell, !0);
this.shape.bounds.width = 1;
this.shape.bounds.x = this.state.x + (m.width + r) * f;
this.shape.bounds.y = g.y + (e == n.length - 1 ? 0 : a.y * f);
this.shape.bounds.height = g.height - (e == n.length - 1 ? 0 : (a.height + a.y) * f);
var u = !1;
h.setPosition = function (a, b, c) {
r = Math.max(Graph.minTableColumnWidth - m.width, b.x - a.x - m.width);
u = mxEvent.isShiftDown(c.getEvent());
null == t || u || (r = Math.min(r, t.width - Graph.minTableColumnWidth));
h.execute = function (a) {
if (0 != r) d.setTableColumnWidth(this.state.cell, r, u);
else if (!c.blockDelayedSelection) {
var b = d.getCellAt(a.getGraphX(), a.getGraphY()) || g.cell;
d.graphHandler.selectCellForEvent(b, a);
r = 0;
h.positionChanged = function () {};
h.reset = function () {
r = 0;
return null != a ? a.reverse() : null;
var P = mxVertexHandler.prototype.setHandlesVisible;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.setHandlesVisible = function (a) {
P.apply(this, arguments);
if (null != this.moveHandles)
for (var b = 0; b < this.moveHandles.length; b++) this.moveHandles[b].style.visibility = a ? '' : 'hidden';
if (null != this.cornerHandles)
for (b = 0; b < this.cornerHandles.length; b++) this.cornerHandles[b] = a ? '' : 'hidden';
mxVertexHandler.prototype.refreshMoveHandles = function () {
var a = this.graph.model;
if (null != this.moveHandles) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.moveHandles.length; b++)
this.moveHandles = null;
this.moveHandles = [];
for (b = 0; b < a.getChildCount(this.state.cell); b++)
mxUtils.bind(this, function (b) {
if (null != b && a.isVertex(b.cell)) {
var c = mxUtils.createImage(Editor.rowMoveImage); = 'absolute'; = 'pointer'; = '7px'; = '4px'; = '4px 2px 4px 2px';
c.rowState = b;
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
(!this.graph.isToggleEvent(a) && this.graph.isCellSelected(b.cell)) ||
this.graph.selectCellForEvent(b.cell, a);
mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(a) ||
(this.graph.graphHandler.cellWasClicked = !0),
(this.graph.isMouseTrigger = mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a)),
(this.graph.isMouseDown = !0));
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(a) &&
(this.graph.popupMenuHandler.popup(mxEvent.getClientX(a), mxEvent.getClientY(a), b.cell, a),
})(this.graph.view.getState(a.getChildAt(this.state.cell, b)));
mxVertexHandler.prototype.refresh = function () {
if (null != this.customHandles) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.customHandles.length; a++) this.customHandles[a].destroy();
this.customHandles = this.createCustomHandles();
this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell) && this.refreshMoveHandles();
var Oa = mxVertexHandler.prototype.getHandlePadding;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getHandlePadding = function () {
var a = new mxPoint(0, 0),
b = this.tolerance,
c =;
null == mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[c] && mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(c);
c = this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell) || this.graph.cellEditor.getEditingCell() == this.state.cell;
if (!c && null != this.customHandles)
for (var d = 0; d < this.customHandles.length; d++)
if (null != this.customHandles[d].shape && null != this.customHandles[d].shape.bounds) {
var e = this.customHandles[d].shape.bounds,
f = e.getCenterX(),
g = e.getCenterY();
if (
Math.abs(this.state.x - f) < e.width / 2 ||
Math.abs(this.state.y - g) < e.height / 2 ||
Math.abs(this.state.x + this.state.width - f) < e.width / 2 ||
Math.abs(this.state.y + this.state.height - g) < e.height / 2
) {
c = !0;
c && null != this.sizers && 0 < this.sizers.length && null != this.sizers[0]
? ((b /= 2),
this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell) && (b += 7),
(a.x = this.sizers[0].bounds.width + b),
(a.y = this.sizers[0].bounds.height + b))
: (a = Oa.apply(this, arguments));
return a;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateHint = function (c) {
if (this.index != mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE) {
null == this.hint && ((this.hint = a()), this.state.view.graph.container.appendChild(this.hint));
if (this.index == mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE) this.hint.innerHTML = this.currentAlpha + '&deg;';
else {
c = this.state.view.scale;
var d = this.state.view.unit;
this.hint.innerHTML =
b(this.roundLength(this.bounds.width / c), d) + ' x ' + b(this.roundLength(this.bounds.height / c), d);
c = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(
null != this.currentAlpha ? this.currentAlpha :[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0'
null == c && (c = this.bounds); = c.x + Math.round((c.width - this.hint.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px'; = c.y + c.height + Editor.hintOffset + 'px';
null != this.linkHint && ( = 'none');
mxVertexHandler.prototype.removeHint = function () {
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.linkHint && ( = '');
var Da = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseMove;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
Da.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.linkHint &&
'none' != &&
null != this.graph.graphHandler &&
null != this.graph.graphHandler.first &&
( = 'none');
var Pa = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseUp;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
Pa.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.linkHint && 'none' == && ( = '');
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updateHint = function (c, d) {
null == this.hint && ((this.hint = a()), this.state.view.graph.container.appendChild(this.hint));
var e = this.graph.view.translate,
f = this.graph.view.scale,
g = this.roundLength(d.x / f - e.x),
e = this.roundLength(d.y / f - e.y),
f = this.graph.view.unit;
this.hint.innerHTML = b(g, f) + ', ' + b(e, f); = 'visible';
if (this.isSource || this.isTarget)
null != this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint && null != this.constraintHandler.currentFocus
? ((g = this.constraintHandler.currentConstraint.point),
(this.hint.innerHTML = '[' + Math.round(100 * g.x) + '%, ' + Math.round(100 * g.y) + '%]'))
: this.marker.hasValidState() && ( = 'hidden'); = Math.round(c.getGraphX() - this.hint.clientWidth / 2) + 'px'; = Math.max(c.getGraphY(), d.y) + Editor.hintOffset + 'px';
null != this.linkHint && ( = 'none');
Graph.prototype.expandedImage = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<defs><linearGradient id="grad1" x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%"><stop offset="30%" style="stop-color:#f0f0f0;" /><stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#AFB0B6;" /></linearGradient></defs><rect x="0" y="0" width="9" height="9" stroke="#8A94A5" fill="url(#grad1)" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 2 4.5 L 7 4.5 z" stroke="#000"/>'
Graph.prototype.collapsedImage = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<defs><linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"><stop offset="30%" style="stop-color:#f0f0f0;" /><stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#AFB0B6;" /></linearGradient></defs><rect x="0" y="0" width="9" height="9" stroke="#8A94A5" fill="url(#grad1)" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 4.5 2 L 4.5 7 M 2 4.5 L 7 4.5 z" stroke="#000"/>'
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removeHint = mxVertexHandler.prototype.removeHint;
HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="9" cy="9" r="5" stroke="#fff" fill="' + HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill + '"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.endMainHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="9" cy="9" r="6" stroke="#fff" fill="' + HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill + '"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 8 3 L 13 8 L 8 13 L 3 8 z" stroke="#fff" fill="#fca000"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.fixedHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="11" cy="11" r="6" stroke="#fff" fill="#01bd22"/><path d="m 8 8 L 14 14M 8 14 L 14 8" stroke="#fff"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.endFixedHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="11" cy="11" r="7" stroke="#fff" fill="#01bd22"/><path d="m 8 8 L 14 14M 8 14 L 14 8" stroke="#fff"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.terminalHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="11" cy="11" r="6" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
'"/><circle cx="11" cy="11" r="3" stroke="#fff" fill="transparent"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.endTerminalHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<circle cx="11" cy="11" r="7" stroke="#fff" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
'"/><circle cx="11" cy="11" r="3" stroke="#fff" fill="transparent"/>'
HoverIcons.prototype.rotationHandle = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path stroke="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
'" fill="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
'" d="M15.55 5.55L11 1v3.07C7.06 4.56 4 7.92 4 12s3.05 7.44 7 7.93v-2.02c-2.84-.48-5-2.94-5-5.91s2.16-5.43 5-5.91V10l4.55-4.45zM19.93 11c-.17-1.39-.72-2.73-1.62-3.89l-1.42 1.42c.54.75.88 1.6 1.02 2.47h2.02zM13 17.9v2.02c1.39-.17 2.74-.71 3.9-1.61l-1.44-1.44c-.75.54-1.59.89-2.46 1.03zm3.89-2.42l1.42 1.41c.9-1.16 1.45-2.5 1.62-3.89h-2.02c-.14.87-.48 1.72-1.02 2.48z"/>',
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.pointImage = Graph.createSvgImage(
'<path d="m 0 0 L 5 5 M 0 5 L 5 0" stroke-width="2" style="stroke-opacity:0.4" stroke="#ffffff"/><path d="m 0 0 L 5 5 M 0 5 L 5 0" stroke="' +
HoverIcons.prototype.arrowFill +
mxVertexHandler.TABLE_HANDLE_COLOR = '#fca000';
mxVertexHandler.prototype.handleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.secondaryHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.handleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.endHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.endMainHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.terminalHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.terminalHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.endTerminalHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.endTerminalHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.fixedHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.fixedHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.endFixedHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.endFixedHandle;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.labelHandleImage = HoverIcons.prototype.secondaryHandle;
mxOutline.prototype.sizerImage = HoverIcons.prototype.mainHandle;
null != window.Sidebar &&
((Sidebar.prototype.triangleUp = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleUp),
(Sidebar.prototype.triangleRight = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleRight),
(Sidebar.prototype.triangleDown = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleDown),
(Sidebar.prototype.triangleLeft = HoverIcons.prototype.triangleLeft),
(Sidebar.prototype.refreshTarget = HoverIcons.prototype.refreshTarget),
(Sidebar.prototype.roundDrop = HoverIcons.prototype.roundDrop));
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationEnabled = !0;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.manageSizers = !0;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.livePreview = !0;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxLivePreview = 16;
mxRubberband.prototype.defaultOpacity = 30;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.outlineConnect = !0;
mxCellHighlight.prototype.keepOnTop = !0;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.parentHighlightEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.parentHighlightEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.dblClickRemoveEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.straightRemoveEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.virtualBendsEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mergeRemoveEnabled = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.manageLabelHandle = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.outlineConnect = !0;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isAddVirtualBendEvent = function (a) {
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent());
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleEvent = function (a) {
return !mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent());
if (Graph.touchStyle) {
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH || 0 < navigator.maxTouchPoints || 0 < navigator.msMaxTouchPoints)
(mxShape.prototype.svgStrokeTolerance = 18),
(mxVertexHandler.prototype.tolerance = 12),
(mxEdgeHandler.prototype.tolerance = 12),
(Graph.prototype.tolerance = 12),
(mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationHandleVSpacing = -16),
(mxConstraintHandler.prototype.getTolerance = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isMouseEvent(a.getEvent()) ? 4 : this.graph.getTolerance();
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function (a) {
var b = a.getEvent();
return (
(null == a.getState() && !mxEvent.isMouseEvent(b)) ||
(mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(b) && (null == a.getState() || mxEvent.isControlDown(b) || mxEvent.isShiftDown(b)))
var Wa = mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
Wa.apply(this, arguments);
mxEvent.isTouchEvent(b.getEvent()) &&
this.graph.isCellSelected(b.getCell()) &&
1 < this.graph.getSelectionCount() &&
(this.delayedSelection = !1);
} else
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function (a) {
var b = a.getEvent();
return (
(mxEvent.isLeftMouseButton(b) &&
((this.useLeftButtonForPanning && null == a.getState()) ||
(mxEvent.isControlDown(b) && !mxEvent.isShiftDown(b)))) ||
(this.usePopupTrigger && mxEvent.isPopupTrigger(b))
mxRubberband.prototype.isSpaceEvent = function (a) {
return (
this.graph.isEnabled() &&
!this.graph.isCellLocked(this.graph.getDefaultParent()) &&
(mxEvent.isControlDown(a.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isMetaDown(a.getEvent())) &&
mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) &&
mxRubberband.prototype.cancelled = !1;
mxRubberband.prototype.cancel = function () {
this.isActive() && ((this.cancelled = !0), this.reset());
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
if (this.cancelled) (this.cancelled = !1), b.consume();
else {
var c = null != this.div && 'none' !=,
d = null,
e = null,
f = null,
g = null;
null != this.first &&
null != this.currentX &&
null != this.currentY &&
((d = this.first.x),
(e = this.first.y),
(f = (this.currentX - d) / this.graph.view.scale),
(g = (this.currentY - e) / this.graph.view.scale),
mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent()) ||
((f = this.graph.snap(f)),
(g = this.graph.snap(g)),
this.graph.isGridEnabled() ||
(Math.abs(f) < this.graph.tolerance && (f = 0), Math.abs(g) < this.graph.tolerance && (g = 0))));
if (c) {
if (this.isSpaceEvent(b)) {
try {
for (
var k = this.graph.getCellsBeyond(d, e, this.graph.getDefaultParent(), !0, !0), c = 0;
c < k.length;
if (this.graph.isCellMovable(k[c])) {
var h = this.graph.view.getState(k[c]),
l = this.graph.getCellGeometry(k[c]);
null != h && null != l && ((l = l.clone()), l.translate(f, g), this.graph.model.setGeometry(k[c], l));
} finally {
} else
(f = new mxRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)), this.graph.selectRegion(f, b.getEvent());
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
if (!b.isConsumed() && null != this.first) {
var c = mxUtils.getScrollOrigin(this.graph.container),
d = mxUtils.getOffset(this.graph.container);
c.x -= d.x;
c.y -= d.y;
var d = b.getX() + c.x,
c = b.getY() + c.y,
e = this.first.x - d,
f = this.first.y - c,
g = this.graph.tolerance;
if (null != this.div || Math.abs(e) > g || Math.abs(f) > g)
null == this.div && (this.div = this.createShape()),
this.update(d, c),
? ((d = this.x + this.width),
(c = this.y + this.height),
(e = this.graph.view.scale),
mxEvent.isAltDown(b.getEvent()) ||
((this.width = this.graph.snap(this.width / e) * e),
(this.height = this.graph.snap(this.height / e) * e),
this.graph.isGridEnabled() ||
(this.width < this.graph.tolerance && (this.width = 0),
this.height < this.graph.tolerance && (this.height = 0)),
this.x < this.first.x && (this.x = d - this.width),
this.y < this.first.y && (this.y = c - this.height)),
( = 'dashed'),
( = 'white'),
( = this.x + 'px'),
( = this.y + 'px'),
( = Math.max(0, this.width) + 'px'),
( = this.graph.container.clientHeight + 'px'),
( = 0 >= this.width ? '0px 1px 0px 0px' : '0px 1px 0px 1px'),
null == this.secondDiv &&
((this.secondDiv = this.div.cloneNode(!0)), this.div.parentNode.appendChild(this.secondDiv)),
( = this.x + 'px'),
( = this.y + 'px'),
( = this.graph.container.clientWidth + 'px'),
( = Math.max(0, this.height) + 'px'),
( = 0 >= this.height ? '1px 0px 0px 0px' : '1px 0px 1px 0px'))
: (( = ''),
( = ''),
( = ''),
null != this.secondDiv &&
(this.secondDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.secondDiv), (this.secondDiv = null))),
var Ea = mxRubberband.prototype.reset;
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function () {
null != this.secondDiv && (this.secondDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.secondDiv), (this.secondDiv = null));
Ea.apply(this, arguments);
var qa = new Date().getTime(),
ia = 0,
Ka = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState = function (a, b, c, d) {
Ka.apply(this, arguments);
c != this.currentTerminalState ? ((qa = new Date().getTime()), (ia = 0)) : (ia = new Date().getTime() - qa);
this.currentTerminalState = c;
var ua = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent = function (a) {
return mxEvent.isShiftDown(a.getEvent()) && mxEvent.isAltDown(a.getEvent())
? !1
: (null != this.currentTerminalState && a.getState() == this.currentTerminalState && 2e3 < ia) ||
((null == this.currentTerminalState ||
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'outlineConnect', '1')) &&
ua.apply(this, arguments));
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createHandleShape = function (a, b, c) {
b = null != a && 0 == a;
var d = this.state.getVisibleTerminalState(b);
a =
null != a &&
(0 == a || a >= this.state.absolutePoints.length - 1 || (this.constructor == mxElbowEdgeHandler && 2 == a))
? this.graph.getConnectionConstraint(this.state, d, b)
: null;
c =
null != (null != a ? this.graph.getConnectionPoint(this.state.getVisibleTerminalState(b), a) : null)
? c
? this.endFixedHandleImage
: this.fixedHandleImage
: null != a && null != d
? c
? this.endTerminalHandleImage
: this.terminalHandleImage
: c
? this.endHandleImage
: this.handleImage;
if (null != c)
return (c = new mxImageShape(new mxRectangle(0, 0, c.width, c.height), c.src)), (c.preserveImageAspect = !1), c;
c = mxConstants.HANDLE_SIZE;
this.preferHtml && --c;
return new mxRectangleShape(
new mxRectangle(0, 0, c, c),
var Xa = mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizerShape;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.createSizerShape = function (a, b, c) {
this.handleImage =
? HoverIcons.prototype.rotationHandle
: b == mxEvent.LABEL_HANDLE
? this.secondaryHandleImage
: this.handleImage;
return Xa.apply(this, arguments);
var Z = mxGraphHandler.prototype.getBoundingBox;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getBoundingBox = function (a) {
if (null != a && 1 == a.length) {
var b = this.graph.getModel(),
c = b.getParent(a[0]),
d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a[0]);
if (
b.isEdge(c) &&
null != d &&
d.relative &&
((b = this.graph.view.getState(a[0])),
null != b && 2 > b.width && 2 > b.height && null != b.text && null != b.text.boundingBox)
return mxRectangle.fromRectangle(b.text.boundingBox);
return Z.apply(this, arguments);
var ea = mxGraphHandler.prototype.getGuideStates;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getGuideStates = function () {
for (var a = ea.apply(this, arguments), b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
'1' != mxUtils.getValue(a[c].style, 'part', '0') && b.push(a[c]);
return b;
var L = mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBounds;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.getSelectionBounds = function (a) {
var b = this.graph.getModel(),
c = b.getParent(a.cell),
d = this.graph.getCellGeometry(a.cell);
return b.isEdge(c) &&
null != d &&
d.relative &&
2 > a.width &&
2 > a.height &&
null != a.text &&
null != a.text.boundingBox
? ((b = a.text.unrotatedBoundingBox || a.text.boundingBox),
new mxRectangle(Math.round(b.x), Math.round(b.y), Math.round(b.width), Math.round(b.height)))
: L.apply(this, arguments);
var db = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function (a, b) {
var c = this.graph.getModel(),
d = c.getParent(this.state.cell),
e = this.graph.getCellGeometry(this.state.cell);
(this.getHandleForEvent(b) == mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE ||
!c.isEdge(d) ||
null == e ||
!e.relative ||
null == this.state ||
2 <= this.state.width ||
2 <= this.state.height) &&
db.apply(this, arguments);
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotateClick = function () {
var a = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants.NONE),
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
this.state.view.graph.model.isVertex(this.state.cell) && a == mxConstants.NONE && b == mxConstants.NONE
? ((a = mxUtils.mod(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, 0) + 90, 360)),
this.state.view.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION, a, [this.state.cell]))
: this.state.view.graph.turnShapes([this.state.cell]);
var sa = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function (a, b) {
sa.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.graph.graphHandler.first &&
(null != this.rotationShape &&
null != this.rotationShape.node &&
( = 'none'),
null != this.linkHint && 'none' != && ( = 'none'));
var eb = mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function (a, b) {
eb.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.rotationShape &&
null != this.rotationShape.node &&
( = 1 == this.graph.getSelectionCount() ? '' : 'none');
null != this.linkHint && 'none' == && ( = '');
this.blockDelayedSelection = null;
var ta = mxVertexHandler.prototype.init;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.init = function () {
ta.apply(this, arguments);
var a = !1;
null != this.rotationShape && this.rotationShape.node.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('rotateTooltip'));
if (this.graph.isTable(this.state.cell)) this.refreshMoveHandles();
else if (
1 == this.graph.getSelectionCount() &&
(this.graph.isTableCell(this.state.cell) || this.graph.isTableRow(this.state.cell))
) {
this.cornerHandles = [];
for (var b = 0; 4 > b; b++) {
var c = new mxRectangleShape(new mxRectangle(0, 0, 6, 6), '#ffffff', mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR);
c.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG;
var d = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
null != this.specialHandle &&
( =
this.graph.isEnabled() && this.graph.getSelectionCount() < this.graph.graphHandler.maxCells ? '' : 'none');
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.updateLinkHint(this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell), this.graph.getLinksForState(this.state));
this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
this.editingHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (a, b) {
this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.EDITING_STOPPED, this.editingHandler);
b = this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell);
c = this.graph.getLinksForState(this.state);
this.updateLinkHint(b, c);
if (null != b || (null != c && 0 < c.length)) a = !0;
a && this.redrawHandles();
mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint = function (b, c) {
try {
if ((null == b && (null == c || 0 == c.length)) || 1 < this.graph.getSelectionCount())
null != this.linkHint && (this.linkHint.parentNode.removeChild(this.linkHint), (this.linkHint = null));
else if (null != b || (null != c && 0 < c.length)) {
null == this.linkHint &&
((this.linkHint = a()),
( = '6px 8px 6px 8px'),
( = '1'),
( = ''),
mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
this.linkHint.innerHTML = '';
if (
null != b &&
this.graph.isEnabled() && 'function' === typeof this.graph.editLink)
) {
var d = document.createElement('img');
d.setAttribute('src', Editor.editImage);
d.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editLink'));
d.setAttribute('width', '11');
d.setAttribute('height', '11'); = '10px'; = '-1px'; = 'pointer';
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
mxResources.get('removeIt', [mxResources.get('link')]),
mxUtils.bind(this, function (a) {
this.graph.setLinkForCell(this.state.cell, null);
if (null != c)
for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = document.createElement('div'); = null != b || 0 < d ? '6px' : '0px';
e.appendChild(this.graph.createLinkForHint(c[d].getAttribute('href'), mxUtils.getTextContent(c[d])));
} catch (V) {}
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint = mxVertexHandler.prototype.updateLinkHint;
var Fa = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.init;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.init = function () {
Fa.apply(this, arguments);
this.constraintHandler.isEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
return this.state.view.graph.connectionHandler.isEnabled();
var a = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
null != this.linkHint && ( = 1 == this.graph.getSelectionCount() ? '' : 'none');
null != this.labelShape &&
( =
this.graph.isEnabled() && this.graph.getSelectionCount() < this.graph.graphHandler.maxCells ? '' : 'none');
this.changeHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function (b, c) {
this.updateLinkHint(this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell), this.graph.getLinksForState(this.state));
this.graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, this.changeHandler);
var b = this.graph.getLinkForCell(this.state.cell),
c = this.graph.getLinksForState(this.state);
if (null != b || (null != c && 0 < c.length)) this.updateLinkHint(b, c), this.redrawHandles();
var La = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function () {
La.apply(this, arguments);
this.constraintHandler.isEnabled = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
return this.graph.connectionHandler.isEnabled();
var la = mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function () {
if (null != this.moveHandles)
for (var a = 0; a < this.moveHandles.length; a++)
(this.moveHandles[a].style.left =
this.moveHandles[a].rowState.x + this.moveHandles[a].rowState.width - 5 + 'px'),
(this.moveHandles[a] =
this.moveHandles[a].rowState.y + this.moveHandles[a].rowState.height / 2 - 6 + 'px');
if (null != this.cornerHandles) {
var a = this.getSelectionBorderInset(),
b = this.cornerHandles,
c = b[0].bounds.height / 2;
b[0].bounds.x = this.state.x - b[0].bounds.width / 2 + a;
b[0].bounds.y = this.state.y - c + a;
b[1].bounds.x = b[0].bounds.x + this.state.width - 2 * a;
b[1].bounds.y = b[0].bounds.y;
b[2].bounds.x = b[0].bounds.x;
b[2].bounds.y = this.state.y + this.state.height - 2 * a;
b[3].bounds.x = b[1].bounds.x;
b[3].bounds.y = b[2].bounds.y;
for (a = 0; a < this.cornerHandles.length; a++)
this.cornerHandles[a] = 1 == this.graph.getSelectionCount() ? '' : 'none';
null != this.rotationShape &&
null != this.rotationShape.node &&
( =
null != this.moveHandles ||
1 != this.graph.getSelectionCount() ||
(null != this.index && this.index != mxEvent.ROTATION_HANDLE)
? 'none'
: '');
null != this.state &&
null != this.linkHint &&
((a = new mxPoint(this.state.getCenterX(), this.state.getCenterY())),
(b = new mxRectangle(this.state.x, this.state.y - 22, this.state.width + 24, this.state.height + 22)),
(c = mxUtils.getBoundingBox(b,[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0', a)),
(a =
null != c
? mxUtils.getBoundingBox(this.state,[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] || '0')
: this.state),
(b = null != this.state.text ? this.state.text.boundingBox : null),
null == c && (c = this.state),
(c = c.y + c.height),
null != b && (c = Math.max(c, b.y + b.height)),
( = Math.max(0, Math.round(a.x + (a.width - this.linkHint.clientWidth) / 2)) + 'px'),
( = Math.round(c + this.verticalOffset / 2 + Editor.hintOffset) + 'px'));
var Ca = mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
Ca.apply(this, arguments);
if (null != this.moveHandles) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.moveHandles.length; a++)
null != this.moveHandles[a] &&
null != this.moveHandles[a].parentNode &&
this.moveHandles = null;
if (null != this.cornerHandles) {
for (a = 0; a < this.cornerHandles.length; a++)
null != this.cornerHandles[a] &&
null != this.cornerHandles[a].node &&
null != this.cornerHandles[a].node.parentNode &&
this.cornerHandles = null;
null != this.linkHint &&
(null != this.linkHint.parentNode && this.linkHint.parentNode.removeChild(this.linkHint),
(this.linkHint = null));
null != this.changeHandler &&
(this.changeHandler = null));
null != this.editingHandler && (this.graph.removeListener(this.editingHandler), (this.editingHandler = null));
var pa = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function () {
if (null != this.marker && (pa.apply(this), null != this.state && null != this.linkHint)) {
var a = this.state;
null != this.state.text &&
null != this.state.text.bounds &&
((a = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)), a.add(this.state.text.bounds)); = Math.max(0, Math.round(a.x + (a.width - this.linkHint.clientWidth) / 2)) + 'px'; = Math.round(a.y + a.height + Editor.hintOffset) + 'px';
var Ja = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
Ja.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.linkHint && ( = '');
var ba = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy = function () {
ba.apply(this, arguments);
null != this.linkHint && (this.linkHint.parentNode.removeChild(this.linkHint), (this.linkHint = null));
null != this.changeHandler &&
(this.changeHandler = null));
(function () {
function a(a, b, c) {;
this.line = a;
this.stroke = b;
this.strokewidth = null != c ? c : 1;
function b() {;
function c() {;
function d() {;
function e() {;
function f() {;
function g() {;
function k() {;
function h() {;
function l() {;
function m() {;
function n() {;
function p(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
function r() {;
function t() {;
function u() {;
function x() {;
function z() {;
function D() {;
function B() {;
function C() {;
function J() {;
function v() {;
function K(a, b) {
this.canvas = a;
this.defaultVariation = b;
this.originalLineTo = this.canvas.lineTo;
this.canvas.lineTo = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.lineTo);
this.originalMoveTo = this.canvas.moveTo;
this.canvas.moveTo = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.moveTo);
this.originalClose = this.canvas.close;
this.canvas.close = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.close);
this.originalQuadTo = this.canvas.quadTo;
this.canvas.quadTo = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.quadTo);
this.originalCurveTo = this.canvas.curveTo;
this.canvas.curveTo = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.curveTo);
this.originalArcTo = this.canvas.arcTo;
this.canvas.arcTo = mxUtils.bind(this, K.prototype.arcTo);
function O() {;
function T() {;
function M() {;
function U() {;
function da() {;
function ha() {;
function Y() {;
function P() {;
function Oa() {;
function Da() {;
function Pa() {;
function Wa() {;
function Ea() {;
function qa() {;
function ia() {;
function Ka() {;
function ua() {;
function Xa() {;
function Z() {;
function ea() {;
function L() {;
function db() {;
function sa() {;
function eb() {;
function ta() {;
this.spacing = 0;
function Fa() {;
this.spacing = 0;
function La() {;
function la() {;
function Ca() {;
function pa() {;
function Ja() {;
function ba() {;
function E() {;
function I() {;
function F() {;
function N() {;
function V() {;
function Q() {;
function X() {;
function ja() {;
function Qa() {;
function Ga() {;
function Ra() {;
function Sa() {;
function ya() {;
function Ma() {;
function fa() {;
function S() {;
function ma() {;
function R(a, b, c, d) {;
this.bounds = a;
this.fill = b;
this.stroke = c;
this.strokewidth = null != d ? d : 1;
this.rectStyle = 'square';
this.size = 10;
this.absoluteCornerSize = !0;
this.indent = 2;
this.rectOutline = 'single';
function ra() {;
function ib(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, h, l) {
g += h;
var q = d.clone();
d.x -= e * (2 * g + h);
d.y -= f * (2 * g + h);
e *= g + h;
f *= g + h;
return function () {
a.ellipse(q.x - e - g, q.y - f - g, 2 * g, 2 * g);
l ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
mxUtils.extend(a, mxShape);
a.prototype.updateBoundsFromLine = function () {
var a = null;
if (null != this.line)
for (var b = 0; b < this.line.length; b++) {
var c = this.line[b];
null != c &&
((c = new mxRectangle(c.x, c.y, this.strokewidth, this.strokewidth)), null == a ? (a = c) : a.add(c));
this.bounds = null != a ? a : new mxRectangle();
a.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.paintTableLine(a, this.line, 0, 0);
a.prototype.paintTableLine = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (null != b) {
var e = null;
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
var g = b[f];
null != g && (null == e ? a.moveTo(g.x + c, g.y + d) : null != e && a.lineTo(g.x + c, g.y + d));
e = g;
a.prototype.intersectsRectangle = function (a) {
var b = !1;
if (mxShape.prototype.intersectsRectangle.apply(this, arguments) && null != this.line)
for (var c = null, d = 0; d < this.line.length && !b; d++) {
var e = this.line[d];
null != e && null != c && (b = mxUtils.rectangleIntersectsSegment(a, c, e));
c = e;
return b;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('tableLine', a);
mxUtils.extend(b, mxSwimlane);
b.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
return 0 == this.getTitleSize()
? mxShape.prototype.getLabelBounds.apply(this, arguments)
: mxSwimlane.prototype.getLabelBounds.apply(this, arguments);
b.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = null != this.state ? this.state.view.graph.isCellCollapsed(this.state.cell) : !1,
g = this.isHorizontal(),
q = this.getTitleSize();
0 == q || this.outline
? ya.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments)
: (mxSwimlane.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments), a.translate(-b, -c));
f || this.outline || !((g && q < e) || (!g && q < d)) || this.paintForeground(a, b, c, d, e);
b.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != this.state) {
var f = this.flipH,
g = this.flipV;
if (this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
var q = f,
f = g,
g = q;
a.rotate(-this.getShapeRotation(), f, g, b + d / 2, c + e / 2);
s = this.scale;
b = this.bounds.x / s;
c = this.bounds.y / s;
d = this.bounds.width / s;
e = this.bounds.height / s;
this.paintTableForeground(a, b, c, d, e);
b.prototype.paintTableForeground = function (b, c, d, e, f) {
e = this.state.view.graph.getTableLines(
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'rowLines', '1'),
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'columnLines', '1')
for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++) a.prototype.paintTableLine(b, e[f], c, d);
b.prototype.configurePointerEvents = function (a) {
0 == this.getTitleSize()
? (a.pointerEvents = !1)
: mxSwimlane.prototype.configurePointerEvents.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('table', b);
mxUtils.extend(c, b);
c.prototype.paintForeground = function () {};
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('tableRow', c);
mxUtils.extend(d, mxCylinder);
d.prototype.size = 20;
d.prototype.darkOpacity = 0;
d.prototype.darkOpacity2 = 0;
d.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))))),
g = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'darkOpacity', this.darkOpacity)))),
q = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'darkOpacity2', this.darkOpacity2))));
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(d - f, 0);
a.lineTo(d, f);
a.lineTo(d, e);
a.lineTo(f, e);
a.lineTo(0, e - f);
a.lineTo(0, 0);
this.outline ||
0 != g &&
a.setFillColor(0 > g ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'),
a.moveTo(0, 0),
a.lineTo(d - f, 0),
a.lineTo(d, f),
a.lineTo(f, f),
0 != q &&
a.setFillColor(0 > q ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'),
a.moveTo(0, 0),
a.lineTo(f, f),
a.lineTo(f, e),
a.lineTo(0, e - f),
a.moveTo(f, e),
a.lineTo(f, f),
a.lineTo(0, 0),
a.moveTo(f, f),
a.lineTo(d, f),
d.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)
? ((a = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)) * this.scale), new mxRectangle(a, a, 0, 0))
: null;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('cube', d);
var Ta = Math.tan(mxUtils.toRadians(30)),
za = (0.5 - Ta) / 2;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('isoRectangle', f);
mxUtils.extend(e, mxCylinder);
e.prototype.size = 6;
e.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)) - 2) + 2 * this.strokewidth;
a.ellipse(b + 0.5 * (d - f), c + 0.5 * (e - f), f, f);
a.rect(b, c, d, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('waypoint', e);
mxUtils.extend(f, mxActor);
f.prototype.size = 20;
f.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(d, e / Ta);
a.translate((d - b) / 2, (e - b) / 2 + b / 4);
a.moveTo(0, 0.25 * b);
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, b * za);
a.lineTo(b, 0.25 * b);
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, (0.5 - za) * b);
a.lineTo(0, 0.25 * b);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('isoRectangle', f);
mxUtils.extend(g, mxCylinder);
g.prototype.size = 20;
g.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = Math.min(d, e / (0.5 + Ta));
? (a.moveTo(0, 0.25 * b),
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, (0.5 - za) * b),
a.lineTo(b, 0.25 * b),
a.moveTo(0.5 * b, (0.5 - za) * b),
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, (1 - za) * b))
: (a.translate((d - b) / 2, (e - b) / 2),
a.moveTo(0, 0.25 * b),
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, b * za),
a.lineTo(b, 0.25 * b),
a.lineTo(b, 0.75 * b),
a.lineTo(0.5 * b, (1 - za) * b),
a.lineTo(0, 0.75 * b),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('isoCube', g);
mxUtils.extend(k, mxCylinder);
k.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
b = Math.min(e / 2, Math.round(e / 8) + this.strokewidth - 1);
if ((f && null != this.fill) || (!f && null == this.fill))
a.moveTo(0, b),
a.curveTo(0, 2 * b, d, 2 * b, d, b),
f || (a.stroke(), a.begin()),
a.translate(0, b / 2),
a.moveTo(0, b),
a.curveTo(0, 2 * b, d, 2 * b, d, b),
f || (a.stroke(), a.begin()),
a.translate(0, b / 2),
a.moveTo(0, b),
a.curveTo(0, 2 * b, d, 2 * b, d, b),
f || (a.stroke(), a.begin()),
a.translate(0, -b);
f ||
(a.moveTo(0, b),
a.curveTo(0, -b / 3, d, -b / 3, d, b),
a.lineTo(d, e - b),
a.curveTo(d, e + b / 3, 0, e + b / 3, 0, e - b),
k.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(0, 2.5 * Math.min(a.height / 2, Math.round(a.height / 8) + this.strokewidth - 1), 0, 0);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('datastore', k);
mxUtils.extend(h, mxCylinder);
h.prototype.size = 30;
h.prototype.darkOpacity = 0;
h.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))))),
g = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'darkOpacity', this.darkOpacity))));
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(d - f, 0);
a.lineTo(d, f);
a.lineTo(d, e);
a.lineTo(0, e);
a.lineTo(0, 0);
this.outline ||
0 != g &&
a.setFillColor(0 > g ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'),
a.moveTo(d - f, 0),
a.lineTo(d - f, f),
a.lineTo(d, f),
a.moveTo(d - f, 0),
a.lineTo(d - f, f),
a.lineTo(d, f),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('note', h);
mxUtils.extend(l, h);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('note2', l);
l.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', 15);
return new mxRectangle(0, Math.min(a.height * this.scale, b * this.scale), 0, 0);
return null;
mxUtils.extend(m, mxShape);
m.prototype.isoAngle = 15;
m.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f =
(Math.max(0.01, Math.min(94, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'isoAngle', this.isoAngle)))) * Math.PI) /
f = Math.min(d * Math.tan(f), 0.5 * e);
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(0.5 * d, 0);
a.lineTo(d, f);
a.lineTo(d, e - f);
a.lineTo(0.5 * d, e);
a.lineTo(0, e - f);
a.lineTo(0, f);
a.moveTo(0, f);
a.lineTo(0.5 * d, 2 * f);
a.lineTo(d, f);
a.moveTo(0.5 * d, 2 * f);
a.lineTo(0.5 * d, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('isoCube2', m);
mxUtils.extend(n, mxShape);
n.prototype.size = 15;
n.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
a.translate(b, c);
0 == f
? (a.rect(0, 0, d, e), a.fillAndStroke())
: (a.begin(),
a.moveTo(0, f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, 0),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, d, f),
a.lineTo(d, e - f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, e),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0, e - f),
a.moveTo(d, f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, 2 * f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0, f),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('cylinder2', n);
mxUtils.extend(p, mxCylinder);
p.prototype.size = 15;
p.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, 'lid', !0);
a.translate(b, c);
0 == f
? (a.rect(0, 0, d, e), a.fillAndStroke())
: (a.begin(),
? (a.moveTo(0, f), a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, 0), a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, d, f))
: (a.moveTo(0, 0), a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 0, 0.5 * d, f), a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 0, d, 0)),
a.lineTo(d, e - f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, e),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0, e - f),
g &&
a.moveTo(d, f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0.5 * d, 2 * f),
a.arcTo(0.5 * d, f, 0, 0, 1, 0, f),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('cylinder3', p);
mxUtils.extend(r, mxActor);
r.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.quadTo(d / 2, 0.5 * e, d, 0);
a.quadTo(0.5 * d, e / 2, d, e);
a.quadTo(d / 2, 0.5 * e, 0, e);
a.quadTo(0.5 * d, e / 2, 0, 0);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('switch', r);
mxUtils.extend(t, mxCylinder);
t.prototype.tabWidth = 60;
t.prototype.tabHeight = 20;
t.prototype.tabPosition = 'right';
t.prototype.arcSize = 0.1;
t.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
b = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabWidth', this.tabWidth))));
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', this.tabHeight))));
var f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', this.tabPosition),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, 'rounded', !1),
q = mxUtils.getValue(, 'absoluteArcSize', !1),
k = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arcSize', this.arcSize));
q || (k *= Math.min(d, e));
k = Math.min(k, 0.5 * d, 0.5 * (e - c));
b = Math.max(b, k);
b = Math.min(d - k, b);
g || (k = 0);
'left' == f
? (a.moveTo(Math.max(k, 0), c), a.lineTo(Math.max(k, 0), 0), a.lineTo(b, 0), a.lineTo(b, c))
: (a.moveTo(d - b, c), a.lineTo(d - b, 0), a.lineTo(d - Math.max(k, 0), 0), a.lineTo(d - Math.max(k, 0), c));
? (a.moveTo(0, k + c),
a.arcTo(k, k, 0, 0, 1, k, c),
a.lineTo(d - k, c),
a.arcTo(k, k, 0, 0, 1, d, k + c),
a.lineTo(d, e - k),
a.arcTo(k, k, 0, 0, 1, d - k, e),
a.lineTo(k, e),
a.arcTo(k, k, 0, 0, 1, 0, e - k))
: (a.moveTo(0, c), a.lineTo(d, c), a.lineTo(d, e), a.lineTo(0, e));
'triangle' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'folderSymbol', null) &&
(a.begin(), a.moveTo(d - 30, c + 20), a.lineTo(d - 20, c + 10), a.lineTo(d - 10, c + 20), a.close(), a.stroke());
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('folder', t);
t.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', 15) * this.scale;
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'labelInHeader', !1)) {
var c = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabWidth', 15) * this.scale,
b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', 15) * this.scale,
d = mxUtils.getValue(, 'rounded', !1),
e = mxUtils.getValue(, 'absoluteArcSize', !1),
f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arcSize', this.arcSize));
e || (f *= Math.min(a.width, a.height));
f = Math.min(f, 0.5 * a.width, 0.5 * (a.height - b));
d || (f = 0);
return 'left' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', this.tabPosition)
? new mxRectangle(f, 0, Math.min(a.width, a.width - c), Math.min(a.height, a.height - b))
: new mxRectangle(Math.min(a.width, a.width - c), 0, f, Math.min(a.height, a.height - b));
return new mxRectangle(0, Math.min(a.height, b), 0, 0);
return null;
mxUtils.extend(u, mxCylinder);
u.prototype.arcSize = 0.1;
u.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
var f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'rounded', !1),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, 'absoluteArcSize', !1);
b = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arcSize', this.arcSize));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, 'umlStateConnection', null);
g || (b *= Math.min(d, e));
b = Math.min(b, 0.5 * d, 0.5 * e);
f || (b = 0);
f = 0;
null != c && (f = 10);
a.moveTo(f, b);
a.arcTo(b, b, 0, 0, 1, f + b, 0);
a.lineTo(d - b, 0);
a.arcTo(b, b, 0, 0, 1, d, b);
a.lineTo(d, e - b);
a.arcTo(b, b, 0, 0, 1, d - b, e);
a.lineTo(f + b, e);
a.arcTo(b, b, 0, 0, 1, f, e - b);
'collapseState' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'umlStateSymbol', null) &&
(a.roundrect(d - 40, e - 20, 10, 10, 3, 3),
a.roundrect(d - 20, e - 20, 10, 10, 3, 3),
a.moveTo(d - 30, e - 15),
a.lineTo(d - 20, e - 15),
'connPointRefEntry' == c
? (a.ellipse(0, 0.5 * e - 10, 20, 20), a.fillAndStroke())
: 'connPointRefExit' == c &&
(a.ellipse(0, 0.5 * e - 10, 20, 20),
a.moveTo(5, 0.5 * e - 5),
a.lineTo(15, 0.5 * e + 5),
a.moveTo(15, 0.5 * e - 5),
a.lineTo(5, 0.5 * e + 5),
u.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1) &&
null != mxUtils.getValue(, 'umlStateConnection', null)
? new mxRectangle(10 * this.scale, 0, 0, 0)
: null;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlState', u);
mxUtils.extend(x, mxActor);
x.prototype.size = 30;
x.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
x.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(b, 0), new mxPoint(d, 0), new mxPoint(d, e), new mxPoint(0, e), new mxPoint(0, b)],
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('card', x);
mxUtils.extend(z, mxActor);
z.prototype.size = 0.4;
z.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = e * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
a.moveTo(0, b / 2);
a.quadTo(d / 4, 1.4 * b, d / 2, b / 2);
a.quadTo((3 * d) / 4, b * (1 - 1.4), d, b / 2);
a.lineTo(d, e - b / 2);
a.quadTo((3 * d) / 4, e - 1.4 * b, d / 2, e - b / 2);
a.quadTo(d / 4, e - b * (1 - 1.4), 0, e - b / 2);
a.lineTo(0, b / 2);
z.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size),
c = a.width,
d = a.height;
if (
null == this.direction ||
this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST ||
this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
return (b *= d), new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y + b, c, d - 2 * b);
b *= c;
return new mxRectangle(a.x + b, a.y, c - 2 * b, d);
return a;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('tape', z);
mxUtils.extend(D, mxActor);
D.prototype.size = 0.3;
D.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)
? new mxRectangle(0, 0, 0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)) * a.height)
: null;
D.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = e * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(d, 0);
a.lineTo(d, e - b / 2);
a.quadTo((3 * d) / 4, e - 1.4 * b, d / 2, e - b / 2);
a.quadTo(d / 4, e - b * (1 - 1.4), 0, e - b / 2);
a.lineTo(0, b / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('document', D);
var tb = mxCylinder.prototype.getCylinderSize;
mxCylinder.prototype.getCylinderSize = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size');
return null != e ? d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e)) : tb.apply(this, arguments);
mxCylinder.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = 2 * mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', 0.15);
return new mxRectangle(0, Math.min(this.maxHeight * this.scale, a.height * b), 0, 0);
return null;
p.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', 15);
mxUtils.getValue(, 'lid', !0) || (b /= 2);
return new mxRectangle(
Math.min(a.height * this.scale, 2 * b * this.scale),
Math.max(0, 0.3 * b * this.scale)
return null;
t.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', 15) * this.scale;
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'labelInHeader', !1)) {
var c = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabWidth', 15) * this.scale,
b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', 15) * this.scale,
d = mxUtils.getValue(, 'rounded', !1),
e = mxUtils.getValue(, 'absoluteArcSize', !1),
f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arcSize', this.arcSize));
e || (f *= Math.min(a.width, a.height));
f = Math.min(f, 0.5 * a.width, 0.5 * (a.height - b));
d || (f = 0);
return 'left' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', this.tabPosition)
? new mxRectangle(f, 0, Math.min(a.width, a.width - c), Math.min(a.height, a.height - b))
: new mxRectangle(Math.min(a.width, a.width - c), 0, f, Math.min(a.height, a.height - b));
return new mxRectangle(0, Math.min(a.height, b), 0, 0);
return null;
u.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1) &&
null != mxUtils.getValue(, 'umlStateConnection', null)
? new mxRectangle(10 * this.scale, 0, 0, 0)
: null;
l.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
if (mxUtils.getValue(, 'boundedLbl', !1)) {
var b = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', 15);
return new mxRectangle(0, Math.min(a.height * this.scale, b * this.scale), 0, Math.max(0, b * this.scale));
return null;
mxUtils.extend(B, mxActor);
B.prototype.size = 0.2;
B.prototype.fixedSize = 20;
B.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
B.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.fixedSize))))
: d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(0, e), new mxPoint(b, 0), new mxPoint(d, 0), new mxPoint(d - b, e)],
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('parallelogram', B);
mxUtils.extend(C, mxActor);
C.prototype.size = 0.2;
C.prototype.fixedSize = 20;
C.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
C.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.fixedSize))))
: d * Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(0, e), new mxPoint(b, 0), new mxPoint(d - b, 0), new mxPoint(d, e)],
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('trapezoid', C);
mxUtils.extend(J, mxActor);
J.prototype.size = 0.5;
J.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(d, 0),
new mxPoint(b, 0),
new mxPoint(b, e / 2),
new mxPoint(0, e / 2),
new mxPoint(b, e / 2),
new mxPoint(b, e),
new mxPoint(d, e),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('curlyBracket', J);
mxUtils.extend(v, mxActor);
v.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = d / 5;
a.rect(0, 0, b, e);
a.rect(2 * b, 0, b, e);
a.rect(4 * b, 0, b, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('parallelMarker', v);
K.prototype.moveTo = function (a, b) {
this.originalMoveTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = a;
this.lastY = b;
this.firstX = a;
this.firstY = b;
K.prototype.close = function () {
null != this.firstX &&
null != this.firstY &&
(this.lineTo(this.firstX, this.firstY), this.originalClose.apply(this.canvas, arguments));
this.originalClose.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
K.prototype.quadTo = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.originalQuadTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = c;
this.lastY = d;
K.prototype.curveTo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.originalCurveTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = e;
this.lastY = f;
K.prototype.arcTo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
this.originalArcTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = f;
this.lastY = g;
K.prototype.lineTo = function (a, b) {
if (null != this.lastX && null != this.lastY) {
var c = function (a) {
return 'number' === typeof a ? (a ? (0 > a ? -1 : 1) : a === a ? 0 : NaN) : NaN;
d = Math.abs(a - this.lastX),
e = Math.abs(b - this.lastY),
f = Math.sqrt(d * d + e * e);
if (2 > f) {
this.originalLineTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = a;
this.lastY = b;
var g = Math.round(f / 10),
q = this.defaultVariation;
5 > g && ((g = 5), (q /= 3));
for (
var k = (c(a - this.lastX) * d) / g, c = (c(b - this.lastY) * e) / g, d = d / f, e = e / f, f = 0;
f < g;
) {
var h = (Math.random() - 0.5) * q;, k * f + this.lastX - h * e, c * f + this.lastY - h * d);
}, a, b);
} else this.originalLineTo.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.lastX = a;
this.lastY = b;
K.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.canvas.lineTo = this.originalLineTo;
this.canvas.moveTo = this.originalMoveTo;
this.canvas.close = this.originalClose;
this.canvas.quadTo = this.originalQuadTo;
this.canvas.curveTo = this.originalCurveTo;
this.canvas.arcTo = this.originalArcTo;
mxShape.prototype.defaultJiggle = 1.5;
var Aa = mxShape.prototype.beforePaint;
mxShape.prototype.beforePaint = function (a) {
Aa.apply(this, arguments);
null == a.handJiggle && (a.handJiggle = this.createHandJiggle(a));
var ab = mxShape.prototype.afterPaint;
mxShape.prototype.afterPaint = function (a) {
ab.apply(this, arguments);
null != a.handJiggle && (a.handJiggle.destroy(), delete a.handJiggle);
mxShape.prototype.createComicCanvas = function (a) {
return new K(a, mxUtils.getValue(, 'jiggle', this.defaultJiggle));
mxShape.prototype.createHandJiggle = function (a) {
return this.outline || null == || '0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'comic', '0')
? null
: this.createComicCanvas(a);
mxRhombus.prototype.defaultJiggle = 2;
var Ba = mxRectangleShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed;
mxRectangleShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return (
!this.outline &&
(null == ||
('0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'comic', '0') &&
'0' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'sketch', '1' == urlParams.rough ? '1' : '0'))) &&
Ba.apply(this, arguments)
var jb = mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground;
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null == a.handJiggle || a.handJiggle.constructor != K) jb.apply(this, arguments);
else {
var f = !0;
null != && (f = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1'));
if (
f ||
(null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE) ||
(null != this.stroke && this.stroke != mxConstants.NONE)
f || (null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE) || (a.pointerEvents = !1),
? ('1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0)
? (f = Math.min(
d / 2,
e / 2,
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2
: ((f =
) / 100),
(f = Math.min(d * f, e * f))),
a.moveTo(b + f, c),
a.lineTo(b + d - f, c),
a.quadTo(b + d, c, b + d, c + f),
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e - f),
a.quadTo(b + d, c + e, b + d - f, c + e),
a.lineTo(b + f, c + e),
a.quadTo(b, c + e, b, c + e - f),
a.lineTo(b, c + f),
a.quadTo(b, c, b + f, c))
: (a.moveTo(b, c), a.lineTo(b + d, c), a.lineTo(b + d, c + e), a.lineTo(b, c + e), a.lineTo(b, c)),
mxUtils.extend(O, mxRectangleShape);
O.prototype.size = 0.1;
O.prototype.fixedSize = !1;
O.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
O.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
if (
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, !0) ==
(null == this.direction ||
this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST ||
this.direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
) {
var b = a.width,
c = a.height;
a = new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, b, c);
var d = b * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
if (this.isRounded)
var e =
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100,
d = Math.max(d, Math.min(b * e, c * e));
a.x += Math.round(d);
a.width -= Math.round(2 * d);
return a;
O.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', this.fixedSize),
g = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)),
g = f ? Math.max(0, Math.min(d, g)) : d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g));
this.isRounded &&
((f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100),
(g = Math.max(g, Math.min(d * f, e * f))));
g = Math.round(g);
a.moveTo(b + g, c);
a.lineTo(b + g, c + e);
a.moveTo(b + d - g, c);
a.lineTo(b + d - g, c + e);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('process', O);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('process2', O);
mxUtils.extend(T, mxRectangleShape);
T.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.rect(b, c, d, e);
T.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {};
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('transparent', T);
mxUtils.extend(M, mxHexagon);
M.prototype.size = 30;
M.prototype.position = 0.5;
M.prototype.position2 = 0.5;
M.prototype.base = 20;
M.prototype.getLabelMargins = function () {
return new mxRectangle(0, 0, 0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)) * this.scale);
M.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
M.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
var f = d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'position', this.position)))),
g = d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'position2', this.position2)))),
q = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'base', this.base))));
new mxPoint(0, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0),
new mxPoint(d, e - c),
new mxPoint(Math.min(d, f + q), e - c),
new mxPoint(g, e),
new mxPoint(Math.max(0, f), e - c),
new mxPoint(0, e - c),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('callout', M);
mxUtils.extend(U, mxActor);
U.prototype.size = 0.2;
U.prototype.fixedSize = 20;
U.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
U.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.fixedSize))))
: d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0, 0),
new mxPoint(d - b, 0),
new mxPoint(d, e / 2),
new mxPoint(d - b, e),
new mxPoint(0, e),
new mxPoint(b, e / 2),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('step', U);
mxUtils.extend(da, mxHexagon);
da.prototype.size = 0.25;
da.prototype.fixedSize = 20;
da.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
da.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.fixedSize))))
: d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(b, 0),
new mxPoint(d - b, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0.5 * e),
new mxPoint(d - b, e),
new mxPoint(b, e),
new mxPoint(0, 0.5 * e),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('hexagon', da);
mxUtils.extend(ha, mxRectangleShape);
ha.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
ha.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.min(d / 5, e / 5) + 1;
a.moveTo(b + d / 2, c + f);
a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e - f);
a.moveTo(b + f, c + e / 2);
a.lineTo(b + d - f, c + e / 2);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('plus', ha);
var ga = mxRhombus.prototype.paintVertexShape;
mxRhombus.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
if (1 ==['double']) {
var b =
(2 * Math.max(2, this.strokewidth + 1) + parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_MARGIN] || 0)) * this.scale;
return new mxRectangle(a.x + b, a.y + b, a.width - 2 * b, a.height - 2 * b);
return a;
mxRhombus.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
ga.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.outline && 1 ==['double']) {
var f = 2 * Math.max(2, this.strokewidth + 1) + parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_MARGIN] || 0);
b += f;
c += f;
d -= 2 * f;
e -= 2 * f;
0 < d && 0 < e && (a.setShadow(!1), ga.apply(this, [a, b, c, d, e]));
mxUtils.extend(Y, mxRectangleShape);
Y.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
Y.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
if (1 ==['double']) {
var b = (Math.max(2, this.strokewidth + 1) + parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_MARGIN] || 0)) * this.scale;
return new mxRectangle(a.x + b, a.y + b, a.width - 2 * b, a.height - 2 * b);
return a;
Y.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null != {
if (!this.outline && 1 ==['double']) {
var f = Math.max(2, this.strokewidth + 1) + parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_MARGIN] || 0);
b += f;
c += f;
d -= 2 * f;
e -= 2 * f;
0 < d && 0 < e && mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintBackground.apply(this, arguments);
var f = 0,
do {
g = mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[['symbol' + f]];
if (null != g) {
var q =['symbol' + f + 'Align'],
k =['symbol' + f + 'VerticalAlign'],
h =['symbol' + f + 'Width'],
l =['symbol' + f + 'Height'],
w =['symbol' + f + 'Spacing'] || 0,
A =['symbol' + f + 'VSpacing'] || w,
m =['symbol' + f + 'ArcSpacing'];
null != m && ((m *= this.getArcSize(d + this.strokewidth, e + this.strokewidth)), (w += m), (A += m));
var m = b,
y = c,
m =
q == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER ? m + (d - h) / 2 : q == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT ? m + (d - h - w) : m + w,
y =
k == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE ? y + (e - l) / 2 : k == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM ? y + (e - l - A) : y + A;;
q = new g(); =;, a, m, y, h, l);
} while (null != g);
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('ext', Y);
mxUtils.extend(P, mxCylinder);
P.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
? (a.moveTo(0, 0), a.lineTo(d / 2, e / 2), a.lineTo(d, 0), a.end())
: (a.moveTo(0, 0), a.lineTo(d, 0), a.lineTo(d, e), a.lineTo(0, e), a.close());
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('message', P);
mxUtils.extend(Oa, mxShape);
Oa.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
a.ellipse(d / 4, 0, d / 2, e / 4);
a.moveTo(d / 2, e / 4);
a.lineTo(d / 2, (2 * e) / 3);
a.moveTo(d / 2, e / 3);
a.lineTo(0, e / 3);
a.moveTo(d / 2, e / 3);
a.lineTo(d, e / 3);
a.moveTo(d / 2, (2 * e) / 3);
a.lineTo(0, e);
a.moveTo(d / 2, (2 * e) / 3);
a.lineTo(d, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlActor', Oa);
mxUtils.extend(Da, mxShape);
Da.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(a.width / 6, 0, 0, 0);
Da.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(0, e / 4);
a.lineTo(0, (3 * e) / 4);
a.moveTo(0, e / 2);
a.lineTo(d / 6, e / 2);
a.ellipse(d / 6, 0, (5 * d) / 6, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlBoundary', Da);
mxUtils.extend(Pa, mxEllipse);
Pa.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(b + d / 8, c + e);
a.lineTo(b + (7 * d) / 8, c + e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlEntity', Pa);
mxUtils.extend(Wa, mxShape);
Wa.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(d, 0);
a.lineTo(0, e);
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(d, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlDestroy', Wa);
mxUtils.extend(Ea, mxShape);
Ea.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y + a.height / 8, a.width, (7 * a.height) / 8);
Ea.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo((3 * d) / 8, (e / 8) * 1.1);
a.lineTo((5 * d) / 8, 0);
a.ellipse(0, e / 8, d, (7 * e) / 8);
Ea.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo((3 * d) / 8, (e / 8) * 1.1);
a.lineTo((5 * d) / 8, e / 4);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlControl', Ea);
mxUtils.extend(qa, mxRectangleShape);
qa.prototype.size = 40;
qa.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
qa.prototype.getLabelBounds = function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)) * this.scale));
return new mxRectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, b);
qa.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))),
g = mxUtils.getValue(, 'participant');
null == g || null == this.state
?, a, b, c, d, f)
: ((g = this.state.view.graph.cellRenderer.getShape(g)),
null != g &&
g != qa &&
((g = new g()), g.apply(this.state),, g.paintVertexShape(a, b, c, d, f), a.restore()));
f < e &&
(a.setDashed('1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'lifelineDashed', '1')),
a.moveTo(b + d / 2, c + f),
a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e),
qa.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));, a, b, c, d, Math.min(e, f));
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlLifeline', qa);
mxUtils.extend(ia, mxShape);
ia.prototype.width = 60;
ia.prototype.height = 30;
ia.prototype.corner = 10;
ia.prototype.getLabelMargins = function (a) {
return new mxRectangle(
a.width - parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'width', this.width) * this.scale),
a.height - parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'height', this.height) * this.scale)
ia.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = this.corner,
g = Math.min(d, Math.max(f, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'width', this.width)))),
q = Math.min(e, Math.max(1.5 * f, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'height', this.height)))),
k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants.NONE);
k != mxConstants.NONE && (a.setFillColor(k), a.rect(b, c, d, e), a.fill());
null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE && this.gradient && this.gradient != mxConstants.NONE
? (this.getGradientBounds(a, b, c, d, e),
a.setGradient(this.fill, this.gradient, b, c, d, e, this.gradientDirection))
: a.setFillColor(this.fill);
a.moveTo(b, c);
a.lineTo(b + g, c);
a.lineTo(b + g, c + Math.max(0, q - 1.5 * f));
a.lineTo(b + Math.max(0, g - f), c + q);
a.lineTo(b, c + q);
a.moveTo(b + g, c);
a.lineTo(b + d, c);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e);
a.lineTo(b, c + e);
a.lineTo(b, c + q);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('umlFrame', ia);
mxPerimeter.CenterPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.getCenterY());
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('centerPerimeter', mxPerimeter.CenterPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.LifelinePerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = qa.prototype.size;
null != b && (d = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', d) * b.view.scale);
b = (parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH] || 1) * b.view.scale) / 2 - 1;
c.x < a.getCenterX() && (b = -1 * (b + 1));
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX() + b, Math.min(a.y + a.height, Math.max(a.y + d, c.y)));
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('lifelinePerimeter', mxPerimeter.LifelinePerimeter);
mxPerimeter.OrthogonalPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = !0;
return mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter.apply(this, arguments);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('orthogonalPerimeter', mxPerimeter.OrthogonalPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.BackbonePerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = (parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH] || 1) * b.view.scale) / 2 - 1;
null != && (d += (parseFloat( * b.view.scale) / 2 - 1);
if ('south' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] || 'north' ==[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION])
return (
c.x < a.getCenterX() && (d = -1 * (d + 1)),
new mxPoint(a.getCenterX() + d, Math.min(a.y + a.height, Math.max(a.y, c.y)))
c.y < a.getCenterY() && (d = -1 * (d + 1));
return new mxPoint(Math.min(a.x + a.width, Math.max(a.x, c.x)), a.getCenterY() + d);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('backbonePerimeter', mxPerimeter.BackbonePerimeter);
mxPerimeter.CalloutPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
return mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter(
new mxRectangle(
Math.min(a.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', M.prototype.size)) * b.view.scale)
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('calloutPerimeter', mxPerimeter.CalloutPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.ParallelogramPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
f = e ? B.prototype.fixedSize : B.prototype.size;
null != b && (f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', f));
e && (f *= b.view.scale);
var g = a.x,
q = a.y,
k = a.width,
h = a.height;
b =
null != b
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q),
: ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
h = a.getCenterX();
a = a.getCenterY();
a = new mxPoint(h, a);
d && (c.x < g || c.x > g + k ? (a.y = c.y) : (a.x = c.x));
return mxUtils.getPerimeterPoint(q, a, c);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('parallelogramPerimeter', mxPerimeter.ParallelogramPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.TrapezoidPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
f = e ? C.prototype.fixedSize : C.prototype.size;
null != b && (f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', f));
e && (f *= b.view.scale);
var g = a.x,
q = a.y,
k = a.width,
h = a.height;
b =
null != b
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q),
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q + e),
: ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q),
h = a.getCenterX();
a = a.getCenterY();
a = new mxPoint(h, a);
d && (c.x < g || c.x > g + k ? (a.y = c.y) : (a.x = c.x));
return mxUtils.getPerimeterPoint(q, a, c);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('trapezoidPerimeter', mxPerimeter.TrapezoidPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.StepPerimeter = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
f = e ? U.prototype.fixedSize : U.prototype.size;
null != b && (f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', f));
e && (f *= b.view.scale);
var g = a.x,
q = a.y,
k = a.width,
h = a.height,
l = a.getCenterX();
a = a.getCenterY();
b =
null != b
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, a),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, a),
new mxPoint(g, q),
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, a),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, a),
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
: b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q + e),
new mxPoint(l, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h),
new mxPoint(l, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + e),
: ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g, q),
new mxPoint(l, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(l, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q),
l = new mxPoint(l, a);
d && (c.x < g || c.x > g + k ? (l.y = c.y) : (l.x = c.x));
return mxUtils.getPerimeterPoint(q, l, c);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('stepPerimeter', mxPerimeter.StepPerimeter);
mxPerimeter.HexagonPerimeter2 = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
f = e ? da.prototype.fixedSize : da.prototype.size;
null != b && (f = mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', f));
e && (f *= b.view.scale);
var g = a.x,
q = a.y,
k = a.width,
h = a.height,
l = a.getCenterX();
a = a.getCenterY();
b =
null != b
? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
: mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH || b == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH
? ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(h, f)) : h * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(l, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + e),
new mxPoint(g + k, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(l, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, q + h - e),
new mxPoint(g, q + e),
new mxPoint(l, q),
: ((e = e ? Math.max(0, Math.min(k, f)) : k * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, f))),
(q = [
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q),
new mxPoint(g + k, a),
new mxPoint(g + k - e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g + e, q + h),
new mxPoint(g, a),
new mxPoint(g + e, q),
l = new mxPoint(l, a);
d && (c.x < g || c.x > g + k ? (l.y = c.y) : (l.x = c.x));
return mxUtils.getPerimeterPoint(q, l, c);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('hexagonPerimeter2', mxPerimeter.HexagonPerimeter2);
mxUtils.extend(Ka, mxShape);
Ka.prototype.size = 10;
Ka.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size));
a.translate(b, c);
a.ellipse((d - f) / 2, 0, f, f);
a.moveTo(d / 2, f);
a.lineTo(d / 2, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('lollipop', Ka);
mxUtils.extend(ua, mxShape);
ua.prototype.size = 10;
ua.prototype.inset = 2;
ua.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)),
g = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'inset', this.inset)) + this.strokewidth;
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(d / 2, f + g);
a.lineTo(d / 2, e);
a.moveTo((d - f) / 2 - g, f / 2);
a.quadTo((d - f) / 2 - g, f + g, d / 2, f + g);
a.quadTo((d + f) / 2 + g, f + g, (d + f) / 2 + g, f / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('requires', ua);
mxUtils.extend(Xa, mxShape);
Xa.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, 0, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('requiredInterface', Xa);
mxUtils.extend(Z, mxShape);
Z.prototype.inset = 2;
Z.prototype.paintBackground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'inset', this.inset)) + this.strokewidth;
a.translate(b, c);
a.ellipse(0, f, d - 2 * f, e - 2 * f);
a.moveTo(d / 2, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, d / 2, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('providedRequiredInterface', Z);
mxUtils.extend(ea, mxCylinder);
ea.prototype.jettyWidth = 20;
ea.prototype.jettyHeight = 10;
ea.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyWidth', this.jettyWidth));
b = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyHeight', this.jettyHeight));
c = g / 2;
var g = c + g / 2,
k = Math.min(b, e - b),
q = Math.min(k + 2 * b, e - b);
? (a.moveTo(c, k),
a.lineTo(g, k),
a.lineTo(g, k + b),
a.lineTo(c, k + b),
a.moveTo(c, q),
a.lineTo(g, q),
a.lineTo(g, q + b),
a.lineTo(c, q + b))
: (a.moveTo(c, 0),
a.lineTo(d, 0),
a.lineTo(d, e),
a.lineTo(c, e),
a.lineTo(c, q + b),
a.lineTo(0, q + b),
a.lineTo(0, q),
a.lineTo(c, q),
a.lineTo(c, k + b),
a.lineTo(0, k + b),
a.lineTo(0, k),
a.lineTo(c, k),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('module', ea);
mxUtils.extend(L, mxCylinder);
L.prototype.jettyWidth = 32;
L.prototype.jettyHeight = 12;
L.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyWidth', this.jettyWidth));
b = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyHeight', this.jettyHeight));
c = g / 2;
var g = c + g / 2,
k = 0.3 * e - b / 2,
q = 0.7 * e - b / 2;
? (a.moveTo(c, k),
a.lineTo(g, k),
a.lineTo(g, k + b),
a.lineTo(c, k + b),
a.moveTo(c, q),
a.lineTo(g, q),
a.lineTo(g, q + b),
a.lineTo(c, q + b))
: (a.moveTo(c, 0),
a.lineTo(d, 0),
a.lineTo(d, e),
a.lineTo(c, e),
a.lineTo(c, q + b),
a.lineTo(0, q + b),
a.lineTo(0, q),
a.lineTo(c, q),
a.lineTo(c, k + b),
a.lineTo(0, k + b),
a.lineTo(0, k),
a.lineTo(c, k),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('component', L);
mxUtils.extend(db, mxRectangleShape);
db.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = d / 2,
g = e / 2,
k = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(b + f, c), new mxPoint(b + d, c + g), new mxPoint(b + f, c + e), new mxPoint(b, c + g)],
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('associativeEntity', db);
mxUtils.extend(sa, mxDoubleEllipse);
sa.prototype.outerStroke = !0;
sa.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = Math.min(4, Math.min(d / 5, e / 5));
0 < d && 0 < e && (a.ellipse(b + f, c + f, d - 2 * f, e - 2 * f), a.fillAndStroke());
this.outerStroke && (a.ellipse(b, c, d, e), a.stroke());
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('endState', sa);
mxUtils.extend(eb, sa);
eb.prototype.outerStroke = !1;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('startState', eb);
mxUtils.extend(ta, mxArrowConnector);
ta.prototype.defaultWidth = 4;
ta.prototype.isOpenEnded = function () {
return !0;
ta.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function () {
return mxUtils.getNumber(, 'width', this.defaultWidth) + Math.max(0, this.strokewidth - 1);
ta.prototype.isArrowRounded = function () {
return this.isRounded;
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('link', ta);
mxUtils.extend(Fa, mxArrowConnector);
Fa.prototype.defaultWidth = 10;
Fa.prototype.defaultArrowWidth = 20;
Fa.prototype.getStartArrowWidth = function () {
return this.getEdgeWidth() + mxUtils.getNumber(, 'startWidth', this.defaultArrowWidth);
Fa.prototype.getEndArrowWidth = function () {
return this.getEdgeWidth() + mxUtils.getNumber(, 'endWidth', this.defaultArrowWidth);
Fa.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function () {
return mxUtils.getNumber(, 'width', this.defaultWidth) + Math.max(0, this.strokewidth - 1);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('flexArrow', Fa);
mxUtils.extend(La, mxActor);
La.prototype.size = 30;
La.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
La.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(0, e), new mxPoint(0, b), new mxPoint(d, 0), new mxPoint(d, e)],
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('manualInput', La);
mxUtils.extend(la, mxRectangleShape);
la.prototype.dx = 20;
la.prototype.dy = 20;
la.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function () {
return !1;
la.prototype.paintForeground = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxRectangleShape.prototype.paintForeground.apply(this, arguments);
var f = 0;
if (this.isRounded)
var g =
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR) / 100,
f = Math.max(f, Math.min(d * g, e * g));
g = Math.max(f, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', this.dx))));
f = Math.max(f, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', this.dy))));
a.moveTo(b, c + f);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + f);
a.moveTo(b + g, c);
a.lineTo(b + g, c + e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('internalStorage', la);
mxUtils.extend(Ca, mxActor);
Ca.prototype.dx = 20;
Ca.prototype.dy = 20;
Ca.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', this.dx))));
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', this.dy))));
parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size));
var f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0),
new mxPoint(d, c),
new mxPoint(b, c),
new mxPoint(b, e),
new mxPoint(0, e),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('corner', Ca);
mxUtils.extend(pa, mxActor);
pa.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(0, e);
a.moveTo(d, 0);
a.lineTo(d, e);
a.moveTo(0, e / 2);
a.lineTo(d, e / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('crossbar', pa);
mxUtils.extend(Ja, mxActor);
Ja.prototype.dx = 20;
Ja.prototype.dy = 20;
Ja.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', this.dx))));
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', this.dy))));
parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size));
var f = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0),
new mxPoint(d, c),
new mxPoint((d + b) / 2, c),
new mxPoint((d + b) / 2, e),
new mxPoint((d - b) / 2, e),
new mxPoint((d - b) / 2, c),
new mxPoint(0, c),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('tee', Ja);
mxUtils.extend(ba, mxActor);
ba.prototype.arrowWidth = 0.3;
ba.prototype.arrowSize = 0.2;
ba.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = e * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowWidth', this.arrowWidth))));
b = d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowSize', this.arrowSize))));
c = (e - f) / 2;
var f = c + f,
g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0, c),
new mxPoint(d - b, c),
new mxPoint(d - b, 0),
new mxPoint(d, e / 2),
new mxPoint(d - b, e),
new mxPoint(d - b, f),
new mxPoint(0, f),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('singleArrow', ba);
mxUtils.extend(E, mxActor);
E.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f =
e * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowWidth', ba.prototype.arrowWidth))));
b = d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowSize', ba.prototype.arrowSize))));
c = (e - f) / 2;
var f = c + f,
g = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(0, e / 2),
new mxPoint(b, 0),
new mxPoint(b, c),
new mxPoint(d - b, c),
new mxPoint(d - b, 0),
new mxPoint(d, e / 2),
new mxPoint(d - b, e),
new mxPoint(d - b, f),
new mxPoint(b, f),
new mxPoint(b, e),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('doubleArrow', E);
mxUtils.extend(I, mxActor);
I.prototype.size = 0.1;
I.prototype.fixedSize = 20;
I.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.fixedSize))))
: d * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
a.moveTo(b, 0);
a.lineTo(d, 0);
a.quadTo(d - 2 * b, e / 2, d, e);
a.lineTo(b, e);
a.quadTo(b - 2 * b, e / 2, b, 0);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('dataStorage', I);
mxUtils.extend(F, mxActor);
F.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, 0, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('or', F);
mxUtils.extend(N, mxActor);
N.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, 0, e);
a.quadTo(d / 2, e / 2, 0, 0);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('xor', N);
mxUtils.extend(V, mxActor);
V.prototype.size = 20;
V.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
V.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(d / 2, Math.min(e, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
new mxPoint(b, 0),
new mxPoint(d - b, 0),
new mxPoint(d, 0.8 * b),
new mxPoint(d, e),
new mxPoint(0, e),
new mxPoint(0, 0.8 * b),
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('loopLimit', V);
mxUtils.extend(Q, mxActor);
Q.prototype.size = 0.375;
Q.prototype.isRoundable = function () {
return !0;
Q.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = e * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
c = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
[new mxPoint(0, 0), new mxPoint(d, 0), new mxPoint(d, e - b), new mxPoint(d / 2, e), new mxPoint(0, e - b)],
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('offPageConnector', Q);
mxUtils.extend(X, mxEllipse);
X.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(b + d / 2, c + e);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('tapeData', X);
mxUtils.extend(ja, mxEllipse);
ja.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(b, c + e / 2);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e / 2);
a.moveTo(b + d / 2, c);
a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('orEllipse', ja);
mxUtils.extend(Qa, mxEllipse);
Qa.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(b + 0.145 * d, c + 0.145 * e);
a.lineTo(b + 0.855 * d, c + 0.855 * e);
a.moveTo(b + 0.855 * d, c + 0.145 * e);
a.lineTo(b + 0.145 * d, c + 0.855 * e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('sumEllipse', Qa);
mxUtils.extend(Ga, mxRhombus);
Ga.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxRhombus.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(b, c + e / 2);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('sortShape', Ga);
mxUtils.extend(Ra, mxEllipse);
Ra.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.moveTo(b, c);
a.lineTo(b + d, c);
a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e / 2);
a.moveTo(b, c + e);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e);
a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('collate', Ra);
mxUtils.extend(Sa, mxEllipse);
Sa.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.state.strokeWidth / 2,
g = 10 + 2 * f,
k = c + e - g / 2;
a.moveTo(b, c);
a.lineTo(b, c + e);
a.moveTo(b + f, k);
a.lineTo(b + f + g, k - g / 2);
a.moveTo(b + f, k);
a.lineTo(b + f + g, k + g / 2);
a.moveTo(b + f, k);
a.lineTo(b + d - f, k);
a.moveTo(b + d, c);
a.lineTo(b + d, c + e);
a.moveTo(b + d - f, k);
a.lineTo(b + d - g - f, k - g / 2);
a.moveTo(b + d - f, k);
a.lineTo(b + d - g - f, k + g / 2);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('dimension', Sa);
mxUtils.extend(ya, mxEllipse);
ya.prototype.drawHidden = !0;
ya.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.outline || a.setStrokeColor(null);
if (null != {
var f = a.pointerEvents,
g = null != this.fill && this.fill != mxConstants.NONE;
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS, '1') || g || (a.pointerEvents = !1);
var k = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'top', '1'),
h = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'left', '1'),
q = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'right', '1'),
l = '1' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'bottom', '1');
this.drawHidden || g || this.outline || k || q || l || h
? (a.rect(b, c, d, e),
(a.pointerEvents = f),
a.moveTo(b, c),
this.outline || k ? a.lineTo(b + d, c) : a.moveTo(b + d, c),
this.outline || q ? a.lineTo(b + d, c + e) : a.moveTo(b + d, c + e),
this.outline || l ? a.lineTo(b, c + e) : a.moveTo(b, c + e),
(this.outline || h) && a.lineTo(b, c),
: a.setStrokeColor(this.stroke);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('partialRectangle', ya);
mxUtils.extend(Ma, mxEllipse);
Ma.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
mxEllipse.prototype.paintVertexShape.apply(this, arguments);
'vertical' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'line')
? (a.moveTo(b + d / 2, c), a.lineTo(b + d / 2, c + e))
: (a.moveTo(b, c + e / 2), a.lineTo(b + d, c + e / 2));
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('lineEllipse', Ma);
mxUtils.extend(fa, mxActor);
fa.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(d, e / 2);
a.moveTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(d - b, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, d - b, e);
a.lineTo(0, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('delay', fa);
mxUtils.extend(S, mxActor);
S.prototype.size = 0.2;
S.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(e, d);
var f = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, b * parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
b = (e - f) / 2;
c = b + f;
var g = (d - f) / 2,
f = g + f;
a.moveTo(0, b);
a.lineTo(g, b);
a.lineTo(g, 0);
a.lineTo(f, 0);
a.lineTo(f, b);
a.lineTo(d, b);
a.lineTo(d, c);
a.lineTo(f, c);
a.lineTo(f, e);
a.lineTo(g, e);
a.lineTo(g, c);
a.lineTo(0, c);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('cross', S);
mxUtils.extend(ma, mxActor);
ma.prototype.size = 0.25;
ma.prototype.redrawPath = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
b = Math.min(d, e / 2);
c = Math.min(d - b, Math.max(0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))) * d);
a.moveTo(0, e / 2);
a.lineTo(c, 0);
a.lineTo(d - b, 0);
a.quadTo(d, 0, d, e / 2);
a.quadTo(d, e, d - b, e);
a.lineTo(c, e);
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('display', ma);
mxUtils.extend(R, mxActor);
R.prototype.cst = { RECT2: 'mxgraph.basic.rect' };
R.prototype.customProperties = [
name: 'rectStyle',
dispName: 'Style',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'square',
enumList: [
{ val: 'square', dispName: 'Square' },
{ val: 'rounded', dispName: 'Round' },
{ val: 'snip', dispName: 'Snip' },
{ val: 'invRound', dispName: 'Inv. Round' },
{ val: 'fold', dispName: 'Fold' },
{ name: 'size', dispName: 'Corner Size', type: 'float', defVal: 10 },
{ name: 'absoluteCornerSize', dispName: 'Abs. Corner Size', type: 'bool', defVal: !0 },
{ name: 'indent', dispName: 'Indent', type: 'float', defVal: 2 },
name: 'rectOutline',
dispName: 'Outline',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'single',
enumList: [
{ val: 'single', dispName: 'Single' },
{ val: 'double', dispName: 'Double' },
{ val: 'frame', dispName: 'Frame' },
{ name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Inside Fill Color', type: 'color', defVal: 'none' },
{ name: 'gradientColor2', dispName: 'Inside Gradient Color', type: 'color', defVal: 'none' },
name: 'gradientDirection2',
dispName: 'Inside Gradient Direction',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'south',
enumList: [
{ val: 'south', dispName: 'South' },
{ val: 'west', dispName: 'West' },
{ val: 'north', dispName: 'North' },
{ val: 'east', dispName: 'East' },
{ name: 'top', dispName: 'Top Line', type: 'bool', defVal: !0 },
{ name: 'right', dispName: 'Right', type: 'bool', defVal: !0 },
{ name: 'bottom', dispName: 'Bottom Line', type: 'bool', defVal: !0 },
{ name: 'left', dispName: 'Left ', type: 'bool', defVal: !0 },
name: 'topLeftStyle',
dispName: 'Top Left Style',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'default',
enumList: [
{ val: 'default', dispName: 'Default' },
{ val: 'square', dispName: 'Square' },
{ val: 'rounded', dispName: 'Round' },
{ val: 'snip', dispName: 'Snip' },
{ val: 'invRound', dispName: 'Inv. Round' },
{ val: 'fold', dispName: 'Fold' },
name: 'topRightStyle',
dispName: 'Top Right Style',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'default',
enumList: [
{ val: 'default', dispName: 'Default' },
{ val: 'square', dispName: 'Square' },
{ val: 'rounded', dispName: 'Round' },
{ val: 'snip', dispName: 'Snip' },
{ val: 'invRound', dispName: 'Inv. Round' },
{ val: 'fold', dispName: 'Fold' },
name: 'bottomRightStyle',
dispName: 'Bottom Right Style',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'default',
enumList: [
{ val: 'default', dispName: 'Default' },
{ val: 'square', dispName: 'Square' },
{ val: 'rounded', dispName: 'Round' },
{ val: 'snip', dispName: 'Snip' },
{ val: 'invRound', dispName: 'Inv. Round' },
{ val: 'fold', dispName: 'Fold' },
name: 'bottomLeftStyle',
dispName: 'Bottom Left Style',
type: 'enum',
defVal: 'default',
enumList: [
{ val: 'default', dispName: 'Default' },
{ val: 'square', dispName: 'Square' },
{ val: 'rounded', dispName: 'Round' },
{ val: 'snip', dispName: 'Snip' },
{ val: 'invRound', dispName: 'Inv. Round' },
{ val: 'fold', dispName: 'Fold' },
R.prototype.paintVertexShape = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a.translate(b, c);
this.strictDrawShape(a, 0, 0, d, e);
R.prototype.strictDrawShape = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = f && f.rectStyle ? f.rectStyle : mxUtils.getValue(, 'rectStyle', this.rectStyle),
k =
f && f.absoluteCornerSize
? f.absoluteCornerSize
: mxUtils.getValue(, 'absoluteCornerSize', this.absoluteCornerSize),
h = f && f.size ? f.size : Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))),
l = f && f.rectOutline ? f.rectOutline : mxUtils.getValue(, 'rectOutline', this.rectOutline),
q =
f && f.indent
? f.indent
: Math.max(0, Math.min(d, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'indent', this.indent)))),
m = f && f.dashed ? f.dashed : mxUtils.getValue(, 'dashed', !1),
n = f && f.dashPattern ? f.dashPattern : mxUtils.getValue(, 'dashPattern', null),
w = f && f.relIndent ? f.relIndent : Math.max(0, Math.min(50, q)),
p = f && ? : mxUtils.getValue(, 'top', !0),
A = f && f.right ? f.right : mxUtils.getValue(, 'right', !0),
y = f && f.bottom ? f.bottom : mxUtils.getValue(, 'bottom', !0),
r = f && f.left ? f.left : mxUtils.getValue(, 'left', !0),
t = f && f.topLeftStyle ? f.topLeftStyle : mxUtils.getValue(, 'topLeftStyle', 'default'),
G = f && f.topRightStyle ? f.topRightStyle : mxUtils.getValue(, 'topRightStyle', 'default'),
u = f && f.bottomRightStyle ? f.bottomRightStyle : mxUtils.getValue(, 'bottomRightStyle', 'default'),
H = f && f.bottomLeftStyle ? f.bottomLeftStyle : mxUtils.getValue(, 'bottomLeftStyle', 'default'),
v = f && f.fillColor ? f.fillColor : mxUtils.getValue(, 'fillColor', '#ffffff');
(f && f.strokeColor) || mxUtils.getValue(, 'strokeColor', '#000000');
var x = f && f.strokeWidth ? f.strokeWidth : mxUtils.getValue(, 'strokeWidth', '1'),
z = f && f.fillColor2 ? f.fillColor2 : mxUtils.getValue(, 'fillColor2', 'none'),
B = f && f.gradientColor2 ? f.gradientColor2 : mxUtils.getValue(, 'gradientColor2', 'none'),
C =
f && f.gradientDirection2 ? f.gradientDirection2 : mxUtils.getValue(, 'gradientDirection2', 'south'),
D = f && f.opacity ? f.opacity : mxUtils.getValue(, 'opacity', '100'),
E = Math.max(0, Math.min(50, h));
f = R.prototype;
n && '' != n && a.setDashPattern(n);
h = Math.min(0.5 * e, 0.5 * d, h);
k || (h = (E * Math.min(d, e)) / 100);
h = Math.min(h, 0.5 * Math.min(d, e));
k || (q = Math.min((w * Math.min(d, e)) / 100));
q = Math.min(q, 0.5 * Math.min(d, e) - h);
(p || A || y || r) &&
'frame' != l &&
p ? f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r) : a.moveTo(0, 0),
p && f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
A && f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
y && f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
r && f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
(m = k = D),
'none' == z && (k = 0),
'none' == B && (m = 0),
a.setGradient(z, B, 0, 0, d, e, C, k, m),
p ? f.moveNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r) : a.moveTo(q, 0),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
r && y && f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
y && A && f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
A && p && f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
p && r && f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
'none' == v && (a.begin(), f.paintFolds(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, G, u, H, h, p, A, y, r), a.stroke()));
p || A || y || !r
? p || A || !y || r
? !p && !A && y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.lineNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
: p || !A || y || r
? !p && A && !y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r), f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r)),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y), f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.lineNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.lineSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
: !p && A && y && !r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.lineSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
: !p && A && y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.lineNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
: !p || A || y || r
? p && !A && !y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.lineNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
: p && !A && y && !r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A), f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p)),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r), f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.lineNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.lineSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
: p && !A && y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.lineNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
: p && A && !y && !r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.lineSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
: p && A && !y && r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.lineSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
: p && A && y && !r
? 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.lineSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
: p &&
A &&
y &&
r &&
('frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.paintNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.paintSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.paintSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
f.paintSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
f.paintNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
f.paintNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
: 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A), f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, r),
f.paintTop(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, A),
f.lineNEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, A),
f.paintTopInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, r, p),
: 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y), f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveNE(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, p),
f.paintRight(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, y),
f.lineSEInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, y),
f.paintRightInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, G, h, q, p, A),
: 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r), f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSE(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, A),
f.paintBottom(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, r),
f.lineSWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, r),
f.paintBottomInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, u, h, q, A, y),
: 'frame' != l
? (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
'double' == l &&
(f.moveNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r), f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r)),
: (a.begin(),
f.moveSW(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, y),
f.paintLeft(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, p),
f.lineNWInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, h, q, p, r),
f.paintLeftInner(a, b, c, d, e, g, H, h, q, y, r),
f.paintFolds(a, b, c, d, e, g, t, G, u, H, h, p, A, y, r);
R.prototype.moveNW = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.moveTo(0, 0) : a.moveTo(0, h);
R.prototype.moveNE = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.moveTo(d, 0) : a.moveTo(d - h, 0);
R.prototype.moveSE = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.moveTo(d, e) : a.moveTo(d, e - h);
R.prototype.moveSW = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.moveTo(0, e) : a.moveTo(h, e);
R.prototype.paintNW = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if (k)
if (
'rounded' == g ||
('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) ||
'invRound' == g ||
('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)
) {
b = 0;
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f)) b = 1;
a.arcTo(h, h, 0, 0, b, h, 0);
} else
('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(h, 0);
else a.lineTo(0, 0);
R.prototype.paintTop = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.lineTo(d, 0) : a.lineTo(d - h, 0);
R.prototype.paintNE = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if (k)
if (
'rounded' == g ||
('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) ||
'invRound' == g ||
('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)
) {
b = 0;
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f)) b = 1;
a.arcTo(h, h, 0, 0, b, d, h);
} else
('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(d, h);
else a.lineTo(d, 0);
R.prototype.paintRight = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.lineTo(d, e) : a.lineTo(d, e - h);
R.prototype.paintLeft = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.lineTo(0, 0) : a.lineTo(0, h);
R.prototype.paintSE = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if (k)
if (
'rounded' == g ||
('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) ||
'invRound' == g ||
('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)
) {
b = 0;
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f)) b = 1;
a.arcTo(h, h, 0, 0, b, d - h, e);
} else
('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(d - h, e);
else a.lineTo(d, e);
R.prototype.paintBottom = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !k ? a.lineTo(0, e) : a.lineTo(h, e);
R.prototype.paintSW = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if (k)
if (
'rounded' == g ||
('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) ||
'invRound' == g ||
('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)
) {
b = 0;
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f)) b = 1;
a.arcTo(h, h, 0, 0, b, 0, e - h);
} else
('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(0, e - h);
else a.lineTo(0, e);
R.prototype.paintNWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f))
a.arcTo(h - 0.5 * k, h - 0.5 * k, 0, 0, 0, k, 0.5 * k + h);
else if ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)) a.arcTo(h + k, h + k, 0, 0, 1, k, k + h);
else if ('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)) a.lineTo(k, 0.5 * k + h);
else if ('fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) a.lineTo(k + h, k + h), a.lineTo(k, k + h);
R.prototype.paintTopInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.lineTo(0, k)
: l && !m
? a.lineTo(k, 0)
: l
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(h + 0.5 * k, k)
: a.lineTo(h + k, k)
: a.lineTo(0, k)
: a.lineTo(0, 0);
R.prototype.paintNEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f))
a.arcTo(h - 0.5 * k, h - 0.5 * k, 0, 0, 0, d - h - 0.5 * k, k);
else if ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)) a.arcTo(h + k, h + k, 0, 0, 1, d - h - k, k);
else if ('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)) a.lineTo(d - h - 0.5 * k, k);
else if ('fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) a.lineTo(d - h - k, h + k), a.lineTo(d - h - k, k);
R.prototype.paintRightInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.lineTo(d - k, 0)
: l && !m
? a.lineTo(d, k)
: l
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - k, h + 0.5 * k)
: a.lineTo(d - k, h + k)
: a.lineTo(d - k, 0)
: a.lineTo(d, 0);
R.prototype.paintLeftInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.lineTo(k, e)
: l && !m
? a.lineTo(0, e - k)
: l
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, e - h - 0.5 * k)
: a.lineTo(k, e - h - k)
: a.lineTo(k, e)
: a.lineTo(0, e);
R.prototype.paintSEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f))
a.arcTo(h - 0.5 * k, h - 0.5 * k, 0, 0, 0, d - k, e - h - 0.5 * k);
else if ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)) a.arcTo(h + k, h + k, 0, 0, 1, d - k, e - h - k);
else if ('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)) a.lineTo(d - k, e - h - 0.5 * k);
else if ('fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) a.lineTo(d - h - k, e - h - k), a.lineTo(d - k, e - h - k);
R.prototype.paintBottomInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.lineTo(d, e - k)
: l && !m
? a.lineTo(d - k, e)
: 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || !l
? a.lineTo(d - k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - h - 0.5 * k, e - k)
: a.lineTo(d - h - k, e - k)
: a.lineTo(d, e);
R.prototype.paintSWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
if (!l) a.lineTo(k, e);
else if ('square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)) a.lineTo(k, e - k);
else if ('rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f))
a.arcTo(h - 0.5 * k, h - 0.5 * k, 0, 0, 0, h + 0.5 * k, e - k);
else if ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f)) a.arcTo(h + k, h + k, 0, 0, 1, h + k, e - k);
else if ('snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)) a.lineTo(h + 0.5 * k, e - k);
else if ('fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) a.lineTo(k + h, e - h - k), a.lineTo(k + h, e - k);
R.prototype.moveSWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.moveTo(k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.moveTo(k, e - h - 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.moveTo(k, e - h - k)
: a.moveTo(0, e - k);
R.prototype.lineSWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, e - h - 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(k, e - h - k)
: a.lineTo(0, e - k);
R.prototype.moveSEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.moveTo(d - k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.moveTo(d - k, e - h - 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.moveTo(d - k, e - h - k)
: a.moveTo(d - k, e);
R.prototype.lineSEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - k, e - k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - k, e - h - 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(d - k, e - h - k)
: a.lineTo(d - k, e);
R.prototype.moveNEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || l
? a.moveTo(d - k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.moveTo(d - k, h + 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.moveTo(d - k, h + k)
: a.moveTo(d, k);
R.prototype.lineNEInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
? 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f) || l
? a.lineTo(d - k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(d - k, h + 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(d - k, h + k)
: a.lineTo(d, k);
R.prototype.moveNWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.moveTo(k, 0)
: l && !m
? a.moveTo(0, k)
: 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.moveTo(k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.moveTo(k, h + 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.moveTo(k, h + k)
: a.moveTo(0, 0);
R.prototype.lineNWInner = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
l || m
? !l && m
? a.lineTo(k, 0)
: l && !m
? a.lineTo(0, k)
: 'square' == g || ('default' == g && 'square' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, k)
: 'rounded' == g || ('default' == g && 'rounded' == f) || 'snip' == g || ('default' == g && 'snip' == f)
? a.lineTo(k, h + 0.5 * k)
: ('invRound' == g || ('default' == g && 'invRound' == f) || 'fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) &&
a.lineTo(k, h + k)
: a.lineTo(0, 0);
R.prototype.paintFolds = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, t) {
if ('fold' == f || 'fold' == g || 'fold' == h || 'fold' == k || 'fold' == l)
('fold' == g || ('default' == g && 'fold' == f)) && n && t && (a.moveTo(0, m), a.lineTo(m, m), a.lineTo(m, 0)),
('fold' == h || ('default' == h && 'fold' == f)) &&
n &&
p &&
(a.moveTo(d - m, 0), a.lineTo(d - m, m), a.lineTo(d, m)),
('fold' == k || ('default' == k && 'fold' == f)) &&
r &&
p &&
(a.moveTo(d - m, e), a.lineTo(d - m, e - m), a.lineTo(d, e - m)),
('fold' == l || ('default' == l && 'fold' == f)) &&
r &&
t &&
(a.moveTo(0, e - m), a.lineTo(m, e - m), a.lineTo(m, e));
mxCellRenderer.registerShape(R.prototype.cst.RECT2, R);
R.prototype.constraints = null;
mxUtils.extend(ra, mxConnector);
ra.prototype.origPaintEdgeShape = ra.prototype.paintEdgeShape;
ra.prototype.paintEdgeShape = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = 0; e < b.length; e++) d.push(mxUtils.clone(b[e]));
var e = a.state.dashed,
f = a.state.fixDash;
ra.prototype.origPaintEdgeShape.apply(this, [a, d, c]);
3 <= a.state.strokeWidth &&
((d = mxUtils.getValue(, 'fillColor', null)),
null != d &&
a.setStrokeWidth(a.state.strokeWidth - 2),
a.setDashed(e, f),
ra.prototype.origPaintEdgeShape.apply(this, [a, b, c])));
mxCellRenderer.registerShape('filledEdge', ra);
'undefined' !== typeof StyleFormatPanel &&
(function () {
var a = StyleFormatPanel.prototype.getCustomColors;
StyleFormatPanel.prototype.getCustomColors = function () {
var b = this.editorUi.getSelectionState(),
c = a.apply(this, arguments);
'umlFrame' == &&
c.push({ title: mxResources.get('laneColor'), key: 'swimlaneFillColor', defaultValue: 'default' });
return c;
mxMarker.addMarker('dash', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
var q = e * (g + k + 1),
m = f * (g + k + 1);
return function () {
a.moveTo(d.x - q / 2 - m / 2, d.y - m / 2 + q / 2);
a.lineTo(d.x + m / 2 - (3 * q) / 2, d.y - (3 * m) / 2 - q / 2);
mxMarker.addMarker('box', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
var q = e * (g + k + 1),
m = f * (g + k + 1),
n = d.x + q / 2,
p = d.y + m / 2;
d.x -= q;
d.y -= m;
return function () {
a.moveTo(n - q / 2 - m / 2, p - m / 2 + q / 2);
a.lineTo(n - q / 2 + m / 2, p - m / 2 - q / 2);
a.lineTo(n + m / 2 - (3 * q) / 2, p - (3 * m) / 2 - q / 2);
a.lineTo(n - m / 2 - (3 * q) / 2, p - (3 * m) / 2 + q / 2);
l ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
mxMarker.addMarker('cross', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
var q = e * (g + k + 1),
m = f * (g + k + 1);
return function () {
a.moveTo(d.x - q / 2 - m / 2, d.y - m / 2 + q / 2);
a.lineTo(d.x + m / 2 - (3 * q) / 2, d.y - (3 * m) / 2 - q / 2);
a.moveTo(d.x - q / 2 + m / 2, d.y - m / 2 - q / 2);
a.lineTo(d.x - m / 2 - (3 * q) / 2, d.y - (3 * m) / 2 + q / 2);
mxMarker.addMarker('circle', ib);
mxMarker.addMarker('circlePlus', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
var m = d.clone(),
q = ib.apply(this, arguments),
n = e * (g + 2 * k),
p = f * (g + 2 * k);
return function () {
q.apply(this, arguments);
a.moveTo(m.x - e * k, m.y - f * k);
a.lineTo(m.x - 2 * n + e * k, m.y - 2 * p + f * k);
a.moveTo(m.x - n - p + f * k, m.y - p + n - e * k);
a.lineTo(m.x + p - n - f * k, m.y - p - n + e * k);
mxMarker.addMarker('halfCircle', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
var m = e * (g + k + 1),
q = f * (g + k + 1),
n = d.clone();
d.x -= m;
d.y -= q;
return function () {
a.moveTo(n.x - q, n.y + m);
a.quadTo(d.x - q, d.y + m, d.x, d.y);
a.quadTo(d.x + q, d.y - m, n.x + q, n.y - m);
mxMarker.addMarker('async', function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
b = e * k * 1.118;
c = f * k * 1.118;
e *= g + k;
f *= g + k;
var m = d.clone();
m.x -= b;
m.y -= c;
d.x += 1 * -e - b;
d.y += 1 * -f - c;
return function () {
a.moveTo(m.x, m.y);
h ? a.lineTo(m.x - e - f / 2, m.y - f + e / 2) : a.lineTo(m.x + f / 2 - e, m.y - f - e / 2);
a.lineTo(m.x - e, m.y - f);
l ? a.fillAndStroke() : a.stroke();
(function (a) {
a = null != a ? a : 2;
return function (b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m) {
f *= h + l;
g *= h + l;
var q = e.clone();
return function () {
b.moveTo(q.x, q.y);
k ? b.lineTo(q.x - f - g / a, q.y - g + f / a) : b.lineTo(q.x + g / a - f, q.y - g - f / a);
if ('undefined' !== typeof mxVertexHandler) {
var kb = function (a, b, c) {
return aa(
function (b, d, e, f, g) {
g = a.shape.getEdgeWidth() * a.view.scale + c;
return new mxPoint(f.x + (d * b) / 4 + (e * g) / 2, f.y + (e * b) / 4 - (d * g) / 2);
function (b, d, e, f, g, h) {
b = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(f.x, f.y, g.x, g.y, h.x, h.y)); = Math.round(2 * b) / a.view.scale - c;
aa = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return W(
function (b) {
var e = a.absolutePoints,
f = e.length - 1;
b = a.view.translate;
var g = a.view.scale,
h = c ? e[0] : e[f],
e = c ? e[1] : e[f - 1],
f = e.x - h.x,
k = e.y - h.y,
l = Math.sqrt(f * f + k * k),
h =, l, f / l, k / l, h, e);
return new mxPoint(h.x / g - b.x, h.y / g - b.y);
function (b, d, f) {
var g = a.absolutePoints,
h = g.length - 1;
b = a.view.translate;
var k = a.view.scale,
l = c ? g[0] : g[h],
g = c ? g[1] : g[h - 1],
h = g.x - l.x,
m = g.y - l.y,
q = Math.sqrt(h * h + m * m);
d.x = (d.x + b.x) * k;
d.y = (d.y + b.y) * k;, q, h / q, m / q, l, g, d, f);
Ha = function (a) {
return function (b) {
return [
['arrowWidth', 'arrowSize'],
function (b) {
var c = Math.max(
Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowWidth', ba.prototype.arrowWidth))
d = Math.max(0, Math.min(a, mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowSize', ba.prototype.arrowSize)));
return new mxPoint(b.x + (1 - d) * b.width, b.y + ((1 - c) * b.height) / 2);
function (b, c) { = Math.max(
Math.min(1, (Math.abs(b.y + b.height / 2 - c.y) / b.height) * 2)
); = Math.max(0, Math.min(a, (b.x + b.width - c.x) / b.width));
ca = function (a) {
return function (b) {
return [
function (b) {
var c = Math.max(
Math.min(0.5 * b.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', a)))
return new mxPoint(b.x, b.y + c);
function (a, b) { = Math.max(0, b.y - a.y);
Ua = function (a, b, c) {
return function (d) {
var e = [
function (c) {
var d =
Math.min(c.width, Math.min(c.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', b))))
) * a;
return new mxPoint(c.x + d, c.y + d);
function (b, c) { = Math.round(
Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.min(b.width, c.x - b.x), Math.min(b.height, c.y - b.y))) / a
c && mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && e.push(Ia(d));
return e;
Ya = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
c = null != c ? c : 0.5;
return function (f) {
var g = [
function (b) {
var c = null != e ? '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0') : null,
d = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', c ? e : a));
return new mxPoint(b.x + Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * b.width, d * (c ? 1 : b.width))), b.getCenterY());
function (a, b, d) {
a =
null != e && '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? b.x - a.x
: Math.max(0, Math.min(c, (b.x - a.x) / a.width)); = a;
b && mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && g.push(Ia(f));
return g;
pb = function (a, b, c) {
a = null != a ? a : 0.5;
return function (d) {
var e = [
function (d) {
var e = null != c ? '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0') : null,
f = Math.max(0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', e ? c : b)));
return new mxPoint(
d.x + Math.min(0.75 * d.width * a, f * (e ? 0.75 : 0.75 * d.width)),
d.y + d.height / 4
function (b, d) {
var e =
null != c && '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? d.x - b.x
: Math.max(0, Math.min(a, ((d.x - b.x) / b.width) * 0.75)); = e;
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && e.push(Ia(d));
return e;
Za = function () {
return function (a) {
var b = [];
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && b.push(Ia(a));
return b;
Ia = function (a, b) {
return W(
function (c) {
var d = null != b ? b : c.height / 8;
if ('1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0)) {
var e = mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE) / 2;
return new mxPoint(c.x + c.width - Math.min(c.width / 2, e), c.y + d);
e =
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, 100 * mxConstants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR)
) / 100;
return new mxPoint(
c.x + c.width - Math.min(Math.max(c.width / 2, c.height / 2), Math.min(c.width, c.height) * e),
c.y + d
function (b, c, d) {
'1' == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ABSOLUTE_ARCSIZE, 0)
? ([mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE] = Math.round(
Math.max(0, Math.min(b.width, 2 * (b.x + b.width - c.x)))
: ([mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE] = Math.round(
Math.min(50, Math.max(0, (100 * (b.width - c.x + b.x)) / Math.min(b.width, b.height)))
W = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new mxHandle(a, null, mxVertexHandler.prototype.secondaryHandleImage);
h.execute = function (a) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) this.copyStyle(b[c]);
g && g(a);
h.getPosition = c;
h.setPosition = d;
h.ignoreGrid = null != e ? e : !0;
if (f) {
var k = h.positionChanged;
h.positionChanged = function () {
k.apply(this, arguments);
return h;
va = {
'link': function (a) {
return [kb(a, !0, 10), kb(a, !1, 10)];
'flexArrow': function (a) {
var b = a.view.graph.gridSize / a.view.scale,
c = [];
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE &&
['width', mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE],
function (b, c, d, e, f) {
b = (a.shape.getEdgeWidth() - a.shape.strokewidth) * a.view.scale;
f =
3 *
mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5) *
return new mxPoint(
e.x + c * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) + (d * b) / 2,
e.y + d * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) - (c * b) / 2
function (c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
c = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(f.x, f.y, g.x, g.y, h.x, h.y));
d = mxUtils.ptLineDist(f.x, f.y, f.x + e, f.y - d, h.x, h.y);[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =
Math.round((100 * (d - a.shape.strokewidth)) / 3) / 100 / a.view.scale; = Math.round(2 * c) / a.view.scale;
if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(k.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isControlDown(k.getEvent()))[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE];
mxEvent.isAltDown(k.getEvent()) ||
parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE]) - parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE])
) <
b / 6 &&
([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE]));
['startWidth', 'endWidth', mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE],
function (b, c, d, e, f) {
b = (a.shape.getStartArrowWidth() - a.shape.strokewidth) * a.view.scale;
f =
3 *
mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5) *
return new mxPoint(
e.x + c * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) + (d * b) / 2,
e.y + d * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) - (c * b) / 2
function (c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
c = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(f.x, f.y, g.x, g.y, h.x, h.y));
d = mxUtils.ptLineDist(f.x, f.y, f.x + e, f.y - d, h.x, h.y);[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =
Math.round((100 * (d - a.shape.strokewidth)) / 3) / 100 / a.view.scale; = Math.max(0, Math.round(2 * c) - a.shape.getEdgeWidth()) / a.view.scale;
if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(k.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isControlDown(k.getEvent()))
([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE]),
( =;
mxEvent.isAltDown(k.getEvent()) ||
parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE]) - parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE])
) <
b / 6 && ([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE]),
Math.abs(parseFloat( - parseFloat( < b &&
( =;
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants.NONE) != mxConstants.NONE &&
['width', mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE],
function (b, c, d, e, f) {
b = (a.shape.getEdgeWidth() - a.shape.strokewidth) * a.view.scale;
f =
3 *
mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5) *
return new mxPoint(
e.x + c * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) - (d * b) / 2,
e.y + d * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) + (c * b) / 2
function (c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
c = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(f.x, f.y, g.x, g.y, h.x, h.y));
d = mxUtils.ptLineDist(f.x, f.y, f.x + e, f.y - d, h.x, h.y);[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =
Math.round((100 * (d - a.shape.strokewidth)) / 3) / 100 / a.view.scale; = Math.round(2 * c) / a.view.scale;
if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(k.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isControlDown(k.getEvent()))[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE];
mxEvent.isAltDown(k.getEvent()) ||
parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE]) - parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE])
) <
b / 6 &&
([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE]));
['startWidth', 'endWidth', mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE],
function (b, c, d, e, f) {
b = (a.shape.getEndArrowWidth() - a.shape.strokewidth) * a.view.scale;
f =
3 *
mxUtils.getNumber(, mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants.ARROW_SIZE / 5) *
return new mxPoint(
e.x + c * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) - (d * b) / 2,
e.y + d * (f + a.shape.strokewidth * a.view.scale) + (c * b) / 2
function (c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
c = Math.sqrt(mxUtils.ptSegDistSq(f.x, f.y, g.x, g.y, h.x, h.y));
d = mxUtils.ptLineDist(f.x, f.y, f.x + e, f.y - d, h.x, h.y);[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =
Math.round((100 * (d - a.shape.strokewidth)) / 3) / 100 / a.view.scale; = Math.max(0, Math.round(2 * c) - a.shape.getEdgeWidth()) / a.view.scale;
if (mxEvent.isShiftDown(k.getEvent()) || mxEvent.isControlDown(k.getEvent()))
([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE]),
( =;
mxEvent.isAltDown(k.getEvent()) ||
parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE]) - parseFloat([mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE])
) <
b / 6 && ([mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] =[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE]),
Math.abs(parseFloat( - parseFloat( < b &&
( =;
return c;
'swimlane': function (a) {
var b = [];
if (mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED)) {
var c = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE));
b.push(Ia(a, c / 2));
function (b) {
var c = parseFloat(
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants.DEFAULT_STARTSIZE)
return 1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1)
? new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.y + Math.max(0, Math.min(b.height, c)))
: new mxPoint(b.x + Math.max(0, Math.min(b.width, c)), b.getCenterY());
function (b, c) {[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] =
1 == mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, 1)
? Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(b.height, c.y - b.y)))
: Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(b.width, c.x - b.x)));
function (b) {
var c = a.view.graph;
if (
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(b.getEvent()) &&
!mxEvent.isControlDown(b.getEvent()) &&
(c.isTableRow(a.cell) || c.isTableCell(a.cell))
) {
b = c.getSwimlaneDirection(;
for (
var d = c.model.getParent(a.cell), d = c.model.getChildCells(d, !0), e = [], f = 0;
f < d.length;
d[f] != a.cell &&
c.isSwimlane(d[f]) &&
c.getSwimlaneDirection(c.getCurrentCellStyle(d[f])) == b &&
c.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE,[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE], e);
return b;
'label': Za(),
'ext': Za(),
'rectangle': Za(),
'triangle': Za(),
'rhombus': Za(),
'umlLifeline': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', qa.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.y + b);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)));
'umlFrame': function (a) {
return [
['width', 'height'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'width', ia.prototype.width))
c = Math.max(
1.5 * ia.prototype.corner,
Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'height', ia.prototype.height))
return new mxPoint(a.x + b, a.y + c);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(ia.prototype.corner, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x))); = Math.round(
Math.max(1.5 * ia.prototype.corner, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y))
'process': function (a) {
var b = [
function (a) {
var b = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
c = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', O.prototype.size));
return b
? new mxPoint(a.x + c, a.y + a.height / 4)
: new mxPoint(a.x + a.width * c, a.y + a.height / 4);
function (a, b) {
var c =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5 * a.width, b.x - a.x))
: Math.max(0, Math.min(0.5, (b.x - a.x) / a.width)); = c;
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && b.push(Ia(a));
return b;
'cross': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.min(a.width, a.height),
b = (Math.max(0, Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', S.prototype.size))) * b) / 2;
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX() - b, a.getCenterY() - b);
function (a, b) {
var c = Math.min(a.width, a.height); = Math.max(
Math.min((Math.max(0, a.getCenterY() - b.y) / c) * 2, (Math.max(0, a.getCenterX() - b.x) / c) * 2)
'note': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', h.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.x + a.width - b, a.y + b);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(
Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.min(a.width, a.x + a.width - b.x), Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)))
'note2': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.height, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', l.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.x + a.width - b, a.y + b);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(
Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.min(a.width, a.x + a.width - b.x), Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)))
'manualInput': function (a) {
var b = [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', La.prototype.size)));
return new mxPoint(a.x + a.width / 4, a.y + (3 * b) / 4);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, (4 * (b.y - a.y)) / 3)));
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && b.push(Ia(a));
return b;
'dataStorage': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = '0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0'),
c = parseFloat(
mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', b ? I.prototype.fixedSize : I.prototype.size)
return new mxPoint(a.x + a.width - c * (b ? 1 : a.width), a.getCenterY());
function (a, b) {
var c =
'0' != mxUtils.getValue(, 'fixedSize', '0')
? Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, a.x + a.width - b.x))
: Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (a.x + a.width - b.x) / a.width)); = c;
'callout': function (a) {
var b = [
['size', 'position'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', M.prototype.size))),
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'position', M.prototype.position)));
mxUtils.getValue(, 'base', M.prototype.base);
return new mxPoint(a.x + c * a.width, a.y + a.height - b);
function (a, b) {
mxUtils.getValue(, 'base', M.prototype.base); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, a.y + a.height - b.y))); = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (b.x - a.x) / a.width))) / 100;
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'position2', M.prototype.position2))
return new mxPoint(a.x + b * a.width, a.y + a.height);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (b.x - a.x) / a.width))) / 100;
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', M.prototype.size))),
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'position', M.prototype.position))),
d = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'base', M.prototype.base)));
return new mxPoint(a.x + Math.min(a.width, c * a.width + d), a.y + a.height - b);
function (a, b) {
var c = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, mxUtils.getValue(, 'position', M.prototype.position))); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x - c * a.width)));
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && b.push(Ia(a));
return b;
'internalStorage': function (a) {
var b = [
['dx', 'dy'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', la.prototype.dx))),
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', la.prototype.dy)));
return new mxPoint(a.x + b, a.y + c);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x))); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)));
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED, !1) && b.push(Ia(a));
return b;
'module': function (a) {
return [
['jettyWidth', 'jettyHeight'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyWidth', ea.prototype.jettyWidth))
c = Math.max(
Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'jettyHeight', ea.prototype.jettyHeight))
return new mxPoint(a.x + b / 2, a.y + 2 * c);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(2 * Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x))); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)) / 2);
'corner': function (a) {
return [
['dx', 'dy'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', Ca.prototype.dx))),
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', Ca.prototype.dy)));
return new mxPoint(a.x + b, a.y + c);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x))); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)));
'tee': function (a) {
return [
['dx', 'dy'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', Ja.prototype.dx))),
c = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', Ja.prototype.dy)));
return new mxPoint(a.x + (a.width + b) / 2, a.y + c);
function (a, b) { = Math.round(Math.max(0, 2 * Math.min(a.width / 2, b.x - a.x - a.width / 2))); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)));
'singleArrow': Ha(1),
'doubleArrow': Ha(0.5),
'folder': function (a) {
return [
['tabWidth', 'tabHeight'],
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.width, mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabWidth', t.prototype.tabWidth))
c = Math.max(
Math.min(a.height, mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', t.prototype.tabHeight))
mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', t.prototype.tabPosition) == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT &&
(b = a.width - b);
return new mxPoint(a.x + b, a.y + c);
function (a, b) {
var c = Math.max(0, Math.min(a.width, b.x - a.x));
mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', t.prototype.tabPosition) == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT &&
(c = a.width - c); = Math.round(c); = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height, b.y - a.y)));
'document': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', D.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.x + (3 * a.width) / 4, a.y + (1 - b) * a.height);
function (a, b) { = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (a.y + a.height - b.y) / a.height));
'tape': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', z.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.y + (b * a.height) / 2);
function (a, b) { = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, ((b.y - a.y) / a.height) * 2));
'isoCube2': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b =
Math.min(94, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'isoAngle', m.isoAngle)))
) *
Math.PI) /
return new mxPoint(a.x, a.y + Math.min(a.width * Math.tan(b), 0.5 * a.height));
function (a, b) { = Math.max(0, (50 * (b.y - a.y)) / a.height);
'cylinder2': ca(n.prototype.size),
'cylinder3': ca(p.prototype.size),
'offPageConnector': function (a) {
return [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', Q.prototype.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.getCenterX(), a.y + (1 - b) * a.height);
function (a, b) { = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (a.y + a.height - b.y) / a.height));
'mxgraph.basic.rect': function (a) {
var b = [
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(
Math.min(a.width / 2, a.height / 2, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))
return new mxPoint(a.x + b, a.y + b);
function (a, b) { =
Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(a.height / 2, a.width / 2, b.x - a.x))) / 100;
a = Graph.createHandle(
function (a) {
var b = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'indent', this.dx2))));
return new mxPoint(a.x + 0.75 * a.width, a.y + (b * a.height) / 200);
function (a, b) { =
Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (200 * (b.y - a.y)) / a.height))) / 100;
return b;
'step': Ya(U.prototype.size, !0, null, !0, U.prototype.fixedSize),
'hexagon': Ya(da.prototype.size, !0, 0.5, !0, da.prototype.fixedSize),
'curlyBracket': Ya(J.prototype.size, !1),
'display': Ya(ma.prototype.size, !1),
'cube': Ua(1, d.prototype.size, !1),
'card': Ua(0.5, x.prototype.size, !0),
'loopLimit': Ua(0.5, V.prototype.size, !0),
'trapezoid': pb(0.5, C.prototype.size, C.prototype.fixedSize),
'parallelogram': pb(1, B.prototype.size, B.prototype.fixedSize),
Graph.createHandle = W;
Graph.handleFactory = va;
var qb = mxVertexHandler.prototype.createCustomHandles;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.createCustomHandles = function () {
var a = qb.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.graph.isCellRotatable(this.state.cell)) {
var b =;
null == mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[b] && null == mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(b)
? (b = mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE)
: this.state.view.graph.isSwimlane(this.state.cell) && (b = mxConstants.SHAPE_SWIMLANE);
b = va[b];
null == b &&
null != this.state.shape &&
this.state.shape.isRoundable() &&
(b = va[mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE]);
null != b && ((b = b(this.state)), null != b && (a = null == a ? b : a.concat(b)));
return a;
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createCustomHandles = function () {
var a =;
null == mxCellRenderer.defaultShapes[a] &&
null == mxStencilRegistry.getStencil(a) &&
(a = mxConstants.SHAPE_CONNECTOR);
a = va[a];
return null != a ? a(this.state) : null;
} else (Graph.createHandle = function () {}), (Graph.handleFactory = {});
var bb = new mxPoint(1, 0),
Na = new mxPoint(1, 0),
fb = mxUtils.toRadians(-30),
bb = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(bb, Math.cos(fb), Math.sin(fb)),
gb = mxUtils.toRadians(-150),
Na = mxUtils.getRotatedPoint(Na, Math.cos(gb), Math.sin(gb));
mxEdgeStyle.IsometricConnector = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.view;
d = null != d && 0 < d.length ? d[0] : null;
var g = a.absolutePoints,
h = g[0],
g = g[g.length - 1];
null != d && (d = f.transformControlPoint(a, d));
null == h && null != b && (h = new mxPoint(b.getCenterX(), b.getCenterY()));
null == g && null != c && (g = new mxPoint(c.getCenterX(), c.getCenterY()));
var k = bb.x,
l = bb.y,
m = Na.x,
q = Na.y,
n = 'horizontal' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'elbow', 'horizontal');
if (null != g && null != h) {
a = function (a, b, c) {
a -= p.x;
var d = b - p.y;
b = (q * a - m * d) / (k * q - l * m);
a = (l * a - k * d) / (l * m - k * q);
? (c && ((p = new mxPoint(p.x + k * b, p.y + l * b)), e.push(p)), (p = new mxPoint(p.x + m * a, p.y + q * a)))
: (c && ((p = new mxPoint(p.x + m * a, p.y + q * a)), e.push(p)),
(p = new mxPoint(p.x + k * b, p.y + l * b)));
var p = h;
null == d && (d = new mxPoint(h.x + (g.x - h.x) / 2, h.y + (g.y - h.y) / 2));
a(d.x, d.y, !0);
a(g.x, g.y, !1);
mxStyleRegistry.putValue('isometricEdgeStyle', mxEdgeStyle.IsometricConnector);
var ub = Graph.prototype.createEdgeHandler;
Graph.prototype.createEdgeHandler = function (a, b) {
if (b == mxEdgeStyle.IsometricConnector) {
var c = new mxElbowEdgeHandler(a);
c.snapToTerminals = !1;
return c;
return ub.apply(this, arguments);
f.prototype.constraints = [];
g.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.tan(mxUtils.toRadians(30)),
e = (0.5 - d) / 2,
d = Math.min(b, c / (0.5 + d));
b = (b - d) / 2;
c = (c - d) / 2;
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, c + 0.25 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b + 0.5 * d, c + d * e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b + d, c + 0.25 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b + d, c + 0.75 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b + 0.5 * d, c + (1 - e) * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, c + 0.75 * d));
return a;
m.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d =
(Math.max(0.01, Math.min(94, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'isoAngle', this.isoAngle)))) * Math.PI) /
d = Math.min(b * Math.tan(d), 0.5 * c);
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, d));
return a;
M.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE);
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'position', this.position));
var e = b * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'position2', this.position2))));
parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'base', this.base));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * (c - d)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.5 * (c - d)));
b >= 2 * d && a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
return a;
mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !0),
mxEllipse.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5)),
ya.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
mxImageShape.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
mxSwimlane.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
ha.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
mxLabel.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
h.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - 0.5 * d, 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * (c + d)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
b >= 2 * d && a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
return a;
x.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * d, 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.5 * (c + d)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
b >= 2 * d && a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
return a;
d.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - 0.5 * d, 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * (c + d)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * d, c - 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.5 * (c - d)));
return a;
p.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
b = Math.max(0, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1, null, 0, b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1, null, 0, -b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1, null, 0, -b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, b + 0.5 * (0.5 * c - b)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1, null, 0, b + 0.5 * (0.5 * c - b)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1, null, 0, c - b - 0.5 * (0.5 * c - b)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c - b - 0.5 * (0.5 * c - b)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.145, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.29 * b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.855, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.29 * b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.855, 1), !1, null, 0, 0.29 * -b));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.145, 1), !1, null, 0, 0.29 * -b));
return a;
t.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabWidth', this.tabWidth)))),
e = Math.max(0, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabHeight', this.tabHeight))));
'left' == mxUtils.getValue(, 'tabPosition', this.tabPosition)
? (a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * d, 0)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, 0)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, e)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), e)))
: (a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - 0.5 * d, 0)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, 0)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, e)),
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), e)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.25 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.75 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.25 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.5 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.75 * (c - e) + e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !1));
return a;
la.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
I.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
X.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
ja.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
Qa.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
Ma.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
La.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
fa.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
ma.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.min(b, c / 2),
e = Math.min(b - d, Math.max(0, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size))) * b);
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1, null));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (e + b - d), 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1, null));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - d, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (e + b - d), c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, c));
return a;
ea.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
b = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(a, 'jettyWidth', ea.prototype.jettyWidth)) / 2;
a = parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(a, 'jettyHeight', ea.prototype.jettyHeight));
var d = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1, null, b),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, Math.min(c - 0.5 * a, 1.5 * a)),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, Math.min(c - 0.5 * a, 3.5 * a)),
c > 5 * a && d.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !1, null, b));
c > 8 * a && d.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1, null, b));
c > 15 * a && d.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !1, null, b));
return d;
V.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
Q.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
mxCylinder.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.15, 0.05), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.85, 0.05), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.3), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.7), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.3), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.7), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.15, 0.95), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.85, 0.95), !1),
Oa.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0.1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1 / 3), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1 / 3), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0.5), !1),
L.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.3), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.7), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !0),
mxActor.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.2), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.1, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0.25), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.9, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !0),
r.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0.25), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0.75), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1),
z.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.35), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.65), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.35), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.65), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !1),
U.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
mxLine.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
Ka.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1),
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
mxRhombus.prototype.constraints = mxEllipse.prototype.constraints;
mxTriangle.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
mxHexagon.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.375, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.625, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.375, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.625, 1), !0),
mxCloud.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.25), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.4, 0.1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.16, 0.55), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.07, 0.4), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.31, 0.8), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.13, 0.77), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.8, 0.8), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.55, 0.95), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.875, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.96, 0.7), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.625, 0.2), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.88, 0.25), !1),
B.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
C.prototype.constraints = mxRectangleShape.prototype.constraints;
D.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.25), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !0),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.75), !0),
mxArrow.prototype.constraints = null;
Ja.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', this.dx)))),
e = Math.max(0, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', this.dy))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.75 * b + 0.25 * d, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), 0.5 * (c + e)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), 0.5 * (c + e)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - d), e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.25 * b - 0.25 * d, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, 0.5 * e));
return a;
Ca.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dx', this.dx)))),
e = Math.max(0, Math.min(c, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'dy', this.dy))));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, 0.5 * e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + d), e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, e));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, 0.5 * (c + e)));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, d, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * d, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1));
return a;
pa.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.75, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 1), !1),
ba.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = c * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowWidth', this.arrowWidth)))),
e = b * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowSize', this.arrowSize)))),
d = (c - d) / 2;
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - e), d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - e, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - e, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b - e), c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, c - d));
return a;
E.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d =
c * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowWidth', ba.prototype.arrowWidth)))),
e = b * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'arrowSize', ba.prototype.arrowSize)))),
d = (c - d) / 2;
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * b, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - e, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b - e, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * b, c - d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, c));
return a;
S.prototype.getConstraints = function (a, b, c) {
a = [];
var d = Math.min(c, b),
e = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, d * parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(, 'size', this.size)))),
d = (c - e) / 2,
f = d + e,
g = (b - e) / 2,
e = g + e;
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 0), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, 0));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, c - 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.5, 1), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, c));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, c - 0.5 * d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, e, f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + e), d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, b, f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * (b + e), f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * g, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, d));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0, f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, 0.5 * g, f));
a.push(new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0), !1, null, g, d));
return a;
qa.prototype.constraints = null;
F.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.25), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.75), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.7, 0.1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.7, 0.9), !1),
N.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.175, 0.25), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.25, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.175, 0.75), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.7, 0.1), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0.7, 0.9), !1),
Xa.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
Z.prototype.constraints = [
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), !1),
new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), !1),
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a = a.getAttribute('backgroundImage');
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((a = JSON.parse(a)),
b.setBackgroundImage(new mxImage(a.src, a.width, a.height)),
'0' != z &&;
'1' == A && N(b);
a = b.container.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (null != a)
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var g = a[c].getAttribute('href');
null != g &&
'#' == g.charAt(0) &&
'_blank' == a[c].getAttribute('target') &&
p = new mxCodec(h),
B = h.documentElement;
null == d && (d = B);
b.resetViewOnRootChange = !1;
if (null != f && 0 < f.length) {
var t = b.getGlobalVariable;
b.getGlobalVariable = function (b) {
return 'page' == b
? f[0].getAttribute('name') || 'Page-1'
: 'pagenumber' == b
? 1
: 'pagecount' == b
? f.length
: t.apply(this, arguments);
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b.cellRenderer.forceControlClickHandler = b.foldingEnabled;
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'0' != J ? b.setTooltips(!0) : b.setTooltips(!1);
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var K = mxUtils.parseXml(w);
new mxCodec(K).decode(K.documentElement, b.getStylesheet());
var A = d.getAttribute('math');
'1' == A && ((mxClient.NO_FO = !0), M());
'0' != d.getAttribute('pan')
? ((b.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = !0),
(b.panningHandler.ignoreCell = !0),
( = 'move'),
: ( = 'default');
var C = d.getAttribute('resize'),
u = Number(d.getAttribute('border') || 0);
b.border = u;
var z = d.getAttribute('fit');
('100%' != && '1' != z && '0' != C) || ('' == && '' ==
? ((b.resizeContainer = !0), (b.centerZoom = !1))
: '0' != C && '100%' == && '' ==
? ((b.resizeContainer = !0),
(b.centerZoom = !1),
(b.doResizeContainer = function (b, a) {
a = mxClient.IS_IE ? (9 <= document.documentMode ? a + 5 : a + 1) : a + 1;
null != this.maximumContainerSize && (a = Math.min(this.maximumContainerSize.height, a)); = Math.ceil(a + 18) + 'px';
: (b.centerZoom = !0);
var x = d.getAttribute('links'),
v = d.getAttribute('highlight');
if ('0' != x || '0' != J) {
var O =,
L = b.getTolerance();
currentState: null,
currentLink: null,
highlight: null != v && '' != v && v != mxConstants.NONE ? new mxCellHighlight(b, v, 2) : null,
startX: 0,
startY: 0,
mouseDown: function (b, a) {
this.startX = a.getGraphX();
this.startY = a.getGraphY();
mouseMove: function (a, c) {
if (b.isMouseDown) {
if (null != this.currentLink) {
var g = Math.abs(this.startX - c.getGraphX()),
e = Math.abs(this.startY - c.getGraphY());
(g > L || e > L) && this.clear();
} else if (
null == this.currentState ||
(c.getState() != this.currentState && null != c.getState()) ||
!b.intersects(this.currentState, c.getGraphX(), c.getGraphY())
(g = b.view.getState(c.getCell())),
g != this.currentState &&
(null != this.currentState && this.clear(),
(this.currentState = g),
null != this.currentState && this.activate(this.currentState));
mouseUp: function (a, b) {
var c = this.currentLink;
null != c && ('#' == c.charAt(0) ? (window.location.hash = c) :;
activate: function (g) {
this.currentLink = b.getLinkForCell(g.cell);
null != this.currentLink &&
(( = 'pointer'), null != this.highlight && this.highlight.highlight(g));
clear: function () { = O;
this.currentLink = this.currentState = null;
null != this.highlight && this.highlight.hide();
var P = Number(d.getAttribute('x0') || 0),
Q = Number(d.getAttribute('y0') || 0);
b.view.translate.x = -P + u;
b.view.translate.y = -Q + u;
var n = d.getAttribute('url');
if (null != n)
try {
var q =
null != navigator.userAgent && 0 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 9')
? new XDomainRequest()
: new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', n);
q.onload = mxUtils.bind(this, function () {
try {
'1' == A && (mxClient.NO_FO = mxClient.IS_SF);
var a = null != q.getText ? q.getText() : q.responseText;
if (null != a) {
var c = mxUtils.parseXml(a);
if (null != c && 'html' == c.documentElement.nodeName) {
var e = c.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('div');
if (0 < e.length && 'mxgraph' == e[0].getAttribute('class')) {
var f = e[0].getElementsByTagName('div');
0 < f.length &&
((a = mxUtils.getTextContent(f[0])),
(a = Graph.decompress(a)),
0 < a.length && (c = mxUtils.parseXml(a)));
if (null != c && 'svg' == c.documentElement.nodeName) {
var d = c.documentElement.getAttribute('content');
null != d &&
'<' != d.charAt(0) &&
'%' != d.charAt(0) &&
(d = unescape(window.atob ? atob(d) : Base64.decode(cont, d)));
null != d && '%' == d.charAt(0) && (d = decodeURIComponent(d));
null != d && 0 < d.length && (c = mxUtils.parseXml(d));
if ('mxfile' == c.documentElement.nodeName) {
var h = c.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('diagram');
if (0 < h.length) {
var k = mxUtils.trim(mxUtils.getTextContent(h[0]));
if (0 < k.length)
(d = Graph.decompress(k)), null != d && 0 < d.length && (c = mxUtils.parseXml(d));
else {
var l = mxUtils.getChildNodes(h[0]);
0 < l.length && ((c = mxUtils.createXmlDocument()), c.appendChild(c.importNode(l[0], !0)));
p = new mxCodec(c);
p.decode(c.documentElement, b.getModel());
} else b.container.innerHTML = 'Cannot load ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(n);
mxClient.NO_FO = E;
} catch (R) {
b.container.innerHTML =
'Cannot load ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(n) + ': ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(R.message);
q.onerror = function () {
b.container.innerHTML = 'Cannot load ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(n);
} catch (g) {
b.container.innerHTML = 'Cannot load ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(n) + ': ' + mxUtils.htmlEntities(g.message);
else p.decode(B, b.getModel()), r(B);
'100%' != && '0' != z && '1' == C && ((b.resizeContainer = !0), (b.centerZoom = !1));
var k = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'visible'; = 'pointer';
var F = b.getBorderSizes(),
H = 0,
I = 10,
y = 16,
G = 16;
mxClient.IS_TOUCH && ((G = y = 24), (I = 14));
'0' != d.getAttribute('zoom') &&
(m('+', function () {
m('-', function () {
var D = d.getAttribute('edit');
null != D &&
(m('', function () {
if ('_blank' == D)
if (null != n)'' + encodeURIComponent(n));
else {
var a = null,
b = function (c) {
'ready' == &&
c.source == a &&
(a.postMessage(l, '*'), window.removeEventListener('message', b));
window.addEventListener('message', b);
a ='');
}).innerHTML = '...');
mxClient.IS_POINTER || mxClient.IS_TOUCH
? e()
: ((h = function () { = 'hidden';
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'mouseover', e),
mxEvent.addListener(k, 'mouseover', e),
mxEvent.addListener(a, 'mouseout', h),
mxEvent.addListener(k, 'mouseout', h),
null != k.firstChild &&
(null != a.nextSibling ? a.parentNode.insertBefore(k, a.nextSibling) : a.parentNode.appendChild(k));
'function' == typeof window.mxClientOnCreate && window.mxClientOnCreate(b);
} catch (g) {
null != window.console && console.log('Error:', g);
mxClient.NO_FO = E;
return b;
if ('function' == typeof mxClientOnLoad) mxClientOnLoad(w, a);
else if (mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) {
for (var e = document.getElementsByTagName('*'), m = [], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) m.push(e[f]);
for (f = 0; f < m.length; f++) 0 <= m[f].className.toString().indexOf('mxgraph') && a(m[f]);
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